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(Hard mode) Can't say the amount R34.
Luv me Max :3
Frank and beans
call me gay for it but i liked some of the soundtrack
But anon. I don't know anything about the game EXCEPT for the rule 34.
I know the episode of Oneyplays you watched, faggot
It's a relic of back when progressives didn't feel the need to remove all nuance and majority representation from video games.

Consequently, the game is not actually progressive at all if you look at it for more than 3 seconds. The world is an idyllic white small town. The characters are almost all either positive, tragic, or insane drug addicts. This game would absolutely not fly if it wasn't carried by the Tumblr atmosphere. And I find this funny.
porn is garbage tho
Bae or Bay?
>Can't say the amount R34
It's vomit inducing dogshit actually.
The music and le atmosphere of American suburbs, college like in TV shows, movies, social media even. Like, you know, a romanticized version of such aesthetic
Yes, I'm not a burger.
Bae, just so her step dad isn't so miserable
Bae is the true and correct ending. Youtubers who insists on titling their videos with (sacrifice arcadia bay: bad ending) are fucking retards.
Max didn't cause the storm
It was a cult
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i cried at the end unironically. bae > bay.
Obviously Bay. It's the only ending the devs actually put any effort into for a reason. Bae is just there to make choosing the correct ending more meaningful.
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>Obviously Bay. It's the only ending the devs actually put any effort into for a reason
>forget the horror here
>forget the horror here
>leave it all down here
>it's future rust, and it's future dust
I like the small coast Oregon town setting, not many vidya with this setting, the game is ok too, aside from blue hair and tattoos its very good
>the push from bbc addicts to force lis porn makers to always include a bbc version
>the bbc versions become the default
>it's mostly bbc now
so fucking based.
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>settings, OST, atmosphere, nostalgia (I was in my early 20s when it takes place)
>initial hype for a mystery that could be supernatural, could be sinister, could make sense
On a similar topic of LIS was Portland always a shithole? when did it get so bad like at what moment and year?
The music. I like hippiecore.
What else am I supposed to say? It's the porn. There's a reason why literally nobody ever talks about the 2nd game. It's because it stars two brothers and nobody gives a shit about them.
The 3rd game has that hot Asian girl at least.
But the 2nd one has dudes. And nobody gives a shit about dudes.
The 1st game has tons of hot teenage girls, and Chloe is particularly perfect for the lesbian conversion porn.
Expanding on this anon's post
>game forces you to be with Chloe all the time, main plot revolves around her
>meanwhile interaction with residents of Arcadia Bay are optional
>developed feelings for Chloe because game never gives you the option to make her interaction optional
>finally the ending
>have to choose between someone that you've developed strong relationship with versus a bunch of npcs
It's like irl you've to choose your gf or best friend or family vs the town/city you're living in, it's seriously not hard.

Side note: Same with the ending of GTA IV, Roman's death (deal) is the canon and true ending. There's missions that literally revolves around him, meanwhile dating Kate is optional and I finished the game with only dating her once. How is she relevant at all? Classic case of ludonarrative dissonance.
Portland was no better or worse than any other major city in shitholeness up until Covid hit, then it got really bad really fast. From what I hear things seem like they're very slowly improving.
Portland is antifa stronghold it's a terrible place to live in.
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Warren POV
I'm a complete sucker for games set in school. From the harry potter games to bully to persona. I can live the highschool experience I never had through them. And this game nailed that for me.
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How bad was your post game depression? With all the games I play I simply cease to care about it when I've beaten it and uninstall. I thought it was gonna be the same for Life is Strange, but oh boy was I in for a ride. I couldn't stop thinking about the game, and it went on for days, like an empty void inside of me, almost alike to how you feel after a pet dies. I kept going back playing myself and watching videos of others.It wasn't the ending that got me, just the fact that I developed really strong feelings for the characters and Arcadia bay as a whole. The game just being over and me having to part with max and her inner dialogue that I had gotten so used to wasn't something I wanted to accept. I couldn't do anything other than watching life is strange videos for like a month after it ended.

Constantly hearing Max's internal dialogue as she reflects on everything going on also makes her really grow on you as a character. As she develops and becomes stronger you feel proud of her, because over the course of the game she has grown so close to you. Especially so in episode 5. Between the savage comments towards Vic and Jefferson and the sheer fearlessness that resulted from her growth, I couldn't help but to almost be in awe of her. Video game protagonist are often empty shells for you to project yourself onto, so it really stands out when you get someone who can hold their own as passionately as Max did. I don't think I've ever experienced a piece of art that makes its universe seem so real and connected to you.

This might sound dumb, but for a lot of people people the game's emotional story and the connection you form with the characters makes you almost rediscover the value of life. It’s weird to describe, but in the midst of all the emotional trauma, there was an even greater positive feeling lingering under, like the game had punched meaning back into my life by showing me I was capable of caring about something so much that it destroyed me emotionally.
I didn't say it was though.
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What does young girl's asshole smell like?
Whats your favourite?
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This video game has good animation.
Why are there so few western games set in school? I feel like that was a big reason why life is strange got so popular and no one (including dont nod themselves) seems to realize it. It's something everyone can relate to, yet all we get is games being set in fantastical situations 1% of the population have experienced.
We used to take family trips down to Portland when I was young because my mom was born there. But I went back there recently and my mom's family must have lived in a completely different part of Portland because I didn't remember it being a big city like it was
Syd Matters - Obstacles
And sacrificing Arcadia Bay is the true ending
Requires some modicum of unique game design most of the time. Same reason all the RPGs are generic fantasy stuff. Devs copy templates.
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Why the FUCK didn't she keep in touch?!
I too masturbate to loli Max.
Probably a risque setting if you include violence/sex/drugs/anything interesting. Whereas the japs have no such inhibitions.
I'll fucking kill you, pedo
I don't remember anyone pearl clutching over life is strange.
I love something good by alt j. Also liked 'what a day', the song that plays when dana's dancing in her room one morning. You have all these hipster sounding songs, then they just throw in an upbeat pop song to liven it up.
She's technically a child too with her bangs and taking selfies with that polaroid so whats the difference?
True, although I think they are all over 18, its basically a university iirc.
She is literally 18 in the game.
I lost contact with pretty much everyone I went to school with immediately after I left, its not that far fetched.
Victoria was best girl.
Hate that hairstyle literally grandma hairstyle.
Its perfect ruffling length.
Easy to clean jizz out of too.
it’s one of the few times where a game made me genuinely feel like a piece of shit (made the wrong choices and Kate committed suicide)
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Victoria is so ass
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Max's petite chest
>It's like irl you've to choose your gf or best friend or family vs the town/city you're living in, it's seriously not hard.
Except it is because you're supposed to be conflicted between choosing to save someone you love or choosing to save hundreds/thousands of innocent lives. Only an autist like you wouldn't be able to see that, retard. Hence why the Good Ending is saving the town.
It's because it's a boarding school and everyone is of age in the game.
18 or 19
19 or 18
Brooke, Alyssa, Courtney, and Juliet are the only characters that we don't know their age but giving everyone else's age they're all probably 18 or 19. Which is why nobody really bitched or complained about Kate getting BangBros'd or bullied into an heroing. Or any of the other wild shit that was going on at the school.
before the storm hit just as hard
i felt sad that i couldn’t experience more moments with these characters.
may coming back but it being a totally new setting and here being so old she might as well be a new character also mad me sad
Stick a finger up your butt and sniff it - exactly the same
Like shit desu
Itty bitties
It's Max's shit so it's okay.

Not accurate in the slightest, after every shit I give myself an enema so technically my inside's are squeaky clean.
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...out of ten.
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hag max
Why are people so mean to nu Max?
Only an autist like yourself would view the world through a textbook's definition of what "good" or "bad" is. My wall of texts already preempted your retarded post, if you actually took your time to read it and not succumb to your autistic impulses of needing to post you would understand why I stand with saving Chloe, my texts literally spelled it out for you.

Also the game itself never mentioned "Good Ending" when saving the town, the ethical dilemma is ambiguous, rather it's shitty Youpoopers who label their videos with those descriptions, of course like you, they're retarded. My post and the post I replied to never use that language, instead "true" was used.

I get that /v/ has the youngest and lowest IQ among boards on this site but to actually have a first-hand experience of someone confidently replying to a post without reading or understanding the texts is just outright embarrassing. You're a classic case of "going by the book of 'Bentham's utilitarianism' ideas", without the weight of quality of the relationships you've acquired. This is why you're conflicted between the two choices, you view people and the world as nothing more than numbers, statistics, without any reflections or feelings to those close to you. You couldn't connect with the one character that is forced into your life, like an autistic person who couldn't connect with those closest to them.
I like it when Max sacrifices the whole town just for some pussy. The comic of that timeline afterwards is pretty alright.
because she went from giving cute tomboy vibes to giving weird woman at the library vibes
>thinking I read any of that
lmaoo nice bible you fucking autist
>weird woman at the library
Those women are invariably freaks in bed.
doesnt make them attractive
You wish, incel.
>an upgrade
>older and closer to death
I was a paid tester for the remakes, I had to play thru the two remakes far more times than anyone who liked them has. I was getting multiple full playthrus of both done in a single day as part of making sure the effects of decisions were working properly and that there were no hard blockers from completing the games.
I didn't much care for LiS or its prequel. I wish you could at least lose and have to reload instead of just rewinding with no repercussions in the first or just continuing with no real major changes in the prequel. The stories also seemed kind of half baked to me.
The game failed to make me care about Chloe. I felt nothing sacrificing her, especially since the game already forced me to kill a more likeable version of her earlier.
I played this for 8 minutes and had to close it from secondhand embarassment.
>I admitted to everyone that I'm underage
The "I didn't care for Chloe" is a legit rebuttal and I can understand that sentiment.
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Replaying this scene over and over.
I'm 33
The quality of R34. Same as Overwatch.
My Max has a quality connection with Chloe's mom, Joyce; Kate, who I saved from commiting suicide; and growing relationships with pretty much everyone else in the story. Chloe even wants you to save the town. 'Good/Bad,' sure throw those terms out, but I feel a hell of a lot better not being selfish and also saving thousands.
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Rachel sex
I don't like asses
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Sniff teen butt
Stfu pedophile
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Why is Juliet so FAT?
we had this at school during a medical checkup and girls were freaking out because the gynecologist was a guy
You too would freak out if the urologist was a girl and don't pretend you wouldn't
Music, art style, setting, Max, Kate.
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base game was alright, BTS was kino
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Roll lads, give me 4 pls
Original Life is Strange game is great. Every sequel, spin off and other shit they did after is trash. I wish I could erase my memory of it so only original game stays.
I WILL marry Chloe!
Only Max is worthwhile all these girls bod and personality aren't worth even the nerdiest of players.
cute girls, great soundtrack, comfy setting, memorable twists
That blonde stacy. I haven't played the game, but based on her rule 34, she's pretty based
it spawned a sequel which got a storymode video
Grandma hair not based.
only the dream sequences
pls God I need the trips
I want to cum deep inside Max bowels and force Chloe to drink my semen from Max's bowels with a straw.
literally all of these are good except 2, but gimme dubs, 0 or 6
>no continuation
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She looks retarded
The game is genuinely good
You just know the frenchies wanted to make them younger but Square stopped them.
Rolling for 0 or dubs
she looks STONED
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Her cute puffy eyes look like that because she cries a lot, meanies.
>the game already forced me to kill a more likeable version of her earlier.
The game never forced you, you decided to do that. And given that version of Chloe tries to talk you into committing murder, I wouldn't call that version of her very likable either.
You're the sort who'd murder millions to save your pet dog and you call us autistic? Lord help the rest of us if you ever get your hands on any sort of power.
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Please nobody fat.
That ending song is really fucking good.
Maybe your grandma, my grandma had curly tomboy hair.
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How the fuck can you be an adult male or a male of any age and actually like this shit. If it doesn't have guns or swords and killing things I could not give any less of a shit.
>weird woman at the library vibes
Completely, utterly, and without a single shred of doubt, my type
>You just know the frenchies wanted to make them younger but Square stopped them.
Square did something right for a change, tumblr puriteens can't bitch about the rest of us playing with the characters.
I can't believe that Chris eats impossible burgers
Bae doesn't make any sense and there's a reason why the devs didn't put any time into it
>Chloe remains the same, there's no growth to here character
>Max and Chloe are now genocidal maniacs who murdered an entire town for lesbo sex
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canonically used goods
>implying vagina inspection day is a real thing
>implying penis inspection day is a real thing
Nice try amerifats, I know you just make that shit up
Yes plx

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