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Armored Core 6 made about $150m
What do you think the production and advertising budgets were?
shipped =/= sold
Fairly high even for an mech game in the West. Probably $100M
shipped = sold to retailers
I just can't see it being that high, not for a Japanese studio
Sold to retailers =/= actually sold to players.
Shipped does equal sold. Money was already given to the publisher. Now if the shipped units weren't sold those units are just sitting in some warehouse or gamestop somewhere
Makes no difference to the one's making the game.
Doesn't matter to From as far as their coffers are concerned. Armored Core 6 made about $150m
you realise they don't get $50 from each sale right?
You are right. Since of recent inflation they get $70.
Probably not as much as Elden Ring.
It was advertised?
Virtually 0. It sold on word of mouth.
>armored core 3
>elden ring 25+ million
From here on out they're just gonna make rollsborne games
Why does /v/ hate this game so much? Everyone I've ever talked to who's played it adores it, I finally played it and it's fantastic. I've literally never hear anyone say anything bad about it other than a shitty Dunkey video and /v/.
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What is with newfags and being braindead about Armored Core?
Did anyone here actually play anything pre 6th gen?
I found out about it here, so whatever they paid the Indian guy to make threads. I didn't see it anywhere else and everyone I've asked had never heard of it. Great game, first time playing the series. I hope they make more.
Most of /v/ played them all growing up on release. We are HIGHLY hateful of the secondaries that marathoned the series last year to try and fit in with us.
Bamco marketed it hard. It had marketing spots in places like London buses, Times Square, trailers in movie theatres, TVs, and so on, not to mention the live-action trailer ads with Karl Urban and the CG trailers; so the game might've cost something like $70 mil or even $100 mil at most in terms of overall dev budget and the marketing.
No you didn't. Just like how no one on /v/ plays Ninja Gaiden, and just uses that as a vector to seem like you have taste in action games.
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Bros we're getting a sequel
So where's the dlc miyazaki? HMMM? Whats that? Your struggling to produce a mech story because Berserk isn't a mech manga and plagiarizing Berserk is the only thing your good at? Is that it? HUH? You fucking hack. FUXCK YOU
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It is just discord trannies simping for free for western media conglomerates. They told them to boycott them because
>japan raycyss
and off they went shitposting about japanese games. Pretty sad, but you see, these clowns need to engage in these moral crusades to give a semblance of meaning to their pathetic lives.
Oh sweet. Thanks miyazaki, your my favorite game director :^)
>not to mention the live-action trailer ads with Karl Urban
Never saw any of the stuff mentioned, even though I commute to NY every day through Times Square. Anyway, the entire Dredd movie only cost $30-40M, there's no way Karl Urban costs much if at all to hire for an ad spot.
I did, most of /v/ did. This convo has happened before. We will not have a nice thread with secondaries.
yeah id be willing to buy discounted warhammer items if my local shop was closing
but as is everything in there is overpriced so i buy online
looking forward to those store closing clearance sales
It was my favourite game of 2023, this board is just constantly being brigaded by discord troons
>that pic
Nerdrotic was right
I hope the expansion has physical shields because there is one in the game files
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if you didn't beat Last Raven's Ultimate Zinaida then you are not allowed to call yourself an Armored Core fan
Do you enjoy sucking your own dick? No one wants to "fit in" with you you worthless shitskin
Why are you getting upset?
I like your Gundam!
Danks bruv
/v/ is mainly shitposters and shills (who also shitpost)
I think some fans of the older AC games didn't like the changes made to the gameplay, and are very vocal about it. One of them will be along soon to tell you why.
Newcomers (like myself) enjoyed the fuck out of it. Sleeper hit of 2023 for me.
It panders to soulsfags instead of the armored core fanbase.
>Why does /v/ hate this game so much
It's literally just nintendo fans
Drastic changes from game to game are very common in the AC franchise and have been since the beginning.
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I dunno I kind of don't agree. There's changes but honestly AC1 all the way through Last Raven are quite similar in my opinion. I started with the PS2 games and when I went back to the PSX games I was surprised how they basically nailed the formula on the first try with AC1 and just iterated with small things over the series. Like AC2 is basically just MoA but adds a couple things like over boosting and heat. AC3 doesn't really change anything significant except we kind of start to get left-hand weapons. Nexus emphasizes heat, but everyone hates that, so Last Raven tunes it back down.

AC4 and obviously AC5 are the weird ones who just try to transform themselves.
The moment AC7 is out with its own gameplay system, people here will go for the same perfunctory dance once again and instead talk about how 6 was better. Some Zelda cycle shit.
Fromsoft doesnt care that much about sales as long as they arent fucking bleeding money all over the floor.
How does the PC version run? Should I get it there or PS5?
>How does the PC version run?
Much better than ER was I can tell you that.
Just incels that don't play videogames crying as usual
I've been a fan since AC2. I don't like the stagger system that much, but I still had a very good time with the game.
Why is it so important to you that this game fails?
There's literally an enclave of brown people plaguing this site with a mission of shitting on games that aren't Nintendo or Xbox exclusive games.
Amerimutts hate good japanese games. It comes from their jailers ( Jews ) pouring their hatred of nice things into their fat obese distorted bodies.
The board is Shazam central. They need games to fail, if they don't kowtow the narrative.
Because mediocrity and false revivals of classic series shouldn't be rewarded.
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>IT'S [buzzword buzzword buzzword] BECAUSE I SAID SO!
But AC 6 is none of those things? And even if it were true, it WAS a success.
>But AC 6 is none of those things?
It's both. Just ask any Armored Core fan that isn't a Souls tourist.

>it WAS a success.
It wasn't.
Shipped copies =/= actually sold copies.
From fell out of grace with /v/ due to Elden Ring so since them every single game of them is viciously omegashitposted to death.
I've been playing the AC series since it's inception. Own every single game that came out on console,s including the shovelware like Nine Breaker. AC6 is a damn fine game in its own right.
thankfully it was 2023 GOTY and not "mediocrity"
dilate back to africa
It wasn't and you know it. Note how you wrote
>a fine game on its own right
rather than typing
>a fine Armored Core game

You pretend it was a good game because if you don't the franchise may go back to the vault of forgotten intellectual properties.
>Shipped copies =/= actually sold copies.
it largely is. if the game is selling then retailers will order more copies, it's simple you fucking moron
From has already mentioned multiple times that the game exceeded expectations and it's clear they are gearing up to make another one. Do you enjoy fighting lost battles?
It's different is I guess the best I can put it. AC6 has a different speed to 5, 4 and 3 and the new mechanics can all be divisive, and while a lot of the core mechanics remain it has been made a tad bit more accessible/streamlined in terms of mech building. Don't get me wrong it's still a great game and I love it but it's also the start of a new era for the series so it will ruffle feathers especially if people were expecting something more along the lines of their favorite AC era. Usually the 2nd game in the era will be more fleshed out and the weaknesses(such as lack of parts) of this era should be patched up.but its for sure different from the prior games.
I just played through it recently, ran great.
Grew up with these and the Front Mission games. Good times
the narrative doesn't matter at this point
wanting asscreed shadows to fail is typical nu-/v/, but ac6 is just silly
you know you can just not like a game in a series
you don't need to resort to this "its not a true x game" cope
>Just ask any Armored Core fan that isn't a Souls tourist
You beat LR?
I bought this game completely drunk thinking it was Ace Combat 6, so if the DLC doesn't have video replay mode, clownazaki will pay dearly.
It's a fine Armored Core game because it remembers the fundamentals of cool robots shooting eachother. The idea of it not being a "true" armored core game, in your context at least, is rather silly. Armored Core has been experimenting and changing itself up forever.
Because /v/ are full of dumbass shit posters trying to grasp as many straws they can to facilitate their shitposting since From is one of the few devs to bring out good games. This thread is a prime example with retards saying dumb shit about sales despite many sources saying it selling 3 million are true, or this dumb narrative that no one liked it/"le not a true AC game" despite it literally being the opposite. It's so fucking obvious
I really hated Elden Ring. But I'm glad I picked up AC6 and loved it so I don't have to write off future Fromsoft games.
Only a couple 4Aggots genuinely didn’t like the pacing, but aside that, it’s just bandwagoners trying to start a flame war because mods can’t do their jobs.
Almost all the shitposters have not played the game and are just Indians starved for attention.
I tuned out after realizing boosts overheat your AC
I’ve played almost all the AC games and 6 is personally the best one yet. Play the old games and their clunky controls. You can’t even fire a grenade launcher without kneeling unless you’re a tank or on bitch-mode.
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unironically discord fags. But early ac6 threads in /v/ were very positive.
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using this thread as an excuse to poast my emblem that I am still proud of
very nice
Yeah LR is more annoying about heating than most AC games before it but it's manageable. It's scaled down from Nexus though.

IMO heat exists because AC kinda had a design problem with the booster + energy + weight trichotomy. The descriptions of the best generators act like only a big fat heavy mech can use them, and the descriptions of the best boosters act like only a mech with a huge generator can handle them. But then in practice, in a lot of old AC games you're kind of best off just grabbing the hugest generators and the most hardcore boosters even on a tiny mech because the increase it'll give to your speed outweighs the tradeoff of needing heavier legs.

So then AC2 introduced heat, but they were too scared to go all the way with it. Nothing really heats you up except the one flamethrower weapon or whatever and so in practice nothing ever overheated. The meta in AC2 in fact is just to use the shitty starting radiator because it also happens to be the lightest. I hear in AC3 pvp it starts to be a thing but the AI is mostly too stupid to overheat you still. And this must have pissed someone at FromSoft off because then infamously Nexus goes fucking bonkers with heat.

Your mech in AC will set itself on fire all of the fucking time unless you do everything possible to avoid it. Best radiator you can buy, tune all of your parts to use less heat. Over boosting is dead basically because you immediately over heat. The strongest boosters are unusable. Overheating is also a death sentence in battle. So now since you need to spend half your mech design not spontaneously combusting, everything is also necessarily slower and less optimized elsewhere. So Nexus AC vs AC battles kind of suck. Whether it's pvp or even against the AI, where you can overheat the very unintelligent AI enemies in a few seconds.

So anyway Last Raven inherits some of that from Nexus but it's not as bad. You still can't really use the strongest boosters but it's okay.
its fucking awesome, idgi
What features do people want in the sequel? I want more open ended missions and joining factions.
Elden Ring but with mech.
I want a mana bar and some flashy spells
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MGSV-esque open world
The game is fun, until you see the boss enemies being allowed to pick and choose when they could break out of the stagger whenever they want. I didn't care about burst damage being so necessary for some bosses, but holy shit it made using the pile bunker a pain to use since you have to be humping the boss to do its charge attack.
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>Because mediocrity and false revivals of classic series shouldn't be rewarded.
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More like pajeetcore amrite?
>More like pajeetcore amrite?
It’s brown repellent
So is 90% of /v/ these discord trannies now? Cause I see nothing but shit talking japanese devs while dickriding western and chinese ones latetly.
More Mechwarrior merc style in that money is a serious consideration, maybe let me hire squadmates, then just slap that on top of the rest of the AC gampelay. Keep a nice well voiced shorter campaign, and then have a more open ended freeform campaign.
Open world with factions. Imagine ambushing convoys belonging to rival factions. A bounty system that npcs and online players can come after you. Also monster big and small, we need more variety besides mechs.
Yea /v/ is mostly brownoids
>Sequel before 6 had its expansion
Do companies as famous as fromsoft really need to spend much on advertising? Fans of the company will do the marketing for them, putting irl posters/adverts for it wouldn’t being in that many more customers right?
people use these interchangeably
>Do companies as famous as fromsoft really need to spend much on advertising
Sure, Karl Urban just one day showed up and do a trailer for them for free
I like the game but I'm really bad at it and it makes me mad when I get killed a lot, which I do
I'm too old to get good
You might just be running weak loadouts/mech designs.
I tried it without playing the other AC games.
It's just a boring third person shooter where all you do is hold down the fire button (most weapons auto aim so you don't need to do anything yourself) while circling around the enemy and spamming the dodge move.
Don't forget the one with the Dwight from the Office guy.
This. The one thing that kept old AC from being totally braindead was having to aim and position yourself so you don't get flanked and they took it away. From has lost a lot of know-how due to developing only one kind of game for the past decade. They don't understand any other genre anymore.
Blatant samefagging discord troon YWNBAW
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more missions set in the grids. I fucking love that place
>aaahheee you can't disagree with me, you must be a Russian bit
People having their own internet bubble has really brainrotted them.
Long missions and more variety of mission objectives. Grid 086 spoiled me.
>join the PCA
>finally get the ability to use flares
At last, my ideal AC is ready.
The game has pretend customization and the only thing I truly care about in a mech game is customization. Almost all of your choices are made for you just from the weapons you want to bring since there are so few parts and many parts are made specifically for specific weapon types or weights. Then whats left has clear best in slot options. Then what was most egregious to me was the absolute lack of kinetic shoulder mounted weapons. You have the stun needle which is a plot weapon and a drone that auto fires. The game eve gives you hand held miniguns but not shoulder mounted versions. I played through the whole game, then NG+, then NG++, thinking that the next mission would give me either a giant fuck off cannon or bullet spam. Instead all I ever got was more missiles and shitty lasers.
Not sure when you played but shoulder mounted miniguns are a thing now and one of the strongest options.
Oh and also the are shoulder mounted grenade songbirds.
they already plagiarized eureka seven and the third ending was not-evangelion
they will be fine
I vaguely saw MGR Raiden in the thumbnail lol.
I played at launch and for about a month after. Also grenades are just dumb missiles. Explosives are for cucks. All I want is solid mass punching holes in things at significant %'s of the speed of light.
PCA style parts
I mean it's a different game than Souls games and they're typecasted as this Souls company despite their catalog. The pure robot setting didn't exactly sell well for people nowadays either. It's not the 2000s anymore when Transformers were the big thing so I can understand the rather heavy marketing for this.
100 parts minimum per type and each suptype. If I cant go full autistic checking how ever single combination feels I'm not interested.
Yeah it's pretty lacking in AC6 innit. The leg types especially.
None of what you said is true and you have your head up your own ass. Posturing about niche vidya as if it makes you more cultured or more interesting betrays your status as a loser born and raised.
Just dropping to say I'm gonna buy the DLC the second it comes out and that AC >> Souls
>mgs4 Raiden thumbnail
>Why does /v/
Mostly shitposters, of course, like for literally any other game discussed here. And what this actually means is that ABSOLUTE RETARDS who actually think the game is good will proceed to dismiss any criticism as shitposting.

What they did by eliminating any need to actually aim or manage movement within fixed turnspeeds is make a game in a different genre, which wouldn't be as much of an issue if it was another spin-off like Formula Front. To make that absolutely clear they also turned energy into stamina, put all emphasis on a shitty DPS-phase stagger mechanic straight out of some basic bitch action game, and even added mandatory fucking healing potions as a hilariously retarded cherry on top. And of course all the difficulty is now in boss fights, because it's nuFrom.
Meanwhile the game is missing shit even AC1 had and is balanced like garbage.
The same thing all sequel games have, which is shitloads more parts and far more challenging missions. AC6 has massive potential, but the limited part pool is really painful. I'm remembering early ACV days versus early ACVD days and how the multiplayer was night and day because of how much broader our toolboxes wound up being.
Why do you faggot cultists always have to contrarian bait like this?
Playing through VD without a UNAC at times buttfucked me harder than LR even did, to be honest.
Multiplayer missions that can be done with AI when offline
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>Most of /v/ played them all growing up on release.
I love it, and sekiro. I think roll slop is stupid. I own elden ring but can’t bring myself to play it
>Drastic changes from game to game are very common in the AC franchise and have been since the beginning.
t. never actually played the games and just parrots youtubers
I'd LOVE for them to make a new AC game that has the old AC1-LR style gameplay...But I also would LOVE for them to make a sequel similar to AC6's gameplay.
The solution?
Set everyone within FROM on ARMORED CORE duty and make a new AC every single year!!! DO IT, FROM
I literally couldn't beat that shitty tank without equipping a shield. most shameful moment of ac6.
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90% of AC6 fans came from Souls and of the remaining fans who did play AC, 90% of them played AC4 and maybe AC5. That's why they think the series is constantly changing. Only a tiny sliver of this game's community has played the massive collection of AC games FromSoft used to pump out in the golden age.
Eh I'm a huge fan of the old games and I still enjoyed the new one. Maybe not so much a fan of the Repair kits and Stagger bar though.

We just need Weapon arms, Sniper rifles and part tuning and I'd a lot happier though.
Is there really anything other than that that we'd actually need for a complete AC experience? I know shoulders/inside/optional parts might round things out at the end of the day, but with those, WA, and Sniper Rifles/Cannons, I literally cannot think of a single option that'd be missing. Hell the first trailer could just be an AC with weapon arms shooting at another AC with a sniper rifle for 5 seconds and I would pre-order that instant.
Going from PS1 AC to PS2 AC is a jump because now heat is a big consideration, both for offense and defense. Most of the PS2 ACs are just small iterations without much changes other than balance changes between them. AC4 and AC5 are radically different from each other and to the PS2 ACs. AC6 is a familiar combination of other features, but still kind of its own thing. They do change things up regularly, but I sometimes wonder if they went way too far because of the criticisms of the PS2 era being 'just the same game'.
I feel as if the generation jump from the familiarity of PS2 gen to AC4 was probably supposed to be more of a total revamp rather than just a return to form. That was the era where we had non-stop attempts to change up the formula to older games that wound up killing dozens/hundreds of franchises in the process. Armored Core was lucky that each iteration was at least really strong, and that the move from 3rd/3.5th gen to 4th mostly just felt like massive mobility increase. 5th gen was probably the most extreme of functional shifts, and while I personally find it to be the greatest generation, it's also obviously a perfect exemplar of how polarizing these ridiculous shifts to the formula should be familiar to longtime fans. Fortunately 6 is looking to be a nice blend of previous features, so hopefully 6-2 is just refinement to the present system and whatever nonsense we get with 7th gen at least retains quality attributes in the process.
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Just understand that anything that anyone enjoys is an attack on discord troons. Misery loves company.
That image talking about raids from /tg/ does make me wonder if some people think people only have 1 board they frequent. Feels like there should be enough overlap or varied interests to be on at least 2-3 boards regularly even without counting things like all the /v/ offshoots. I'd honestly assume there's a lot of overlap between /tg/ and /v/ users even after /qst/ got split off just based on some of the threads we get
I just want more weapons and weapon types.
You'll find that most people only go to 1 board frequently, browsing the other boards on a whim once in a while.
You'll also find that "discord tranny" didn't come from nowhere. Literal xhe/xhem ass trannies use Discord to plan raids of various 4chan boards, as you can see with that screenshot.
Right handed laser blades
Its simply mid
Elden Ring took $200 million to make, just so you're aware.
It's fucking insane how obvious the coordinated attack campaigns are. I don't get how people can have so little going on their life they think that making it hard for strangers to talk about a game is something worth doing. You see this shit in Xenoblade, Final Fantasy, Fromsoft, and Bomberman threads especially these days. I don't get it.
Source or gtfo
I dunno probably around 15 mil
This guy is pretty well connected. It's one of those if you know you know kind of things, and if you don't work in the industry (yes I know this will always sound like "my dad works at Nintendo" shit) it can be hard to grasp how much NDA information just floats around tacitly between professionals.
didnt the ads have fuckin Karl Urban?
Hope that Mechwarrior nigger gets shot in his sleep tbqhfam.
At least one pro of Vaati and other "soulstubers" being contracted out to be the one the ground shill-ops tricked soulsfags into funding AC
People liked it, just go the archive for the week one threads. Of course it has issues but people threw tons of shade at Gen 4 and 5 too. Hopefully next expansion/sequel chills out at the stagger focus or at least implements it a different way
I have heard nothing about this game besides a handful of trailers, so probably $100,000+merchandising rights for Bandai+a handjob for Geoff Keighley
I've been playing since Gen3 (AC3, SL, Nexus, LR), and frankly, I loved it - it combines elements from most of the previous generations, albeit slightly tweaked. The ACs have some decent weight to them (unlike the Gen4 ones, which were cool but didn't really feel like mecha), you can't really cheat by making an infinite energy build (though you can come close once you figure out how to properly use Coral generators and pair them with RJ legs), and so on. The game was infinitely better than either of the Gen5 games, for sure, and had probably the most cohesive story of any Armored Core game to date (I'm used to having to dig through obscure, untranslated supplementary materials to understand most of the plot).
I'm still playing AC6 to this day, so it can't be that bad.
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They're all just buttmad that my blem pwns their emblems lol.
how much does it cost to put karl urban in a commercial?
like less than a million dollars?
Is it worth buying a used 360 just to play 4, For Answer, 5 and Verdict Day? I don't have a gaming PC so I can't emulate.
NTA, but he's right. Energy management is totally different, especially since it's no longer tied to a heat mechanic. No heat mechanic means no more worrying about generators, which effects weight and energy supply. Gen 1 games only allowed you to equip guns to your right arm and a blade to the left, while later games allowed for dual-wielding, which changed things up dramatically. Overboost getting introduced was a big game-changer, as was the option to use a core with hangars for storing additional weapons. Human Plus getting changed to an Optional Part (OP-INTENSIFY) and then getting removed completely - only to be added as standard from AC4 onwards - was also a very radical shift. The way Optional Parts in general have been handled (or removed) also varies. Then there's AC4 that introduced Primal Armor and the ability to make actual infinite energy builds, and 4A with the introduction of Assault Armor turning PA bombing into a viable strategy. Then AC5 removing PA again, doubling-down on needing to go back to relying on cover by literally shrinking the mechs, introducing a melee ability, and completely removing your boosters' vertical capabilities, forcing you to wall-jump for altitude was something entirely different for the franchise as a whole, as was the removal of back weapons in favor of bigger hangars. Oh, and let's not forget Gen5's 'rock, paper, scissors' mechanic when it came to ammunition types, making picking your specific loadout all the more important against enemies if you didn't want to be spitballing off of them. Major gameplay changes have literally been a staple for most of the series, and every time you play a different generation, you've got entirely new mechanics to learn.
Considering that they had the formula and designs from previous games and that they don’t have diversity hires draining the coffers and sabotaging the product, probably a very lean budget. AC6 is essentially a PS2 game with updated graphics. Jngh
You're right and the faggots who got pissy with you need Kojima Particles blasted into their sphincter
I love the game. It’s my first AC. But I have a huge problem with it. I don’t like the aesthetics of like 90% of the parts. It’s very difficult for me to play an AC that I think looks good and IS good.
Why do some people say only like 4 weapons are good? Are they pvp fags who talk about pvp? I don't pvp at all, but I think there are very few non-viable weapons.
It’s shitters, don’t forget where you are. People post their mechs and like 60% are using dual zimmies. /v/ is astonishingly bad at video games
It's embarassing how many people fell to double zimms as if it didn't reveal the fragility of their supposed skill.
I've been using the ol' Karasawa/Moonlight(REDSHIFT) combo with dual plasma Orbit cannons (all hail the return of orbit weaponry), personally. Also, why does nobody talk about how fucking awesome this iteration of the Karasawa is? The thing rocks!
It's just people without brain or skill so they default to the path of least effort.
I like plot structure, more routes for different fractions and alternative missions;
More challenging bosses, not just one per chapter;
More big missions like 086;
More hidden parts and weapons on such missions;
Bigger variety of enemies;
New weapons and parts of course
It's hard and filtered 90% of /v/
>just drops that number with no sources randomly
Doubt it. ER reuses like half of the game from DS, no way it's 200 million.
It's very easy once you realize how lock-on works. The only thing that filtered people is the lock-on mechanic that switches off if you move the camera, a ton of people tried to aim manually and got BTFO
They probably don't even get half of that.
>Stagger system is shit
>Bosses are genuinely just rock-paper-scissors
>Game balance is as good as From's other games (bad)
>DaS3 treatment where everything is same-y anime and parts no longer completely change gameplay.
>No strategy, just lock on the target and fire, hit dash sometimes
Its ludokino.
>Bosses are genuinely just rock-paper-scissors
>No strategy, just lock on the target and fire, hit dash sometimes

Make up your mind, is it rock-paper-scissors or not?
I want longer ranges for the player. There always one specific fantasy I have with mecha games that is strapping the biggest missile pods the game has to the mech and then lighting up the entire battlefield in target markers, which unfortunately wasn't really a thing in AC6. Also while I'm not a fan of sniper weapons, I recognize that it is also a typical mecha archetype, that also doesn't exist in in the game due to the low range. I get it that higher range for the player with the right weapons would break some missions in half but that limitation feels very artificial (vanishing shots with the biggest weapons in the game when you can see the target), especially since enemies clearly do not have it.
I want tank legs to be slower so I can easily destroy them from long range with my lightweight builds.
You can't get close to tank legs with dual Gatling guns and dual songbirds/needles or else you'll evaporate.
What is it with zoomers that they enjoy open world slop so much?
It doesn't fit into the Armored Core narrative at all.
You're a mercenary hired to do jobs, why would you go open world in a game like that?
Going from one bar to another and looking for jobs?
Hopefully, they'll just create AC6 DLC and not go for AC7, I'm afraid they'll listen to zoomers and try the open world bullshit.
If you consider RPS strategic there's no helping you.
its this
don't forgot tendies are also shazamfags, yep the one and the same.
they wanted this game to flop so badly but then it succeeded and even shat on TotK which made them eternally seethe to this day
They all maintained the same design principles of being a mech simulator shooter with turn rate, detailed physics simulation, etc
AC6 has none of that
rock-paper-scissors is literally how Starcraft and other strategy games were made.
What else would you consider a strategy in Armored Core then?
ntas but not every open world is necessarily bad, also it helps when you don't consume every average open world slop game but personally i would be fine with just much larger missions than open world, i wouldn't the MGSV approach like that one anon said, just have one giant ass mission once in a while and have multiple basses/whatever in them and let you play with it as you please.
That's not the open world then, it's just a long mission and I would be fine with that.
Best game last year for me, AC6 is fantastic and I just wish there'd been some kind of multiplayer co-op/horde mode type content.
>hurr gen2 added things
AC6 apologists are fucked in the head. It played the fucking same and didn't even use analogs as anything more than 2 extra buttons, your wall of text is worthless.
Everyone knows how different 4 and V were, but some retards seem to think the entire series consists of 3 or 4 games.
>AC apologists
fuck off back to plebbit
Did you just ignore the metric buttload of things they added in gen2? Overboost was the biggest change to the entire series, it eclipsed even the addition of extensions.
Did you just ignore my entire post?
What are you babbling about? You completely missed the point - dual weapons changed the flow of gameplay. Overboost changed the flow of gameplay. The heat mechanic changed the flow of the gameplay. Internal weapon slots and tuning changed the flow of the gameplay. Primal Armor/Assault Armor changed the flow. Etc., etc.
The whole point was that mechanics and overall gameplay did indeed change from generation to generation - sometimes multiple times per generation. New mechanics and gameplay flow being introduced in 6 wouldn't have soured anyone who's been with the series for more than one or two games, because that's always been a thing.
>some retards seem to think the entire series consists of 3 or 4 games.
Again, what are you talking about? At what point in that post did I say there were only 3 or 4 games? As I said earlier, I started with AC3, played through SL, NB, Nexus and LR, back-tracked to 1, PP, MotA, and 2, then played 4, 4A, V, VD, and 6; the only games I never played were Formula Front and 2AA. And again - every generation played a little different from the others. That's how it's always been.
AC1 and AC2 play nothing alike. The addition of things like Overboost alone made matches completely different.


Did you also forget the addition of elements like heat? Those weren't prominent in the OG games. Infact I don't even remember if you used radiators.
>a little different
>drastic changes

Why do I even bother engaging with you retards.
don't bother he never played any of the games to begin with
just larping discordfag
Last I played I beat Balteus but didn't get much further than that before something else distracted me, I think I'd fought my way past a mercenary to fire myself out a giant cannon or something. How far through am I?
This. I still find myself playing a bit of AC6 even after jumping back into older gens again. Honestly the one I found myself being the least motivated about replaying is Gen 4 oddly enough.
you're not even in 20% of the game lol
>I think I'd fought my way past a mercenary to fire myself out a giant cannon or something
you mean Sea Spider and that intercontinental cargo launcher?
Bandai Namco was happy with the sales and have greenlit funding for the expansion which has job listings related to robot designs and concept works.
>Some of the replies unironically want open-world
Holy shit taste. Trust me, none of you actually want Elden Ring Mech edition where half it's content is copypasted.

I would rather have extremely hard missions with co-op.
>half the content is copypasted
Nta, but are you saying it's not?
>you're not even in 20% of the game lol
>you mean Sea Spider and that intercontinental cargo launcher?
That sounds right yeah
Only around Chapter 3, from the sound of it. There's 5 chapters total, but 3 different versions of Chapter 5, meaning you need to replay the game three times. As daunting as that sounds, you get to keep all of your parts, builds, arena and loghunt rank on each playthrough (meaning missions that were tough before become a breeze), plus new missions and parts unlock along the way (and some missions get alternate outcomes). The choices you make on your first playthrough don't matter until you reach Chapter 5, where you'll get the choice to go down one of two endings. On your next playthrough, you'll want to choose every mission you didn't pick the first time (the Replay option is good for letting you see what you already did), then pick the other route when you hit Chapter 5 again. After you've seen both available endings, you'll get to choose between destroying the Strider or escorting it on your third playthrough, which should lock you onto the secret third ending. Just keep picking anything new that you see, and be sure to clear every arena entry that pops up, and you'll do fine.
there are copypasted thing but overall its not even like 30% of the game
i mean the thing is you have to do 3 playthroughs to get every mission and ending which is why you still have a long road ahead of yourself unless you will just do a single playthrough and then drop it
Enjoy your slop
enjoy your post-transition life freak
I can see Armored Core working if it were styled like MGSV but not as shallow

>Central hub garage area
>Missions are scattered across small, unique open worlds instead of one giant one
Unironically, trannies love ER so if someone is a tranny here it's you.
Enjoy your slop
Very well. I finished it multiple times with Ryzen 3600 and 1660 Super, everything on High in 1080p and it never dips below 60fps. Funny, I feel like it's the best PC port From has ever made.
If I'm not generally the sort to play through a game 3 times to get the full range of endings, would that mean I'm more like 60% of the way through?
Even then I would downsize that shit to Ground Zeroes. Drop that down to a mission area with a list of objectives you can do in any order or approach and then fuck off. AC really doesn’t benefit much from empty traversal.
yeah this
i completed the game on my 5600g and 6GB 1060 and there was only a single instance from the entire game where it kind of stutered ( the mission where you take on the giant platform weapon thing i forgot its name )
howerer it only happened at the start of the level when you're below, then it was fine.
I think it was propably because of the dust and all that shit.
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Raven the independent mercenary, you're not the mutt I thought you were.

You're below that--you are vermin!
yeah something around that number
>you're below that--you are v/ermin!
he was right
He can be right, in hell.

kek i felt so good hearing that for the first time
>tfw this is a remake of an old meme with Jack-O saying "THIS IS VERTEX".

I'm getting too old for this site.
I dunno maybe not for armored core it would be to different but mechs in the last 10-15 years really have gone under the radar and an open world mech game could be kinda cool but it would be very hard to do well cant just use the same cave 40 times like elden ring does
Probably 100-150M
I've played it and dropped it about 3/4 in. Like most mecha shit, if you're not a manchild interested in giant plastic figurines it doesn't offer much. The game was too easy and repetitive
Comparing StarCraft to AC6 is fucking retarded, kek.
The way the endings play out, you're going to WANT to run through it again - no matter which of the two default endings you're going to have to pick on your first playthrough (Fires of Raven or Liberator of Rubicon), you're going to have to backstab and then personally murder some people that you've grown attached to by that point - people who have been helping you all this time. The deciding factor of which ending you get relies on who you choose to kill, and when you're done, you're going to wonder if you made the right choice, or what would have happened if you went and killed the other people instead. So you'll probably feel compelled to do at least two playthroughs, and at that point, why not go for the third and see what that last, secret option has in store for you?
>I've played it and dropped it about 3/4 in.
>T. dude who got filtered by the helicopter in the tutorial and ragequit before the game even started
>The Discord troon has arrived
so in other words you couldn't get through Balteus and now seethe in here
>The way the endings play out, you're going to WANT to run through it again - no matter which of the two default endings you're going to have to pick on your first playthrough (Fires of Raven or Liberator of Rubicon), you're going to have to backstab and then personally murder some people that you've grown attached to by that point - people who have been helping you all this time. The deciding factor of which ending you get relies on who you choose to kill, and when you're done, you're going to wonder if you made the right choice, or what would have happened if you went and killed the other people instead. So you'll probably feel compelled to do at least two playthroughs, and at that point, why not go for the third and see what that last, secret option has in store for you?
Why would you spoil that much? Jesus dude.
This shit had gargantuan billboards in major US cities and tons of TV spots, they definitely paid a small fortune for marketing.
Are you braindead?
Who's comparing StarCraft to AC6?
I'm saying RPS strategy is used in StarCraft and RPS IS related to strategy.
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>tons of TV spots
you mean the two trailers with hasbeen actors?
>if you like giant murder robots you're manchild
>if you like TotK you're based ''white'' man appreciating ''straight kino''
kek tendies are so pathetic
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did you honestly just make up somebody to get mad at
That shouldn't be a surprise - most Armored Core games have you killing your friends at some point or another. The franchise has no good endings, just bittersweet ones..
>made up somebody to be mad at
nope you'd know these people are ''secret'' tendies that are constantly waging shitposting war against AC6 while fellating TotK in the same sentences.
Check out the archives
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Again, did you really just have to spoil that much? Holy shit man. You're a colossal faggot. Hope you go blind.
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oh you're paranoid too. my god. i won't be replying to you further.
>months of shitposting and exposed discord are all fake bro trust me
sure buddy whatever helps you sleep at night
NTA, but the game was released more than a year ago, fuck off.
If you care about spoilers that much then don't join the thread about the related game.
Walter dies.
Arye dies.
AllMind is the last boss on the third playthrough.
This game is not actually so highly praised IRL. It's my favorite, I finished it 3 times S ranked everything, got all achievements. But 2 guys I convinced to play it didn't even finish the game.
>This game is not actually so highly praised IRL
maybe not in muttistan
No worries.
I bet their favorite game and the best game in the history of mankind is Elden Ring
I didn't even S rank everything and it's easily in my top 5. It's the sort of video game I imagined being made when I was a kid. It isn't perfect, with lots of AC parts being superfluous or uninteresting, but fuck is it a fantastic video game.
>obsessed with sales
>can't play the game
correct answer
Dude. In every game, you play as a merc who makes a living off of murdering countless hundreds of thousands over the course of the various stories. helicopter pilots, MT and AC pilots, tank drivers, sometimes even people in office buildings - you're a butcher, and turning on others is a given. You didn't honestly think the people who made Dark Souls were going to give you a game with a happy ending, did you? This franchise predates DS, and has been doing the whole grimdark thing for decades.
That being said, >>683788071 is going too far. At least I didn't tell you exactly who you end up betraying (though fortunately, that post left some people out).
Shazamfags are not /v/.
The metric is based on how often they play and on what networks, not how many individual commercials there are, retard.
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There are literally no metrics for how often or where this 30 second commercial played on US television. Retard.
The main problem with the retards on this board is they automatically assume every single game ever has a dev budget of 200 million and a marketing budget if 600 million when in reality this is rarely the case.

I see retards here thinking a 20 second commercial with a c list actor is gonna cost the company 5 million for the actor alone. Get fucking real. Reminder that 60 percent of the top 10 "most expensive games to make" don't even reach the 180+ million mark.
I know it's a shitpost but I actually played at least one AC game of each gen since PSone, but never finished any Souls game and I hate modern "FromSoft fans" with passion.
Wrong, shipped only when there's a buyer
Trannies and filtered plebs bomb it
I think the next one will be less successful unless they really put out a good sequel. Old fans lost confidence that From could make a proper new AC and new fans came because they wanted to give FromSoftware money as a sort of tip even if they weren't really excited for the game. Aside from some very vocal 6 lovers like the ones who keep making threads here I think most people really dipped after doing a single run of the story if they finished it at all. Hate to numberfag about it but few are still playing today compared to sekiro which doesn't even have a multiplayer element.
>i hate people who play vidya
we know fag
>le jew face
100 million production probably
>Old fans lost confidence that From could make a proper new AC
source? literally majority of oldfags like the game and were happy with it.
there is just a small loud minority of oldfags that keeps screaming about schizo bullshit ( ironically most of them are 4-5 gen fags )
This. I work in marketing analytics specifically for vida and music and its shocking how wrong most of this board is about how capital works in regards to vidya.

You're probably wondering;
>but anon, if that's true how come so many games are getting cancelled/sequels cancelled/reported as a failure?
And here's the simple answer;

Now before anyone pulls the /pol/ nigger card, when I say Jews I mean the higher ups.

Did the game make good profit? Yes. Did the game make enough profit so Mr. Goldberg and Mr. Sheinstein can afford solid diamond yachts? No! They can only afford gold ones now! Fire half the staff now! I actually have a list of a solid 20 or so titles the last few years that have solid VERY well but not well enough for the top brass to be happy.

But this is how it is in the modern world. When you build your business model on solely: number MUST go up every year.
You reach a point where it can't feasibly go up anymore.
>Old fans lost confidence that From could make a proper new AC
literally no
AC1 and AC2 are very much alike. OB and extensions are new features on top of what was in 1st gen, the core gameplay is the same. The only intergenerational change that's smaller is AA to 3.
>15 mil
post like these remind me just how out of touch and unaware anons are of how much game budgets have increased that they seriously think you can make a AAA or even AA game from the ground up with 15 million
that's fucking pocket change today my dude
Same anon here again, my favourite thing about this board is seeing anons screech flop and then I've got the numbers right in front of me and it's very far from flopping lmao.
How about any challenge outside of boss battles at all? How about levels that you don't just zoom through because there's nothing worth finding in them
Give us an estimate anon. How much was the dev and marketing for this game. Do tell.
You are obviously a PS2 fag. 5 to 6 was a jump, 4 to 5 was a jump, 1 to 2 was a jump. Only between ps2 games were relatively similar.
Not to take from a fact that AC6 is actually so much different that it's over any big changes in the past. Because even with all those changes in aiming, speed, energy in 4th and 5th gen you know what every armored core besides 6 have in common? Turning speed with camera locked to direction of AC.
Fatty is a shill that wanted to hold on to his 15 minutes of relevance that bamco gave him letting him join the pre release showcase (at which he got upstaged by zel). Deep inside you know he hates it.
I don't care about 3 jewtubers (you forgot to include royalskies who praised the lack of turn speed and hard lock for letting noobs enjoy the game lmao).
Yeah nah, fuck off 6only.
"brown" is becoming the new "tranny". btw all who call someone brown because they don't like their opinion are faggots and also niggers
15 million (without marketing) is an average late PS3 middlemarket game's budget
>Deep inside you know he hates it
so your evidence of someone hating it is your intuition. im reminded every day now how much im outgrowing this place when none of you are capable of any kind of meaningful discussion.
>youre here forever
not for long mother fucker. not for long. you needn't reply, i wont be replying back, 100%.
That's not what I asked.
1 to 2 was more like a hop. Sure, it didn't play literally exactly the same in every way, but it was exactly what you could expect from a sequel on a new console gen (back when they actually made a difference). Arguably even less than that.
>if it doesn't control like drunk robot simulator its not true AC
I don't give a fuck what you asked nigger, I'm telling you the game cost way more than 15mil total and you're a retard
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What the fuck are you chimping out about. Anon asked what you thought AC6's developer budget and marketing budget was. That's it.
>IQ is so low he can't even provide an estimate or an educated guess
>proceeds to go full seeth mode
Lol. I'd hate it if my skin wasn't white, I understand anon.
He has to pretend to like it, it's all he's got.
>Won't be replying
Good, one less nuFrom dick sucker itt
>I think the next one will be less successful
Doubtful of that especially with From
>Old fans lost confidence that From could make a proper new AC and new fans came because they wanted to give FromSoftware money as a sort of tip even if they weren't really excited for the game.
Stop saying stupid shit like it's fact a large portion of people liked 6 both new and Old even with it flaws like most AC titles.
>Aside from some very vocal 6 lovers like the ones who keep making threads here I think most people really dipped after doing a single run of the story if they finished it at all.
Ironic considering 25% of players got Stargazer achievement which is a pretty substantial number and that's just Steam alone, let alone the larger percentage getting the basic endings.
The rampant schizophrenia of always online individuals and the personal identification with video game companies as personality has left a void in both serious and light hearted discussion of vidya on /v/.
I liked AC6, I think it's fun to spitball what they could do different or talk about what was a failure. Some retard posting an essay why the game is irredeemable drek and shoukd have never been made is clearly insane behaviour. Getting on From's ass because one of their games indirectly competes with another company even more so.
We can only wait for the craziest to kill themselves so a healthy and sustainable schizo population can be maintained again.
>We can only wait for the craziest to kill themselves so a healthy and sustainable schizo population can be maintained again.
Fuckin ay.
read the conversation retard
So what's your guess, retard? Me personally I'd say 20 mill for marketing and maybe 60 ish for dev.
>Old fans lost confidence that From
That has never been the case at all not has it ever been the majority of that either. 6 has issues that need to get ironed out but it has no way fucked over Old fans even with Stagger and other stat stuff especially in Japan
I did.
>hey what would your estimate be for the actual marketing and dev
>oh, OK. Cool. But how much did you think it cost the new AC game?

So. What's your estimate?
I did.
yeah its funny how it was fine for a while but ''suddenly'' a band of ''oldfags'' appear and start shitting on AC6 for non-sense reasons
Not for such a short game. That's like if only 25% of players beat DS3.

it's most likely 180 for dev and and probably a good 120 for marketing.
>I did.
you clearly didn't since it started with anon saying
>hey this game cost 15mil with marketing included :)
to which I said it was more than that
that's it
Oldfags were shitting on it the second the gameplay trailer dropped. Hope copers were trying to preserve their sanity saying "it was a manual quick turn" and shit.
>AC6 had a higher budget than RDR2
>it had a higher marketing budget than gta5 and rdr2 combined
Damn must of really paid off for them since they Greenlit a sequel!
you mean shazamfaggots?
You're actually a retard with sever reading comprehension. Their are atleast two anons here calling you out for it and you refuse to acknowledge it. I'm going to assume you're terrified of being proven wrong which is why you're seething so much and NOT providing an estimate.
three trailers cost 120 million? because I didn't see any advertising that would justify this estimate
Yeah right asswipe next you gonna tell me that 6 didn't meet From's expectations so fucking full of shit
But I've never played an armoured core game before. I didn't know that, and wouldn't have had any idea until I got through the rest of this one.
As an outside observer who just finished and has never really entered ac threads before now, you come across as an insane retard. Not idea if what you're saying is true and not really interested.
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my only gripe is the stagger ruining all balancing and autolock being too strong
just fix that for the subtitle game and we're set
>hey dude did you know the sun is like, 30 degrees hot
>wtf it's much hotter than that idiot
>idk the exact number dude
>then you're wrong and my claim is correct :)
if you want my random guess that much, probably 80 or 90m on development
now learn to read, pablo
No fags on /m/ before there were even any threads on vee.
>But if I go to /acg/ now it's all AC6
Because they're there from here and /vg/ the general was slow as you'd expect on /m/ before the announcement at TGA. The last big threads before that were the leaks that showed some of the art for the locations where the guy was saying it was a souls like robot game. Of course back then everyone dismissed it since the leaker admitted he wasn't that familiar with armored core but then over a year later we got z targeting core 6.
And this is exactly what I mean earlier when I said this board has zero understanding of game budgets. What this anon is saying is basically implying AC6 is like the 3rd most expensive finished release of all time.
What the fuck man.
I don't care that it surpassed their sales expectations, I care that they made a game that isn't armored core and still slapped the name on it.
That must infuriate you terribly, huh. To have AC6 be successful and its formula reused for future entries.
>sever reading comprehension. Their are atleast
Not him but you're ESL lol
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Miss the dank threads
Why are you like this?
Then play a different series then dumbass this isn't the first time this happened nor will it be the last so being surprised From changed AC again after 10 years is more of a (You) issue on your part especially being the obvious minority no less
>I care that they made a game that isn't armored core
It's clearly Armored Core bro
I don't really care if the next AC outsells Elden Ring. If it still has hard lock and instant turn speed then the series is dead. Miyazaki let his dog yamamura shit on the grave of this franchise.
>, I care that they made a game that isn't armored core and still slapped the name on it.
You're multiple games to late to make that statement especially now
Well, here it is for you: the recurring theme of the entire franchise is that your only true ally is yourself. You will always find yourself on the opposite side of the war as your buddies. You will always kill them or be killed by them. While not every game had multiple endings, none of them give you a truly good one - you are not playing as a good person, and bad people don't get a 'Happily Ever After'. Your victories will always be hollow and will always come at a huge cost.
Given that we are now decades into the franchise, the statute of limitations for spoilers has long since passed in that regard; people go into these games knowing full-well that only misery awaits them at the end of the journey.
I won't tell you exactly what happens, WHY it has to happen, and who else ends up dying as you go down each path, nor will I tell you what ultimately happens to your character or the planet on each individual ending - you'll have to see that for yourself. But there's no sunshine and rainbows on Rubicon, and not all of your buddies will make it across the finish line with you, and those who do will depend on your choices. Take from that what you will, but this will hold true to ANY game you pick up from the franchise, should you choose to backtrack and play any of the older ones at some point.
AC6 is more similar to AC2 than AC5 or AC4
cool tank threads when
I want to feel like a tank crushing everything
not some shitty over trash
>Well, here it is for you: the recurring theme of the entire franchise is
thanks I'll find out by playing them
30% went to retailers/store owners anon so it made 105m
3's ending was a happy one
if you have a 6 core PC or better, then get it on PC.
It's literally just the same seething autists everytime they don't even bother trying hide it
Funniest shit ever, never in my life have I seen someone so assbalsted
its true but if you don't care about it then shut the fuck up retard
What I want to know is if they have tank treads in this game.
this mission broke my balls
i just can't get to hit their weakspot, never ever
Downside is that hard lock on feels very lifeless. I genuinely think soft lock only with M/KB is the best way to experience the game. Fights feel far more fast-paced and engaging especially with some of the more mobile bosses later on.
>other than a shitty Dunkey video
didn't he say it's shallow but it's also pretty fun?
seems valid to me.
AC4 was also dogshit. ACV and VD were at least taking the games in a good alternative direction. You know that Takahashi was also directing 6 before leaving. There's nobody left at From that understands how to make these.
Goa on, explain why. Share with the class.
No, because you can still instantly whip around but you can't strafe. There's no good way to experience AC6.
Yeah there is but there's one one set it makes me said
SotE was such a disappointment. AC7 is From's last chance to get back on the horse.
After the 6 expansion bro
Are you high?
Lol lmao even
/v/ is the #1 anti-Fromsoftware place on the internet along with ResetEra, most people here just hate on From games as a hobby
Fuck that mission, actually the hardest one in the game
>making up stories to rationalize a different opinion
I've got balteus 2nd try. I don't even know why people are crying about him online
>the schizo arrived
sure xister go dillate now
Every /v/ thread is full of schizos who arrive within minutes. Pointing at some random post and calling it THE schizo just makes you look more schizophrenic if anything.
its propably the V/VD schizofag
Bro. /v/ had very decent AC6 threads.
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That paint job tells me otherwise
So AC was probably less than $100M then.
All the good posters moved on for the most part
>Anons are actually arguing if this game made money
>As though From would even make an AC game with their ROI minimum so high that even the game that sold more than any other AC game in history wouldn't meet it
What causes someone to put a part of their own self-worth into the financial success of a video game?
Painting ACs is fun.
for me it's jump with the jumpy legs then shoot a bazooka down at the ground
>anons say MIND BETA legs are shit
>they were actually good when i used them
so why are they shit according to people here?
mobile doll may?
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Dunno you tell me
Pic not entirely related
ah, so you did mean shazamfaggots
one of the weapons should be leek colored

Based AC as usual. Fucking love the soundtrack of this mad series.
Well, of course. It's singleplayer game and it doesn't have Souls fanbase to stay alive with PvP. They needed to make more funny modes like 6 vs 6 and etc.
>anons wanted Elden Ring to fail, and it didn't
>anons wanted AC6 to fail, and it didn't
>anons want whatever FromSoft's next game is to fail, and it won't
Must be really shitty to live like this.
Everyone likes Iguazu out of nowhere as final boss, why don't you like consort Radanh?
I'm so grateful to Elden Ring for killing Shazam meme for good. It stopped being funny after Cyberpunk
its more acceptable because his seethe and dialogue is so cringekino
And there you have the major difference
They kinda forgot to put any for the ER DLC bosses
More game modes definitely would have helped can't bring myself to only grind ranked and maybe once in a bluemoon find a decent random lobby
Armored Core 3 isn't really like that, sure there are some times where you fight people who fought on your side before, and there are other missions where a bunch of fellow ravens die during it, but overall you are the most good guy protag of the series, as you destroy the supercomputer that is trying to genocide its own people and open the surface up again. SL too, you destroy another supercomputer and save another layered full of people by the end of it.
Easy AF if you just explosivesmaxx. Just grab dual songbirds and gouchen/dizzy on the arms. Explosives are the grinder wheels weakness and the wheels often have a moment where they slow to a halt before charging again where you can blast them. The other high speed MTs go down pretty easy to this loadout as well.
I appreciate how good the voice acting is in this game. I thought nuFromSoft was only good with those stage drama actors and their ye olde English dialogue, good to know they can still do stuff like this.
whats your loadout?
You flew just out of reach, buddy....
Fucking love how reloading these replaces the barrel like it says in the description

Though it is silly if you fire only a few rounds then reload. Just how many barrels are in there?!
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Looksmaxxing will always be the superior choice
Really could have used some kind of COOP pve mode imo. Waves of enemies like Michigan's last stand with ACs and bosses every few waves would have been kino, with eventually getting waves with multiple bosses. Like imagine battling a balteus and 2 sea spiders with your bros. Imagine a final wave that has walter, ayre and allGuazu teaming up against your squad.
There is really no way for AC6 to have cost more than like 50-60 million.
that head always looks so stupid to me lel
Oh hey it's you
It's not a bloated ubislop game with over 1000+ developers
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I understand veterans did not like it. The problem is how to achieve the perfect system. For me I think the key is speed. Just let the mechas go full speed.
Fuck I forgot about my filenames..
Iguazu is an anime goon done right. Radahn is a conan character done wrong.
I dunno, speed feels kinda subjective. Like the dudes who enjoy AC4 levels of speed aren't the same as the dudes who prefer AC3 levels of methodical pacing or AC5's middle-ground.
japs get paid 1/3rd of americans dude they made boatloads
No, AC4 was too fast. I can't enjoy any of the action when everything is zipping by T blinding speed.

/v/ always wants From Soft to fail, but they hardly ever do. They're one of the world's most recognized game developers these days and they fucking hate it.
This imo
People are forgetting that they were already doing some hard fucking marketing for this game, and unlike Elden Ring they weren't recycling assets all over the place
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Probably because Iguazu's role was built up within the narrative that spanned 3 playthroughs of AC6 and ultimately paid off at the end of the 3rd story arc.

Radhan is just two cool fights and some flavor text.

Also recurring rivals becoming the final boss is par for the course with Armored Core. Just look at Zinaida with Last Raven.
More like:
>largest chunk are soulsfags who only played AC6 because FromSoft made it/YouTubers coincidentally started playing the games before AC6 got announced
>the second largest chunk only played For Answer, and maybe 5
>the rest who actually played everything else keep getting shouted out by the former two groups
Nah anon got it right /v/ hates the secondaries from /m/ and /vg/. Its very obvious when you are talking to a secondary that played the series last year.
I dunno why FromSoft got such a vitriolic flak here. All things considered, the studio and their games are not even remotely the worst thing in the industry atm. They're not that arrogant about things, they don't even communicate much; maybe they tweet a thing or two about their games, thanking the fans about some sales milestone that their games have passed, a trailer or two with CG and gameplay demonstration, or an interview or two with Miyazaki that tells absolutely nothing about the game he's selling atm and that's about it. Like maybe the fans are obnoxious but it's not like it's their fault really.
The biggest tell for me is when waifu discussions come up and they pick characters instead of ACs.
Or when anons have to explain what being Raven means to them.
You say /m/ is secondaries? i haven't looked recently but before AC6 came out the /m/ AC thread was literally the only place on the english-speaking internet I could find to talk about obscure AC things. Like specific plot points about gen 1 or strategies in shitty Ninebreaker missions.
Yeah, I dunno what he's talking about. /acg/ has been around for years over there.
The games came out 15 to 20 years ago and they played them around when AC6 released.
They are secondaries.
I've been on /m/ since before the toku takeover. AC was not regular there, it's a newer thing by secondaries.
Anons on /v/ grew up with AC and bought them on release, they didnt emulate them in the 2010s lol.
There were actually a lot of really good threads on here when the game was new. A lot of us were having some good chats about the story and sharing screenshots. Shame you missed those.
AC6 was easily the best new game I played last year. It feels like a real video game!
I liked AC6
I also liked the emblem editor
Are you a secondary if you played AC in the 2010s? The fanbase right now is 90% souls fans and of the remaining 10% who played AC already it's 90% AC4 fans. That leaves 1% of the fanbase that played the original games in the series, but are you saying they're also not real AC fans unless they bought AC2 on launch day of the PS2 in 2000?
This, I play Need for Speed games and decal mechs like cars
These arguments are absolutely braindead anyone can enjoy these games literally, who cares
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>noooo my niche series has more people that play it now billions must die ( secondaries btw )
i never understood these complains, at least not in AC series/community.
That's a sick paint scheme. Love the matte finish.
Iguazu in a weird way was being built up as your failed rival, and him getting puppeteered into being ALLMIND's vessel and later overtaking the system with his immeasurable autism was a nice surprise when we'd have otherwise had no expectations. Consort Radahn being the final boss of the DLC and the final-est boss of Elden Ring is frustrating because Miquella was the established threat along with Leda and any number of potential entities within the land of shadow that we either couldn't have known or wouldn't have known. A familiar face when entering a new world has less impact and punch, but when it's in the context of a fantasy world where we've already been slaying demigods and can potentially put down a fully realized god as well, rematches with an already-killed demigod are a disappointment. Iguazu already fucking hates 621's guts so much that he hires an assassin to kill you, desperately fails to defeat you in numerous ambushes (even slowly accruing MIND-BETA/MIND-ALPHA parts on his AC to show ALLMIND has been feeding him gear along the way), and for him to wind up being ALLMIND's attack dog was pure bliss.
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I want to create an Armored Nascar
There are no AC vets complaining about AC6. Even clowns like Oro were proven wrong when they entered ranked and all of their day 1 strats wound up vanishing and their complaints about skill expression got mouthfucked by actually skilled players, so now he's changed his tone entirely.


The ragebaiting niggers are all the same anti-From delirium league who have convinced themselves that one company is responsible for every single thing they love being taken from them.
Sounds very American. FromSoft made Metal Wolf Chaos for people like you.
>rack of spare tires on the back
Hagrid said it was shit and thats the only opinion I needed to hear to determine that ac rubicon was shit.
>We are HIGHLY hateful of the secondaries
nah, you're all alone on that one, chief
/v/ isn't for games. It's the /pol/ recruitment board. They don't play games they just goon to cuck porn.
imagine being this new to /v/
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no one cares about your shazam e-celeb
Tranons can't understand this simple statement.
I doubt that all in all they spend more than 30m usd.
Shipped does equal sold, retard. Do you think they are shipping them to retailers for free? Do you think retailers will restock a game if it isn't selling? Furthermore, many of the sales are direct downloads on steam where there is no "shipped" distinction.
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quick, post your all time favourite AC design
Retailers have the option to return unsold copies.
You could argue that 150m shipped today are 150m sold in today + 3 months or something.
There is absolutely no evidence of large scale returns of AC6 by retailers. Nebermind that, usually retailers just throw out dud games rather than return them which is why you can find them by dumpster diving. If the 3 million shipped were not selling you would see people posting pictures of the game case with deep markdown stickers or piles of unwanted copies being trashed with the post saying "OH NONONONO AHAHAHAHAHAHA" but you don't see this, because the shipped copies are selling.
/vr/ has AC fans also, mecha games in general are enjoyed there if you can squeeze them in between how to save the Saturn and has anyone played this gem (OOT) before
You put way too much stock in the "why did AC6 flop?" OP posts.
He isn't alone lol.
I started with AC6 and played AC1 up to the last level and also a little of Project Phantasma.
Quit the last level of AC1 because you had a tedious platforming section followed by the final boss.
I had fun but I could not make the up and down controls work for the life of me. I got filtered by enemies that jumped a lot.
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That platforming section is pretty annoying. But in regards to the controls, you were probably just holding the controller wrong. In old AC games you need to use the AC Grip. Give it a try and you'll see how intuitive it is.
>he couldn't destroy the floating mines
so there are two trannies now, cool?
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I just played FA a few months back and got the 1st and went through most of ending 3 except for the old king mission. I'm also hoping to get through VD but I'm not feeling it really after getting btfo'd in the first mission.
honestly don't bother with VD, for that matter V would be fine to skip too but its up to you
Hagrid has excellent opinions on some things, but video games aren't necessarily one of them. He got filtered.
Insane bait
Just go full blown over the top with Armored Core, none of the stupid realism shit. I want gigantic mechanic structures, and aerial fights. That PCA Battleship missions, were kino as fuck especially the one with the unlimited energy. Imagine if they mixed in Grunt suits to the mix with them zooming around trying to stop you.
you are a baiting retard
Unlike whoever the fuck you linked this guy actually won tournaments in this game and played the older games and he agrees the game is shit (like other players who didn't start with 6). So tired of you faggots pretending you have any idea what you're talking about. kys
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It's just not that popular. It has a following but most have moved on from it. I'd rather From work on their next Sekirolike
I'm talking about giving the nascar paint schemes to the mechas.
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Man that would have made S ranking it a pain.
But you're right, coolest mission
Highlight of the fires route.
no thanks i want them to put out good games not simon says nigger L1 to win:the game
ER had multiplayer (not just duels) and was open world. Those are expense multipliers.
Cute opinion. Did the tranny cum in your mouth when he gave it to you?
schizo much? sorry bro but thats just the fact
ACVI is basically if Sekiro was actually good
This poor retard never played simon says in his life.
>says something bad about braindead weeb game
>cockroaches instantly come out of their holes
kek Sekirofags really are like the tendies of Fromsoft fanbase
good thing From Software is not a cuckold Anglo company, so they don't need to please their jewish shareholders like americans and bongs have to do.
you cry I have fun
damn you guys are fucking RETARDED
they barely made any effort to market this shit or even explain what the fuck armored core was to their new fans who only know them for souls games and sekiro so this was the result.
>Using literal who e celebs to say a game is bad
Kill yourself
>Actual arena with at least 50 fights and rankings
>shoulder expansions and core EO
>double the amount of parts
>more missions and superbosses
>bring UNACs back
>flesh multi-player out a bit more than the skeletal version 6 has
That's true level of /v/ today
Obsession is Worship.
This can include hatred. You can worship something with hatred and these people are very religious.
>You could argue that 150m shipped today are 150m sold in today + 3 months or something
i am very mixed race and i love this game
>your only true ally is yourself
Bullshit, Ayre and Rusty are both ride or die depending on the route you choose. Even Walter has faith in your bullshit plot armor in NG++.
I beat it. I liked it quite a bit at the start but ultimately the game felt kind of meh by the end. The build autism wasn’t there, the mechs all looked pretty boring. 6/10
No, they're fucking sold now. If you buy a product and then return it, it was still sold, even if it was then returned. Unless you have evidence it was returned, you can't even begin to argue that shipped is not sold, fuck your 3 months.
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Got filtered by Ibis 2nd Phase because my autism forbids me to change my AC build
I hope so because I want a DLC
Dual flamethrowers work wonders on that one.
Maybe, but if you consider the entirety of Gen3 as one continuous story featuring the same Raven (possible by carrying over your save files. Yes, I'm aware of Nexus's ending), you eventually go on to unleash a swarm of kamikaze drones that annihilate a huge chunk of the native population, then go on to murder every single other Raven on the planet, leaving just yourself in the end.
>dual flamethrowers
gee haven't thought about that
>Dual flamethrowers work wonders on that one.
Wait, my bad - that's not Escort the Armed Mining Transport, that's Ice Worm in that pic. I'm guessing it's your first playthrough, right? Go for a tanky build with the needle cannon you just got and dual-wield that spread bazooka you should have unlocked through Loghunt by now. After that, it's a waiting game - there are points where the worm will rear up for a moment, which is when you need to get in front of it and shoot your needle cannon; there's also the riskier moments where he just dashes in a straight line across the snow instead of squirming around. Once you make a hit, wait for Rusty to use the railgun, then pummel it with your dual bazookas while it's stunned. Last phase is a bit trickier, but you still need to wait and dodge until it rears up. I don't think you can buy a second needle cannon until after you beat the mission, so just be careful with your shots - there's a long cool down for that thing, and if you miss the window you need to wait for another.
Well you can't carry your save from SL to Nexus. AC plot is not very clear and fleshed-out but IIRC it's heavily implied a bunch of time passes between AC3 and SL. AC3 takes place while humanity still lives underground and SL takes place on the surface and there's cities and stuff.

Not sure if there's any hints about Nexus's timeline to SL off the top of my head. It's obviously some time after humanity reclaimed the surface though.
i am not the guy who posted the og pic but that mission is the one with the institute pinwheel niggas attack you out of nowhere after they tank down the strider
It was way more the shit comparisons he made to Elden Ring to try to prove his point. “Unlike in Elden Ring” *does and can do the exact same shit there.* Which makes him a fucking idiot.
Hell yeaaa Metal Wolf Chaos 2 let's goooooooooooooooo im stoked
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should I get the ost box
it's sold out from the official store so now it's like 200 bux or some retarded price on ebay
Loved it, still reminiscing about it. One of my favourites probably, wanna try old ones, but I'm lazing around, not wanting to set that shit up with emulators and stuff, even if it's literally two buttons.
Nigger we love this game here. It's been talked about to death since it's release. Threads were maxing out for last year and there's nothing to talk about it. I've S ranked every mission, replayed it multiple times with different builds.
Sold 2 million more units than Stellar Blade. Guess bad ass mechs beat soulless coomer bait.
>Old fans lost confidence that From could make a proper new AC
Stop referring to yourself as a group, you're not a they/them.
Does your build deel BEEG damage?
Open world and scavenging for mech parts like in the OG AC6 trailer
talking about this game on /v/ is such a fucking drag
thank the tendies being assblasted
you're a drag
Says the psychotic retard that hallucinates that Sekiro is "Simon Says with L1"
but it literally is lol
game says jump, you jump
game says dodge, you dodge
game says attack, you attack
there thats Sekiro
So my first guess, 'Escort the Armed Mining Transport' was correct after all. In which case, yes to the dual flamethrowers. C-Weapons in general tend to be weak to the things, and those HELIANTHUS pinwheels have the stupid habit of charging right at you even if you're hitting them full-blast with fire. Just focusing on one at a time and backpedaling while firing the BADCOOKs will kill them pretty quickly, and if you're really paranoid, using dual worm cannons or Truenos to build stagger is a good backup.
Got a share code (pc) for that build? Looks neat, but my 774LS doesn't do nearly that much damage.
love a garage game but honestly after playing souls for a few years i think im done with fromsoft for good. elden ring was the last straw for me
i remember i eventually beat them with double cannons but don't remember what the rest of my loadout was
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I imagine it cost well under $100m.
And for some perspective with real numbers, Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart broke even after selling ~1.6m copies on a $90m budget, and ended up making >$60m profit by the time it hit 3m.
The original steamchart tranny. These people are braindead if they don't think AC6 profitted hard
full speed is good in context sensitive situations
missions like the one where you have infinite boost you could be faster but you need to strike a balance
you need to feel some weight to your mech so it doesn't just feel like you're controlling a dude dressed like a mech but you also need to have good manoeuvrability.
6 gets close to a good balance but it still needs work
Let us know if you ever play it.
i did thats why i know tard
prove it
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The flamethrower will kill just about everything in this game. Set 'em alight with a slow burn, QB a bit when they go on cooldown, then get back to roasting them; even that damn Ibis becomes fried chicken if you can keep up with it.
Slow, slow, quick-slow-slow. Everything burns.
dual zimmies + pilebunker + lightweight as possible
there, you won ggez
i had it pirated nigga
not buying worthless shit
>unironically playing with jp voices
disgusting all the sovl just .. gone
steam lists can be faked easily
I meant show me you playing it
so wheres the robot porn. i wanna see ports being violated
AC doesn't have much in robot fucking
you're better off going to the zone of the enders table
Then you'd know that it's nothing like you just explained. You didn't even kill the lone general miniboss before chained ogre.
Why? Didn't you push L1?
i stopped playing when you enter the hidden valley with the monks, was just too bored
no variety
only 2 meta prosthetic choices
skills are useless
combat is simon says tier
bosses range from okay to meh
repetitive soundtrack
Ah, an unemployed neet without business experience, kek.
>I got to the monks!
Uh huh
So why don't I believe you?
Oh yeah, because your dumb "simon sez" programmatic response.
Bitch. Your POST is a simon says.
You have to remember Valve, Sony and MS take off a 30% cut, so it's more like they made 100m
If stellar blade was multiplatform it would have sold more. I doubt AC6 sold 1m on gaystation alone.
Souls says dodge, you dodge. Souls says dodge, you dodge. In fact it only says dodge.
it’s pretty trash
Another bad thread for this bad game. Rest in piss

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