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if game sell more why less job???
Jews, next question.
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game cost more to sell more to less job to cheap cost to cheap hire to sell more to less job again to hire cheap again
>if game sell more
They don't.
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game sell more but ceo's new yacht price grow more faster
Corpos want workers to be serfs, and that means making their employment as unstable as possible so they're desperate and will accept anything.
fucking bakers stealing my fucking firefucks
cutting back on costs is quicker profits than expanding
Serfdom is impossible due to education. It only works in a time period where like 70% of the population was too dumb and too cowardly to fight for better living conditions.

This is, in all likelyhood the reason for third world migration flooding though.
No amount of education will stop you from starving or going homeless. You need that money, and in our modern world 90% of the time that means whoring yourself to a corporation.
other way around, there's a reason civil wars and revolutions only happen in third world countries today
US govt will do their utmost to break up unions and strikes to diminish workers rights as much as they can. At that point education doesn't matter.
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do single individuals really need that much money
microsoft is indie publisher please understand
Because no game requires more than 100 developers at most, yet big companies over-hired due to low interest rates and Covid funbucks and now need to trim the fat.
it's how jews keep score
You absolute retard. If things reach that point people would just arm up, start farming and start mowing down the glowniggers who show up to try and force them to be slaves.
Kings and empires are built upon networks of control that only work when people believe enslavement is the only way.

That's why no one can just claim to be a "king" anymore, because the chain of retards validating that power no longer really exist. The narrative then switched to democratic elections so that everyone believes they're "responsible" for their current life situation in part but where beaten out by some other faceless facet of society.

It really all comes down to knowledge and having an army of loyalists who believe in a benefit to your leadership.
lmao this guy thinks he can win against the US military
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capitalism is working, very sustainable and healthy yes
LOL this guy thinks an army destroying its own country can be well fed and sustained!
Please tell me what the soldier gets in return for doing that?
military bases are often located ON rural areas, you know, where most food and resources are
>suggest that we should maybe look for a better system
>CIA programming makes everything think you're a commie because you want to afford to live
Jews won, might as well just roll over desu
Worked for Stalin, and still works for North Korea
Oh no, the soldiers are going to le heckin transform into farmer John!? They're going to fight and murder people for refusing to be slaves, to uh.. become slaves themselves and work on the farms!?
No matter how you slice it, a country attacking itself with its own army to protect some malicious classism intent has never boded well.

Power is a human relationship. Saying you're Emperor as the last man alive is meaningless. You aren't a country if all you have left is a small handful of king larpers telling their army to butcher their own infrastructure for not being slaves.

It's like you niggers aren't even aware of shit like Haiti where even a bunch of low IQ nogs managed to turn on their masters because the spics got too comfortable.
>Worked for Stalin
>Still works for north Korea
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lil bro doesn't know the pentagon actually did multiple studies on how a civil war would go
Turns how democracies don't lend themselves well to dictatorships
There's a greentext some oldfag might have
basically moles everywhere
every country including russia will dog pile in with the rebels
rebels can use nukes and media will praise it, goverment can't and will be declared a global threat
entire country is literally just a massive chokepoint at mississippi
it's not a war of conquest, it's not like they don't own farmer John's land already, they will just kill a bunch of people to convince farmer John to get back to work
Turn and burn, game developers and publishers are confident that people are so desperate for work that they'll come crawling back no matter how bad working conditions are. So whenever a few hundred people aren't immediately needed, they're fired.

Meanwhile Nintendo has experienced employees who have been working there since the fucking 1980s. You can hate Nintendo, I've got my hangups with them, but at least they treat their employees right (from what we know) and they've got a fucking treasure trove's worth of savings. The attitude of dumping workers you don't need has progressed from manufacturing jobs toward people who provide services, even at graduate level. It's bullshit.
the problem is farmer john is educated enough to arm himself, or leave the country.
This scenario literally only works when you have rich natural resources that you can collect and gain money on, without the use of labor from the people
Now convince third party companies to extract those resources with the most armed and expansive militia on the planet now infesting every state.
Economics as they teach in school are essentially not real, OP. For a succinct explanation of how the economy behaves irl, refer to fpbp:

>Jews, next question.
It's a retarded Slavoid belief that a all you need is to be an elite corpo bunch and a loyal army and you can just curbstomp your lower class into sustaining your empire, because being a low IQ bug person begets that as China shows.

If your lower class has weapons and an education, you simply can't do that shit. You can't sustain a slave empire if your slaves have an education and have weapons.

A slave is historically someone deprived of weapons, has little to no education and probably has had his legs fucked up to stop him from running. It's a person JUSTED into that state of existence managed by a fear net to perform brutal labor.
>the soldiers are going to le heckin transform into farmer John!
No, they're going to point a gun at farmer John and tell him to comply or die. If farmer John doesn’t comply, he dies and serves as an example to farmer Jack. Furthermore, farmer Jack is told that if he snitches on any other dissidents he will get their lands and stuff.
And with three letters anon rewrote history as we know it. Stalin’s collectivization efforts were repelled, he was thrown out of power and by the 40s the USSR had become a democracy with a bill of rights and everything. Likewise the Kim dynasty never formed and North Korea never suffered under a ruthless dictator.
slave armies have been a thing for centuries
They've also historically sucked ass.
my dude
its a democracy, the people are the military, AND the workforce
Farmer Jack might be neighbors with the guy pointing the gun at him, the guy driving the LAV-25 in front of farmer jack might actually be a human being with emotions
You can tell soldiers to kill goat fuckers in a democracy, but not their own people.
This only works in soulless npc goverments like china and russia that have had generations of desensitization to mow them down during protests
>the problem is farmer john is educated enough to arm himself, or leave the country.
farmer John will die, or farmer Jack will take over his land
>This scenario literally only works when you have rich natural resources that you can collect and gain money on, without the use of labor from the people
The US military is literally the largest employer globally
>Now convince third party companies to extract those resources with the most armed and expansive militia on the planet now infesting every state.
That is the US military
Modern western governments solved the education problem by educating their citizens to think and behave like slaves.
Nope. Call it whatever you want to, but the fact remains employers keep most people desperate so they accept shitter wages with longer hours abd diminished benefits. And then throw some outsourcing in there too. Remember that time Whole Foods cut benefits for its employees then in that same month Bezos dropped 160 million on a mansion with its own golf course. Haha crazy coincidence.

At least Lords had a duty to protect serfs. What we have now is techocraric capitalistic slavery.
This. the USSR is and Kim land are sustained by a good portion of their population brainwashed into an eternal seethe about greedy capitalism.

You can't go "The government sucks" because half the population thinks you're trying to simply consolidate power for yourself away from the people.
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>The US military is literally the largest employer globally
Do they have the education to run oil rigs, manage logistics, of which almost all of their supples come from other countries, which btw, you're basically embargoed by the world now.
Who's going to train them to run all the infrastructure to actually manage the resources lol
Oh best part anon. WHO FUNDS THE MILITARY? THE MILITARY? No its the fucker you're pointing the gun at retard
>You can tell soldiers to kill goat fuckers in a democracy, but not their own people.
Lol, LMAO even
>Do they have the education to run oil rigs, manage logistics, of which almost all of their supples come from other countries
They can certainly employ people to do these things yes
> which btw, you're basically embargoed by the world now.
embargoed by the non-NATO world? oh no, how terrible
>Oh best part anon. WHO FUNDS THE MILITARY? THE MILITARY? No its the fucker you're pointing the gun at retard
pointing a gun at people is a proven age-old extortion tactic
>embargoed by the non-NATO world
no dude
the world fucking embargos you, because other countries aren't complete capitalist hellscapes like the US
Other countries have nukes, you can't point a gun at them lol.
Also who's are you going to fucking employ anon, the companies that shutdown because their profit stopped slightly for a few days, let alone a full blown totalitarian take over? Or the foreign ones getting attacked by the most coordinated militia ever known, trained by russian spetnaz and every other country on the planet that has just been DYING to get a punch in at you.
look man, while the BRICS have been making great strides lately, they're not at the point where they can put the economic hurt on the west just yet
That airforce division was overtly jewish, curious!
You have the freedom to become educated against the piss poor public education. It's more like they realized people are lazy as fuck.
> its a democracy, the people are the military
Tell that to Shay's rebellion, or the Mormons, or the Bonus Army, or the Kent State protesters. Patton had no hesitation to lead a tank charge against fellow veterans, including one that had personally saved his life. And that’s just off the top of my head.
>not their own people.
But they're NOT “their people”, they’re “commies” or “chuds” or “rebels” or whatever the fuck. A guy literally took a shot at Trump a week ago and you're pretending the country is a heckin wholesome family. You’re retarded, dude. Hell, keep in mind a good portion of the country has actively campaigned to disarm “the people”, and think that gun owners are crazy. You are delusional.
A revolt can work if enough of the army is in on it (or gets absolutely fucking demolished in a foreign war or something). If not, the army shoots everyone involved or it turns into a drawn out mess with a few million dead of starvation as the rebel and loyalist armies loot everything that isn't nailed down to keep themselves going, regardless of either side's original intentions. Even your hypothetical has to assume massive foreign support and that these foreign supporters won't purposefully balkanize the country or create puppet states for their own benefit.
>the guy driving the LAV-25 in front of farmer jack might actually be a human being with emotions
We are working on that problem, and THAT is the AI that should scare your luddite ass, not VA and artist moochers being replaced.
Americans might not rebel for the sake of religious fundies but you're an absolute retard if you believe for a second that the corpos have it nailed down that we're going to live in a box and own nothing.
That and the drug sex party normie culture
There's a bunch of people who only go to college because of the parties
And these are supposed to be the smart ones who actually go to college. They're basically all slave cattle
Think about it the term "nerd" is an insult and it describes somebody who studies hard and will contribute a lot with their intelligence.
Do you think a society that demonizes positive qualities and celebrates and intentionally selects for the most negative and useless qualities in people is going to turn into a utopia?
>People having fun = bad.
Becoming a drug addict is a self control problem.
line must go up forever
even if that means cutting people
Something like half of all adult zoomers still live with their parents and the other half are renting teeny tiny apartments and you’re going “at least we don’t live in BOXES, bro!” Here you are preaching education and fighting THE MAN yet you’re settling with “could be worse”. Bro, you’ve already lost.
They shouldn't have to deal with it in the first place retard
The point is that school in the West is no longer about education, it's a daycare center about socializing first and foremost then maybe education and only if you have decent parents
Well what do I care I'll carve out my niche and I can see the winds changing so I'll figure it out, if the people want to drive off a cliff it's their problem
>You have the freedom to become educated against the piss poor public education. It's more like they realized people are lazy as fuck.
They're taught since childhood to obey and trust authority and modern people live under nearly unprecedented levels of stress. People are lazy in part because modern living conditions make it hard to find the energy to take initiative and of course most don't know they were educated wrong in the first place.

>Americans might not rebel for the sake of religious fundies but you're an absolute retard if you believe for a second that the corpos have it nailed down that we're going to live in a box and own nothing.
We're a lot closer to that than we were a generation ago, and the same is true for the previous generation. The corporations just have to keep up their momentum without people getting violent (against the right targets) and we'll arrive there.
>its a democracy
representative "democracy" is a dictatorship with extra steps, set up to convince the public their votes have power while giving them no real ability to influence policy. Direct democracy and the appointing of officials via sortition are the only systems that deserve the name democracy. The Athenians had this figured out.
>The point is that school in the West is no longer about education, it's a daycare center about socializing first and foremost
It's about teaching obedience to authority first and foremost. The #1 point of the education system is to convince people early in life, when they are most easily influenced, that they need to do what bosses, cops, politicians, etc. tell them to do.
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Bakers make >300k/year??
>CIA programming makes everything think you're a commie because you want to afford to live
It's incredible how well they succeeded to that one. Almost everyone believes the only alternative to corporate serfdom is state serfdom.
Nobody says this unless your solution is wealth re-distribution nonsense. That's not a psyop, it's an observation.
The closest you can sell is anti-union sentiments.
>it's okay to propagate demons in our society, people should just be more resilient to the demon's voices
>but the fact remains employers keep most people desperate so they accept shitter wages with longer hours abd diminished benefits
This is why it's so fucking hard to find a job.
If you don't get ghosted after 2 rounds of interviews, the job you applied for mysteriously gets filled and all they have left is shitty jobs with less pay.
Every fucking time.
>Good thing we banned all that molly, now these kids can huff duster like respectable members of society.
It was a self control problem until the Kochler family introduced crazy amounts of opioids into the U.S. and got millions of people addicted.
Oh and even though they lost a huge lawsuit, they don't have to pay a fucking dime.
I've been around the dude weed shit before. It's degenerate culture that would probably exist even if you removed those substances.
People place too much faith in the withholding of information as a control mechanism.
Trash always finds a way to be trash.

Mostly though, I'm mocking that anons view that people are fucking up in college because of drugs and not because a certain percentage of the population actually doesn't belong there or takes it seriously and uses it as a way get sex.
Oh. When you put it that way it makes sense.
We have these discussions every day.
So tell me why we still haven't solve the issue?
Is it because there's no solution to the issue?
Or you guys are too stupid to come up with an actual solution?
it's that phenomenon where people act like food skyrocketing to a certain price means people are going to start decapitating Mr. Monopoly.
Historically speaking people are pussies and you have to be borderline schizo to put your life on the line for ideals.

Things aren't bad enough yet, Slaves are still comfortable being slaves sort of shit.
>try to bring attention to any major issue
>get shitposted to death by /pol/fags and pajeets that are on this board 24/7
Public rallies won't work since everyone is struggling to live and fed up. Now it's simply finding ways to fuck with the people in charge until they turn on each other.
Nothing illegal. Nothing violent. Nothing incriminating. Shitposting is pretty effective into getting boomers to quit.
Line must go up.
If labor producing profit meant guarunteed reward then third world would be first world and shareholders would be penniless
Total ceo death
>farmer John will die, or farmer Jack will take over his land
literally not happening to the point that there will be a widespread industry brain drain in several important infrastructures such as farming, jews dont care though because they want people to forget how to farm so they can try and feed goyim bugs. nevermind that they lost so much knowledge already that (((they))) consooom more goyls than any other ethnic group. your loxism doesn';t have a payoff retard, they will make a new amolek out of you wholecloth once whites are gone,.
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I thought this was going to be a bunny thread.
>game cost more
But why if not more job

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