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Ace Attorney Investigations 2 is finally being released in the west. Are you excited?
I never continued the series after AJ and this was in like 2009.
Mid game feels like it is building up to something interesting and then the final case is just retarded
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Why did he do it?
Kay didn't hug him
Never played, but do Edgeworth and the judge lady end up banging?
No, judge lady is useless throughout and continues to be useless.
I'll support it, but it's still something I already played ten years ago, so excited isn't the right word. I just hope them running out of things to repack means a NEW entry is next.
>Justine Courney : Verity Gavelle
>Sebastian Debaste : Eustace Winner
>Raymond Shields : Eddie Fender
>just hope them running out of things to repack means a NEW entry is next.
They only have one more game they can rerelease for modern platforms and from there on, it's new game territory.
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Yup. By the end, Edgey is practically a stepfather to her son. But she dies or they get divorced sometime before the events of Dual Destinies.
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I don't care for Kay

Yeah, I'm not really feeling these. Eddie Fender's fine, but Eustace Winner? Useless Winner? Maybe if we save it as Useless Whiner, but even then.
All upgrades from the fan version.
yeah Kay sucks and easily the worst part of the game. Ema would have been better as the assistant. Or they could have given Franziska something relevant to do.
>Franziska is the absolute worst partner
>I'm going to be useless AND physically abuse you
She can be annoying. But from a plot and theme perspective, she could have had potential in the game.
No court segments killed my interest in the games. Only having investigations is boring and makes me feel like I am playing half a game when PW does both. The court parts are the best parts, not investigating crime scenes.
played the fan translation and stopped after hoe shit the 3rd case was
You still get arguments/confrontations in between which are just like cross-examinations in the main games.
GAA1-2 was a true investigations-only case and that was unbelievably shit.
DO we know what they are calling Simon Keyes?
Ape Portant
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is this real
It's pretty bad, so it must be
Who's doing translation this time? Capcom has been acting keezy.
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Damien Shadow sounds like a such suspicious name. Kind of ruins the whole twist, doesn't it?
To be fair, the final boss of AAI2 was the worst one in the series, only tied with AA3.
No, it's a pro wrestler's name.
AAI1 doesn't make the cut there?
AA6 has the worst boss I think.
What even is the pun here? Aside from him having the surname Shadow, which does nothing for you other than cast suspticion and ruin the twist or just not working if you don't know?
Is there something with "Damien" I am missing?

Not seeing Simon on the list, though.
kek, might as well call him Damien Mastermind
Exactly. The point is that it's fake. You can tell by the pixels, as they say.
I don 't know. Maybe relating to "demon"?
AAI was interesting because it was like 4 where you were facing off against someone who mastered abusing the system.

6 was also interesting because you were facing off against someone who could re-write laws at will.
They had ok premises, but the actual execution was fucking dogshit.

Id say the one AAI2 didnt have a great premise, but the execution was decent enough
Is he gonna have the cow shota as an assistant next game?
Sexo Fender hehe
>6 was also interesting because you were facing off against someone who could re-write laws at will.
I admit it was a cool concept. But it's pretty lame when the boss has the ability to auto-win the trial at any point but just doesn't because... they're retarded.
The premise and execution was awful because the entire plan relied on dumb luck to happen.
I'd argue it's on par with AA3 where everyone involved in that was full retard.
To be fair, getting a game over ever time you make the wrong choice would be infuriating.
Might as well call him

Twisty Badguy
You either go all the way with the concept or not. The concept has no bite when it is written in a retarded fashion
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Completely fake. This is the real one.
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The premise was stupid, hence what you had to say about dumb luck and all of that. The execution, helping reinforce to Edgeworth why he walks the path he does, works well. They give you a few ok character moments too. Im not saying its out here winning awards, but at the very least you dont spend the better part of an hour talking in circles like in AAI1
>Kay sucks
>let's replace her with someone worse
And then everyone hates the game because of it.
I played it over a decade ago and i don't pay for roms so no
kek nice one
this is the first i heard this, so, based

i played the first game and the fan translation of 2 back in the day, and i enjoyed 2 a lot, but i was also stupid and young so i'm looking forward to trying it with a new perspective
Nigga everyone ive talked to hated Spirit of Justice even before that. Ive had people give up because Maya was arrested YET AGAIN
Fake. It's really Dweevil Vladguy.
Ema is boring. I would fuck Ema raw until dusk, but as a character she does nothing for me. In all the times she has showed up after AA1 she hasnt really done anything particularly interesting.fun or memorable outside of push DS gimmicks onto you. Its a shame, but that's just how it is.
Yeah, these are the last AA games that I've never touched. It's weird to see Edgeworth get his own teenage girl assistant, thoughbeit.
Then everyone who hate it even more
Honestly, I feel like the only good assistants in the series have been Gumshoe, and Pearl. Susato was "ok" if a bit dry. At least she and Naruhodo fucked

I feel as if they dont know what they want to do with these characters most of the time
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it'll be ok for a day
Most people who played SoJ never even got to the final case so that's irrelevant to me. SoJ has a few redeeming qualities most of them confined to the last case
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My buddy works at Capcom and he just confirmed some of the official names in the new translation.
>Raymond Shields = Eddie Fender
>Sebastian Debeste = Eustace Winner
>Ethan Rooke = Victor Rook
>Patricia Roland = Warda Denver
>Nicole Swift = Scoops McGee
>Shelly de Killer = Shelly de Unaliver
>Dane Gustavia = Dane Bake
>Blaise Debeste = Eustful Winner
>John Marsh = Jay Elbait
>Justine Courtney = Verity Gavèlle
They're just filthy pirates who opinion is invalid if they quit halfway
Good try but Tabitha "Tabby" Lloyd is already confirmed.
Can you crazy anglos explain to a esl how in the fuck does eustace sound remotely similar to useless?
>Shelly de Unaliver
Is that your fake name for Scoops McGee? That's pretty good actually.
*an ESL and the name Eustace sounds like useless just with a T instead of an L. Usetess.
>how in the fuck does eustace sound remotely similar to useless
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>In all the times she has showed up after AA1 she hasnt really done anything particularly interesting.fun or memorable outside of push DS gimmicks onto you.
I loved her in Apollo Justice. Being a bitch to Apollo and Klavier all the time was funny.
Agreed, it was interesting to see a character who failed to achieve their dream and was just bitter
Rooke's actually called Rook in this version? I wonder if he's also called Victor. (I chose that because of Victim, but the name would actually suit Eustace's dad more)
Should have just paid the fan translation team to use their names, all of them sound a shit ton better than the official ones.
Nah, the fan names are worse
Yeah, the fan names are better.
Should have just Gumshoe but I guess the developers would have an aneurysm if there wasn't a quirky teen girl saying stupid shit at you all the time.
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Chesma Stermine...
Gumshoe can't afford to get to work anymore.
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This case starts at like 8pm and wraps at, like, 5am.

Buddy, if you wanted to bail, you should have by now. So, shut up and sit down before I ask Ray to start hugging you.

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