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Most people IRL are ugly. That means most gamers are ugly. Most of /v/ is ugly. So why have a problem with realistic characters? Most of the people reading this post, look like pic related.
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This is what the average male looks like.
*Average 4chan user that browses this shit daily
The world is already full of ugliness.
Why add more to it?
Most people are ugly if you live in America or another third world brown shithole. I live in Russia which is still a white country and everyone looks like actual people. Cope harder.
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Well, /v/?
yet ANOTHER concord thread
literally nobody cares about this game
take your meds
touch grass
you are obsessed
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The average /v/ poster looks like this
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>I live in Russia which is still a white country and everyone looks like actual people
Because is uninteresting
I know a guy who looks like that but doubt he wants to play as this character either.
What is the fantasy I'm being offered here? Running out of breath more quickly than I do irl? Having a slightly more involved haircare routine? No thanks.
it's called a video game, having strong visuals is part of the medium. Celebrating ugliness only ruins the vidoe part of video games.
>Most people IRL are ugly
i see ugly people every fucking day including myself why the fuck do i have to see them in my video games as well?
I dont know if I mind the characters being ugly so much as I mind them having the most cartoonlishly goofy outfits being worn by realistic looking people. Its extremely jarring.
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damn, i cant date this?
>musk, trump
don't know who any of those other fags are
I dont know where you live but most people here arent ugly, especially like the ogres american corps wanna to push on us
I dont know if I would call the 5 sticks held up by crack addictions slavs call women actual people.
It's a good game haters gonna hate I guess
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Because why make them artificially ugly when you could just make them hot to please your audience and propably sell more copies of your game that way?
Makes no sense.
They don't even do ugly well.

Ya know what characters represent the ugly realism of humans? Dilbert. But we don't get cool 'unattractive' characters like dilbert. Imagine a L4D style game where you play as Dilbert, Wally, Alice, & the Pointy Haired Boss. No we dont get awesome shit like that.
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looks more like americans to me than white
Why do you want ugly digital people
Just go outside lmao
i will detonate at this table and actually save the west
Nothing wrong with ugly characters. But saying sexy characters are bad while at the same time holding up androgynous ogres as good? they deserve the drama.
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>muh realism
What is it with retards clinging to this garbage as some kind of venerated goal? Video games are not reality. They have precisely zero obligation to be realistic.
We already have reality. With a video game you can make something better than reality so using it to just make more reality is a wasted opportunity.
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>most people are ugly irl
they are not tho. lard ass muttoid
Because I want my character to look cool
The purpose of games is not to recreate reality but to provide entertainment. Games should offer players satisfaction and joy. People who aren't good-looking want attractive characters, and even women prefer to play as pretty characters. Adding unattractive characters to a game only serves to make gamers unhappy or to push the political ideologies of non-gamers.
Thank you, kind hero.
>Most people IRL are ugly. That means most gamers are ugly. Most of /v/ is ugly. So why have a problem with realistic characters?
Because media should uplift, not bring down to your level. The whole reason for escaping into imagination is because it's a reprieve from this reality.
>Most of the people reading this post, look like pic related.
Yes, that's why I don't care to see it in a game. I'm ugly, if I want to see ugly any time I can just look in a mirror. Give me muscular men and sexy women for my hour of escape.
>looks like you're dating down
>know you're worth
>both of them are olympians
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While most people are ugly, that doesn’t mean we glorify ugliness. I hate ugly people.
Because they are retarded. They don't recognize that a cast needs a diverse set of characters to make them easily identifiable and visually distinct and create something that appeals to multiple fantasies. The idea that every character should look like an average proportioned sex doll is a zero IQ take you will only hear on /v/. Only on /v/ is the concensus that every character should be bland and conventionally attractive and fuckable with minimal deviation. Ask any designer worth their salt and they will laugh in the /v/tards face. Games they like get a free pass though.
It's dilate, not detonate, sister.

You can have characters be sexy and diverse, look at any fighting game from the 90s onwards.

The industry is literally moving backwards.
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The problem isn't their physical appearance, it's their terrible outfits. Motherfuckers have zero fashion sense. This is how you know the game was designed by straight people btw.
What the fuck is that.
This has the look of something that would be spammed on /pol/ a lot
Are you admitting that some races can't be good looking? Hence why we can't have diversity and good looking characters?
Waiting this table would be a fucking nightmare.
Mrs. Freeze, an "elseworld" version of Mr. Freeze, from Suicide Squad.
none of them took a jab at his missing leg?
>video games used as an escape
>ugly video game characters were usually seen as the bad guy or the comic relief
>millennials and gen z now think we need to play as ugly people and see numerous uggos in our games to """"""""fix"""""""" a problem that wasn't there in the first place
same shit with hollywood. faggot new gen retards think we need a remake of every disney renaissance film to """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""fix"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" the """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""problems"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" they made up in their heads.
They're too busy seething at his skin to see that lmao
they really aren't ugly other than just being fat and having kind of a silly haircut. their face is perfectly normal looking.
I like grotesquery. If a character is ugly, I want them to be gloriously so. I want their ugliness to be every bit as intentional and effortful as other characters' beauty. OP image just looks plain, mediocre. Dude's a potato in baggy clothes. He does does not look like anything and does not inspire any emotion in me, not even negative ones.
That is the most needlessly busy design I've ever seen.
no, i definitely didn't say that. I just said you can't handle a character without a sexdoll body or a teenager's face.
Russia is a Slavic country that used to have a white population, but they were exterminated by the tsar
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There have always been ugly characters who have been accepted as they are. The modern ones just look extremely out of place while also being ugly as sin.
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I shoot that south American nigger Elon musk dead then I take their orders
why do you keep making this thread to farm outrage is the real question here
I meant south African, but same thing really, since he likes to LARP as a cowboy
Where is that screencap of a black character designer who complains that she submits drafts for pretty black characters and they come out of committee looking like Jemimas
Is this an edit
I genuinely don’t know
Her design is so busy, that's the one thing pissing me off. What ADHD rat made her?
Ugly characters used to have a soul and a personality, ugly characters now exist because we aren't allowed to have good looking ones
Found her!
>The idea that every character should look like an average proportioned sex doll is a..
..complete fucking strawman you disingenuous cunt. They don't have to be sex dolls, they just have to not be repulsive.
>Ask any designer
Why? They're clearly incompetent.
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my reaction to this screenshot
Average 4chins user
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I'll just, not buy your game. Hahahaha
>So why have a problem with realistic characters?
non imaginative design in a fictional medium
Shit games are masked by ugly characters so shills like you could talk about how characters look instead of how the game plays and is it fun or original.
Concord is not fun nor original just same hero shooter we have had already many times without single redeeming feature.
Needs more jpeg
>The idea that every character should look like an average proportioned sex doll is a zero IQ take you will only hear on /v/
"Sex sells" is a centuries old phenomenon
I mean anon wasn't wrong, having a cast of characters with various proportions is good for the game, concord doesn't have that though
his voice lines
Nobody likes looking at ugly people, not even ugly people. Fat people often look in the mirror sparingly because they don’t like to see their giant body.

Fatness and ugliness is tragic, but it’s just one of those things. People go to video games to escape for little while. They don’t want to continue to see fat
elon musk destroyed twitter, hes a saint
>you're dating down
They could have dressed her nicely. Given her a good costume or outfit. Not even the skinniest woman looks good with an empire waist outfit, and she looks like an 80 year old senior who wears their pants above their waist.
i certainly wouldn't want to play a game which had someone who looked like me be the main character
if i wanted to do that i'd just go outside
desu it was doomed from the beginning
>let's make overwatch clone
>but worse
>with ugly characters
>meanwhile overwatch goes f2p
He destroyed it by having it get populated by retards who LARP as /pol/biggers. I could've done a better job than that
That's not an empire waist. They look like their pants are hitched over their navel because that's a thing fat people do
The kid with the slouch hat and long hair looks pretty good, especially compared to the others.
yes but you are still judging from a point of sexual appeal rather than good design. Good design can be other things than "I wanna fuck it". Even if that were the measure of success, what you find repulsive might be attractive to someone else. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder as the saying goes. It might be more attractive to some when characters are not dumbed down for sex appeal.

I can almost guarantee that there are games you like that have characters both human and non-human that are not designed to appeal to conventional beauty standards.

yes, distinctive and non-middle of the road character lineups is also a well understood practice.
In cultural marxism the goal is to eliminate all of the traditions and norms of western society in order to completely destroy it. Then replace it with a communist society.
Ugly characters in all forms of media are being shoved in our faces in order to breakdown and replace beauty standards within western society.
In present day it can be noticed and rejected because those of today know of how it was previously. In future generations, they will not know any better and will be more likely to accept it. This is their plan.
Damn, I'd give my left leg to marry a girl that hot.
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Those have to compete with picrel
>is good for the game
No. It can be good if it's done well but it's not inherently good.
Apex stopped making fatfuck characters for a reason.
They'll have to erase the last 120 years of video media to accomplish that. And after that they'll have to get rid of all the paintings, photographs, magazines... they'll need a literal 1984 style memory hole.
This is the nig version of weebs seeing their idols get a boyfriend
They're willing to do that
>blah blah relativism blah
Stop being duplicitous, you fuck. You don't get to scream at people for liking sexy designs and then turn around and say "well different people like different things!"
Yeah, no fucking shit. And the number of people who like ugly characters is next to fucking nothing which is why games who fall for this asinine fallacy that "sexy characters gross! diverse characters GOOD!" keep fucking failing.
I thought that was more of a thing old people do. I don't see any non-aspie fat people dress that way.
I'm just saying you are extremely narrow-minded. I know the game will probably fail, just like the most popular restaurant in the world is McDonalds. You are the McDonalds consumer of games.
>not an empire waist
Sure looks like one
Funny, because how true that must be.
willing /= able
Though the SJWs are getting with the burning stuff program, I've noticed. No doubt they'll be burning books soon.
No, I'm just not a pretentious faggot who pretends to like ugly shit just to be different.
There are many ways to make appealing aesthetics, regardless of how much you try to claim that everyone who doesn't like ugly shit only wants sex dolls, but the modern conception of inclusive diversity is not one of them and "realism" is not a valid excuse to push that shit.
Maybe I'm just getting old, but how are all these kids so ugly? I'm sure this is cherrypicked for the sake of the video but I can remember my high school class only having a handful of kids who were this unpleasant to look at. Every single one of the kids in this video is fat and greasy and hunched over, what is going on?
you want to saw off all the edges and get things closer to a average person appreciated middle ground. you want things to be more mediocre rather than confidently themselves. The result = appreciated by more people but more mediocre. I completely understand. many make this choice. it can be a good strategy for building a bigger audience. I mean you clearly wouldn't make pudge a ken barbie doll, so i just think it's disappointing when we can't have diverse design language and body types for female characters.
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>Why do gamers hate ugly characaters?
I honestly don't and I kinda hate when everyone in a setting looks very "hollywood" with perfect hair and teeth all the time.
However, wanting characters that look like real people doesn't mean I want my characters to look like a group from an assisted living home going out for a group trip to McDonalds with their handler
>i just think it's disappointing when we can't have diverse design language and body types for female characters.
This is not hard to understand yet you keep projecting nonsense onto it as if having a cute face is somehow exclusive to a single body type.
>problem with realistic characters
NIGGAH. We trying to ESCAPE reality.
FFS how stupid are people.
true, you can make ugly bastards work
just have to look at rufus and birdie in street fighter or roadhog from overwatch for example
the fat fuck in OP's pic looks like some walmart pallet pusher
Ugly characters are fine, but they should look like they make sense.
My issues with DEI approved rosters isn't that I can't jerk off to them, the best rosters of all time usually only have 1-2 designated sexy charaters anyway.

My issue is that their designs suck and they aren't appealing. If you must do a character with no legs why is it some boring fat black girl in a normal ass wheelchair? Why are they "unique" in the sense that they look like what would happen if you put every college student in a blender and tried to average them out?

They don't look like characters, with personality, or a cool inspiration or theme.
I have nothing against a character being ugly, but they should be cool or interesting. I actually don't hate the old lady character in this game either, I would love to see more old ladies and old men in games. But they do nothing with the fact that she's old. You could model swap her with literally anyone and you would never know it was originally an old lady.

They could have done some cool Baba Yaga style shit where they really have fun with it, but its literally just an old lady for the sake of an old lady.

"the character is diverse" is only a compelling design if you're a literal queer that doesn't even play games and just cares about political representation. I am not a shareholder, I don't care how much blackrock money they get, if the designs suck they suck. And they do.
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Meanwhile Smite's new skin
Shills please answer this: why the gameplay sucks and has nothing original going for it?
Because people would mostly rather look at good looking people when playing a game.

It's not rocket science.
I don’t play games with crimers in them.
>Jason's dash attack beats projectiles
>Unless your opponent is named Tom and Jerry, in which case Jason's dash attack doesn't beat any projectiles
Taznado was unfairly nerfed and the devs are assholes for admitting in the original patch notes that it wasn't justified but doing it anyway
It is not about the presence of ugliness in media but the way it is represented. You should not be presenting negrified degenerate fatasses as brave aspirational heroes unless you're doing comedy.
Studies say that 51% of gamers are women and that less than 30% of gamers are white. So if white males are less than 15% of the people who play video games, and there are tens of millions of people who play video games, why was Concord unable to break 2500 players in a free weekend?
I can agree with this. many times their proportions or equipment and silhouette are not pushed enough to break the sort of everyday person look. If you are in a hero shooter you should still have some extraordinary traits that put you apart for clarity of designs sake.
I look at the roster and I don't think I could tell you anything about who the characters are at a glance aside from that one chick being a "Faceless nameless grunt" sorta character, which is always appreciated in rosters.
The rest of them look like they might as well be quest giver NPCs in some mass effect spinoff
Its weird to me that Tate is considered an important figure when he's just a nerd re-packaging the same old tired pickup artist shit with a slight rebranding
...that's supposed to be a guy?
They're not ugly, they look like they don't have any testosterone. Did you not see national test levels in america falling through the floor or something?
Ah yes, I too dress like some caricature of urban looks clown.
If only there was something like reality, then I wouldn't need videogames to escape into it.
>most people IRL are ugly
Wrong already, I see plenty people who aren't ugly. To clarify: "Not ugly" doesn't mean "most beautiful person ever". Most people are just average, and there's also a good amount of good looking people.
Also, people in military/with military training are not fat, like that piece of shit in your pic. They are fit, because they have to be. Which means that guy is not a realistic character in the context of what he's doing.
Also, if representation is sooo important, then beautiful people should be represented too. Yet this game has EXCLUSIVELY ugly people in it. Also, and most importantly, people simply like looking at beautiful things, including other people who are beautiful. Your retarded logic seems to imply that beauty can only be enjoyed when you are beautiful yourself. I might be ugly and fat, but I don't need "le representation" in the form of a character who's ugly as well. Only narcissistic and insecure pieces of shit scream for representation. Besides, people don't just hate ugly characters in fiction. They hate ugly real people too. In every form of social interaction ugly people are at a disadvantage from the get go. So it comes naturally that ugly characters are hated. Especially because they don't have to be, yet they are forced on us.
I'm not playing a mirror, I'm playing a video game.
Yes you did, you clearing made a difference between diversity and beauty. Own your fuckup, dishonest fuckface
This wasn't a problem in the 80s and it spawned the most iconic pop media ever, you are a mentally retarded 12 years old.
We play video games to escape from reality and most of the characters being hot helps with that. If I I wanted to see ugly people I'd just go outside or use a mirror.
Everyone there would call you a retard for not taking the $10M
Table every single time baby! Daddy Trump here I come!
that kid who's cotton eye joemaxxing is based
No fucking way I’m waiting this table
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It's bad character design not the fact their ugly.
I remember when Israel was attacked and this type of post disappeared from /v/.
Why would you ever want to wait Jordan Peterson's table? His ideology and philosophy encourages you to suck his dick for nutrients. He has a video called "a message to CEOs" which encouraged them to remove the means for workers to express opinions because they should care what they think until they climb the ladder like they did... implying CEOs all get their start waiting tables.
persona 4 character?
different opinions against us
hidden secrets about doing thier sins without regrets
hypocresy at finest
>Social media users deserve to be castrated
>social media jokes
>/v/irgins get homicidal
The problem here is that you're a social retard.
Looking at that video now. He is primarily talking about the dangers of weaponized woke ideology invading your company so you won't end up like Disney and produce garbage like The Acolyte.
I don't buy games, my dick does.
$10 million is pretty great
How so? He isn't talking about media, he's talking about any business with "stockboys". You care not what the stockboys think. How can a stockboy suggestion box or round table lead to fewer white males in Star Wars?
you answered your own question, we already see ugly people irl we dont want to also watch ugly people in videogames
Because vidya is about escapism you gigantic fucking retard. We don't want a bunch of ugly normies in our games, so you can fuck right off out of here.
I remember blacked posting nearly disappearing site wide for a day or so too. Good times.
It's also simulation.

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