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Was it fun?
yeah it's the best singleplayer game ever made, of course it's fun
>finnish indie game
I refuse to look up guides for this game because i love the idea that despite having 100 hours in the thing its filled with secrets ill never see.
Its one of the best games of a decade
It was and still is fun
of the 250 failed runs I've had I never had this much fun
do I need to play another 2000 runs to find fun?
it's fun until you get 1000+ hp and basically cannot die unless polyed
you should be able to have runs like that within a couple hundred hours
I think I have like 400 hours, which is easily enough to get good enough for a 33 orb run. Though I haven't done the sun quests yet even
Does the heart wizard exploit still work or do you have to go parallel world
god damn it's fun. the wand building mechanics are some of the coolest customization features in vidya period. and the fact that enemies can pick up wands and fuck you up right back is great.
I had this sick run yesterday with a magic missile w trigger / homing /damage up / triple spell / 3 death crosses and I still died from this crazy mage holding a multicast thunder charge wand. The mage jumped from the top of the screen where I couldn't see, hit me for 40 some damage and paralyzed me with a thunder charge where I fell right in front of a turret and got shot twice for 100 damage. I had explosive immunity and I still wasn't safe. the vault is fucking crazy
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Holy shit
This game is impossible to finish unless you have Finnish tier autism. I dropped it
I've put over 800 hours into it since EA started. I'm willing to put it down as one of the best "roguelikes" ever made. But I also don't like that term and don't really see it as one.
Its just Rogue
it's a really dangerous wand to be fair, it's not something you should ever try if you don't have saving grace at least
but it's a ton of fun to just turn enemies into gold when you're a couple ng+ deep
Still works perfectly, it just got a tiny nerf that doesn't actually matter at all.
Noita has unlockables you get from the hearts.
These do not reset every run.
So the rogue category is out 100%
Actually, it got a buff because of the new Cessation spell. Makes it much easier to pull off the trick, and you can easily grab cessation each run as the quest line is guaranteed.
>These do not reset every run.
It does for me
Completely fair.
I'm autistic, I love Noita and play it a lot.
Then either you're manually resetting your progress or your game is fucked.
Can autists even have fun?
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the spells you get for collecting an orb for the first time do not come back unless you reset your progress. noita is not a true roguelike because it does have unlocks between runs. that's why i clear my progress every time i open the game
pic related, this is my start on the daily. you can tell it's in first run mode by the little brazier with fire sitting on the ground
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what is the red projectile? homing and touch of gold?
anonymous: rank 20, you're a faggot, but you're alright for your noita take.
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thanks anonymous
you got orbs?
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first floor on the daily gives an insane 485 mana charge speed and a spark bolt w/ trigger, only found one heart but managed to get over 1K gold
if I remember correctly it's a bouncing burst with add trigger, touch of gold in the payload
the bouncing burst has a bunch of other modifiers, red glimmer for the color, homing, projectile area teleport (invisible because of the glimmer), increased lifetime, piercing, and drilling shot
the last two are important because they allow the projectile to go through walls and enemies, instead of bouncing or dying after one hit.
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and its gg
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working on it
Hey autistic anon how do you keep refreshing your black hole charges
Yeah. I really like the one mod with a tactical gun girl and mecha as two playable characters.
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new guys could learn a lot on this seed by buying black hole and taking peace with gods. open up the mountain and then only use that exit so you don't collapse the mountain. if you never leave the normal way you can return to the mountain and edit your wands as you explore the level

don't take the green spell refresher in the shop until you need it. every spell refresher you find is effectively 3 more black holes

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>open up the mountain and then only use that exit so you don't collapse the mountain.
like this

fuckin nice. anything specific as a goal?
>don't take the green spell refresher in the shop until you need it. every spell refresher you find is effectively 3 more black holes
How do you go back to the shop?
>anything specific as a goal?
to be the very best
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i never leave the shop normally (i always break out of it)
but you can skip the trigger by using a teleport
better than daa?
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or just do what i did here>>683762848
and dig out, but then you have to fight stevari (the holy mountain guard) unless you take peace with gods
>better than daa?
i don't know who that is
if I break out of it giganigga 9000 spawns and wrecks my shit
When you're working your way down for the first time, yeah. Everything after that is not.
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yeah, that will happen
but you can kill him i promise
he is a japanese player who has a confirmed 238 run winstreak
learn tabletfu
kick an emerald tablet at him?
you can use the "plicate" modifiers to cast 20 black holes, but the wand has to have a very specific amount of mana
If you get poly circle then that's just free sheep kills. Can't even spawn the biggerer steve
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dude that works still? i thought they fixed that
that's sick
>Can't even spawn the biggerer steve
aaaaahh, cause it doesn't count as a kill? neat
yeah I'll just cast a rare and specific spell I don't have
I think they made it slightly less overpowered. the matosade exploit is pretty fucking broken though I expect that to get patched out soon
yeah that will get fixed
im fucking 150 hours in and i finally made my first god wand and i got so excited that i fucked up my backup wand (the one that wouldn't run out of mana ever) and then died after 1 area in the jungle
it's 10/10
did you have fun tho?
its fun but I wish the side content was better implemented. Its too easy for me to become a god but I just cant be fucked to do these giga autistic vague quests
Yeah, gonna be hard to top that run
also feels good to finally get out of hisii base consistently even on bad runs
man I hate those guys
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>Its too easy for me to become a god
you could do it on any seed? if you just go start a new game, you could go and do anything you want? any early game cheese you are employing for that?
probably not. Sometimes you just get absolute fucking garbage in the mines and coalpits. Ususally I just reroll the seed if I get to fungal caverns and its just garbage
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for me that's where the enjoyment is, the early game and figuring out what's in the seed, what you can exploit to get into a "broken game", how you deal with suboptimal spells perks and wands
basically i just try to be as consistent as i reasonably can without being too autistic about shit
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look at where this run is right now, i'm so fucking close to being in a completely broken state and it's awesome, i haven't even been to fungal yet but i'm going there now
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these little frog fucks
Are you having fun though or are you too autistic to know what fun looks like
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yes i am
i murdered them
I know you're lying because you're not eating them shrooms right this second
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oh you want me to shift?
you want it random or should hold something in a flask?
Blood => Ambrosia
Do it faggot
you want me to shift away my ambrosia?
just get a vial of blood already
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well here you go i guess
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holy shit
i shifted the ambrosia and it went lava -> ambrosia

wait a sec
very nice shift
just be careful around stendari
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found one of those potion mimics
oh cool I haven't seen one yet
I haven't played much since the last big update
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i almost just died to freeze melee. my fault
oh shit, yea there's a new puzzle. it's pretty neat and there's a very powerful spell that comes from it
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and i now have my favorite combo in the entire game
ping pong path + luminous drill
it's gg (again)
>fucking around with touch of
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small teleport bolt in snowy
gg again
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LMAO and explosion immunity above hiisi
holy fug
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quick bj from the medic
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not bad at all, homing rocks, freeze, damage+, gravity fields can all be good
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yeah it's not the worst, homing is probably the best thing there, damage+ is always useful early on
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Remember, noitas, it's always good luck and a sign of a good run if you hit something with your cart on the way down into the mines.
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die ok
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Oh no!
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Oh no?!
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game over
its fantastic. havent played it since 2022 apparently but its one of the greatest games ever made.
unironically have put 100 hours into the game and have had a only one sole "victory"
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add mana in the jungle
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>apparently but its one of the greatest games ever made.
it is, have 0 doubt about that
I collected a bunch of spells and regret it because now 90% of what you find is essentially worthless. This is also detrimental to my no-damage run attempts because getting the god run is way too reliant on RNG.
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for me it's between this, permanent shield or perk lottery
honorable mentions: explosion immunity, corpse explosion, saving grace
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>getting the god run is way too reliant on RNG
no it's not. follow my run in this thread, you think this is abnormal luck? this is a very average seed
Bought it during the Summer Sale to finally see what all the hype is about and I have to say it's mid as hell.
It's the same experience I had with Enter the Gungeon, a pixel-art roguelike with "Overwhelmingly Positive" reviews that makes you go... "that's it?".
Also, Polymorph is the dumbest mechanic ever. The only way I died in my last 3 runs was from that BS so I downloaded a mod that makes you immune to it.
I'm afraid to try Dead Cells now considering it's probably just as overrated as these 2 games.
reread my post...
i'm playing on the daily, which has all spells unlocked by default, if there was a place to get "bad rng" it's the daily run
lol nevermind i didn't even parse this
>no damage
you're a sicko
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uhh lol i forgot about the lava to ambrosia
hell time?
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i don't have the flag for the dark sun set so i can't end the run there
so i think i'm going to end it here
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i have no idea how effective this will be
probably fine
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LOL no
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uh yeah it is
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gg noitanons
everyone except this guy>>683772218

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