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Did you enjoy it?
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It's good but the expanded story isn't great, there's just more of it
I didn't like SMTV, so no
Ye. I wouldn't give it GotY mostly because it's a rerelease but it has plenty of fun fights and autistic waifus.
I did.
But i wouldn't call it particularily good.
I don't play games with LGBT shit, I have the game's name filtered in the catalog for a reason

fpbp, good to see fatlus posting has survived all these years
Best Megaten in a while, very pleased
My goty
It's my first SMT game after having fun playing Persona 5. I'm already getting burned out on the intro. I thought it would be a similar school to fantasy world playstyle. I'm like 12 hours into the desert area and level 25. Like seriously why did they have to make this introductory beginner zone so long? I want to go back to school already and meet the characters (or maybe this is the whole game idk yet).
Only 2 flaws in this game, cov changes the battle music and changes the 4th zone and dungeon instead of just including the new ones on top of coc areas
>I don't play games with LGBT shit, I have the game's name filtered in the catalog for a reason
>an easily missable line in game from an optional subquest causes this much autism
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I loved it
SMTV was mid, didnt buy it again
I remember when a thread went down in flames over it and the Brazilian autobattle monkey went on a sperg out calling everyone browns over it, so yes. In fact, I think his constant spamming of threads might have started around the time someone brought it up. I can't be sure though but it feels like that thread and his spam shit started about the same time. Call me a schizo but something had to have triggered him, he's too dedicated.
I didn't even know there was a line, I thought he was talking about the MC design.
A demon that was married to a previous version of your proto-fiend partner in the past says "I was in love with a proto-fiend too" directed at (you) right after your partner dies. As far as gay shit goes, it's incredibly tame and not worth the shit fit I've seen over it here and elsewhere.
I won't support games with fujobait or LGBT themes, as they are not made for me. Simple as.
Yeah, it was real good. Got me into replaying IV but the gameplay is just so much worse in IV it's making me want to drop it
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GotY so far, also
There is no such line
Chasing Lahmu, beat a Werewolf, and having a blast even if Hard is kicking my ass on CoC
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I dropped it in the last area on the CoV route because it's the exact same fucking game as the beta that came out 2 years ago, what a fucking scam, glad I pirated it. I hope atlus goes under someday!
I didn't hate it, but I still think the pivot from traditional dungeon crawling is a step down. I am willing to give another game in this style a chance because it's clear that it being attached to SMTV was a burden, needing to reuse areas and such.
>There is no such line
Want me to post it?
smirk and no VIT stat make the early game feel really bad. I'm slogging through it right now because people here have said the combat gets less immediately deadly if you're unlucky, but so far the game feels way too snowbally, and the penalty for an enemy getting the first move too severe.
I'm kind of in the middle about reusing the 4th area myself. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if they were more upfront about that and didn't try to say "the whole game changes after the Lahmu section!" because that wasn't true.
Kinda feeling mixed about it. Maybe I should have waited for refantazio
Metaphor will not be good. There is a 99% chance that game will release unfinished and the fact the main villain is Lucifer 2.0 is already a bad sign about how the game will end.
Yeah I'm still in Naraku and it's really... not fun. It gets fairly easy later on though.
Also the lack of demon affinities makes all demons just completely void of personality as you just copypaste full builds onto the next demon in the leveling pipeline
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Here's your sauce.
That's a female......you are a fucking schizo
refer to >>683743704
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This absolute retard....that's Kushinada-Hime, Sunanoo's wife, AKA AOGAMI'S, IF ANYTHING YOU ARE DISPROVING YOUR RETARDED THEORY YOURSELF
still am, Game of the decade
Did you forget they were mass produced?
Here we go. Somehow the bitching over this shit is better than the autobattle spam though. Not a high bar.
oh my god this ESL monkey has no idea what he's talking about.....
Why don't you just tell me what the line "implies" then? Do you think Aogami married everyone in the Kunitsu and that suddenly demons that are always talking directly to the MC aren't actually talking to him? That definitely makes sense.
That's basically the whole game. If you're playing the Vengeance route there's more interactions between characters once you get both Tao and Yoko in your party, but it's still primarily exploring the ruins of Tokyo while trying to stop the Qadistu.
Constant spam is always worse than most things.
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I see no gay shit considering that is a female demon
It's mainly what she's saying about the MC. Unless you think the MC is female.
Yeah it was a fucking masterpiece
i thought it was just ok i wish they would port 4 over to pc it's just strange having nocturne and 5 but not 4
Isn't 4 on DS? Have there ever been any good DS games officially ported to PC that went well? I'm not saying it'd be hard, just weird given the gameplay used both screens.
and how is still gay?
The proto-fiend is a man.
i think it could benefit from them trying to be one of the first to develop a good DS to PC port but all hands are probably on deck for the next while with persona 6
An IV and IVA port would be just as bad an the EO ports.
I thought the same but new chaos ending is hetero as fuck
It's a trade off. You get horny Yoko and amazing thighs and legs but you also have to deal with the context once you know it.
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Yes, the context of having to have sex with Yoko and repopulate the entire planet. True horror.
Why are you the only guy who keeps insisting the ending was anything like that. Not even her demon haunt dialog suggests it even if you refused to listen to what she says in the narration.
Very much so.
I was going to buy it but then I found out it had a fanfic localisation.
Genuinely yes so far but I dropped off around getting the golden apples. I dunno just other things to do and play
I didn't enjoy it as much as I hoped I would, but I did like the new additions. I will probably never buy another Atlus game again.
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>He wants to play 4, the easiest, most boring of all the mainline entries
Why it sucks? Even tranny hackers 2 is better
Yes, a lot
Liar, you will buy metaphor.
I definitely won't buy Metaphor unless I see something that really interests me. I'm disappointed that it borrows so much from Persona. I used to love Persona when I was a kid but I feel like I have outgrown it at this point.
It still has press turn. Gameplay wise it will still feel like smt.
It's not really combat that I'm worried about. I just don't want to deal with social links and other time management stuff. Social links in particular are really boring.
I'm not trying to defend the social link like element but isn't that just for getting new transformations? It looks like it's like quests, where you help a person, and then you get an ability you can switch to in combat. Changing forms is supposed to be like it is in DDS except you're not restricted to one transformation per character, anyone can use any you unlock. Unless I'm wrong.
Dazai did nothing wrong.
it's digital devil saga with a job system. the archetypes are unlocked as you progress and get the support of major characters.
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I didn't like the original release much, but Vengeance is now tied with Nocturne and P3 for my favorite SMT games now.
So is the "support" like an actual social link or not? Is it just "help character, get ability" or do you have to go through several tiers of friendship?
To be honest I haven't seen the new trailers for the game so I may be wrong about how much social links will be involved. The problem I have is that I just don't like the act of reading through the social links, and the fact that game mechanics are locked behind them. You kind of have to go through the social links to get the most out of the game.
I don't think we have that much detail yet, but it does look like a social link i.e. you have to spend some time on the calendar to progress a relationship for the boost.
>you have to spend some time on the calendar to progress a relationship for the boost
Well fuck that sounds like bullshit. I knew about the calendar system but I was hoping it was just going to apply to traveling, and time of day.
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Apparently a researcher for the proto-fiend project in Bethel says that if the Amaterasu proto-fiend was alive and was able to fuse into a Nahobino it would have been 10x stronger than you and strong enough to wipe out the whole demon army without breaking a sweat.
Poor Tao could have been so much cooler...
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I can't motivate myself to play this game now that discussion for it is over and I stopped in the second area
How do I stop being mentally ill
Reside in /vg/ and accept your fate. Since threads are slowing down so much hear I'll probably move over there soon too. I liked not having to deal with schizo shit.
>auto battle schizo
/vg/ schizos are worse. Actually I wouldn't be surprised if that guy came from there.
Really don't see why we couldn't have had the MC fuse with Tao after Koshimizu dies and get a cool new 3rd form.
>Game that can't even use the number 5 which is the proper representation of the number 5
Didn't bother to play it
Knowledge can't fuse with knowledge.
Don't worry, just like Vengeance was Tsukiyomi's time to shine and be expanded on, we will get SMTVVV for Amaterasu where you play as Tao and the chaos hero is the old protag+Susano-o (Aogami) and law hero is Atsuro+Tsukiyomi.
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>can't fight against his arguments
>SMTVV has the worst gameplay of all smtvvs

Hmmmmm maybe you are the schizo chat.
I'm sure there's ways. Just like how there's rituals and stuff that aren't at all knowledge/demon based, just magatsuhi or straight up magic.
Why did they make the chaos guy even more pathetic in vengeance? At least he gets involved with his sister's quest now.
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From Da'at Shinagawawa
They kind of explain why everything that happens in game can happen though. It wouldn't be fusion in that case it would be killing Tao and taking her life force.
You can fuse with Koshimizu because he's a Proto-fiend and Proto-fiend's are designed to fuse with people that have Knowledge. Tao just has Amaterasu's Knowledge but her being a goddess is because of Goko shoving goddess juice inside her
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To Ohi'oo skibidi toilet
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And remember to pick you jack frostiy chat, le demons are le soul of le smt and jack frosty is le classic

hes so skibidi
yea. it has become one of my favorite video games ever.
It bothers me a lot. Of all the characters to kill off, why him? Why did they think the new form would have a better cool factor than having a proper team up with Susano-o and Tsukuyomi Nahobinos?
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What's your favorite part? It can't be the gameplay for it's terrible

It can't be the dialogue for it's somehow even worse than persona 5

It can't be the character for 1 is a tranny and 2 are romantic interests

Is it le safe demon alien Satan? Is it le safe demon alien TIama

They are skibidi toilet
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I still haven't finished it.
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>safe horny
>Shitty otaku pandering
>shitty designs

Hey you is quaditsushi for real? I thought it was a bad dream
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Do engage with the SEA schizo. He's a no-life that has been doing this for 3 years minimum.
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I mean, I think it's cooler Nahobino loses Aogami and Tsukuomi loses Atsuru, it fits the theme of "Vengeance" while also setting up for the Orochi theming to Tiamat later on with Aogami being the sword hidden in the tail.

Generally makes a great "end of 2nd act", and shakes up things we generally knew land took for granted as status quo.
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It's a very good change to the story. I went back and finished CoC for Masakados and it's hilarious how bad it was.
The story has no theme , you can extrapolate to absurd levels and maybe find someone wanting to kill someone for locking her in the locker

But there is no theme , it’s all slop
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YOU'RE slop.
I saw the myth break down a guy did and I see how it all fits, including why they rehashed the same rescue cutscene again. I don't think I should have to pick character development and gameplay over le heckin myth adherence.
What do you get when you guzzle down slop? Auto skill and a tranny mc
Yeah, it's all great. Pretty much all of the main characters in vengeance felt like they got time to shine now, the only one who felt like they maybe got a bit shafted was abediel.
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I like when people make the tiniest plushies of them possible and take pictures of them on massive park benches. There is just something so amusing about it.
Yeah, though she had one of the better arcs in CoC already so not too much of a waste there. We got to see her be the only one to guide Dazai in a positive way, see her at her lowest with Bethel collapsing and her losing in front of everyone to Nahobino, and then making a decision with Dazai for her personal beliefs at the expense of the letter of the law she follows.

Also one of the best battle themes.

It's funny that when Dazai goes chad mode she immediately turns into his bottom bitch. All CoV did was prove how obsessed she is with Dazai.
Peak SMT gameplay to be honest and I enjoyed the cast much more with Vengeance Yoko School shooter autism and all
Who wouldn't be obsessed with Dazai?
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Since Mastema gave Dazai power, and Mastema's biggest power is controlling demons/angels, that might just be the power Mastema gave him.

Though man he really likes the wesker teleporting he just picked up out of nowhere. He's even still a human in his fight in CoV, meanwhile Yakumo's race was Meta just for either his psychic powers or randomly sucking up Nuwa's magatsuhi.
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He has a very punchable face.
I think it's the best game I've ever played
There is no way Mastema didn't just speed run him into using his knowledge. I doubt he gave him any real power. He even said it would be the "power of a Nahobino". That's a pretty big tell that's all it was.
What he's saying makes enough sense, I see people shit-talk it because YHVH died but he's describing the ideal ruler he's going to make for them.

Same way Atsuro/Tsukiyomi describe a world of myriad gods or Yakumo destroying the throne then systematically killing all angels/demons. Dazai's gameplan is make a god that's infallible instead of just believing in one.
nope, still waiting for a non converted nsp
The only thing that hurt his route in CoC was Atlus West translating it wrong. He didn't want to take the throne, he wanted to guard it for when YHVH came back. When he loses, he begs you to take the throne and just don't change anything and try to rule like he did.
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>What he's saying makes enough sense
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I still just take that as Dazai knows what he's doing isn't technically right, but he absolutely would take the throne to use it, and his use of it would essentially be bringing YHVH back on the throne. Like there's no waiting for YHVH to return, he's just going to ignore rules and bring him back.
I guess we'll never know if he got tired of waiting because his idea never pans out anyway. I think he's schizo enough to stand there and wait honestly.
I can imagine Dazai and Abdiel just sitting in the empyrean throne asking eachother "IS GOD BACK YET?" for thousands of years.
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>Goko having to hear their distant plapping echoing through the Empyrean when they get bored
Hey, it's a plan with how and why to it. I just remember a few weeks back for some reason that screenshot got a lot of people acting like it didn't make any sense because YHVH's dead.
You do own a Beeno, right /v/?
Mostly. The balance is really weird. I either mop the floor with everything, or my demons get one shot by attacks they aren't weak against
Very much, yes.
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>Hey, it's a plan with how and why to it
better than vanilla but still bad
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I own a very rare Tsukuyomi plush.
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Just for playing it with mouse and keyboard made it my favorite in the series.
I got the Mothman from Fangamer.
I made all three fusion accident demons at level 150.
Should I max their stats and make an accident team?
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My expectation were a bit low, but it surpass my expectation. It easily beat SJ Redux, and somewhat tied to SMT 2. It helps that all three of these games were top tier Law games. Dormarth was a wonderful addition. 10/10 would married.
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The best thing to come out of Vengeance was finding out Aogami has had tons of sex, own a massive 12 inch dong, and won himself a boywife. Kushinada can have all the sloppy seconds she wants. He's the real winner.
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Yeah it's fantastic. Loving the new additions to the OST especially.





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Imagine getting your own theme song.
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>only plays for like 6 minutes in a missable sidequest

Odd choice, but then again they did give Mara a theme just cause she's a meme
>missable sidequest

oh fuck, when is that sidequest?
Mermaid belly and chest erotic

It's missable because you get it from an NPC in the tokyo map, and you have almost no reason to ever go there other than story beats. It shows up pretty early though. Like 2nd to 3rd da'at?
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Splatoon music
I love her. Wish she had a better stat spread in V though.
Ayo, grandma got da beeno?
Did literally anything bad happen to him? He makes it back in both endings and regained himself. Everyone else is dead, sick, or a loser depending on which ending you picked. Someone was definitely bitter about the true neutral ending.
Currently finishing Shinjuku and I really enjoy the game. Amazing music btw
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About to fight Nuwa, but yes. Really not a fan of how useless statuses are in general especially after they made them so fun to play around with in P5 Royal.
You what. Status effects are great in V/VV.
You even get some nice tools to mess around with like that poison shot that reduces defense even if the poison doesnt land. Or Daisoujou existing
Chaos ending cope. Eventually they'll do interviews that will point out what other more observant people have already realized. I don't know if the true strategy guide will include anything. I really doubt it.
I dunno man I have Rakshasa and Vouivre with Venom Chaser and no cunt in sight that's actually worth statusing gets AIDS.
Lets see how you feel about statuses after meeting Naamah
No they were talking about CHADbeano becoming commander proto fiend, we were playing nerfed the whole time, imagine commander beano, then full amatsukami fusion beano, then izanagi beano, every other branch would kneel to japan superiority
Get Loa as soon as you can. He doubles ailment success rate.
There is no way you would have been able to fuse with Amaterasu. And Izanagi wasn't a proto-fiend.
Amaterasu is a proto fiend, beano was able to fuse with aogami and tsukuyomi proto fiends so most likely he has izanagi's knowledge
>so most likely he has izanagi's knowledge
Lol no. Koshimizu even tells you when you're fused with him you're not tsukuyomi.
his brother got a cooler fusion with the MC
He reversed cucked him to death, it's fine.
>It easily beat SJ Redux
Not a high bar.
I don't play fujo games.
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Wait for the femMC mod to be perfected and play the game as originally intended.
>repairing all of the aogamis so kushinada can get gangbanged
She deserves it for saving me during the konohana fight
Yeah I'm having a good time, thanks for asking OP :)
It's a bit weird how pivotal moments from the CoC just happen off screen or in exposition dumps in CoV

Like Tokyo disappearing, or Abdiel becoming corrupted.
>MC takes Chadgami
>Kush gets an Aogami harem
Fair trade
>In CoV, Atsuta is Kohnsu's knowledge
>In CoC, it's Miyazu
Was he mistaken or something?
>In CoV, Atsuta is Kohnsu's knowledge
As in Yuzuru? Why do you think that?
Also the implications that Tsukoyami can fuse with MC or Atsuta kind of lean towards "muh knowledge" being a red herring, and anyone can fuse with demons (like Dagda wanted)
Kohnsu outright says it when you curb stomp him after giving the Sun emblem thingy
>nusonafag complaining about there being too much gameplay
He says he can't become a Nahobino because his knowledge Yuzuru is dead, so he becomes Konsu-Ra instead
You mean when he pretends to be able to rez Yuzuru? No he didn't.
>Atsuta is Kohnsu's knowledge
It isn't. It's still Miyazu. He just refuses to fuse with her.
anyone know which followers give chakra pots/soma and amrita showers the most often?
>Like Tokyo disappearing, or Abdiel becoming corrupted.
Bit weird how they become side hustles in the new story ngl
Rewatch the quest. I just did to check and I don't know what you read to imply that.
>can fuse with MC or Atsuta kind of lean towards "muh knowledge" being a red herring
They explained why you can fuse with Koshimizu. He was retrofitted with the data they took from Aogami in order to fuse with you. You are still Susano-o even when you're fused to him. If you want to know why they did this myth wise, Susano-o and Tsukuyomi are believed to be the same god.
i stopped playing on the blue desert part. game is still mid as fuck, doesnt compare to previous smt games

the graphics look just too fucking low effort and bland. both artistically and technically.
You haven't played other smt games
>the graphics look just too fucking low effort
So you wanted Atlus to reused the same sprites for another 25 years?
This complain doesn't make sense considering Atlus history, especially since you're claiming to have played the previous games.
Enjoying it deeply.
Waiting for a sale of 50% off or more
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Literally me
smt iv looked fantastic for a 3ds game. it had both variety AND quality

i havent even talked about how low poly and out of proportion most demons still are

smt v only has flavors of desert because the devs couldnt fucking sit on their chairs and make anything different. i only bought this game because i still hope for a real smt sequel in the future
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>different flavors of desert
Eternal reminder
>has to compare a 2024 game to an ancient game from 30 years ago
Vfags are so disingenuous
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>30 years ago
IV still reused 25-30 years old sprites you fucking retard, how is this not low effort?
You're also talking about the SMT with the worse balance and gameplay because they clearly out no effort into it.
Yes anon, the 90s were 30 years ago.
You never played the game
I don't remember SJ being from the 90s
I swear some guys don't play games and just make shit up to hate on it
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Surely when Yoko resurrected the void she gave Samael his wives back.
I hate SMTV because that ugly loser Mothman is a higher level than our handsome hero, Jack Frost
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I noticed this bench line when looking at Japs posting screenshots online. Why do I not remember a bench conversation even remotely like this? I thought I saw them all. Was it just translated nothing like this?
>totally not fujobait btw
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Not the point. Also this one is worse if you want actual gay shit. Another bench line that was mistranslated.
I'm still working my way through it but I've been enjoying it. I'm in Da'at 4 now in CoV and am locked into law without using a guide or deliberately picking options to favor one route.
>game is even more dead than reload despite coming out 4 months after it
I would say it's not surprising for a re-release but it actually is odd it seems so dead.
>My home is wherever you are
I don't know why that shit gets me but it does.
It's a gameplay focused game and you have a schizo scaring away people.
But even discussion outside of here feels like that.
I've seen it in english, it happens early in shinagawa. I think he was wondering why you care about other people
It's the opposite to me, I assumed there wouldn't even be discussion on here after a week
It's a gameplay focused game and a single player game on top of that.
There isn't much to talk about as a consequence and it's also the reason why /vg/ is filled with GaaS or multiplayer games with general of single player series being filled with schizo and waifuposting.
The original game had discussion for a while.
VV has overwhelmingly good status ailments. You can beat the game with Status themed LCK builds. I know because I've done it.
I really like the cutscene direction for the most part, but with the addition of Magatsu rails the game really feels like it shouldn't let you use return pillar free of charge. it should have been a consumable
>Turn off Mini Map and Hud elements
>Pretend Return Pillar doesn't exist and never use it even for convenience

Yup, it's gaming time
This shit has to be the most baffling design desition in an SMT game, I assume it's in place so you make sure to fuse all the demons available that unlock fater a level up, but holy fuck it should've come at a cost or forced you to battle a few random battles to charge it up again.
I don't know how else to describe it but it really can feel like an up scaled classic dungeon crawling SMT sometimes if you play it that way. specially in shinjuku
EO does it with consumables but if you aren't forced to keep the tension of resource management and losing your progress it's really not as fun
specially now that you have a lot of tools to take the randomness of getting wiped out to minimum with spy glasses and knowing when you've entered an enemy's field of view. even if it's not a thing in the normal difficulty a hard difficulty should do these changes
Warp wire are pretty cheap though.
I also got that feeling. Shinjuku has really labyrinthine urban sprawl that feels like it goes on forever and is constantly looping back on itself. I really wish there was a mod/patch that let you play in first person view.
It's also in pokemon mystery dungeon, but if you wipe in pokemon mystery dungeon and don't get rescued you lose 50-100% of your inventory items (including unique items)
(cont) also as a consumable
but that's exactly what dungeons in SJ do. you explore a certain part of the dungeon to the point you find a spot that takes you back to the save and heal spot so your goal is to open up the path to it.
the type of openness it has is also like the first person games, but it all comes at the cost of not being able to do proper classic dungeons
For me it was shit and vengeance was the same, maybe I'm too jaded with SMT games or what, meanwhile gonna reinstall SMT3with some mods.
>smt iv looked fantastic for a 3ds game. it had both variety AND quality
Why's there so much insane revisionism regarding IV? It's a very atmospheric game but all of its dungeons were bland P3/4-tier corridors and all of the demon regions looked same.
NTA but relative to the budget and hardware constraints IV had more visually distinct places, modeled or just backgrounds and drawings. it utilized the assets it had to make places more distinctive even tho I think V is a very pretty game.
Return Pillar is for if you get stuck without any way to move. It happened to me once.
Openworld games all have a chance of bricking you if you get stuck on geometry and can't move. This is why the games either detect the fact you can't move and teleport you back or give you the option to return back.
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For me, it's gotta be Makami. Gonna carry this lil nigga in my party past the finish line just like in 3. Around lvl 34 rn and Hard is really not that crazy.

To the point I'm scared of overlevelling.
I need over 400 glory. Is there a faster way than the blue mats?
Not even through with Canon of Creation again yet.
Let alone started Canon of Vengeance.
I do really like this game, though I know it wasn't perfect. It feels like they at least expanded it enough to make it feel like it's not incomplete.
>>Pretend Return Pillar doesn't exist and never use it even for convenience
The only place where this feels good to play is in Shinjuku as the Magatsu rails work as proper shortcuts back and forth.
Elsewhere, they are an afterthought. Which they are.

And is there a way to turn off the HUD in battle? I swear it's so ugly.

The Return Pillar feels like an afterthought that was added when the devs failed to design a world that's fun to explore, with shortcuts and all that stuff.
They should've reworked the areas with Vengeance so that they feel somewhat competent
but it is fun to explore
I don't think you can turn off the hud from when you're selecting your actions, but you can definitely turn it off during animations and entirely out of battle.
I agree, it's the most fun to explore turn based game ever IMO. I love all the verticality every area as
Waiting for a cheaper price.
New to the franchise. I enjoyed SMT III and since all the fujo shit is 0 I can play it.
You know III is also considered a heavy fujo pandering game.
I would agree if the exploration had escalating difficulty.
When I played the original the first area was fun but when it all felt like the same shit afterwards it's hard to get interested.

>all the fujo shit is 0
This is the gayest SMT game.
I know this because Aogami makes my dick hard
Ghost Trick fairly recently
since you're free to chose which parts of the map you will engage with and at what level you can adjust how easy or difficult the game is, which is why it's fun
I'm not saying it's perfect, but there's enough content and gimmicks put around the map to make you pick and chose how you will experience the game
>Gayest SMT game
>Still gives you a female love interest

No way, gayest SMT is Strange Journey or II where you don't get a heroine.
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>heavy fujo pandering game.
Unironically I'm good with this. If there isn't nothing explicit and everything is "subtext", "undertone" for me it's OK.

What I don't like, what is for me a big NO - NO is coloured people. I don't like them.
I'm talking about difficulty in exploration not combat. The game emaciated in that regard:
>No puzzles
>No exploration gimmicks (Only Magatsu rails I guess)
>No complexity in platforming (Not even moving platforms)
>No dark areas
>No hidden areas
>No teleportation mazes (I'm not a fan of these but if done in small amounts can't hurt)
>No poison/damage floors.

Considering the series as a whole, I don't think I'm wrong in being a little disappointed. The game is just monotonous and samey.
Note I'm talking about the areas not the dungeons, though they aren't good.

>you're free to chose which parts of the map you will engage with and at what level you can adjust how easy or difficult the game
This doesn't make sense as you can only figure out the level of the enemies once you engage with it and this isn't Elden Ring. It's tough to unintentionally get comically overleveled unless you miss a quest and go back for it later.

>there's enough content and gimmicks put around the map
My favourite is the 56th Miman that I found behind a rock.
>he didn't see the Zelenin sex scene
>I know this because Aogami makes my dick hard
It's because DRAGON SLAYER Aogami came back with so much confidence and alpha chad energy he turned you gay.
but the game has all of those with the exception of teleportation maze and damage floors. I'm not saying they can't be improved on, but there are demons that target you with some specific attacks (like Nozochi sucks you in and you can take an alternate path to avoid them) quests that have more elaborate gimmicks than get x number of items and stuff like that.
> you can only figure out the level of the enemies
you can use spyglass and escape every non boss battle, and with a good enough team you can still take on enemies 10 level higher than yours.
>56th Miman that I found behind a rock
it's still entirely your choice what you want to engage with in the map depending on what you need. I understand why you might not enjoy this game compared to a game like DDS, but that doesn't mean no attempt was made to make maps distinctive enough from each other and give them gimmicks. I never understood the "different colored maps containing the exact same thing" complain.
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What did they mean by this?
Why did you post the same image over again?
>"different colored maps containing the exact same thing" complain.
Because that's what they look like and play like.
>same corridors with different wall paper
that used to be the franchise had way more variety.
literally me
I see no difference.
>No dark areas
>moving platforms
Please tell me where

>it's still entirely your choice what you want to engage with in the map depending on what you need.
I engage with the game because I want to like it. If the best way to experience the game's contents is to ignore it, then there is a failure in the game design.

>that used to be the franchise had way more variety.
I'm still remembering the dungeons in DDS fondly as those were actually fun and varied.
The one where you avoid the statue gaze is steps above anything that V offered.
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Not going to lie, Strange Journey reminds me of a Gundam story complete with the total sausagefest, and it doesn't help that Mastema is wearing a mask as if he's a Char Clone. And I can't unsee Sayla Mass from Zelenin.

I think they should abandon the law vs. chaos dynamic, and focus more on singular, but developed narratives and characters. Instead, each title should have a single story that's law leaning, chaos, and neutral, and they cycle between them each game.
>let's rob the story of any kind of choice instead of improving our writing!
Nah, they should just go back to reasons. Just make the characters more likeable so that Redditors don't get pissed when the characters aren't sucking their dick.

Unironically, the entirety of Nocturne treated you like trash since you were debased to a demon. Maybe that's why V made you into a true "god".
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I couldn't beat him ;/
Or they could actually work on their characters and why they went law/chaos.
SJ almost got it right then they got brainwashed the moment they accepted law/chaos.
It's funny, for all the horror elements, this series doesn't want you to feel like you are murdering your friends in coldblood, for the sake of your ideals.
Unless you play IVA, then you can go the edgelord school shooter route.
Yeah, I can absolutely see it. The vintage sci-fi aesthetic is definitely shooting for that era of Japanese Sci-fi.
>Dark Areas
Shinjuku final area. Also Chiyoda lower elevation uses a fog of war but it's nowhere near as pronounced as Shinjuku

>Moving Platforms
The Demon King Castle is mechanically a moving platform puzzle.
Demi was a demon and it was part of the alignment choice. A demon can't choose their own reason so he had to remake the world based on alignment.
Nahobino isn't restricted like that at all. He picks other ideas unironically because he's an idiot that doesn't know what the fuck he's doing. He got an ass load of power handed to him because a robot wanted to protect him and figured making him a god to sit on a throne would be the best way to do that.
Can demons or angels reproduce with humans? If so, do you get nephilim?
disingenuous zoomer yap

These are the subhumans that like SMTVV btw
Yes there's a plotline of it in IVA. Unfortunately that plotline is completely dogshit and the worst part of the game. Also all the Quadistu mother a bunch of demons with humans in their lore.
I am about 60 hours in and just beat Agat or as some say Agra.
About how much longer is there?
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Halfway trough but holy shit my dude uninstall the game before you waste 200 hours, its not worth it
You're near the end of Act 3 and the game has 4 acts. The final act has a shit ton of sidequests tho, so even though it's 75% it's more like 65% if you're doing everything
shame there's zero reason to actually pick any ending other than freedom or TDE in Nocturne without cucking yourself out of content
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There is some lore in V about birth but it's not relevant at all. Like you said demon women sex men and make demons. But they can't make humans, neither can gods. Gods can't make a human soul. Whatever power the throne gives them at the moment of creation for making life likely isn't the same afterwards if that's the case.
I think bottom line, a mother has to be human to make human children but if yhe mother is a demon, they will make demons. The father doesn't matter. If you follow IVA rules, you get a dirty mix breed human with a human mother x demon father.
why should I listen to you, "Just auto skill" shitposter?
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Because i'm always right and i'm not a shitposter.
So Tao is possesed by amaterasu right? They never say which goddess she becomes but shes white and red. With what looks like a sun motif to me.
They confirmed what she is in a subquest.
She is Amaterasu's knowledge. Goko shoved a creation goddess into her when she was born. It made her soul so strong Tao and proto Amaterasu couldn't exist at the same time so Amaterasu died.
Tao can basically act as her own independent Amaterasu with all the power she has and likely does in the law end.
He'll be the first gay character to get in Smash btw
Ok so did the original amaterasu and susanoo die in a previous game or when lucifer killed yhvh or what? Are they still around just providing the power to make clones of themselves while tsukuyomi decided to incarnate and do shit?
All the big 3 siblings were always artificial. There was only one Amaterasu, Susano-o and Tsukuyomi were remade or mass produced as needed. At some point an Aogami was around long enough to get married and have kids before he died.
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>All the big 3 siblings were always artificial.
Even going back to when Izanagi made them???
He's the reason they are artificial.
Would athena be artificial in this setting?
Nah. I don't think you understand. There was never a non-artifical version of the siblings. Izanagi gave humans his power in 3 pieces , which were the Japanese regalia. Then humans made the 3 out of that.
The japanese were THAT technologically advanced for THAT long? This is beginning to sound stupid, how is there even a susanoo's knowledge or a tsukuyomi's knowledge or an amaterasu's knowledge if they were always robots?
They only became robots later on. This is why Atlus West shouldn't have called them proto-fiends.
>nahobino exist
>yhvh takes the throne
>strips gods of tgeir knowledge
>humans eat knowledge
>humans invent the shinto trio???
She won me over when she winked at me.
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I'm starting to feel like I'm relying on Dampeners and saving up for a big Magatsuhi-fuelled turn a bit too much for bossfights. Hope fights get more interesting as more advanced skills and demons unlock.
once demons with element nulls become more common you won't really need dampeners as badly
It's how they exist in this world. It doesn't matter how they existed in previous worlds ruled by other gods.
Dampners are better served predicting enemy turns than saving them for Magatsuhi imo. I use them less and less every time I replay the game.
Kushinada outing the MC fir wanting Aogami dick wasn't subtext though.
i clap when i see the boss use a magatsushi attack

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