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File: crt.jpg (453 KB, 1814x1979)
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The latest psyop history revision that zoomers are doing now is that

a) PS2 games were not designed for CRT
b) PS2 games (3D ones) don't look best on CRT, because CRT only improves 2D pixel games

Here's the facts, so listen the fuck up zoomer shitstains:

PS2 was designed for, played on, and looks best on a 4:3 SD CRT.

Few games had 16:9, and of the ones that did oftentimes it was just cropped or anamorphic 16:9 (both of which look objectively worse). A few games had a progressive (480p) mode, but this was almost exclusively used by ED CRTs, 31KHz CRT monitors, or HD CRTs.

LCDs (outside of small handheld displays) were very rare before 2007, and didn't become commonplace until 2009-2010. The early part of Gen 7 was also almost exclusively CRTs, and HDTVs didn't become more common until closer to the middle of the generation. All three Gen 7 consoles only included composite cables, and Wii did not even support HDMI at all, nor did early 360s prior to the launch of the Elite in 2007 that supported HDMI.
Just came here to say that shitty mono-sound compositive video Panasonic TV is not producing those 600 TVL scanlines nigga this picture is fake shit.
you made all of this up solely for a new argument to roll around 4chan for the rest of the year
i strongly suggest you open up your CRT while it's turned on, and touch the flyback transformer.
Do it.

Why the fuck would you play Mega Man X8?
PS2 the last console with video games on it
How many times are you gonna make these threads?
Music goes hard

How does them being retarded stop you from just enjoying your ps2 games on your CRT TV
The fact that 90%+ of the PS2 library can only output in 480i proves beyond a doubt it was designed for CRT. Anyone saying otherwise doesn't know what interlaced and progressive even mean.
>Using a composite cable on a system capable of ypbpr output
Poorfag detected.
>CRTranny posting pics of games sitting at their title screens as they whine about LCDs instead of actually playing the game.

Yep. Just another day.
When the retarded don't respect wisdom, society suffers.
>mono audio
Why is respecting the developer intent so important in one instance but not in the other?
>Megaman 12
>Megaman X9
>Megaman Zero X2

This franchise DOES NOT sell well enough to warrant all these sequels.
Sure it does
Game development used to be cheaper and shorter and you could use profits from your larger more successful projects to subsidize smaller, more niche, or experimental titles.
Nowadays every game costs 10 million dollars and takes 8 years to produce, so you don't get that anymore.
>costs 10 million dollars
Even slop like concord is 150m+
yeah I plugged my ps2 into an LCD and it looked like shit
>y'all niggas complaining about LCD and boasting about CRT when plasma displays exist
CRTs are for zoomer consumerwhores who think they can buy nostalgia
It's like boomers buying ancient obsolete tyres for classic cars rather than modern radials
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>All three Gen 7 consoles only included composite cables, and Wii did not even support HDMI at all, nor did early 360s prior to the launch of the Elite in 2007 that supported HDMI.
lol imagine believing this

Usually people buying "classic tyres" are fucking retarded, they don't even know what a DOT is so they buy slop found online (including very old unsafe tyres) just because it looks "classic". Kinda like retards jerking off to retro shit because emulation is for peasants or something and they spend time online comparing each other dick sizes with retro console and shitty deteriorated physical format. At least the people buying "classic tyres" die.
BZZT, WRONG, happens to a lot of you people that weren't there
design (development) was NOT done on "sd" crts, they were done on high resolution 31khz displays and were scaled down to fit on the low spec hardware
Dumb zoomer
It's still a solid game.
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I'm a zoomer and I know all of this, that's why I play my PS2 on a CRT. I'm not aware of any zoomers pretending that PS2s were designed for anything other than a CRT. I really don't see why you've been posting this picture you stole from Reddit once a day along with a new wall of text about how you should play PS2 games on CRT like everyone doesn't already know that.
Don't you get bored of these threads? We had the same one yesterday
CRT more like HRT lmfaoooo

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