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15 years later, why is it yet to be topped?
Post hours
I'll still playing through the other games but I'll probably restart FU when I get back to it. I was only 50 hours in anyway but it was good from what I played
>minor spelling mistake
fuck ill take your downvotes its fine
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fuck boomer world is the only true monhun
another disappointment that failed to grasp unite's glory
no switch axe
no charge blade
that's why
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3U exists
Half of the roster is giant chickens. GU mogs it.
Peco isn't better then kutku/gyp
Gigginox isn't better than khezu

the rest i can agree with on some level though
Why should I care about any MH other than GU, 4U AND 3U?
I have 3,000 hours in this game and still play it on my psp which I have had zero issues with all this time.
In comparison I had to replace my 3DSXL thumbpad part. The psp just fucking works.
Nibelsnarf sounds like some 90s' cartoon animal sidekick
Gravios is cooler
Gyp is cooler
About the same though I do like the stock jaguar growling sound wroggi has
Not similar enough to compare
Khezu better
About the same, really old ones are better except great wroggi
All three are nice, narga is basically same gen as tiggy anyway
FU is genuinely full of soul and is really easy to emulate. Dos is a little harder to emulate but it's still worth it.
>why is it yet to be topped?
3U is better desu.
2 Tri is best
Why not?
>that one sword that needs like 20+ PLATES to upgrade
They casualized the fuck out of the series after this
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Okay but don't bully please.
MH is one of those series I like the idea of and I look back in it with more enjoyment than I was actually having while fighting monsters.
monster hunter fucking sucks
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Add another 50-60 hours of unsaved playtime because I would save certain food buffs, do run with friends and don't bother saving so next time I play I already had the food buff. Used to stream with a bunch of other hunters on a platform called Livestream over the yonder... Nostalgia, pure nostalgia.

Oh and I'm not OP.
Where you at?
>quropeco better than YKK
Delusional faggot shit right here.
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>#6 on popularity poll
>just an icy kushala reskin
though the poll in general has garbage taste
It's probably mostly because of the theme and frostcraft memes
Yeah I hate her too. Her weapons are very beautiful though, not my taste though. Weapons should be cool, not just intricate
For me, its 3U and 4U. If i had to choose only one, i would probably pick 4U but I always go back to both of them. I like the roster in 3U more but 4U has some of my all time favorites. I’ve never mastered either game but I feel like 4U really kicked me into shape.

Hope Pretendo makes the servers a reality again
You need to crack your 3DS for pretendo right?
Is there any monster more pathetic and forgettable than Namielle? And an elder dragan at that. Fought it like once in world and just forgot about its existance until now. An elder dragon that squirts some water, so lame. Should have been a mid pisces instead
I have to imagine yes
I usually forget Pukei is in Rise. Basically any of the World bird wyverns desu
They just make anything an elder dragon now
Dull bait. Everyone knows it because of it's design. It's liked far better than Velkhana by everyone I've talked to. The fight itself is whatever, but the design sells it
half the designs are genius and somehow 10x better than most modern vidya enemies and bosses, the other half are pure bullshit that are tedious and boring.
it's piss easy, it has some gear that looks cool but it's so fucking dogshit it doesn't matter, it barely has any unique moves (i can only think of 1)
It was topped by 3U, 4U, GU and World
Come back after you play Frontier and fights its way cooler subspecies. Same with Lavasioth.
saw someone fighting white fatty and it looks like it becomes rise-like counterslop at some point
True, you get to high rank and we present... shittier kut ku lol
i'd rather not play shit games, sorry!
That's like 600 hours in. The first 500 hours is just MHFU with more content. The only problem is that it's extremely fucking diffiult to solo, even by MH standards.
You're the kind of person that used to call people trolls in the youtube comment section if they didnt like a song
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It has attitude. It's not afraid to make you its bitch. Monsters are actually threatening instead of pinatas like they are in every game after it. Even its relatively small roster feels more diverse than Tri onwards because the moves each monster has actually define them. It's the last MH game actually balanced for real solo play while offering casuals the ability to coop. And so on.
Monster Hunter just ain't what it used to be anymore. I think the series in a way represents the drastic shift we saw in game design over the past 15 years.
why are you singling out world specifically though? what's your problem ?
Oldtroons really are all pedos
which weapon should i use if I'm a noob?
>balanced for solo play
KEK the monster has the same health, regardless if you hunt it with 4 people or solo
I think Namielle was pretty cool
Water element doesn't usually get any cool monsters, and it works well with Coral Highlands
Hammer. Stick to the iron anvil tree, upgrade with ores and bugs.
Almost 7 years later and still the king, singlehandedly saving the franchise.
try several, you'll make things harder for yourself if you try to stick with just one, some matchups are fucking dogshit
that said greatsword is the one that will work well on most things
>Unite’s glory
>nobody even uses Ad Hoc party to go online anymore
>can still find players in my SOS in World.
I'm a classical-enjoying bvll so I don't encounter these people
exactly you fucking retard the game doesn't cuck you out of fun just because you're not speedrunning with your weed addicted retard buddies
don't listen to posers just stick with lance
So? That's how it worked for all games up until World, and you could still solo them all before time's up.
Thats the opposite of solo balance moron
>oh no, game mechanics are updated and QoL improved from past MH games
>its bad

Capcom boomers are fucking weird. RE boomers with RE4 (RE4fags with RE4R and MH boomers with World.
GS is the one that teaches you the most imo
except for maybe sharpness management, when I first switched to other weapons I was amazed by how fast sharpness degrades in comparison
it means solo is the real difficulty you fucking brainrotted zoomer
The real answer should be what you should AVOID. Avoid all ranged weapons as you won't learn positioning or dodging with them and basically they'll stunt your ability to even learn how to play.
Everything else just play what you like so you can bare it since the series is frustarating at times. And hunting horn's tunes may take you longer to memorize than learning most weapons but that won't matter if you actually like it enough to memorize stuff :)
There's still a semi active unite community on hunsterverse. Pretty impressive for an old as fuck game.
Hey, MHboomer, MH solo is the most mind numbingly boring shit ever. Who literally cares about solo play?
(((""QoL"""))) ruined gaming.
i just hope you enjoy playing with pinoy and hue mobilefags with dog shit internet
No, your constant repetitive gameplay mechanics ruin gaming. MH would’ve been some nintendo franchise to most had it not been for World.
If its not Ad Hoc party, I don’t see how its gonna work.
emulators can play games online grandpa
>tfw want fatalis' LS
>forgot how much of a pain in the ass he is in FU
>still need to fight crimson and white
i really fucking dont want to fight those faggots. what were they thinking with armor mode??
Why fucking emulators? I got a PSP with a FU copy and a PS3 that can connect my PSP to an online server. Quality online ffs
it's not even QOL they just outright changed the core game on multiple levels
I'd rather MH had died with 4U instead of World permanently fucking up the fan base forever.
And now it's a game for retired WoW boomers and dopamine addicted zoomers instead. One of the too many live services that equal to brainrot. Wow, thanks. I already had my stoner retard high school buddies addicted to Tri and then 4U.
Yeah its faster and less annoying. Less loading screens and less slow asf animations that plagued the series since day 1.
Capcom boomers becoming irrelevant again.
The "real" difficulty is actually having fun and not wasting time on boring tedium you fucking loser lol
Clutch claw/wall bounce and wirebug spam ARE repetitive mechanics
I've had so much fun before and after that point that I'm glad you have no power over the universe.
imagine using a meta for World LMAO.
no it's trash fuck world
because psp emulation has been flawless for years and even third-world phonefags can literally just download a program and play online instead of needing to connect an ancient handheld to an ancient console so they can play online with the other people who happen to own these two antiques
adhoc party is obsolete
>Tri and 4U

Isn’t this where MH were also oretty fucking anime? I mean by Generations, there’s been nothing left of the old MH. Not in PS or nintendo.
What are the chances that capcom goes full live-service with Wilds and starts locking monsters behind micro transactions?
Unlike Kushala, Velk is actually fun to fight. And yeah, I mean in Rise as well.
??? Did you reply to the wrong person?
But it was topped by Portable 2nd G
I'm sorry you're so mentally challenged you think being punished for being a shit player is tedious lol don't worry soon enough monster hunter will be a single screen where you pay to pull on a gambling machine and get loot for...oh right they already made a phone game for you lmaooo
>dogshit online
Yeah this is why we need people using those ancient hardwares that would work better than emulation online lmao.
After playing through pretty much all the games over the last few years, I really can't see the appeal of 2nd gen anymore. Way too many shitty gen1 monsters.
The d&c aggrevation posting samefag fromg /vg/ is here
Abandon thread
I consider 4U peak MH, despite the dog shit maps and shitty roster. All I wanted from World was to remedy that. That's it.
>go over to crystal
>pull pickaxe out of ass
>smack once
>bunch of crystals pop up on right side of screen
MH has always been anime
as long as you don't play with 3rd world brownos leeching off their local mcdonalds' wifi it should work fine, my main FU hunting buddy for the longest time was a turkroach with mediocre internet who lives about 4000km away from me and there was no meaningful lag (until his roach internet shat the bed anyway)
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It is one of the few that has actual challenge and more realistic mechanics. Most of the others are casualised slop for toddlers where your character is flying around in the air doing spinning attacks.
My PSP's stick drifts hard. Sad. I would still play games on it. But PPSSPP works great.
>no you dont understand l MUST spend these extra minutes every hunt on this inflated health pool because lm such a hardcore gamer, please l dont have anything else!
180 spins are hardly what I'd call unique moves.
It's a test of skill and endurance, and also immense source of satisfaction when you start whittling down your hunt time as you get better.
>dude l totally love whittling through 26k health solo, white fatty is so much fun l wish he had 40k health infact so lm not like those filthy zoomers
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post some funny victory screenshots
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im waiting
Nobody plays games here, anon
this but unironically
should I replay this or play 3U
FU or F U
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we are discussing KINO here sir
i love hoe the old games have good comedic timing.
Add another U there bud
What's the latest title for MH before World that I can emulate?
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4u but it feels like playing with a Fisher Price toy vs tri or 3u
How so?
people say it's even more anime bullshit than usual but personally I haven't played it
he's just being retarded just play it yourself
Emulating an old F5 server is pretty fun solo. It makes FU solo look like Weenie Hut Jrs. Very brutal game in terms of scaling, the first Espinas urgent is real tough.
It should work on Citra someday too if a fork ever brings back the online feature, and someone certainly will if they haven't already
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They're correct. The game lets you use flashy super moves (You aren't gonna use them though since absolute evasion and readiness are that good) and its ending cinematic is two lolis doing a number. Great game would recommend it, but not as your first.

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