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Every masterpiece has its cheap copy.
yet you couldn't even be fucked to copy a masterpiece, you just decided to copy a shit thread
>gay incest
im starting to see a pattern
They were so close to making an actual worthy homage to the Twin Princes, all the foreshadowing was there waiting for the big payoff, but then they flubbed it.
>top has a fun gimmick where the actual boss is the cripple and you have to either attack the back or knock out the brother so he's vulnerable
>bottom has them as a single boss except the twink fires annoying light beams
Honestly a major downgrade.
I'm not saying ER should have just copied the gimmick 1:1 but mechanically the second phase is just annoying, not fun.
Twin princes also have better music

So after this shitshow of a boss (mechanically), what are the chances From will get a lot of legitimate hate for their next game because they refuse to back down on making the games hard?
It has nothing to do with the game being hard, Fromsoft has just been using the same Souls mechanics for too long. Their next game needs to be more distinct. If they made Elden Ring 2 and the gameplay was identical then I would expect some pushback yes, but I don't think Fromsoft will do that.
What makes you think they won't? They made two games that deviated from the formula that were highly acclaimed and well received, then they went right back to making demons souls 4 and 5 .
Apparently Miyazaki said for their next game he wants to further refine the mechanics of bloodborne and sekiro. Whatever that means. I assume just even faster combat with fewer options for weapons and whatnot. It’s disingenuous to pretend all the dark souls games are the same though.
All DS3 music sounds the same. Say what you want about the DLC, but the music was actually done well.
>that phase 2 transition
>All DS3 music sounds the same
the lyrics are kino too
Prime bussy smasher Radahn ages worse as time goes on
I'm surprised they didn't get any hate from the critics this time around. Making bosses harder isn't the issue, making the player's main defensive tool bad against the bosses while giving them infinite combos is.
Yeh u r
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DS3 already was a cheap copy. Literally rushed out the door 1 year after Bloodborne and only 2 after DS2. So you tell us which "team" worked on it. God only knows.
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Without a doubt one of the best epilogue themes.
it was kino, especially if you understand the context of III
just plain wrong and also gay.
Twin Princesses is better simply because it wont take you 3 days and 200+ deaths to beat.
None of that is better, just different.
wasn't all this disproved by something like the beta test not having the code for the crossbow to be used in the fight with the giant bat in Smouldering Lakes or something? like there are some elements to this that are true like Gundyr originally being in the King Oceiros Arena and there being winged serpents (that were almost certainly just a placeholder) but most of this is just made up
Especially the bat, you WANT another gimmick puzzle boss?
The end of fire is the canon ending of DSIII even if Miyazaki doesn't have the balls to go on record.
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I think dark souls 3 is the most underrated entry in the series, and I'm still left thinking about a lot of the unsolved mysteries and teasers that were in it and the DLC. I really hope they do dark souls 4 someday. I want to know more about angels, the Deep, the painted world you make with the dark soul, and everything else it hinted at. I absolutely loved everything to do with the nameless king, him and Gael are my favorite bosses in all of Souls games, Elden Ring included.
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Regardless I could care less how things ended up going. Dark Souls III ended up being miles better than II and in some aspects Bloodborne, so I wasn't too disappointed, but it is disappointing that they tone down the full-fledged time travel plot and scrapped a lot of stuff.
It's a respectable game and I really like the dark medieval theme the game had going, something between Dark Souls and Bloodborne. I just hope that one day project eclipse gets a release.
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I want more playable degen gay incest with qt2dboys in games
Demon's Souls, Dark Souls and Bloodborne are literally a piece of art. It's like a Mona Lisa painting.

DSII started off under the direction of Tomohiro Shibuya. It was going to be even more open world. They got a lot done, but Bamco came down on them and forced them to scrap half the game. They put Yui Tanimura in charge who had to pick up the pieces 6 months from launch. Bamco originally designated DS2 to be a PS4 game and then decided that nope, we're actually putting it on the PS3, which forced the downgrade. DS2 had half the dev time of DS1 because of the lost year with the first director that was shitcanned.

Dark Souls 3 however is just a obligation using rehashed Bloodborne assets. It was just a cash grab more than anything else and you can feel the lack of soul in the game. Miyazaki didn't even really want to make it but he was under contract to Bamco.

The Ringed City is directed by HIdetaka Miyazaki and is meta commentary on the state of Dark Souls franchise, which he accurately called a PILE OF RUBBISH via the ingame npc. It also gave a definitive his DEFINITIVE END to the IP and franchise. Miyazaki escapes into the painting, taking the BLOOD OF THE DARK SOUL (meaning the original inspiration and creative passion that made him make Dark Souls) and creating A NEW WORLD (new games) to ESCAPE TO. He confirmed in an interview that HE IS DONE with Dark Souls IP forever, he ESCAPED tha garbage that the Dark Souls IP has become thanks to Dark Souls 2 and Dark Souls 3. If a Dark Souls 4 is made in the far future, he won't be involved with it. He dabbed so hard on Bandai Scamco and the modern Souls "fans"

>The Ringed City ends with the world the painter girl painted in ds3 becoming Elden Ring

Miyazaki is already talking about a new game that fit his ideal fantasy more than Elden ring.
Tanimura also came up with the "light greatswords" weapon type by the way (Loyce Greatsword)
Reminder DaS3 was completely rebuilt and rewritten a year before release with far more drastic changes

>King of the Eclipse
>Snake Soul
>Dragon Angel
>Past dimension/Time travel
>World State ceremonies
>All the epitaphs and the lore like "Fear the Sun's Temptations and its winged exectioner"

Not to mention shit that did make in like
>Primordial Snake Angel Worship being haphazardly slapped around without meaning, even though originally it made far more sense
>most shit regarding the Deep being vague bullshit
>statues of Lothric wielding Profane GS without much explanation leading people to believe that Sulyvahn was also the Scholar who tutored him even though Pontiff came from the painting

>you will never have player placable bonfires
>you will never have eclipsed lothric being swallowed by the abyss
>you will never have ulcerated worm from ER with a black skin cause they're abyss
>you will never have a complex map
>you will never have the dancer as an NPC
>you will never have a gimmick bossfight where you shoot down the carthus sandworm with the huge ballista and open a hole to Izalith
>you will never fight the demon prince there
>you will never fight Aldrich underwater like they planned to
>you will never have prince lothric (sulyvahn) gaining powers from the eclipse as a reference to griffith (although soul of cinder was a better idea to end the series)
>all of this because the game was rushed and made in 1 year

Miquella is literally Griffith AND what Lothric was meant to be in the original Dark Souls 3 plotline
DSII started off under the direction of Tomohiro Shibuya. It was going to be even more open world. They got a lot done, but Bamco came down on them and forced them to scrap half the game.
cause the game was far from being finished, the original director was a retard.
Dark Souls II was doomed from the start and Tanimura managed to stitch whatever B team had together to make a game. Thank god Bloodborne and Dark Souls III course corrected though, I cant imagine how things would have gone if BB or DaS3 wouldn't have been more faithful to DaS.
It has nothing to do with the length of time souls mechanics have been used either. This nonsensical statement just indicates that you are incapable of identifying or articulating what the actual problems are.
What are the actual problems then?
This nonsensical statement just indicates that you are incapable of identifying or articulating what the actual problems are.
Hard disagree, I love the Twin Princes theme but Promised Consort is on another level (including the Radahn reprise)
Maybe you need to listen to it while you're not getting your ass kicked
Dark Souls 2 and 3 were beta tests for Elden Ring
The fact that A-team managed to make two games back to back within a year is incredible. They launched Bloodborne in early 2015, moved mostly all their devs to work Dark Souls 3 which launched the exact same month a year later.
I sometimes wonder if 3 would have ended as shitty as DaS2 had it not been for Miyazaki going over to help develop the game along with the veteran team.
It's not even that it's bad, it's just every DaS3 song sounds the same. There is an optional cymbal crash at the beginning, but from there it is cello doing melancholy riffs, with or without choir making wordless noises.
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>I sometimes wonder if 3 would have ended as shitty as DaS2 had it not been for Miyazaki going over to help develop the game along with the veteran team.

DS3, in my view, tries to tell a rather poignant story about letting go, and the obvious subtext here is letting go of Dark Souls itself. We're told rather explicitly (for a Souls game) that we simply cannot start a new Age of Fire, only drag out the meekest embers for another generation or so before needing to go through all the pain and effort all over again. The implication here being "sure, we could make another Dark Souls, but it'll only be more of the same or worse, a simulacrum of what came before, a copy of a copy of a copy, and is that what you really want?".
And that's just the base game. The DLC presents even more evidence suggesting that this is the case. The Corvians of the Settlement in The Painted World tell us that once the Rot sets in (the Rot being a fanbase and market obsessively clamoring for more Dark Souls, that the right thing to do is to set it alight, burn it out, destroy it. >"When the world rots, we set it afire.
>For the sake of the next world.
>It's the one thing we do right, unlike those fools on the outside."
Furthermore, the Painter-Girl and Gael have journeyed to the end of time itself to find the appropriate medium (The Dark Soul) to create a new world. I read this as Miyazaki telling us that they've gone as far as they can with Dark Souls, and whilst it's time to let it go, the base elements which made the game special will be carried on to new works in the future.
I think all this is why we'll never get a Bloodborne 2, or a Sekiro 2, or a Demon's Souls 2, or even more AC6. Miyazaki seems to not enjoy creating direct sequels to his works, and prefers taking the lessons of his past games into his new games. He's telling us that the desire for more of the same is a sickness, and we should be looking for new experiences, not rehashes of old ones.
all of that meaning is ruined by the fact that they released ds3 anyways.
>its time... to let go...
>anyways, heres the most soulless game we've ever made, that'll be 60 bucks please
theyre only similar in that they have a gay guy on their back. the actually fights are totally different
Their melodies are pretty distinctive between each other. I can still remember the choir for Twin Princes, Soul of Cinder, Midir, Vordt, pretty easily while I struggle to remember any Elden Ring boss track at all
>>All the epitaphs and the lore like "Fear the Sun's Temptations and its winged exectioner"
Considering the world states mechanic I don't think that was just lore. It was a warning that keeping every single area in the sun to constantly avoid invaders would have consequences.
> I struggle to remember any Elden Ring boss track at all
Trying too hard
I don't remember a single Eldon Ring track beyond the roundtable hold music.
DS3 isn't underrated, it has major flaws that didn't exist in the previous two games. While the content is fantastic, it's on rails progression makes replaying it repetitive. For all its flaws, DS2 is literally a pile of rubble removal away from being the most interconnected and replayable entry. DS3 replayability would have been improved if you could get from Smoldering Lake to the Profaned Capital. That would allow you to bypass the mandatory cathedral and travel backwards up through Irithyll Dungeon and then the capital. Also having the option to kill the NPC early who has the Grand Archives key in some other location so you can do the Princes early would be another massive improvement.
i think the Radagon theme is the only theme i actually remember but that's cheating because it's literally just the main theme of the game
The story was a byproduct of From's contract with Bandai. If Miyazaki self-funded everything, we wouldn't have had a DS2/DS3 at all.
No its shit. Not saying Radahns theme is good, but the 2nd phase of Radahn is way more unique.
that's true
forgot my picture
Even if what you said is universally true and not a personal preference, I wouldn't consider a massive flaw. You know what's a massive flaw? Entire areas being completely unfinished like lost izalith in ds1.
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ill take something flawed but made with passion over something creatively bankrupt any day.
janky soul> polished soulless.
though, ds3 isn't exactly polished...
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souls music "lyrics" is literally just gibberish
The base game stuff wasn’t that memorable, but I really enjoyed the DLC soundtrack
Radahn is a shitshow both as a fight, and extremely disappointing lorewise. In every way I hate it
Actually true. Well exept bloodborne, but bloodborne is exceptional in every way.
t. godwyn fag
definitely higher quality than the base game but still didn't feel very memorable
Godskin is probably the only ER track that will stick with me
Elden ring tends to avoid simplistic repetitive radiopop style hooks, instead going for more complex arrangements. DS3 music, just like ds3 in general is shallow and meant to hook you in with something tasty, but lacking substance. DS3 is fast food when you really think about it. Slop. Tasty for sure, but simple.

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