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ik this probably isn't the best place to ask but what's the opinions on this? is it worth the pick up
No, Final Faggotry XVI sucked and flopped.
It starts off amazing with a lot of promise but gradually gets worse. Combat feels like walmart brand dmc and the world feels like a lifeless mmo. Wait for the PC port and pirate it if you really want to play it.
I haven't played it, but from filtering schizo opinions it seems to be a decent ARPG; lacking in RPG elements, but with a good story (not great) and a great fantasy setting
It was good I liked it

My only complaints are that its a bit easy for a pseudo-CUHRAAAZY game and its really jarring how in sidequests everyone suddenly becomes static, unemoting bioware characters

The story is good, combat is fun, characters and music are fantastic. Some of the best English voice acting I've ever heard.
I ignored every trailer, full media blackout, stayed away from /v/, played it and had fun with it. Then I come to /v/ and apparently I'm supposed to hate it?
are you some kind of expert in good game design or just some fanboy retard? It seems relevant...
Fanboy about what? I played the game, liked it, and moved on to other stuff. It's that simple.
This was the worst Final Fantasy game I've played
It's pretty bad.
Absolutely the wrong place to ask, people who never touched it have all kinds of opinions on it because of shitposting wars
About an expansion and half's worth of content for XIV suffered in order to bring you this game.
Damn I forgot all about this game.
ff16 is a forgettable turd
Absolutely not, I was honestly appalled at how bland it is. On paper it seems like something that'd be right my up my alley as I love DMC and I like a good JRPG, but it doesn't satisfy as an action game or a JRPG. It has maybe the worst sidequests I've ever seen in the genre, the world and NPCs are dull and unimaginative, the only thing to find in the world are dead ends where boring sidequests will eventually take place so there's no reason to explore, you can't even fucking go into any of the major cities in the game. It's awful.
I wish to GOD they let you play on a harder difficulty right off the bat. Would have made the game much better. I like being forced to learn mechanics or fail. They went too easy on modern gamers. But they have to appease drooling retards.
what's the opinions on this?
I enjoyed it a lot though it’s has more than a few shortcomings. Japanese cast where phenomenal
>is it worth the pick up
Difficult to say, I figure it’s a real love it or hate it situation. Could be worth the risk though
A overall shit game. Not worth your time and not worth your money
It feels like it plays pretty safe with the story.
The gameplay is solid but you can tell there is a ton of Devil May Cry DNA in it, but the gameplay is the best of any of the PS4/5 era Square Action RPGs (FF15, Forspoken being the worst of the bunch)
Boring story, trash gameplay, shit characters, and mostly linear world.
Yes, FF16 sucks ass
Just avoid it
Best in the series since X, and my third favorite overall. God-tier music.
Best FF since 6.
As a Final Fantasy fan I didn't like the direction they went with it. It could be okay if you don't have that fandom though maybe.
Worst FF game so far.
FF16 is worse than FF13 and FF2
SE could probably make a great ARPG combat system IF THEY STUCK WITH ONE OF THE DECENT ONES THEY MADE AND REFINED IT ACROSS GAMES. Turn based shit has more room for experimentation because it's less complex to design. They are fucking retarded for scrapping and redesigning entire systems every single game. It makes each one half baked. From makes the same game every 4 years and blows final fantasy out of the water in sales.
Kinda shit. They made a huge mistake by having the first playthrough center on the action mechanics despite you being in the learning phase and not having a whole moveset, and then having the second playthrough be about the RPG elements when just going through main quests feels like a form of grinding already. Entirely backwards. Also the most efficient way to play the game is to hold all cooldowns until the boss is in a vulnerable state and then just dump them all and that's super boring, but many people will have a hard time resisting it anyway. The Ifrit v Bahamut and Bahamut v Ultima fights are kino though.
It's worth a one time play through where you watch a bunch of explosions, and say that was cool. Then never play or think about ever again for the rest of your life.
>no controllable party members
I'm not playing it
You can control Torgal.
Short answer?
It's boring garbage
Long answer?
Final Fantasy 16 is a disappointing boring action movie slop that menage to be the most forgettable piece of crap produced by Square Enix in the latest 20 years
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Unironically my favorite game of the past 20 years.
Worst game I've played on PS5
Worth it especially if it's on sale. I really enjoyed it despite the heavy load of cutscenes and cinematics. It's enjoyable.

The combat is pretty fun, the story is a pretty good FF story and I liked the characters.
It is insanely boring ye olde English generic fantasy slop.
I dropped it in a flashback. It’s just long as shit with nothing happening. Gonna return to it one day, just genuinely disappointed in the direction the story goes (in which there’s too much!).
Not worth it at all
Definitely one of the worst FF games
Save your money for better action games
I was extremely hyped for its release, but unfortunately I give it a generous 6/10. It has high highs and cool cinematics, but the writing and especially the pacing are dog. The more you play the worse it gets.
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Did you enjoy the gay kiss at least?
Very brave of SE to cater to the Fujo crowd and I'm excited to see Cloud and Sephiroth kiss in part 3.
I'm like an hour in and it's great so far. A lot of cutscenes to establish the setting, reminds me a lot of XII so far in that regard, and tonally, but with very clear differences in gameplay. Still not sure why it needed an M rating, but I guess I'll find that out later. What do they do, show some titties at some point?
And asses, yeah.
It sucks
Honestly it was a shit FF game, and a boring easy action game
Is that the only reason? There's been blood, but nothing crazy, no gore or anything. Now that I think about it, the game reminds me heavily of Dragon's Dogma. Its artstyle, the graphical fidelity, the tone, worldbuilding, and so on. I still don't know why that game was rated M.
Having just recently rewatched Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, which is rated PG-13, there's so much shit that "T" rated movies get away with that is enforced to a greater degree in vidya for some reason.
I'm guessing the titties were unnecessary and as forced as they were in every single scene from GoT.
Such a boring crap
The opening is the best part, it's all downhill from there.
Worst waste of money of this gen
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It's not just buff Noctis traveling to each crystal and killing a primal? That's what I'm expecting. I'm hoping the characters and their dialogues stay strong, that's what made XV worth playing, overarching story be damned.
>mfw playing Rebirth
16 is end up to be worse
I don't understand why they even bothered with levels and equipment in this game. There's only one character and you have no choice in distribution, so your stats mean nothing. Every piece of gear besides accessories is just upgrade twice and then replace with identical new gear that is exactly the same but higher number. At this point, why not just say "you got stronger!" after each boss?
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FFXVI is awesome and I really enjoyed it. It is my personal GOTY 2023.

Get a life, Barry.
Not really. There's an implied sex scene though. Actually it 100% was sex but no, you don't see it.
For imitate GoW, but badly
FF16 is putrid shit
You should use your time for play better games
It sucks. A handful of beautiful moments don't salvage the remaining 90% of a very boring game with nonexistant quest design.
The most pozzed ff ever
Unbroken and finished on release day. It's a better product than 99% of releases. Notable issues include
>it's too easy
>sidequests pop up at the worst times
>not enough Eikon battles
>there's a faggot prince, but its story related and the King replaced him with another heir

The sales were held back by Square's retarded exlusivity contract with Sony. PC port with all DLC should also be out sometime this year.
It's like a 5 or 6/10 being generous. It's basically the same tier as DD2.
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wrong game
It's trash
Easily the worst action game I've played in my videogame career
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Wait for the PC version if you've waited this long. Good game, good story and characters but PC version you'll be able to use mods, wait for that is my recommendation.
>t. played it through on Normal and Final Fantasy mode (hardmode) including both dlcs
FF16 is the most disappointing ff game
It's a monotonous disaster
Longrunning issue in the franchise; there are no consequences to anything you do, in gameplay or story. Yet somehow it's an RPG series.
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Nope, still 2.
I regret wasting my time with this shit.
So I highly suggest you to just skip FF16
It's that bad
I really enjoyed it, Clive is now one of my favorite FF leads. This game made me give FF7 remake a 2nd chance, because I initially dropped it because of the combat.
It has awesome music, fun combat, nice story, but has a gay character, as in OFFICIAL ACTUALLY GAY character. Not faggy character like everything Nomura draws. Avoid gay shit.

But has this cutie hebe pantyshots so.. >>683754754
its up to you.
I hated every minute of this boring tediousness of Final Fantasy XVI.
Undoubtedly the worst Final Fantasy made by square so far
I liked the game, but it has one of the worst translations ever.
As usual for Western """localizers"""" and squenix.
This game sucks
Don't waste your money in this crap
What's with this samefagging? Give it a rest, people want to talk about a game on /v/ and schizophrenics like you make it impossible, go take your prescribed medication to calm down if the very mention of a game is triggering such an emotional reaction from you, that's not healthy.
Final Fantasy 16 was a forgettable slop action game. A shit FF with a shit combat and a shit story
Asmongold rated it a 9/10 and he's quit FF14 during Stormblood, so if FF16 was able to hold even his attention enough to complete the entire game, the entire story and rate it highly that's not nothing. Still does to this day by the way say it's a good game long enough he's played it.
Final Fantasy 16 was utter trash
Depends on what you value in a video game OP
I played it last year and might play again once DLC is on sale so here’s my review:

>story is okay, starts off great and gets boring for a bit then, picks up and peaks around 1/3 into the game up to the halfway point
>no real standout characters writing wise, themes and philosophies are largely generic and predictable
>voice acting is pretty good though, especially from Clive
>rpg mechanics are retarded and might as well not exist as >>683754739 pointed out
>combat is actually great, basically dmc but shittier and shallower, you get to do the cool shit and it’s easier but figuring out how attacks and skills work together is fun
>soundtrack is great and especially peaks in the “epic” fights and moments which are around that 1/3rd to halfway point of the game
>most sidequests are retarded and pointless and exist as shitty rpg-mechanic filler, they’re all fetch quests where the thing you’re fetching is guarded by mob enemies + a miniboss and then some once-relevant-to-the-main-story-NPC is involved
>this is basically 70-80% of the game btw
>oh and the CG cutscenes are usually pretty fucking great

Overall maybe a 6 or 7/10. Combat is fun and coupled with the good story moments will make for some serious kaiju kino, but getting to those worthwhile parts requires enduring through some serious slop. Also the final third of the game is mostly straightforward action if not for the 9 million sidequests.

Have fun anon, keep us updated.
You did a great job making a mediocre game sound good. They should hire you for journalism.
It's an actual boring disaster
Don't fall for this movie action slop game
I had fun with it. If you've already got a PS5 and you can find it for a discount go ahead, otherwise just wait for a PC port (and sale)
It was a tedious torture
Don't buy this shit
I've resold it as soon I've finished this crap
lmao it’s just how I felt, didn’t wanna shit on the game too much cuz I really did like the high highs.
Shit games like ff16 deserve to flop
See, this is why you can't have FF16 threads on /v/ this guy who is spamming the thread has a weird obsession with hating the game.

If you want an opinion on the game, wait for the PC version but play with a controller for combat.
Voice acting is great, World aesthetics and grim dark medieval atmosphere is a good contrast to all the happy clappy soft pussy shit games come out with now.
>lacking in rpg elements
does RPG mean anything anymore?
god of war is an RPG by these standards.
you make no real choices, the story is linear. you just equip more and better gear.
call of duty multiplayer is an RPG, you level up and equip better guns. you choose which gun to use.
Trash game are for trash bin
And that was the place of FFXVI
The Trash
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FFXVI was 10/10.
The majority really enjoyed it.
/v/ however, is full of minorities.
FF16 is surely one of the worst FF game
>all those Western sites.
Then again
>Famitsu gave XIII-2 a 40/40
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No wonder it flopped
>Shit characters
>Shit plot
>shit linear world
>Shit mono button gameplay
This is FF16
just Shit
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It is a fantastic game. Play it.
This is a Trash game
Save your money from this mess
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One of the greatest Final Fantasy games.
I played it and had fun. 100% up to the first DLC. You can tell its a CB3 game for sure, but I already get behind that. Try the demo
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Cool game, slow in parts but the boss fights and emotional moments made up for it.
Anything you want to know about the game specifically?
The worst FF game ever made
Basically a boring slop action movie
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>What's with this samefagging?
It is just Barry doing his thing. We have to go through this in every single Final Fantasy thread that isn't about Final Fantasy XV.
Try before you buy. I cancelled my preorder after experiencing how bad the demo was.
I'm still waiting for the damn pc port
Don't waste your time with a cringe shit game
Pretty good game. Combat is fun with the Eiokons, boss fights are cool and have great music. Side quests suck though, boring MMO tier fetchslop.

But you do get to bang Jill on the beach while Torgal watches from behind some bushes so that's fun
A fucking shit action game.
Overall I wasted too much time over all the shit cutscenes of this piece of 6
someone post the feet scene please
Boring garbage game
2 years now seething every day about this game

just move on dude

had to buy a console because i need a laptop for my new job and didn't want to play there, picked this game and had a blast, one of the best stories that i've seen and i've played two times already,and just ignore the sidequests unless you are interested in worldbuildingm if so, they are pretty good in expanding the world

and i have to say that im extremelyhappy with squeenix now. 16 and rebirth are great, and visions of maan seems to be a banger too
Shit final fantasy game

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