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>a literal decade of anons claiming Minecraft is totally awful now, guys
>play for the first time in years
>it's just as fun as I remember
most of you are simply too autistic to accept change and have a nostalgia fetish for for "old" block textures. current vanilla survival minecraft is hardly any different than how it's always been, the world is simply more decorated with unique mobs and items.
how did you smelt all those stones in one hour
I can't strip mine in new minecraft, therefore I dropped it
>t. only crafts one or two furnaces
1 stack of cobble is 8 furnaces which produces 8 stacks of polished deepslate (aka bricks and cracked bricks etc.) in 10 minutes using a total of one single stack of coal. you're looking at far fewer total blocks than 8 stacks. baffling that you're surprised by this
did they ever fix inventory issues? terraria updated the stack limit to 9999 and has quick stack to chests + void bag. last time i played minecraft years ago it had none of that and a 64 stack limit.
Works on my machine
right, forgot about that. i never bother to make a proper furnace room, ought to start doing that
Let them autistically enjoy the older versions.
It doesn't really matter.
>Both sandbox games get more and more inventory bloat
>Terraria: Just add yet another inventory, raise the stacks
>Minecraft: *silence*

They both shouldn't have added all the shitblocks like andesite and five different types of sand
It's more of a perspective thing, older players who played Minecraft a lot usually hate the new versions because nucraft and notchcraft are still the core game, but play completely differently and have different balance, there are some valid arguments there. Meanwhile new players love the new game.
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for me?
digging a hole into the side of a hill
unless I spawn inside of a snowy plains, in which case log cabin
unless I'm using mods in which case a wizard tower
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>it's just as fun as I remember
>hour 1
honestly yeah it's good fun but i still mostly miss the old world gen
i fucking HATE long grass and shitty plains
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at least they're trying
it's still shit
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Clearly. It's like people are getting more autistic and retarded. Still love Minecraft.
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My biggest gripe with minecraft has always been that the most interesting part of the game and most unique bit of tech, the endless procedurally generated landscape, becomes almost totally irrelevant the second you decide to settle down with a permanent base. Sure you could just wander around forever but it's a massive pain in the ass with the limited inventory, lackluster navigational aids, and lack of vehicles besides boats and minecarts. I'd prefer if there was some kind of game mode that constantly pushed you out of old areas and into new ones, or maybe if you could build some kind of vehicle that functioned as a mobile base so you could explore without the hassle of constantly making temp bases to accomplish the most basic of tasks. I'm sure what I'm describing is possible with mods but it's ridiculous how boring vanilla gameplay is after more than a decade of development.
A pocket dimension would be cool - an item which transported you to a small plot of land you could develop with a home, farmland and animals you find, store items and craft etc.
That would leave you free to continue exploring but also keep the appeal of building.
I'm more pissed that the game is still fucking unfinished after all this time.
>No ambience, no cave reverb, no birds chirping.
>Water is boring and has a generic tiling texture, no waves or shorelines sloshing
>Difficulty is fucked every update
>Biomes system is still binary values, once you've seen one biome you've seen them all, no mixing.
>No creating different types of structures to progress (farms don't count because you generate items, not create)
>No creating ships that float
>No waterfalls or rivers that flow.
What a fucking piece of wasted potential
>Barely add any content to the game
>The shit they add is just souless filler/bloat
>Have literally over 1000+ employees working on Minecraft and yet some nerd in his basement made a mod that easily doubles the performance while they can't figure out how to add fireflies to the game
>Pozzed the game with LGBTQQN++ propaganda
>Won't add certain features because it won't work on mobile
>More focused on shitty spinoffs than the main game
>Mob votes is the most lazy way possible to get the community feel involved
>New music they add is literally tranny garbage
>Forced transition to microdick account because fuck you goy

I could go on and on why modern Minecraft is a piece of shit
>New music they add is literally tranny garbage
This sounds like schizo babble.
"garbage made by a tranny" would be correct, "literal tranny garbage" is indeed schizobabble
Wait a tranny worked on the music?
Lena raine, they kicked C418 out because he wanted to keep the rights to his music. Now they've been slowly dripfeeding her music into the game to soft-remove C418's
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the new textures do suck but they're extremely easy to mod back to the old ones
I appreciate a lot of the new block types, but the new worldgen is fucking awful. That's my main gripe. There isn't a mod last I checked (although that was a year ago) that gives you something similar to the old beta worldgen. If any of you have have a rec for a good one, I'd certainly appreciate it.
The new mobs suck and there's just too much shit in the game in general, but you can just ignore most of it. You can't ignore the worldgen.
Hunger system also sucks ass, but there are mods that fix that.
Are you retarded and incapable of spelling truth nuke
Oh so Lena is one of them, when did people figure it out?
Oh that's going to make things easier. How long till the skeletons come out of the closet and they have to throw all his music out? No doubt that he's already broken many laws.
Kind of, I guess. There's support for custom stack sizes now, from 1 to 99, that you can set through datapacks, but the default is still 64.
clearly yov dovt ovvn an air frver
>keep adding more and more food with varying degrees of complexity to make
>best food is steaks which can be easily farmed from day 1
>only beaten by golden foods which are for emergency use and nowhere near "required"

Do something interesting with this shit
Let me combine bread, steak, and beets for a steak sandwich
Let me combine stew, carrots, and chicken for a chicken stew

There's so many fucking items in this game and barely any of them interact
Yeah the best they have is rabbit stew, ffs I want to cook!
>go to all the trouble to make Rabbit Stew
>it's worse than just killing a cow and shoving the two steaks into the furnace
That's honestly one of the biggest flaws of the game. Why even have different crops if steak and golden carrots (that you trade from villagers) are by far the best? So many items lack a proper use because of these cookie-cutter solutions
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Please don't remind me.
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I only play minecraft after turning it into factorio
That's a very accurate image. Really seems like we can't have anything nice anymore. They have to ruin everything.
most people who shill beta 1.7.3 just repeat what jewtubers say
Don't like villagers. Don't like mob farms. Don't like obscure single-use items.
Just implement the portals that can be connected.
>make o hub portal in your base
>go exploring
>time to go back
>build another portal the takes you to the base
Simple as.
>'ate Villagers
>'ate Mob farms
>'ate Single-use Items
>Luv Explorin
>Luv Minin
>Simple as
Really this is necessary for everyone after all the added stuff. I don't mind it either.
be a cool feature for multiplayer as well having a network between all your friends mines and bases would be awesome to make
It's boring and always has been
When I was still playing, I abandoned the bases to map the surroundings, name the rivers and mountains I found, and then build a new base. After repeating the procedure several times I connected everything with rails (sometimes I didn't find old bases, but it was more fun because I could end up coming across them much later by luck).
i made the original 4cr@ft. Dont ask me anything. fuck'n original post
>mfw Create Aeronautics is vaporware
Mobile base never ever
in case anyone was looking for a mod that helps with this a lot
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>>a literal decade of anons claiming Minecraft is totally awful now, guys
>>play for the first time in years
>>it's just as fun as I remember

Minecraft is bad BECAUSE of the lack of change.
Mojang devs do 5 hours of work per month to drop a complete dogshit update per year.
It's gotten so bad that MC has now carved a niche where you only really play it after a while of not playing it, have fun for 2 days, remember there's nothing else to do and drop it again for several years.
I'm looking to start a playthrough with https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/timeless-and-classics-zero soon. Any other mods that would go along with it well, especially in the Mob department?
Most of the people that say that have never played the game at a higher level beyond basic base building and beating the ender dragon. They've never gotten into redstone, done a server group project, done huge builds that take days, done real terraforming and base building with realistic interiors, done mapart and shared it with friends, the game is really what you make it.
where flaot
It's fun, but Mojang owes me money.
Honest question, but what's the gameplan on minecraft, as in with terraria you have your progression in gear and bosses, but in minecraft it was just
>Dig down
>Get diamonds
>Kill dragon
At least back when i played it, and now every news about an update is some shit like "We added a critter" and that's it
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>buy Minecraft for a girl I've been talking to for a bit on discord
>We spend 12 hours straight playing together
>the last two hours we spent them doing nothing but jumping around and discussing our personal lives
Lads, how do I not fumble this up?
Just keep doing what you're doing and don't overthink it. If you two already spent two hours just talking after a ten hour gaming session, you're clearly doing fine. You could probably even spill a little spaghetti at this point and be okay
Just play Clockwork, at least it's playable. I'd recommend also using a mod for larger oceans for boat kino.
Valheim created pretty much the perfect food/health system for this kind of game, and yet we'll never get anything even a tenth as good with Mojang's incompetence.
Most of the gameplay changes are alright. The new textures and mob designs are a clear and explicit gentrification of Minecraft and removal of the sovl of Notch's original art.
Just use the Nether, this is specifically what it's most useful for.
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>Mojang devs do 5 hours of work per month to drop a complete dogshit update per year.
fun three facts
>The Java edition team is not allowed to progress too far with updates without letting Bedrock catch up close enough, which is an issue because despite the overall better performance, Bedrock is a complete failure of a rewrite and to this day has critical flaws and bugs that ruin your game, from hard crashes to random deaths to permanent world corruptions.

>Every single change no matter how minuscule or small gets thrown through an insanely convoluted and long loop of PR, playtests, consultants, consultants, even more consultants, marketers and a bunch of other bigwigs. The majority of additions get shot down.

>The team is small. Java and Bedrock have a combined amount of 30~ active devs, with Java having the lesser amount. The majority of the Mojang team are involved in offshoot projects, social media, art and marketing.
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capitalism was a mistake
see >>683746647
it's already over though, you bought some bitch a game. you're just her game dude friend.
>despite having more devs than java, Bedrock is still slower to update with new content
>because 99% of the reason bedrock exists is to monetize the game as much as possible, being as the core demographic of bedrock is 8 year old kids with access to their parents' credit card
you got another cute animal added to the game, why aren't you happy
ehrm lvrk more tovrist baka
Smelt my balls
if you want to get real autistic and efficient you can use hoppers in minecarts to automatically load and empty both smeltable items and fuel
>another cute animal!
>with more useless drops that accomplish nothing but hey here you go!
Wow that's fucking cool how about adding more inventory slots so they don't need to be modded in
How about more actual progression to mining so it's more than "click on block"
How about a way to make building better in lategame, like increasing the block placement range - oh wait that was tied to a fucking mob vote instead of them just adding things into the game without this gay "democratic" shit
You WILL wait for bundles, CHUD.
>we want to fix inventory bloat and tedium
>by making an item that only results in you spending more time nitpicking with your inventory
Won't give two shits about bundles, I'll just keep rushing shulker boxes like I have for the last decade
blow it out your ass commie
This man unironically tips his landlord
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I love bundles because it's good for storing the 5 bajillion gems I get exploring with apotheosis. Don't know what the justification is with locking them behind "experimental" for all this time. Most (if not all) of the complaints in this thread can easily be solved by modding, minecraft has one of the biggest modding scenes of any game ever created. Save up your minimum wage and buy a PC you dumb fucking poorfag cunts.
Nobody cares, nigger. Kill yourself.
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Found this cave recently.
You'd never get something like this at release.
The deep cave generation is actually really good, I think they nailed that and it's probably the best thing they've done in close to a decade.
But the above ground generation is still mediocre, and is ruined by the overabundance of structures. Cut villages, ruined nether portals, ocean monuments, everything by at least 80% and it'd be a start, then crank up the crazy terrain we had before.
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Remember what they took from you.
Ironically, the only useful benefit that 1.7-onward biome generation had was being easier to connect bases via rails across water, since before that it would be...possible, but require a massive haul of resources. But now we have elytras to trivialize overworld travel and nobody uses rails for anything except base automation.
Minecraft's combat still feels like shit despite the changes made.
It could be a masterpiece if it were anything close to that of Vermintide.
What launcher should I use?
carry less garbage
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What is this? You mean there is a solution to the storage problem that I could've have done at any time? What is this wizardry? Muh Muh Muh Muh Modding? What is this sacrilege?
i always like making villages in cool locations. i wish villagers had more functions or just some animations to show them doing basic work.
its done literally nothing new of value since Beta
There's a reason most ppl still play 1.6.4 or 1.7.10 with Tekkit mods
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Can someone explain why backpacks get their dicks sucked so hard when Shulker Boxes have been a thing for a decade? Granted, it takes a while to get them but it's not like the base game is lacking the entire mechanic in comparison to other complains.
>varying degrees of complexity to make
this isnt just a minecraft or modder problem
its literally all video games
almost all video games fucking love making food retardedly complicated to craft with no payoff to make it worth it.
FFXI is the only game that got vidya food buffs right.
Nuuuuu you dont understand, the trillion dollar company that controls all of IT in the world and has 100,000 employees cant afford to do more than recolor a few textures and badly copy-paste features we already had in mods in 2010 dont redeem the card sir
>you got another cute animal added to the game
we already had dozens of those with the Mo' Creatures mod in 2010.
I assume it's because they want some sort of solution earlier than The End, and farming Shulkers without a farm is fairly irritating.
what mod gives you those red and green bombs?
That is cobblemon brother, and you use those to get sapling and create pokeballs. I like to include it in my modpacks to give me extra shit to do, it is honestly better then the official pokemon games lately if I'm being honest with myself.
>farming Shulkers
I do understand that finding end cities without an elytra can be a pain in the ass, but once you get them I usually don't have too much problem finding them, or maybe it's luck idk
>bigger inventories
>stack limit greater than 64
>can access their inventory from your inventory screen, no need to put them on the ground
>can add crafting bench and stone cutter functions
they're pretty useful
I should have said that there is multiple tnt extension mods that add a lot of tnt variants if that is what you are into. Modded minecraft is vastly superior to the non modded versions, I highly encourage everyone to migrate to them if you want to gain any enjoyment out of this shit.
People on 4chan are retarded.
Because early game storage solution > late game storage solution
That's all there is to it.
Don't care. >She makes some bangers. The Minecraft alpha soundtrack is honsetly overrated as fuck.
the flying enemies are the worst addition
Minecraft should just add furniture at this point. It made sense in the past for it to not have it, but the game has too many gimmicks and useless junk now
Yeah this game has come so far it's pretty crazy.
The easiest, simplest, cleanest answer is just giving more inventory space. No, I don't want to carry more satchels or bags or backpacks which involves more clicking to get into the part of the inventory I want. Inventory management should be QUICK, and having to spend more and more time each update, stuck in the inventory screen or running around a storeroom full of chests (auto sorters are practically mandatory now) to find what I need, is less time spent actually doing stuff.

Backpacks are a good choice compared to shit like satchels, but really it comes down to simplicity over anything else.
if you need that much inventory then you're literally just taking too much worthless shit with you, git gud
youre a faggot
The truth is Minecraft singleplayer is too boring and I'm not interested in playing with kids.
Skips being tied to a base when you can carry all the shit you need with you.
Ever since world of color, the game has been pushing the idea of spending more time on long explorations, picking up varieties of blocks to build with, new crafting materials of varying usefulness (copper, amethyst), or random knickknacks and cosmetics (trims, pottery shards, banner patterns, etc). This is on top of their failed attempts to make the player carry more useless tool items like the spyglass, death compass, whatnot.
It's not a case of "git gud". It's the modern game's design principal shifting to require more and more stacks of just a couple items each, without appropriately giving the player the ease and quality of life to do so.
Bundles are such a misguided attempt to correct it, because if they know there's an issue with inventory bloat, why skirt around the issue with a clunky bandaid fix?
minecraft is bad because mojank has done fuck-all with it outside of the nether update and new swimming mechanics, also they change a bunch of shit under the hood for no good reason so every fucking mod needs to be rewritten for each version change. absolutely horrendous devs, games popularity is solely carried by dogwater servers like hypixel or whatever godforsaken shit gets put in the (((FEATURED SERVERS))) list on bedrock. Install create, install alex's caves, install alex's mobs, create by itself is already better than everything mojoke has added between 1.7.10 and the current latest version. I fucking hate swedes.
>Bundles are such a misguided attempt to correct it, because if they know there's an issue with inventory bloat, why skirt around the issue with a clunky bandaid fix?
because they're not allowed to make significant changes in the game, they're only allowed to take baby steps in any direction they want
imagine if they changed a core mechanic and suddenly all the kids did not want to play anymore, they can't take risks, which is why the greatest core mechanic they introduced was hunger and this was over a decade ago
I can't imagine anyone other than dedicated pvp autists thinking more inventory space would be a "major core change" that ruins the game.
They struggled to get the bundle UI working/feeling well on touch devices, so they got shelves on all platforms because of the parity mandate.
the problem isnt that it isnt any fun at all, the problem is that the original gameplay loop has been completely dissected and replaced with gimmicks
You can, though. What are you talking about?
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Because backpacks are larger and much more convenient. The fact of the matter is the inventory management isn't fun outside of a handful of games (e.g. RE4). Resources should be gated behind difficulty in obtaining them, not difficulty in managing them in the UI. I should be excited about finding something new, not annoyed when I realize I now need to clear space for it. I'm playing a game, not organizing shelves as a grocery-store clerk.
i'm pretty sure that their consultants are "if it ain't broke don't fix it" boomers that never played the game
there is literally nothing wrong with modern minecraft aside from mapgen being kinda boring (not that the old one was noticeably better, but at least it spawned some fun stuff semi-frequently)
arguably the pace nuMojang works at is terribly slow, but I don't mind it - rather have sloooow updates than base game becoming a kitchen sink
>from 1 to 99,
it's impossible for the code to get weird below 127 (and realistically 255 because I doubt the number of items can be negative for whatever reason) so setting it 1-99 instead of 1-255 is just spiteful
i hate the new textures. i dont care that theyre objectively higher quality and consistent, nothing will beat the classic minecraft textures. there still has yet to be a pack that accurately replicates the look and feel of them in the new items.
backpacks are shilled only by retards who don't know the glory of dank storage
I won't be giving up my 100k torch and cobblestone stacks, nor will I deal with mob drops manually
>long explorations
to explore what exactly?
the same fucking desert/jungle temple over and over again 10 times for no worthwhile loot?
you have everything you could ever want within your spawn, and if your spawn is shit you just reroll another one.
Villages are shit and the Testificates in them are fucking worthless.
the only time the game ever rewarded exploration was when you had mods installed and you needed to find oil and when you had Biomes A Plenty installed.
or back in Beta before the world gen was still interesting, exploration was interesting cuz you'd find cool, weird and fun world generation or you'd try to find cool seeds like Gargamel, 404 or Glacier.
being real PVP autists take an iron sword and a half-stack of food, maybe a half stack of torches and some cobble to build with
anything else is a waste and unnecessary loss when you die.
fallout 4 survival mode does it right in that every food item gives you some bonus
the easiest to find/make are also some of the most useful ones
>air fruer
>he makes some bangers
Well said!
It's just autists being autistic and nostalgic. Minecraft haven't changed much and still the same game.
People who are on the spectrum easily develop a fanatical attachement to whothefuckcares? old textures/mechanics and percieve any change or new stuff as a personal attack.
All the complains are:
The only real and objectively shitty thing they added were phantoms, and you can turn them off.
>that shit encrusted sandwich?
>just eat around the shit bro, it's fine
Kill yourself.
>food analogy
>that shit encrusted computer mouse?
>just touch the parts that aren't covered in shit bro, it's fine
Don't forget
>minecarts still useless
All the stuff you complain is easily ignorable and a non-issue.
Just because it doesn't pander to your own personal autistic sensibilities it doesn't make it bad.
It's been said, but so many of these update just add nothing of consequence. I started playing again for the first time since 2013 and it's so underwhelming.
>Raids are thwarted by a wall of almost any material
>Buried villages are fun to dig out once, but with no in-game reward
>Ancient Cities have nothing worth the trouble of exploring
>Temples are just a holder for the End Portal, not an adventure
>Wood Mansions have so little reward for how rare they are
>Trial Chambers are one-and-done for a weapon with a huge gimmick
>Every dungeon spawner you find after the one you build a kill trap on is meaningless
>Loot everywhere is nothing to get excited over since 99% of it isn't unique. Sharpness I Iron Sword? Thanks, but it's still not as good as my Diamond Sword that only took 2 diamonds from my first trip spelunking
>Wood, Stone, and Gold tools have no place. It's Iron early, Diamond/Netherite as soon as you can.
Practically every adventure structure's rewards are something you could have gotten just by mining and building things on your own. All of it is fun once, then why bother. They can't seem to figure out replayability when they've bought the foundation of one of the most replayable genres; fucking around with Lego bricks. It's fun to build, but you can't really do anything with your creations after that.
>All the stuff you complain is easily ignorable and a non-issue.
Aside from the shitty terrain generation, the overabundance of artificial structures, the phantoms forcing you to use beds, the many different types of rocks which serve no purpose other than to clutter your inventory, the shitty retextures, being forced to fish for hours to get one of the only useful items in the game, the many new mobs that add absolutely nothing to the game...
Anon, I can go on forever on how modern Minecraft is garbage.
It's not our problem that you missed the golden age of Minecraft.
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I cant believe they still haven't added a "sort chest" button
"her" songs play way too fucking loud, and the BotW-esque tracks get old really quickly. Despite that some of the new music is alright, I like the nether, deep dark, and underwater music (1.13 has the last C418 tracks)
Dinnerbone was going to add unique treasure weapons like a decade ago, once again can't believe mojang never implemented that shit. Really I don't like all these gimmicky new structures, they should add cool shit like the vehicles from create, and more importantly improve mining and building progression. Why is the only way to get mass amounts of TNT to build an AFK farm or use an exploit? It's like they design the game around building farms and sitting around doing nothing.
This thread sums up that people here are old
Nobody really understands that Minecraft is a role playing game hence you need to stop pretending carrots are useless and start eating them so you are healthy
>It's like they design the game around building farms and sitting around doing nothing.
Yes, that's kinda the point.
The moment you start inserting limitations or force people to put in effort, you risk pushing potential customers away from your IP.
And since that is the only thing Microsoft cares about, we will continue to get mobs that drops nothing, some extra structures that contain nothing you've already seen before and some new half-baked mechanics made by an intern who left three months ago.
Twitter trannies aren't allowed to use half the words in the dictionary on x, so they just replace them with symbols and shit.
>It's like they design the game around building farms and sitting around doing nothing.
exactly, and to this day i still use the same workaround that i did 15 years ago when i hosted a server with highschool friends, the /give command
In my most recent run, I built a little cabin on the river's edge for my main home. I fished off my tiny pier to collect some fish, junk, and mostly worthless enchanted items. I eventually did get a nice new enchanted Mending fishing rod out of it, but all that served was more fishing. The friend I was playing with simply dives into the water, smacks the actual fish models with a sword, and gets food 10x the speed I was. Why do they not bother balancing the game before adding in more waste?
>Aside from the shitty terrain generation
Old grass and stone terrain generation wasn't much better. You are just being nostalgic.
>the overabundance of artificial structures
You can ignore them. For the rest of humanity having more stuff to explore is good.
>the phantoms forcing you to use beds
Turn them off
>the many different types of rocks which serve no purpose other than to clutter your inventory
Just because you don't like them it doesn't make it bad. Not everyone wants to build exclusively with wood and stone.
>the shitty retextures,
Stupid nostalgia
>being forced to fish for hours to get one of the only useful items in the game
That item is not mandatory
>the many new mobs that add absolutely nothing to the game...
They add more variety and new challenges
>Anon, I can go on forever on how modern Minecraft is garbage.
Minecraft is the most played game ever. If you were right it would have fallen into irrelevancy long time ago.
>It's not our problem that you missed the golden age of Minecraft.
I didn't, but unlike you, I can enjoy change.
Anyway, I don't have the pacience to listen your autistic rant on how changing a texture ruined everything. You can have the last reply, I know it's very important for you.
I wonder who's behind this post
thats because you were 5 when you first played it and now you're 15 you underage little faggotoid
Minecraft is an RPG
Probably somebody who realises Minecraft is an RPG
I'll just reiterate what I said before, because I don't think it's possible to penetrate through your delusions.
>It's not our problem that you missed the golden age of Minecraft.
if it's an RPG then it's gotta be one of the shittiest of all time
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>Old grass and stone terrain generation wasn't much better,
And yet it's the most popular of all time
But uh everybody but you has bad taste except you still love Minecraft hence why you're here
>And yet it's the most popular of all time
This was true 12 years ago, zoomer-kun.
it's more about what could have been, but the devs are hilariously incompetent
>decide to change the pistons sound because they are too noisy
>the new one is garbage and sounds wet for some inconceivable reason, everyone makes fun of it
>just revert to the old sound instead of making a better one, now they'll probably be too scared to ever change it again
and this is why instead of making useful or cool changes most of the updates just add a bunch of stupid bullshit that doesn't really improve the game in any meaningful way, despite the fact that there are still many issues to tackle
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The only true innovation since then were the better cave gen and more redstone contraptions.
The one of the biggest problem in vanilla is the lack of intuitive way to build a transport system which deters exploration on the surface. It's either minecart, or abusing nether roof exploit.
Minecraft had 200 million players in 2023
Calm down
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I hope you learned something today, zoomer-kun.
The game is fine but programmer art is still better
>Dig down
>Get Iron
>Build a cool castle
>Go to Nether
>Build a cool castle there
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I have only killed Nether dragon twice in my entire life, back in 2012 solo and two years ago with my friends.
Minecraft doesn't really have an end goal. Even feeding sheep forever is fun, at least for my sister.
200 million players 2023
130 million Minecraft players 2020

I hope you learned something :)
why, is there a game that has sold more copies since?
You could argue that Fortnite has surpassed it but that's impossible to say since there's no way to know how many people have played minecraft for free.
As far as we know it still holds the title of most popular game of all time
Minecraft Pocket Edition exists
>punch tree
>make shitty pickaxe
>dig down
>make better pickaxe
>dig down again to find iron
>inventory full with twenty different types of stone
>clean inventory
>get copper
>try to make tools out of copper
>can't make tools out of copper
>dig down again
>inventory full with twenty different types of stone again
>clean inventory
>get iron
>build square house out of stone because the terrain is so bland it provides no inspiration
>dig down
>mine for hours because deepslate takes ages to mine and diamonds are mostly under there
>get diamonds
>make pickaxe
>get obsidian
>build portal
>go to nether
>spend hours navigating the absolute clusterfuck that are nether biomes
>finally find a fortress
>kill blazes for rods
>go back to the overworld
>kill endermen for two days straight because their pearls have a god awful droprate
>combine pearls with blaze powder
>spend an hour doing the same thing over and over, hoping that rng doesn't fuck you over
>find stronghold
>find portal literally two rooms away
>enter eyes
>kill dragon
>enter portal
2018 wasn't 12 years ago
40% of Minecraft sales are now on this
Modern Minecraft has horses. Travel by horse is very convenient. It's a pain in the ass to obtain a saddle through trading though. Once you have a villager who sells saddles though, oh man, you're set for life. Nothing beats travel on horseback. You will be motivated to create roads and bridges.
>more than 100 million people have bought minecraft for their phone
but why? It's mostly kids that don't even know what a desktop is, I get it, but playing minecraft with touch controls sounds like an awful experience, I don't even understand how some can stand playing it with a controller
They don't know any better.
Worse still, because they grew up with phones instead of a computer, they actually prefer using their phone over anything else.
you dont need to smelt deepslate, just throw it in the stonecutter
thanks but i'll stick to ice roads for the time being
yeah but if I had only a phone I'd prefer games that are satisfying to play on a touch screen, is minecraft still so culturally relevant that kids want to play it no matter how much clunkiness they have to deal with?
>It's a pain in the ass to obtain a saddle through trading though.
I've always found plenty in chests just exploring, unless you constantly lose your horses trading for saddles isn't really needed
>is minecraft still so culturally relevant that kids want to play it no matter how much clunkiness they have to deal with?
Yes. Youtube and Twitch are filled to the brim with Minecraft content creators.
You know how zoomers and alphas spend almost all of their childhood watching Youtube videos?
They're watching either Minecraft, Fortnite or those weird-ass Elsegate videos.
Oh, and again; it may be clunky to us, to them it's normal.
well I'm impressed then by how this game managed to retain its popularity, I'd rather see a kid play minecraft than most of the slop that's trending nowadays.
What's Elsegate?
>What's Elsegate?
Oh, you sweet summer child.
Ask ChatGPT or Claude, they'll do it better than I ever could.
just googled it, did you mean elsagate? I remember seeing people make fun of that weird shit a few years ago, I can't believe that it's still going strong
>buy...for a girl
>waste half the day playing a game, nothing else
This would be cute if you were both younger than 14
Constant updoot, even it is shit, means the Youtubers will always have new content to cover. Which works as never ending advertisement for gen Alpha who never heard of Minecraft before.
Minecraft will sell as long as people breed.
Have you considered asking her out?
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Old fags are the worst
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We'd be a lot better were it not for you newfaggots shitting everything up.
Minecraft was never good.
It's popular because it's virtual lego you can play with friends over the internet on any platform
I tried to play Minecraft once, but the game is way too scary for me. The music was terrifying. I don't know how people manage to play it for hours without a single pause.
>turn music off
there, solved it
after a while you realize that surviving is easy so there's nothing to fear. At times the game can still be spooky though, the warden is basically a horror enemy.
The juxtaposition between the comfy and the creepy atmosphere is part of its appeal
It's a joke about being obsessed with rome and Latin, you moron
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Oldfags need pension, duckie
Oldfags are like 30 years old, you candyass.
And everyone knows 30 is the new 18.
he who smelt it
I can't never play MC for more than a few days max, since i got no friends its boring in singleplayer
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Duckie Duckie, needs vidya pension
i prefer calling it "fact nagasaki" it sounds less like boomer lingo
>t. average holocaust denier
It sounds cringe in hindsight but we're both having fun, laughing and making memories.
We've been flirting but I think I'll ask her out when we know each other even better. Doesn't help that she lives in an entirely different continent, and I've never been in an LDR before and have no idea how to handle it.
>the ender dragon was added 13 years ago
>there still hasn’t been an update as impactful
>she lives in an entirely different continent
oh boy
lol how old are you
>No guys you don't understand the desaturated graphics and bloat slop is just fine
you should be deceased.
It's baffling that games continue to make survival meters when many games have proven the mechanic works better as a buff system.
I'd say the caves and cliffs update is way way more impactful than the end.
The entire world gen is different, mines are far bigger + more open and the world height goes far deeper.
It's not about whether the update was good or not, but caves and cliffs changes the entire gameplay of a playthrough while the dragon is only at the end (and doesn't really give you much).
>the dragon is only at the end (and doesn't really give you much)
I don't remember when they updated the end but elytras and shulker boxes were also massive game changers
After going from this to RAD2 where your stats actively gate you from progressing straight to Diamond tier tools I can't go back.
>Weaker items are easier to enchant, thus offer some support for minmaxing certain stats
>Places of interest have hidden rooms / chests, encouraging searching rather than dashing through to get the loot at the end
>Waystones and Teleport Pads that encourage you to explore while creating various megabases along the way
Makes me wonder how much different MC could have been if Mojang doubled down on the RPG elements.
For sure, those were more impactful than the ender dragon itself. But that wasn't the same update (1.0 vs 1.9 I believe).
Even if we include the end cities, I still think Caves & Cliffs was more impactful. It's the literal end, while worldgen and caves change up 90% of the gameplay.
Ha! A nigger on v! Hahahaha! An actual black nigger on this board! Lmao!
>It's like they design the game around building farms and sitting around doing nothing.
Makes me think of Cookie Clicker but with less gameplay.
>another continent
I'm gonna be serious with you anon, she probably has guy friends who are boning her.
What the fuck am I supposed to be doing? I need a beginner's guide. I know make shelter, bed, furnace, chests, armor and weapons, but then what do I do????
How to get map on PC version sirs?
>For the rest of humanity having more stuff to explore is good.
There's nothing to explore though? They're the same design copy-pasted over and over and over. Visit one once and you might as well never touch them again.
>while worldgen and caves change up 90% of the gameplay
that's true, a massive increase of the world's size in both depth and height was something that I had wanted to see since the game's beta
whatever you want, nigga. I'd aim for enchantments as your next step, then you might want to defeat the dragon, but mostly just build shit
Why dont they just nerf the early easy foods?
probably because people are already annoyed by the hunger mechanic enough as it is, so they let basic foods be more than powerful enough and the variety is left mostly for flavour. Still they should tweak some things, not being able to stack soups at all for example makes them worthless
Gentle sex with your precious wife. Or, Minecraft. Gamers keep choosing wrong.
the progression in the game is just a time gate to getting full enchanted tools and elytra
>different continent
dude just give up, its not worth it
Early 20s.
She isn't. She never even had her first kiss.
Why? I like her.
>>New music they add is literally tranny garbage
the newer music is so much better than the old music. i love c418 but fuck me is the new music atmospheric
appleskin, spice of life and cooking for blockheads should really just be in the base game
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Just keep having fun and make a friend, if it feels natural ask her out, if she turns you down just accept it. Learning to make friends with girls is extremely important as a milestone for growing as a person and the prerequisite to even having a girlfriend or wife. I met my wife living in a dorm and all we did was play FF14 together, but we became really close friends before anything happened. Also, good for you anon coming out of your shell, I think if you've come this far getting to know her you're doing fine and should believe in yourself.

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