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>game has canonical marriage
>nobody wants to play it
Lemme guess, it's another chinkslop gachashit "game"
white people look for more out of their games than jerking off to phone games
>inb4 something something westoid slop slop goyslop seethe
Well, what game then
GFL2 or did Snowbreak invest in a color palette?
she looks so much better like that without those ugly af pigtails
snowbreak containment zone
can you breed her? can you actually have offspring with her?
you can buy a skin and marriage scene where (you) get super pandered to and interact with her koikatsu style
Real money only? LOOL
i love boobs
>sperging out this hard out of nowhere
yikes bro kek
>sperging out is when you meme on OP
dictionaries exist for people like you, juan
This looks like shit
I played a bit of this game when it released on steam, is all of the new sexy content paid only?
>bringing race out of nowhere
You have no chin.
the OP is the default skin, the wedding skin and scene goes for $30
No they don't
If I can marry furry women I'll play it
I love sexy anime girls!!!
I almost want to support this chinese gacha mobage but I know I won't be able to tolerate the daily chores. Still I hope this is successful and has a positive influence on regular games.
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>use the new fenny in Paradox with new Lyfe
>never have to reload, ever
>Marrying a digital avatar married to millions of other losers
I'm noticing you didn't say anything about sex meaning your MC is still a virgin.
if this isn't a hentai game i don't care
and if it has marriage and no sex then it's not a real marriage
Anime design is just calarts japan
You canonically fuck an evil hag in the latest chapter but you don't see the actual fucking
yeah that's what I don't get about these
just boot up an illusion game
>30 bucks to get married
>In a fucking gacha game
What a fucking ripoff
What do the guys in-game look like? I only like games that have both tall hot guys and huge titty girls.
Snowbreak went full fan service and even told feminists to fuck off or pay them. They will do whatever the money tells them to do and right now sex sells.
GFL2 would never have something like this
I really hope they give Rozan the content she deserves. But as long as they stick to their guns and give us the neet yandere that masturbates over pictures of (You) I will be satisfied.
But it's also uglier, washed-out Code Veins lookalike.
GFL2 actually has color. GFL2 is probably the best looking gacha in terms of graphical fidelity; Genshin in terms of art direction. Snowbreak fails massively on both fronts with its Code Veins create-a-characters.
>GFL2 actually has color.
Was talking about the canonical marriage
GFL2 is not even out yet. Once it has a proper release then we will see if it is worth anything.
ZZZ mogs Genshin in the art direction
the only thing ZZZ mogs is its own cuck fanbase
>Tfw bought new Lyfe and Fenny skins
Seasun, please. My wallet can't take much more of this...
If only they had done anything to improve the gameplay.
For me it's Coronet. I can never go back to reloading...
>Not on steam
how f2p friendly is the game?
the fuck this shit cost money? i thought the marriage event is the reward from raising affinity point, no wonder only chink and seamonkey play this.
Very. I have everything but the paid fan service stuff. I'm at the point where by the time the next skin is dropped I have 100+ pulls ready to go just from logging in for 10 to 20 minutes a day.
reminder the shill itt will not mention that character need their dupe to unlock their passive and the character signature weapon
fuck genshit for normalizing this shit.
Sad that it puts 4Fenny out of a job, though.
I even just upgraded her neuronics to give her that perk.
Neither is Genshin
everybody is playing it though
And that is the first and only indicator you need that Genshin is not worth playing. If they are afraid of opening their game to the wider market there is something critically flawed with the game. Normally the monetization.
>character need their dupe to unlock their passive

What the fuck are you talking about? Passives are unlocked over time by doing their personals. Dupes just speed up the process.
>Westoid mad about being called out as a racist
Pointless option when only the worst two characters are available.
You can get the girls for free just from dailies, but everything cosmetic is strictly real money.

Like >>683765859 says, as F2P you probably won't be able to afford a girl's signature gun which is usually 20% better performance than her free gun, but the game doesn't have any content that merits that increase. It's just bigger number for the sake of bigger number, so it doesn't actually matter.
For the last time, Miguel, you aren't white.
westoid slop slop goyslop seethe
is this gacha actually any good gameplay wise? this if the first one visually that i've seen that doesn't look half bad (environments)
>is this gacha actually any good gameplay wise?
They just added a banner type that removes Genshin's retarded 50/50 coinflip. So you can get everything in the patch for free, except most skins.
Story missions are ehh. Coop is fun and varied. They try to keep if fresh by rotating tower defense, boss rush's, and other types every other week. Boss fights are nice but easy to figure out. The rougelike mode was fun at the start but there is so many persistent upgrades that it becomes extremely easy.

All in all its competent. Fun enough for the 30isd minutes a day you need to play it but no something I would expect someone to play for hours.
>gachafag calling anyone else brown
Unironically, this and ZZZ are the only two gacha I've played who's gameplay wasn't complete dog shit to me. Granted, I've only played a handful, like 9 or 10. But any gacha with an "Auto-Battle" is genuinely just a skinnerbox for gambling for anime girls.

Now don't get me wrong. It's not amazing. Graphics, game depth and movement are all stifled due to the game needing to also run on a phone. But as a TPS, Snowbreak is a solid 7/10. Good enough. The story levels are short as shit though, so you'll breeze through them. If you want something more substantial, side content and hard mode offer a "challenge". In the sense you at least have to think a bit about your positioning and movement.
can already tell it is gachashit slop for shit colored "people"
Normally I disagree with people who said "just watch porn". Gameplay and fanservice can go hand in hand.
Snowbreak is among the few exception. The game is so janky, actually playing it is detrimental to the experience. Yeah, I'd prefer to enjoy the "game" on Iwara.
so this is marriage
maybe put this shit on console and then more people will play. what did the devs think?
It's doing better than ever though. They said themselves though they haven't really marketed it yet though
>If they are afraid of opening their game to the wider market there is something critically flawed with the game.
They're already on an even wider market: the mobile market.
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Snowbreak makes more than GF1, GF2, and NC combined btw
No good lolis

and this, honestly. gameplay is goofy right from the start wtf is that
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Does anyone have any good GFL2 webms?

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