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What would you have done?
Poo on it a little hehe here's your TURD Master source code
put it in the microwave for the pretty sparkles
Traded in it for some milk
Post it on reddit and give it back to Blizzard like a moron
I would have just had the eagles take the disc back to Mt. Blizzard.
Used it as a coaster
Rip and post on 4chin and then return the disc and get rewarded for being a good goy
think nothing of it and eventually lose it along with all the other random cds I had lying around.
kept it to myself
Sell it to some collector autist for hundreds of thousands.
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Record myself tearing it to pieces, at least that would've been funny
>give one of the biggest game companies the source code for their game back
>all you get in return is two plushies, a bottle opener, a notepad, a cheap headset, keyboard and mouse and a trip to blizzcon
You made this thread yesterday. Are you a bot?
Probably the same thing as what the guy who owned it did with it. I wouldn't have known what else to do.
No you don't understand It's Blizzard's property and you have to give it back or else I'll report you on reddit
Yeah, he should have posted it online and gotten literally nothing.
>mods for SC2 are "literally nothing"
>literally nothing
Aside from gifting the gamedev autists out in the world now having the ability to make their own takes on SC very, very easily? Becoming a literal legend among gamedevs across the internet?

The guy traded being infamous for a bunch of cheap crap.
I would rape
this, but add dolphin porn in there for good measure
>Becoming a literal legend among gamedevs across the internet?
lol and fucking lmao. roflmao, even.
>The guy traded being infamous for a bunch of cheap crap.
How long has it been, and you're all still talking about him? He achieved the exact same level of fame he would have had he leaked it, plus got a bunch of cheap crap.
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mail it to some random address in Russia. it'll end up on the net eventually
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No he didn't lmao. He was forgotten about shortly after Blizzard sent him shitty merch that cost them nothing.
I would have listened. and that's what nobody did.
Record a video of me smashing it to pieces and upload it to Youtube.
Why does everything extremely rare and of value always end up the worst hands.
"Blizzard, here are my demands..."
the overwhelming majority of people are stupid.
I'm part of that majority.
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Trade it for an actual good game's source code.
rip the ISO, throw it up on archive dot org or mega and notify starcraftfags somehow. It's not that hard desu I guess I'm just from that old school of internet users who were okay with doing stuff even if it didn't earn them any money or attention
Hylic nature detected
I looked up the details of this case and the retarded Redditor was identified by Blizzard after he announced to the whole world like an attention-hungry faggot that he had found the disk with the game's source code.
He then got into the situation where he knew that if the content was leaked, he'd be fucked, so he returned the disk to Blizzard who rewarded him with some trash and trips.
Finally, it was implied that he did make a copy, but he never released it to the public, probably for fear of being sued by Blizzard.
All this could have been avoided if he had simply released the content before trying to show off on the Internet.
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>and give it back to Blizzard like a moron
I bet they just threw it in the trash when they received in in the mail.

Some blizzard employee got fired, and took it with him to protect it from being thrown into the bin.
Then he probably gave it away to someone he thought would enjoy the game, that someone probably ebay'd it.
And then it landed into the hands of a moron who sent it back to Blizzard for destruction.
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You would need to make sure that the CD is stolen/lost goods. This was an online auction and the seller has your personal information for shipping purposes.
The CD is 100% unique to prevent employees from leaking it online. If someone were to leak it, Blizzard could trace it back to the original owner (which could be the guy who sold it to you by accident).
I wouldn't do anything with it.
Coat it with anthrax spores before sending it back to Blizzard
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Gamer rage groupthink aside, would it really have made a difference if he did the leak? Has anything truly great ever come out of an "adaptation game"?
Do Pokemon fans play Pokemon Uranium more than Pokemon Red?
Do Metroid fans play AM2R more than Super Metroid?
Usually not. The example in recent memory is Undertale, but that's a one in a million scenario from someone who could've succeeded if they applied their talent anywhere. I really don't think it would have made much of a difference to would be RTS game devs if there was a copy of SC's source code floating out there, which would likely be made nearly inaccessible to Blizzard hammering anyone who dare upload it. Any of the games that could've been made with the source code by talented people have already been made using workarounds or other engines, but they are still ignored because of the nature of what they are: boring RTS games that no one talks about outside of Korea.
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>story around this source code breaks less than a month after remastered gets announced
wow!!!!! what are the odds? to think it was missing for almost 25 years and just so happened to be rediscovered right as they had a product coming out they wanted to sell, that's crazy
Ill never forgive myself for this...the guy was in my buy sell facebook group he posted it and everyone in the group was like meeh on it and I was going to offer him money for it but never did...next thing I know guy was getting free blizcon tickets and a swag bag....
I wouldn't doubt it.
>I wouldn't do anything with it.
Sell it on a Korean back alley IRC server.
Anyone answering anything other than "Make several copies and throw it up onto file sharing websites and send to reliable fan groups centered on mods via source material compilations" need to kills themselves. Same thing with the original Xbox development kit that some fucking retard gave away
Made a copy and uploaded it to the internet archive under a different name. Then film myself playing frisbee with it before hitting it with a hammer and mailing it back to them.
Isn't it a little odd that the source code would get labeling printed on it instead of it being nothing more than "STARCRAFT SOURCE CODE" written in a black marker?
>Why does everything extremely rare and of value always end up the worst hands.

It always used to be this, but now those idiots post about it online.

If you went to TOR and leaked it anonymously and never discussed it, then it's unlikely they'd ever trace it back to you. The people who get caught on TOR networks are criminals who create criminal networks that get infiltrated over time so a one-off person is much harder to trace.

The benefits? SC:BW Source Ports and custom netplay. Better anti-cheating as well. The Koreans would gladly create their own network to play against each other rather than idiot Americans.
Probably just kept it and never said anything about it. Maybe post it on /v/ for (You)s.
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Probably uploaded it somewhere. Keep it for myself. Why WOULD Blizz NEED this back after so many years?
you are absolutely brain damaged. starcraft 1 is quite possibly the best game ever played, it is still played at the highest level 26 years after release while new strategies and tactics are being discovered and played with. The only thing holding it back from a true open source client is the iron grip that blizzard has on it, meaning that korea can never truly develop something even better from it, even if it is just infrastructure around the original game. We could get a true broodwar 2... but yeah, who cares lol, give me another god of war game :)
Let me guess: the devs of the game all signed it as a celebration of the game's release, and then some idiots just cleaned it all off? My GOD what buffoons. They could have sprayed some clear sealant on it which would have preserved it for ages. That would have been perfect for some kind of technology or video game museum.
the cleaner was a true fan of the arts who believed in a distinct separation of art and the artist. He was tired of the idol-oriented machinations of modern game developers, and he restored the image of master chief back to its true glory.
>using nintendies as a standard
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Upload it everywhere I can using a vpn protected disposable thinkpad, changing public locations and country of residence in VPN every time I uploaded it somewhere else, then destroy the laptop and the CD both and keep a backup on an unmarked usb that would spend the next decade lying in a corner of my messy room. If you do anything other than that, you're a corporate bootlicker that hates freedom.
I can't tell if starcraft or quake fanboys are the biggest and most drone-like fart huffers. Your game is not that good
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I'm fairly certain that if he had handed this over to whoever was in charge of the Blue House at the time they would have given him kpop idols for free until the day he died.
It really is that good anon. Quake is that good too. You might just be retarded
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>Upload it to the internet archive without saying a word
>send it back hoping I get something in return, a month or so after this upload
>If I don’t get anything decent I act like I stumbled upon it anonymously to get traction. If I get something decent I leave it up for someone else to stumble upon
i would have put in in my ps1 and played it
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send it back to the people and you can't do a DAMN thing about it
Every single FPS or RTS game in existence has the DNA of those games in them. They are the progenitors of their respective genres. From this I can conclude that your belief is that life itself is not that good, so please proceed to self terminate to spare us your dogshit opinions in the future.
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fixed the pathfinding
posted a video of me breaking it in half
put my weiner in the hole haha XD
Copy the data.
Return it to blizzard for a reward.
Then leak it to the internet
sensible chuckle
We would have Brood War in high res and perfect netcode by now if this faggot didn't find it.
It's not
Who cares about StarCraft these days?
leak it
if Blizzard still needed the source code for any reason they could get it from the leak
>make a copy of it
>give the original disk back to Blizzard
>release the code a couple years later on 4chan
>Every single RTS game in existence has the DNA of those games in them
You mean Command & Conquer?
Copied it, sell it on ebay then release the copy into the wild on pirate bay.
put it in a bin and just leave it
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>download the source code
>sell the original to a collector, make a forgery with his help
>give it to blizzard in disguise, get a ticket to blizzcon
>sell the ticket
>leak the source code online

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