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Milestone 8 Build :

Part 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wc821lVWLow

Milestone 13 Build :

Part 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFMcS6rgkHE

Part 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8kEpJSIHpI

Part 3 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHdrnjvX3is

Part 4 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHdrnjvX3is

Part 5 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_CZ4xXR7wo

Part 6 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IteSUJVPzM

Part 7 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vIurN0j33o

Prototype trailer based on Milestone 8 build :


Footage showing milestone combat concept progression :

insomniac are so shit now
Man I don't know what it is but whenever I see these leaked builds with simpler geometry and no constant cutscenes I wonder, why the fuck can't THAT be the final product?
Is it true they made a female character uglier than Mary Jane?
I lost 20 pounds
is it true you're an npc faggot
Cause games of this budget and scale need to sell big, and audiences ARE generally fucking retarded and require good graphics. Does GTA6 need to look better than 5? Not really. Improve draw distance, increase ped count and wildlife and bigger map and its done. Don't need higher quality models, textures, and physics.
>Still caring about capeslop
You're either a shill or just retarded.
can someone explain why capeshit didn't just die yet
the era of comics and spider man movies is gone, not even millenials care about this shit anymore
kill yourselves
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I still don't like the over the shoulder camera, it doesn't really fit for a character like Wolverine.
Even in Wolverine you still play as Mary Jane??
This game was so good
>barely any blood
>no dismemberment
>playing as some literal who capeshit woman
fucking gay. I expected very little and i'm still disappointed.
Kind of sad too because the final game is going to shove the meme fog, volumetric lighting, vignette, all sorts of particles, etc. into it and make it look so much muddier
Capcom also falls for it, it was pretty funny playing Dragon's Dogma 2 and the cooking videos looking crystal clear on my TV then goes back to the game looking like a smeared mess
Part 1 is a 1:1 ripoff/copy of that one Tony Jaa martial arts movie scene where he throws people off the same ledges with the same design with the terry bogard sound effects
Maybe developer should learn how to use the tech they have first before upgrading, maybe then PS5 games will be more than 30fps.
Lmao so that means yes
californians are hopeless millenial faggots and and indian subhumans keep getting cheap jobs so it just ain't happening, stopping technological progress won't change that
Over the shoulder camera!?!??! You think that's the problem? This game looks like a fucking garbage fire, enemy design, animation engine, stage design, it's so fucking bad and it's never going to be allowed to get less than a 7/10
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I never explicity said that the camera is the only problem.
Is jean grey still ugly in this game
What did the leaks say this was supposed to release?

I just don't see this game doing well. They're trying to slap the formula they used for spiderman onto wolverine when he has
>less powers
>lesser known and less fun villains
>no real ties to any location
It looks like they want to play it "safe" instead of trying to do something more daring like turning it into a full fledged action game that is 80% beating shit up with really good enemy design and fleshed out moveset that while not technically impressive, has a lot of depth.
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They made kathleen kennedy
She's gorgeous, beautiful, flawless. Go ahead and pre-order since that's all you fags care about apparently
If they would have done some shit with Punisher/Nick Fury/Cap/The Hand it might have been cool.
They really could've just made an x-men game.
This is what she looked like a few years ago
Lmao same slidey ass "combat" as usual. Batman games fucked western melee combat
Blame the last of us
looks like that one singer with the green hair and the "ooh look at me I'm so dead inside" stare
Should have made an X-Men game with the original team.
exactly, gaming peaked during the ps2/ngc era, why do you think sony stopped having games since the ps3
Give me Wolverine with Resident 2 Remake levels of gore or I don't care
Still way better than the current iteration
Kek is that Jean Grey?
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Disgusting literal no tits
Did they move that "LOMBAX TITIES" whore into mocap?
The troonface is a way bigger problem
nah gaming peaked multiplayer wise in the 360 days of gears and halo 3 and graphics haven't changed aside from more detailed art direction and higher resolutions since 2011
single player gaming is better than ever as long as you aren't a consolefag
I Really hope there will be gore in the final product
Everything is a problem with that thing. Nothing is better or worse about it
>In an Ins°ymiac game
Name 5 good SP games from this year, genuinely curious.
kill yourself moviefag
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That combat needs a lot of work... It looks absolutely awful.
It wont get any. This is that same generic slop we have been getting since Batman
>All that stealth gameplay.
The tree stuff was cool but I don't understand why they went full on Uncharted movement paired with this weird mix. Clearly they have godmode, OHK, and other stuff on so we don't get to see the full extent of the combat system, but it's so weird. It doesn't feel like a Wolverine game outside of the animations, and some of them are clearly placeholders because when Logan lands in the part 7 video he's got Peter's slide recovery animation on the ground.
pc multiplayer on cod 2, gunz, and unreal tournament 99/2k4 where it peaked. if only if it werent for fucking cheaters
This looks fucking awful, especially Wolverine and his costumes. Logan himself looks like some rando dude with claws. No character in his posture, little to no muscle. Wtf is this? Are they going for the Avengers game look where the super heroes can be mistaken for NPCs?
Does it feature the extremely hot Lady Deadpool from the trailer?
I can almost not tell her apart from the Mary Jane.
>fridge body
>extremely hot
Please, simp.
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Are her eyes not even leveled correctly?
It's probably just Reynolds in a suit with tits
why can' they just make another hack and slash like xmen origins wolverine
what technology?
It looks nothing like the Batman combat system, it looks more akin to the God of War games considering the camera choice. Light, heavies, alternating combos, block and parry.
All the same shit and you are retarded to not see how it is all the same with redundant changes. Westerners can't make action style combat anymore.
Enjoy your slop
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is the new movie good
Did he give Wolverine the ol' spicy keychain?
The plot was nonsensical bs to enable fanservice but the fanservice was pretty decent. Like the new Spider-Man but not bad.
This is 100$ an insomniac dev leaking yet again this game to the public so people shit on it and they cancel it. That Jean Grey gameplay he was going out of your way to piss you off with how shit it is
>"Look at this god awful boring Wolverine repetitive gameplay as I earn my Wolverine trigger every 5 seconds and it does nothing but makes me slightly stronger"
>"Look at this trash UI"
>"Look at me effortlessly get a 70 hit combo"
>"Look all you do is shoot psychic balls over and over with Jean"
>"Look a window and I can smash the glass but nope you can't launch people out the window"
This game might barely break even, capeshit "fatigue" is going to be just complete disinterest. Do younger people even like this shit still? I'm almost 30 and I can't believe millenials will be pushing 50 and still be buying this slop
>one of the stages is the Weapon X Lab as a flashback
>my theory that this will be some gay feminine deconstruction of Wolverine grows stronger every day
Na, It's just an excuse to have a Wolverine in underwear skin
I can definitely see that being the face of one of the managers of the game
why is he so tall?
Yea thought so, lying faggot
Wtf, that's a good point
No. I put the effort to find them so you do the same. I am not holding your hand.
wow no dismemberments nope!
Yes yes, same excuses everytime with lying faggots. Stop talking to me.
Nice gtaV Brazilian mod
Not lying. Stop being lazy
>that combat
oh god
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Everyone laugh at snoys
She looks like a wood elf from Skyrim
this here still isn't that good hmm...
Yea but it is also over 10 years old now. The Wolverine stuff looks like a regression
That spiderman where all the old villains gathered sucked dick mate
This isn't max payne 3
>we live in a timeline where devs think its a better idea for a wolverine game to be like nu god of war instead of old god of war
Yes that is why I said "the new Spider-Man but not bad"
Cause it's based off Hugh Jackman who's 6'2".

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