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Why does nobody want to play Concord? The devs even removed the battle pass.
Buy the game, chuds.
Sonychads will save this game
PC dorks dont play games unless they are hentai VNs or indie shovelware
I will say it so you don't have to because I don't need to hide who I am and how I feel because of predetermined social restrictions every npc puts on themselves
so here it goes
nobody likes black people
nobody likes ugly people
there I said it, have a nice day everyone
Good riddance
I will not buy your beige game snoy faggots
Sonybros..is this our future?
Did Sony learn nothing from Lawbreakers?
You have to pay and force the journalist shills write about how great it is, not how nobody is playing or will play it.
If you read how hard the journos praised the game pre beta, its pretty certain Sony paid them off lol
>Goatsweeden PSN account required
No thank you. I'm not tieing a GAPEd service to my Steam account.
>pay me for adding muh minorties
You'd need pay ME to endure them
As a diehard Sony pony since the PS1 I simply have to admit I don't play their first party shit. I never even played the Demon's Souls Remake despite it being on PS Plus. I just don't care. Maybe I'll change that but I've got too much other shit on my backlog to care.
Concord(e) crashing with no survivors, once again
>Post this on the 24th anniversary
Now that is a deep cut.
>Nobody even wishlisting
>When wishlisting is free and doesn't guarantee a sale, usually being used as a way to keep track of a game if you're even mildly interested in it
Wew lads
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>Game gets announced
>It fucking sucks
>"Haha if you don't like it don't buy it chud :)" and "white noises"
>Please buy our game
>Studio shuts down and massive layoffs
>"How chud incels destroyed brand and hurt my feelings"
>New game gets announced...
It will never ends until the nigger worshipping money dries out
Why is everyone trying to push out crappy Overwatch clones anyway? Did I miss a big reveal that Bliz said OW made them 5 gorillion dollars or something?
> After reaching takeoff speed, the tyre of the number 2 wheel was cut by a metal strip (a wear strip) lying on the runway, which had fallen from the thrust reverser cowl door of the number 3 engine of a Continental Airlines DC-10 that had taken off from the same runway five minutes previously.[3]:102[33] This wear strip had been replaced at Tel Aviv, Israel, during a C check on 11 June 2000, and then again at Houston, Texas, on 9 July 2000. The strip installed in Houston had been neither manufactured nor installed in accordance with the procedures as defined by the manufacturer.[3]:105–107,171,174
Time delayed ASSFAGGOTS(F/T)PS, just like a bunch of Battle Royales with Cheese (Radical Shites) were a thing.

When they crash with no survivors beyond Paladins (which is declining) and Snorewatch (which is dying/dead thanks to 2 being stapled onto a no updated game), we'll move to another GaaS (*fart*) genre that makes no money because you didn't strike 1st-3rd in the genre.
Why does this game get multiple threads on this board yet there's basically no talk about it anywhere else?
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because its funny
I guess, I just figured companies could have a semblance of forethought and cut their losses. Hero shooters were popular like 5 years ago, but jumping in on a fad this fucking late seems like an obvious bad decision.
With every hero shooter tanking in the last 3 years, I'd have pulled the plug on this project ages ago.
Because you cant say you hate the niggers in this game without getting canceled
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>you dont want to play Overwatch clone #784 ? you must be HITLER !
/v/ loves their tortanics
I don't find much humor in Concord though since it just obviously looks like uninspired shit to everyone and there's no funny names behind it like there was for something like Battleborn
It'll just release to no one and go forgotten
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>I just figured companies could have a semblance of forethought and cut their losses.
Concord started development like 2 years or so ago, which makes this even worse a decision. They got the Bungle Destiny 2 PvP (which sucks massive shit for the record, you can't balance a lootwhore game for PvP) dude for it because they bought Bungle thinking they could get a massive GaaS hit and make money since Fartshite is still making money like... 10-15(?) years later despite THAT declining slowly as well.

It's basically this image just for Sony/MS/EA (which has Apex but continues to attempt it in other games [Hello, Battlefield BR and Tarkov clone modes!]) and other publishers trying and failing at it.
Because it’s full of ugly characters no one cares about
cape goyslop is no better
But capeslop is making money. So who asked you, fag?
I saw a guy freak out and explain that it's not literally true that "nobody wishlisted Concord" so the headline should be changed.
I'm getting an error when trying to look up Concord stats on Steamcharts.
That caped goyslop is at least trying to do something with that genre, and looking good while it's at it.
What is Rivals' gimmick that makes it different? I've never heard anything about it.
The capeshit has hot women so it will sell. Concord has ugly people so it won't sell. No one's paying money to look at ugly people. You can see thousands for free outside.
>The devs even removed the battle pass
Only preorders and total game sames are from platinum ahcievement whores on playstation. This game will have one of the rarest platinum achievements since only addicts buy the game for its achievements and nobody else will since if you wanted to play OW2 it is free to play unlike the ogre deep fried version of it called concord.
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For comparison, more people have wishlisted this game about a buttered cat than Concord.
according to steamdbs current top 1000 selling games
concord isn't listes
nobody is buying the game
Is that a game based entirely around that joke about a cat always landing on its feet and toast always falling on the buttered side?
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SteamDB can't track pre-release games, they have no way to access info about preorders
>nobody cares
>nobovy wishlist
let me guess, "boycott by straight white males?"
Drastically different movement speeds between the heroes, buddy-up abilities based on who you pick on your team (eg. Rocket can provide a temporary infinite ammo + fire rate boost for Punisher), destructible environment elements (alternate routes, destroying overhead bridges, removing LoS barriers), and best of all, being like early OW1 and not forcing team composition bullshit.
>Look at the top wishlist stuff
>bunch of slop and retard shit

>look at most sold
>steam deck artificially at 2nd
>f2p game at 'top'
>rest of the list is just consumerist shit

lmao /r/pcmasterrace is an absolute joke, and so is steam. you people probably think the amazon 'people commonly buy these together' shit is real.
Pretty much.

Gameplay is the biggest issue but shills turn the lack of interest to a question of racism since it is easier conversation to get hurt by.
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How about we just start calling this kind of game "DEIsasters"?

Should inflame the shills and investors pretty good, no worse marketing than a negative meme (in the true sense of the word) attached to your game.
>being like early OW1 and not forcing team composition bullshit.
does that mean I can have a team of all Rockets? or does it just mean I can have a team of all DPS?
Roles don’t matter. You can have as many from one catagory as you want. You can’t pick the same character on a team tho.
>type concord on rule 34
>literally zero results
It will flop even worse than Starfield, at least they had the normie playerbase.
No cis white male toons, no play
I found the journalist articles blatantly shilling the game to be funny.
This game is graphically decent but the characters are the worst fucking abominations and I hate that nobody brings it up even in casual discussion of this game's faults.
This is not an actual screenshot btw
why not?
/n/ is in the house?

Nobody is bothering to watch other people play it to see if it MIGHT be good.
How can you tell?
Did you actually play the beta lmao??
The eyes reminds me of the "just fuck my shit up"
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Who wants to draw porn of these fridge-shaped Body Type Bs?
Actually it would be funny if there was a movement to photoshop or redraw the female characters to look hot.
What why should Chuds have to buy it when it's marketed towards the "modern market".
I think that roman warrior lady has at least 1 lewd of her.
The rest, I'm not sure.
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The funny part about chochorde, is that even if you set aside all the alphabet soup hourseshit, the game gameplay looks like trash. The movement is bad, the shooting is bad, the feedback is bad, the sound is bad, the map design is bad. There is no reason to play it, because there is nothing which can draw a player in.
The game industry is in the same spot as Hollywood. They hire untalented hacks so they can pay them bottom tier wages and then brag about how diverse their team is.
Nintendo has the same developers they had 30 years ago.
How come theres a few men in there and some eastern game characters?
the cherry isn't picked far from the tree
The blonde nigger in the first row looks downright demonic.
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Concord gaan
It's almost like paying good employees and not having absolute dog shit practices will make you an industry leader, and not another EA.
>$40 for garbage designs and pronouns on character select
GEE I WONDER. Apex/CS/PUBG/TF2/etc are free.
this actually looks nice unlike concord
Watched some gameplay and it looked horrifically unbalanced. It's a shitty Destiny reskin.
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nope because Snoys only play Fortnite and sports
Marvel Indians deployed
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>black people: the console
well, remember that Sony-gger was wordfiltered
>NBA 2K21
>NBA 2K22
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PS5 has zero fucking games
why would anyone bother to update it?
Shit is so fucking NOGAEMS fucking FALL GUYS is still in the top 20
try it without the i newfriend
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>Shit is so fucking NOGAEMS fucking FALL GUYS is still in the top 20
Jesus Christ
>horizon zero dawn nowhere to be seen despite constant shilling from snoytroons
BASED psniggers
I wish I could tell you that the Snoy fought the good fight, and the PC Chads let him be. I wish I could tell you that - but /v/ is no fairy-tale world. He never said who did it, but we all knew.
/v/gpt act as my paid game journalist. I need your assistance in creating articles promoting this game with the primary focus on the characters, gameplay and settings. Please craft a shill article based on these details.
Imagine defending this crap. Nobody played this on playstation either. Feel bad kike shill.
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>2 Microsoft games on Playstation's top 10
Yikes, LMAO
BTW you're not allowed to mention ugly women.

If you do, you're a grifter. Please report any grifters to your local political commissar. Stay loyal comrade!
This thing is so funny to me. They really just remade Destiny deathmatch but with fat shitskins instead of cool space knight guys
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>Debra Wilson everywhere
>the devs even removed the battle pass
Bruh, that is like bare minimum for a PAID game. They really expected applause for slightly less greedy? Lmao.
It's some kind of live service shooter, yeah? I really don't need another game taking up a huge chunk of my time. It doesn't even have any sexy or cool characters in it, so why would I bother?
yeah cool no battle pass in a 40 dollar game, as if they were gonna get away with it lol only cod can afford to be that jewish
>>I guess, I just figured companies could have a semblance of forethought
This is the age of ultra short term thinking. The people at the very top of the company are hired for one reason only: to make stock prices go up for the shareholders. That's it. So their perspective on how to run a video game publisher or studio is very simple: what is the latest trend that is making a lot of money? They simply look at which games are printing the most money and decide to copy them. The fact that this is not at all a proven model for making a successful video game doesn't matter, because they don't care about making a video game. They're making a platform for investors.

This is where Blackrock and all the other activist investors come in. They live for these kinds of corporate trend-chasing game. Because it doesn't have any actual creative vision behind it, there is almost no resistance to them injecting their political messaging. It's easy for them to sell this shit to the empty suits at the publisher with fairy tales about it improving sales etc. It's all lies obviously, but remember: the suits don't actually care about sales, or about making a good game. They only care about stock price going up. Investors buying in by the tens of millions of dollars makes everyone think the company must be doing really well, so stock price goes up. CEO gets a fat bonus for doing his job, probably fucks off at this point and hands the doomed project to somebody else.
I'm sure the artists were decently competent. They were just told to make dogshit ugly sexless characters by some senior designers who drank too much woke koolaid.
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It's baffling to me how these publishers have such massive cognitive dissonance about their audience. They make a live service shooter, a type of game which only attracts competitive online gamers, who are overwhelmingly male and mostly white / Asian (depending on country). Then they deliberately make the game as aesthetically unappealing to this demographic as they can. Go out of their way to message about how the game is for every other market segment EXCEPT the only one proven to, over the last nearly 20 years, actively play live service shooters.

I do not buy for a minute the "well it's meant to fail on purpose because blackrock etc". Even if the alternative financial incentive exists for the studio to make a game to appease Blackrock's DEI agenda, it makes absolutely no sense for the end goal to be a game that nobody plays. A propaganda game that takes years and hundreds of millions of dollars to develop which is then played by a fraction of the estimated player base (who probably already agree with your messaging) means you have wasted years and hundreds of millions of dollars for nothing. It doesn't accomplish ANYTHING, either financially or ideologically. It doesn't advance the agenda, it doesn't make the company money. So what's the fucking POINT?
Only the race-obsessed racists and neonazis posting on this shithole give a fuck about fictional character's race.
People aren't interested on Concord because it's an extremely generic game on an already over-saturated genre on an over-saturated industry. As simple as that.
it could still cleave a niche for itself if it wasn't filled with ugly shitskins, tons of people like to play this garbage
see: that marvel thing made by chinks
>release dollar store overwatch years after everyone is already sick of overwatch
Don't get me wrong this game's gonna fail, but does anybody bother to wishlist AAA games or games that are coming out in a month? I thought that Wishlist items were mostly for indie games that don't have a set release date so you're reminded of them when they finally come out
characters too ugly
GAAS slop
Stop baiting trannoid.
No no, retard, you don't seem to understand.

No one gives a single shit about your political crusade. Go the fuck back to /pol/. I'm talking about the game itself being shit because it is not fun to play. It doesn't matter if it had big titted blondes running around the announcer was fucking Trump himself. The game would still be fucking dog shit because it is built to be dog shit.

And why is it dog shit? Because inexperienced shit dev's or bottom tier quality devs that are dropped after every fucking release only to be picked up by other companies, is the standard. It has nothing to do with your fucking retarded boogeyman gibberish horse shit, you fucking retard. And everything to do with the shit business practices the subhuman retards at the top keep enabling. Because the American business culture is fucking cancerous and driven solely by "NUMBER GO UP".
Too obvious.
I don't wait to play it because it has niggers and trannies.

I don't care about the gameplay.

Sorry if this angers you!
>Only the race-obsessed racists and neonazis posting on this shithole give a fuck about fictional character's race.
White males in general care a lot about it, though. As evidenced by the fact that they don't buy the shit games.
Katt Williams was right, this year all lies are being exposed
I don't want*
No more /pol/ and twitter for you. Also, meds, now.
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No more games for you. Also dilate, now.
and why do they hire unexperienced nobodies that needs to fulfill a quota? you are this close to getting it
Because they work for cheap, retard. Low talent, no talent labor is always cheap. That's why you earn dog shit wages flipping burgers and come here to bitch about retarded shit on 4chan.

Funny, seems like I have tons of games, but I don't buy dog shit like Concord.
>Because they work for cheap
Wrong, retard.
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>he thinks endless Indian coders and "we're paying you in EXPERIENCE" codekiddies pulled off the street in tech valley aren't cheap
>no one is playing an ugly overwatch clone
big shocker
SBI consultants aren't cheap. And even the CEOs and directors are brown and gay nowadays.

Just like you.
I hate it when these retards call a demo a "beta"
You don't understand, retard. People will play mediocre games that look good. I know it has bad gameplay in addition, but deliberately decided to make the game ugly.
I bet you're one of those retards that claimed bethesda games were bad because of the engine.
Hope the studio shuts down.
It's ugly. Ugly designs, ugly aesthetic, ugly color palette. Despite what fats and uggos say about representation, nobody *wants* to play something that looks ugly.
just die already
Here is the best fucking evidence that racism doesn't fucking exist. People don't want to fucking play ugly characters, regardless of skin color.
I don't want to play as anyone with faggot ass pronouns. I don't give a shit about the ugly part
how come the lgbt community didn’t support this game?
It'll do well because it's a playstation exclusive, releasing games on PC is a massive mistake for Sony since all they get is trolls who arent interested in video games.
the men are lame and the women are ugly
none of them are cool, interesting, or unique enough to compensate
I mean ig 1 0FF is a quirky trashcan robot but its like a reverse cheerleader effect where it feels extremely generic and phoned in.
not here, only play single player games and f2p since that doesn't require ps+
The crazed delusional world of someone who's built his whole identity around Sony.
What the fuck is xdefiant? I never ever heard about it
as if sonygroes play games, most treat their PS5s as a FIFA/Madden/CoD machine
no even us browns know when we're being pandered to, all of us that arent black are kind of sick of niggers hogging the spotlite
Sonybros don't even buy first party games
>but does anybody bother to wishlist AAA games or games that are coming out in a month? I thought that Wishlist items were mostly for indie games that don't have a set release date so you're reminded of them when they finally come out
I am not retarded low-impsulse-control consoomer riddled with FOMO, so I don't buy AAA games on release. WIshlist allows me to keep track which games are on sale. Maybe it makes less sense for live service games with limited life span, but I don't play those.
Other places pretend that the game doesn't exist. They don't like it and don't want to play it. But they also think talking about how shit the game is will prove "bigots" are right about everything happening to gaming.
Black people CAN be cool, or at least black men. Concord doesn't have cool black men because it doesn't want to
>They make a live service shooter, a type of game which only attracts competitive online gamers
Is this a troll post? These games are 99.99999% hyper casual shitters. Most people that play these games do it after coming home from school or work and are not sweatlords.
The 5v5 nature of Concord and similar games is designed for e-sports, putting pressure on the player because one mistake from them can hurt their entire team. Games with higher playercounts like TF2 are more casual-friendly.
Well, it'll never run out since we know they get to take it from taxes for some reason.
Doesn't change the fact that 99% of the playerbase are casuals.
A lot of FF games have black characters and no one gave a shit.
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I have literally never heard of this game before this thread, so I decided to look it up. It looks like it offers nothing new or interesting, just rehashing what they think works. It also looks terrible. This picture alone was enough to discard it.
It's a battle on a 110 degree incline to make ugly women cool or interesting. There's a reason why you don't see many of them when normal, honest people are talking about their favorite characters for pretty much anything that's popular. Kreia from Star Wars KotOR is the only one who's coming to mind, and she's an exceptional old witch type character who isn't there for idpol reasons and is allowed to coexist with hot, feminine girls and masculine, competent men in the cast.

Who cares if they're unique if they're not cool or interesting?
a polchud definitely designed the logo
I don't know. Why don't you go to "anywhere else" where you belong and ask them?
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Because the main dev is a self hating white who acted like everyone will just ignore how ugly the cast is.
It’s just fun to make devs so far up their ass as their game flops hard
Nobody wants 5v5 heroshooterslop
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What on Earth did they mean by this?
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>11% positivity
lmao how can you fucking defend this
Will this take down Firewalk and lead to layoffs?
100%. They're about to experience what Hyenas would have gone through if it hadn't been canceled.
>whites must acknowledge their privileged position
>If we don't we're complicit
Bungie had a large hand in developing this piece of shit too.
Apparently Bungie were putting together a hero shooter called MATTER and it got cancelled in 2021 so Sony moved that team over to firewalk studios to develop Concord

what a waste of 3.4 billion
Mechanically the game isn’t horrible
Just if they want to salvage it they’d have to pull a neon prime and completely redesign it to not be an ugly generic space shooter
You Fucking assholes! Give this game a Fucking chance! You might enjoy it and really like it if you would just Fucking give it a real chance!?
>Mechanically the game isn’t horrible
It is.
I'll buy 10 copies only if I can give the devs wedgies
It's funny how a single straight white man could've potentially saved these shit devs from imminent closure. 97% of people will look at the fucking atrocious designs and just never play it, even if the gameplay is immaculate. All it took was a single straight white dude to see these designs, tell them to change it so it's less repulsive, and it would've done much better.
We don't play games, and this is a game nobody plays. It's perfect for us. We won't play it. Also spite for Snoy is pretty good especially after Helldivers.
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So what did rivals do right to complete steamroll concord despite both being new Overwatch inspired games
>unironically calling people dorks in 2020+4
snoys are mentally stunted, it seems
Why do you keep posting that cunt with her mental illness haircut as if she isn't also shit?
>It's funny how a single straight white man could've potentially saved these shit devs
nah, hero shooters live or die by their casts
just one character that isn't completely repulsive wouldn't be enough
then there is the price tag when most games in the genre are f2p
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Overwatch wouldn't have survived without Tracer's PHAT ASS to carry them.
Sony's check cleared
You misunderstood. I meant a single straight white man as the person who okays or rejects these shit designs, instead of a tranny and/or business retard trying to grab demographics that don't exist.
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Reminder that THIS is why overw*tch was ever popular in the first place. Without sex, there can be no success
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thats... not the webm i meant to pick, but makes pretty much the same point
>Japanese voice
>a polite and proper noblewoman; the height of class and sex appeal
>English voice
>abrasive girlboss
New rule for the western entertainment industry, whether they're in the office, behind the camera, or in front of the camera: Stop being obsessed with angry women who are here to smash the patriarchy. Women should bring harmony like men bring stability.

If an actress can't get away from that, she's probably a walking PR nightmare.
oh I see, well he would have never survived in that environment
would have been 100% fired after going against the "professor" or that lead artist, like you said the only straight white men working in these kinds of studios are cynical MBA suits who straight up don't give a fuck about games and are only interested in numbers
the game is ugly
i don't care for ugly games

marvel rivals looks great
>It will never ends until the nigger worshipping money dries out
Blackrock will never run out of money
if that's true why is diversity apparently so important and necessary in Vidya? I mean, who cares about race right? unless you're saying concord devs are somehow big fat pol chudlets
The characters are ugly. Does't matter if the game is good or not if it looks unappealing
Paul Tassi said this game would be great and he doesn't understand why nobody on Steam is playing it!?
You sound like Grummz now!
They can't really force people to buy this crap either. Even my Dad doesn't touch the new star wars anymore because of how crap its become, he only rewatches the older movies.
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which way, black man?
>unless you're saying concord devs are somehow big fat pol chudlets
he's not. but they don't have to be big fat pol chudlets to be racist
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realistically pic related
I don't follow Grummz. Cool if he agrees and all
honestly i don't even care about the whole woke stuff or art direction or anything i'm just so fucking tired of hero shooters i really don't care
it's like every third games wants to be overwatch
Why do black men like obese women so much
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Everyday I wonder if I lost control of my life but pictures like these remind me I'm doing pretty okay with myself.
I am sure it has to do with it not adhering to my political views, and absolutely nothing to do with it being a dog shit game. Games only fail due to not adhering to my politics.
Their politics compel them to make ugly shit that nobody outside of their tiny cult likes.
Nah, even some YouTube grifters have complimented the gameplay and facial animations to some degreee
The only main gameplay complaints are tanks are way too slow and the overall gameplay loop is too similar to existing games. Oh and matchmaking sucks

It’s really just the ugliness that turns people away
Exactly. The games quality and gameplay has nothing to do with the games failure. It's because of my politics. Why would it have anything to do with dog shit gameplay?
People didn't even get to the gameplay because they don't want to look at this ugly cringe garbage while playing. God forbid.

The disingenuous Marxist sack of shit will start acting like he doesn't care about character designs in order to win the argument in 3, 2...
The game's design is dogshit. As a whole.
You don't understand the concept of "design thinking". Aestheticism is linked with every other single aspect of the game. If one aspect is bad, it's mostly because a pilar in the design mantra is fucking it up and this means it's gonna affect every aspect of the product that it's being created.
chudfucks don't know what they're missing by skipping this gem
Cool. But it will still flop.
I don't buy games like they are necessity products.
Every time...
Where the white men at?
>Make a boring ass game that nobody wants
>Try to appease people by not including grindy live service shit like battle passes
>Game bombs
>"Guess the people want battle passes!"
This is the game they're playing and I fucking hate it.
Other websites literally lock your thread and have a bunch of snoyggas defending it hard. You'll see common shill phrases like:
>Idk why people are clowning on this game so hard. I loved it.
>Played it over the weekend and loved every last second of it.
>Had a blast playing it during beta!
I wonder how much money Sony wasted on russian troll farms to defend their game.
There's not a single character in that game who looks even remotely appealing whatsoever
Every western game in the last 5 years...
Geez, no wonder Sony started porting their games to PC.
Because people on /v/ love to watch a train wreck, and watch billion and trillion dollar companies burn money.
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I always liked Storm in the X-Men cartoon and in Marvel v Capcom, I thought she looked cool.
On Resetera they delete any thread about the game flopping lol
god the colour pallet is just the worst
First off the managerial and investors class are some of the dumbest fucking people on the planet. Every single one of them is example of failing upwards. They made a game based of SEO analytics from 2017, When overwatch and guardians of the galaxy where topping those charts. If the game came out in 2017 it would have possibly taken off. You based a game on something that people have grown to not only dislike but LOATHE and HATE. To add insult to injury to fund this travesty of game you took that ESG funding. You made hero shooter and played out and over statured genre complete with some of the worst character design I have ever seen in any video game.
What the fuck did you think would happen!?
blame bungie
they took their ideas to firewalk and its a complete catastrophe for sony. I seriously hope the game flops because there's absolutely no way sony can justify this piece of shit going under but Marvel's Rivals succeeding in the same market.
Yeah because they're cool.
The problem isn't black people. The problem is the people who are designing the black people.
They're making ugly, stupid, fuckin dumb looking black people.
They're not cool black people.
Nobody used to care about women in their media either. Now they do, and it's not because they're women, it's because the people designing these women are dumbasses that don't know what they're doing.
Or they do know what they're doing and they're just cunts ruining things on purpose.
>They cancel the Spider-Man game
>They cancel the Last of Us game
>this survives
And it's funny because none of this shit matters. People only care about surface level shit, like pretty characters and cool shit.
Marvel Rivals has pretty characters and cool shit, so people are interested in it. Will it flop? Maybe. But the point is Concord has ugly characters and no cool shit and nobody even wants to TRY it. Rivals has pretty characters and cool shit, and people are willing to try it.

It may not be true that sex sells, but the opposite sure as shit is true.
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terrible management
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Reddit, tranny discords and resetera deletes any threads that mention its poor sales. So people come here instead.
Black people can be done right. Ugly people too. It's just the absolute faggots making these games can't do it right. Nobody wants the bullshit they're so overtly peddling.
>and resetera
What kind of people go to that website, and why?
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>nobody likes black people
>nobody likes ugly people
You can make black and ugly and make it cool at the same time, pic related. The trick is to make something entertainingly ugly. Anger Foot is a good modern game example of intentionally ugly style that looks fine.
That's nothing. Check this shit out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1Jp4K02L1I
Mentally ill sony fanboys who cut their dicks off.
The fuck? A company doesn't give a shit about that, they just do what they think can make them the most money. lmao
>Incorporates 3rd-party DRM: Denuvo Anti-tamper
Why? It has been like 4 years, and was "cracked" years ago.
>pay day but shit

>Or they do know what they're doing and they're just cunts ruining things on purpose.

That's for established media. This is an original IP. Meaning it's their own arrogance and stupidity on full display.
bros... i think video games might not be for me anymore...
The game is made for blue-haired wokies, so I'll let them buy it
Why did they get a literal who studio to bank on a hero shooter? This shit reeks of a money laundering scheme
The japanese are super retarded when it comes to DRM. They're used to consoles providing that kind of locked down prison, so they overcompensate with DRM on PC.
Leftist manchildren in their 30s and 40s
Even alphabet leftists who play vidya are getting sick and tired of the pandering and lean towards more subtle written fag characters now, which honestly is based and I can't blame them
Better question is, why don't homos, fat fetishists, trannies, and granny lovers play this game? The target audience is pretty obvious.
>fat fetishists
Even I have standards
>gets shilled as one of the best games of the year (self proclaimed(journalists))
>its a gigantic flop
>pushed by sony everywhere
Grudgeposting is always funny
Coomers can make some niche games sell, but not a fucking live service that needs tens of thousands of active players just to break even. Plus, the characters aren't hot enough for fetishists
They don't play anything but streamer games
white people
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even neogaf posters are shitting on it
it's that bad
It's an uninteresting dime a dozen hero shooter. It's gameplay is boring, it's chracters unappealing, it's tone unlikeable.

Why anyone would waste money on this game is beyond me.
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Fuck, I stand corrected. No wonder it flopped
"Why nobody wants to buy our game?"
And the funniest thing is that even trannies don't want to spend money on this crap. The "modern audience" doesn't exist.
What do you mean "even trannies"? They never played vidya in the first place, it's just as smart to pander to them as it is to pander to feminists
>nobody likes black people
>nobody likes ugly people
>there I said it, have a nice day everyone
Why you sayin' this like it's some profound shit on 4chan of all places? Nigga do you know what website this is? Niggas wake up on this mothafucka dissin' black people. You ain't wrong, people hate blacks, but you leave the part out where people hate shitty design, people hate bad ideas, and people hate LAME black people even more.
People are cool with cool niggas. People hate "corny" niggas.
Anyway...>>683740671, tasty, delicious, bait. Ain't a fuckin' nigga on Earth buyin' this game. This game more Guardians Of The Galaxy than the goddamn fuckin' Guardians Of The Galaxy game.
Tried to tell y'all niggas that nobody liked that Marvel Studios/Kevin Feige shit, but nobody would listen...
Wait a second
Thats a fucking woman?
see? that's why we need pronouns
I have a feeling this will end in feds investigating people for investor fraud and this entire fucking SBI / resetera / games media faggot trifecta grift will vanish as quickly as it showed up in the industry.
Mods, jannies, you're tight with Resetera, how many hundreds of millions of USD have you all wiped out by now? Misleading executives.

Do you know how fucking serious investor fraud is, especially at this scale? Do you know how meticulously autistic the FBI are?
It's not a joke, it's investor fraud, organized crime, there's a whole networked grift that burns millions, probably over a billion at this point.

Media outlets, consultants, resetera, whole structure of bullshit that belongs in prison at this point.
Report all this to the FBI, it's investor fraud.
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Real big
>woke up and felt cute :)
Rocksteady's impending dissolution is thoroughly deserved.
Shitty 80s aesthetics aside, peopel already got their live services they play and many of us likely rotate between more than is healthy.
Our schedules are ful and days fully takenl, stop churning out more live services.
Honestly, other than the character designs, the game actually looks fine. But if it's not F2P, nobody is going to be willing to throw money at it because who wants to invest in a game pulling numbers that it will likely be shut down by the end of the year.
Why does the studio care? They got their DEI stimulus, which is worth more than organic sales. Right?
>Honestly, other than the [most important part of a hero shooter], the game actually looks fine.
even then the gameplay looks slow and floaty as fuck
The investors who lose care, the FBI cares. Don't know about your respective shithole but in the US it's called investor fraud.
Nobody's going to trust them to ever make a game again.
They'll try again, SBI will set the resetera dogs on them to concern troll, SBI or an offshoot will be contracted, their pals in games media will sing praises, the cycle will repeat until key people goes to prison. This is organized crime.
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LOL, LMAO even
"We willingly use SBI, we love them."

Funny how this talking point is repeated over and over every time.
psn account
playing around healthpacks because there's zero health regen
game looks like destiny 2 aka trash
characters look dumb and gay
>I have literally never heard of this game before this thread
first time on /v/? Do you live under a rock?
Spite and terror in equal measure.
It's going to get much weirder the more money is set on fire because these patterns absolutely will start attracting feds.
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>Debra Wilson
that bitch really suck some big kike executive cock, otherwise i doubt it you will get to be in almost every fucking big AA/AAA title recently
>Days gone, Gears of war, Wolfenstein, Wow, COD, Star wars, Destiny, Diablo 4
it is extremely jarring to see black people everywhere in games/movies when in reality I might go days without seeing one. but I guess American market is the only thing that matters
I heard she gets lots of work because she can do everything remotely since she built a big ass motion and face capture studio in her own home.
Which is honestly fucking based good on her.
but if its not people buying those things together, who is?
The next executive who uses the words "modern audience" might as well just scream "INVESTIGATE US FOR INVESTOR FRAUD!"
isnt that a polack last name
>Sony finally after 20 years of trying with franchises like Killzone and Resistance they finally score a succesfull multiplayer shooter series with Helldivers 2
>they completely fumbled the bag with that
>spend all the money in the world buying journos in the hope that this game picks up pace
what are your bets on the launch day numbers
final 4 digits of this post will be my guess
Destiny already have Ikora for the past 10 years
>what are your bets on the launch day numbers
~1k on pc, don't know about ps5 and who gives a fuck about what snoyboys play anyway
they couldn't convince more than 2.3k people to try the free open beta on pc
>Tobias Fünke
Arrested Development was great.
Imagine if they spent that budget on a good game
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My favorite is rainbow hairs saying SBI don't affect the games they consult on. Which is the dumbest argument they can make, because a consulting firm that costs money but does absolutely nothing is still a waste of money and time that could've been used to make the game. So even if SBI would have no influence over the final product, their effect would STILL be net negative for the project.
Real question, why are they still making "content" for a game that has barely a few hundred people playing it?
You were right the first time, that isn't from Concord. I don't know why people are posting it here, there's the name of a fucking DC character right there in the webm.
They're hired to consult and help the studio target a market that doesn't exist, which was sold to investors as safe risk.

This is investor fraud, it's incredibly illegal.
Maybe anon usually just doesnt enter shit threads?
yeah she smart, but im fucking tired to see her face
It's funny, the IGN Beneluxe preview is literally them shitting all over it and saying "this pile or shit ain't it folk".
contractual obligations if I had to guess
I read here in some screenshot from a gayming news site that the closed beta had 5k players on PS5 and an 8% drop during the open beta
take that as you will
I will let the game die and then feign interest after it dies to bait snoy into wasting more money into similar projects.
>I have literally never heard of this game before this thread
It's okay. I wouldn't know this game existed without this shithole of a board too.
This. I never gave a shit about representation, but holy shit does it feel weird when I haven't seen a negro for a couple of weeks, boot up a game and there's like one white woman and everyone else is brown.
>5k on the console that is casual central
this is going to be a disaster
So what happens if you lose some insane druglord's money by investing his shit into markets that don't exist?

If feds don't give a fuck, how soon are people going to start dropping dead? There are fortunes blown in this fraud.
You're lucky, I live in a mostly black neighborhood because rent is cheap and I legit have nigger fatigue.
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>self hating white
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>my fellow white people...
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Here's why
>it's both the N-word and a Jewstar at the same time
Can't make this shit up lmao
It's some weird fucking mishmash. Kikes change surnames to blend in. This seems to be a mix of german Weiss and polish Wiśniewski. "Weisn" is absolutely not polish, "ewski" yeah.
t. Pole
Happens vice versa too. Bibi Netanyahu is actually named Bibi Mileikowsky.
Ironically he sounded too white/European to blend into the Arabic Jews in Israel lol.
I like the tf2 demoman, he's black, ugly and great
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He tried to warn us....
>this 1 group of people is invading gaming and pushing their political agenda in all forms of media and games
>you aren't allowed to call them out because le pol
Kill yourself tranny
you sound mad
>It doesn't matter if it had big titted blondes running around
It does actually because I would have at least given a try.
>The game would still be fucking dog shit
Most people don't actually care about good or deep gameplay, they just want to be entertained. The success of mobile games is proof of that.
>because it is built to be dog shit.
You're almost there.
>And why is it dog shit
>Because the American business culture is fucking cancerous and driven solely by "NUMBER GO UP".
Japan prove you wrong yet again because they are a place known for its wageslaves and it doesn't stop them from making better games and designs than """western studio""" with so-called good working conditions.
Basically, you just want to be paid more for less work.
Like Hyenas, this game will be remembered with fond memories only by some anons in these threads (myself included)
Wait, it's NOT free 2 play? No wonder it's dead on arrival.
Another failed astroturfing campaign by Sony lmao
hehe is sony desperate for devs or something, i just notice all the surfaces in concord look like they are made of gumby

GUMBY NIGGA. sony actually paid people for this.
I find it amusing that somehow there was a full office building of people seeing this shit and all of them either actually thought
>this could sell
or simply were so pussified and meek in front of the trooner with cancel-stick that did not want to be the one pointing the incoming disaster out.
Can't even imagine the office atmosphere that is required to make that sort of behavior happen and stick for months so you'd rather waste all the money and manhours that were put into it than say a bad no-no word.
Leftists, are you really thinking you are okay?
>or simply were so pussified and meek in front of the trooner with cancel-stick that did not want to be the one pointing the incoming disaster out

It's this. It's safer to not rock the boat. No one wants to be flagged as "that chud" who gets reported to HR and sent to the DEI correction counseling sessions. They'd rather grin and bear it and just show up for the paycheck/work experience.
Seems CEOs are starting to need hidden whistleblowers in their own company if they want to make sales, instead of tonguing Finks butthole
The game is shit but saying so isnt allowed in other forums. When theres nothing good to say about it and critism is banned, it leads to radio silence.
:'( Concord bros... Not like this... Not like this...
The lgtv+ community
So is this one long, preprogrammed animation, or is this robot actually capable of reacting to basic stimuli?
>nobody likes black people
people don't like niggers
no one has any problem with black people
>So is this one long, preprogrammed animation
They bring in the first group, so yes they are a problem too. Aside from being a unicorn
games nowadays take about 8 years to make
guess how old Overwatch is?
that's right, 8 years
every single one of these started development when OW was genuinely a massive hit, and they've sunk too much into them to back down now
They just need to stop being lazy and actually model characters or use different face scans. She played Crying Wolf in MGS 4, just do that again.
I have seen even some gayming "journalist" saying that they think the characters are ugly and how that affected their enjoyment of the game. Crazy times.
I love black women albeit
I don't fucking care if this game was about SS giga chads killing women, I'm done with fucking e-sports. PVP only games are fucking boring dogshit, and I'm out
>Hyenas gets cancelled
>5 studios with similar projects in the works plow right on ahead.
fuck off devs!
But anon, IGN kept hyping investors and said the modern audience LOVES this shit.
So brave, Mr. Anonymous.
Just wait and see how 8 years from now there will be Fortnite clones kek
Holy fuck how can you incels fall for bait so obvious. Follow your leader.
Why is the PlayStation such a black console? Why are blacks obsessed with PlayStation and why do white PlayStation owners wish they were black so bad?
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I always wonder if people making these kinds of games actually think they have a realistic chance of being successful or if they're just clocking in for a paycheck and don't give a shit if the game itself dies off the starting line.

Actually now that I think of it, the 'designers' are probably just Californians who will be nepo hired into another company if the game flops and their studio folds, and the ones doing the grunt work are all just Indians who will be contracted out again regardless of whatever piece of shit they push out anyway.
Please don't fold like Hyenas did. We haven't had a good shitting on heroshooterslop since battleborn
Concord will get 9/10 Metacritic, bonuses will be paid, SBI and their ilk got paid, Resetera's owner company will get their cut, games media will get their cut, only losers here are the capitalist investors. Maybe close the studio, who gives a fuck, the hustle has a fucking backlog at this point, they're in everywhere.

Win win, bitch.
I wouldn't know this game existed if it wasn't for /v/. Seems to me they didn't market it for fuck all, which I'm sure /v/ is happy to chalk it up to ugly SJW characters but I thought the gameplay was a nice evolution of the stale hero shooter formula.
Superheroes are bad because... THEY JUST ARE OKAY?
Why'd you call your shooter after a plane though?
Why'd you call it after a decommissioned plane?

I can't imagine why I would ever look at a shooter, a "firste persone shootre", called Concord. What the fuck?
It evokes an image of failure and incompetence before I even know what the game is.
Why market it? The game was made to pay out bonuses, consultants and the network of grifters, sales figures are for capitalists. I'm sure the next investor fraud project is already underway.
Effort isn't why you have a problem with the game. Characters (and shitty cutscene dialogue) aside it's a pretty unique and creative game both in aesthetic and gameplay, but that's easy to shit on when they directly ally themselves with your political rivals.
As long as I do not have to play it, its their problem
>unique and creative
Ask why I know AI will win, if that is what the art-roons have to offer
It's funny that the fraud got so bad they're making a load $100m games played by nobody and it's fine. These investors are ultra fucking stupid.

In a few years it'll just be hyper woke ghost games continually released, solely made to fuck retarded investors.
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>Sonychads will save this game
Sonychads are the ones who want it to fail the most you false flagging NIGGER
This is false
They worship every turd sony shits out, especially so if its exclusive
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Sorry but there's another game that's free I downloaded last night instead.
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Not tying my psn account to it on pc.
smells like tendie projection in here.
Nobody in 2024 would be keen on having more DEI woketrash associated with his platform of choice.
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why aren't leftoids even playing their own slop
>PS5 has zero fucking games
Stellar Blade
last good snoy exclusive was metal gear solid 4
they're busy spending money to get into sex dungeon
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>if its exclusive
Yes, and Concord isn't. It's live service FPS slop for the PoserCommunity.
this is a jewish project. jews own the centrak banks so they literally have infinite money.
Snoys were having breakdowns here, on twitter and Youtube too over people trashtalking this game. You convince no one when you faggots had a meltie over God of war not winning GOTY against Elden Ring
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>doubles down on making live service games
>cancels the only one of them that would have actually done well

Sony is a retarded company that doesn't understand the market
>they literally have infinite money.
Only as long as they can talk everyone else into having a smooool margin of less money value at hand.
Ah the joys of slow cooking.
chuds have taken over our hobby

it's over
gaming has fallen

sisters what do we do for a hobby next?
>3.4 billion
It's worse, they spent 3.4b on Bungie AND they have to pay them to produce flops.
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Nah, this is the future you faggots chose by supporting NuSony. Enjoy your new forever franchise Horizon, DEI slop like TLOU2 and many more live service slops
Bungie cost that much. This is not including the cancelled projects Bungie had to scuttle. So the number is even higher
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>be Bungie
>be independent studio with multiple successful titles under your belt
>get bought and be forced to make Halo
>buy your independence back from Microsoft
>get into a bad contract with EA and get forced to make live service games
>buy your independence again
>get bought by Sony and get forced to make live service games

Jason Jones has to be a fucking retard or something
>I had a blast
Is there anyone more based than blastposters?
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We popularised and carry Fromsoft games, fucking retard. Way to change the subject from Concord because you know full well it was made for the PC push.
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>self hating white
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>Why does nobody want to play Concord?
It is such a mystery.
I feel the same way about valves deadlock
It's gonna flop
I imagine some content was only partially complete by release or intentionally held back to present the illusion it's being actively worked on.
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>he STILL supports nuSony
Brand cultists are mentally ill
Have fun with the future you chose
Too judaic
>We popularised and carry Fromsoft games
And personally, I'll never forgive you for that trash.
If you're going to make me play as a fat sheboon at least make it like this
>carry Fromsoft games
Elden Ring sold lot more on PC than PS, cope more. PS is now the normie console.
>get into a bad contract with EA and get forced to make live service games
>buy your independence again
They probably caught wind of the ABK deal and didn't want to be locked in the Gaylo dungeons.
>get bought by Sony and get forced to make live service games
They were allowed to do whatever they wanted as long as they didn't lay everyone off which they immediately did. Sony should have just closed them. kek

Also, Bumbgie practically made the rulebook for service slop.
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>no battle pass
>all skins and future content will be free
>one purchase no bullshit price tag
uuum isn't this what gamers wanted?
Yes I am being deliberately obtuse, because you just know when this game eventually fails Sony will blame the model and not the wokeshit
Fat asses on black chicks are now problematic. Sorry, sweaty.
Everything about this looks bad
>you faggots chose
Sure, it was all me. It's just a coincidence Sony's slop era overlaps with their PC era perfectly.
The funniest thing is how mad shitting on NuSony makes you when I'm supposedly the one defending them? you are the "modern audience", keep gaslighting. kek
How are you this gullible
They ALWAYS have no battle pass on launch and then add it on the first update they can after all the reviews go out
What games did this? Genuine question, since I don't buy new games and especially no live service slop.
Nta but Marvel Rivals will. Pretty sure a diablo game or something did to.
Go IGNORE this on your Steam profile
If they're collecting wish list counts, then they're also collecting IGNORES
So go give them your IGNORE today
Yea go on, keep supporting NuSony, faggot
>make a classically beautiful female character for your game that heterosexuals will enjoy
>slap a they/them on it to prevent the legbeards shouting about misogyny

Based actually
>Follow your leader.
Saddam Hussien ?
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Again, not made to appeal to me. The Horizon IP was worked on my a lot of ex-Obsidian people who you faggots love and it was one of the first to get ported to the PoserCommunity.


The open world slopifurcation of that format sold more to PCasuals, why am I not surprised? and you still got filtered hard enough they nerfed the DLC. "Influencers" are saying we need to sunset achievements lately because you fags are getting clowned on.
The left can't meme.
I love his in-battle bants, specially when he is equipped with a melee weapon in remake.
Concord will flop
Stellar Blade flopped
Fairgames will flop
Marathon never even existed
Venom will flop
Wolverine will flop
>Diablo 4
You will never not be the laughingstock of gaming. Now go back to Fortnite, child.
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You're a genuine retard, anon.
That's the point, retard, it's about humiliating Western games.
Concord is the biggest flop of the decade
Sony lost
>Nintendo nowhere in sight
Yep, Sony lost. Also see Santa Monica Studio.
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It only cost $50 million, it could have released exclusively with the audience it has now and still make money.
>Concord will flop
>Stellar Blade flopped
It cost less than $50 million, released exclusively and still made money. Plus you're a tranny now, confirmed.
>Fairgames will flop
>Marathon never even existed
>Venom will flop
>Wolverine will flop

At this point you might just be mad at me because you own Nvindia stock and I won't buy a RTX Farty90.
>character design is never a factor in game popularity. Gachas from China/Korea/Japan have not become ultra popular due to them featuring attractive characters
This is literally your logic. Source: I studied logic academically.
did they teach you what a strawman is
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What, you're telling me not even blacks wanna play as a lil twink nigga?!!
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The fuck is this and why should I care
I don't think ignoring games works like that
I'm sure they can see every single metric that has to do with interactions on their page
Idk ugly men are pretty based but ugly women? No thanks
If what I said isn’t his general logic, then that means Concord is a special case where players uniquely chose to ignore the facet of character attractiveness. You can make such a case for e.g. a football game or a party game. This however till now hasn’t been the case with hero shooters. So what is his reasoning that Concord is such a special case?
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After defending pic related and raging at Stellar Blade you cannot talk shit.
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You're obviously not paying attention. I want Sony's live service, ESG, PC slop to bomb as hard as humanly possible.
Glad we agree that Sony lost then
My hentai VNs are unironically better than Concord though.
Ah yes, Im totally gonna waste even a second of my life playing this woke slop lols.
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Not only Santa Monica, kek
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I already told you I didn't buy TLOU2.
Meanwhile on PC (You)r games are as gay as (You) want them (unless you don't want to be gay, you get banned from the store for that).
You are so deep in the rabbit hole of competitive online gaming that you do not even realize what it looks like from the outside. "Casuals" do not install online multiplayer games. Casuals play single player games as a general rule.
Guaranteed layoffs, but sadly it won't be the people who most deserve it. Even if the studio is shuttered because of this bomb the people who deserve to be ousted from the industry will fail upwards into new positions to ruin more games.
You just wake up from a coma, boomer?
Casuals love fortnite and LoL.
>I already told you I didn't buy TLOU2
Yea yea but the vast majority of you Snoy faggots do, buying games like Niggerman 2, Stepdad of War, TLOU2, Horizon, all cinematic DEI slop, in the millions
And now you wonder why you got an LGBT hero shooter game?
>Mechanically the game isn’t horrible
Yeah because it's utterly generic. When you copy the most successful games in the genre and polish the gameplay up you can produce something that's very smooth and inoffensive to play. It's how you get World of Warcraft taking from all the MMOs before it and blending their mechanics together into a smooth, bland paste. Except where WoW leaned on a popular brand and IP with an appealing aesthetic, Concord shat its pants and asked if you wanted to smell it.
>holds gun to your head
>"you want THING right?"
>"y-yes I am an ally!"
>"see! Gen z wants THING!"
meanwhile no one buys it given an ounce of freewill without fear of social upheaval really makes you think.
No, they don't. Casuals don't play such games. This is what I mean by you being so deep in competitive gaming you don't even realize how warped your perspetive is. Your definition of "casual" is literally just "less obsessed competitive gamer". You are so entrenched in this competitive gamer mindset that it doesn't even occur to you that the vast majority of gamers today prefer single player games.
>"Casuals" do not install online multiplayer games. Casuals play single player games as a general rule.
Minecraft, LoL, WoW, Valorant, Fortnite, Dead By Daylight, Overwatch, Among Us, Roblox, Sea of Thieves, GTA Online, etc.
You proving him right, you are already too fish to know what air is
Your definition of "competitive" is competing against other people online.
You're retarded.
Is a single player game with optional multiplayer. Most people play it single player, or offline multiplayer.
>all those MOBAs
Are not played by casuals. No casual gamer would EVER install a game where the primary game mode is competitive multiplayer. You simply do not understand casual gamer mindset.
WoW at its height of popularity had a population of casual gamers but they were a minority and moved on after the game ceased being trendy. They mostly hung out in guilds, rarely leveled their characters to max, and in general found the game's RPG mechanics too obtuse to bother with.

I would know, I have several casual gamer friends and these were their experiences with WoW.
>Your definition of "competitive" is competing against other people online.
Yes, that would be the literal definition of "competitive" that we here in the English speaking world use. It must be strange coming up to the surface after so long dwelling in the dark caverns of competitive gaming, but up here ANY kind of PvP is called "competitive", not just the upper echelons of your obsessive cult.
>ost people play it single player, or offline multiplayer.
Holy cope.
>Are not played by casuals. No casual gamer would EVER install a game where the primary game mode is competitive multiplayer. You simply do not understand casual gamer mindset.
And yet those games are literally filled with women.
So per the definition every multiplayer game is "competitive" then? Even co-op games make you compete on rankings.
Anon, most people play minecraft on console as a single or local multiplayer game. You probably don't realize this because you have spent so long playing it with online servers.

>And yet those games are literally filled with women.
This is so opposite of reality I have no idea what to say. It's like you literally come from an alternate dimension.
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The game and characters are ugly but for all the discussion about the dogwater designs I have to admit it: ugly characters alone hasn't stopped me from playing a game before. What DOES stop me is how dysfunctional this game is in actual gameplay. IT DOES NOT WORK AT ALL as a one life round-based game. Admittedly I kinda skimmed the thread but I didn't see that much discussion about this.

Both Concord and CSGO are 5v5 1 life round based games, so it makes sense to compare them. In both games, rounds finish relatively quickly, but
>CSGO: 16 rounds to win
>Concord: 3 rounds to win
>CSGO: buying loadouts nearly instant, 20 second buy time maximum
>Concord: each person selects a hero one at a time, maximum 10 seconds per person, 20 seconds to start playing AT MINIMUM. Rounds can end up taking as long as hero select, and you have to wait that out.
>CSGO: Money restricts loadout
>Concord: You die and you can't play the character again because fuck you
As a result of these, you spend more time just waiting in hero select, waiting in queue, waiting as you run to the conflict as a slow character on a large map, WAAAAAITING, than actually fighting people. It is maddening. If you try this game out (lol, 40 dollars plus tip) PLEASE do not make yourself suffer by playing any gamemode where you don't respawn. They have got to fix that and it's not a good sign one of the main gamemodes is just fundamentally fucked.
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Look at this image, anon >>683816468
It was a leak from that Sony data breach from a while back.
Now look at Sony this year. Is it supposed flops from Arrowhead, Team Ninja or Shift Up getting causing layoffs?
or are all the big goyslop studios getting put on hiatus and gutted. I suspect since there's too much sunken cost
they'll be releasing one live service, PC, Jimbo Slop™ game a year as a tax right off while trying course correct
in this contracting industry with cheaper, more focused projects with better ROI. Stellar Blade will save gaming.
As a side note, why are hero shooters fucking obsessed with preventing you from picking the same hero more than once? End this meme, NOW
>Error: Wine, Proton, and Steam Deck are not supported
I don't play games that discriminate against minorities.
>This is so opposite of reality I have no idea what to say. It's like you literally come from an alternate dimension.
The irony here is insane.
>>So per the definition every multiplayer game is "competitive" then?
No, just the ones where players directly compete against one another, where one set of players "wins" and the other "loses" by design, and there is no other way to interact. League is, as I mentioned, the perfect poster child of competitive online gaming. It is built entirely around competitive team games with any other type of game mode being tacked on at best.

Casuals who get badgered into trying League of Legends by friends would probably only play against bots, but given how boring an experience that is, would likely lose interest after a couple days. They'd absolutely never actually try to play normals, let alone ranked, or any other game mode where they have to face other people.
tfw I've been playing this and getting raped by storm and black panther players every time I play a healer
when i watched the trailer i was thinking it was some Marvel slop but a few days ago i found out its an original IP

did Sony try to get the Marvel onions audience with that artstyle?
There's no irony, you're simply utterly deluded. You come from some alternate world where a majority of competitive online games are played by women. This is so counter-factual that you must literally be schizophrenic to believe it.
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This is not how most people define competitive gaming.
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>make game nobody asked for
>surprised nobody wants it

It's all so tiring
>You come from some alternate world where a majority of competitive online games are played by women
I never said anything even remotely similar to that. Just goes to show that YOU are the schizophrenic here, considering that you are literally making things up in your own mind.
Actually it is. Again: you are part of a relatively small subculture where "competitive" is shorthand for "professional competitive gamer". Out here in the normal world, "competitive" just means "competitive".
Maybe he thinks trannies are women
Actually it's not. I highly doubt that most people playing LoL would describe themselves as competitive gamers.
>are literally filled with women.
anon.. I got scary news for you
>I never said anything even remotely similar to tha
See >>683819956
>And yet those games are literally filled with women.
Why lie? You literally claimed these games are "filled with women" when it is demonstrably false. In fact it's so overwhelmingly provably false that the only way you could say something so absurd is if you were divorced from reality by a psychotic break.
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Grim. Imagine tellling someone 20 years ago that this is what Sony would become.
> In fact it's so overwhelmingly provably false
Go ahead and prove it then, schizo.
>I highly doubt the people deep in the competitive gaming sand trap would call themselves competitive
Yes, and I bet the people part of the cult don't think of themselves as cultists either.
The entire LoL playerbase is a cult now?
Has anyone ever played in a single online match / raid / party where a majority of their teammates were women? I open this question to the rest of the thread. Anyone at all? Ever found yourself in a server where men were the minority? Or even with a 50/50 gender split? How about guilds? A party of 5 with 2 girls on a regular basis?

I've been playing online for 25 years and it's literally never happened across the dozens of online games I've played. I've never heard anyone claiming to have it happen to them either.
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>holds gun to your head
>"you want THING right?"
>"y-yes I am an ally!"
You admitted it.
>"see! Gen z wants THING!"
You play the slop by choice. I don't give a shit if your friends play it, they're faggots. Get new friends.
Essentially, and you're doing a fantastic job of proving it by being totally incapable of understanding a viewpoint outside your own.
>Has anyone ever played in a single online match / raid / party where a majority of their teammates were women?
Yes. It happens all the time in Dead by Daylight, one of the examples I already gave you.

>Or even with a 50/50 gender split?
Yes, this has happened in Overwatch.

>A party of 5 with 2 girls on a regular basis?
Yes, this happens regularly in low ranks in LoL. There's 10 players and in total and it's not even unusual that there's 2 females in the match.
I ignored sony altogether for putting that psn shit on PC
Maybe it's companies like Blackrock that are getting scammed by hack developers. At this point I'm ready to believe anything.
Tell that to Vanillaware
I don't play multiplayer games except for fortnite because that's the only game my non-gamer friend will play.
Would you rather play as Starlord or a Guardians of the Galaxy background character?

Looks gay just from the pic alone. People havr grown tired of faggotry.
I'd scam them too
EGS as well
if they're willing to piss away money on any shit game that ticks their boxes they deserve to receive garbage in exchange for their investment
But anon, your position is that everyone that disagrees with you is a cultist.
seems like a cool game
i want to play it
There's something poetic about how smug and passive aggressive a name like "Sign of the times is" in a universally panned failure of a game lol
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>>whites must acknowledge their privileged position
>>If we don't we're complicit
That makes it sound like white people are criminals and have to confens they're crimes
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>You Fucking assholes! Give this game a Fucking chance!
The game already had it's chances and it fuck up by Catering to woke politics how many times to we have to teach you the same lesson old (tranny/queer) Wokeness doesn't pay
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>You can make black and ugly and make it cool at the same time, pic related.
Nah, Spawn woke now doesn't count
Would have bought it if it was a solo adventure experience, not that trash
They had Season 1 complete and ready before launch, since the base game was delayed. As for this and any future seasons, I imagine it's because 3 people purchased the deluxe edition which entitles you to future battle passes
doesnt look interesting, and you want me to pay for it to begin with?
>Looks nice
50% of indie games that come out nowadays are some cutesy meme shit with a animal that relies on soifacing redditors to make it popular
>Hehe LE CATO hehehe
Gtfo outta here with this shit and stop making them so popular they get Console releases and start littering gamepass. Another Crabs Treasure is literally the only good one
By doing something marginally interesting
Comic fans and movie fans alike can boot up Rivals and play as spiderman dunking on Dr Strange
For nerds outside of marvels influence, it looks like OW but with even more off the wall abilities bc some of them are straight up magic or gods

With OW2 being such a disaster, a hero shooter with strong characters had a high chance of success
Nice attempt Xrs.Shill.
Why hasn't this been cancelled like Hyenas was?
It's pure cope and denial to keep it running by now.
Sega could not afford to lose the money they would have burnt on Hyenas. Sony thinks they can, but I wouldn't be surprised if the flop leads to a financial collapse like what Microsoft is going through after the Activision/Blizzard buyout.
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>no white men
No thank you.
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علاوي حبيب قلبي ابو حسين انا خادمكم الصغير
>literal nigger faggots
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It's funny you dont see people hating on Sony much despite being the biggest investors in DEI and India and all the things that /v/ hates. Also Destruction all stars which is the other woke racing game is also a playstation exclusive.
another woketard flop
many such cases
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post nose
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stop spamming 4chins with this shit game snoy jewfag marketers, it's not working the way you anticipated it would
it's homoglobo propaganda you deepthroat addict
>Steam, the number-one storef--

Stopped reading there. Article lies.
no one is wishlisting concord cause its not being advertised AT ALL and its just another team shooter coming out during a decade FULL of team shooters. its a perfectly ok game but when you can get your fix with OW2 or TF2 why spend 40 dollars on a game you can't even convince your friends to buy?
I don't want to make a PSN account. The last playstation consoles I own was the PS3.
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>me watching PC*cks and snoys fight over who is the gayest
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black women can be cool too
and by cool i mean sexy as fuck
>black women can be sexy but they have to have white facial feature
That's his wife. You know, the one he sacrificed everything to cure of an incurable disease? That's her.
It's not about the money.
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some people think that but i don't agree
i like my chocolate kweens the way they are
>post another nigger with white facial features this time the monkey has colored contact lens to mimic european eyes and dyed blond hair
uh huh sure keep telling yourself that
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stop crying honky
and white hair.
>post a darker monkey but this time they don't have as much white features
lmao at least you're trying
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i'm honestly just not into phrenology/anthropology/physiognomy/racism/whatever the fuck polchuds are obsessed about
i don't know which features you count as "white"
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>claims to like black women
>only has pictures of said women with white features and none with non white features
>pretends that he doesn't care when the pictures he post show the exact opposite
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are you gonna name any "white features"?
cause they look african to me
a woman with white features and dark skin would be an Indian woman
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They should put extreme or ridiculously graphic gore to save this type of games in the future

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