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What the fuck is wrong with this game?
What do you mean?
Too based for modern audiences
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I like this one more
What does FGT stands for
So, fighting skill
why is senstv so high
It doesn't look like it supports widescreen.
fighting probably but I see what u did there
raising a daughter into a whore. just like reality
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it's pedoshit
Nothing, it's a good game
All I know is she constantly runs away from home when that stat is high. I got no idea what it actually does beyond that.
>developed hips
yeah sure
There's no sex in this game.
Is the steam release censored?
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what? no...
how do I play these games optimally without censorship?
She needs to take more buxomize pills.
*fucks my daughter*
Problem officer??
princess maker 2 is one of the best games ever made
You play the PC98 or DOS versions. Sega Saturn and PCE are also acceptable.
Then why did I deliberately push my 11 year old adopted daughter further into the woods and then make her lose to bandits?
I dunno, so that her affection towards Cube will rise?
All modern versions of the game are.
I take it they're both in english right?
so that she could get spanked a little, nothing wrong with some corrective spanking
>t. Old Dragon
I don't see why they had to tear her clothes off for that. Or put the bing bing in her wahoo
Never realized all sex trainers were based off this game

I don't know of there's anything worse than a dragon licking her face. But there's been some seedy outfits and the breast enlargement mechanic is a little weird
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one of the most horrifying parts of this game is you can raise the sweet little girl into a cockmongering harlot
What exactly is Edited out. The steam version is still a game that couldn't get made today.
you literally craft a girl as she grows up.
it's more like pedo-cuck shit.
You can marry her, so no.
Chink shit
DOS is. It was going to have an NA launch and the game was completed but it was cancelled before release, but contains some minor censorship of some vacation graphics as a result, though not to the degree of Refine and Regeneration. A prototype build sent out to the press for review was eventually leaked on the internet and can be found on most vaporware sites. It's the version of PM2 that is most known by the English speaking audience because it has debugging tools enabled that allow you to strip the daughter naked, used to test the game's paper doll system.
For this reason people think to this day that the Japanese versions of the game allow you to do this normally. They don't. Not normally, at least. Unless you hack the game to allow it. The PC98, PCE, and Saturn versions are much the same way, each containing a naked paper doll that is normally not available to view.
Have a look for yourself. Make sure to enable NSFW mode in the upper right corner.
Art imitates reality.
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What do I do when my daughter stops gaining weight? I kept wasting money buying slabs of meat for nothing, stuck at 176 pounds. She also doesn't look very big. I had her farming for a few years so maybe the muscles helped her fill out.
You can turn her into Cockmongler? BRB downloading
I think it's emotional sensitivity or something along those lines.
One of the blood types will have it raise on it's own.
It helps her interact with magical creatures and I think influences art stuff.
She needs more carbs. Feed her breads
Will cake do the trick?
yeah and its good chink shit
stay mad
>check the CGs for the new game since it's supposed to be uncensored and "made by the original artist"
>it's so censored compared to the original that there's zero nudity and it's in the non-h category now
KEK. They want people to pay up for a butchered re-release of a 2 decade old game that already got released several times in better forms?

This is what that looks like now in the "new and improved" $40 version.
You guys wouldn't actually marry your daughter would you?
No, unless it was a degenerate hentai game then I'd sell her into slavery to goblins
Only if I'm roleplaying as Woody Allen
We're not blood related, she's a divine being.
Absolute unit. In awe at the size of that lass.
Why not?
Give me one(1) reason not to
want to bet?
Not in the new version
Why does the new version even exist? For retards who can't use DOS Box?
The obvious lack of detail on her naughty bits tells me this is in jest, but she's lowkey makin a lotta sense right now.

Okay you've convinced me, I will do the marry daughter route in PM2
What is that game even about?
To port it into PS5 and Switch
Of course not. Same reason why I don't allow her to wear clothes. She's my pet, not my daughter.
Defeating God Almighty.
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this is top tier korean gaming, enjoy
Been like 20 years since I downloaded it offa KaZaa but iirc, a fairy delivers a child to some random dickhead (You) and tells him that she's like, destined for greatness or something, and it's up to you to raise her properly. Why you? Bitch is probably lazy. Anyway you get some imp to help you out and you set to the task of raising this little brat to fulfill whatever vague destiny she was apparently intended for (like being the kingdom's top slut, or a lumberjack)
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Creating the perfect daughterfu.
There it is.
That honestly raises more questions. But I guess I'm less ignorant now. So are the implications of >>683751442 correct? Interesting idea for a game.
If your FGT Rep gets too low, you can't create new threads anymore.
That's closer to the story of 3.
In 2 you're a hero who defeated the demon lord, and the gods entrust you with the daughter to raise afterward.
no h no play
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Oh, I was way off then. Thanks anon. That's even stranger though, you'd think a hero that defeated the demon lord would be able to make his own daughter rather than getting some divine homunculus. Not that I'm against divine homunculi.

I should just replay this sometime.
I can't imagine feminists liking anything about this game
It was never claimed to be uncensored. You could see brand new censorship in the trailers, even.
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Why would you imagine feminists at all?
based and Fritzl pilled
So who picked the Princess Maker franchise off Gainax's corpse?
>cover her with sultry dress
>double/triple her bust size
What exactly went wrong here?
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I followed your link expecting the Jyujiro (e10) image set. Maybe I'm not the best person to raise this Princess.
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Can I raise her into a femcel who will never give me grandchildren?
>it's in the non-h category now
It's always been non-h you stupid fuck.
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She can grow up to be the new demon lord. Is that close enough?
Ah. The shitposters are here now.
It's really too bad that we can't have comfy PM2 threads anymore.
So is DosBOX still the best way to play Dos games?
Before this thread goes to shit, someone remind me of where to get it, and how to play it (thanks)
I read that switch would be uncensored and ps4 would have censorship. Can anyone post these censored ps4 visuals i want to compare them to the switch ones.
It's not graphical censorship.
The PS4 and PS5 versions remove two endings as well as the buxomizer pills. That's it.
The removed ending are marrying her father (you) and marrying cube.
thanks for the info
She can also become a spinster.
meanwhile the steam version has achievements for both of those kek
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It's a Japanese raising simulator. Min/max personality traits and stats until she becomes 18 and get an ending.

Anyone complaining about censorship is talking about the 90s Japanese PC version of the game (pre CERO) where they had naked monster girls, fairies, mermaids, and the daughter being naked during summer beach events (swimming in the nude or in a white t-shirt that clung to her body.) The only version available in English until 2016 was a DOS translation that was abandoned, but the developer tools were left in, including an option to make her naked in an "Un-Dress" as the girl was drawn on screen like a paper doll and the bottom layer was just her birthday suit. Even without developer tools, there were a couple weight and bust size combos that could have her slipping a titty in certain dresses.

A newer version called Refine was put out in the mid 2000s for better windows compatibility that re-drew the character sprites to work more like a modern visual novel, so there was no more nudity layer. The monster girls I think still had boobs but the daughter's art had nipples removed. That version made it to Steam in English in 2016, though they had additional Asia censorship (believe it or not they also think the Japanese are perverts) to anything else with nudity.

This current version is Regeneration. The character events were re-drawn by the original artist so whatever little bit of nudity that was left in the endings where your daughter becomes a slut were removed. It's rated E10+. Sony required the removal of a breast enhancing pill and the endings where (you) or the butler could marry her and is still not out yet.
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My cute hunter daughter takes care of me when I'm old
Nice rundown.
What's the best way to play the original (well, English translated original) version?

Find it on piratebay and use a DOS emulator?
Any modern PC is going to need a DOS emulator, yes.
Literally a downgrade compared to the OG
youd figure there would be some packaged download by now that would automatically boot up dos bos and run it by just double clicking the exe. I feel like ive seen this in other games even pre gog
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I definitely remember playing a DOS version I downloaded off a fileshare program in the early~mid 2000s that had the beach nudity, rape scene, and the un-dress all intact. In english. I assume that's the version that was abandoned?
This is the version I remember
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Anon I found a prepackaged version in less than five minutes on google. Even has instructions of running it. Try harder. But I'll spoonfeed you just this one time.
>sunbathing with 60% of your body clothed
More than likely. There's no rape scene, only an attempted rape if you lose to bandits, before Cube swoops in and rescues her.
You played the Dreamcast version?
thanks but that's a virus
>A newer version called Refine was put out in the mid 2000s for better windows compatibility that re-drew the character sprites to work more like a modern visual novel, so there was no more nudity layer. The monster girls I think still had boobs but the daughter's art had nipples removed. That version made it to Steam in English in 2016, though they had additional Asia censorship (believe it or not they also think the Japanese are perverts) to anything else with nudity.
Refine removed all nipples and such, but still had Barbie nudity. Then the PS2 port of Refine happened and covered up the nudity with extra clothes.
The Steam release was initially based on the original Refine version, but then at some point they updated it with the PS2 port's censorship.

Regeneration is itself based on the PS2 version with the same censorship while other CGs were redrawn entirely to show even less than the PS2 version did.
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wrong version
>CON 999
You raised a rock.
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Come on bro, trust me.
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>There's no rape scene, only an attempted rape if you lose to bandits
Really? I could have sworn she gets molested there. I remember because I was so disappointed that they fucking age her up in the event CG in spite of getting her there when she was still flat. I went way out of my way for that. Ruined my experience, so I'll never forget it.

But maybe she did get rescued first. Been a long time.

I thought DC was for decensored? Either way, that's the only set I found with all the images and CG I recall from the game in the same quality.
I'm still waiting for the day a download is actually dolphin porn
You had to download an "uncensor patch" to complete the file structure. File sharing sites would just have copies from someone who already applied it.
yeah but that think isn't there nor can I find it
That gallery is labelled DC, but it could be mislabelled. Wouldn't be the first time.
Wait, so that means this stat is the main cause of your daughter become sugar daddy?
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Kidnappers are just regular monsters that don't have any events when tied to the daughter being defeated. Cube swoops in immediately and rescues her. They do make comments that they LOVE children, however.
It's only the three bandits that have an event attached to losing, but Cube still rescues her before anything can happen.
didnt work
no uncensor
i remember using mad eddy and chugging her buxom pills daily, good times
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Could be worse.
That gallery is the Dreamcast version, look at the vacation CGs and their filenames. The uploader included the original next to the censored console versions.
The sprites are also completely different from the original, they're the same as Refine's but pixel art.

This has the uncensor patch
File deleted.
Are there any actually good h-games like this that have full english versions?
wtf is that picture? fuck you
Your mom after her nightly bukkake.
Y'know, I forgot the old DOS version had to have a decensor patch applied at all.
Imouto Monochrome...kinda (and the first one, which wasn't quite as good)
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Damn, imagine being weight-mogged by a 13 year old girl..
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It was the only good one in the entire series. The only other good game in the genre was made decades later.
Shame about the fucking machine translation
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Okay, that's better than mayonnaise, which was my initial assumption...
Its the weirdest translation. The start is terrible - so fucking bad. Then I didn't notice anything until halfway through the game, and I went, oh no oh fuck
But then the next scene it was fine, and stayed fine. Just some random scenes are translated like shit.
Nothing, it's a classic
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>Kidnappers are just regular monsters
I just posted that image because I thought it was funny. I'm referring specifically to the three bandits (and I think a bandit hideout?) you can stumble onto in the woods someplace. It's been a long time, but I remember that much.

And if she gets rescued before they can assault her, I'm just remembering that part wrong, which I can accept. I mainly just remember hearing she can get molested after losing a certain fight, trying to get her raped at the youngest age possible, and then being pissed off that she suddenly grew breasts in the event CG.

Alrighty. No, I never played it on dreamcast. The other sets I saw on e-hentai didn't have all the stuff I remembered though, and one had some weird blue filter. idk
Where do i get the uncensored version?
Also why did they make a censored version?
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>tfw I've only ever had an adventurer daughteru
I see you're a man of culture.
Read the thread, nigga.
she's cute but I couldn't understand what was happening by the end
I've gone for a variety of endings but the worst one I got was a divorcee.
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>Also why did they make a censored version?
Because you can't sell games with naked girls on consoles
>the uncensored one with all the nipples and shit was from dreamcast
I bet your faggot ass have no idea that many of the sprites on FF games got censored as well
the old japanese ones are full of tits in full display
I didn't say nipples, I said naked >>683757241
enjoy the vacation
nice reading comprehension
She is perfect here. In every way possible.

She'd look good with a dog collar, though.
90s PC games were still a niche Otaku market for Japan and there wasn't as much breast fetishism at the time. Just like how you can go find Dragon Ball episodes where you can see Goku's dick.
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I need a daughter
whenever i play this i always try to make her the perfect house wife
She's meant to be a young girl, why would i let her into the Arena or out to get hurt by monsters?
>give daughter gorrillions of mg of buxom pills
>tits barely get any bigger
The but Dreamcast version was censored. That gallery above is a frankengallery containing images from both the PC98 version, the DOS version, and the Dreamcast version. All the Dreamcast images are censored.
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>She's meant to be a young girl, why would i let her into the Arena or out to get hurt by monsters?
Because it's rad?
She wants to be just like Papa.
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Little kid dicks are funny, no one cares. You can even see Gohan's dick as late as the Saiyan Saga, if I recall
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Here's some neat finds.
This gallery has some of the original lineart near the end: https://exhentai.org/g/429493/61a4276e22/
Which I think were sourced from a CD sold by Gainax back in the day. Not sure if it's complete or if a complete set exists online.
And this artbook has a bunch of original artwork from PM1-3, including nudes from 1, but for some reason PM2's section in the book is totally barren: https://exhentai.org/g/1090525/c5c648573b/
So uhh how do you apply the patch
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To make sure she becomes a ruthless and immortal ruler of the underworld of course.
so you just past the the patch files into the main PrincessMaker folder is that it
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replace the 19 files in here
What is the world coming to that people no longer know how to apply a patch?
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Turns out someone uploaded the disc to archive.org last month: https://archive.org/details/princess-maker-works
>Make her go on adventures
>Win all fighting tournaments after the first year
>Deeply loved by the kingdom, has a nice dragon husband
>Time for judgment
>"Uh, ACKSHUALLY, she is traumatized for having fought so much in her life, the psychological scars from having spilt so much blood will never heal"
Fuck you gods, she just killed monsters and villains, she doesnt have a reason to feel bad, I never made her attack civilians.
gainax really fell from graces ever since they made eva and only leeched that
Gotcha, figured it out.

What's this guy saying about a NSFW mode? >>683748527
>Make sure to enable NSFW mode in the upper right corner.
Oh, I'm not talking about the game there, it's the website. The Spriter's Resource is a large archive of graphics from various games, and it has a toggle to hide NSFW stuff, and I'm not sure if it's enabled by default or not.
For the game itself, you don't need to do anything at all.
The world of too much spoonfeeding
Why aren't the other PM games as good PM2?
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If it must be in english, then there's only this one.
Torrent here : https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/3252806
The con is that this is more of raising a combatant, not a daughter, the pro is that it's actually a very good raising sim game.

If japanese is fine, then this one is the best of the best of raising sim h game.
Torrent here : https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2062190
Imagine the family dinners
What ever happened to the one h jap game that specifically had 70s anime art style?

Did it turn out to be shit?
Not that anon but do you have a list of these games?
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Huh, I'm sensing an error. Your FGT SKL should be much higher, judging from this response.
What did California Sony mean by this ?
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>she is traumatized for having fought so much in her life, the psychological scars
And wat does that say about the the person they left her with, a career warrior who they were rewarding for his combat prowess?? Nahhhh fuck that noise, I didn't raise some pussy that'd get shellshock from fighting monsters and villains. I raised a pussy that loves righteous ass kicking
What's the problem here
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normgroids OUT
The one with blonde girl that you molest in train? The beta version is already out years ago, but that one is more of a choukyou game instead of raising sim, try asking /hgg2d/

vndb has raising sim tags, however it's littered with not-actually-raising-sim and non japanese trash.
Waiting for someone to post this
No idea
>and non japanese trash.
you can easily filter out non-japanese releases on vndb anon
Damn Gainax
just dont do it lmaoo?
Try Maggot Baits it might be at your speed
gas all pedophiles
is that a nipple
follow this post >>683768384
I ended up marrying my daughter
Based groomer dad
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>that forehead
My only regret is that the bangs are in the way so we can't play tic tac toe on this one.
Great choices anon! Also, thanks for the links. I've been meaning to replay Musumaker while waiting for Machine Child's release.
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>age 14
>sensitivity 700
>defense 0
With all that sensitivity, she can sense your erected from miles away.
Yup, it certainly doesn't help that one of the executives got caught funneling funds for personal purposes.
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shit dude, you got 0 strength
Realistic for a woman
>Her heirs will be strong and agile
Can't rightly complain on my end.
>Try to make her the perfect housewife
>It's fucking booooring.
Man I guess I understand why feminists are the way they are. There's a whole world of adventure out there and here I am telling my daughter to sweep the floors faster.
Musumaker is cuckshit.
Sauce of that image?
So is princess maker, your point?
Machine Child.
Concept art for a raising sim game by Oyari Ashito
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Honestly, a HUGE improvement. She looks ready to strip and lapdance.
When my son has a child I'm giving him a copy, Let's see if how he his first time does compared to me,
Got the jester so I'm basically unbeatable
The more I look at this stat spread, the stranger it gets to me. You must had a varied playthrough in order to get her this way.
I'm surprised you managed to get her to max constitution without getting even a single point in combat defense. Also, nice name choice. I approve.
I played the game cuz of the SA let's play. Forget which ending I got. But I wouldn't play the game again.
dog knotting is fine in my book
why do her tits seem bigger here than in OP
>OP age 14
>his post age 16
She grew up, bro.
Am I retarded? I tried to make a harlot and ended up with this
Is the newest release fine? I don't mind the no secret nudes code.
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>there are marriage endings when you don't whore out your daughters
>you can treat one of the girls like the purest cinnamon, be her guardian angel while abusing and traumatizing another girl the same week
i really admire the game for all the possibilities it offers.
It's shovelware tier chinkshit
what did you expect?
>Musumaker is cuckshit.
Only if you are retarded
Machine Child when?
Oyari will surely deliver soon haha...
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>If japanese is fine, then this one is the best of the best of raising sim h game.
That looks cute as hell
>Mfw those tags
Oh lawd
Strongfat daughter
are the other PM games any good? if they arent whats a good replacement besides volcano princess. i dont know why but i genuinely love pm2 and volcano princess
I blame the death of handheld console, raising sims were perfect on those
I played PM5 and it's very slow. You organize tasks by weeks versus months. A single run can take you 60 hours to complete. My complaint is that your daughter isn't cute. The combination of boyish hair and face doesn't help. It's more story focused and the translation is worse than Volcano Princess.
yea i was tempted by 5 but man that design is something else. did find this though https://store.steampowered.com/app/251990/Long_Live_The_Queen/
Don't let the tags fool you. The game has more good route than dark route.
Hey, I played Bunnyblack. I might like that Wizard's climber.
I'm far from being decent in jap but that Musumaker has "prostitution". I might try that when I have the time.
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japs are pedos
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Could someone educate me on how Volcano Princess has such high scores and actual posters in this thread praising it?
I've given it a try but it seems like actual low effort chink garbage with a terrible translation. I wonder if I am missing anything, like does the game have Ecchi scenes or anything? Otherwise I am baffled as to why people say they enjoy it.
USA had the same thing in the same decades.
it's a decent attempt at a Princess maker game, when you get down to the main thing of teaching her how to do stuff and what not plus it actually makes your character have a spot in the story with working after retiring to keep supporting her or even helping her choose between friends and suitors
And i really like the scenes where she comes to you and if you sacrifice a BUNCH of stamina you get special scenes where you sit down to talk to her
Try to push trough the translation and give it another go, might not be as good as PM2 but it's a nice attempt
Less of raising sim and more of death scene collector
Why is PM2 the only one that's so heavily shilled? I've literally never seen people discuss other PMs. They're not even that different from PM2 why is everyone so fixated on that one
It's the only good one. Probably why it's also the only one with a good translation that was released very early.
mutt bros....
Fan-retranslation when?
OP you should roleplay and max out your FGT SKL
Man, I don't understand why they decided to remake 2 (again) when 5's translation is garbage.
I mean, I get why, it's the most popular. But come the fuck on.
PM1 is basically the same game, just with fewer animations. You can even whore your daughter out the same way
Debated about getting it during the sale.
I enjoyed it and was thinking about replaying it since I haven't got all the endings.
PM1 doesn't have the rudimentary JRPG attached and feels more bare bones.
It is the first one though, so it's allowed to be simpler. I think Maria is actually cuter than Olive, but I played PM2 first so I'll always prefer raising Olive.
3 is interesting, it's got the +sides this anon>>683790513 mentioned about 5 with a cuter daughter.
I haven't ever dedicated myself to a playthrough though. Just have a hard time getting into that one.
More gameplay than any snoy moviegame today.
I played the first one a while ago. It was fun, but buggy.
Is the second one worth playing?
The second game is the best one
So, how much are those magazines? I'm sure someone has some collections of those, right? Asking for a friend.
The best time to have children is between 18 years old and 30 years old. Pedofags and hagfags are disgusting.
>muh hollywood californian age of consent is sacrosanct!
why 18 specifically, and not 16 like it is in most of the world?
No piv = not porn
Cope westoid
Anatomy isn't porn
3, 4, and 5 are basically ignored even in Japan.
Do people really not get not liking little girls is a new thing
Dont you know anon? 16 year olds are cognitively developed enough to do calculus and operate vehicles, but theyre also too fucking retarded to know whether or not they want ponos ion vagoo. But only if the other ponos/vagoo is over 18, if they are fucking other 16 year olds its totally fine.
I wish you fucks were half as dedicated to pointing out Hollywood pedo sex rinks that are still actively going and the increasing prominence of children trafficking instead of 60 year old magazines and fictional characters.
>adult woman
Look at how flat she is
I can't believe he censored her flat chest by giving her boobs.
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For me, it’s Elodie
Yes it’s not strictly a raising sim but close enough
>Accidentally get the best possible ending first(end the war through the power of music)
>Every other ending is inferior to it, going the magical girl route means unleashing potential catastrophes or sacrificing innocent people to maintain peace
Meh, turns out daddy king was right about magic.
>What's the problem here
The game was delayed. Exclusively on Playstation. So that it could be adjusted to match Playstation's standards. So censorship even though the game was already accepted by CERO/ESRB/PEGI/Etc.
It's a daughter raising simulator. Whatever is wrong with it is your own fault for being a shitty father.
Got killed multiple times until i somehow stopped the war.
Censored game (1993) gets censored for remake (2003) gets censored for remake (2024) gets censored for port (Playstation 2025)
Damn, this game is just layer upon layer upon layer of censorship.
>if japanese is fine
why can't someone run it through some MTL and call it a day? Is it hard to do?
Look into what the Danish were doing during the 70's
>sacrificing innocent people
Yes, and?
jews want the monopoly prime virgin pussy so they fuck all the children while throwing your ass in prison for even looking at a 17 and younger girl the wrong way.
Not at all. During the game's release time, people were already playing it using classic text hooker and offline translator program.
However I assume people who didn't already know about that game can even be bothered to play it with MTL.
its okay if you are Jewish
Musumaker is partially translated, I should play it someday. I do vaguely remember that 4chan thought the game was kind of meh back in 2012 though.
95% of the reviews are from the Chinese and the remaining 5% are from English speakers who were willing to sit through the godawful translation.
its terrible imo. I liked PM2 more
steam rules dude
Just like in real life, except it's typically mothers who raise their daughters like that, and they do it for free.
Nigga you had to make her visit chrich sometimes
WTF why is the panda Cryin :(?
is this official? Its the lotte manga right?
why do westerners ruin and destroy everything
its very meh
kys fertilephile
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I'd say it's an Otome game.
>Hundreds of posts
>No attempt made to refute him
You know it's true. Think about it logically.
>*hits pipe*
Yet you have this saved on your PC despite saying something like that? Care to explain?
>14 year old can marry a 26 year old
Uhhh based?
Total lie generated by the maliscious and the cut
Basically CSM disguised as "Art"
How would the ramifications of buxomize pills be IRL? I'd have to imagine women as a whole would hold a consensus on a new "average" size.

Buzz off, captcha
It's cuckshit like real paternity
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ruining your daughter's life.
No, joking aside incest is almost never arousing irl, and those who do actually engage in it are some of the ugliest people you'll ever meet. The most a guy might do is sneak a peek at his cousin's cleavage during some family get together, and that fades to nothing once they're both older.
She seems pretty happy there
I don't get it.
You will know when you have a daughter
>Raising a daughter is dedicating 20 years of your life so that another man can marry her etc. etc.
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Remember when Gainax made video games?
Is there any game where you can raise a child as some sort of optional questline instead of being the main focus of the game?
be black irl and pay child support

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