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Why exactly haven't you finished La-Mulana yet?
it insists upon itself
Good games that don't insist upon themselves?
Shit graphics even for a small production like this one, and shit gameplay
If you're going to bait angry replies can you at least come up with something a bit more creative?
>he can't appreciate high quality pixel art
Just because I enjoy vidya doesn't mean I'm good at it
i already beat it per se
i also beat 2
i havent beaten the msx version because it insists upon itself
I played 2 first and dont want to go back.
>plays game that obviously expects you to have played the first game
You're always going to miss out
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I'm fucking sick of metro ass holes
>oh it's a fucking platformer with gimped ass controls but you get to fucking BACKTRACK through the SAME HALLWAY over and over again and there's a boss and you just stand in this one spot where you can hit them and they can't hit you and once you beat the boss all of these useless incremental upgrades locked behind this wall that was once confusing and impossible to access is now accessible and just hidden a little bit and don't worry you're not going the right way but there's totally this cool hidden easter egg down this really difficult path hahaha by the way I hope you like retro because everything is blocky pixels and even though it relies heavily on modern technology it imitates things from 1990 just like good old times except for the sprite count and parallax scrolling and actual techniques used for CRT monitors also it sound like 8 bit sound because that makes it easier and even though nothing warrants making the sound so grating it's both easy and gives you nostalgia if you forget it wasn't made after the ps3 was released
>muh backtracking
any platformer worth shit will be hard enough to kick your ass back to the beginning of the stage, which in essence is backtracking.
Your post would make a lot more sense if the original La-Mulana didn't come out in 2005 and does a way better job of being an MSX homage than all the shit you're complaining about. Also the real challenge of La-Mulana is finding out how to make progress in the ruins.
I can't play shit like Axiom Verge or Odallus anymore. It's just tedious. I could play Hollow Knight again because it has a good looking environment. Salt and Sanctuary is playable too. Games need something appealing in them and the fake 1990 stuff just feels lazy to me. At least somewhat modern 2d games look really good now.
I also played a lot of Super Meat Boy so there's no more joy in platforming for me. 2d platforming is just comically fucking easy
>oh wow you have to down attack to bounce on this shit well I can do this all day while it moves and there's enemies flying at me. tell me when it gets difficult
La-Mulana is a game where you're trying to explore ancient ruins by making sense of all the writing by slowly putting together all the hints. You don't get the game if you think the most challenging part is jumping over spikes or killing bats. Yes, that is part of the game as well but that's not the main focus. The appealing part is the progress you make when you finally get what you have to do. Axiom Verge is a bad joke compared to it. Also the game even has a rvery well-made remake specifically for people like you who can't be bothered to look at the MSX graphics.
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I remember playing the original La-Mulana back in 2010.
Shit was too hard, gave up near the end, I was basically following DeceasedCrab's playthrough at that point anyway, no point continuing since I wasn't figuring things out on my own.
I liked that La Mulana 2 felt faithful to the original while having marginally better hints that mean you'll most likely never have to use a guide.
Btw does anyone know how to make the original work on modern OS'?
too proud to look up a guide
too tired to fuck around with the mantra bullshit
post music you think is underrated: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvbB5szakLU
love the ancient chaos theme but never really see anyone mention it.
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I was literally singing this to myself just from reading this thread before you posted it.
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skill issue
I could give you vague non-spoiler hints if you really don't want to look up anything but still want a small nudge in the right direction.
I like the concept, the gameplay is fun, it's got charm. But I didn't like the puzzles and I don't want to use a guide so I stopped playing it.
Have you tried the dgVoodoo2 fix? https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/La-Mulana_(2006)#Increase_rendering_resolution
had a real earworm from this while playing lm2
But I have
Mantra puzzles.
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but i already finished both games
i still have my la-mulana 2 excel file on my desktop
Why did you keep Lau-Mulana notes for La-Mulana?
la-mulana 1's mantra puzzle mindbroke me so i mapped every single detail on la-mulana 2 just in case
I think you misunderstood,. I just pointed out the Lau-Mulana spelling.
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I did 2 before 1 for some reason and agree that the game is significantly easier to figure everything out than 1 is. I barely managed 2 without looking anything up and even experienced from doing 2 first 1 filtered me at points
2 has a better translation than 1 so that is probably a big factor as well. Definitely think some of the harder parts of 1 wouldn't be quite as hard with a more suitable translation.
I ended up random warping from Eternal Prison to Ancient Chaos having never dicovered it before. I was like WHAT IS HAPPENING WHERE IS THIS EVERYTHING IS ON FIRE OH MY GOD and then a wallneck instantly crushed me. Spent the next 10 hours trying to replicate the warp, which enver happened.
for me, it's the twin labyrinths track
I haven't played it because the art style and overall concept (Indiana Jones without Jones) look like shit.
The concept isn't Indiana Jones without Jones, the concept it Indiana Jones but YOU'RE Jones and you also don't have prior knowledge of the history you gotta figure the history out in tandem with encountering the puzzles that require it
I did, 5 times if you count the original.
Which is why I'm not replying to this thread.
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You didn't beat the game.
I don't think you can even find any useful answers for anything on this piece of shit website anymore. The only thing still usable is Google Maps
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I did another 1 finger run last week just because I felt like it and didn't have the PC achievement. It really sucks PC never got the retry at boss ankh update the console port got but since I did it before everything took me less attempts.
Which were the hardest bosses?
Mother hands down, then Baphomet's actually a bit harder than the others, Sakit is third hardest surprisingly then everything else is easy enough. Might take some people awhile to be used to Tiamat but the other early game bosses you can accumulate the Axe + damage upgrade app combo for it and over half the HP upgrades and basically brute force them. Sakit's phase 2 fire jet on his arm is some real shit and is probably the most RNG in out of all of them since he can just stand full screen which ruins most opening. Palenque and Viy can basically be damage raced if you know what to do.
i have tho
I don't care for sidescrollers or metroidvania but I want to play it on the basis of its reputation as secret hidden puzzles impossible without a guide, is there an equivalent in 3D?
I don't want to guide read.
You don't have to. Read the manual, keep proper notes and pay close attention to absolutely every single detail and tablet and you shouldn't have to look up that much if you're willing to put in the hours. I think a lot of people are just used to making constant progress from all these piss-easy 2D games where it's always blatantly clear where you have to go next after aquiring a power-up.

I admit that bend a knee and the pipewarp drove me crazy however
impressive, good stuff

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