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I just found this crazy cool place to go swimming! Weird that someone blocked it off from the rest of the mine though.
>Urist McSwimmer has been missing for a week
>local dwarf steps into magma and proceeds to haunt the fortress because his body was never found
Is it true the dev spent an entire update trying to add in trans dwarves or was that /v/ being facetious again.
yes but they had a 41% mortality rate so it had to be rolled back
why does that matter
trans setting people off just by existing is so weird these days
you guys live in a cave or something?
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Sounds like you need some nigger-be-gone in your life:
2 cats lol! Dem fuckin' dorfs, man.
That was /v/ being facetious again.
But he did add the ability for things to be gay.
Toady is getting married.
Say goodbye to Dwarf Fortress.
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But it's right here?
Based linux chad
He also allowed animals to be "gay" as in some rare cases they won’t breed. Feels dumb since I think most animals don’t care who is going to be fucked
all i want is gunpowder to be integrated
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>dig hole into underground river for water access
>urist mcfag forgets to close the floodgates
>several tonnes of water come rushing in
>urist mcshit has stopped work reason: water x200
>many die, even more get injuried
>water reaches the deepest level, where my infirmary is located
>all the sick and wounded die as well
>no one really cares because this created a cool waterfall and everyone likes seeing it
Remember kids: mist generator beats recalling past trauma and dead siblings
>hmm yes I shall now mine every edge tile of this 5x5 pit first to ensure that the ceiling collapses upon me
Wht ge?
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Elf Genocide Simulator
Duende Gaol
I've played a lot of Rimworld and want to get into Dorf. Dorf is less about individual people's stories and more about the story of the whole colony, right? Like I'm managing way more people.
Rimworld is gay as fuck because it gives you no disposable retards to play with
In DF a forgotten beast webbing and eating 50 dorfs is a Tuesday
Yeah, I accidentally a trans character in a video game and now I can't be bothered to care anymore.
It is not exactly like that, the stories still do emerge from individual dorfs but you will have 200 or more of them, so most will just blend out into the background while a few will stand out because they were particulary useful or particulary retarded, and generaly you will not care that much if 20 or so die in stupid way. Meanwhile in rimworld you will be more focused into tard wrangling a dozen of colonist so you aways remember who is the retard who start shit or set fire on things because he got worms or some other stupid bullshit
I wonder if the new version will ever add the opening cutscene back in
not hearing
every time I start up the game makes me disappointed and sad
Iirc Toady wants to use the opportunity of the old intro breaking to make a new one because the old intro was based on when the game was still 2d and you built your fort aways going from a open space on left to deeper and deeper into the mountain to the right, until you triggered the hell invasion
>try to do one of those self-powering water wheels
>dig out a pool, fill it with water, carve a small route for water to loop around and back into the pool
>tell dwarves to turn on generator
>1 minute later
>4 dwarves drowned, water wheel never became self-powered
>leave the whole setup be despite being an eyesore for fearing of losing more dwarves
>want to use a windmill for pumping stagnant water because no river
>newly placed windmill is PERMANENTLY inactive for some esoteric and arbitrary reason that the wiki handwaves
for me? it's The Long Night
because trans people don't exist without force, drugs, surgery, and heavily moderated lies
they are innocent people who have been brainwashed into believing in magical lies by propaganda designed to depopulate the earth created by a cabal of sick billionaires who intend to permanently enslave humanity using false leftist virtue as packaging to lull the weak into believing them
they are the unwitting pawns of evil
I feel sorry for them, they're victims of evil lies and never really had a chance
We probably would have gotten the magic update if it weren't for that stupid new version that completely butchered the UI.
This makes me angry.
This. Self confidence kills any thoughts of becoming a troon in young men. Those that are incels, unpopular, etc, go down the dark path of pretending to be a woman in hopes it'll improve their likeability. It's why 99% of them, despite claiming to "inherently" have a girl brain, still want to fuck girls themselves and thus invade lesbian spaces. (Though they deserve it for supporting troons.)
Haven't they been around for hundreds/thousands of years? I'm pretty sure even the Romans made references to crossdressers in their graffiti but they were lumped in with the gays.
dfg and other classic generals have been dead on /vg/ since the gatchafag invasion in 2016.
now if you dont bump your thread constantly it falls off of page 20 in 90 seconds or so, thanks to faggots like Fate:GO needing six 1000post generals up at a time.
cant have dorf on /tg/ anymore either
best you can manage is the occasional stealth DF /pol/ thread on /v/ or a sneaky one on /vst/
There are a lot of similarities between the two but DF is a bit more hands off especially as far as combat is concerned. Also, when you beat back a raid, the enemy feels it. You're actually depopulating them so they become weaker and weaker every time they fail unlike Rimworld which simply spawns expendable hordes at you for the sake of shitting on the player. DF is an actual simulation and you can actually totally wipe out the fuckers that keep raiding you.
haemothearchy is also so good but I don't think it's on the latest version
Here, experience some history. This is your platonic ideal of a Dwarf Fortress story.
You're never gonna make it, rightwing trash
He'll sell it to the rimworld guys and they add dropship raids with respawning mobs and stuff to it.
>Dorf is less about individual people's stories and more about the story of the whole colony, right?
kind of but not really
its literally just Rimworld with more bloat running under the hood, and you have a colony of 250 dudes instead of a colony of 5 dudes.
you can still get attached to the individual dorfs and the shit they do, it just requires more active observation rather than Rimworld, which is "set follow on a guy and sit afk for a few hours because the game mostly plays itself".
Rimworld is a fake simulation unlike DF, though. That's a major difference between the two. It always annoyed the fuck out of me when you'd kill hundreds of fuckers and then two days later, the game spawns 40 more of them without impacting the raiding faction at all. They just get infinite bodies to throw at you out of thin air.
Extract from the memoirs of a dying republic
yeah that'll be the main difference you'll notice then.
DF has actual real simulation if you play versions like DF2014 and onwards.
Thing is though, the real simulation comes at a cost: framerate.
Versions 0.40 (DF2014) and onwards are incredibly laggy and succumb to FPS Death much quicker because the game is too busy simulating toe-nail growth rate for every single entity across the entire world and other bullshit.

If you love shit like maps, lore, history etc you'll fukken love DF. Do yourself a favour and if you install any 3rd party shit, at least install Legends Viewer. It lets you view the history, lore etc in your world easier than the jank fucking menu in the normal game, even down to family trees and biographies of historical figures across 1000s of years of history.
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>They just get infinite bodies to throw at you out of thin air.
its both a good and a bad thing.
nu-DF (2014 and onwards) feels boring a lot of the time because unless you embark directly next to a goblin fortress or something, you'll literally never get attacked.
old versions like 0.34 and 40d do the Rimworld thing of spawning enemies at the border which makes it actually fun, with an incrementally increasing threat every year and actually feels like a video game.

The longer the game's development has gone on its become more of a boring simulation and less of a game. Feels bad man.
Nowadays I prefer DF but honestly, I want a game with Rimworld's GUI, combat, graphics, systems, research, etc but with DF's simulation running under the hood without the jank.
It depends on what you're looking for in a game. I greatly prefer the simulation aspects. Rimworld feels like tower defense to me after a certain point and that shit is boring and predictable, too.
minepilled swimmaxxer
find a way to make Toady and Tynan get married then
Mods allow me to make Dwarf Fortress more of what I want, which means more races to fill the world and send me caravans to trade with and fill my tavern, alongside extra-strong enemies to build defenses against, weird and crazy new metals and stuff to make armor and weapons out of, etc. etc.

BUT. It also makes the game unplayable in a fraction of the time. DF is a good game that its literally not playable unless you intentionally force-limit yourself to a small and not-fun colony.
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Great Game.
Don't we all? Imagine...
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pity a german richfag killed off DF's modding community 10 years ago by stealing other people's mods for his modpack then charging patreon donations to people, making 3x the actual DF dev's income.
thank fuck he got put in his place during his cycling trip to fucking Syria
eh honestly you play DF enough and Rimworld's UI/controls are the janky slow ones.
keyboard-only DF2012 is where its at.
its been 10 years since I played and I still remember all the keybinds to do most shit, plus keyboard-only is always 10x faster than mouse-based right-click sub-menu UIs.
Just because a small number of people do something dumb doesn't mean you should pretend they're normal. They're not.

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