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>July 26th, 2019
>the timeskip is real
Five years of Fire Emblem: Three Houses for the Nintendo Switch Family of Systems....
Final thoughts on 3H?
decent game, bad fire emblem game
it has good characters, but the routes are done in such a rushed, shitty way that the plot suffers more often than not
Gameplay isn't good enough to carry multiple replays, there's a ton of tedium with the monastery and 3/4 routes are extremely similar with the last one being shorter and feeling unfinished
Basically once you've seen all the supports that interest you, there's nothing more to gain, it makes sense that youtubers jerk it off because you can get more out of watching videos on it than playing it
Shit game with a shit fanbase.

It coasts on its good first impression and people's power fantasy of the ideal school life.
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Good game except for the terrible, oversimplified maps.
Could’ve done without the normalfags invading the community but I can’t blame them for making a game so good even brain damaged trannies give it a try.
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I enjoyed it a lot
If you don't filter the braindead then the game by definition is not deep enough to be good.
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All girls are good, but Marianne is still the best one
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Marriage with Marianne!
Someone have any fire emblem discords I can join? Post the links here because I don’t wanna share my username
Yknow, bots
I hope she never gets a Bride alt in FEH.

I do hope she gets more interesting and fun ones instead. The fact she hasn't gotten a Halloween or Christmas one yet surprises me.
>just get banned for inciting raids
Add me then
Rising_star456 (without the underscore)
whoops. Didn’t know usernames were case sensitive it’s all lower case
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I want one with a laguz
nigga what is your problem?!
Shouts out to treehouse for making your script more for normal fags tastes
What did I do?
don’t you want this to stop donlot? The opportunities here for the taking
don’t let the discord make the decision. You should make it yourself.
Wouldn’t you like to come here for discussion completely untainted by schizos?
Think about it. You already know what to do
nigger can YOU stop, you did this same song and dance with some other discordfag last year, just fucking kill yourselff
Are you looking forward to the next one?
I can’t hear I can only talk on discord LALALALALALALALALALALLAAK
it’s sad to see him slowly go insane over a year to this point
What's a fire emblem?
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Why does Edelgard hate him so much?
I’m sorry is this the discord general? My bad I thought it was fire emblem
what do you want to talk about?
pro tip: kike tribalism to try split fanbases isn't discussion
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Radiant Dawn was the last real FE game and I will die on this hill.
the alear and sommie schizos are here now
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Based. Nobody here has played a Fire Emblem before Awakening other than us.
wonder who will you try slander next after you fail to pin it on them this time
Radiant dawn was trash aside from my wife Mia
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freudian slip
I used to think FE fags were special in their brain dead schizophrenia, but I've been going around other franchise threads and no, this whole site is cursed.
Are you new?
>this whole site is cursed.
Every series has a schizo anon
Gonna be honest, I've never seen anything on the level of namfag in other franchises
Barry the resident FF schizo is bad, but at least he writes some semi coherent posts with actual sentences from time to time
Namschizo just mass replies, mentions random russian (?) people and posts scat or gore
Also the sheer amount of schizos
There's the whole nowicord faction that has made /feg/ unuseable, ecelebfags that shill for their romhacks, /feh/ schizos in general like the shamir/tharjafag, I honestly wonder why I come back to these threads
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I had fun with it, and the community was a lot of fun during its era. I wish it was better as a game, less rushed, and more replayable, but I'll still remember it fondly.
>Gonna be honest, I've never seen anything on the level of namfag in other franchises
then i assume you don't hang around on /vg/ much, namshit is pretty low tier as far as schizo powerlevels go, there's people that literally commission blacked BBC art of specific characters and spam it for literal years because they lost an argument to someone once and said someone happened to post an image of said character
and that's before getting into the utterly deranged blue archive pajeet shills that somehow constantly dox themselves
I still think it’s weird how a lot of the spam and faux-avatarfagging you see in every thread starts getting posted around the same time as each other even if it is just coincidental
Yeah I'm not on /vg/ for that many franchises, MMO and gacha generals seem universally terrible whenever I looked in, so I guess it makes sense that /feh/ is the origin for a lot of FE related schizos as well
Bernie boo bear!
If Radiant Yawn is supposed to be "real" Fire Emblem, then please give me fake Fire Emblem
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I yearn and cope for an enhanced rerelease on the Switch 2
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I liked it. It's not my favorite, and I really hate how the Persona calendar system is infecting every fucking game these days. Also the complete lack of anti-aliasing made the game look like garbage.

The story was okay, the characterization within the story was nice, the fights were average. It's unfortunate that it's sandwiched between two bad FE games in terms of release, but I'm mostly indifferent to the series as a whole anymore.

The memes and posting about it were great, though.
How would (you) fix charm?
>Hard mode: not removing charm outright from the game
God imagine being the guy who got his ass beat by someone without legs
You'd never live that down lol
Ok explain to me the tactical advantage from doing that.
It's boring. Just send me out onto the battlefield with the whole school instead of making me babysit the students.
Lots of problems with it. Edelgard has some of the worst writing the franchise has ever seen, Claude and the Deer ultimately do nothing important, their route is SS with different colored background and text windows with Seteth doing the talking. Blue Lions at least is a decent route but still has flaws, plus the fact devs expected players to only play one route which to my eyes is just an excuse to be lazy and not make unique maps for every route.
The only thing it does right imo is some of it's soundtrack, some battalions and the girls but that's it really.
Sexy Queen
>plus the fact devs expected players to only play one route which to my eyes is just an excuse to be lazy and not make unique maps for every route.
Fates gets so much fucking shit from people but the map reuse across its three routes for the main chapters is so drastically low compared to 3H it's unreal
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Say something to Ike
Straight (canon, see: Priam)
Gary Stu
So does the 5 years anniversary apply to the base versions of the characters or the in game timekip versions

Is my wife Shamir a 30 year old cake like in her S rank ending or is she now a 35 year old mega MILF
Hi Ike
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something to Ike
What the hell did I do?
Make it so charm is a completely useless stat
I like Ike.
What about SD and New Mystery?
>wants to kill lolifags
>is a lolifag
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Dimitri figure
It's shit
I wanted a Shamir figure instead
Yes. He's not only a Gary Stu, he's the biggest Gary Stu in the series
you don’t even like engage
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fire emblem > schizomitri
The best girl

They're not really meant to appeal to the same demographics you know
Whatever gave it away?
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>Goes on the front lines
Felix will tink
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She can't be best girl when Tharja exists
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the shitposters aren’t even trying these days
>Final Thoughts on 3H
Fantastic music, very interesting story and characters, fantastic premise and good aesthetics overall.

Gameplay is very good for one playthrough but it's held together by hopes, dreams, and the unspoken agreement between the devs and the player for you to not break the game too hard.
More damninng is how the changes to weapons and classes made it so there's a big "illusion of choice" effect where the player seems like there's huge branching options but in reality all choices are very much the same, which in turn makes slight advantages make a huge difference.
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I really liked Houses because I’m huge into writing when it comes to the setting of a world. And I liked the idea of having a smaller group of units to work with instead of dozens by endgame (assuming you’re not recruiting everyone). Felt more focused with getting to know your core chars, plus how they had dialog for major cutscenes. Compare to others where only 1-2 chars at a time would be present in that story moment.
The New Game Plus features were something that was nice to make replays a bit better. But I do agree the game doesn’t feel good to replay. Even though I did Blue Lions first and loved it, I’d personally recommend Golden Deer for those that want a cooler ending (Nemesis was just too badass).
On a side note, I’m still astonished that Hopes didn’t have any DLC at all. It’s rare for a musou to NOT do cashgrab DLC.
The personal flaws with Houses I had is kinda addressed with Hopes.
>Character cel shading was improved, even subtle enhancements like eye movements.
>The campaigns for each route was different from each other, though the half assed endings are a downside
>Recruitments made sense, where certain characters are 100% loyal to their allegiance
>The campaign feeling like war fronts where you have a moving forward base instead of returning to the monastery every month.
>Being able to see the locations in normal 3D scale was nice, though Koei isn’t that good at making environments look nice.
>Shez and Byleth being fully voiced works so well. I fantasize of those two having their own JRPG story. Their romance would’ve been perfect. I unironically simp for this pairing.
>Mentioned chars being present, like Caspar’s dad, Holst, real Monica.
I need to finish my 100% run for Hopes. I’m kinda waiting to see what the next FE is announced. If it’s Fodlan again, then I know what to hold off on.
Okay gonna go to bed now thanks for reading my blog.
That's Corrin or Al.
>Fantastic music
do people even remember anything from this game aside from those 15 seconds of god shattering star
Not even the best final map theme
They’re from real Fire Emblem games so it doesn’t count
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Cute sister
Fodlan Winds, Chasing Daybreak, Corridor of the Tempest, Heaven and Earth (the threeway battle one), Funeral of Flowers, and the To War is what comes to mind to me that I personally can recall. And AG’s final boss is always memorable to me, though I know CF uses it. Oh and Cindered Shadows new songs were nice.
Speaking of, I have the CD OSTs uploaded here for Houses and Hopes
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Son of a Shepherd
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Along the previously mentioned Dimitri figure, Sylvain, Hilda, Dorothea and both Byleths are getting new figures too.
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Oh very cool. I got my best friend the Lysithea one (same one that got the mug I showed in the other thread). I’ll try to get the Byleths. A dream would be the Shezes and Monica lol.
Oh neat, so I can download tracks I enjoy like uh..well thanks anyway.
If there was a Marianne figure I would fucking die.
No you wouldn't you lying bastard, you'd buy two of them. One to hotglue and the other to hotglue again after the first is ruined.
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Wow somebody remembers Kris. Feel like they're the most overlooked MC in FEs that aren't spinoffs.
Popup parades are different from scale figures. They're smaller and the poses are more generic
The OST carries a good chunk of the aesthetics hard. Even if not all songs are proper suites, as in standalone tracks to listen, most of them do ambiance marvelously.

Also a good ammount of battle themes are fantastic. Between Heaven and Earth and Fodlan Winds come to. Mind rather quickly
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>waited until 5th anniversary to go all out on merch
Mastermind shitposters or mentally retarded incompetent ISIS failing to strike while the iron is hot?
Beating a dead horse but
>dimitri + blue lions characters good, edelgard=putin, claude who
>plot has a lot of thought put into it but it's extremely awful anyway
>bad gameplay with some cool ideas but horribly balanced and paced
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My wife on the right.
Forgot to mention the awful visuals
How bored are you with your life, anon?
It was okay. Don't much care for the excessive map reuse when doing different routes. Edelgard can eat shit. Byleth being necessary for every protagonist to not be retarded is retarded. Kill Byleth. Would've been infinitely more interesting learning about the three houses leaders without Byleth there to coddle them.
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Vika sex.
Fellow name anon. Don’t shame. :(
Why did her availability have to be so bad
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>Final thoughts on 3H?
I genuinely don't think I have ever hate a games fan base as much as this one, the world would be a better place if it didnt exist overall the game is fairly mediocre like id put it above echoes but below PoR
and here comes the groomer faggot
I wish schizos would take meds already
swap arvis and rhea, arvis caused more harm
An extremely shallow and dishonest question coming from you
No I would, pose her to be princess carried by the Byleth figure
I want to hug Annette's pubic area and hips when she really has to pee
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>3H is getting all of these figures while Engage only has one
Not to shit on Engage, but that's gotta for Intelligent Systems knowing that people prefer the outsourced entry over the one that's made in-house. They might just stick to making Paper Mario games if this keeps up.
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might as well hand me shit on a plate though considering the subject matter I guess its fitting
Annette omorashi? Hmm, i've never given it much thought, though now that you mention it, I would definitely love to poke at her little distended tummy when she's really gotta go. Edelgard, Lysithea, and Rhea remain the best 3H omo targets however.
Fire Emblem?
Sex with Seth.
Why does he look like a Fate character here?
>Khalid "I want to kill the pope just to see what will happen" von Riegan
>lawful good
>Final thoughts on 3H?
So I've played 3H a pretty fair amount. For context I got the game in 2020 as my first Switch game on the suggestion of a friend. I played 2 routes without the DLC and the rest with it. And I've cleared every route on maddening difficulty at least twice. So I like to believe that I can give a genuine opinion on the game for ill or nil.

The game was certainly ambitious and that's both a strength and a weakness. The game does a lot to endear you towards the characters and the world and I think the fact that discussion around both persisting to this day, despite a new release overshadowing it, says a lot about how successful they were. Some of my favorite characters in the series come from this game and discussing the merits and flaws of Fodlan was some of my most fun time with this game.

Where problems start is the game part of the game and the details. The game runs and looks like shit even compared other Switch games. The game and class balance are held together with tape, glue, and prayers. Wyvern Emblem is not a hyperbole while classes like Holy Knight are useless despite the investment to get into it. And the constant reuse of maps and scenarios is frankly stupid. There are not 4 routes, there's MAYBE 2. Half the reason discussion has persisted for so long is because while the absolutely absurd amount of world building inspires you to zoom in on details, those details are extremely inconsistent. I think in a game all about perspective, having all your information come from biased sources was an inspired move, it also means 66% of players will disagree with you on what the fuck even happened in the narrative. And developers saying they expected players to only do one route is fucking insane.

All in all 3H shot for the moon and absolutely did not make it. But I still very much appreciate the attempt. The game really needed 2 more years in the oven. But I hope the follow up is better done.
The best Fire Emblem game, nothing will ever come close to it.
Edelgard was right btw.
I haven't liked any Fire Emblem game since Shadows of Valentia, and before that the last one I liked was Radiant Dawn.
I wouldn’t get my hopes up if I were you

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