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EDFsisters... how are we holding up?
Press ED-F to pay your respects for this now-dead series.
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Daily reminder that any vtuber hater never played the EDF, oneechambara and dream c club series hence they're are:
A) a fucking tourist.
B) a salty Helldivers troon
C) Both.

They're just here just to low tier bait. Ignore, report and move on.
I'm having a lot of fun. Air Raider's drones make underground missions bearable, and the Wing Diver outfits you get are sexier than ever.
I'm finding the game challenging on Hard mode as a Ranger. I played the JAP version on release day and went through the game without dying on Hard up to the end of the world mission where Storm team dies. Now, like 10 missions in I have to bump it down to Normal it fucking sucks and I don't even want to play anymore lmao
I'm sure you're also having a blast giving Clown awards to all negative reviews on Steam.
Ill be able to play it on Sunday. I even preordered the Deluxe version and all, but had to leave town due to job.
I platinumed the Jap versions, so its no biggie, but I always love to be online the first days of any EDF:
How the fuck did you get caught 10 missions in? I'm a little over 30 missions in on hard and the only speedbump was the queen on mission 4. Especially as the significantly-buffed ranger, of all things, which is precision engineered to kill the frogs and metal men that you would be fighting "10 missions in".
I'm not paying 60 bucks for a re-re-release of a PS2 tier game. Also they tried to pull a quick one on people with the Epic Slop Store. This is deserved. If anything too many retards still bought the game.
do most of the wing diver's guns still drain power from her jetpack?
Air Raider's drones are pretty fun but I missed having my Rocket Cannon and other stuff to throw in from the sky. I wish the drones were also a bit easier to aim at range, since it feels like you're either right in front of them or sending your drones out 500 feet.
yes and all the ones that have their own power bank suck
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,Poorly lol
Ill be honest with you.
EDF6 WDiver is the shittiest WDiver ever.
Wing Diver has 3 weapon slots now, 2 of which drain her core (as usual) and 1 of which is always a self-charging weapon like a saber, grenade, shield, or trap.

Air raider still has all of those, but you don't unlock them until specific story events occur very early in the game.
those first few missions where LMAO AIR RAIDER YOU DONT GET VEHICLES OR AIR SUPPORT really piss me off
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I hate it
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Got it from igg-games (tenoke iso) and it says its missing data files to launch the game. Help ?
use the installer in EpicOnlineServicesInstaller
Yeah I know, I was ecstatic when I saw more than half of my load out changed back from red to white. Additionally, does anyone know if Limpet Guns are pretty good in this one or are they still just okay but you're better with other options?
whats the easiest character to play as
whats the most boring one?

as a newfag, I want to beat normal with the shittiest character so I can enjoy the game more later on
the tenoke workaround stills requires epic to be installed lol
JP rocks but I cant understand the songs...EN is atrocious but muh sungs

What do?
EGS crap aside how's the game so far? Probably will grab once I talk my buddies into it but deciding whether I should go air raider with the mechs as per usual or try out fencer with the biggest guns I can find. I vaguely remember always disliking early air raider mechs due to their poor agility/turn speed so maybe its time to switch
>whats the easiest character to play as
>whats the most boring one?
They're the bread and butter class of the game that had good firepower and alright mobility. You can do a lot with Ranger weapons but it won't be as exciting as bombing everything, flying around everywhere, or shooting aliens in the face with 300 lbs of lances and rocket punches.
>Mission 4 Queen
kek, that got me too, I had dozens of Health pick-ups nearby and healed around 600 HP while my health ticked down from the acid and I still died anyways

I'm really off with the "10 missions in bit", my bad, it was Mission 25 with the Blue Jacket Snipers vs the Spider and Giant Humans. I play it safe and stick with Normal from that point on. I can't stand getting near the end of a stage and dying there and wasting that time. Might as well breeze through the game so I can redo the stages while listening to music or a podcast and be comfy.
Does anyone know if the technicals from the tutorial missions are obtainable? If so, what level equipment? I never got them to drop playing as Air Raider. Or do they exist for Ranger? The one I really want is the gun wagon from the wasp mission.
It has ESG so its shit.
They aren't.
Epic involvement killed any interest I had.
You should be able to get it, but I think it's a later drop. Only early stuff I've seen for AR are Calibans, Armored Grapes, Blackers, and some early Nix suits.
you cant obtain them
so what did they mean by the outfit design of wing divers past mission 14
Actually depressed that the series is cursed on PC. They could have avoided this negative press by announcing the link requirement when pre orders went up.
>I'm finding the game challenging on Hard mode as a Ranger.
same except I'm still on hard because I'm not a pussy lol
I went to the steam page to see all the hubub. I noticed Free Bike #1 costs 3 dollars. Just makes me laugh
It's EOS not ESG, it's pretty fucking kino. I will say for an Air Raider player to at least play a different class for a bit, the first 13 missions restrict you (unless you call in bike/ Depth Crawler)
Literally none of that.
Mission Pack 2, we have to wait a while.
As a direct sequel to EDF 5, it's basically EDF 5.1. If you liked EDF 5, EDF 6 is better or worse depending on how much you liked specific class mechanics that got rebalanced.

Did you like Air Raider for other reasons? You can play a Ranger in EDF 6, drop what was Air Raider turrets in EDF 5, and still call in tanks, all while using Ranger weapons. Otherwise, drones are fun, though it's a much more active playstyle than previous Air Raider as they cool down fast and are launched from much shorter ranges.
>months of shilling campaign here
>please please please preorder it you can't go wrong with EDF small indie company needs your money!
>ended up being the second biggest fiasco of 2024
I hope the playerbase will die soon
Not interested marketerfag
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I am too fucking old to play early levels and re-earn all the good weapons after doing that in EDF5. Early fencer is hell, I am too used to fucking instant teleport anywhere and melt everything with my maxed out dual miniguns to suffer this low level penury all over again.
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Last time I played these games, they were on the PS2. Why did they massacre my girl? Where's her skirt? Why is she completely covered up?
Thanks for the (You) tranny.
>it's basically EDF 5.1
I was so hyped to play edf 6 bros...
I'll look into when they remove the epic stuff and drop the price. Not even gonna wishlist it right now.

I will NEVER let epic onto my pc.
They had this coming. Their PC ports of this series have been half-assed shit since 4.1. I was fine with 4.1 being that way since it was their first port of the main series to PC (to my knowledge). I figured they would make it better in EDF 5, like the absolute sub-par chat system (voice chat is always on or off, text chat limited to 32 characters per message), but they didn't fix shit for 5, and now according to this review EDF 6 is technical ass.

>Game actually looks worse than EDF4
>Game is Locked at 60fps
>Game has constant pop-in issues
>Game has Extremely slow loading screens, even on an SSD, for "Offline" missions
>The Tutorial is unnecessarily slow and extremely boring
>UI is unscaleable and is unnecessarily large even on a 2k monitor
>Screen tearing is constant and there is no V-sync option
>There is no option to skip forced dialogues
>Basically no accessibility options at all for subtitle size or colorblind options.
>There is no control tutorial for other classes with special functions like Air Raiders, Fencers, or Wing divers
>Game still has major stuttering and lag issues even on high powered rigs like mine when there are too many effects/gibs/etc.

Also I frankly hate the ridiculous requirement you have to meet just to play multiplayer with uncapped weapon levels.
Thanks, I'll just take the Grape for another spin then. Fuck, I love the Grape.
The game is designed with level limits in mind and ignoring them is cheating.
Some of the new textures look a little weird and occasionally it crashes for reasons I haven’t discerned, but it’s still EDF and I like it.
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>Why is she completely covered up
Because you didn't play the game past the tutorial.
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>decided to kill your niche title
hope you enjoy the last EDF on PC at least, maybe last EDF altogether, all you had to do was bend the knee, Steamies
Camera 1 or camera 4? I can't tell which one is better.
>how do I [bait question to force a discussion]
>you have to [easy obvious answer to keep the fake discussion going and bump the thread]
Shills are trying so hard to ignore the controversy surrounding this game kek
No shit, I've never even played as her, as soon as I saw her shit outfit I went ranger. I don't even know who the other 2 characters are, but they are fanfiction to me.

Glad to see she's fucking BACK tho.
Any update from the devs on removing Epic login?
Mission progress tracks between online and single player good
Ignoring them is fun.
I get that the game stays a challenge because of them but what's the point in unlocking top tier weapons if you can't use them for most missions?
Relatively new to the series, is there a way to move faster as a Ranger? The maps are huge, no idea how to traverse them fast.
>>UI is unscaleable and is unnecessarily large even on a 2k monitor
Disagree, its perfect. Didn't read after this, I can already discard your post as garbage.
>"Le DEI" faggot trying to piggyback off of the controversy
actual retard
You use them in the appropriate difficulty AKA the last half of Inferno.
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"we have helldivers at home" - the game
How's this Helldiverslike?
>half-assed the port
>fans still bought it anyway
You're enabling Sandlot and D3. That's why they don't care anymore.
pretty well, I'm not mentally handicapped or a stockholder so why would negative reviews of a good game affect me?
What's DEI? Also what controversy? I didn't know there was a controversy going.
I knew someone was wrong when they didn't tell me I was going to use a keyboard and mouse
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>Shield x 1.5
What's up with these multipliers, more damage against armored enemies like the ayys?
any major X celebrities or vidya news sites picking up this blatant oppression we’re facing again so soon after Helldivers 2 fiasco? we need to pressure them again

and all this in a fucking election year, jesus I fucking hate Snoy
it's this months tortanic.
Ruined out of the gate by requiring Epic login.
20% reviews on Steam. Mostly Negative reviews. Atrocious sales as well. Playerbase already dropped below 60% of the initial hour. Refunds are skyrocketing.
The song suck dick unlike in 4.1
I'm not. I haven't bought EDF 6 and I probably won't in the future.
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D3 has censored the outfit in EDF6 to comply with DEI agenda
Roll diagonally towards your destination. Figure out the cooldown timing so you can initiate the rolls as quick as possible. Don't even bother using the sprint button until you have high-level sprint upgrades
You're going to buy it anyway. You're a weak man with a weak will.
>I killed a videogame series that people liked!
This is not the own you think it is, 'jeet.
Mission 4, 12, and 13 are the hard one so far, big head android spamming touhou tier laser is a joke
EDF is to low budget to be TORtanic'd, even by retarded manchild refusing to account link
Lol they cant afford good shills
But anon said the outfit is back in mission 2 onwards or something. I haven't checked her yet. I'm eating bread.
This anon did.
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iam ahead of the game
I can wait a week more for them to remove Epic bullshit.
No I'm really not. I forgot this shit was even coming out until I happened to look yesterday out of curiosity. plus it's 60 dollars so I'm definitely passing on that.
Not as memorable as 4.1 song, no EDF deploy, and no glorifying EDF in the song
>Roll diagonally towards your destination
You can roll?!
and Tim will continue to kill further titles unless you sign up

what games are you looking forward to, anon?
Press shift to spin brother, it's not 4.1 also you can spawn vehicle later
They will probably make a comment in a day or two.
It's great. Though I wish they spent a little more time on naming Air Raider weapons. It's not easy to remember what does what at a glance.
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Works on my machine.
EDF 5's song was alright itself but nothing beats the patriotism of 4.1's
kys already
I'll be honest I've mostly been playing air raider for blowing up half the map with strikes and the mechs. I feel actual pain whenever I have to shoot my normal weapons. Drones being quick to cooldown doesn't sound bad at all just means I can call in more strikes
>muh nazi song isn't in the game!
No one cares.
>generic shooter #3859573
>pointless DLC
>repetitive missions
>non existent class balance (just use Wing Diver for everything)

EDF fans are retards.
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>and Tim will continue to kill further titles
I do not care, Rajesh. Let him kill everything. I have a backlog of four hundred games I need to get through. You are doing nothing but garnering ire from the entire commmunity as a whole.
I don't think a typical steamie temper tantrum will affect anything in all honesty, the game plays great and is over a year old on console.
Until mission 13 it's just a warmup gig
the game is already on sale again, its a blunder. The devs already apologized. Its not recovering from this.
Someone post a room both the ones I found are full D:
I'm out already. Interest fell to 0 knowing it is a req.
Hold shift to sprint. You can either equip support items that make you walk/sprint faster, or you equip vehicles like bikes, tanks, or helicopters and move around with those.
>steam required to play the game
>no controversy

whats up with that?
Tap jump while tilting your movement in a horizontal angle. There's a sweet spot diagonal where you can move mostly forward without having to crabwalk. However, for pure long distance traversal, I'm pretty sure even unupgraded sprinting is faster than rolling past the distance of 3 rolls.
Once you use Wing Diver, you’ll wonder why the fuck the other classes are even there in the first place.
steam didnt try to lure me into the van with free games
>talks about temper tantrums
>while calling anyone a pejorative with "ies" on the end of it
Heh. Fortunately "brownie" is an actual word that describes you, so I'm exempt from this, you see :)
it did tho, team fortress 2 is free
That applies to all clases except ranger.
>don't think a typical steamie temper tantrum
It has a mostly negative rating with low player numbers. Game is tanked and cant come back.
"we have destiny (a bad game) at home" - helldivers coonsomers

edfchad be like: yeah i played this on 360 back in the day *sip beer*
>cares enough to reply and doesn't even get it right
4.1's main battle chant is a rendition of Battle Hymm of the Republic you moron.
Having a blast you fucking faggots.
Thanks for ruining our threads.
nuh uh
back then you had to pay zoomzoom
The slowest most basic class. A Wing Diver can cross the whole map and shoot the fuck out of half the bugs in the map before Ranger walks his happy ass to the bugs.
I paid for it 16 years ago.
The outfits for the classes change depending on what time period the mission takes place in. The UI also changes too. The more generic military uniform outfit for the wing diver is used for missions that are in the desperate doomed future period.
imagine PAYING for a free game
You arent allowed to market as an anon on 4chan.
these games never sell, zoomer. They're budget games, regardless of this one being "full-priced"
Unless they want to abandon pretty much any PC sales doing something would help them.
>I don't think a typical steamie temper tantrum will affect anything in all honesty
Last time this kind of thing happened Sony backed off on requiring PSN accounts for Helldivers 2 on PC.
I do think Sandlot and D3 will probably not give a shit though.

You will never get your comfy threads back. Its fucking over for you. Stay fucking mad. EDF6 won't recover and neither will these threads.
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>Tourist or troondiver doesn't know how to unlock the costumes in-game
>Prolly never have played the EDF series
>Coping and seething as usual
Such many cases
I don't like the visual clutter of drones, it can be hard to track their CDs properly. I also really really hate the way you call in drone airstrikes, it's impossible to aim well on flat ground at anything but close range. It's fine if you have elevation differences though.

I think most EDF games have slow and kinda annoying early missions, once the initial meme factor of this game type wears off. But 6 so far has especially slow and frustrating early missions. I know it gets better though. Not letting air raider use vehicles for so long might make sense for lore reasons, but I think it's still a poor deisgn choice.
shitty interface you dont need = good
shitty interface you dont need + free stuff = bad

sure, kiddo.

>butthurt thirdie can't get an epic account and can't play online

based sandlot
>PS4/5 chads having a blast
>PC only troons having a melty
sigh, many such cases, SAD
>t. Zoomer with no attention span to finish the 15 short mission prologue
fix your terrible genes
I'm very sad.
ranger in 5 was goated thansk to the blazer alone. I'd almost call it a support class like air raider in a lot of ways. The damage output is very consistent .Iti's my go to class online when I know I won't have to carry a noob team with fencer or wing diver kiting around.
never played EDF5 and I literally don't get the story. Where are the bugs and why are there so many frogs? I thought we were suppose to kill bugs. Helldivers 2 was better anyway
games fucking great on PS5, having fun, hows the PC general consensus?
The mandatory tutorial mission is really bad, slow af
It sucks, most of us refunded it.
Do pirates still need to play w/ other pirates?
>do think Sandlot and D3 will probably not give a shit though.
While possible if refunds are really high they will probably do something.
Mass refunds
At least I don't see anyone from Epic Defense Force. Everyone is angry with the connection requirement.
Ebin reps in Japan must have paid for one hell of a hooker session for the D3 higher-ups.
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15 IPs
Mods are allowing mindless offtopic shitposting
How typical
We're busy playing it instead of shitposting.
assuming the multiplayer crack works, yes.
questions for series veterans:
Is 5 generally better than 4.1?
Is there some content in 4.1 that you wish was in 5?
>pajeets seething at edf
I hate nu/v/
This looks fucking awful.
Is the fencers dash boost globally nerfed, or do the dash range and "slide" improve with addons? I remember reading about it getting nerfed somewhere because you kinda dash jump, then drop like a stone instead of gliding through the air and the ground like in 5.
>Is there some content in 4.1 that you wish was in 5?
The mechs.
All the missing weapons and enemies.
4.1 is very fun, but clunky at times. There is no better version of the Ranger than in 4.1 though.

But if you start with 5, which has a lot of QoL changes, you probably wouldnt be able to go back to 4.1. So I'd say start with 4.1 and work your way up. There's still people playing it online too.
i can smell you saar
what Gameboy Advance title is this?
Sar sar plis do needful and help D3 by redeeming your EDF6 copy you bitch lasagna
I've seen the usuals on other sites but mainly everyone is upset and confused about the whole thing.
I played since 4.1 vtubers are gay, but no decent player uses the stupid balloons anyway.
Refunded it without starting it up after hearing about the epic shit.
They already put the discount back, but dunno about another major move. You can still play without epic account since i never installed epic launcher, in my thought maybe they are duped by epic to put their game in EGS or maybe not, but overall if you jump from 4.1 to 6 it's more enjoyable
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There's nothing else quite like it.
>games fucking great on PS5
Why does it run so fucking badly holy shit this fucking thing is only like three years old
Yes, they can even play with legit purchasers too. All thanks to Epic once again.
There's almost nothing gameplay-wise that 4.1 does better than 5. 4.1 has my favourite story and radio chatter though, with characters like O'Hara being wrong about everything. 5 still has a good story and chatter though.
Pretty fun so far, but there's a retard spergout over it using Epic as a background service for crossplay fueled by doomniggers who don't play videogames. So same /v/ as usual
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>You can still play without epic account since i never installed epic launcher
Hey retard shill. If you didn't get a popup installing Epic Online Services onto your computer the first time you launched EDF6, that means you already had the Epig Gay Store installed. Grow some braincells, Ranjeet.
>caring about performance in an EDF title
>However, for pure long distance traversal, I'm pretty sure even unupgraded sprinting is faster than rolling past the distance of 3 rolls
I strongly doubt this. The camera zooms in closer to the ground which gives the appearance of speed, but I think that's all bullshit and rolling is faster until you get at least 150% sprint speed.
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4.1 has dragons and giant robot enemies, which edf5 lacks. There's no damage falloff range on weapons so there's a whole lot more viable weapons than in 5.

People are even discussing the graphics. How do I get the old internet back?
Can any of you retards stop shitposting for one fucking second and answer my gameplay question?

Bro this game has been dissected to death already by the autistic Japanese. This shit is so basic and easy to look up.
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Yeah faggot i never installed EGS launcher, the game installed epic online service, and i never made epic account you shitty dumbnigger bastard. Go to college next time instead sucking dick and jerking to porn
its a two year old title, broski, go askjeeves
>4.1 has my favourite story and radio chatter though
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Oh no no reddit tourists about to get angry at this one now.
jump isn't as good, but you get both dash & jump instead of jiggling between two specific weapons or having a loadout dedicated for mobility
Does the account page only show up for just multiplayer or do I have to bother with just singleplayer?
I know they used it for PlayStation crossplay when they launched last year but no one cared since it just uses the PSN account for either system.
I find it confusing that they implemented EOS, don't have crossplay between consoles and PC on top of the game not even being available on Epic in regions like North America. Shits baffling.
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wait are people getting the pirated version online? how?? i've got epic games shit installed
In summation - I refunded the game bc the epic login
Same, it kind of ruined my day ti be honest but I refuse to get rug pulled and then give epic games even a single inch
Wait until later in the game.
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>One obvious shill posting terrible screenshots
>One retard claiming he never made an epic account when it's quite literally required for online play
>Everyone else rightfully shitting on the game
Goodbye, EDF.
>my fellow oldsirs
>you bloody bastard bitch
Wasn't this the case with 4.1 and 5 years ago already?
Refunded. I could handle EOS spyware. But not no qol improvements in the server browser or really any improvements to multiplayer in general (quickplay/join ins for ongoing missions/outlines instead of huge boxes for other players)
What the fuck are these replies? All I want to know is which close up is better, the FPS one or the TPS one...

Why are you fucks like this?
Online play only, also you register with you steam account and not create epic games account, maybe kinda like login with google stuff. The progression from online carried to singleplayer
I ended up using the money to buy Fallen Aces. I budget for gaming so I still have 40 bucks free for other games once I beat that.
EDF is supposed to have great voice acting
yeah, but this time you still need to install Epic's bullshit in order to go online even with spoofing tricks
How in the world is a game that looks like this 60 dollars? That UI is atrocious.
I told you, I refunded the game so I cant really answer the question.
Honestly it's probably a good thing for me because now I can fully focus on learning how to write C# for daggerfall modding which is more productive
Torrent runs good, I'm happy.
Get fucked buyfags, enjoy feeding the tencent data farms
Does it have the issue 5 had where playing a class like Ranger was pretty much just gimping yourself in the later stages from lack of mobility?
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Kek, the absolute state of shills in this thread
>>One retard claiming he never made an epic account when it's quite literally required for online play
I didn't tho. Yes the epic logo showed up, but there was no prompt or anything, it just disappeared. No, I don't have a timmy account, never did never will.
Oh okay.
I mainly play singleplayer so I guess it's not an issue for me. Either way I'm planning to play during the weekend but haven't had time to check when it asked for the sign in.
my reply requires you to sign up for an EGS account before viewing
You're not paying for the UI
One Chambara is shit.
Dream C Club is a talking simulator (have sex incel) .
So shut up.
Refund the game like the rest of us. There's no point in playing it.
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I played for 3-4 hours, then finished Mission 13
Still think it's funny that's still the case.
So now it's pirating with extra steps lol.
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How long does it take to get the platinum trophy?
Do you have to play online or is it doable solo?
you will learn in about 10 minutes.
Lol tourist
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I wish i could be enjoying the shitposting... I just wanted to have fun but now ive got nothing to play this weekend. I almost want to sit in complete silence for a few hours. Is this what depression feels like?
lel it's barely a reskin of edf5 but the retards will defend their purchase tooth and nail
It is, I'm actually surprised that it even works online despite all that. Maybe there's a catch behind it.
Ranger always has and always will be a trap for boring retards to fall into. No sane person above room temperature IQ will look at a jetpack user with fantasy laser weapons, a mini-gundam with rocket jumps and man-portable artillery, and a supreme badass calling in weapon systems from low orbit and choose "man with gun."
4.1 is the best. it has hilarious game bugs and alien bugs. the in game communication system is a great time. they have great weapons and it's the most fun out of all the games. too bad epic killed it
The game looks fun but the big bugs are scary.
If it's a monster bug like Hzlldivers it's ok. But giant wasps? It's really scary.
go back already, you dumb ESG shill. game is literally in the negative review score.
No this is just disappointment, if it was depression you wouldn't feel any strong emotion towards this. In fact my new depression meds literally allowed me to start feeling emotion again today just in time for this bullshit
It's what genuine betrayal feels like. I wouldnt be surprised to see organized ddos attacks on this game like titanfall over all this.
Christ, this looks so fucking boring and weebsloppy.
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It's all so tiring
Being a regular man against doing what he must in the face of insurmountable odds is kino.
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Its a little easier than 5.
Every EDF is doable solo if you farm enough armor.
Dunno about the hours, I really love to replay the fun missions to get armor. IIRC, I got the plat around 500 hours.
I doubt it honestly.
They are either incompetent with networking or it never bothered them.
im enjoying this epic store req so much because there are people itt who are filling their diapers over it. fantastic.
people like you
With these particular developers it could be about everything by this point.
It's required for multiplayer apparently. That anon must not realize that or forgot.
That's completely right, anon! You should totally stop browsing this thread because you're not interested in the game at all!
I'm having a blast shitposting EDF6 in between playing vidya.
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So how are all the classes compared to 5? From what I've heard it sounds like fencer is great, ranger got buffed, air raider got a lot of old toys nerfed but some ok new ones, and wing diver is the same or worse?
>tfw Ranger has always been my favourite class.
Should start with 4.1, 5. or 6?
Anyone affected got their refund already though. No biggie tons of other games to get. Studio cant do another launch so it's their problem not mine.
they're all better
>EDF filtering all the election tourists
The real funny part is they have it for store crossplay but it's only available in a few regions on Epic so it's borderline useless.
>2.1h playtime
>no refund
250+ hours to plat
solo yes, it's much easier than online as online increases enemy health and damage significantly. but some missions solo offline are still really rough with certain classes

I think online is more fun once you have a decent bit of armour and decently upgraded gear, so its worth playing offline at first.
>played a lot of EDF5
>"surely, I can start EDF6 on hard!"
>spend 90 minutes on the first mission (technically, the second mission, but it's the first actual mission)
>don't even beat it
6, leave a good review while you're at it.
if the devs gave a single shit about gaijin money they wouldn't take 2 years to release these games internationally.
I'm seeing that it needs a 3rd party login for 6 I dont think I'm into that.
I dont recall any big changes for Fencer.
Ranger and Wing diver have a 3rd "weapon" in R1? (IIRC). But mobility and weapons overall suck more for WDiver.
Ranger grenades with R1 are lots of fun on the first 1 or 2 playthroughs.
ARaider got the most buffed in my opinion, with lots of weapons / drones that make him way less useless when going solo.
How? this is my first EDF game and I just beat that mission on hard. I just threw grenade to everyone until they died. Game is piss easy on hard so far.

Yes, I died once but that's because I actually didn't use the grenade launcher I had equipped.
Just keep trying, the first response is usually automated.
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it's fun but the 60fps lock is gay in current year
will probably get it for pals
i will, because while you're all blowing shit up, i'm the man going Contra III: The Alien Wars on the armies with their attention on me
If they didnt care they wouldnt have translated and released it. Sorry schlomo.
You dont play vidiya Timmy.
I dont remember this balloon beacon on the Jap version.
Not that I used them that much tho.
Their mistake is that they still think it is worth giving Sony special deals because they can't accept that SIE hates japan now
Great, one ranger on the ground while Wing Divers are clearing everything within a mile of the shitty Ranger.
Sandlot just decided to considerably increase his damage potential and availability of penetration in lieu of mobility. With the right setup, you can keep up a pretty high level of sustained firepower.
frogs bob and weave no I like the extra challenge headshotting them, I bet they will be a fucking nightmare on inferno
Game is fookin DOA
I hate frogs
They put up that "Sorry but eat shit" message already, you're naive if you hope for more.
I didn't even need to make an epic account, I just used windows, complete non -issue
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>link your epic account!
>unironic jeet shilling
>for EDF
yeah, this is the last time i'm getting excited for a new game, ever. i thought i was immune to this type of pain by now
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why do people keep adding "-sister" to the end of things like this? i assumed it was for falseflagging to make fun of a fanbase you dislike by calling them trannies.
did it somehow loop back around and is used just ironically for fun now? i dont get it.
Great introduction is 4.1 and still lots of fella playing them. I jumped straight to 6 from 4.1 and with current Qol they have it's hard to move back to 4.1 (at least for me)
I dont hope for anything I already refunded it.
You never bought it in the first place.
>>Game has constant pop-in issues
>>Game has Extremely slow loading screens, even on an SSD, for "Offline" missions
>>Screen tearing is constant and there is no V-sync option
>>Game still has major stuttering and lag issues even on high powered rigs like mine when there are too many effects/gibs/etc.
These things are wrong. They also added push to talk for 6.
The beacon different for US and asia version.
It's a wow thing, since they're all trannies
I noticed they even wear random armor plates that block damage. I wonder if the cosmonauts have new patterns too.
It would take me unironically 1000 bullets from the starting AR to kill one frog and their projectiles take of 1/8th your health with every hit.
I did, then I refunded it without starting it.

opinion discarded
i played a lot of 4.1 so I might jump right into 6 now. Thank you
how are you enjoying it so far?
Yeah I was hitting a bunch of zeros using WD plasma launchers on the frogs before I noticed
Yeah, when I died, I used the Assault Rifle as well. Big mistake. Just don't use it unless you need to finish off a laying frog.
They released that around the time they updated the store saying it's required. It didn't even say anything other then it's required and not about the current response to it.
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So is this better or worse than Helldivers 2?
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Anybody here actually know about game development, like why they can't get the game running above 18FPS while turning the camera on a 4090 with a 7800x3d? I had bought into the "it's so bad it's good" bullshit and hoped for a fun dreamcast like game but that kind of performance is $9.99, not $56.99 after discount and tax.
>how are you enjoying it so far?
We aren't.
so why is he applying it to edf?
It's a term universally used by shitposters and trannies. Reread the first couple of posts in this thread and then ask yourself why you didn't immediately close the tab and spare yourself hundreds of garbage posts made by paid agitators and retards who do it for free.
it's the same thing
>i keep doing the same thing and it's bad what is wrong with the game?

this game might not be for you
Way worse technically but people like the jank. Sadly most people refunded it because of the epic shite.
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Is this another Wo Long case where the game is generally good but the pc port runs like shit?
I see. Nice, I guess.
Same EDF fun, killing bugs and androids and frogs with gun, the current episode start from mission 13, from 1 to 12 is just continuation of EDF 5 story i heard
depends on if you like video games or graphics
how are they wrong?
Actually the opposite
Reminder that the Japanese decoys have clothing damage
Runs poorly and has shady login shenanigans.
Graphic wise it's far off, but EDF is all about fun killing alines without hassle of "balance" and "resource management"
>These things are wrong. They also added push to talk for 6.
Was legit not expecting them to actually make *some* improvement to the chat system since they didn't in EDF 5. Is the text chat box still limited to 32 characters?
>60 dollars
Same reason almost every thread is exactly the same. Same reason people can't stop posting frogs and wojaks.
Same reason everything gets turned into an edit of a frog or a wojak.
I feel bad for the shills on a payroll having to try and put this fire out. Imagine being them knowing their job is hopeless but they have to do it until they clock out. Cant be good for their minds.
it has depth that is not apparent from the early game. early game is pure streamer bait with the giant insect memes and blowing things up. hundreds of hours of gameplay later on inferno DLC missions it's a really tactical game.
Who ever said air raider sucks compared to 5 is a bitch ass lying fuck
>drones are better then air barrage and can be used underground and hit things from below
>backpack turret that actually hits things and follows you
>still has old bombing runs and lasers
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>The lobby once completing mission 13
we have already called those losers outs. All classes have improved.
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>It's a red drone mission
>3 hours in
>not a single npc has given me a you're good!
maybe the nogame fags are right...
So glad nobody likes this shit game, the reviews speak form themselves.
Well the reviews aren't complaining about the actual game.
>Ranger and Wing diver have a 3rd "weapon" in R1? (IIRC).
Our swap key is R1. But you're correct in that X is our dedicated slot now for Life Vendors and what not, so it's a lot easier to play support on top of damage.
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>edf 6 is out
>plan to play with /v/
>like the good ol' days
>see thread
We're getting raided.
Camera 1 is the OG 5 camera.
Just gotta ignore the shitposters. There is genuine criticism to be had about the game, though not to the extent that others would have you believe. It'll probably die down in a few days.
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>got plat for EDF2 Vita
>got plat for EDF 2017P Vita
>got plat for EDF 4.1 US
>got plat for EDF5 JAP and US
>got plat for EDF6 JAP
>tried, got close to plat but decided to drop IArmageddon, IRain and WBrothers
>preordered EDF6 US, yes, Ill 100% it again

How much do you love EDF /v/?
just wait for an elden ring patch.
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>the shitposters
It's astounding how the game is currently sitting at 36% positive reviews and yet dickheads like you will try to make it out like anyone blindsided by this bullshit after looking forward to the game for years is just some shitposter with no interest in the game.
>you can use drones underground! :)
>you can't use vehicles above ground :(
This was supposed to be the Helldivers killer?
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I love Helldivers.
>x killer
Fuck off tourist
Having fun with your 300 nerfed weapons?
are helldivers zoomers really gloating about the epic shit when their game did the exact same thing but even worse?
Nah I'm definitely getting pop-in and the slow loading.
Maybe it is but camera 4 has easier aim
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Make a lobby then
Camera 1. It's impossible to discuss the game now. Retarded epic shit is the perfect ammo for discord trannies.
Fencer is worse.
Very slow loading on my nvme 4.0 (before I refunded)
Drama chasers are the 2024 equivalent of furries.
Damn this one is actually harder than EDF 5, at least solo
The red ant missions get me unless I go back and swap to a shotgun and now I'm failing on Sniper Unit which is an easy mission in 5
>these things are wrong because... they just are okay
I answer in your native language
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志
Nobody joined so I play with randoms.
It's unironically a discord raid because 3 dudes got really pissy that some guy EDF posted in a Helldivers thread. That's why none of them say anything about the game itself except fake things that immediately get proven false, like Wing Diver censorship claims despite her having all of the previous outfits included.
bro your laser gun motorbike? hold reverse and spin ina circle and you beyblade through anything, the damage output is absolutely ridiculous. in the early missions. it melts frogs in 1 second.
>"people" wrote off Wing Diver as "LE NERFED" without understanding how any of her sub weapons work
o i am laffin
>It's unironically a discord raid
are the negative reviews on steam also a discord raid?
They're wrong because I'm loading the game in 6 seconds on a HDD and nobody else cares about your failing Intel CPU. Go RMA that shit instead.
No, just drama chasers.
Bullshit. Every private lobby I posted filled up almost instantly
nta but you EDF fags have been coping the entire thread. Who gives a shit about “censorship” or whatever the fuck when the game looks like garbage, plays like garbage, its mostly reusing missions from pst games, full of pointless DLC, and the game mechanics have barely improved. Why the fuck is there a Ranger when there’s fucking Wing Divers? How have they not balanced the fucking classes out after fucking years???

There’s plenty to shit talk about EDF and its not just 6.
or maybe people want their steam game to be on steam and not epic???
why do you think they use steam?
>I'm loading the game in 6 seconds on a HDD
Prove it.
>you EDF fags
This is what I call a "drama chaser", they think everyone comes from a particular group
>Is there some content in 4.1 that you wish was in 5?
The singing, which was better in 4.1.
Also the fencer's shoulder mounted rapid fire javelin launcher.
Also the drop ships were better. You didn't need to be directly underneath them.
Fuck Epic.
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Is it Freed? That's the only bike I've got so far
I haven't tried it because usually the early bikes are unwieldy. I was considering a helicopter strat, since the frogs die really quickly to sniper headshots anyway
Only played the first mission so far because I'm halfway through P4G, but yeah, the drones are much more bearable than I thought and it's fun to summon kill bots to exterminate alien scum.
No but the discord raid is probably real.
Seriously what is wrong with people?
Is this your cope for people calling your shitty game out? I wonder if you do the same in other threads too lmao.
Game is pretty good
Don't fall for the retard sheep steamies
Even though i pirated this i can 100% recommend you to buy if you can afford
Tribalistic nonsense, no better than a redditor
The thing they're complaining about being legitimate doesn't change the fact that they are drama chasers.
>sony ponies buying the game to immediately refund it and leave bad reviews
If you're truly so obsessed that you're willing to spend hours spaming threads of games you're not even interested in, then yeah you ought to look at yourself in the mirror. It's extremely pathetic.
How does it run on steam deck?
If I already have an epic account do I just login with that?
Not me unfortunately.
>EDF fan upset /v/ constantly shits on games
Oh, god, are you crying? Should I get you a TLOU2 fan so you can both cry together about your shit threads?
People aren't complaining about the quality of the game
It doesn't run at all.
Dogshit. Runs like dogshit on a 4090 too.
>sell the same game over and over with minor QoL improvement
Is this CoD of horde shooter
Is the fencer's flame revolver in EDF 6? Is it still an ungodly piece of shit or does the new mechanics for fencer miniguns make it more bearable?
They've made no quality changes so no surprise there
This has always been a ps, and now a days a nintendo series though. Steam is just a bonus market for games like these.
it's un weidly if you drive at top speed, but you can't really do that in the ruined cities anyway. just amble slowly up to things and zap away. it's even better since they spawn instantly, so if you get in trouble you can call another one in to escape.
More references to groups that don't exist. There is no such thing as a "TLOU2 fan" around here. You imagine tribes so you can take them down as strawmen, because you enjoy the drama. You are a woman.
Solid 60fps on my 1650laptop(deck equal)no fps drop except for when you drop some nuke and see gazillion bugs die
I'm suprised a japanese game actually run this good on pc, game may have old graphics but environmental destruction is so cool and wish more game do it
bro, you could get Muzzle Stabilizer frames for Fencer that negated 100% recoil in EDF5...
Just played through the fiest 5 levels. No changes to graphics. Ran really well. This doesnt represent levels with a huge entity count and giant models.
Is that just the same fucking map from 5?
wrong, double tourist
Dream C is a DRINKING simulator. them broads will only talk as much as how many shotz you can hammer down
do you STILL have to collect every single crate manually or did they finally see the light
Lmao, its funny because you were the one talking about “wing diver censorship” while everyone else is talking about dogshit gameplay or running like shit lmao.
Lmao faggotposter on sucide watch?
Don't spread lies game runs flawlessly at 60fps on my toster laptop
It's good, at least the early version is actually usable. idk what you are talking about otherwise, the final flame guns from 5 were insanely powerful, albeit you had to use a slot or two for addons. They were even awesome on normal missions, people only ever use them underground.
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>chinaman uses ingame chat to communicate and tell me to equip guided rockets for godzilla fight

playing with foreigners is fun, also how do the convert dash boosters work for fencer? can i have my jumpdash combo even with two jumpboost weapons?
The opinions of a small cabal of ever angry, ever online spergs who no longer enjoy anything in life other than shitposting mean nothing to anyone here.
If that was the case then most threads would have genuine discussion, retard lmao. I can see you avoiding all the legit issues of the fame, tho, like a cope.
>bloodstorm still has no boost or dash

its over. the damage still seems to have carry potential way beyond it's apparent level though
Any richanon please gift me edf 6 ;(
why does the game have so much desync? my friend asked me to revive him, but on my screen his body was like 30 feet away on a mother ant
Mission 51 as fencer is just godlike
Mostly I didn't like it in 5 because it was awkward as fuck to use thanks to the long windup time and insane initially recoil. The first time I tried it I thought it was bugged and didn't work properly until I just held the fire button down and nearly jumped as my aim shot straight up as it fired from that fucking recoil
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This shit should not run at 18-30 fps on ALL hardware. How is there no v-sync in this game, juddering and stuttering on a 4090. These niggers don't deserve the $60 retail for a game that runs the same on a 3060 as a 4090.

Small developer, please understand...no.
Nope, still gotta run around and collect everything. Hope your lobby has some Fencers or Wing Sluts.
runs well on my old 1070 and i5
Is this game really better than EDF 5?
How do I call down vehicles after charging their meter?
My ranger just seems to throw a marker grenade and nothing ever happens no matter if I throw it on an open road or field
Come back when EDF10 release
Finish the prologue 2hunewfag
keep playing and you'll see why
Was the weapon red on the weapon select screen?
>back on 10% sale
For the first few missions, things in red text are unavailable because the people delivering it are legitimately fucking dead. You can't call down most vehicles and gotta stick with what you have.
It's SOVL that the netcode is dogshit and worse than 4.1. You're probably a dramatroon or something
are there any v lobbies yet
>worse then 4.1
yeah the recoil addon is mandatory, otherwise they are one of the best close up weapons in the whole game. even the heavy armoured aliens can't do anything about them.
EGS is bad and all. But let's discuss more serious issue.
Who is going to gift me the game with all DLCs?
Runs fine, negative reviews are from faggot retards who cant read the store page.
Weeks before release sandlot announced it required an epic games account to use crossplay, because steam doesnt let you play with ps4 and ps5.
Its the best EDF in the series. Having an absolute blast.
If the vehicle is written in red then you can't call them
>look like shit
>run like shit
>Sweeney plagued
Wait for sale
It's easy to use the flamethrowers without any extra equipment as long as you don't try to fire two at a time.
Everyone is dead, who is going to deliver your vehicles? I think its kino.
>notice Unit 1 Exterminator truck isn't moving after clearing out a swarm
>walk towards it
>it fucking explodes and dies
During the first few missions you can't call in air support which includes vehicles. My guess is because of how absolutely fucked the EDF is in the beginning (they're so desperate for armor the EDF uses fucking Nix torsos mounted on the back of flat bed trucks like some African niggers trying to turn a technical into a mecha)
Unironically give 5 reasons why
Yes, its just EDF 5 but better in every way. Just like 5 was an improvement on 4.1.
"Z" retard
And you need to add one on special equipment option
Use the shotgun instead, the starting shotgun is goated
They didn't say anything about needing an account till after release.
Also using EOS wouldn't stop steam from crossplay with consoles that's on the devs not adding it.
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double the DPS is worth the addon slot imo. I used them to nuke certain things up close like nests or anchors so maximising DPs was always the priority.

>tfw 300% walk speed and stabiliser
Any pirate wanna play together?
Note this indian shill blatantly lying that steam users can play with Playstation players. Also note you can't even buy EDF6 on the epic game store. Really ponder what crossplay functionality exists
Better enemy variety.
Better mission variety.
Mantling for every class.
Extra equipment slots are a universal boon.
It has everything 5 has but with balance improvements, more weapons, better maps, more enemies, etc. Its literally just an upgrade in every sense.
>DLC items
Opinion nullified.
The whole thing is really confusing
It literally said so on the store page and they announced it on twitter.

It has crossplay. You dont play the series, fuck off /v/ tourist.
True the DLC is pretty hard for some people sticking to the main game is fine.
>Also note you can't even buy EDF6 on the epic game store.
The store page was updated 4 hours after launch saying it's required for online.
Crossplay is ps4 + ps5 and Steam + Epic
It's a tech issue on your end. Stop using Nvidia Experience bullshit to enable GSYNC on every game. Turn it off. That breaks more than half of games that exist.
It's more the fact that they're grossly OP and under normal conditions can only be used in the DLC. Taking them into consideration is dumb.
It's only available in certain regions.
North America isn't one of them.
Since you're retarded and cant read steam, the game uses epic games servers for crossplay. Its not sponsored by epic games or using any other aspect of epic, you just need to link your steam account.
They announced this in a blogpost, its to allow their netcode to function. They tried to get it to work through steam and couldn't.
Fucking niggers review bombing this great game, I hope you all die. Sandlot probably wont release another english steam release after this bullshit. Western audiences act like entitled brown niggers.
Flamethrowers are now op as they damage every armor piece and body part at once instead of dealing peanut damage
Issues aside, fuck all you losers who paid $60 fucking dollars for AA garbage. You are encouraging this shit.
Timmy, what the fuck are you even doing?
No it wasnt you blatant fucking liar. It said this on the store page for the last 2 weeks.
Considering it's seemingly outperformed every previous EDF release anyway, they probably will continue to make PC versions. My hope is they learn from this and D3P loosen their ties cutting off circulation to their brains.
They won't, though. D3P is THE dumbest publisher on the planet.
Maybe this will teach them to make better games instead of copy pasting.
Complete untruth, they added it 3 hours after release.
Scroll down to 16 hours ago.
Maybe don't give timmy tencent another cent? EDF sold fine in steam and i guess they're coerced by timmy to put on epic to and use crossplay to up EGS numbers
All I can find is the story on Epic for EOS and it doesn't mention requiring an account.
I want them to make EDF
Not mass appeal slops for mutts
You just outed yourself as a tourist. They did do a game like that, its called Iron Rain and it sucks ass. Fans ASKED for EDF 6 to be more of the same.
Kill yourself newshit.
The funny thing is it's only on the Epic Store in a few regions.
are you high the flamethrower is only level 82, the stabiliser is 75 or something. that's all you need to actually use them and they are still goated in the DLC
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Yeah, I sorta figured. I tried talking about EDF in various threads these past few days and the replies I got were unnaturally hostile.
Thanks, and that's pretty cool
I swapped to the bike and was able to use that ezpz before killing myself with my new air tortoise big boomer

>(they're so desperate for armor the EDF uses fucking Nix torsos mounted on the back of flat bed trucks like some African niggers trying to turn a technical into a mecha)
Just started that mission, and hearing the engineer friend complain about that is too fuckin good

RUDE I'm gonna throw a vtumor on your next vehicle
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The fuck is "nvidia experience"? I'm launching the game normally and know how to adjust shit normally with game menu settings...of which there are none, and I mean absolutely nothing except screen resolution. I'll see you when this piece of crap is $16 like EDF 5. This whole game is a scam hitchhiking on the back of Helldivers 2.
NTA but you basically confirmed his post.
Probably refunding in a few days, since I doubt Sandlot will do anything about the atrocious EOS implementation. Waiting out my 2 week refund period to see if they do. If they don't, guess it's back to Helldivers next week after its big update. None of my friends are interested in this despite spending nearly 100 hours in EDF5 given what they decided to do.
>retard posting the 18fps on 4090 lie with unrelated meme images is underage frog
now the thread spam makes sense
Literally months ago
>on the store page
You must be tired after moving the goalposts THAT far
Fuck off nobody gives a shit, fake drama nigger. You didnt buy it in the first place.
You are aware plenty of online games use EOS either without needing an Epic account or making it optional right?
Plus most people aren't browsing Epics site for EDF news.
I accept your concession.
Great lawsuit time for sandlot
I don't need to tell you that isn't the store page, surely?
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thank you i hate them.
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Literally refuse to budge any ground to Epic Chink Storefront in any capacity. Your faggot opinion will not change anything no matter how much shilling or astroturfing you do.
It also wasn't on the store page until it launched.
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70% is gona be damn long road
It was written under system requirements. Im sorry you couldn't read? How come I was aware of this before release then? Guess I'm omniscient.
For the record I left a negative review, but why are you a steam cultist? They aren't your friends.
Hey retard, you're wrong on every single count
>Epic was integrated for consoles primarily, that's what the blog post was about
>You shouldn't need to link your Steam account to Epic in the first place
>The game straight up won't even launch if you uninstall Epic's shit
helldivers won
It wasn't. I'm not sure why you're making this up. Enjoy your (You)s I guess.
Get run over by a bus
Because your a lying shit
It was not mentioned on the store until after release.
The 300% walking speed exoskeleton is a DLC item you retarded faggot.
>playing air rider
>feminist shit starts virtue signaling about sucking green alien frog penis
>She's going to die by these drones
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>reached 17k during the first few hours after the release
>and probably that will be the peak for edf 6
I wonder how much did egs ruin the launch
Nini a shit
>The blog post literally mentions the steam release, learn to read.
>Yes you do, read the blog post.
>I played 10 hours offline without having epic installed whatsoever.
Whats wrong with you?
The game is fully playable without epic. The fuck do you mean it doesnt start, it absolutely does you just cant go online.
Aaaand the circle button doesn't work anymore. Even tho it's not stuck, it does nothing when you press it.

Checked on a gamepad tester and its true, it doesn't respond. There goes my weekend playing EDF.

It's fucking over. fuck my life.
Too bad for you nigger that bought after the fiasco, but they aren't written in the storepage and that alone is a great base for lawsuit
fellow fencerchads, I've been enjoying zooming through the battlefield and leaving rangers eating dust, but early game I only have peashooters, only piledriver and blood storm is worth using, but now im getting filtered by mass spiders and bees, do you have any secret tricks you can give me?
Steam controls the market by being a better product. Epic is trying to take the market by being hyper predatory. Steam is hardly fantastic, but it's impossible to avoid corporations in their entirety - I can't get everything off GOG, unless I want to turn into one of those dudes who waits 10 years to play everything.
You need eos installed for solo too lol
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Yep, bike was the answer. Not because of the guns, but because it let me get enough range to snipe the spiders.
If I tried taking them on with the bike it'd melt in seconds
this is why I have back-ups.
Its written under system requirements.
Being retarded isnt grounds for a lawsuit, it is grounds for me calling you a brown nigger though.
What part of "I played 10 hours without eos installed" did you not read?
When it launches the installer, click "cancel" and the game will boot up in offline mode.
I like the wired 8bitdo controllers they're on the cheaper side
controllers are so fucking expensive nowadays. Back in the golden age I would pay 20 bucks for PS2 controllers. Now each modern controller is 80 bucks and die on their own.
>>Yes you do, read the blog post.
No you don't, dumb fuck
>>I played 10 hours offline without having epic installed whatsoever.
EGS =/= EOS you consequence of inbreeding
That was added AFTER the release.
The blog post doesn't mention account linking between Steam and Epic as a requirement
Did you pre-order? No? then shut your filthy mouth nigger
The devs literally posted a news article on Steam apologizing for not informing people. They posted this AFTER it came out. At least try not to blatantly show that you're working for their PR team in some capacity if you're going to post here.
>complains about controller failing
>recommend an 8shitdo
Stream it and show your windows program manager running
5keks are on damage control!
based ESL retard
No it wasnt it was always there

Yes I did

They didnt apologise for not informing anyone, they clarified what was already knowledge to anyone who actually followed the release
I'm sorry you're all mentally retarded but nobody is getting sued, and nothing is going to change
Refund it or bite the bullet and just fucking stop crying
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>4 sided ganged by spiders
>fucking kebab just rushes in and takes the aggro
based fencer
Damn so this is the state of EDF shills
It might go a little further over the next few days if any streamers pick it up. I'm curious if Steam will hide reviews though, or if they'll consider it "reviewbombing". They didn't hide the Helldivers 2 mass reviews with that Snoy debacle, so maybe they won't hide this either.
>17k peak
that's a big yikes dog
You have to be one of the most brain damaged retards on /v/ to bother doing this. This is some "I never read [poet] or [poet]" shit.
>that one friend who keeps talking about eating the monsters
dude, let it go
You can play the game without any epic shit at all. Press cancel when it boots the installer. You dont need to login or do anything, just play the game offline.
Why is everyone so fucking retarded and spreading lies?
I didnt want to make an account nor install epic so I played without it all night last night.
>We apologize for the lack of advance notice.
Wow, literally right there in the statement you inbred fuck. Jesus, how many rupees are they paying you?
i want to eat the frogs
>Press cancel when it boots the installer.
That causes it to fail to launch, dipshit.
dude youll puke your guts out, fuckin drop it alresdy
Are the people shitting on this all Helldivers cultists? Convinced this is the case. I've never seen so much misinformation and lying in my life. Seems coordinated.
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>They didnt apologise for not informing anyone
>White screen
>Game states files are missing and fails to launch
>Verify, epig spybot software installs, game functions and launches
>Uninstall malware, white screen again due to lacking files
Shills begone.
There WAS advance notice though, its on their fucking twitter account and on epic games website. Its also on the official games website.
Fucking. Hell.
>finally replaced proto lysander with dunkel n202
thank god, drone stages are less cancer now
I preordered the game during summer sale and immediately refunded after hearing the news. I don't know if Epic is spyware or not, but the objective fact is that D3 lied to customers like me. If they don't do something about this I'll play the game through piracy even if I have to install Epic software anyways.
What was EDF5 peak?
>its on their fucking twitter account
No there wasn't. And even then a user should not have to use fucking twitter for important update news for a game. Post it on the fucking site
Why in the ever living fuck would I go to their Twitter or official game website, if it even was there? What the fuck is wrong with you that you're regularly visiting either of those kind of places?

The devs fucked up. They KNOW they fucked up. Why are you trying so hard to defend them?
It's not on steam, the problem is they should PUT IT ON STEAM storepage also. Now their asses is in hotbed for this fiasco
8k or so.
i dont want to crossplay with pc thirdies with cheats and mods installed ffs the whole reason i choose to play online game son console is to avoid this god pc gamers on the whole are insufferable
When they say "crossplay" they mean between PS4 and 5, not PC and consoles. PC "crossplay" is Steam to Epic (aka no one).
dont worry console cant play with pc
There's no fucking crossplay with consoles lol they implemented crossplay features just for the sake of the 5 EGS users to play with steam users.
>Its also on the official games website.
Only the Japanese website even mentions an Epic release at all. They definitely tried to hide it.
PC gods don't want to play with open mics monkeys
Crossplay has never been a between console and PC

And I would hate playing with console shitters anyway
The big androids annoy the shit out of me because of their bullet hell projectiles but I like the small ones. The way they run is just so fucking goofy and faggy
>I played 10 hours offline without having epic installed whatsoever.
Hello, shill. The game doesn't install Epic Online Services if you already have the Epic Gay Store installed. Thanks for outing yourself.
There used to be crossplay between console and PC, HALO iirc but the console were buttblasted by PC players they removed it for the sake of balance and parity
You will never break me Tim, I don't care how many years I have to struggle against you.
Me (pirated) and my friend (who owns it) can't play for whatever reason FUCK
Is old EDF (pre 4) worth playing?

I want to get into the series but I'm stubborn about starting from the beginning unless there's really nothing I would miss from jumping into newer entries
when do the dlc missions come out
now to leave a BAD REVIEW, heh, nuthin personsnel
They're neat and it's always worth it just to see how a series changes over time.
>tfw denied thrice due to 3h gameplay
If it's any consolation, EDF 3 is a remake of 1, 4 is a remake of 2 (4.1 being improved in every way but still the same base game with a few more extra mission)
5 and 6 are original (well 6 is kinda special in that regard) but like all games feature same mission archetypes all games share.
maybe if you like the stories, the game play is much much simpler in the pre 4.1 games though. The series began as apart of an ultra budget series of different titles and it shows.
That was the old problem that got solved by making controller auto-aim more and more cancerous to the point that M&K is now playing on hard mode.
The real impediment to cross-play now is Sony being shitheads and demanding a revenue share of other console sales for any game that wants to implement it with their systems.
>4 is a remake of 2
What? No it isn't, 2 is set in Europe and has a bunch of different enemies.
>EDF 3 is a remake of 1, 4 is a remake of 2
Holy shit shut the fuck up you know nothing retard.
I never played a single shooter that is easy mode on console vs PC. MKB is orders of magnitude better for shooters if you are playing sweaty. I don't care for most games, especially EDF but aim assist is not so good as to be better than no aim assist with MKB. EDF is significantly easier on PC for this reason. it's basically impossible to miss shots and you have so much more awareness because you can swivel around to check for enemies with ease.
>MKB is orders of magnitude better for shooters if you are playing sweaty
lol no grandpa, not in the decade of built-in aimbot for controllers
If modern aim assists on a gamepad makes you a better player than you are with no aim assist and a MKB you might have undiagnosed MS.
Retard here
Can only specific airstrikes be targeted from a higher up camera? Or is that a specific button
Some of the dronestrikes are absolute aids to aim
Only specific ones. Generally (not invariably) the harder to aim, the bigger the damage. It's why the smoke grenade artillery strikes do so much damage but no one uses them anyway because they're really hard to aim.
posted a /v/df room keeping it public since I don't know how many people are up at this hour
There was some recent fps game where people were using gamepads instead of mkb on pc since ai assist was actually leading the aim reticle before they could see anyone lol
This does not refute my point. it's why despite aim assist shooters rarely if ever have PC cross play, because MKB players demolish gamepad users.
You got any suggestions on what to look out for? Im having fun with most things so far, triple dartgun for the drones is funny, but early game always sucks a bit with effectiveness and this is the first time im playing Air Raider
I think it was mission 12 that kicked my fucking ass and had me kite like it was inferno, the first mission with the lasergun droids
Cunts are stupidly tanky and theres so many of them lol
Any laser-equipped drones tend to be really strong against single large targets because you can paint them then forget about them and do something else while the laser burns their HP down
Wait, they keep firing at the last marked target? My dumbass thought i had to keep tagging them like the Guidance Gun thing lol
any laser guided missile/laser/strike will fire at the last point the laser targeted.

This also means if you tag an enemy and the enemy moves at all the attack will not update it's position, unless you tag them with one of the laser-markers or plug things that actually stick to the enemy.
I see, good to know thanks
Also, is there anything decent against flying units? Except for the darts and Limpet spam
>Make claim, proof requested
>Post evidence, evidence refuted, anon self proclaims victory
>Call anon a faggot nigger and proclaim victory, win argument
i have not played air raider in 6 but i feel like my life in air-heavy missions in 5 and 4.1 as air raider was Limpet Sniper + Healing Pylon + the anti-air missile vehicle and that was it.
Raider is radically different now with the super boner they have for drones in 6. It feels like a near different class now with the drones.
Weird way to spell Fencer, anon
>The Saggitarus (I forgot the name) team can handle any aliens
>Constant girl moans the entire mission as all the Wing Divers are eaten by the ants
I used Drones, Limpet Sniper, and Rocket Cannon. Autocannon is also a good alternative. Rocket Cannon is a toss-up though since the Mothership might just flat out block you. Air Raider unfortunately doesn't get too many tools early on for taking out flying enemies.

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