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SAG-AFTRA is going on strike against AI in the video game industry. The last time they did this it didn't work, will they succeed this time?
literally havent made any good games in a decade, i dont care
oh no what will we with more games with hand drawn animations and no voice acting?
those are only the best games in existence we can't handle any more!
What is a 'video game performer'?
probably code for seething leftist
I assume voice acting, motion capture, that sort of thing.
They'll strike for seven months and then sign up for another bad deal, just like last time.
The last time they went against AI it did work. But only for the big named actor who were still part of Sag-Aftra due to a monthly subscription they had to pay to stay in sag-aftra. During the pandemic. Where nobody but the rich had money.
So expect this to end the same way. Where what the people who started wanted didn't happen but the rich benefit instead.
>they're taking er jerbs
>AI le bad, let us stay in le office so that we could produce slop like goy of war, gta 6, horizon, and other talmudic vidya with le cinematic film thing
My balls have become SAG AFTER seeing these people complained about the better alternatives (AI)
why wouldn't all these companies use this as an excuse to try out AI performances and see if it still sells, and if it does they would never hire people again
Its all voice actors and alike, and when I said voice actors I didn't mean actual theater people like elden ring VA who produce kino performabce but rather celebrity VA like... you know
Motion capture, aside from those photographic model whose 3d faces are getting sent to massive 3d data bank, are still untouchable by AI. So technically speaking, they couldn't get touched by these entire AI feud, yet.
performative outrage at seeing an attractive vidya girl
>union signs a deal that includes these voice actor's voices in AI use
>claims that members agreed to this
>despite most not even being informed
>now have to strike against their union to reneg the deal

Hope developers just stick with British stage actors like some have been doing.
bot detected
okay homo
rotting wound detected
bots detected
AI seems like it would be easier to cast and direct than humans. I think the actors know that better than anyone.
This shit is pointless. Soon enough these chinese gachas will start using AI voices and then it will be over.
That's why they're desperate.
If you are going on strike because something else can do your job but better and cheaper
....fuck no it isnt going to work l. They need to admit their profession is becoming obsolete and find another way to earn money
AI is fooling the world that Biden is still alive and they think they can compete with that? LOL
the AI doesn't have rights to biden's voice!!!!!!!!!!
Meh. What I've heard still can't replace good voice acting. But it probably eventually will be able to which is why I assume they're striking now, while they still have some leverage.
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>the people making the things I don't like are going on strike
It sounding good is just a skill issue. Always remember that Ava voice replacement mod that utterly BTFO'd the original.
odd, I feel like they tried this already
I simply don't care you jews all went to epstein island you deserve cells not scripts
>Ava voice replacement mod
I don't know what that is.
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>instead of trying to do better they just give up
He meant Ada
You're wrong
Why do creative types always demand insane amounts of money? I've never met one of them who asks for anything reasonable, they never want the equivalent of like 14/hr they always want some insane number
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Need to breed their presipussy!
>hollywood actors gonna strike and demand royalties from video games because they're hyper-entitled mooches demanding the biggest paycheck even though they don't even do anything
literally WHO CARES
what a retard strawman it is at that, obviously if you AI clone the previous actress it's going to "sound better" to those who hate the current voice, it's an endorsement of the old Va's talent at best. the only thing impressive about the AI is the mimicry.
Anyone who enjoys a little schadenfreude.
it's funny

and if AI mimics a voice they don't have to pay anyone, which is partly why they're going on strike
Voice acting is a huge drain on game budgets as it is, at this point I'd rather seem more developers just say "Honestly we don't need voice acting 99% of the time, its too expensive"
>video game "performers"
Undertale and Cruelty Swuad and an ungodly amount of multiplayer games prove actors are no longer needed in video games you can have them sound like beep boop and it will not break immersion.
What a joke.
That's why I said good voice acting.
But this does sound pretty good. I assume this took more effort than simply putting the text in.
Nintendo already proved that using vague intonations that sound like words makes games more accessible anyway. Once you add voice acting you need to hire new voice actors for every fucking region. Why not just use weird mumbles and shit and save the trouble?

Videogames literally never have good voice acting, it doesn't matter, no one cares about voice actors in games.
AI won't strike.
it also won't work for free either
>good voice acting can't replace good voice acting
Are you stupid?
Do you think the original Ada voice acting is good?
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The majority of gamers want voice actors dead and gone. AI is inevitable and WILL take over voice acting. As well as everything else as well

Soon, we will make whatever games we gamers want and the devs can starve and die in the streets like the filth that they are
>Fran Drescher
The nanny?
The fucking nanny?
oh no

not the western voice actors
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love it when /v/ is so staunchly retarded that i almost want to side with va's just because you idiots repeat absolutes and mantras when they're not even familiar with them. i miss when third worlders didn't have access to smartphones
AI is cool and all but uhhh you know, I think we should stop.
Check the post this anon is replying to.
yes it will
Think about what you're saying instead of derailing.
>I could hire a good VA
>or I could use a good AI
They are interchangeable.
what's going to be lolifags excuse for this now?
>it's muh fictional
wont work now
That's not even bad you should see what people were doing in 2022.
>less american voice acting
thank fucking god
Answer my question.
The last time they wanted a 5% share of ALL game profits per voice actor. Needless to say, that caused Japanese companies to stop using western voice actors.

Awfully strange how they are protesting outside of Paramount Pictures, as it's about to be bought for billions of dollars by Sony. Weird coincidence...

The fucking Nanny, indeed.
I hope every single one of those faggots gets fired and get replaced with AI.
you are so naive
fire them, develop AI, get better games
Voice acting in games always gets better when they do this. They should go on strike forever
Cool! Now we'll get fewer "movie games" and presumably they'll make at least a *token* effort to produce something fun to play instead. At the very least we won't have to hear Troy Baker in every fucking game this year.
>The VA for the game was so bad people actually went for AI voice mod
Capcom really fucked up.
Theatre actor bros...
Our time has beckoned!
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its ogre
the AI would have to be trained on actors, if the actors don't come to an agreement they'll win a lawsuit saying the companies can't train on their voices. You can't train the AI on random janitors saying the lines
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this will genuinely mean the death of anything decent in the world and just endless marvel slop forever, but people on here are cheering it on like it's going to kill wokeness. The woke are the one's that'll use this to get rid of the few talented people idiots
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Anon nothing you said is correct.

It will mean anyone can make good things actually, meaning we get more good things.
Sucks to suck.
Make art out of passion, not money.
>software engineer
May as well start learning another job, maybe become a chef
You need to go back.
you don't understand. To make ""good"" things with Gen AI you have to steal the art of a good artist and feed it to the Gen AI. Right now people are getting away with this in spades online, but laws and lawsuits and unions keep cracking down slowly but surely. Eventually the only usecase for Gen AI will be whoever is willing to sell their art to it, which won't be the cream of the crop quality
The crazy thing about this is that these numbers will boost up as more tech gets tools. Like the light/texture generation part, you can already generate diffuse textures but the other maps still need some work, but when you can generate those too that number will skyrocket. Same with light generation, once Epic implements some AI based tool for that it's ogre.

Same with writing and rigging, AI will do that better than people in a couple of years.
>but laws and lawsuits!!!
You're still going on about this? Absolutely delusional. AI would actually be even better if you pruned all copyrighted works and only got stuff from the ancient masters. That would be kino.
>and unions
They just stop hiring the people in unions.
New models are already mostly trained on slop from earlier AI models, it's not really going to keep improving regardless of where the laws go
you will not get any GenAI to write anything without stealing things already written by someone else. Right now people think this is easy, but in the 3 years these pics describe, there will be laws in place stopping you from doing anything other than using an AI trained on slop nobody wanted
Most of that is background stuff sister.
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>treat their fans with respect
>get into many gigs that they might and dislike
>your name always get feature and treated like a mini-celeberity
>always go to cons and sign autograph
>earn tons and tons of respect
>get pay a lot of money

>Global VA
>couldn't so much become a VA unless you have neoptism or you suck someone dick to get a VA job
>narcissistic as hell
>deliberately sabotage any new VAs because you want to hog all the job
>hate their fans
>demand $$$ from fans
>demand being worship
>demand respect, wanted $$$, and all the shit the JP VA has
>be surprise that they're getting replace
After seeing how people like Felicia Days and Tara Strong act about this kind of jobs, I don't give a shit about Global VAs, while I pay Real Life money to gets some cute JP VA that plays my favorite anime and use it as my character's VA.
It's impossible to prove what a model was trained on when it's writing fiction. Non-issue even if the laws change in your favor(they won't).
>you have to steal the art of a good artist
Discord Troon in full bloom.
people hate unions on here, but the reason all film and tv looks like disgusting marvel slop now is because they already have fired most union workers. Union workers used to do the sets, costume, hair and make up, props, onset effects, ect. Now it's just all cheap non-union viseffects companies and it comes out like souless shit
I'd take AI slop over those fucks
somehow a poor quality computer shit still has more quality than they can put out
AI cannot write a coherent plot on its own and never will under the existing models.
How can you be allowed to go on strike every three months? There's gotta be some kind of law forcing a cool down after an agreement is reached no?
It's a much larger issue than that and I don't care about western film and tv.

It will be able to before those 3 years are up.
your literal only choices are feed it your own art, pay for someone's art to feed it, or steel good art. You don't want to feed it bad art??
k but they have to suck miles of FUB dick
>Westoids ban AI
>Chinks become 100x more productive with AI
>China takes over the USA and Israel gets nuked
Very nice.
you can only do it once every 2 years. They have been trying to get a contract with game devs for 1.5 years with no agreement, they tried to put off the strike for as long as possible
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>striking while AI is the ultimate scab
they were just "force" them into testing more applications for AI
Tara Strong is also a psychopathic Zionist and probably sucked multiple disks for every single role she got.
>they will
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I will now learn Chinese.
That's very racist of you, leftie
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>It will be able to before those 3 years are up
If they make a new model that's actually coherent, maybe. I wouldn't bet on it until I actually see it.
>"AI voice acting le bad!"
So does human voice actor
>"AI drawing le bad"
So does drawfags
>"AI movies le bad"
So does modern film
>"AI music le bad"
So does modern music
>"AI animation le bad"
So does modern animation
>"AI le soulless! Muh human touch"
So does modern entertainment, also those human touch that people were talking about all this time have been lost since post processing stage in media, so?
good morning sir
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Looking at art is not stealing. The lawsuits will not survive unless the Supreme Court decides to let China win the AI race without a fight.
GPT5 is already enough to write despite your claims it can't, and GPT5 will be out before 3 years are up, we might even see GPT6 in that timeframe.

Work on your English more before posting.
>check all the member of SAGAFTRA
>check vidya character they voice
>train AI
>post AI voice in X using fake account
>"hey guy! I really like VA works, so I trained really hard to sound like xer, I hope I too got into VA industry here is my VA sample"
>GPT5 is already enough to write despite your claims it can't
Post a fully unedited movie script then.
I have noticed a flaw in your plan
thanks for proving my point, dipshits. maybe you could figure out what you're even saying if you were given 5 billion years
gpt5 is not going to be generating coherent full-length movie scripts lmao
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GPT4 I mean.

Why not?
>threatens people with a blacklist, no matter their situation
>"anyway we stand together right? teehee"
Barry WON
>Creating and adding the notes took me about an hour. Most of that time was waiting for GPT-4 to process the note and then rewrite the Movie Text. As the Movie Text got longer, it took more and more time to process.
That's literally editing.
>"im going to say le esl instead of providing a good argument because he's right and i cannot refute his point"
what if they replace them with another batch of indians?
Your point?
I didn't say you were a wrong but you're fucking annoying with your broken English. Instead of spending the rest of your life being a visible retard that no one will ever take seriously, educate yourself.
I asked for a full blown unedited script delivered with a single prompt. The guy editing the script made tons of notes and corrections to make it seem more coherent.
your point is as retarded as your language but one of those things is easier and funnier to attack. in the future if you want to avoid this you should stop being retarded
it's funny that this tranny keeps pretending that everyone loves his voice when his character is the most hated character in the game's history
>I moved my goalposts in damage control
Grow up.
Broken english is art and soul. Not even AI is capable to replicate this artform
as somebody who frequently erps with ai I promise you it can replicate esl babble perfectly
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My original post was,
>Post a fully unedited movie script then.
You moved the goalposts and posted a guy who made tons of corrections just to get something that barely looks superficially coherent. Even then the movie summary literally kills the two main characters halfway through the story because the guy making the edits doesn't even understand storytelling. Ahd he then has to prompt scenes manually.
>Games made by DEI/ESG hires are shit
>Find out you can replace VA, Diversity Hires by using AI and save a lot of money.
Definitely would to be honest. Let the industry evolve. The only consistent thing in life is change.
>I have found by playing a lot with ChatGPT-Plus and the OpenAI Playground that GPT (especially GPT-4) is brilliant at crafting shorter texts, up to maybe 1500 words, but it starts to lose focus and coherence on longer writing tasks. Thus a core strategy in my design of SH001 is to keep GPT in its sweet spot of writing relatively short chunks at a time
Technology evolves anon. Smartphones could do basic things, now they are as advanced as Super Computers a decade ago.
Apparently humans can't write because they have to edit and take notes when writing scripts. This is your logic.
I know right lol. If the worst I ever had to do was pay for an Editor and a guy to keep evolving the AI Tech. Then fuck i save a shit ton of money regardless. In fact I would argue it would get the scripts out quicker and far better.
>SAG-AFTRA confirms that ‘GTA 6’ will be one of the games affected by the strike if video game studios continue to refuse to make a fair deal with actors.
lol, lmao
don't threaten me with a good time
Imagine being Take Two kek.
>they HATE spending money on shit they don't have to and always want more money
>AI isn't quite good enough yet to genocide all artists
they're probably malding
Nobody likes Dubs. It's only for those who forget to turn on Subs.
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Whatever pushes us closer to another video game crash, I welcome it.
Glad im almost done with my masters in machine learning, even if all AI is just wrapped up chatgpt maybe one day I will be able to put some voice actors or even doctors out of a job and on the streets. Beats being a Java fag worrying about my work getting sent over to mumbai
>love it when
Is there a more obvious mark that you're malding behind the screen?
Is the VA's aware they're gonna get fucked over?
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I am praying for you anon. Keep working on Machine Learning/AI. Please work hard to put Translators, VA out of a job. So that way we can be free from all of this forced DEI/ESG/Union stuff.
No. Because they do not realize to this day Unions do not work. They only become like the megacorporations they hate and eventually outsource their jobs overseas.
It doesn't matter. If the program is not actually understanding how plot and characters work it will never be able to create a coherent script without human help. Which means it's just a writing tool that generates strings of text that look vaguely coherent.
A human writer can create a fully coherent script draft in a few hours. It will have mistakes but it will be consistent when it comes to characters, themes and overall plot.
And he can do the same thing even faster using AI.
They are Hollywood wannabes of course they dont.
wait the strike is still continuing on?
this seems to be a new one
>It doesen't matter
Yes it does Technology evolves because there is money in it. Where there is money there is R&D. Technology does not stagnate. It only evolves.
> If the program is not actually understanding how plot and characters work it will never be able to create a coherent script without human help.
Companies do not care because if the worst they have to do is have one writer and an AI guy instead of a full office staff, diversity hires and people who only care about themselves then why not.
>Which means it's just a writing tool that generates strings of text that look vaguely coherent.
You mean when the internet began and when it took 3 minute to load a webpage, 5 minutes to connect online, 10 minutes to download flash on Newgrounds? To nowadays being 2 seconds? It's funny because it seems like you misunderstand how it works. Technology is always primitive when it first comes out, but as people work on it, it will do so much more than we could have imagined.
The Hollywood strike ended last fall, this for video game voice actors which started today.
I have used Novel AI to create texts it always misses the point at some point. It's just not coherent and it probably is not even meant to be.
may the tear each other apart and neither benefit
It's new. They are not going to win this because AI is too lucrative. The Cost-Benefit is way too good honestly. I can not say I blame them. Video Games have been awful for a decade with censorship, forced programs, bad translations, entitled workers who only do environmental modeling, things need to change for the better.
good. get the fuck out of my games
For Western games I agree with British VA work. But when it comes to Western stuff, I just prefer it if everything went to JP VA instead and they went with better translations and ones that had less censorship.
*Japanese stuff
pretty much this. just like how it already is with greenhouse gas emissions.
>So that way we can be free from all of this forced DEI
I wish, but whatever AI tools these companies use will be loaded up with DEI pushing bullshit.
Remember Dall-E's "Ethnically Ambiguous" prompt injection?
>Technology does not stagnate. It only evolves.
How retarded are you? Did you bought land on the metaverse?
AIshills are hilarious
>Did you bought land
I fucking hate turd worlders.
They do realize that nobody gives a shit about voice actors right? The value of an actor is their persona so AI cannot really replace them because it simply wouldn't be them, but nobody knows the voice actors, is not even a matter of liking them or not, you can bet your ass that at least the 95% of people that bought God of War doesn't know who the fuck voices Kratos, they like the character and his voice but who the fuck is behind that? Nobody cares.
ESL retard
>They do realize that nobody gives a shit about voice actors right?
They don't realize this.
um actually chud my bot twitter followers actually care so pick your words carefully next time before i screencap this thread
Oh no. Don't go on strike and make them cancel all the AAA movie games that are inevitable flops that flush billions of dollars down the drain for the company that made them. What will the developers ever do?
They are gonna win but it'll be extremely hollow. While they'll beat the Ai replacement, this strike will ultimately only serve as further justification to outsource even more industries from. The US. Notice how there's been less and less new actors and actresses actually from the US these days since the Hollywood strike was going on?
You are not forced to consume slop.
Americans are addicted turds and cant stop COONSOOMING nex new thing.
Nobody even cares about video game voices nearly as much as celebrities. This dumb af.
>Notice how there's been less and less new actors and actresses actually from the US these days
*fewer and fewer
These people have such a tiresome obsession with larping as the #resistance.
And they'll never realize that the architects of their misery are the same middle management parasites infesting their very own unions.

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