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Holy shit this is good
yeah its awesome
only complaint I have is that falling into Brittle Hollow's black hole gets old fast
favorite system definitely the hourglass twins
The sun station is my favourite imo because of the plot implications like finding out you can't really save your system because the sun is just naturally dying
But giant's deep is kino for me
The stranger also but that's cheating kek
Unironically going camping this weekend because of the vibe I got from the DLC
For me it's Dark Bramble. Thinking about the contrast between the first time you go there like a dumbass not expecting what's in there and the last time where you don't have a loop anymore it's the most kino experience I've had in a game
The contrast between knowing nothing at the start and being a master of the loop at the end is the best experience yea
It's a disingenous game made to make you feel smarter and more profoudn than you really are steeped in athiest cosmology with gay and non-binary aliens and PNW aesthetics straight from the millennial craft beer place
>finding out you can't really save your system because the sun is just naturally dying
I love that the game lets you read and understand these twists at your own pace. Like, it spells it out for you very clearly, but it still feels so different from how other games handle their twists because it leaves you in control with time.
how you doing schizo anon
It's a game where a hero tries to save his world by investigating ancient precursors and eventually becomes god.
>and eventually becomes god.
he fucking dies at the end
It's both. He creates a new world using the power of his perception, and then immediately dies in it. Still an impressive and heroic act.
He is the 'seed' for the new universe.
Life is disingenuous, by your standards. Its just the lies you tell yourself about your self to placate yourself. Life is all built from your own perspective. If fuckin around and finding out in OW makes you feel smarter and more profound then you really are, then as far as illusions go seems like a relatively good one if it successfully "tricks" you
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Every fucking OW thread, my man
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> As a child, I considered such unknowns sinister. Now, though, I understand they bear no ill will. The universe is, and we are. I am ready.
The tension of having already burned a lot of time with Ash Twin then having to navigate Dark Bramble. Good shit. I'm also a sucker for reading the more depressing entries from the nomai.
The ending is really bittersweet. you couldn't save anyone really. All the nomai sacrifices and the miracle of the Ash Twin Project getting you stuck in the time loop and still the universe is doomed to end. The only thing you can do is start a new one and hope the next universe has better luck
Jesus Christ man, what is your fucking damage?
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it's the best detective game ever made, what a sublime masterpiece
fuck i hated falling into the brittle hollow black hole
or the goddamn bramble being a slog
or the virtual reality dream garbage in the dlc, almost made me drop the game
meditation should've been unlocked at the beginning as well but that's just slight nitpick
La Mulana does the archeology shtick much much better.
>Holy shit this is Reddit
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I spent way longer than I should have trying to land on the sun station before I learned about the teleporters
No fucking idea what mindset I was in to genuinely think the devs intended landing on it to be the normal way
I wasn't smart enough for it and got impatient so I stopped playing.

Still have it installed though
true. These threads are always populated by redditors, you can tell by the amount of seething your post created. Old /v/ would have shat on this woke trash game.
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My first experience with the stranger was one of the most unsettling experiences I've had in a video game (in a good way)
The build up to find out what the fuck happened to the owlks and where they or their bodies are, thinking one might jump out at you at any second or is watching you from a distance
then learning about their dream world and being fucking scared shitless the first attempt
I think the Orbital Cannon around Giants Deep leads people to expect to be able to land at the Sun Station too.
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I know this is bait but I'm curious as to how it would be kek
I mean, it's just as much alt right as it is woke.
This is literally accelerationism: the game.
Current Universe has fallen. Trillions must die.
Feathered hands posted this
My biggest 'Oh shit' moment in the game was realizing that all the stars in the universe are going supernova. When I talked to the guy at Ember Twin and he mentioned seeing multiple supernova, I started watching the sky too as the realization kicked in
Is this an actual game or some interactive movie/book?
It's an exploration/puzzle game. There's no combat, but there's still lots of gameplay.
There's a lot to read, but at its core this is a physics-based puzzle game with a time limit. Most of the puzzles are pretty easy though.
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I kind of hate that spoiler because in the original release the game didn't have the terminal that explains it, so you're left to fill in the blank and decide for yourself whether or not the sun station really did nothing or if it had just enough of an effect to make it possible for you to be in the right place at the right time to finish what the Naomi started. That was added alongside the extra hints for the endgame when the game went to Steam, and I prefer the sort of poetic ambiguity it had at first.
There is part of a decent game in there, but it's ultimately just a walking sim with a handful of puzzles and a bit of flying a spacecraft. The plot is impressive if you've not read any sci-fi before, but the way it's written is unbearably kitschy. The environments are pretty cool, and flying the ship around is a bit of fun, but there really isn't enough to it to be worth playing if you don't find the plot to be some big profound thing.
false, you're retarded
I’ll always be thankful that /v/ got me into this game, reading the threads I could tell it was something special. Shame that I was spoiled on some key things but oh well, still worth it. It’s packed with more ludo moments than anything else I’ve played. And I know most won’t agree but the DLC was even better and pushed the whole thing into 10/10 territory imo
Actual kino quote.
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>Is this an actual game or some interactive movie/book?
Unironically one of the most diverse gameplays released in a while.
Platformer, puzzle, stealth, eva simulator all in one.
The problem is that it has no real replay value because your objective is literally to learn how to speedrun the ending. And once you've done that, there's really nothing left to do.
It's racist.
I think you are really cool because you didn't like the game everyone likes, anon.
like leather jacket cigarettes cool, like you just don't give a fuck haha.
I must have had the luckiest intro to this game of all time.
it came up on my discovery queue, I'd never heard of it, saw it was overwhelmingly positive and had won awards and shit.
I finished it in 2 sittings, I could just not put it down.
I learned about it from Scott Manley, and the only thing I knew going in was that it's a spaceship game with realistic physics and that you can land on the sun station.
I was not prepared for the 10/10 experience
This game gets shilled more than even Nu Male's Sky. You redditors need to go back.
Holy shit this is REDDIT
>they didn't land on the sun station
The Pacific Nortwest is peak comfy. Ever gone camping there?
My favourite planet was giant deep
Most boring part of the game was dream world from dlc, i really didn't liked it
Cheap horror, tedious loop
Whole dlc felt like a chore but ending was worth it since it add so much to the base game
My most fun quest was probably quantam moon, finding everything on your own is so cool
>This game gets shilled more than even Nu Male's Sky.
It helps that Outer Wilds is actually a game, and that its hype came after people played it instead of before.
I think the DLC is so good because the horror segment seems shitty at first and then you gradually overcome your fear and just learn to fuckin bum rush it. plus the reveal when you drop the lantern and see the matrix is maybe the best moment in the whole game
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post them
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this game was goat and i long for the day when i can sit with someone and watch them play.
all my friends are total fags who refuses to even touch it.
>true. These threads are always populated by redditors, you can tell by the amount of seething your post created. Old /v/ would have shat on this woke trash game.
Pretty much, it's a trash walking sim with some light mechanics to fool you into thinking it isn't a walking sim. It's also a game that can only be played once and never spoiled, which is trutly worthless.
If this blows these losers minds they should play some Myst series and do puzzles that actually test your intelligence.
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it's really clever that they instil this need for attachment to your lamp when first playing so that you don't wander away without it but once you realise you dont need it, it sets you free.
Yeah I mean you didn't even the beat the game for real if you teleported there.
And, obviously using the jelly fish is also journalist mode.
>Pretty much, it's a trash walking sim with some light mechanics to fool you into thinking it isn't a walking sim. It's also a game that can only be played once and never spoiled, which is trutly worthless.
Old /v/ played stuff like yume nikki.
You fags have no clue what the hell you're talking about.
>Old /v/ played stuff like yume nikki.
>You fags have no clue what the hell you're talking about.
Sure we do. Walking sim is shit but walking sim + space is good.
Outer WIlds is a terrible game.
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>Walking sim is shit but walking sim + space is good.
Walking sim + space is eva sim.
And yes, eva sim is very good.
These guys are great and the most "NEVER SHOULD OF COME HERE" vidya characters since the Skyrim bandits themselves.
this thread makes me want to watch another basedface lets play.
yeah thats why it's almost a 100% white and asian male dev team. fucking retards.
most people i've watched are so fucking retarded they read it and don't even realise what it means.
Someone cut out Vinny and put them in an order to completely explain the story in a logical order, and kept it funny probably one of the best supercuts.
This channel here has a ton of supercuts of people playing it, honorable mention to About Oliver, because he is an astrophysicist.
Glad to see /pol/ is still insane.
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>buzzword buzzword buzzword
i personally really wish more people played the game with facecam on, but i'll give this video a shot and check out some of the other ones.
btw if i can give you a recommendation as well it'd be this dude named MadMattLugos, he has a cam and writes notes. really takes his time. probably my favorite playthrough. here you go:
copy paste the playlist, or click this one and find the rest yourself: https://youtu.be/oxGxbndkq9Y?si=9uzoM946PJsqbyPX
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wholeheartedly agree, anon. the DLC was better than main game. haters must be indian or something.
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you are a SEAmonkey discord using tranny.
i got 3 of my friends to try the game and here's what happened.
first guy:
>opens game
>asks if it's a roguelite
>goes to giants deep
>dies from gravity when sucked up into space
>quits and never plays it again
second guy:
>plays for a few hours
>keeps asking for help
>literally won't do anything unless hands are held
>learned there's spooky shit cause of DLC popup
>goes to dark bramble early in the game
>sees a fishie
>quits and never opens it again
third nigga:
>speedruns the tutorial area
>doesn't talk to anyone
>skips all the tutorials
>flies into space
>commence "wtfdoido.webm"
>flies to the moon
>reads one thing, skips NPC dialogue
>flies into space in his suit
>dies cause of no oxygen
>quits and calls it boring without seeing the supernova even
needless to say i blocked the third guy for being a total zoomer.
Am I the only one that found the DLC to be much harder than the base game? I feel like it's a bit more linear meaning its easier to get stuck if something stumps you.
I played it once. Had to endure a 10 minute boring tutorial where you have to slowly make your way up to the rocket and talk to people. Then I got in the rocket and had to endure the janky controls before I died. Now I have to do all that again?

>Now I have to do all that again?
No, brainlet.
Life must be hard in planet reatrd
>The problem is that it has no real replay value because your objective is literally to learn how to speedrun the ending. And once you've done that, there's really nothing left to do.
That is not a problem. Just become sad kermit and mourncelebrate the experience. That logic has caused so many shitty sequels and diluted infinigameplayloops
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You can only reply if you've landed on the sun station and inside hollow's lantern
Reporting in.
One of my friends that I got to try it bragged to me that he managed to reach the ending in only 8 minutes.
I asked him what he thought about giants deep and he said he hadn't visited yet.

Turns out the fuck head just looked up a guide for collecting achievements and was following along with that.
Until you listen to the tranny devs discussions of the game and realize they're mentally broken Woke trannies who hate whites / men
You have to be 18 to post here
yeah, it's kino.
If I liked Obra Din, will I like this game?
It's 10 times better than Obra Dinn because there's actual gameplay
I played it on release and I recall it being pretty much unambiguous that you couldn't save the sun
Oliver also has an excellent Rain World live stream
Do not go to his twitch however, it is predictably swarming with troons
In my opinion it's Obra Dinn>Golden Idol>Outer Wilds, but the three are good
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Go away
I played the game a while ago but never touched the DLC
Should I revisit, lads?
I never finished the DLC, I could guess the gist of it's plot after 4 or so loops but there are too many things that you have to do every loop in the same order to keep advancing and it got repetitive in a way the base game didn't
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Looking up at the stars, I know quite well
That, for all they care, I can go to hell,
But on earth indifference is the least
We have to dread from man or beast.

How should we like it were stars to burn
With a passion for us we could not return?
If equally affection cannot be,
Let the more loving one be me.

Admirer as I think I am
Of stars that do not give a damn,
I cannot, now I see them, say
I missed one terribly all day.

Were all stars to disappear or die,
I should learn to look at an empty sky
And feel its total dark sublime
Though this might take me a little time.
- W.H. Auden
It reminds me of the fragility of life and I hate it.
But their dumb circlejerk vrchat hut breaks ~2/3 into a cycle, so it was on its last leg, regardless.
DLC is amazing and somehow managed to enhance the story of the base game. It’s even more spooky, mysterious, evocative. Definitely play it. The gimmick isn’t for everyone but I think people are just impatient and they exaggerate the tediousness a lot
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I've had worse.
Actually convince somebody to play it.
They play it by themselves
then they get stuck and use guides to get through it as fast as possible.
this happened to me multiple times. Even when I warn people against this, or tell them I want to see them play it for their first time.
Based truth bomber
>third guy
yeah, I had that happen as well.
speed run, don't read anything, end up in space
>uhhh what do I do?
I swear I feel like everybody has brain damage or something.
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To be fair 'watching someone play' is voyeur shit, so i'm not surprised when people don't follow up on that
I .... I genuinely would have to hold myself back at that point.
Like this is not human behavior, you have to literally be an NPC and not have a soul to act like this.
> someone who obtains sexual gratification from observing unsuspecting individuals who are partly undressed, naked, or engaged in sexual acts
broadly : someone who habitually seeks sexual stimulation by visual means
.... you have some brain problems if you think that applies to somebody playing outer wilds for their first time.
>woke tranny slop is fine if you make them aliens
/v/ has fallen
Yeah it's fun for the whole 40 minutes when the planetary gimmicks are all still fresh. Why are we talking about these 40 minutes for a decade is a mystery to me
ESL retard
tranny communist
why do you guys associate with these kind of people?
I love this game because it proves that you can have a useable quest log without handholding.
Something that could have massively improved FromSoftware’s quest obscurity.
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I was hoping for them to be a bit more chill
because they make up 99.99% of the population and if you are not like this, you are the exception rather than the majority. Sadly.
i've been getting recommended void stranger a ton based off of this game. Any truth to those suggestions?
I read that the puzzles kinda fucking suck
Enjoy it while you can. You can only experience it once, so make the most of it.
Huh, and here I thought it was just a fun and comfy space game with simple but enjoyable puzzles and a great atmosphere.
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sex with hearthian females
This was probably the creepiest game I ever played, and it stuck in my mind afterwards like when I used to play scary shit as a kid.
Games shit get over it
>Outer reddit
hm, more?
anon, i...

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