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I love hermes
cringe ass dead game
>and that tweet from a literal proves it

holy fuck you're desperate
but enough about WoW
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Lalas won
The STONKS haven't slowed down thi8s entire expansion so far.
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Green Mage when?
wowfags are so desperate to push their tranny shit on this game
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Wicked Thunder is dying RIGHT FUCKING NOW btw.
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>people thought Krile was going to be a Green Mage
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Zoomers are retarded enough to think that 4chan and Twitter represent reality.
90% of Twitter is bots reinforcing [The Narrative] to brainwash people.
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I'm fine with Picto, it's inspired by prior FF games and is creative and fun to play.
Couldn't she have just gotten another job
>participating in any activity that requires out of game coordination or tools, whether it actually does or the community thinks it does

couldn't be me
Boomers are retarded enough to think that 4chan represents reality.
90% of 4chan is bots reinforcing [The Counter-Narrative] to brainwash people.
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>hotshot gnb or drk "tanking"
>feels like i'm healing a wet toilet paper
>insist on using their retard skills when it's completely unnecessary
>meanwhile the average war or pld hardly needs healing past instant casts
Why don't you play a real tank you retards
Clear Baldesion Arsenal without being on that shitty discord.
What are "retard skills"
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Healing is your job. You are not a green DPS.
I mentioned 4chan in my post too but your retarded zoomer brain has been fried by tiktok and now you have no reading comprehension or attention span.
its a 50/50 at this point. expansion weeks are always a good time but my friend group has whittled down enough that we can't even make a full party any more.

still on the fence about delves, but warbands is a fantastic idea. just give me a 'skip cutscene' option. i dont want to have to suffer through a 'character tours around the city and exposits' quest that began with khadgar in tbc
Tanking is your job. You are not a blue DPS.
Stop using your retard skills.
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Thicc Pink
Surprised this wasn't an emote.
ya know, i have to respect the fact that you put your bussy up as stakes for the argument. makes the show that much better
As a GNB, it is in fact my job to use Superbolide to keep you on your toes. Wake up, wannabe DPS.
BEAST tribe quest in 7.2 look forward to it
What are "retard skills"
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post your Warrior of Lamat
>Superbolides you
as a scab healer, queues are still instant and there are myriad groups on PF that have two empty green slots
I'm not looking forward to any beast tribes from this shitty expansion, except maybe the Pelupelu if romancing Mablu is part of the questline.
Stop using your retard skills
>BEAST tribe quest

umm excuse me but that was changed you bigot
Heal, healer.
someone's butthurt they got aurora'd
You still did not clarify which. Nothing in either of those tank kits increases damage taken.
I do, that's why you stop using your retard skills
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You are not a green DPS.
No, I shall continue to use Superbolide if I catch you slacking.
>i stop using my mits
>doesn't increase damage taken
Standin shit in the new raid are powerful dots (18k a tick for 15 seconds or so) but no damage down

this means that parsing is now going to require healers covering for your greed. which means higher parses will require even more stacking. i don't like the direction thats going
so with the reception to Wuk and now the strike she is 100% getting Lyse'd right?
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>not a blue DPS
Being Blue Dps IS HOW YOU TANK.
Being green DPS is how you heal
why the fuck did youtube recommend this to me?
She will hog the light in 7.1 but will vanish for 7.2
>at least I feel I know you
>all of you

bruh you've known this fucking AI for like 3 hours
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smartest post in the thread

i'm relieved that i can go away for a few hours and someone will bear the torch for me
Normal modes don't give damage down even when Savage does.
Its hard to tell them apart from highlanders and roes. all the talls look the same to me anyway
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I can't believe you people still haven't used a FREE fantasia just to stop being bigger
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Probably a long fucking time if ever, picto kinda took its spot, best case scenario at the absolute minimum you're waiting 4+ years.
Let's look at the next dps job.
>Has to be Ranged phys
>More likely than not will be from Limsa as Ul'dah and Gridania both got jobs this expansion and they alternate them.
>Next expansion is most likely Meracydia and/or the treasure islands Emet mentioned.

Unless Yoshi decides he HAS to bring half assed "original" jobs again that are just old jobs but renamed, the only things left are Corsair or Blitzball (lol).
>fags aren't faithful and cheat
it's almost like love doesn't exist between 2 men and it's all sexual gratification
No it isn't. In fact, healers who focus more on DPS are the reason partied wipe. Tighten up your bait.
Cope, trooner.
You sound like a shit tank
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go back to your lgbtbbq beach chairs and gay dragons
Literally the single most evil and arbitrarily spiteful fucker in the entire game. I'm glad his soul was banished to super hell. The bird deserved it too, though.
You will never be a woman. You will never be cute. You will never find the validation you seek here.
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They should have got Jim Ross to voice the Arcadion announcer.
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Your lala is twice as cute after the graphics update
I think it's because your eyes stand out more
Tighten up your bait.
That’s really fucking hard and that anon is retarded because guilds I been in used mumble to coordinate.
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There's a severe rise of retards thinking the WoL and gang commited genocide at the Living Memory Zone
Did everybody just fucking forget that the Endless are just simulacrums of people's memories and can ONLY being kept alive by souls? And Sphene was willing to fucking genocide on other worlds to sustain them?
How are we suddenly the assholes now!?
Deflecting to another shitty game won't change the fact that ffxiv is a tranny and faggot hug box.
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good bait
>I take more damage as tank instead of using my mitigation
>uhhhh you healers don't heal enough
If I run out of mits it's DPS fault for being slow. Now heal up.
That or CHM.
All furry races should hang
A lot of people also thought Emet and Venat committed genocide.
Mystic Knight
so is /v/
what's your point
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99% chance it will be a gathering/crafting tribe questline, we still have to fix this
>That’s really fucking hard
That's the point, that discord is the only way you're clearing Baldesion Arsenal.
Dont forget they're all fine with vanishing, the ones who remain are those who dont want to leave until they finish whatever task they had at the moment.
You cant even unlock expert without knowing that
You sound like a shit healer

>tanks job is literally to take most of the focus, aggro and damage from the bosses
>when that happens the dps are free to do what ever the fuck they want, just make sure to pay attention to mechanics.
>all the healers have to really focus on is the tank who's gonna be taking damage no matter what. Literally the healer's only one main job
>"Wtf tank why do I have to keep healing you!?"
>t. Shit tank that recognized themselves
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This is too fucking obvious now
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You know what I hate? Everyone including the writers thinking WOL is a super human demi-god. I mean sure he is extremely powerful, but he still just a person. I do not doubt for a second there exist people in the source that are just regular people with talents and hard work stronger then our wol. People born with extreme talent or have skills we don't have. Instead the writers keep going down the road of "WOL IS A SUPER HUMAN, NOBODY CAN CHALLENGE HIM". I want wol to meet a truly talented person, a person blessed with bountiful aether and talented to use them. No I don't mean retarded ascians with infinity aether unable to use it to it full potential but someone with true talent.

I want gojo saturou person, I want a person who fully believe in their own capabilities and defeat fucking wol and not in a bullshit way renjit did or zenos did in stormblood and shb. I want a duty where if boss have less then 30% he just keep spamming aoes and wide raid damage. Basically I want to fight someone where we just lose and literally met our match. Perhaps hes evil or just a enemy turning into friend once we find the real villain of the expansion. Also can someone for the LOVE of god fucking break azem crystal, even if it gets repaired next patch, I want the "oh shit he just broke the crystal while we summoned our friend to fight him him in a trial".

>stop treating wol like a nuclear warrior god that can solo anything. He is just a extreme talented individual blessed with good amount of aether and has the talent to use his aether pool to the maximum.
tighten up your bait
>can ONLY being kept alive by souls? And Sphene was willing to fucking genocide on other worlds to sustain them?
Anon, that's irrelevant to it being genocide. Us vs. them is justified, but it's still genocide.
all me
My 1st Baldesion Arsenal clear in JP was with a public group
>make up my own scenario that never happens
Mystic Knight tank and Corsair ranged DPS, go ahead and lock it in now.l
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Theyve already said multiple times theyve tried to do chemist and never works out, sage was the latest and possibly last attempt.

I did forget one and would be a 2 gun job like a gunner or some shit, but theyd probably default that to a corsair like theme anyways
won't work on me buddy
anyone with a brain knows why you went with war and pld
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Why is this allowed?
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>mfw sharting from playing shart trail
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you're much cuter
Use your words. I guess you're retarded though.
>Healers and Tanks bickering again
DPS chads how hard do you get when you get that !! next to your big damage attack
>mystic knight
>ranged phys
nigga what
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>That's the point, that discord is the only way you're clearing Baldesion Arsenal.
You cannot be serious...BA is a glorified 24 man that you can cheese by just stealing a portal and using platebearer+cure 2
The mechanics are quite easy
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no it was me
Well yea h less you are going make a mumble or something to coordinate it. You can not do it without communication and you bitching about the discord is needlessly bitching about nothing. Also sounds like you’re just antisocial
>Just a person
An incredibly overpowered person who is stronger than anyone else. HW and SB made it clear to you that all your power is your own and completely earned, which was what Middie was trying to test.
>I do not doubt for a second there exist people in the source that are just regular people with talents and hard work stronger then our wol
This was Zenos. We got stronger than and killed him.
Only until next Tuesday
>the same 3 tranny fells avatar fagging in the thread
what a surprise!
Yea you can legitimately just join in with a funny stick but you will most likely know NOTHING and die to something like a trap
>I can't taaaank
Extra fentanyl won't help you with that
hecklers still pay the price of admission
nobody is bickering
people are just replying to shit bait again
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>Literally the text book example of how the dynamic of the roles work I'm this game
>A made up scenario
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I went from Highlander to Au Ra, thats slightly less bigger right?
I don't care, make it happen. Mystic Knight was the best job in FF5
run out of steam already huh
better stop posting for a while
>DPS never takes damage
>thinks healing a tank in a raid, where they never need healing, is what were talking about
A made up scenario
I wasn't bitching about the discord? I was making a point with that anon who insisted he won't use anything out of game to coordinate.
>When people thought Ilberd was a mystic knight when 2.55 dropped
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Did this destroy the argument that people only hate Lamaty'i because the en va was trans?
I haven't seen people say that as much anymore.
Stop using your retard skills and tank.
You know how to tank right? Just put your lips together and blow.
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Bros I can't believe that Luigi committed genocide
There's a chance it could be the tank, but between Viper taking some from it, DNC taking its look and DRK with the big sword there's not much space for it I think.
just a broken record now
as I said it's time to stop
They literally don't, not enough to warrant you needing to focus your attention to them, as long as they are keeping up with mechanics, they will be fine with just getting heals off AoEs
Give it a scimitar to go with the turban look
DPS chads always take the Tank's side, only they care about us.
I've seen this poll posted 100 times
7 of those times being me
Yes, Wuk is universally hated
i believe its functionally well written but that its milquetoast. that the only design choice i don't like is how the final battle went
>as long as they are keeping up with mechanics
The new narrative is that hating Wuk Lamat is a red flag and the same as hating Lyse
how come no one told me paladin was this fun
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I love Yugiri
Mystic Knight/Rune Fencer should be like a reverse Red Mage that relies more on its melee than magic desu.
Warrior of Lamat canonically soloed omega
No you're sucking. I said blow.
i hope arcadion isn't full of ff9 memberberries
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>People comparing Wuk Lamat to Luffy
Anyone who does this has never watched One Piece.
Wuk Lamat is clearly more of a Naruto type with all the empathy and understanding and wanting to be leader of her nation.
Luffy is rougher and more callous and isn't concerned with anything other than his own personal morality.
so give me the skinny on bard. how did it change from EW to DT?
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99 roll and a grey parse
99 roll and a grey parse
I wouldn't mind fighting some twink who's monster is a monkey and he looks like Trance Zidane or Kuja.
Anyone who says Wuk Lamat is Naruto/Luffy/shonencoded doesn't actually watch anime.
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My wol canonically solos every single multiplayer trial or dungeon.
Azem's crystal? You mean my power up crystal?
That doesn't summon anyone it simply make the wol stronger.
rate this lala
Naruto works hard even if he is a special boy, most of his big moves hurt himself, and he's fine with killing. He's just obsessed with rescuing Sasuke in particular. Wuk doesn't give a single shit about her 'Sasuke', Zoraal Ja.
They could do something similar to what SMN has.
Instead of summoning Ifrit/Titan/whatever you can use spellblade to modify one of your combos in various ways. Potentially have a flare spellblade be something you build towards for your burst
It's the same except you can change songs when the boss goes untargetable for 50 seconds
good evening. i hope you're all having a great lala day
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stop responding with the zodiark trancers. the only winning play is not to engage
taco el taco transgendero me gusta comiendo taco y burrito con lamatyieh
Ehh? Tentoawa...and Wuk Lamat?! What are you two doing together?! EHHH?! You say you've found a new use for the Cradle of the Sleepless?!
You're going to use it to constantly sap my strength and my power and give it all to Wuk Lamat so SHE can become the strongest warrior on the planet?
That I will never ever wake up again and be BEDRIDDEN for the rest of my life as Wuk Lamat's permanent aether battery bitch?!
You're telling me to leave all my burdens, and my life, with Wuk Lamat FOREVER while she goes on galvanting with the scions and the rest of my friends in MY PLACE?!
That not only will I be in a permanent coma but the only sustenance I will receieve in my deprived state will be Wuk Lamat's excrement from all the meals she hunts from all the places she'll visit that I will NEVER EVER see again with my own eyes?!
That eventually as time passes and I become more decrepit from constant sleep and only subsiding on Wuk Lamat's adventurous poopoo, I will also be forgotten by history and in my place Wuk Lamat will be known as the saviour of the planet AND the true warrior of light?!
That when I DIE from malnutrition I'll be resurrected with a soul regulator with unlimited soul credits to ensure that I can never pass away too soon to end such torment?!

bard's a lot of good fun. i also learned songs aren't targeted any more, and that rain of arrows is back
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me when i vaguepost schizo style
As long as it's not all jammed onto a small number of buttons like Viper.
I rescued a lala to its death in the tree triangle boss today.
Then it would be caster.
Or a melee, and melee is not happening again for at least 4 if not 6 years.
And a tank like that wouldn't work

And people were expecting corsair to already be a ranged/melee kind of deal for DT, specially with how much of a pain in the ass MCH has been.
Is Begeta here? Is Dawned Trail here?

How will Yoshi P respond to my question?
barry GODS rise up
Venat is evil.
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Excellent thread guys keep it up
I wouldn't be surprised if XIV Corsair is a dual Gunner and ranged phys like Merylwb is.
sometimes i forget how racist we are. Like just the other day I was hanging out at work eating sushi and talking with my coworkers after closing and I said something along the lines of "Yeah, japs love this shit" and everyone, and I mean EVERYONE stopped talking and started staring, this one girl even went "Nick, what the fuck" but I didnt even realize why they were even mad at me at first lmao
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Ramachibros we love Ramachi right?
Who the fuck recognizes Jap as a slur anymore? Nip maybe.
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>mfw when im that guy
Am i an awful person for griefing during nald'thal so we see the balance mechanic and see the cool finisher?

cause I'll do it every time
Chat is this real
Well someone has to be around to grab you by your handlebars

To be fair to Sphene she's a robot that can't go against her programming. That's part of the tragedy of her deleting the memory data.
why is the likelihood of that happening so high?
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Is it possible for this game to have an entire expansion where the wol has absoultely no supporting cast constantly with them?
Like the wol goes around on their own instead of having the scions as an entourage.
Hey, cute tall hyur. i got some rroneek steak and trial orchestrions. wanna come over?
People are fucking stupid. Morons think Venat literally killed her people when Emet even tells you in Shadowbringers her power doesn't kill. She divided/diminished them and the ancients were too pussy to carry on.
why is everything so monotonous and shitty? its like im back in the valley of trials in 2004, slapping peons and gathering cactus fruits, except even worse
>go to new zone>2-3 cutscenes>run from point a to point b, maybe kill 1 trash mob>duty(worse than heavensward)>2-3 more cutscenes>run from point b to point c>trial(again worse than heavensward content)
i see people complaining about the story but why don't i see anyone complaining about this repetitive ancient crap content
t. Dungeon healshitter who can't cope with healing changes
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>Did everybody just fucking forget that the Endless are just simulacrums of people's memories
Complaining about lalafells is one of the phases the zodiark trancers go through by the way
Could be, I think the job is almost inevitable but there's too many ways they could make it work for XIV.
And with MCH being once again a problem balance wise it feels like they don't really know what to do with ranged, so making a ranged/melee could be their solution to a new ranged phys.
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I have to level a healer for role quests...erm...
I guess Scholar so I can get a second caster at 100?
>I can't taaaaank
>I want wol to meet a truly talented person, a person blessed with bountiful aether and talented to use them
He did. Wuk Lamat.

You happy?
Emet does tell you that the Sundered couldn't speak r generally and had no memories of their past lives at first. The Sundering was absolutely killing if you believe in memory or identity death, because it completely erased the identity of the person they were before. If you think deleting someone's mind isn't death, then yeah you'll disagree, but this is fundamentally a disagreement in terminology.
The devs and writers fucked this up hard. I got bored steam rolling everything with 0 effort but what you're asking for is just another Zenos and it's why he was the only interesting enemy
I am torn between giving advice and replying to a Lalafell avatarfag
the problem arises when you can literally kill other people anon, which people do in 24-mans all the fucking time
t. Allows dps to die to the raid wide dot on strayborough final boss
Your pussy ancients gave up because life without creation magicks is too hard.
it means they look at me and think about sex
The ancients literally no longer had their memory anymore, they didn't even know what creation magics were anymore after being sundered, or how to speak, or not shit themselves.
Would it be morally wrong to rape Erenville's mom?
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We all love Lamaty'i right?
She is our canonical wife you know, we've held her hand?
You don't want to make your love interest sad right.
these are the philosophical questions dawntrail should've explored
They remembered sex to give birth to their betters. Fuck em.
No, their bodies instinctively sought out sexual contact. Even retards and braindead people try to fuck.
Reminder that the Omicrons/whatever else is on Ultima Thule are NOT the same as the Endless, no matter how much you chimp out about it.
The former are created from Meteion's memories using Dynamis bullshit. Unique life that hasn't truly had a chance to live even though they should have all disappeared when Endsinger died.
The latter are the memories of the dead scraped from their souls as they died. These people have lived their lives and fighting tooth and nail to ensure they live forever is retarded
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>retards crawling around in the dirt humping each other randomly
Kek this is more amusing than it should be
yok hui
but hui is penus, in russian language
what the hui is going on
People are just mad because Endless needing aether specifically from souls is only vaguely alluded to and our motivation for shutting down the terminals immediately is an extremely flimsy 'Well it might demotivate Sphene a bit?'
You're wrong THO.
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is there any good samurai armor in this dogshit game
Lyse is my wife and i will kill wuk lmao
Just remember, this is the world Venat wanted.
what do you mean vaguely alluded too it's literally explained in detail
my exact reaction
has she finished the game yet
people in my party had a shitfit when wuk entered the fight
it was mainly ffs and i knew it and god dammits
Well, we have Azem's Cum Chalice and we can summon heroes from beyond the rift with Azem's Crystal, I'd like to see an adventure like this
Maybe sprinkle in some friends along the way, people we meet
god, who the fuck ever approved that phase 2 theme
My WoL is married to a Viers that seduced him and if that wretched cat beast tries to move in and homewreck that he will strike her down with a blade.
genji sset from stormblood
other armor from stormblood, from japanese parts of game
For tanks, ranged, maiming and scouting
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Wuktroons... how y'all holding up?
it's so strange when the first phase is THAT good
Anon, they need the special SOUL AETHER, even though it's already been explained a soul lies more in the memories then the actual aether of a person, please understand
when is the next liveletter? I want to see the dogeza
Nope. You are in fact wrong
>no new VO work
Holy fuck, are we free?
Wuk...Evu is #6, pure comedy
I actually feel bad for Wuk Lamat's VA, she did a really good job and I actually liked her character for a bit before she completely overstayed her welcome and became an obvious Mary Sue
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how do I zodiark trance
what are the odds the tranny got fired already and is just trying to save face
No she likely regretted it at first
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>even the music goes to shit when Wuk Lamat shows up
Even Azem needed a crew to take on the volcano primal.
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Now, even though I say this, where do we go?
Another shard by ourselves?
I feel like we're owed a Warrior of Light wank fest after this MSQ, I want to do things alone
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>Seems like an interesting character
>Turned into a siscon
>the extreme will have the first phase theme
>no wuk intervention
Most complaints I've seen haven't been "we shouldn't have" but more "we should've tried or at least discussed alternatives first", it's a victim of the writing wanting to rush past the Endless as fast as possible.
that looks fucking stupid
no wonder you're a lala
>three zones of the expac are about as interesting as ala mhigo (aka not at all)
>last one turns completely fucking barren and horrifically ugly once you finish the story
this entire expansion feels like a rug pull
Zenos was one. I defend him against people going
ignoring the circumstances. First nidhogg fight was him being nerfed by the eye, second is us getting buffed with the hra eye.
Because that's based, too bad his sister is repulsive
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>He didn't get the shogun armor
Venat strikes me as too autistic and sociopathic to feel remorse.
Stormblood AF
Dawntrail AF
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>heritage found loading screen has a train in it
>no train anywhere in the zone
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What live letter tomorrow are you dumbasses gibbering about?
>Tells you explicitly why he behaves the way he does and about his childhood
>Even when it becomes relevant later on it is never brought up again because we need Wuk around at all times
>His only real trial to test his character development results in him relying on outside intervention as a Deus Ex Machina
>where do we go?
Uncloud fucking Ilsabard already.
i honestly wish he leaned into the siscon more
looks like shit
i said armor
not another robe in disguise
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shut the fuck up BIGGER
The one in my head
how wild can you get in the chat in pvp without getting banned
i'm ready to pop off
>go interact with the tribe that abandoned him
>he's not even there for it
>it's the most simple interaction with any group of people in the entire MSQ from ARR onward, they just say you can take some wood and you leave without issue
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ebin memelord lala so original
Nah he's part of the voice actor union which is going on strike, so he actually got contractually obligated to quit all his jobs.
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honestly comedy
>hire NA unionslop VAs in ARR
>strike happens
>fuck off and use theatre actor bongs
>go back to NA VAs for DT
>immediately they go on strike again
feels like almost everything surrounding DT ends up saying "dont fucking hire americans"
Pictomancer questline was the best questline they added in 7.0.
it's so weird for a phase 2 theme compared to prev expacs, since it's not some epic new vocals version or something, it's fart horns and shit
i want a sweet honey bj
the first Ivalice set
Cool revolver
No fun allowed looney troon
>They don't even allude to them being the same tribe that abandoned Koana
>No flashback for WoL, nothing
>Oh btw your trains are spooking the buffalo can you keep it down?
>They aren't actually it was all Zoraal Ja's world merge bullshit anyway
>Anyway here's wood to maintain your trains
>Now you will never hear from us again
She's only interested in Black men thankfully
that's hilarious
some jew says you have to quit your job so you just stop making money and obey like a slave lol
yessuh massa
same place the purple dome that was covered up in previews of the texas zone artwork; to the rewrite void
So realistically, could we wind up with a recast? Or will they just dumpster Wuk completely?
That is literally a standard full samurai armor with a standard jinbaori
>got contractually obligated to quit all his jobs
that's not how it works
the strike is against new contracts, any current or ongoing ones aren't affected
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>switch to English
>Queen B has a southern milf voice
Get good
go back to highlander and marry me
They recast before, they can do it again.
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>>heritage found loading screen
Wait what, isn't that from a plugin that just uses the concept art?
haha another memelord lala you guys are so whacky and original XD
Sounds like you want to play a knight, not a SAMURAI
They should have just committed to the 'petrol economy drives war' angle and have it explained that Endless can only function thanks to a unique type of aether that's generated when memories are removed from a freshly deceased soul.
nigga what are you even asking for, can you provide examples? if you want a armor on a samurai play dark knight
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They got raped
Recast possible but most likely Wuk will probably just get dumpstered totally, fixing her requires spending more time on her when one of the primary complaints is too much time is focused on her
She's already set up to be mostly removed from the story. If they need a new VA for her they'll get one but who knows if they'll even have to by the time Wuk is given a speaking part again.
aren't samurai weeb knights
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Say hello to your reflection on the hidden shard.
Do you like it?
another notch in the belt for kate. honestly hilarious
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No, this is true samurai armor, you fucking weebs.
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this is so disgusting
holy fuck
>interesting XIV lore trapped in a Nier mobile game
Please for the love of fuck someone stop Taro
>that little clitty skirt
nice dress
Yeah, samurai wore armors
The office workers pretending to be samurai during Edo didn't though
I like to think the wind and rock areas are both fucked up Reflections and that the writers are establishing that rejoined shards still exist as ruined planets which may become places for the player to visit in the future.
The Blades are the Asian country stand-in for TES games right? why.
yoko taro should write the next expansion
New lala wives are always appreciated.
wanna know what's so fucking bizarre to me about the "we huff souls thing"? Like, oh it might be the most 'efficient' thing but wanna know what's way more common in alexandria? the constant lightning storms that is used to power literally everything else.
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She got what she deserved
coomer tranny having a melty
No, there's a mystery continent to the east that's the Asia stand in. The blades are just weird imperial samurai.
ok good
t. pleb who started with Skyrim
Man being in an actors union has to be exceptionally dumb. It isn't like """"voice talent"""" is hard to come by. There's millions of weebs doing it for free in their basement that would love to get a big role like FFXIV. And the team has already demonstrated that they are more than willing to scrape the bottom of the barrel with Woke Mutt. In fact I can't think of a job that is more easily replaceable than "voice actor."
needs more buzzwords
you can do it memelord
The thing antiVenatfags don't get is that she would agree with you. Nobody hates Venat more than Venat.
its the same artwork you see if you log out and in within a zone
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>preachtard says honey b's theme is overly sexualized
Oh, I only really log out in cities since like...holy shit like 2018
a parsebrain spergoid doesn't approve of WHM. shocking
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It's less about finding an actor and more about gaining clout. FFXIV was a great way for Kate to prove she's diverse and inclusive by hiring "authentic" "Latinx" voices. Now if she gets sidelined she can claim 2SLGBTQIA BIPOC discrimination and file a lawsuit.
new lalafag dropped
what sort of vague irony and faux apathy will he grace us with that the five others don't? find out today
the endless aren't reconstructed with dynamis
u mad wuktroon?
And they're striking because they're afraid of being replaced by microsoft sam
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God no, if you have people complaining about female characters dying NOW, imagine under Taro.
>Yeah okay your WAIFU is actually EVIL
>AND she's in love with another MAN!
>And also she's your daughter, from the future!
>And then then she gets RAPED
>By your clone!
>And then she is tortured over and over and over while crying out your name begging for you to save her!
>And then then right when you break into the room where she is, she's killed right in front of you!
>Then the real bad guy invades her body and uses it like a puppet to fuck your best friend and also try to kill you!
>And the only way the WoL can win is by killing himself at the same time she dies because of the time loop!
They could be if they were moved to Ultima Thule.
what did she mean by this
Share clip faggot
i dont complain about female characters dying though
What can I say except YABBA DABBA DOO
We'll build a train in the beas... In the tri... In the allied society quests.
there was a small, irrelevant disagreement about this topic in a thread last night. and now its a full blown spergoff, ripe with them talking over 'retelling' and 'retread'

i'm not one to read in between the lines, but this sounds like someone asking an ai bot to read a thread looking for controversial points and then working with it for the purpose of purely shitposting
That's not samurai armor dipshit
god that looks awful
The blades started out as Japanese snake men samurai the Emperor spared after defeating their invasion. The snake men all eventually died of old age and humans took their positions, but the actual armor is supposed to be based on theirs, which is indeed retarded.
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These faggots getting replaced by AI would be the best solution. I'm so sick of them trying to parasocial relationship their way into a twitch career by pretending to be their character in real life.
>Alphinauld's voice actor plays FFXIV blind!!!!
fuck off
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He's copying and pasting posts from previous threads too
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I bought a new rig for about 1200 dollars with Dawntrail being the motivation. It's not a matter of "If" i get dawntrail, since i've invested so much into it, but "when."

Please tell me, is the wuk lamat hating a meme, or is it really THAT bad?
It's really that bad. But luckily the content is kino so you only have to endure the MSQ torture for 40 hours and then you get to enjoy the game and the pretty new zones with your new rig.
did you have a good nap last night? got me thinkin about dawntrail
The problem is that she created all of her own problems herself by refusing to communicate with her friends.
He's just not used to it anymore, the last sexualized raid boss in wow was Blood Queen Lanathel.
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>allow avatarfaggots and shitposting to continue unchecked
>threads have severe dive in quality
Imagine my shock.
no they couldnt. the UT denizens are literally made of dynamis out of meteion's powers. the endless are holograms being run but a chatbot program. they're fundamentally different constructs
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She's omnipresent and she's that bad
Brace yourself
where the fuck is it
I love sexy female bosses in video games you stab them to death and then they moan like they just had an orgasm
Teaching thousands of little kids to be serial killers
If you do that then you're stuck with the moral obligation to make EVERYONE into endless and move ALL of them to Ultima Thule.
grift incoming
Shut up! God...
Man I am you but I dodged a bullet with a car repair bill and deciding "eh I'll manage".

Wuk is that bad. The content is great - the dungeons, raids, they're fun. But wuk is that bad, the story is that bad. A good barometer is how you receive wuk in the first 2 levels. You will degrade from whatever level you are at.
>love wuk at 92? Like her at 100
>Like wuk at 92? Indifferent to her at 100
>Indifferent at 92? Dislike at 100
>Dislike at 92? Hate at 100
>hate at 92? You may just unsub before 100.
Imagine ps1 tier voice acting but wuk is the one taking Credit for everything you do and shes perfect in every way and has as much screen time as your char
you are not as clever as you think
The Endless are not holograms, they're stored memories being temporarily projected onto aether. Their emotions are genuine, meaning they would take root in Ultima Thule.
fuck wowfags
fuck waifufags
fuck avatarfags
fuck ecelebgossipfags
Its the most hamfisted writing for a filler arc ive ever seen for a video game. It feels like a job getting through that MSQ where as ShB/EW kept me at the edge of my seat half the time.
Even going in knowing wont prepare you for just how shit it is. It is honestly confusing just how bad it is, like did no-one do a full playthrough before launch and see how bad it was?
He's virtue signaling because he wants to agree with the 'right people'.
Probably not because I no idea what the fuck you're even on about.
In English it's very bad.
My Japanese friends, say they had no problem and didn't know the english VA was a tranny who can't hold an accent.
So does that mean you DO want the events described in that post?
Even japan was complaining about it, wuk is just part of a bigger problem
>I'm a talking lion help me be queen
uh ok
>my dad is a two headed big ass lizard
uh ok
>he's not my real dad but that doesn't matter because we are FAMILY and there is only 1 race the human race
i'm out
I'd prefer some kind of coexistence.
>AI trained on their voice work, which they get royalties for
>VA do important/exceptionally emotional scenes, AI does everything else
>Result: 100% voiced MSQ
I guess there might be some issues of course, like VAs needing to sign off on every AI line because it'd be weird if a writer wrote your voice saying something you don't agree with. Though that just brings up the issue of how much a character's voice belongs to said character and the authorial intent behind them.
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The Lalafags won...
Which disagreement?
Depends. I'd personally say Dawntrail's story is fine but Wuk lamat is a hit or miss character. Unfortunately she hits like a wet noodle and if she misses it's pretty bad because she is there the whole fucking time well past the point that she needs to fuck off.
The story has some decent stuff if you read into the intent but it's not done well at all and it is obviously a huge step down from the game having actually great writing for the past two expansions.
If you do something to someone that reduces their lifespan to 2 days from now while also wiping their memories, you have unquestionably killed them.

Just embrace it, man. Venat is a mass murderer, but she did it for us.
This makes me nervous now. Especially the voice acting part. I typically don't play in any localization other than english because i preferred to keep up with the action rather than read the subs. Is her voice acting really, really, REALLY, that bad?
When the scene is calm it's bearable but when there's excitement needed it gets pretty bad
I liked her in 6.55 and despised her by the end.
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Wait, where?
Are you upset people don't like Wuk again?
The final boss is Donald Trump.
Woke Mutt swoops in at the last second and steals your kill with triumphant music playing. Then he's laying there dead and she looks over her shoulder and says "And that's for George Floyd....bigot..." and the Scions smile and nod.
Yes, it's worse than you can imagine. Uncanny tranny falsetto the entire time. This retard is completely untrained, he didn't even try to self train with youtube tutorials. I'm sure someone can post the SBEEEEEANNN clip for you.
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>by refusing to communicate with her friends
She literally can't. How people not understand how time loops and paradoxes work. Everything had to play our like (You) her in order to keep the time flow stable when you return to the present.
Do I need to link you spleen leeesten to me, or would you prefer a less bad one of a lama spitting on her?
I've seen the JP threads. My comment was just that my normie JP friends had no problem.

It's bad. The VA has no range and can't hold the accent.wdyr
I wonder what that freak must have looked like in the glass booth while it was "acting"
Can you possibly imagine
To these people, if it appeals to straight men then it's bad.
Do both so I can know just how bad the extent is.
I cant really think of a shonen protag who is similar to Wuk Lamat
She is worse than any
All tank mitigation should have a shared cooldown with a damage buff. 40% damage reduction turns into 40% damage buff
>How people not understand how time loops and paradoxes work.
Probably because the expansion just before had G'raha alter the past and continue to exist.
>B-but he used Alexander + Omega and you only use the Alexander half and...
Yes, I know, but most people didn't notice the difference because it's subtle and not actually explained to them in the game very well, and most people who are pro-Venat didn't understand it either or fail to explain the difference for some other reason.
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English: https://youtu.be/b8Bs1OXOqUE?feature=shared&t=62
Japanese: https://youtu.be/b8Bs1OXOqUE?feature=shared&t=161

Obviously big spoilers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnP4LQhYTvQ
Less big yells: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMcEwEHMIws
Retarded. That would just turn into fags burning their mits for damage in burst windows instead of using them for mitigation.
I was gonna link the Confessor Paletress wounded audio but apparently the vid got taken down
Boy I hate the internet.
tanks shouldn't have any damage buffs at all
your job is to tank, not do damage
let's have a real game with actual job specialization instead of this homogenized slop
the only reason a tank should have a damage buff button is if they got rid of your "press to automatically hold aggro" button
i'm half certain most role "drama" is just some abstract erotic roleplay
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>Away from home on patch day
>Will only be back one day before leaving for another week

All my materias and materials I gathered... Rotting in my inventory, unable to grant me all that money I could have had...
Kill me...
bad voice acting and all lmao, it really was a different time
This guy didn't play during hw and sb
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Haha nah you'll be good man
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anything overly japanese = bad and perverted to these retarded, literally just an exaggerated idol girl (and it's not even that exaggerated compared to some of these real life idols https://youtu.be/FxSJ6py9_7I)
Also someone go find the speech because I am not going to bother hearing that shit in Wuk's voice.

Also, they patched this out and fixed it but as of July 11th when I played this scene. For reference this is like Lyse going
>"look! It's Sadu and the Xaela of Dalmasca come to aid us!"
>"Remember when we saved Ryne from the prisons of Rak'tika"
For how wrong the claim is. You helped the giants in Urqopacha Kozama'uka was the dancing birds.

So a voice actress and the localization team couldn't fucking remember the right zones of the story for the big ceremony speech. If you ever hear people lecturing people about not remembering the right names of these natives then they can fuck off because the devs can't even.
ah yes, back in the old days when we didn't have TVs in our rooms and played video games on the family TV out in the living room and a scene like this happened...
Oof, what a shame. I'll be sure to keep your shekels warm for you lad.

sorry it's kino
We had tank stances. said stances are gone because Yoshi P thinks players are too stupid to stance dance
Storywise SHB was amazing
Community wise is was the end
Install the app and sell them using the companion.
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Have sex you fucking incel
He's retarded then, stance dancing in SoD is fun as fuck.

She voices Gloucester in Unicorn Overlord, he's a 30s clip of that character in english.
Thoughts on the final part of DT? I feel like the whole Endless/Souls/Memories shit was shoehorned.
They're just mentally ill
I saw someone get dogpiled the other day in comments for referring to a Final Fantasy XIII character as hot
The app is hot doodoo feces, only allows you to change the price of something or to put something sale PER DAY.
Yes, 1 item PER DAY. 2 if you stock another day's charge, but no more.
Honestly feels like an insult.
>tfw used my fanta to go from dwarf to a big cat then swapped to giraffe before it expired

I'll be honest, not dealing with that shit camera on dwarf is really nice.
I don't even understand what is happening because I skipped every cutscene until I suddenly saw Sphere.
The black guy's mom is a floating computer (i skipped this one half way through because it was too long)
And Sphere wants to "help her people" but some lizard guy said no.
That's all I got.
What, then, is the point of Gunbreaker?
Is that the chick from the WAR quest?
You can do more but you have to spend actual IRL money to do it, it's a complete fuckin scam
He's spamming copypasted reddit/forum posts, hence the careful use of newspeak.
i like interphos 1st phase in jp. its like a airport comm in jp talking to you and going to kill you in that jp robot way.
Also all of Sphere's people have Elon Musk's Neuralink in their head and it erases their memories, which made the Scions frown because it means they can't consent.
The black guy who works as a dumpster diver for Sharylan is also from here somehow.
>I want a second WoL

Okay? Honestly we should get a Warrior of Darkness since ardbert was a big phony.

Then we'd have Oracle memery but with Warriors.
Oh yeah I don't even count the irl money possibility, they can suck my dick
>we didn't have TVs in our rooms
That was already changing in the 90's.
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Yeah dancing in and out into DPS stance for Fell Cleave became such a meme for WAR that he just said "fine you wanna tank and Fell Cleave here, have 5 Fell Cleaves stop being retarded"
Anon, you can adjust camera height in the settings
It wouldve been absolutely incredible if they used those themes of parenthood and technology vs tradition since the start of the expansion, instead we get wuk lmao and the climax feels like a tacked on adittion
Not for me. I remember playing Mortal Kombat 2 on Sega on the family TV and getting a boner from beating up Kitana and pretty sure my mom saw and realized something weird was happening to me but it would have been more work to address it so she just stayed silent.
Now I'm a total freak. I mean a complete animal.
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I'm aware anon.
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Didn't like it, it feels like it tries to have it's cake and eat it too in both setup and justification for what you're doing and emotional weight of it.

If you don't come at it from the angle of taking life as it exists in the real world only, it really starts to fall apart. Especially with the message of hope in the face of inevitable despair, and that circumstances of your creation don't dictate your worth (as seen in like 8 different other arcs).

We also have tons of long term hopeless cases we start to fix. Hell, we cured tempering 4 expansions after it was introduced, and we're working on fixing the fucking Void. Reuniting these memories with souls or the spare Solution 9 robot bodies Sphene used should've been on the table.
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Hermes is actually one of the most relatable characters in the game.
He's the only person able to see that society's fucked beyond belief and everyone just carries on like it's fine, it's normal, "dude stop being weird stop questioning everything and just fall in line".
Well you know what fuck you man, how about you fucking die just like all the other innocent creatures you've decided to kill arbitrarily cause they don't live up to your standards?
Well if you're so great and above it all surely you can find a way to fix this and survive right?
Why does everyone have a problem with this line? I think it makes sense. Maybe I'm autistic.
Vanille or Serah?
I got a TV in my room when I was 7 because my parents wanted to watch TV (their one and only hobby) when I was playing videogames.
>Also, they patched this out
Shit really? Thats hilarious. Is it just silent now or something?
Go jack off to under age birds hermes
Society wasn't fucked beyond believe, he was just pathologically sensitive. They actually had a very good life. You really missed the point of his character. You can always tell you're talking to a normalfag brainlet when they instantly reduce complex themes into a "good side" and a "bad side."
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This thread is a mess
>Technology and tradition is a major theme of the expac
>We must respect and understand traditions and try to improve our lives with technology, while being careful not to erase who we are as a people
>Introduce other country
>Its tradition is a twist on one of the cultures we met, driving the idea of people living on in memory to its extreme via the use of a technology that threatens other people
>Somehow, other than frowning when the alexandrians mention how they view souls usage, this clear thematic point is not explored at all to give more space to retarded vergil lizard, Wuk's repeating things she has said all expansion and trying too hard to create Amaurot 3.
It logically makes sense, it's just that obviously when Emet says it we clearly disagree with his assessment that we aren't alive.

But we make a similar assessment to Living Memory's people. It's weird, Emet was very clearly in the wrong for doing what he did and going about it in the way he did, it'd be consistent to say us doing the same thing to another form of life would also be wrong. Like bare minimum, we should want a different solution or have more acknowledgement of "hey, you know these things are sentient and responding to stimuli and forming new memories and experiences, plus they have all the life experience of real people directly ripped from their souls, this is ambiguous as fuck"
That eventually happened to me too, watching TV was literally the only thing boomers do (I guess we can't blame them since we sit in front of computers all day)
They got me the smallest TV I've ever seen. I think it was like 6 inches. I remember me and 3 friends playing Smash 64 and all scooting up trying to see what the fuck was happening kek
I got a TV in my room around the same age mostly because those small CRT TVs with a built-in VCR or DVD were on sale. I got a DVD player and sister got a VCR and we ended up trading because everything I wanted to watch was on cassette tape.
>Society wasn't fucked beyond believe
Yes it was. I guess you missed the part where Meteion quotes Hythlodaeus to really drive home the point that these retards are worshiping death.
Emet's line in the pic? Nobody has a problem with it, it fits his character perfectly. He's coping with himself and his monstrous actions because he refuses to give up on saving his friends, which requires it. He doesn't really believe what he's saying, but if he keeps saying it then it lets him bury his guilt. The pic is making fun of how the WoL just killed all the Endless and didn't feel guilty because they're 'not really alive'. This contrasts with Emet both in that you used a similar justification, but that the plot didn't have the maturity to inject some pathos and guilt associated with it like Emet obviously did when he lied to himself.
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My friend checked it but just said "huh yeah they did", didn't show me a pic. But when I saw a pic of it here it was just removing the place. Now that you mention it I don't know how the audio was changed. I'd check it right now but I'm unsubbed and busy In Pharaoh TW
I thought it was fine its just the 2nd part of the last fight that sours everything
>statement said billions of times
>confusing stupidity
>having an argument with yourself
>it's him
>i'm him
dawntrail was a mistake
I'd only push you to the ground and prone bone your tight ass
>I guess you missed the part where Meteion quotes Hythlodaeus to really drive home the point that these retards are worshiping death.
They missed the part too with Pandaemonium where Themis guessed that something was wrong with Eric and Lahabrea's relationship with Athena, because they felt anything at all for her that wasn't "dull, contented gratitude"
>He doesn't really believe what he's saying
He seems pretty sincere to me, he's been acting like he believes it for millions of years and then he fights you to the death over it. Seems like he believes it.
just finished the arcadion. i wish i was a furry because you guys are feasting really nicely in dawntrail
Sex and attraction for straight men needs to be shunned, idk
Thinking women is attractive makes you a creep to these people for some reason
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>cat but also horse

my penis confuse
Bro, they were immortal and chose to "die" when they felt they experienced all they wanted to in life, knowing that death was a guaranteed means of reincarnating and making new life.

That is the healthiest mindset an immortal race could possibly have, much moreso than desperately clinging to life and power forever.

And not only that, fucking 25% of the Ancients remaining supported Venat (even without being told all the stuff that happened she kept secret). If the "bad" side being bigger warrants universal death, the Source and every society in it should've been ended 8 times over, the Scions had less people rally to help them in most cases of fighting obvious evil.
Stop playing on crystal
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Ancient society IS fucked, but it's Venat and your experienced in Amaurot and Elpis that are meant to make you feel that way. Hermes, on the other hand, is a fucking psycho who objects to putting down psychotic monsters who destroy the environment because 'they're living beings too!' His basic points might have some merit, but the conclusions he draws from them are completely insane, with the above being an example, because he takes shit way too far and it stops making sense. He decides he's going to kill his race because he wants to 'test' them, and is completely fine with wiping out all life in the universe to do so.
become a casual player
it stops being ambiguous when their continued existence requires consuming the souls of the living and recently deceased
they are disruptive to the reincarnatory cycle and therefore disruptive to the cycle of life itself
there's no real ambiguity over a mako reactor in FF7 being a bad thing long term when it's an extremely similar or even outright identical concept of feeding off of the planet's finite supply of life-energy in lieu of fucking coal or something, in FFXIV's case it's to sustain a server cluster of minds without souls
Loved it, looking forward to more in the patches. The only real issue I had was the 4th zone not feeling like much of a zone. There had to be something bigger going on, we found it, and it opened a can of worms that we can dig through as the story progresses, not bad.
No, later on in Amaurot the phantoms created from his subconscious view you and the Scions as children, which is followed up on later in EW when he helps the charybdis bring out its latent potential instead of just killing it. He also talks about how he spent thousands of years trying to live among the sundered, even falling in love with some of them, but was unable to deal with the pain of their short, tormented lives. Emet-Selch views the sundered as children but he doesn't have the emotional fortitude to fulfill the role of father. He fights you as your final test to see if you can carry on in his place, which is why he smiles afterwards.
Look at this background, why couldn't we get this city to be explorable? Like walking down those streets or going to other floors, or flying to the tops of the buildings. I would've gladly taken one less zone to have section 9 fleshed out, wouldn't everyone else? Is it too big of an ask?
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If they had Krile mention hearing the whisper of the soul in the 99 dungeon where they separate out the deceased's aether and their memories it could have gone somewhere neat.
Alexandria unknowingly taking the part of a person after they die that's supposed to go to the aetherial sea, the true soul of a person, and mistaking it for memories and what not.

Whole different story killing living souls in Living Memory then. Even if it has a "happy" portion like sending them off to the real aetherial sea you're still objectively murdering them.
At least with those circumstances it might have gone in a direction beyond just "Turn off the machine" and more towards finding other solutions as well.

Think about it, the Ancients just lived eternal lives, accomplished some manner of goal, then bounced to the aetherial sea satisfied.
Alexandria could literally do the same shit with the souls, have them decide themselves to linger to accomplish something or go back to the sea. Some scientist could finish his magnum opus in undeath then bounce after.
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i had terminal wuk fatigue and was mentally glazed over for the majority of it and just wanted the story to be over
havent been a potato since SB and have no intention of going back because for me, its dumb moonies
carse or hort?
Readlet. Pay more attention to what Emet does, not just what he says. There's a part of him that does indeed care about and value the Sundered, he just has to bury that for his mission.
Society WAS kind of fucked, but it's a little more complicated than just letting the little fire wolf guys live peacefully.
The whole idea behind Ancient society was pragmatism above all else, you're only worth as much as you can contribute to society.
This ties into the overall themes of Endwalker and the way it handles despair - as far as Endwalker is concerned, total despair is no longer having any purpose in life, the feeling that your existence holds no meaning.
It's the commonality across all the Ultima Thule races.
Now look at Ancient society - their whole deal was that they were trying to improve the world as much as possible, create a perfect paradise.
Like ok, that seems fine on its face, but actually examine how they go about practicing this.
One of the first things we learn about them after we enter Elpis is how once you think your work is done you kill yourself, you no longer have anything to contribute to this society so your existence should cease.
What's gonna happen when they DO create that perfect world, once there's nothing left to do? Their society says they'll all just kill themselves, their work is done, there's nothing left for them to contribute.
This is the endpoint we see with those Totally-Not-Ancient guys at the end of Dead Ends whose name escapes me at the moment.
You're thinking about it way more than hiroi
i wish the screen face did cute emotes like robot mom
you people extrapolate way too much with too little information.
Yes he tries to live with them and then he clearly says after much evaluation he realized you are shit.
People with a lack of imagination fundamentally can't understand Emet's perspective. They reduce him to le tragic villain who just really misses his friends. They can't comprehend the complete degradation of reality that he perceives every waking minute. If you'd done acid you'd know what he was talking about.
>3 years later we still have story skippers and autists arguing about shit that the game explains to you clear as day

At least it's more easily ignored than the wuk obsessed retards.
Bro they were literally afraid to refer to the process as death because they were coping about what it actually was. An immortal race must be willing to return to the planet, yes, but their society went way beyond that. They began to idolize death and view it as the true goal in life. They began to treat it casually instead of paying it the proper respect. And that's exactly why they emotionally crumbled when the Final Days happened. You fucking idiot. How did you miss this when Meteion literally fucking quotes Hythlodaeus espousing the supposed virtues of this culture? How do you not realize that they were chasing the same thing? How do you not realize that the race of giant masked people in robes who can create anything at a whim were a picture into where the Ancients were going if the Final Days hadn't happened to veer them off course?
>perfect fart-sniffing ancient society completely BTFO by one depressed incel
>projected onto aether
thats still not dynamis
People think we're doing the same thing Emet is doing when we turn off living memory. They ignore that Emet is trying to kill 12 shards of life + the source in order to revive his old society versus us turning off ghosts in a machine whose caretaker is threatening to eat every soul everywhere to continue powering her people's memory.mp4s
nothing is extrapolated there that's all actually made very very plain as the story progresses trance
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How can the other races compete with Lalafellin Thighsâ„¢?
when will you fuck off back to /vg?
yeah they needed rap music and niggers shaking their ass in elpis that shit was dope imagine a big fat turd falling out of the ass fat and landing on the floor haha fuck yo society nigga
>accuses other people of having no imagination
>can only interpret Emet's actions based on the plain words in the text box
>can't draw conclusions that aren't explicitly spelled out for him
We aren't all into fat fucks
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god she's so kissable
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Lalafell women were made to be eaten out, with or without their consent.
you're exposing yourself as a newfag because he's just copy pasting forum and reddit posts.
You're drawing conclusions I'm just telling you the ones you are drawing are block headed, and wrong. Making retarded inferences that remove all the interesting parts of a character isn't special. If you really thought the whole point of Emet was that he misses his friends you are really dumb. That's like a female interpretation of him.
>He seems pretty sincere to me, he's been acting like he believes it for millions of years and then he fights you to the death over it. Seems like he believes it.
Jesus christ you're person DT I pandering to.
Emet literally made a shitty copy of Amaurot to cope.
Emet literally lived dozens if not maybe even hundreds of our lives, he lived with eorzeans, ate with eorzeans, warred with eorzeans, bred with eorzeans.
He even tries to help you in SHB and explain a little.

He's desperate, he's tired of his quest and he's hoping for the sundered to show him their worth, that's why he invites them to Amaurot, he's mind broken and deep down knows/believes their fight is meaningless, a lost cause, but is conflicted about his past, he wants his friends back, he's remorseful of what he's done yet he cannot bring himself to let it go without finding a worthy reason to do so.
No you retard, they weren't worshipping death. They were celebrating life and treating death lightly as if it were merely retirement. Hermes comes of as a hypocrite. Because as he's going on about the pains of living beings and how valuable living creatures lives are, when Meition is right in front of him suffering the agonizing pain of trying to process all those dead worlds her sisters witness and are relaying to her, he's then telling her to continue and keep going.
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Is he voiced by Urianger's VA in English? I swear he sounds like Mumkhar.
>Emet literally lived dozens if not maybe even hundreds of our lives, he lived with eorzeans, ate with eorzeans, warred with eorzeans, bred with eorzeans.
Why do you retards always leave what he says right after this out?
>Making retarded inferences that remove all the interesting parts of a character
emet-selch lying out his fucking ass about his opinion on the sundered through all of shadowbringers is pretty interesting and also completely in line with everything he did in his life as solus, i.e. allowing the prima vista actor troupe in stormblood to rip the fuck out of the garlean government and it only stopped when varis took the throne
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Im a Law Graduée who made his thesis on Authors Rights on Music Made by AI. Also mentioning use and replication of voice by AI.

Sucks that there was like zero cute scenes with her
Looks like a baby, kill yourself babycon
How can I go back somewhere I've never been...?
You forgot the second slash, keep your composure Anon!
>If you really thought the whole point of Emet was that he misses his friends you are really dumb.
Nigger that's the argument you're making. I'm telling you that Emet is torn between his duty to his people and the duty he knows he should be performing for the sundered as a father figure. Those conflicting emotions are the entire point of his character and the root of why he's tired of the mission. He knows what he's doing is wrong but he has an obligation to his people and he isn't emotionally strong enough to be able to deal with sundered dying so casually. There's a whole fucking short story on the lodestone about him grieving over his first son as Solus and how that death hardened him into continuing the mission again because he was so distraught over it. Holy shit you're retarded.
He's not lying. He is very serious about sundered being pale imitations of the true world. He behaves exactly as though he really thinks this, and he has done so for a very long period of time.
That is just you looking in the mirror trance-kun
>ruin 1
ball of enery
>ruin 2
ball of energy but faster
>ruin 3
rays of light
>run 4
rays of light
>jolt 1
>jolt 2
bigger ball
>jolt 3
mess of red diarrhea

magic is weird.
He's pretending to be retarded to bait, it's completely obvious.
He's not a father figure to sundered, he doesn't like any of them, there is literally 1 (one) sundered that he might like a little bit and that's you, and that's only because you've been rejoined more than anyone else and are an invincible mary sue
why does this faggot keep posting this? There's a dialogue option right after with a "no" option and it never happens either way
Again, they're immortal. They weren't even made immortal by unnatural means, it is a natural state of the world that they are the way they are.

It's not normal to die like we do in our world for them, by nature's design. This is why I think it's stupid as hell to judge them off of "oh they don't have the same view of mortality as us" when that isn't a natural thing in their universe, and they can poke their head into the afterlife and go "Yep, that's how that works" and confirm reincarnation 100%. Society would and should be different off of that.
i'm aware i just wanted that sweet, sweet "he wasn't lying" response he gave me
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Her time is still coming, I still believe
Incredible, it's like you didn't read a single word of the post you replied to. Let me repost it so you can try again.

Bro they were literally afraid to refer to the process as death because they were coping about what it actually was. An immortal race must be willing to return to the planet, yes, but their society went way beyond that. They began to idolize death and view it as the true goal in life. They began to treat it casually instead of paying it the proper respect. And that's exactly why they emotionally crumbled when the Final Days happened. You fucking idiot. How did you miss this when Meteion literally fucking quotes Hythlodaeus espousing the supposed virtues of this culture? How do you not realize that they were chasing the same thing? How do you not realize that the race of giant masked people in robes who can create anything at a whim were a picture into where the Ancients were going if the Final Days hadn't happened to veer them off course?
>He thinks Ryne will get nekkid in FRU
Go back to /vg/ where you belong holy shit
>Get to Tural, discover that a fuckhuge storm has devastated the people
>Wuk: Damn that's crazy, hey who wants tacos?
And then we find out Zoraal has been dedicating all his time to relief efforts.
These threads were like that before dawntrail though. Good or bad the expansion wasn't gonna have the power to cure either autism or downs syndrome.
And look at the replies anon, that's called an argument.
>In the end, they were all just malformed creatures. Feeble, frail, and foolish. Thrashing blindly about in their fleeting, fragmented lives, repeating the same mistakes over and over again. Never could they replace his brethren.
>Yet in spite of himself, when he cradled the newborn in his arms and stroked that downy hair, he could not help but hope. For what, he could not be certain, but he hoped nonetheless. It made little difference in the end, for his son had succumbed to some absurd illness and returned to the Underworld long before his time. Not without leaving behind a legacy, however─a living, breathing, and ever-present reminder of that momentary lapse.
This is your last (You).
coming for what? the only mystery about her (which was revealed in EW) has already been solved.
is ryne supposed to be fuckable or no?
everyone refers to her as a "child" and every let's player i've seen says she looks like a child but when I played the first thing I noticed is she marches around in slut boots and has a huge fucking rack
I know this is kind of a buzzword right now and no one really knows how to use it correctly but trust me when I say that is literally what media literacy is.
Asking yourself "what's the point of this scene" and extrapolating from it what it contributes to the larger message of the work.
This is why Ishikawa is actually a really good writer and extremely celebrated, she knows how to give each scene meaning and have it contribute to the one singular thread that flows through the whole expansion.
Even the fucking Loporrits which everyone hates and even I hate to some degree are making a statement about how life can't just be your function, you have to learn how to live it however you see fit.
That's why fucking Zenos is the final boss, HE knows how to live life and how to accurately determine its worth, because it shouldn't be down to society to tell you what your life is or isn't worth, you determine your own worth.
That's what Endwalker is fuckin about.
Campfire with Otis was cute but yeah Alibros got crumbs
Of course she is
She's 17 so she's a little old but she's still hot so sure.
Answer my question, don't run away... >>683753524
Forgot to swap to your other persona there champ
How many more years are you gonna post here? Hours a day? We take up all your time, friend!
in the description of lalafel, it is stated that they resemble children.

Doesn't this say something about you?
Time to just have some fun with her. Doesn't need to be super serious shit.
There is such a thing as reading too much into something. And you my friend, are deep within the bowels of fanfiction.net
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Because that's part of his cope, if he TRULY saw nothing worthwhile he wouldn't be helping us.
If he truly saw nothing he wouldn't invite us to amaurot.
If he truly saw nothing he wouldn't give the wol another chance.

Again, the entire point of the character is that he's desperate, he has no fight left to fight, no life left to live but he refuses to accept it, yet deep down he knows there's worth and wants someone to fully prove him wrong.
This is mirrored once again in EW when Emet has a breakdown at the mere idea of him being like this and murdering people.
Compare this to sphene in living memory just letting us stroll around for no reason and us taking hours worth of detours doing dumb shit as she's in her weakest stage and when the scions are supposedly portrayed as going through hell keeping the portal open on the other side.
so am i being gaslit?
the first time i played shadowbringers blind i honestly thought there was supposed to be almost like sexual or romantic tension between her and thancred
then everyone kept calling her child online and acting like she's a little kid. her tits are enormous?
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Would you reluctantly have sex with wuk lamat?
Endless would have been more interesting if it had touched on AI issues. Imagine finding out that Honey B is an Endless being used by Sol9 corpos to continue putting out music videos and performances long after the real actress had died.
>exposing her ass to anyone behind here
Kek they didn't think this art through
You should just put the filter back on
I'll have won by then
It's ok if you found her hot, but there was not that kind of tension between her or thancred.
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whats his endgame?
Nigger in EW they spell out the fact that his phantoms view you as children instead of subhumans and the significance of that compared to the actual Ancients in Elpis who assume you're a familiar.
Yes they did retard
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I really set you off this time
>No new VO work
>If he truly saw nothing he wouldn't give the wol another chance.
What do you mean? He literally tries to stop you with all of his might and then you fucking kill him.
How the fuck is he "coping?" He is serious about everything he says. And then when you bring him back he instantly leaves again because he still hates the sundered reality
You have to understand Thancred in his 1.0 form to have a better grasp on their relationship.
she's 17, practically a shriveled hag.
the big brain move is to buy the expensive stuff with gil and sit on it for a long long time. like i'm going to be killing bread 80 times or something
Her parents opposed Preservation right? Maybe if they come back as antagonists the story can have Krile picking up their fight.
>NOOO you can't just kill those creatures that wouldn't exist if we didn't create them
>life is... le meaningless
>and this society is somewhat bad despite being nearly a paradise
lemme just
>put into motion the end of all life on the planet causing immense suffering for billions
>here's a little test, SOCIETY!
>also I'm gonna make myself forget so the rest of the game makes sense
Genuinely some of the worst writing I've ever seen.
There's no such thing as a sexy lalafel. they literally don't have the traits to be sexy.
Hey, settle down okay?
Sigh.. time to queue for shatter...
Thancred views Minfilia and Ryne as his daughters.
Neither do I but I still get horny.
whats the issue? don't want to admit that an anon can criticize from experience when analyzing your favorite strimmer's game? lmao... lol even!
Did that part of the questline the day before. It was weird as Koana does come up in the conversation when you're inquiring about the wood but nothing is ever mentioned of his connection to the tribe, just the usual "oh yeah, he's one of the Promises and wants tech stuff, that's probably interesting or something".
The entire tribe is just weirdly done as if they're a bunch of nomads why do they have a fucking Aetheryte? Even on the Steppe the only ones there belong to the tribes that stay put in one spot.
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I can't imagine what someone like you even gets out of the story in this game.
Are you just waiting for Y'shtola to show up and say something so you can soiface about it like "yoooo that's my Y'shtola LOL" like a child?
Do you just have a fundamental incuriosity about authorial intent and what a piece of writing is trying to impart onto you?
>dude death is beautiful why are you even upset lol?
>this is the average retard complaning about EW
upon further viewing i dropped my theory that thancred had romantic feelings for Ryne
however, for minfilia, that was definitely romantic. you cannot tell me the scene after the ranjeet fight when he's laying on the ground dying that he is thinking of her as a daughter. that is ridiculous
yeah. someone needs to warn those 35 year old men that they are gonna get groomed by male aura
>The entire tribe is just weirdly done as if they're a bunch of nomads why do they have a fucking Aetheryte? Even on the Steppe the only ones there belong to the tribes that stay put in
Stop noticing things
Why do you think my criticisms of the writing mean I'm siding with the ancients in the game?
Do you have autism?
Did you miss the part in the Eden questline where she strips naked as Shiva or something? You're talking about Americans screeching over the 17 years old and 364 days meme. Japan isn't America.
never noticed you can see her left legs thigh through the dress before
Read up on what happened between them in 1.0, it's really not like that.
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looks like alisaie is in trouble

i agree
There shouldn't be any aetherytes on the Azim Steppe either but eh.
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dawntrail msq didn't even have cumbia, merengue or salsa
0/10, so called latam expansion
Not true. Reunion and Throne make sense.
then he must have developed feelings for her over the course of events after 1.0, because that little speech was not a father to his daughter. you have to be legit autistic to think that.
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Because he still believes on his cause, that doesn't mean he's not resentful about it, that doesn't mean he's not deep down shameful and resentful.
>And then when you bring him back he instantly leaves again because he still hates the sundered reality
Why the fuck would he stay?
It goes against everything they believed in their ancient life.

Why do you think he smiles and tells you to remember?
Do you think it was just a funny little catch phrase?
Why do you think he literally fucking helps you beat elidibus?
Why do you think the entire crystals subplot is there?
He wanted to pass on but he did not want to do so without finding a proper cause, a proper reason to pass the torch, the proper guardians of their old star.
>bring up how the writing is shit
>wow you must be retard you just don't get it I won't try to explain how this writing is somehow good I just like it because it's my special wittle game
they'd get snapped for this in ff14. just sayin' bro
What was with that third one all the way to the west anyway? You never even go out there for any MSQ stuff
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Nah, like the other anon said you need the context from 1.0.
On Thancred's first day in Ul'dah he wandered into a falseflag event that F'lhaminn was setting up and he knew something was happening but he was too busy fucking whores to pay attention and let it get out of hand. Minfilia's father was killed and he blamed himself for letting it get that far.
F'lhaminn adopted her and because of his guilt he said he'd take responsibility too and help out. But then his work for Louisoix kept him away too much and his guilt built up.
Louisoix hoisted his mission on Minfilia who wasn't prepared to deal with it. By the time ARR comes around Thancred was trying to replace her as the leader of the Scions because he knew she couldn't handle the burden. And the stress of that led to his possession. Thancred's whole relationship with Minfilia isn't romantic, it's that of a guilty, absent father who keeps failing his daughter over and over.
What's up with that third one on the cliffs that's in the middle of a deserted village?
Where did I say that? I was mocking the clear hypocrisy in the Ancients' actions.
did i miss anything? is trancer still being mad?
It was interesting actually noticing Thancred brooding in the Waking Sands after the Ifrit debacle when I did NG+
Namazu tribe quests
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>not helping your fishy friends
you're really not making a compelling case that he is a father figure, you basically said he gave a token commitment to being her father and then was never there and only returned once she became a titcow. i think she's his waifu. no father talks about his daughter like that
It's fine for you to have whatever headcanon you want, but please don't spew your retardation into the thread, for our braincells sake.
at best you can say it's nebulous or artistically vague
i'm not even saying he wasn't some kind of father figure to her, i'm just saying that it clearly evolved into something more at some point
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What do you think?
I stopped giving a shit about Beast Tribes after I did the Amaljaa and Ixal
oh no! source?
Not worth it bro, 3 last places in a row...
retards can't resist baiting that involves any number. also, i do have a vague curiousness about how i do at times
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We're at bump limit so I'm not about to do a whole analysis of Hermes's character but what you should realize about him is that he's a character grappling with the inherent contradiction of his own feelings regarding life and what the society he's a part of is trying to mold him into.
Hermes, by nature, thinks all life IS meaningful.
It's society that's the one hammering down on him that life can't be inherently meaningful, life must contribute to turning the planet into a paradise, otherwise it's meaningless.
The reason he wants to find other societies, see what they think about life, is because he wants to find a tangible reason for his own feelings, one divorced from the societal norms forced upon him.
A reason to value life for its own sake.
When he decides to kill everyone that's him buckling under the pressure and "falling in line", if all life is only worth as much as some arbitrary set of rules or tests dictates then it's time to put humanity under that same scrutiny.
she looks like she has downs syndrome in this picture
also weren't they together for like 5 years in the woods? this could be from the beginning.
by the end though she clearly looks like a woman (by the time WoL arrives)
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>i'm not even saying he wasn't some kind of father figure to her, i'm just saying that it clearly evolved into something more at some point
It feels like the professional at some points.
They STILL haven't fixed the stairs in Kazak'makulakuhohoho
>the writing is bad because i don't like it
Getting real tired of this.
then he found out every other society was a disaster and instead of realizing that what the ancients had was precious and rare, he spergs out and allows it to be destroyed too
kek yeah she does have gretaface there
>even his own sundered reincarnation thinks Hermes is a total fucking loser

They were going to destroy themselves with their apathy. He saved them.
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Not even him but Hermes is a retard, the society had issues yes but so does everything.
If your answer to said problems is just fucking eradicating everything you're just mentally ill.
Instead of saying "hey wait no this ain't for me, I'll go do azems job or some shit so I can experience life" no he joins the worst possible job for him and excels at it.

You cannot ever, EVER fucking defend hermes character unless you're also a sociopat/fucking psychopath yourself.
he actually destroyed them and then created a calamity of soulless sundered bug people for all time
They were on the same trajectory as the Ra Las
I'm furious, it was a shit show. I feel like the two teams were win trading. Every time we attacked the leading team, the other team attacked us, and backed off of the other team was open to them
But they weren't going to. The thing that destroyed them and cause the final days was literally him.
I noticed right near the start people talk about Zoraal Ja like he's a decent person and now his Landsguard was out protecting the piece and relief efforts then as the story went on the entire opinion just magically shifted into saying he was selfish and only cared about himself and how lax the Landsguard was in taking care of matters. Like what? Did somebody forget to change some lines from earlier in the story during the rewrites?
>the apathetic collectivists who need to surround themselves with material comforts or else face total mental breakdown aren't bug people
>it's the hardy ruralchads who face suffering head on who are the bug people!
>you don't understand I am saving you by killing you
that's called a "twist" and it's what makes the story "deep"
>t. media literacy expert
>>the apathetic collectivists who need to surround themselves with material comforts or else face total mental breakdown aren't bug people
>>it's the hardy ruralchads who face suffering head on who are the bug people!
In hermes vision they all just fucking died.
There was no others, they all just fucking DIED.
Nothing he described there is a twist.
the ancients were pretty good dudes
i'm sure the game showing elpis as a literal garden of eden paradise was just coincidental
>entire job is about rigorous testing of new concepts to make sure nothing can go wrong with peer reviews and extended field tests to make sure they are up to snuff
>"lol I'll just make my own creation via untested unknown means and send it out to the unknown universe.. you know what, fuck that I'll make several DOZEN of them and not tell anybody I'm doing this, what could possibly go wrong"
Hermes believed they were going to win THO.
I pity people that don't get this character.
Like how shonen-brained are you to not see the obvious contradiction in his actions and what he felt? Hermes is probably the litmus test to see if these retards that praised the ShB story actually understood the themes or what kind of character Emet actually was.
>already got Oppressor
Suck it, PVPbucks
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The problem is you're retarded.
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Trancers did a number on this thread
why did you think he wiped his memory tardo?
slutty isn't the only way to go anon
are you telling me to invest now or wait till savage launch for materiacoin.
No he fucking didn't, if he did he wouldn't make up some bullshit and do his autistic little test.
He wanted to believe that, but how the fuck is anyone going to change with no input or effort whatsoever?
I'll just procrastinate till the end of 6.1
What are you babbling about? Hermes believed they'd triumph over the Final Days and evolve into a better society and he was right.
Does it come with a mount theme?
>ancients live in literal paradise
Wow, thanks hydalein

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