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>go on /v/
>nonstop crying about the boss difficulty
>watch let's plays on YouTube
>crying about the boss difficulty
>check steam reviews
>more crying about boss difficulty
>check critic reviews
>high scores and no whining
What's the deal with this? Did the average gamer's skill really degrade to the point of being worse than game journalists?
I don't get it.
Not a single boss was harder than Maliketh.
No boss was even slightly on par with Malenia.
Radagon was stronger and harder to dodge than anyone in the DLC.
Why are people complaining about difficulty?
Radahn is harder than Malenia
It's too empty to be a big as it is.
It could be half the size and keep the exact same bosses and have been a better product.
Running through empty fields to find Hefty Beast Bones x4 and Smithing Stone (1) x6 is borderline insulting to the player's time.
Only the final boss game me a big problem.
DLC is super easy if you did the main game 100 percent.
Seems like critics actually used all the tools the devs gave them to beat the game.
The difficulty really drops when you stop being an elitist and use summons
>let me just spout off some retarded shit. I will surely be seen as a cool guy as my contrarian views are unique and interesting
I don't think you even have to summon, just use buffs, a physick that makes sense, actually think about your talisman loadout and the difficulty drops dramatically. Most people just try to bruteforce things with rolls and jumping attacks then get mad when it doesn't get them a free win.
And God forbid they use a shield.
What's a good Dagger with Bleed to combine with Reduvia?
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A second Reduvia.
Not at all. Any damage you deal to Radahn sticks while Malenia just recovers life while being a Sekiro boss.
I genuinely don't get it. Went to the DLC expecting to get my ass beat but the hardest boss there was a random ass Death Knight.
Yes but that requires NG+, I want something for a normal run
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>have trouble with placidusax
>put on firedrake and thunderdrake talismans
>he now does half the damage
Its that ez.
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No, it requires a friend spending 10 minutes to make a new character and kill Nerijus so he can drop it for you.
10 minutes.

You do have friends, right anon?
Not him but most bosses besides Radahn were way easier than /v/ said they were. There was nonstop crying about the dancing lion just for me to beat it first try.
Journalists don't play games
The healing is pretty negligible if you're not facetanking
You obviously summoned so who cares what you think
I mean you're only partially right but fact is most people haven't played it in 2 years and forgot that it's actually pretty tricky as games go. Not to mention their weapons likely being nerfed since they last played
Journalists only spend a few hours on a game before giving it a review.
You say that like people weren't crying about Lion and Rellana for days
off topic question, did they nerf mohg for the dlc? I just breezed past him today even though he was the hardest fight for me on 1st playthrough. I solo'd malenia but had to mimic tear to beat this guy back then.
I just want to attack with dual daggers rather than just spam Reduvia AoW desu, otherwise I might as well just use a single weapon
Did you have the same build both times?
journalists are npcs. they see people love fromslop because they are hard so when they get to play the dlc first, they blindly praise how hard it is.
no, my first build was all defense with a claymore, and this new one is more damage output focused with a milady (I gave myself the weapon to start the playthrough).
So, there's your answer.
Different timings, different damage output. Totally different experience.
Zoomers suck at video games.
Certain people have tricked themselves into believing that the game is designed to be played naked with a sharpened piece of glass and a rusty spade. They've fully convinced themselves that using one of 150 items that exist in the game is cheating, and that anything they personally cannot beat without using them is too hard.
I beat DLC Radahn with a colossal sword and no coop or ashes. It's not that hard. Took me maybe 25 minutes. If you struggle to do that, it's okay that you suck, just use your ashes. There are like 70 ashes or some shit for you to choose from. You may never be as good as me, someone who is just marginally above average, but this is an anonymous image board and nobody will ever know who you are in any other thread ever made.
I honestly don't understand how you can find Malenia harder than Radahn. Did you cheese him with a greatshield by any chance?
If you genually beat him in 25 minutes, not using a summon or cheesing him, you're quite a bit above average. I've watched several livestreams of speed/ no-hit runners fight Radahn on release, and it took them on average about 5-6 hours to beat him for the first time.
/v/ is infested with casuals these days.
Get Misericorde for the crits
it's pretty simple
>humanoid bosses (unmounted)
>beasts/dragons/whatever else
>Using a shield is cheesing
In this case, it is. It's literally hundreds of times harder to fight him with any other build. Blame the devs for the oversight.
He's extremely fair, other than the instagib 2nd grab.
What did people have trouble with? Malenia had waterfoul, a horrendous grab, super quick hits out of nowhere, camera fuckery, huge hp pool, scarlet rot, lifesteal.
Radahn had... fast slashes... and over animated big swings and light magic...
You know you can block with 2handed weapons too right? It's not an oversight to have you use the game's mechanics. Unless you exclusively dual wield different weapons there's no reason not to block at all given guard counters are strong and it's just better than trading hits.
If more people tried parrying the bosses we would have so much less crying about difficulty.
but isn't parrying schizo tier?
In that all bosses always have some counter intuitive attacks that you can't parry anyways
Kinda like what you can and CAN'T jump over
He has an attack that's impossible to dodge outside using specific talismans that increase all damage you take. He has way more aggression than Malenia, is way more tanky with much higher poise, has delayed attacks and roll catches out the wazoo. In phase 2 he fills the screen with obnoxious light that if clips you combos into his other attacks while simultaneously blinding you and tanking your fps.

Malenia has waterfoul (which admittedly is BS ) and that's it. Her other attacks are easy to dodge. Her scarlet rot, life steal don't really matter because you shouldn't be getting hit much outside of waterfoul. Although waterfoul is worse than any of Radahn's gimmicks he is on average is much harder overall. Hell even waterfoul isn't really that bad because It's pretty predictable when she's gonna use it.
Sure but it's not hard to learn which are parryable and not. Most of Radahn and Rellana's attacks can be parried pretty easily. Feels better than just putting on the heaviest gear in the game and poking them to death too.
>is way more tanky
stopped reading there
I'm not talking about blocking the occasionally attack. I'm talking about respecing into endurance, using a Fingerprint greatshield and literary just standing still shield poking with something that inflicts bleed, rot, or frostbite. It's completely braindead, but trivializes Radahn.
The discord, you already know. They target specific games and shitpost. Picrel explains it.
>Malenia poise: 80
>Radahn: 120
The two dagger fire knights are harder to dodge than anything in the base game.
You probably played a mage build and cheesed everything.
She has way more HP if you adjust for Scadutree Blessing AND she heals (33k for Malenia vs 22.5k for Radahn)
>but muh negations
At best she's tied with him for effective HP but she still heals with every hit.
reviewers gave it a high score so they wouldn't get treated like the Eurogamer woman by the psycho Fromsloppers
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He also has much better resistances other than scarlet rot.
Reviews gave it a high score because it's an amazing game.
Also True
Tools mean easy mode aka summons
I agree that journalists these days are better than your average gamer but you have to be a fool to not believe majority of them used summons.
Thats what is called bad boss design, this is why the opinions on this DLC are all over the place.
>has delayed attacks and roll catches out the wazoo
lol what??
He has a single 'delayed' attack, literally I was thinking as I was going through the fight that Radahn's animations and attacks actually flow pretty well with what you expect the timings to be
Meanwhile Malenia has the one delayed attack Radahn has on top of multiple instances of 'hanging in the air for multiple seconds before zooming towards you at sonic speed' AND she gains multiple more of those attacks in phase 2
>he fills the screen with obnoxious light
The biggest meme tier complaint
EVERY boss has visual clutter, so does Malenia, get a new thing to cry about, Radahn's isn't even as bad as shit like Mohg priming a charge behind his own explosions or Midra bullshitting you with his lasers after his nuke
>opinions on this DLC are all over the place
They're not though. Only crybabies on /v/ are complaining about it because they're contrarians or trolls.
Fromsoft fans are rabid weirdos and critics give them high scores irregardless of their true feelings. Even Armored Snore 6 got treated with soft gloves.
>implying journos even beat the game
That's not even /v/ that's the discord trying to shift opinion.
/v/ loves elden ring
the sole bullshit thing that has plague souls like games is

>i take a swing that just barely clips the wall and it completely stops my attack
>enemy takes a swing that phases through the wall completely and hits me

that is the only thing which is and will always be bullshit
That isnt really an issue.
>He has a single 'delayed' attack
He has at least 4 and 2 of them are alternative branches from other combos.
Malania only has one combo like that. All her 'hanging in the air attacks' (other than waterfoul) can be dodged by panic rolling. You try anything like that against Radahn, and you're gonna get roll caught every time.
>EVERY boss has visual clutter
True, but Radhan phase 2 is probably the worst and certainly worse than Malania who doesn't really suffer much from visual clutter.
neither did most of /v/
>He has at least 4 and 2 of them are alternative branches from other combos
nope. it is ONE fucking combo. the one that doesn't end in a ground slam. he can occasionally do a double handed swing at the end of it that's delayed and leads into a supersonic swing. other than that almost all of his animations can be reacted to on sight.
malenia has
>her jump and thrust
>her prosthesis three-hit attack
>her 'rush towards you and upswing'
>almost all of her jumping attacks, which she adds a ton of in phase 2 (and you can't dodge these with panic rolling due to how ridiculous the tracking is)
>her flower clones have deliberately delayed timing towards the end to fuck with you

>True, but Radhan phase 2 is probably the worst
not even close. radahn doesn't obscure a single attack behind the holy AoEs if you're playing well. midra, mohg, astel, even fucking rennala will all do this.
the holy AoEs also start AFTER he does an attack, so as long as you're watching what he's doing, you can't be caught offguard.
radahn is just bigger and stronger than some other bosses that have visual clutter. it barely effects you if you know what you're doing.
Radhan to me was not harder than Malenia
>S-Shield user!
Nope, used MLGS, sorry swetty
>B-But he's a combo flowchart!
His combos are not complex, are you so sub IQ you can't just read what he's about to do? His combos are easy to read and only maybe two of them can extend
>B-But his light AOE in phase 2!
Just stay right up to his ass and it doesn't hit you
>>her jump and thrust
>>her prosthesis three-hit attack
>>her 'rush towards you and upswing'
>>almost all of her jumping attacks, which she adds a ton of in phase 2 (and you can't dodge these with panic rolling due to how ridiculous the tracking is)
>>her flower clones have deliberately delayed timing towards the end to fuck with
All those attacks are piss easy to dodge mate. And you can panic roll them because they're not designed to roll catch. The timing is pretty generous, so you can get lucky by spamming the roll button (this almost never works against Radahn). Her only attack that she can mix up (the three rapid hit one) isn't really a mixup as both versions can be dodge rolling behind her with the same timing.
Ok, but Malenia certainly isn't harder than Radhan.
There're always these retards on /v/ but I think the reason why there are more shitposting on the DLC than in the base game is because not only the normal players but even most of the soulsfags aren't able to beat Radahn or any of the bosses in the DLC without cheese or summons. They are the ones who are unironically shitposting 'gitgud' before and now they shifted to shitflinging.
>inb4 you are a soulsfag and you beat Radahn
Say that to the other soulsfags screeching this past month who even argued how 'unfair' or ' having nonstop combo' Radahn is even though Malenia is harder both by playing normally or with cheese.
Still harder than Malenia
>when you stop being an elitist and use summons
You are making up scenarios in your head and >implying
I don't care if you think they're easy to dodge or not. They're all delayed attacks with fucked timings where you have to internalize the timing of when the attack comes rather than watching the animation. Malenia objectively has more of those than Radahn. That was what was argued >>683752481 don't shift goalposts nigger

Nearly all of Radahn's attacks are easy to dodge if you're not a retard btw
I care.
>impossible to dodge
why do you go on the internet and tell lies?
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>Fine Crucible Feather Talisman
How do you not understand? Talking down a Fromsoft game makes you look inexperienced or look like you have bad taste.
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I'm still playing through right now because I didn't have time last month, but I don't really get it either and was nervous about it hearing from people. I was doing a pretty standard STR/FTH build and respec'd to STR/ARC when I found the Ancient Meteoric Greatsword. I'm hoarding Scadu Fragments because I have not felt the need to use them very often.
Dancing Lion - 1st try
Rellana - 1st try
Putrescent Knight - about 10 tries. My favorite in the DLC so far
Gold Hippo - 3rd try
Messmer - kinda tough. Took about 25-30 minutes.
Gaius - 2nd try
Metyr - 3rd try
Currently at Ruah at 9. I dunno maybe Bayle and Radahn will filter me.
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Don't know if it has been a common opinion but Messmer's 2nd phase was far easier.
Also here was a funny time when a messaged got appraised 1 second too late and would have saved me.
neither does /v faggots. aside chink gatcha shits of course.
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For once game journalists are smart and use summon and all recurses avaliable for them the average gamer that get into elden ring is a retard trying to prove to their friends that they're cool and hard-core gamers beating the bosses on a lucky run after 1000 runs without summon and ashes of war
imagine defending game journalists

>on a lucky run after 1000 runs without summon and ashes of war
imagine being this much of a shitter
>Every review gives a 10/10 despite having several noticeable flaws
See? Fromsoft can do no wrong, another perfect game.
>One reviewer gives a 7/10
You should fucking kill yourself. Git gud, you don't understand the game, attention seeking whore.
None of the DLC bosses are that difficult. Or maybe it's more accurate to say that they're difficult, but none of them are bullshit in the way that Malenia is thanks to waterfowl dance defining her fight. The closest the DLC comes to being bullshit is Gaius's charge and phase 2 of Radahn nuking people's GPUs (but the fight itself is fine).

What happened is that Elden Ring is extremely accessible and attracted millions of new players. Spirit ashes are a designated easy mode that make players less likely to learn both basic and more complex mechanics. As is the case for all FromSoft games, difficulty isn't demarcated by an arbitrary difficulty option, but determined by the sum total of the player's decisions, for which they are responsible: how much they leveled, how much they upgraded their weapon, whether they upgraded their armor in DS1, whether they summoned NPCs or other players, whether those players were password summoned, whether they used magic in DeS, etc. The result is that a lot of players beat the game without learning how to play the game. Maybe they used spirit ashes. Maybe they used blasphemous blade and pressed L2 over and over. It doesn't really matter exactly what they did. In one way or another, they deprived themselves of the experience of struggling and learning, so that the next dungeon, enemy, or boss would be less of a struggle.

Because the game doesn't demarcate easy mode as easy mode, no one wants to admit that they beat the game with an asterisk. It's entirely possible to beat Elden Ring without ever learning how to play the game. The DLC bosses expect that you learned the lessons the base game is designed to teach you, and include a few new ones, too. They're also slightly more resistant to what worked in the base game. People just kind of lobotomized themselves into casuals and the DLC is a reality check.

I found his second phase easier as well
I beat maliketh my first try because the first hit stance broke him and I got in a massive confidence zone
I've fought the dancing lion for an hour now and I do not understand when I'm supposed to hit him
there are multiple problems with elden ring and its DLC but 'WAAAAAAAAH BOSSES TOO HARD' isn't one of them and has never been one
it's easier to put up the victim complex though, I understand
it isn't a problem the vast majority of the time until you are in an intense fight and you get hit, not even if it's a hit that kills you but a situation where you should have hit and stunned them but they just hit you.
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>his attacks where he swings his head around are difficult to see due to the camera, but they do actually have openings
but those don't matter, his big openings are:
>his gap closer where he dashes forward
>his gap closer where he jumps forward
>his move where he falls down after rearing up (you can strafe this on any form except storm)
>his big combo where he does two attacks in the air, smashes his head into the ground, and then rears up for a single breath spin
>his big combo where he rears up and does three breath spins
Just learning how to punish 2-3 of these will win you the fight
praise the scarlet rot!
thanks! I'm using the grafted greatsword and a medium shield
it just feels like I don't have enough recovery from doing a charged attack to not get chomped and knocked down immediately after
just can't consistently stance break him
I also can't figure out why sometimes he cocks his head which is a good opening but he rarely does it
the new things he gets in 2nd phase actually make it worse for him. he plucks his eyeball for no reason.
Yeah, I haven't figure out him fixing his jaw either. I thought there was a trigger at first, but I still don't know. If you have trouble stancing breaking him with a colossal weapon, throw some throwing dagger on your item bar and just tap him if you ever go more than 6 seconds without a hit, it'll reset his stance damage regenerating.
Game journos are just the only ones who didn't gaslight themselves into not using spirit summons or more defense-oriented builds or leveling past 150 or whatever
oh I didn't know that, I was considering having some fire pots for when he's recovering at a distance
Journalists are afraid to do anything but give From souls games high scores and blanket praise after Dark Souls took the industry by storm. And the issue is they were bad at those games, but knew they couldn't let their skill level dictate the scores they gave. All the journalists who just gave the dlc super high marks without playing for more than a few hours then called it a day.
It's all bullshit and they are lying, it's obvious.
Not played the DLC but wondering..
If the Elden Beast arrived to the lands between as a star, crashed through Farum Azula and created the giant impact crater in the middle of the map which is now a sea..
Does that mean the realm in the DLC is a ghost of that landmass?
Or is it just a twisted version of the lands between? I see an alternate Mt Gelmir there
Why would I not use a shield
It adds one more thing to negate damage, making the experience more fun than rolling upwards of 150 times in a fight.
ultimately the game seems to expect you to be weapon/magic on the offhand, shields are often an after thought either being useless or allowing you to just big dick your way though anything.

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