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>ruins every new game in your path
7 year streak of ruining everything.
good thing my laptop is shit so i can't play games that has this
TAA was made for people with shit hardware.
Stop playing games at 1080p and you won't notice it as much.
>not playing in 4k and downsampling to a 2k or 1080 screen
Downsampling is the real AA nowdays, otherwise u have to deal with blurry ass shit
Higher resolutions don't fix the blur or the ghosting.
It's still not as noticeable.
Yes it is, retard.
It's not. Weirdness drops as the resolution increases. I'm not saying it isn't still there, but the negative impact is lessened.
The ghosting effect has nothing to do with the resolution, retard bro. Playing at 1080p vs 2160p changes nothing for that.
Remember it's the retarded "1080p" is all I need fags that say TAA is what's making their game blurry.
The ghosting occurs because of the weird multi frame edge smoothing. At higher resolutions, the edges are more fine, and the ghosting isn't as pronounced.
4k is so fucking blurry i don't know how people can even stand it. i can't live without my 8k monitor anymore, everything looks like it's coated in grease.
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Native 1080p looks less blurry, and it should because TAA smears the screen.
Nice retard, but that has nothing to do with the resolution, which you said fixes all the issues. Higher resolutions do not fix anything, the problem is still there
>30 fps looks worse than 75 fps
Woah, no shit.
Look how good TAA is doing. No aa is a pixelated jumbled mess.
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>ahhh, that's much better!
>which you said fixes all the issues
I didn't, but I guess lying comes natural to a poorfag.
Right, which is why you replied to something about the blurriness and the ghosting by just saying "play at a higher resolution because it makes it less weird weird". Shut up, ESL.
>that has this
*That have this, you ESL monkey.
>calls someone ESL
>misinterprets "I'm not saying it isn't still there" as "fixes all the issues"
You can't read clearly written English, but I'm the ESL. Check, Paco.
To 'fix' means to mend; to make less worse. not necessarily to completely remove. You said that playing at a higher resolution decreases the "weirdness" of both blur and ghosting. The ghosting, for instance, is completely untouched by the increase in resolution and the blur is still very noticeable, so much so that playing at a lower resolution with no TAA makes the image less blurred, despite the fact that you said it wouldn't be "noticed as much".

Stop coping you brown retard.
>calls someone brown
>is poor
Ok, José.
he couldn't even reply back properly and had to screech about money lmao, holy cope
Seethe more, retard. You got BTFO.
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Prove you're not a poor running at 1080p.
>claims to not be poor
>is running windows
lol brain issue
Hi. You still haven't responded. Did the power in Cidade de Deus go out?
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>Windows 11
Nice samefag.
This cope isn't healthy, anonymous.
>still hasn't posted specs
>lie about 4k being no different than 1080p in regards to TAA clarity just hanging there
Yes, poorfag. I find you hilarious.
>still samefagging
>still lying
>still poor
And yet it runs like shit while also looking like shit and pushing people to buy 4K screens that they don't even need.
good think DLSS, FSR, TSR and MSAA are killing this bullshit
All of those methods besides MSAA are also temporal solutions.
>poorfag still coping
Yet I posted specs. You won't because they're too embarrassing (as are your Windows regional settings). My monitor costs more than your entire PC.
I always turn any anti-aliasing off, jaggies don't look bad to me for most games.
>poorfag still yapping
lol this is top tier cope, you're running windows
>calls person poorfag
>doesn't post specs
>calls someone ESL
>can't read English
You expect us to adopt your child via Save the Kids for $0.32 a day, but you're completely dishonest.
The only one lying here is the idiot who thinks playing at 2160p vs 1080p somehow affects the ghosting quality of an image.
>calling people poor when you use a free OS
>5 different lines of text
>poorfag seething THIS hard
>starts rambling about adopting children like Joe Biden
What non-free OS do you use so I can laugh at you?
>still poor
>calling someone else poor despite not posting any specs
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>lose argument
>'yeah well....uhhh.... you're poor!'
>passive-aggressive directionless reply
I guess I won if you're too scared to @ me. Closing the thread.
>poorfag STILL coping, seething, and malding
lol flawless victory
Bro, no one is posting their rig because they know you'll just call them poor even if they had a 5090. You lost the argument an hour ago, just accept it and move on. It happens.
Deferred rendering was such a mistake.
That's why Id soft moved on to tiled forward rendering for their Doom engine.
There are no scenarios in this case where TAA lookds objectively better. At 1080p the image quality in both is poor but TAA is obnoxiously blurry with all the details completely smeared out, which is practically unusable. At 4k it's a trade-off between jaggies and blurriness but most people would rather keep TAA off anyways because the aliasing is much more subdued and the subtle blurring is still noticeable even if it's harder to pinpoint.
And then there are an increasing amount of games that force TAA on permanently because their lighting engine relies on TAA to work properly. Those developers should be shot and left to rot in a ditch.
TAA looks better. It cleans up the jaggies and noise.
it looks like someone smeared vaseline all over my monitor
Jaggies stop being an issue once you upgrade from 1080p. The only time you'll notice it is looking at very fine lines far off in the distance, which isn't in the immediate foreground. TAA affects every part of the picture and is immediately noticeable in the foreground.
whatever we had before TAA cleaned up the noise just fine

all this "ai generated" bullshit like TAA and DLSS are as bad as those stupid motion smoothing settings on tvs except you can't turn them off because devs are building them into the games

MXAA was good enough.
if you need machine learning and upscaling just to maintain a smooth framerate at your resolution maybe you shouldn't be at that resolution fuck this shit it looks like ass
Not too well versed on what idtech does, but aren't they using some sort of combination of forward and deferred where only certain elements in the scene are put into a g buffer? Either way, whoever is/was doing the graphics programming for 2016/Eternal is too good at their job.
You see shimmering and jaggies at 4k without AA
the last time I had to worry about "jaggies" was playing ps2 ports of multiplats. jaggies haven't been an issue for literally over 20 years
>whatever we had before TAA cleaned up the noise just fine
Yeah that, I made a typo.
Best aa ever. Free 8x8 supersampling. And anti shimmering. No downsides. The biggest leap in graphics. That said pixelated affine with no aa is superior.
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msaaGAWDS may not be getting as much to eat but whenever a game has the option it's like a banquet
methinks the point will be slowly rendered moot if i'm right about drawing on gpus slowly moving more towards implementing rasterization through compute (see: things like nanite)
you could implement whatever kind of anti-aliasing you can think of if you have full control over how things are drawn.
(btw, things like sample shading exist in OpenGL 4.0+ that allow MSAA to work outside of just geometry edges but even the implementation in vulkan doesn't see much use. godot devs are cucking out of implementing it for muh directx 12 compatilibity)
Who cares? Outdated bullshit.
DLAA is what every game should use.
>b-but it's based on the same technology
Yeah with none of the downsides.
>DLAA is what every game should use.
DLAA is basically just nvidia branded TAA. DLAA is just DLSS but running at a native resolution (no upscaling). But DLSS just uses temporal anti aliasing as its base then upcales it with AI.
>Yeah with none of the downsides.
Also DLAA has ghosting, but I can't comment on screen blur.
Thank you for the Wikipedia article.
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What makes you think blur is a metric?
Because it is.
modern games with huge worlds, lots of transparent textures and many small assets all over is just the definition of white noise without AA.

No AA worked in the 90s when you would have a room with 2 tables and nothing on them, there weren't many edges that produce aliasing.
Now games are so packed full of detail it is impossible to see an enemy in the forest because of the aliasing, you can't figure out where one object ends and another begins so your brain litreally just can't make sense of small objects when the shapes get garbeled up since human brains always scan for a shape and outlines
My path? What path?
>if you need machine learning and upscaling just to maintain a smooth framerate at your resolution maybe you shouldn't be at that resolution
>As a solution offers super sampling

ergo we have AI shit because we can't run anything at decent resolutions anymore with any non-post process AA not to mention it doesn't work well with modern tech since rendering is done in multiple passes
I always disable AA, game looks much better with hard edges from the distance.
Why does it lag that much? Looks like 15fps at most
Please don't post if you have nothing to say.
This discussion is getting heated. Locked.
The last bastion in gaming that still has good old forward rendering + MSAA is now VR.
I like deferred rendering when it was used to have a million dynamic shadow-casting lights everywhere. But nowadays games don't do that so I don't even know what the point is.
Stop playing at 1080p on a 1080p display.

t. playing at "4K" with my 2019 2070S
Faggot. Your kind is responsible for killing games.
In what way? Serious question.
>yes i have shit eyes how could you tell?
just use DLAA? you didn't fall for the AMD meme, did you?
>1080p-lets telling 4K chads about their displays
>games only AA options are FXAA and TAA
>here is a random string of letters you're just supposed to know what they stand for out of a million possible things
Acronymfags are insufferable
>inb4 "just read filename"
Takes exactly as much effort as for OP to write it down normally
It's more distracting to see jaggy pixel messes that spaz out every time you move.
>game built around temporal accumulation for its effects
>turn off TAA/FSR/DLSS/etc
>game is a dithered fucking mess because it relies on the above to smear it all together
ok, vsync enabler
you being easily distracted matters to us a lot
I bet you really thought a still image meant something lol.
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By not being a turd worlder?
>turn off TAA
>hair becomes a fucking mess
Anyone that shits on TAA is almost always retarded. I know this because thay also think MSAA would work on modern games.
>accept the blurry game chud
just fuck off
>play on a 4K display
>no aliasing, no temporal shimmering, the image is clean
>people saying that I don't need more than 1080p call me a blind retard
Why are they like this
why wouldnt it?
I am playing dark soles 3 right now and the shimmering and flickering whenever you move the character/camera is giving me eye aids and I'm playing at 4k
thank fuck I am able to inject pseudo-TAA with reshade which fixes 90% of it
Remnant 2 is such a bad looking game.
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TAA looks blurry as fuck while also NOT removing pixel jaggies (the one thing that AA is meant to do)
it's somehow blurry and jagged at the same time. it's a miracle how fucking bad it looks.
Give the poors a break
It destroys the depth of the image too. Temporal "solutions" are a mistake for consumer whores who worship brands.
MSAA only smooths polygon edges and applies before any shader passes. It's completely incapable of solving any other form of aliasing. Transparencies, MIP map shimmering, specular aliasing, shader passes for things like hair, screen space reflections, ambient occlusion, volumetrics.
I hate how shit TAA looks in motion. How the guck did normies not notice this with 30fps games back during the Xbone/PS4 era?
By sitting far away from the screen.
>Transparencies, MIP map shimmering, specular aliasing, shader passes for things like hair, screen space reflections, ambient occlusion, volumetrics.
Yet it still looked better than any TAA Implementation. I would rather get a few % FPS loss for a sharper image, than have to endury the smeary, ghosting mess that is TAA.
It looks good in older games, since they're less visually complex. Try MSAA in something like RDR2 and see how ineffective it looks while being comically expensive.
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TAA looks far nicer than any prior AA technique if you have the horsepower to run at native 4K. Obviously downsampling from 8K would look even nicer but is too expensive even for a 4090. Once again it's a problem that only whiny poorfaggots actually suffer from.
7th gen games lack all of the things listed, which is why 7th gen was the last time MSAA was usefull. But keep talking out your ass. I'm sure you know better than the people actually working on video games.
Don't forget less ghosting at higher framerates. Since it has more frames to draw information from.
Most games that rely on TAA are wokeshit so I'll just keep playing games I like at 1080p
Lol, you're brown.
TAA only exists because pajeet can't code for shit and relies on deferred rendering.
we should get forward rendering and msaa back, but that would make moviegame makers really angry
>just throw more hardware at the problem
good goy!
>I'm poor!
Not my problem. Turd worlders should be gatekept from video games anyways.
enjoy your industry crash when you all go bankrupt making 500M moviegames to wow retards who only watch over the shoulder of someone playing
chasing the photorealism dragon has ruined video games
And you'll still be a seething poorfag.
what do you gain from settling with underperforming garbage? you should be asking for optimized games instead of excusing greed and laziness
>not consuming media made for mulatto zoomers makes you brown
My video games perform just fine. Try upgrading from your Windows XP laptop.
No,its actually the other way around, TAA needs high resolutions and high frame rates to work. Anything below 1440/60fps looks like shit
Good that it only costs 1-2 frames then. Unlike MSAA.
but that's not dlss
>Oh our game runs like shit? Who cares just slap DLSS on and ship it dude
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bring back msaa
>complains about optimization
>wants MSAA back
>Devs need a way to market retarded resolutions
>What if we render at lower revolution and upscale? That way you can have 12k upscaled from 720
>Use TAA to "mask" all the artifacts
Retards love to see high numbers on resolutions, it's as simple as that.

Resolution doesnt mean definition anymore.
>windows 11
>unstable i9 waiting to die
>no dark theme
>not using tomorrow as 4fag theme
Replace your CPU with AMD and install CachyOS right now and redeem yourself.
It was basically forward rendering. Every engine has both in some way. Deferred uses forward to translucency too.
TAA looks great and I actually like the ghosting as long as it's subtle, fallout 4 taa looks good

Cucks use msaa, fxaa is cucked, dlaa is cuckware

Tldr If you don't like TAA you're probably a circumcised mulatto
if games were optimized again, you could activate msaa and modern hardware would laugh it off.
instead, current games are so unoptimized even a 4090 needs DLSS fake frames to run at 60 FPS
What the fuck am I reading?
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Bethesda's TAA is pure garbage, especially in motion.
Blur is a metric you retard
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Red Dead 2's implementation of TAA is a travesty. One of the most beautiful games of all time ruined by this shit, and this is at 1440p which people claim is "good enough" and the entire screen is just a smear.

I actually noticed that it was hurting my eyes to play the game because I was straining them so much due to the blur.
TAA is effective and way more efficient than other AA, just turn it off if you don't like it dumb mulatto
It works better with multiple objects. And don't forget postprocess, all the fancy shit requires a thousand buffers.
what did he do this time?
You are playing at 720, stop coping
Good, I hope you go blind from playing that gay shit
Rockstar's TAA is truly horrid. I don't know why the RAGE engine is so good at everything besides that.
I'm talking about Bethesda's TAA, not TAA in general, retard.
Also Skyrim (regular edition) had MSAA, which was removed from Special Edition and replaced only with this abortion or FXAA
DLSS 4K Performance renders at 1080p, yet it looks so much better than 1080p.
No offense but you have no idea what you are talking about. You are retarded for eating up all the marketing bullshit.
Then explain why I'm wrong. In detail.
Why are you still playing skyrim you dumb mulatto, keep bitching you dumb fuck homo mutt
Still? Where did I say I'm still playing it?
RDR2 was built around TAA. Everything on that game is dithered dude
>grass to max
>vram explodes
Fun times.
So is every other modern game. Because it's less expensive.
The sharp TAA mod is essential.
how about you make lean games again so SSAA doesn't reduce my FPS to 5
>TAA looks far nicer than any prior AA technique if you have the horsepower to run at native 4K.
Nigga, just run forward native with half the hardware, what retarded logic is that?

>Path tracing looks betterat 8K 240fps if you have the horsepower to run it
I'm not poor, I'm just not retarded.
shut up and stop being a brown 3rd worlder
>just go back to 6th gen so thirdies like me can cope
Because unlike MSAA it doesn't remove aliasing
Because who said I have to play something 24/7 for 13 years to complain about something?
Lol, this has to be bait.
No? FXAA it's more efficient
6th gen games look better than modern AAA slop, thoughever
Except on motion
>sharp TAA mod
this looks like complete fucking shit.
literally any problem that plagues gaming would be solved by gassing all turd worlders. games would already look better than movies if it weren't for their rusty toasters holding the industry back
Is TAA why I see some kind of choppy blur?
>hnnngh so sharp and crisp!!!
TAA and its consequences have been a disaster for video games.
It looks like shit, taa is far superior you dumb poojeet, only old skyrim used fxaa 30 years ago
Most people wouldn't know, but as someone who has used high resolution VR with underpowered gpu, MSAA actually gives you the most detail for the performance. The optimal way is using 2x or 4x MSAA and then reducing rendering resolution until performance target is reached. Yes, this is actually better than reducing MSAA, because improving detail via MSAA is cheaper than full rendering. Both TAA and DLSS in VR makes the picture incredibly blurry, like you are legally blind. In practice, even high res VR headsets are still low resolution due to the expanded FOV.

The gaming industry should have stayed at baseline 1080p with MSAA. I never felt the need to upgrade until everything became TAA blur shit. And TAA upscaling to 1440p doesn't fix the issue, because with the max Quality DLSS you are still rendering below 1080p WITHOUT the supersample detail from MSAA.
Ya but good luck with meaningful MSAA in a modern game engine.
People should use real resolutions.
if you aren't a turdie brownoid you should already have a 4090
Lol retarded console owning mulatto ape complains about TAA ghosting while running games at 15 fps
Yes... and some games refuse to let you remove it. Gears of War 5 being the best example. Truly the darkest timeline.
>more pathetic turdie cope
go see an eye doctor stupid brownoid. oh wait, you're too poor for that
>anon discovers sharpening filter
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the in game resolution scale setting pretty much eliminates TAA blur if you go high enough, but its expensive. But it will be a non-issue in the future as GPUs get more powerful.
yes. the lower your fps, the worse the blur becomes. avg fps is not all that matters either, when frametime is super variable you notice it the shimmering and smearing too.
I want you to solve the problem of AA on a differed renderer that doesn't involve rendering the whole thing at a higher resolution. And while we're at it, order independent transparency since TAA solves that too.

I know it's terrible, but whats the solution.
You can customize TAA in the fallout 4 and skyrim INI files, anyone complaining about TAA have skill issues from being low IQ
all that does it let you control the internal sharpness slider of the TAA like DLSS/FSR sharpness.
It isn't the same.
>. But it will be a non-issue in the future as GPUs get more powerful.
And games get even more demanding
There are a lot of parameters to customize

Low IQ
>bro you can spray-paint the shit
>now it's totally not shit anymore!
You jeets really need to just fuck off from the internet.
DLAA is the most advanced antialiasing solution in history.
Nvidia saved video games.
You don't have the latest Nvidia graphics card? Then get a TAA, dumbass.
lol no
>play Elden Ring at 1080p
>can notice ghosting while the elevator is moving fast
>play at 4K with DLSS (Performance) mod
>it just works
TAA exists so your laptop 3060 doesn't explode when trying to do AA on your 1366x768 screen because nobody needs more.
I mean a non-issue in RDR2 specifically.
>MSAA only smooths polygon edges and applies before any shader passes.
It's not done in the vertex shader, but after each subpixel shader draw
>It's completely incapable of solving any other form of aliasing.
Wrong, that's deferred because you can store multiple objects depth information on a single pixel. On MSAA, translucency is just another polygon
>MIP map shimmering
This makes no sense, MIP maps exist for the sole purpose of avoiding texture aliasing and MSAA doesn't affect that at all
> specular aliasing,
This was solved inside the shader (using mostly mipmaps) and it wasn't that much of a problem, specially at high resolutions
>shader passes for things like hair, screen space reflections, ambient occlusion, volumetrics.
You don't need separate shader passes for hair/complex surfaces in forward rendering. And SSR, AO and volumetrics work on its own and doesn't rely at all on TAA because they use their own buffer. If you think you can checkerboard AO or SSR you are delusional
Shitskin huffs the spray paint, goes blind and complains about nonsense as its last few ape brain cells turn liquid
>So is every other modern game. Because it's easier.
Not all games have in-game resolution scaling.
So this is what having no idea about rendering looks like KEK
>lower your standards to my level or you're le brown
No its not, it blurs the image. What you call aliasing reduction it's a side effect of that blur
Yes but it's more efficient. TAA it's not superior to MSAA either.
Nah, it's a good tech, it works well in high resolutions and refresh rates, just give it time as more people move over.

I was on 1080p for 10+ years.
Why? 4090 can't do 4K native. What kind of clown logic is that?
Then use driver downscaling. Both AMD and Nvidia have it.
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>Film Grain
>Chromatic Aberration
>Lens Flare
>Depth Of Field
Kino overload
Wrong. MSAA can't deal with speculars, any shiny thing will be aliased to hell
>specially at high resolutions
Forgetting that MSAA eats performance for breakfast so anything beyond 1080p on modern games is completely unplayable
>tech illiterate retard discusses TAA and calls other poor
Dunning Kruger displayed in full force
>turd worlder seething at being called poor
you love to see it
yes it can. you're only saying that because you play on a toaster without DLSS
TAA is such a joke that even x2-4 MSAA works better. I'm having no issue with native 4k
I have a 3080ti, and dlss it's not native in any way paco
That's what mips are for
Specular shit can change in how it appears with small movement of viewport or object.
>2nd most hated game in the series
Surely because of the graphics and not the forced multiplayer and terrible handling
There are thousands of techniques for dealing with specular AA. They just require a simple implementation that most devs are too lazy to do.
Nvidia already solved this problem for you with DLDSR but you keep using AMD hardware.
Never heard of it. How do you use that?
DLAA is sometimes worse than the default TAA, specifically in Call Of Duty
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>go to driver control panel
>find Virtual Super Resolution (AMD) or Dynamic Super Resolution (Nvidia)
>turn it on
>boot game
>set in game resolution to whatever the fuck that is above your monitor's native
DLDSR in specific and not in my experience.
is a 4K monitor going to be a future requirement? It doesn't seem like TAA is going away and it simply does not work well on lower resolutions
Oh. The problem with that is that it makes alt-tabbing horrendous and fucks my 2nd monitor-setup.
Tell me you use nvidia without telling me you use nvidia
What no they aren't. Upscaling Is making it worse
I already have a 1440p monitor its not good enough, TAA looks like shit on it
I like having stable performance, what can I say?
Smaa was a good middle ground. Yeah there was some blur but at least the picture was mostly clear. Dishonored 2 looked really nice as a result of smaa
>shilling for NVIsrael proprietary tech
enjoy your new 200% margin graphic card with kike tax
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>allows you to run games at high resolution or good settings or both on your 6 years old GPU in the latest games
Why do people hate it again?
people in this thread need to educate themselves on integer scaling


Shame it's only available on new Nvidia and amd cards
good morning sirs
I'm very happy with my 3060 ti, I will not upgrade for a while or play the shitty games they put out nowadays.
use Magpie (free) or Lossless Scaling (piratable).
they work for any windowed program

effiency is a first world thing you amerijew
>docs: add cunnyplapper as a contributor for code (#850)
lmao based
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>play some UE milsim game
>TAA makes pip scope unbearably blurry, halves fps and adds lag but environment looks sharp
>FXAA makes pip sharp and responsive and environment looks like total garbage
>dev says there's nothing xhey can/want do about it because UE/the game was "designed with TAA+ultra sharpening in mind"
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>3060 ti
dont you think its suspicious we had brand new 30x0 gen were still sold for year after new gen was released, its unprecedented.
The were rumors before even new gen that nvidia warehouse are full of 30x0 due to crypto collapse to solve that problem they intentionally released underwhelming 40x0 (mislabeled and overpriced) to get rid of old gen. You also pay extra for monitor with gsync while amd version of the same tech (freesync) doesnt have kike tax added in. Thats the company we are talking about, if they are allowed to get monopoly you will be paying 2k for a midrange GPU with just enough VRAM to become irrelevant in a year.
AMD's integer scaling supports loads of generations.

>Integer Scaling is compatible with Microsoft® Windows® 10 and 11. Hardware compatibility includes Polaris and newer consumer dGPUs, Ryzen 2000 and newer APUs, including hybrid and detachable graphics configurations

Polaris came out in 2016.
8x aa or MSAA Ultra otherwise bust
I don't care, I'm good for now. 3060 ti is on the level of rtx 2080 with lower power consumption. It's a damn good card.









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im not talking about your poorfag gpu, im just pointing out your flawed logic shilling for proprietary tech and supporting monopoly like a fucking retard.
Enjoy the inferior image quality with your expensive graphics card.
Runs like shit on my shit hardware
retarded phoneposting redditor
>witcher 2 ubersampling triggered /v/ back when the game launched as it killed performance
>made game loo ka lot clearer
>but muh setting must ALWAYS be ultra, fucking hack devs bullshit
>now we are crying that we don't have it now
i will still buy a superior product at a price point im interested in, im just not a brainless retard shilling for anti consumer practices.
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That's the sad part, now you can't choose, some games doesn't even let you remove TAA.
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I hate TAA, I hate AA blurring, if I can afford to do it I upscale the games res above 1080 so that the game doesn't look like Vaseline was smeared all over my monitor. Greedy fucks are trying to force me to have a different monitor and card
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Anti-aliasing? You mean blur filter?
It isn't a downgrade - you just have to use a modern resolution and not one from 2007.
Just use FSR2 or DLSS and upscaling, that's what you are supposed to do.
>playing at 1080p
Time to join the 21st century, champ
unironically prefer to see jaggies rather than blurry shit
TAA still looks like pure visual vomit at 1440p/60fps, in my experience. Maybe it works better for 4K/60fps, but once you're in the 4K realm, any garbage will start working because you have so many pixels.
>time to blindly and gormlessly buy new electronics regardless of specs/medium because journos, ads and other tech-illiterate retards say so
Nah sorry I actually have a brain and am capable of critical thinking. Whatever works for you I guess.
Me too. I've never minded aliasing, but in modern games it's particularly a problem because of the way some things are done. Foliage, for example, now has every leaf in 3D, and without anti-aliasing the game becomes complete visual chaos. One example is forcing yourself to turn off AA in Talos Principle 2 and play in an area with vegetation, it's horrible and basically unplayable.
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It would not be a problem if you could simply disable the damn thing without graphical issues.
Gaymes are build around TAA, it sucks.
>dlss performance
Nope, it's native 1440p with TAA disabled you can clearly see the dithering all over this screenshot.
Bait. Jaggies are cancerous.
>TAA looks great
>paying twice as much on a GPU for a couple extra inches of screen size
Doesn't look good.
Not paying the Nvidia tax.
Huh. Based amd as usual
shitty engines are worst than TAA.
Me too, lots of supposedly modern graphics feature are better left disabled because they don't make the game prettier and simply tire my eyes.
Never had this problem but TAA just makes everything look like a crayon painting in motion.
Why not have both?
24-25" 1080p is optimal setup for literally 99% of multiplayer games. 4k is a dead marketing meme for 60iq console retards who love playing interactive sony movies at 25fps with 900p smeared over their 40" screen
I just play at internal 2160p on my 1080p monitor.
This, if you're still playing on a 1080p monitor in 2024 you're basically in the dark ages
Probably has something to do with your 6 year old card arbitrarily not being able to use any of the dlss versions in your picture, schlomo
This image comparisons are always really disingenuous because you're never looking at a static scene with a static camera in a game. Those trees would be a such a fucking mess in motion.
it takes balls to insult 80% of /v/'s userbase like that. I respect that.
Poorfags would run a free os though
FSR, XeSS, and DLSS newest versions eliminate TAA. It’s going extinct.
At a proper resolution you wouldn't need TAA in the first place.
DLSS is literally TAA. Also FSR looks worse than TAA. I can't comment on XeSS because I don't know what it is.
worst thing is when you hear graphics programmers say that objectively TAA is better image quality than other antialiasing methods, it's like dude have you not played this game and seen how everything's a blurry smeary noisy mess wtf man
Marketing goes a long way.
Counter argument, faggots use motion blur and other post processing garbage like DoF. So clearly they like smeary blurry mess.
motion blur is needed for TAA to work, that's why they use that (even though everyone hates it)
Motion blur is enabled by default because of cucksoles and faggots with potato PCs, 30FPS is very choppy without it even for normalfags. But it's not required for TAA to work at all.
lol no. Nowadays the cool new method of AA is the exact opposite, where you play at a lower internal resolution and use a blurry artificial guess-telligence upscaler like DLSS to bring it back to native.
No games offer raw MS- or SSAA anymore
all the talk around DLSS is so hyperbolic its impossible to take seriously. Any time I've compared DLSS to native TAA, native literally always ends up winning.
>Downsampling is the real AA nowdays
it's actually the opposite, cutting edge UE5 games that use nanite + lumen render at BELOW native screen res and "AI" upscale even on beefy PCs. The future is looking grim for image quality
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>Lets you have your cake and eat it too
Thank you based AMD
image sharpening is bad
Not according to a dedicated shill on /g/.
AA is totally unnecessary in most games at human >=4K resolutions. TAA itself isn't bad, but it's become the new FXAA+Motion blur combo, used by bad console-focused devs to hide shoddy textures and unstable framerates.
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You two need to get a room and just fuck already
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That's literally how it works.
no no AMD bad, CAS bad, FUCK YOU
They're all forms of temporal supersampling. There's very little difference between temporal upscaling, AA and framegen.
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The human eye can't see over 30fps anyway.
Enjoy your cpu bursting into flames
More like returning to sand.
Its kinda amazing how fsr/dlss is far better and less blurry than taa these days
Devs stop caring to implement their own coding magic and just leave it to the technology to fix their shit
WTF, is this real? I know it's meant to be temporal, but it didn't know more frames = better TAA quality, how come no one says this? Developers don't mention this...
Because TAA is always used at 30/60fps on console shit as a crutch to get more performance due to it rendering sub-native. If you suddenly had to tell people that you needed to run sub-native at 120fps to mitigate the drawbacks of the AA solution vs. just....rendering native at 60fps with a real AA solution...
For anything temporal more frames is better.
>rendering native at 60fps with a real AA solution...
A real solution such as?
Downsampling from a higher resolution.
>TAA works by comparing neighboring frames (temporally) and blending them to create a cleaner image in motion.
>The present frame is rendered along with the geometry and shading, after which it is reprojected on the previous image using the jitter offsets and motion vectors. After that a rectify filter is used to compare the frame and check for any ghosting, after which the post-processing effects are applied, thereby completing the frame. Similarly, this frame is used for reconstructing (by reprojection) the next consecutive frame, and the process continues.
The real reason TAA is deployed so widely is because you can use it to hide dithering used to do transparency cheaply on deferred render engines, on top of the motion blur like effect used to hide framerate judder on consoles.
Well that's always a possibility on PC, thankfully, consolecucks are, well... Cucked in that regard.
>because you can use it to hide dithering used to do transparency cheaply on deferred render engines
Which is also why I hate a lot of fucking modern PC games, since they don't have any real fallbacks for properly rendering such things if you actually want TAA/FSR/etc turned off. It ends up looking like a fucking PS3 game in terms of shimmer/A2C-dither.
works on rtx 2060. that's $200, not even half a day's wage.
>static image
Haha, even FSR looks good in static images.
Hard to name a more prevalent combo

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