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Oh no, bros...
Just release bloodlines 2 already so I can get the seething over with
Which game will be met with more fury?
I don't know, I just know that I'll personally hate bloodlines more
I really, really want Dragon Age to kill Bioware, because Bioware deserves a proper death instead of being a DEI riddled modern audience company
And I want Bloodlines 2 to kill Paradox for the same reason
please god please
nobody expects either of these games to be good anyway
Why the fuck does a supposedly ancient and powerful vampire look like an ordinary loser?
I never had the pleasure of playing through the original bloodlines. But I can sympathize for what I've seen of bloodlines 2 thus far. What's interesting to me is that almost everybody is in agreement that vtmb2 will be terrible. Meanwhile with Dragon Age there are still ardent supporters for the new title. Sure that sentiment isn't really voiced on /v/. But on other sites there's constant back and forth.
Kindred instinctively try to blend in with their prey
Does anyone else remember that cringekino livestream event for VTMB2?
bloodlines 2 should have stayed with hardsuit labs and I'm tired of pretending not
We've seen a decent chunk of bloodlines footage and it just looks like shit. I was actually a bit optimistic when the previous devs were canned from the project because of how the new devs talked about it. And then they actually started showing gameplay footage and it's even worse than the shit the first devs made.
Bloodlines fans are mostly men in their 30s. They have seen enough IPs crash and burn to recognize the early warning signs. Dragon Age fans are a more heterogeneous crowd and include a lot of women; they are less likely to have paid close attention to game dev news over the years and are therefore less sensitive to the red flags.
People care about Veilguard at all because the last game ended on a cliffhanger. I know because I'm people. I don't expect it to be good or anything i just want to see if the I can let the veil get torn down.
I don't think anyone has the energy to be mad at VTMB2 anymore, we've all known it was going to be shit for years now, it just isn't out yet to prove us all right. Idiots are still coping for Dragon Age so the disappointment will sting way, way harder.
No one cares about Masqurade.

Bioware used to be a big deal in this industry for multiple generations.
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>i just want to see if the I can let the veil get torn down.
I doubt it.
The one with Mitsoda wearing his anxiety gloves, talking about how problematic Fish Malk's are?
I wish we got to see his original script for Bloodlines 2. Just out of morbid curiosity.
No, it was a whole thing with actors and skits and a host
That happened? Thankfully, I don't know anything about that.
Bloodlines has the higher capacity for fury, but I believe that the community are jaded enough to understand that it's going to be absolute trash so won't get their hopes up
anyone still excited for Dragon Age are retarded and will be fine with it no matter what
both these games have that soulless corporate purple look to them dont know how anyone is still hyped for either one
the three on the right just recently got in a throuple and they're totally killing the vibe for everyone else hanging out just trying to chill
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both companies know theyre going to get fucking crucified if they show the absolute slop theyve shat out early
theyre going to hold back and snipe sales from wishlisters who dont know any better/have outdated info,, and diehards who are fans of the series and will buy them regardless of how shit they are
They poisoned this color for me, I used to like purple.
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>both sequels to beloved IPs that have been run into the groud decades ago
>both made by teams who literally had nothing to do with the original games
>both have GIGAPOZZ AIDS infestation written all over them just from looking at the cover

Yeah the can keep them.
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I don't know why they changed the combat, I know rtwp isn't that popular I know I don't particulally love it, but in a world where every single game has real time action combat now surely rtwp sets it apart now that no one else does it?

I mean compare how this looks to like FF16, Stellar Blade, Granblue etc isn't this just getting mogged and humilated?
Reminds me of the yellow for cyberpunk
Bloodlines because it's a followup to a cult classic that will actually disappoint people. No one that's played the last 2 DA games expects Veilguard to be good.
I remember that I think, it was when the game was first announced wasn't it? Set up like a rave or something.
Bloodlines 2 is #12 most wishlisted on Steam.
Failhard is #53, if I count that right.
Some people care about Dragon Age, but a lot of people care about Bloodlines. So I'm going to go with Bloodlines.
Dragon age is supposed to be coming out in the fall.
That's only 2-4 months away.
The fact they aren't showing it off is a bad sign.

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