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Why isn't anyone talking about this game? It's the most unique game that's come out this year.
Tranny game
I'm playing it and enjoying it so far.
Already beat it with full achievements, was fun but I'm still wondering why I'm still missing 5ish talismans
I was missing one and went through every stage having my thief pick everything clean. Was on stage seven it was in some random corner in the beginning
I liked how the bosses needed the right role comp and combo to take down. Kinda felt like the evolution of gameplay I always wanted out of a pikmin game but never got (actually having the pilot character be able to engage in combat with minions).
Good to know I'll check that later. I thought the map screen would show if I was missing chests because it showed the ones I didn't obtain before getting a thief but I guess I must have missed more
>Why isn't anyone talking about this game?
/v/ doesn’t actually like playing games and instead prefers to bitch about the same few ones they won’t even play thus buying into the media bait of making more trash for them to complain about. It never ends.
It might be “unique,” but it’s also fucking shit. That’s why nobody is going to waste breath on it.
lots of steam reviews say it's mindlessly easy
It is really easy. It makes Pikmin look like dark souls in comparison. Still a fun and light breezy game to enjoy on a hot summer afternoon or something.
They're only in black chests right? The map screen does show when you pick a stage if you've gotten them or not.
It’s easy but not mindless. That just means strategy matters more than doing action game stuff.
I love this game, but I absolutely despise the last pot and lantern challenge, I just can't find the last ones. fuck this
I don't know how far these people have played but there's been some tough missions so far.
The pots highlight in green when you go near them and you need the butterfly shot to get to all of them. Run along the outside of the entirety of the map and you’ll find them. I got it on the first try before even knowing it was the secret objective.
thanks, but I'll wait for a guide, no way in hell I'm gonna waste time again
I really hope so but I've checked all the stage screens and they all show I've found the black chest(s) in each of them. For the record I'm missing the following maizos: 32. 33, 34, 47, 60, 61, 62
it's cool but a bit expensive for a non AAA title
I don't humor games with denuvo.
It’s fun so I thought it was worth the money. I want to go back to the days of new full priced releases being $50 like this.
>about to play demo
>ask for my age
>have to agree to data harvest contract
Fuck off, I'll just play something else.
Just beat a boss after a poison area, is there much game left anons? I'm having fun but the game is starting getting annoying
Played the demo, I'll probably buy it on sale later on.
Being unique and original doesn't sell copies. Also it's a tower defense game which most people do not enjoy.
Does the NG+ gets harder?
Almost done with the campaign and the only diffcult stuff are some side achievements
Other than that, still a beautiful game
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Where's the box version?
The price seems fine to me, it's priced less than the standard 60/70.
Yeah the waves in NG+ are generally tougher than the NG waves especially early on. Not that much more challenging mind you but at least you get 2 extra challenges to clear per map and a new final boss
You can just decline and still play.
It's no td6 that's for sure. it's a poor hack n slash and a poor tower defense game. Art, setting and environment are really nice, but the actual gameplay falls well sort.
It’s about on par with the quality of Pikmin 4 I’d say. A good gradual challenge progression though I wish it had more charm to it. A lot of the levels and models are just super bland looking.
The girl is the hook obviously and it was a mistake not to give her a voice, seriously just ONE VA was too much for the budget? Also its a new IP and its hard to make an impression if the game is not streamer friendly, strategy games are too much for the zoomer minds

what's unique about it? The presentation? Looks like just tower defense with a shiny coat of paint
here in CAD its like $70+ after tax....
She does have a VA, she just doesn't have any lines aside from the intro cutscene and a few lines in the tent.
I spent full retail to buy this on laucnh and I'm LOVING ITT!!! Can't put it down! So unique and innovative!

This but unironically
the hook is the gameplay retard
What do you do in this game?
The game has a ton of charm and the demon and character models are excellent. I don't know how you think it's "bland".
It’s tower defense but you can also attack using a total of three combos. It’s barely one tier above being brain dead and somehow there’s no gacha system attached
>seriously just ONE VA was too much for the budget? Also its a new IP and its hard to make an impression if the game is not streamer friendly, strategy games are too much for the zoomer minds
I genuinely don't think they care for this one. This is a team lead by a guy who mostly did art direction before this, he put budget behind a marketing campaign where a legit puppetry theater in Japan did a whole performance based on the game. Capcom also put it on Day 1 GamePass which is like the less-shitty version of taking EGS money; they don't expect it to become a major seller.

I like that it's an Action/TD hybrid and not in the sense of a shooter for the action part. I've wanted something like this for a while and it paces out its new enemies/units/mechanics pretty perfectly.
No one cares about what shit costs in India, Rajeesh
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Waiting for a sale. Yes i know its cheaper than most other games, still gonna wait.
Play the demo, its you set up different classes of soldiers to defend a woman who is slowly dancing towards her objective from hordes of yokai
Durinf the day, you stress out about where Yoshiro is gonna land when night falls

During nightfall we fucking ball.

Honestly the day night cycle gets quite tactical in later stages.
You make a path for the goddess and make sure she follows it.
>mook models are generic same color hue tone
>units are masked and blend together on the map
It’s ok I guess but I’ve played plenty of other tower defenses with better art styles than this. It’s really carried by its fidelity from being on RE engine.
It's another okami a game that bombed but people won't talk about until a decade later until some fag makes a video essay about it
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>Make the path end in the protection circle just in case I forget to tell her to stop
>Go about my business
>Night falls
>Yoshiro didn't make it to the protection circle
Doesn't it show you roughly how far she can make it before nightfall? Did I misremember that from the demo?
No it tells you exactly how far she will make it. outlined in white
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Using the Okami costume/weapons is kind of making me want to replay Okami. The lightning effect is pretty cool too.
I downloaded it on gamepass and tried the tutorial. Seems ok. I'll play more later.
Yeah but do you want her to land in the protection circle so your life is easier? Cuz sometimes landing in the circle means she needs an extra day to get to the gate.
I started the game using the Thunder Edge which looked pretty cool but I felt like I should be using the default with the weird rainbow slash effects at least for a while. I like how you can use up a charm slot on changing the effect with no gameplay benefit.
I can't agree at all, the art style and aesthetics are great in this game.
dont worry goyim indians would not be interested in this title and would probably pirate it to begin with
And then also, for the mid level gate, do you want to just clear it at sundown or do you want to spend an extra day so she gets to the gate in the morning and you can spend more time prepping the second half?

These are non-negligible decisions sometimes.
I definitely switched back to the refular katana because I like the kaleidoscopic slashes, and then also the slashes change colors when charged up
Yes, you get way more enemies.
Quite a bit. That's like halfway through, and then there's NG+.
Man that poison swamp level got stressful.
Pretty standard action/TD stuff. At the daytime you collect resources(crystals, villagers, healing rations) and then spend those resources(making a path for yoshiro to move on, assigning roles to your villagers). Then at night you join up with your villagers to protect your maiden with some dancing in-between waves to keep up morale and dancing once your maiden reaches a checkpoint to restore her health. In-between missions you upgrade yourself and the villager roles while rebuilding the levels you've gone through and feeding your maiden sweets

Game has really good pacing in terms of introducing gameplay mechanics and complications but the main thing is that compared to a standard TD its more like an escort mission. Your "towers" are mobile and can be re-positioned at any* time and because yoshiro moves along the path your defenses might need to change accordingly.
Ya im not gonna buy stuff from capcom anymore.
Especially with the secret objectives.
welp, I hope the stages don't get too bad.
I got annoyed on this level by the villagers running into the poison puddles and by myself for not noticing until now that the number of healing items you have carry over, so if you use them all in a stage you will have none on the next one
Its not too bad although it does heavily incentivize ranged units or the talisman(s) that reduces poison damage paired with a medic. The only painful part of it is how slow the 2nd part of the map is because of needing to rebuild the bridges.
Trying to go as fast as possible and arriving at the broken bridge immediately after the first gate is a kick in the balls.
>put a qt3.14 shrine maiden in your game
>totally flat chested with no cleavage
Why does crapcom even bother designing female characters anymore
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>Batsu theme
I thought people liked flat shrine maidens? Otherwise I have no idea why Nakoruru is so fucking popular.
And they designed her outfit to have bare feet and expose her armpits during the unskippable part of every cutscene
she's a pitslut
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I like flat/small tits. You say that as if flatties are some kind of new thing or something. MH Rise had your big tits shrine maiden, two of them in fact.
>I like small/children because I’m a pedo
Some of the boss themes really rip. Bupposo and Yatsukahagi are good too
>complete mission without taking damage
>going to reach the gate on the next day
>almost dawn
>one random little blue ranged faggot managed to weasel past all my melee guys, not get picked off by any of my rangers and hits me right as I spin the camera and realize he’s even there
>sun rises
I’m fucking livid
They fire middle fingers because fuck you.
Nakoruru isn't a shrine maiden, she's just Ainu. The shrine maiden in Samsho is Mizuki who isn't popular at all.
If something like that happens again, quit out of the game and when you choose continue after starting it up again it'll start you at the beginning of that night.
Shit didn’t even realize. That makes some of those challenges a little less aggravating
I only know this because I failed a no damage mission near the end too and rage quit. Wasn't right before sun rise like yours but I still only had like a minute left on the last night I would have needed to complete the level.
>cleaning up a couple challenges before fighting final boss
>second ghost Soh mission needs less than 3600 crystals spent and no rations
>go into the mission with maxed out crystals, grab all the crystals from cleansing and dump everything I have on Yoshiro the second night falls
>finish before the first Seethe reaches any of my barebones villagers
Like taking candy from a baby
Check your autosaves from the load menu. the game saves after every day/night begins and also when exiting a base
How in the actual fuck do you do the “don’t let any lights be extinguished mission at Narusawa Wind Caves? Just don’t light any and hope for the best? That bitch obliterates them within seconds and attacking her doesn’t seem to stop her unless you can stun her fast enough
People are too poor to buy games with Denuvo
Pretty much. Light as few as you can get away with and spawn camp. You should be able to hold 1 side on your own and the villagers should be able to spawn camp the other side as long as they have the light
Toda snares maybe? I haven't tried going for that one yet but it tends to stagger most normal size enemies, you can set 3 down at a time and it has a pretty short cooldown.
How do I get the "Dispel 10 Enhanced Seethe simultaneously" objective? I can never get 10 close enough without them destroying the fucking drum.
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Just played the demo, it's great. This is why Japan will never lose video games. No other country has this level of soul.
Have you tried a sumo and an ascetic? It's a pretty potent combo even outside of gimmick stages.
Yeah that's what I was using. I guess I might have to downgrade my Ascetic. The flying enemies were getting there first and dying in his field before the ground enemies could get there.
Weird, they never went for the drum when I did that challenge.
The "elite" basic enemies would do that attack where their hand turns red, straight into the drum. The artillery enemies would shoot straight at it too.
Ascetics or the barrier tsuba might help. I also wonder if you can't just stack a bunch of priests that all dispel at once.
I'd play it if it was a normal DMC-like slasher instead of whatever tower defense hybrid abomination it turned out to be.
Just defeated Raikobo. How far I'm I and how hard will the game get anons?
It's dumb that the boss can pretty much one shot your villagers
Close to the end now and probablly not that much harder until NG+
The next level and boss are pretty challenging. Be prepared for a LOT of mini bosses coming from a lot of directions. The boss of the lodge isn’t super hard but it’s a bit frustrating to lock down. I basically set up a fort around Yoshiro with a Sumo, a Shaman, 2 Sorcerers, 2 Marksmen and I think an ascetic and a woodcutter. All max upgraded. Basically chase the boss and let them fight minions unless you need to help with a Gakinyudo and then once it’s ready drop the Sorcerer nuke
Thanks! I'm mostly spamming Marksmens with one Shaman and one dude that slows the enemies down that I forgot the name for the past 5 stages. I will probably try using the Sorcerer just to see what he does
Sorcerer is great as a get out of jail free card, but you really want him fully upgraded. It takes forever for the chant to charge if he’s not and even more so if you just have the one. The more you have the faster it charges but he also literally does nothing else but stand there and chant so you want actually defenders too. Upgrading him also gives him some defensive abilities but honestly I’ve never had something get close enough to one yet to see what even happens
Fully upgraded ascetic, woodcutter and shaman spawn camping gates seems to kinda shit on everything so far. Add in some archers for gates that spawn flyers if necessary.
It does have a couple of counters. Fliers as you've noticed but also the possession fuckers. And the end of the game has big gaki fuckers that won't go down to that.
The early roles continue to hard carry throughout the entire game. I almost always bring a sumo wrestler with a pocket shaman and at least two marksmen if I can swing it. But woodcutters and archers are always great. Not sure how I feel about Spearmen. Like they’re fine but woodcutters manage to do about the same for half the cost. I’ll say that now that I’ve unlocked ninja I almost always bring one of those because they’re a fucking godsend. It’s like they’re always in the right spot to clear something up before it becomes a problem
Do not sleep on sorcerers, especially for bosses.
They were the GOATs in the final stretch of the great shrine passage
I just unlocked the skill tree. It's a ton of fun, but I can't play more than a few stages before taking a break. I spend too much time swapping skill points and gear between stages. Maxing Ascetic and DPS for boss challenge, getting Thief's unlock and generalizing classes otherwise, etc.
I don't think it's the kind of game with massive spoilers to worry about, but I'm still mostly avoiding these threads until I beat it.
Some of the later seethe will eventually have some ways to counter that like the dickbag that's invulnerable from the front but usually the main limitation to that strat is the limited villager count/crystals(usually not a problem on repeat playthroughs), poor target focus and then the levels where theres either too many gates to camp or gates open throughout the night
I had fun playing the demo, definitely unique. I'll wait until it's on sale to buy it though, just into too many other games right now.
because is shit and the protagonist is non-binary
Slow start but game is really ramping up.
At first i was iffy about the tower defense mechanics but its handles them in a really fun and unique way. Yoshiro and the gates changing position mean you're always adjusting your formations to the new situation. Much more focus on adaptation. its like they found the ingredient that dynasty warriors needed to be good.

love feeding yoshiro sweets. love petting dogs and snakes. love chillin in the base like a comfy diorama
All woodcutters is like the best team for every single boss, it's insane.
What does it mean when the talisman makes villagers greet me? Im not sure if im noticing them do anything nearby.
Maybe it's only in the bases? Or only in the stages?
They're expensive though.
I liked it and bought it. Still playing through it. One of the more unique games I have played in a long while.
this but unironic
The way the gates work also add to the crisis management aspect.
The first half of the game is hilariously easy for someone who's into these types of games, like there used to be tower defence games back in warcraft 3 days where you also had a hero unit or a couple units for extra defence and they often had level ups too.
But the game really ramps up in the second half and FURTHER ramps up in NG+, actually NG+ is insanely tense especially trying to do various challenges. The "no damage" ones in particular. Good lord the difference between Yoshiro getting hit a couple times and not ever getting hit is HUGE, especially when youre trying to do the "beat stage in under x days" challenge on top.
The kunitsu-gami was the friends we made along the way
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>Why isn't anyone talking about this game
Gee I wonder
how high does number have to be before you can enjoy it?
finished it in 18 hours on gamepass
good game, though it gets repetitive, and rebuilding bases is a chore
also some bosses are awful, including the second phase of the final boss
it doesnt matter whether or not the game is good. its the fact that nobody is playing it to even talk about it.
im doing both right now
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I heard some anon comparing it to Sacrifice. Is xir right or just another retard take from /v/?
I got too bored building the camps.
i like both games but its nothing like sac. You can move units around but ts still much closer to the tower defense side of things. The action is sorta like dynasty warriors
>dispel 10 enhancement simultaneously
>Hit the drum
>Dispel 30 enhancement (11/30)
>Don't get the 10 simultaneously
The buffs are really good for clearing boss missions quickly. For Batsu, I got 12 wood cutters and lumped them together near the edge where the boss spawns then triggered the cutscene. Then I immediately give them the attack/speed buff and the defense buff and set them to all attack. You can just rush him down really quickly like this. For flying bosses the same thing but with archers.
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Turns out the wall can fall over and kill you instantly kek
It's why as a rule I always take the seethe on from behind
it has denuvo so I can't play it
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Yes, you can.
Too easy. Almost brainlessly easy. This is a huge issue in a game like this
Like, Pikmin 4 was a true strategy game in comparison
>cannot assign your men into groups and reposition them as groups to optimize your strategy
yeah, no, im not spending minutes on end finding and repositioning them one by one in the menu, fuck that
just huddle around the priestess and sumo everyone to death
For a Capcom game this came out of nowhere, had not even heard about it until a week before release. I personally enjoy the minimalist presentation in terms of story and voice acting. One of the most fun gaming experiences I've had so far this year, and god knows I've played alot of dogshit.
I will never ever buy games with denuvo.
Kill demons during the night to protect your maiden. Guide maiden to gate during the day.
>REE you must like every game and never expression any opinion less than ecstatic consumerism. Any critique or dissatisfaction is wrong. I am very smart.
Is the PS4 version available anywhere as a fpkg?
The demo turned me off because of how shitty the camera was
How? I didn't feel like I needed to take any input on it.
That's hilarious.
Oh right. I completely forgot about those. I also finished with full achievements the other day and saw I didn't have all the talismans yet. I wonder if it's some weird oversight.
She sings the end theme
kys craptroon
niggers at Microsoft locked my account.
Made a new account to get gamepass for $1 with the intention to maybe buy the game in a sale later on steam
Ah yes, schizophrenic Jazz, my favorite color
>Why aren't you playing kunitsu-gami?
Because I don't give a shit about tower defense games.
>Soh-only level
>Soh must not take damage optional objective
I get that its NG+ and its actually not too hard with the tools you're given but its still particularly a dick move
how are you even supposed to do this?
how the fuck did you get that out of those posts
cynics not supporting games packed with shit that they always claim to want is an easily observable and frequent occurrence, neither of them said or even implied anything about criticism not being allowed
For safety grab the decoy buddah talisman and every night make sure you're praying at the shrine so that you'll be invulnerable, the talisman that increases bow shoot speed also helps IMO the exploding shot is the best option. The tsuba that creates traps is also another useful tool. Main strat is just keep shooting charge shots when you can and its really just the agile flipping jerk of a seethe that should give your trouble on the enemy list. For the other 2 tsubas I'd recommend 1 of the attack tsubas and the last one being kijin's specter(the clone also shoots arrows/charged arrows and a single light attack -> charged attack from both of you should stagger break the giant gakis)

If you're really struggling with it just remember that the game autosaves whenever it shifts from night to day and vice versa so you can just reload from the start of a night if you get hit
I haven’t made it that far yet but im assuming you can pull it off with
>crow-winged tengu
>the two strongest attack talismans
>the talisman for attack+ based on crystals carried since you aren’t spending any on units
>carpenter build speed+
>resist break charge arrow
Basically spam the fuck out of your bow and have the carpenter build as many traps as possible during the day. Use charged shots to break resist from a distance then run in for a killing blow
Oh I've already done it, I'm the guy who posted the start above your post. Looking back at the optional challenges in NG+ it just sprung out as one of the most mean spirited challenges alongside the boss rush having the 2 extra challenges of soh does not take damage and yoshiro does not take damage. Of the challenges in the game I think this one and poison swamps NG challenges were the worst to deal with that didn't rely on RNG.
>that spoiler
That sounds like a truly horrific slog
>playing video games
you must be 18+ to post here
I'm not done with NG+ but so far my most hated challenge has been the stupid lightning thing.

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