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Have you ever interned at a vidya company?
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If you can intern at a vidya company or generally at any tech company why would you not start your own thing instead
What looks better, interning at Nintendo or making Butt Fucker 64 to be downloaded on Itch.io by 3 people
Anon if you can intern there and maybe get hired afterwards then it means you could do something they are interested in
why not just do it yourself then, what the middle man is needed for
Why are the majority of them women? It's like university is made for them or something. Guys in my class get C and Ds while the girls get A and Bs
>holding a sign that said intern
Literal humiliation ritual. Why cant these people treat intern like their newest worker?
You can just tell us, "I've never worked at a real job a day in my life," instead of doing this performative retardation thing. We can already see right through you.
They're probably at a Seattle Mariners game, Nintendo literally owns the team and they have guaranteed seats. Why not have some fun with the interns for the day?
>Why are the majority of them women?
Because the company is in Washington tard
What does an intern at NoA even do?
Apparently they only own 10% of the team now.
>interning at NoA
like what's the point?
They are getting paid to watch a baseball game, so the least they could do is a little advertising.
No such opportunities back in the day.
entertaining amerimutt tendies in customer service
What is "The Day" for you
I find it funny how Nintendo has an internment camp. I feel sorry for the poor clods who wish to innovate the gaming world only to have a dinosaur Nintendo employee come to fuck up their work so they can make the next mario kart.
Rare's games always looked better, yeah.
Why are the majority of them women? It's like university is made for them or something.
>he doesn't know
Girls are really good at being book learned retards. They do what you tell them so. That's all they do really, you just have to be viewed as an authority.
It's NoJ that's full of dinosaurs who make all the decisions; NOA is mainly a marketing arm but they have a big hand in dealing with Western indies in the modern era
The start of gaming/upwards into the 2000's. There were no "schools for gaming" because normies and colleges still hated gaming. Now that it's the only game in town other than becoming a nurse, the tides changed. If you wanted to make a game back in the day you did it basically on your own risk and were at the mercy of strict "quality controller" shit publisher companies like Nintendo. They actually make Valves' 30% tax look desirable from the standpoint of someone who wants their game known.
Also there weren't companies too big to fail buying up studios left and right just to do nothing but watch the mullato morons they employ eat and watch youtube videos. Privileged shits.
Yeah, I intern-ed your mom's pussy inside out last night, BITCH
>It's NoJ that's full of dinosaurs who make all the decisions;
Yes, that's what's more perplexing to me. Why work for a company who will never value you because of your race? When do they start picking cotton?

Should've used the N64 'N' for those signs.
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Ive never interned in my life

Lmao @ every loser that spent hours of their life going to college and then doing that shit. You are the most beaten down dogs out there.
My brother tried this after being in the industry for 15 years it's just practicable without a publisher, a giant nest egg you can afford to blow, or being born with weaponized autism. Making games is expensive and very time consuming so even making a modest project with a 3 man group could take multiple years and paying for their salaries and licensing vidya making tools is going to cost 50k+ a year per person and the game industry is so over saturated that you're not even guaranteed to even show up on the front page of steam after completing the game.
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>Making games is expensive
No its not lmao.
Nigger you do it in your freetime not 24/7 you friend was just some retard. There are people out there who make thousands a month cranking out minor updates for their RPGMaker or Renpy game project. Hell in Japan there are people that do shit like that as a absolute side gig where they only sell the complete product for like 4 bucks and it was and still is EXTREMELY COMMON to just have a passion project that is like some 80 hour RPG like my pic is for free.

The only retards bitching about expenses are just that: retards. They are switching constantly between their dream game and actually making money.
>just shit out a porn game in rpg maker and hope you get lucky
oh ok
>Have you ever grind yourself as a thankless and soulless code monkey for a generic company
>. I feel sorry for the poor clods who wish to innovate the gaming world only to have a dinosaur Nintendo employee come to fuck up their work so they can make the next mario kart
So we are just going to pretend
>Astral Chain
>Code Name Steam
>Ever Oasis
>Ring Fit Adventure
>Tank Troopers
>Emio Smiling Man
>F-zero 99
don't exist then?
Nintendo is one of the only devs/publishers constantly making new IPs or reviving old ones.
Why are we acting otherwise you gaylord fudge packing queer?
>Nigger you do it in your freetime
You get free time?
>There are people out there who make thousands a month cranking out minor updates for their RPGMaker or Renpy game project
"Just be a Patreon scumfuck leech lmao - everyone's doing it"
Yeah like 10 years ago. Also, to get thousands you need to be able to crank out CoC/CM/BS level content. Your average 4channer is going to need to hire artists because outside of drawthreads none of us can draw for shit.
I work right next to nintendie of America at the far superior company, Microsoft
You're just proving my point retard. First, thousands a month which in reality is probably less than 2k is nothing. You can't live off that without supplimental income ehich completely goes against my original reply of why people don't go in business for themselves versus working for a company. Second, making mods or using rpg maker =/= making a game from scratch. If you're trying to make a living off making games then it's not a part time hobby it's a full time job. If you're making anything besides shovelware it will take multiple people working full time if you want to finish a game in a reasonable timeframe and those involved will need money to live on. The reason people don't quit their jobs to make their own conpany is because they don't have the money to do it, and if you treat it like a side gig then you are completely missing the point of the conversation.

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