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Why is PC building such an expensive hobby?
>hurr durr too expensive
just pick up second hand parts
unironically buy e-waste for $15
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It wasn't expensive pre-covid era aka the 2019s and before.
You can literally buy cum-soaked laptops from pawn shops for like $50 and salvage parts into a useable rig, you just want to wallow in decadence.
I dont think this is realistic
early life
The reason consoles are so "cheap" is the companies take an intentional loss of profit on them, in the hopes they will make up the difference on the backend with video game sales. It's a classic bait-and-switch tactic. Once you're pigeonholed to the platform, you're basically stuck paying whatever bullshit price they charge for a game. I remember wanting to buy FC5 on PS4 for a long time, and it was $60 forever, yet Steam sales were constantly happening making the game as low as $13.
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In 2017 the most expensive GPU you could buy was $500

Then crypto happened

Then AI happened

Then Joeflation + capitalism happened where every single business tries to squeeze every penny they can out of you

If it was legal and profitable to grind people up into meat, American corporations would gladly do it. They will kill people for money, see how hard they fought to keep asbestos legal, lead paint, drug companies with harmful drugs, etc.
I built one years ago and I haven't had to purchase a console or "online pass on top of your current internet bill" since then.
Would say it paid for itself a few times over.
>It's a classic bait-and-switch tactic.
It's called razor and blade model, like printers. Even Steam Deck counts.
So how does this work when the Playstation has no games?
Well maket prices vary, and his are soaked in cum.
It wasn't expensive under Trump. But notice how as soon as Biden goes into office price gouging goes rampant and budget builds become unviable, and a similar situation occured in 2016 under Obama. Trump 2024.
Well, you see anon, PS3 once had a thing called Other OS. Sony removed it because the Airforce (and Folding@Home) was using the PSTripple to do intense computing calculations. How dare you heckin use the console for not-gaming!
>Joeflation + capitalism
You mean to tell us that you didn't take advantage of the increasing and improving economy post-covid? How is that anyone's fault other than yours?
Actually it started to become extremely expensive in 2020, when Trump was president. Funny how you don't seem to connect the dots.
What GPU won't rape my wallet?
Seriously it's sad seeing that the basic GPUs with cheap coolers are now the same price I paid for my top of the line one years ago
>Something that you do once every five years
>At most once a year if you're a sheep who fell for every marketing
Trump or not due to a worldwide economy slowdown thanks to quarantine, lots of items not just electronics had their price increased and somehow many item's prices still remains the same.
Look at local prices > Check benchmark videos > Buy
Also don't be a bitch and avoid amd. Muh driver issues don't mean shit if you can get better performance and vram for the same price. Nvidia only makes sense when money is no concern.
Shut up bitch. 2018 was hell for for GPU prices. Lots of scalping and retailers charging way over MSRP.
Buy RX 580/GTX 1060 forever until the heat death of the universe
Nigger, what?
It’s not unless your a poor loser. It couldn’t possibly be cheaper. Building a PC buying parts here or there as they go on sale is by far the cheapest way to own a PC of that scale. My PC cost 1/4 of the price of a similar one pre built.
Five billion more dollars to Israel and prices will go down
>thinks PC is an expensive "hobby"
this nigga is too poor to even have a real hobby lmao.
Time to vote our gun right away I say!
if you buy 900USD PC you can use almost 10years
It isn't though? Being an early adopter of the latest tech is an expensive hobby. I can build a working PC to play most of my favorite games for under $500.
PC building isn't a "hobby" for most gamers. It's a chore you reluctantly undertake in order to keep doing your actual hobby: video games. To that end, your PC only needs to be capable of playing the games you want to play. If you're not into the latest hardward-busting AAA bloatfests, then the specs you need are a lot more modest and the price comes down significantly.
PC building is not a hobby. This is a consoomer cope. If you're building a PC more than once every 5 years and its not your job you are a huge faggot.
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A hobby is considered to be a regular activity that is done for enjoyment, typically during one's leisure time. Hobbies include collecting themed items and objects, engaging in creative and artistic pursuits, playing sports, or pursuing other amusements.
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>publicly pressured federal reserve to keep interest rates low despite constant alarm from economists
>launch trade wars for personal political reasons
>gave out money to people during covid to the sum of trillions of dollars
>multiple times
>to his own, and to sanctioned russian companies too
>pretended an international pandemic was a fabricated political smear against him for several months, until everyone freaked out, and he locked down the fucking economy as a whiplash countermeasure, devastating the economy with his abject lack of leadership
Ah yes, we're talking about the Trumpflation here
it's not supposed to be a hobby.
It's supposed to be something you do once every 3-4 years so you can play vidya

nothing to do with trump, its because retards bought parts at like 3x the msrp during the crypto mining boom and companies learned that retards would pay for ridiculous prices so now we are stuck with them. We should of gatekept pc gaming harder.
3070 /6700xt
You have to future proof your pc
It's not a hobby. It's something you do once every 5-10 years.
Do people really build computers as a hobby? How? It's a chore not a hobby. Not only that but you don't need to do it often enough for it to be counted as a hobby
pretty much, I got a used 1660super after my 750ti died, what a baby that little bastard was, rip
is a 5700xt still good?
>SSD prices tripled and never came back down
fuck my life, I should've bought in bulk and dealt with the debt
>spend like $2000 every 4-6 years
What the fuck? Are people on /o/ not allowed to have cars as a hobby because they only modify one fucking car at a time?
Mesh shader requires at least 6000 series and RX 6600 exists if you're poor.
Vintage/super cars are appreciating assets while computers are highly depreciating assets. Not the same
/pol/tards are beyond reasoning
Niggas rec me a rig that can run street fighter 6? Can I get for for 1.500 dollars?
>Building PCs is a hobby
So shopping for clothes a hobby? Buyfagging is not a hobby, dipshit.
Slime Troonies Dix runs fine on literal potatos
It has always been more expensive than just buying a console though. But the real reason why PC gaming became so ridiculously expensive was cryptoniggers hoarding all the GPUs for their mining rigs.
Sure but the last time I built a pc was in 2013 Im extremely out of the loop, im just trying not to get scammed
let me help you with that cross board link, tranny newfag
use it
I'm using the 5700xt and it's about 5yo now, just wondering when I should upgrade. Newer games like DD2 I have to run everything on low to get 24fps so I imagine it's going to be sometime in the next 2-3 years. Luckily there aren't any new games worth playing.
You mean compared to playing console games or something?
There's people that do car restorations as a hobby. Pretty sure parts and labor on that stuff is at least one order of magnitude more expensive than parts and labor on PC building.
But you don't regularly build a PC though, nor do you do it for enjoyment. The enjoyment isn't from building it. It comes from the shit you do with the assembled PC, be it playing videogames, shitposting on 4chan, watching porn, etc. And you only build a PC every so often like when it's time to upgrade or your current one gets catastrophically fucked.
So basically it became expensive during covid when they shut down all the PCB manufacturers in Taiwan. You need to learn to connect the dots. Double nigger.
Also I'm not the guy you responded to.
I got by with an RX580 for years. Wouldn't do insane level graphics but I could still play pretty much anything.
It started going up before covid with everyone thinking crypto was gonna make them billionaires. Covid just exacerbated the price hike.
There's also the bonus now that you can get free fraemrate with FSR.
>with everyone thinking crypto was gonna make them billionaire
And also realized that they could just scalp GPUs and get chip manufacturers to sell all their stock to them and up prices to OEMs
If that's the price of freedom I'll gladly pay it
Muh capitalism.
In socialism you’d get one new slightly more powerful cpu every 10 years.
And the production rate would be 100/day of which half would be broken
>In socialism you’d get one new slightly more powerful cpu every 10 years.
Legitimate question. Do we really need "slightly more powerful cpus" more frequent than 10 years? As it currently stands all the new shit is just thrown into meme technology like raytracing, so what would even be the point?
Yes, but that's all you get. You won't have a GPU because gaming doesn't help you produce goods for the people.
It's not if you're happy with 1080p 60fps.
Then how come there's russian video game companies?
It's not a matter of whether or not YOU in particular need or can think of a useful way to use something, but you do make a reasonable point on the ever bloating requirements of games.
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We don't need stronger cpu or gpu. Don't listen to the shills.
What we need is quantum dot display monitors which will BTFO all the displays currently available in color, blacks, brightness, responsiveness and price.
If I go by price relative to hot pockets, it's cheaper than ever.
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>always wanted a real PC
>no idea on how to settle on what exact components I want
I will never be able to make my OCD brain function right
I just want a fucking computer
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1.Stop buying meme brands retard.
2.it's only expensive if you buy the brand new shit that's top of the line (or anything from Nvidia even their shit tier gpu's are an arm and a leg)
3. Buy used parts, learn to look for deals on fb marketplace,ebay etc. Reputable places always have a $ back guarantee.
4.If you don't know what the fuck you're doing, ask for help from a friend or spend some time watching guide videos on YT from reputable sources like Gamers Nexus,Hardware unboxxed etc etc

Also, stop falling for marketing meme's like "LUL ONLY NVIDIA GPUS WORK TARD!"

All 3 are shit, pick the one that looks like the smallest bit of shit for the money you're spending.

otherwise, quit bitching and go back to being a console onions slave.
List 3 games you want to do on your computer
List what other activities besides fucking around on /v/ you want to do on your computer eg: digital illustration, writing, video production
For a while it wasn't, and then the coof and miners completely ruined the market.
>Tranny anime
>Too retarded to do something even thirdworlders have been doing for decades now
Stick to your Switch and whatever shitty gacha you have on your phone, faggot.
You set a budget and get the most expensive component within the budget.
street fighter 6
modded Skyrim and vr porn
uhhhhh I don't know I just don't want to have to worry about turning down settings all the fucking time
I'd like to make ai sloppa
I'm not telling you what you would need.
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>assembling a 10 piece puzzle once every 5 years is a hobby
fuck off and kill yourself
If I go by price relative to hot pockets, it's cheaper than ever.
>4090 MSRP is 2x the 1080ti MSRP
>Hot pockets went up 4x
>Pot pies are 6x
>40 Gal hot water tank is 6x
>Basic lawn mower is 3x
And this is why I won't.
>chuds think Republicans will pass corporate regulations capping prices on goods in a free market
lmao Fox news said PRICE BAD and you actually think Republicans are the answer. Enjoy your high prices thanks to trumps strict tariffs on China who *checks notes* makes almost everything we buy
kill yourself tranny. I mean it.
>corporate regulations capping prices on go
The issue is the states forced small business to shut down for a year you idiot
If they supported trans rights, they wouldn't have had to shut down, CHUD.
Noooooo, not the poor mom and pop American computer hardware manufacturing companies!
Oh wait, those don't fucking exist.
jews cranking up the cost of gpus and motherboards. The other parts are in decent spots currently (maybe cpus could be better since AMD doesn't seem interested in offering budget friendly, low-end skus for AM5)
Some people enjoy messing around with cars rather than driving them, you know.
Not him but some people do regularly build end enjoy building pc's, it's not a lot of people I'll give you that. A colleague even came over to my apartment just because he liked building pc's once my parts arrived.
Doesn't really apply to pcs though. The unicorns that might "enjoy messing around" with computers rather than using them tend to be doing so as a profession rather than a hobby.
>I'd like to make ai sloppa
Nvidia GPU, specifically the RTX 4070 series or higher. AMD has barely caught up to the RTX 3000 series with their high end GPUs. You could go lower but that goes against
>I just don't want to have to worry about turning down settings all the fucking time
After you get the other pieces and checked if they fit via places like pcpartpicker.
Once you've burned your money on those parts and had your fun, kill yourself.
>small businesses set prices that corporations react to
LOL did Fox tell you this too LMAO
Computer parts are universally made in Asia you massive fucking retard
Wow, how old is this image?
unironically true and the sething only proves his point but this shit just isn't sustainable anymore even for the companies
If we are to poor to even afford the simplest of consumer products how are companies expected to survive if we don't give them our money anymore?
The whole system is about to implode within a couple of years
Case looks like nzxt kino, is it?
You buy it on credit, then the company sees the problem as an issue between you and the bank and therefore no longer their problem.
Why do you think online stores like Amazon and physical stores like Target keep pushing credit cards on people?
Nothing is going to fall apart.
Chips themselves are extremely cheap.
After AI hype dies the the jews will simply lower prices and goys will keep buying that's it.
First it was crypto, now it's AI
how is the bank getting its money back when im unable to pay up without taking another credit?
That's the fun part. They'll go and offer you a loan to consolidate your debt and when you can't pay off the loan they recommend that you go and file for bankruptcy, at which point they can go and take your possessions to rob you even blinder than they already have.
and that's why people don't give a fuck about shoplifters
Everything was better under Trump. Even girls were better under Trump.
>DD2 I have to run everything on low to get 24fps
Imagine buying unoptimized bloat coded inferior pajeet ware.
PC building is not an hobby

PC components, even contemporary ones, aren't THAT expensive unless you're some brown favela or SEAmonkey whose wage is <100 usd per month. and even if those are you circumstances, there are graphics card models mentioned in this thread that allow you to play anything. if those are outside of your budget, you have bigger problems to deal with and should reconsider your priorities. if you want to play newer games with good graphics and good framerates guess what: you should still reconsider your priorities and get training so that you can get better wages
if you're one of those people that would rather not put in the effort to change their circumstances and spend money in training in order to make a better wave, I will give you a motivational quote uttered by plenty of the "daddy's money that has never done one day of hard labour" "richest among the poorfags" types: 'ew, people like you are disgusting and you deserve to be poor'
are there really people that build pcs for fun?
>what is price fixing
I bought computer parts in 2019 totaling for $1300. The same computer in mid 2020 would have cost almost double.
Building a PC once for a gaming rig every 6 or so years is not a hobby.
Just buy prebuilt. Maybe add more storage or RAM as needed.
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Nigga how many pc you need to build, you only need one
RX580 is a legendary GPU. I still got one in a drawer in case my 3080 burns out
Yeah it used to be twice as expensive as a console for a very high end build that last longer than a console's lifetime. The whole appeal was that you'd pay more up front, but get a lot more out of it, and for much longer. Now you pay thousands for something cutting edge on the consumer market that starts to feel obsolete in only 2 years because of all the shitty bloat added to software and games being so reliant on AI framegen/upscaling crap that they just completely skip any sort of tricks or techniques to make the game run better. Adding shit like unnecessary realtime shadows to garbage clutter and adding an assload of polygons/unnecessarily high-def textures onto similar misc objects that'll just be in the peripheral at most.

It's like they're employing skyrim mod authors, the type who who make shit like 8k textures for coffee cup.
I literally ordered almost all my parts on a whim with barely any research, the only thing I replaced was stock cpu fan and put in coolermaster fans into the case
the only problem I am having is with shitty dell monitor that has a lot of pixels dying on it
The cum soaking helps with cooling? I may try nutting into my old pc if true
*low quality psu fries your pc*
heh, nonthin' personnel fool with more money than brains
the only expensive part is the initial investment. 1k-1.5k can get you a pretty decent system
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>oversized case
>le ebin gamer armor 500 dollar motherboard instead of a plain 50 dollar pcb
>4 sticks of ram when you're just going to be scrolling reddit all day
You only have yourself to blame
6 years and counting with my msi aegis, you mad? My i5, 1060 6GB, 16 gb ram is still going strong
>Nvidia GPU, specifically the RTX 4070 series or higher
lol, 4070 is trash, you can get a 12GB 3060 for half the price and better performance and if you are a really autistic minmaxer you could get a 24GB 3090 for 1/4th the price of a 4090 and it's better in every way
it's not? try woodworking, photography, cycling, skiing etc
Actually it's called the loss leader.
Yes but are you (we) earning double the sala(ries)?
cool it with the antisemitism, goiym
>mutts think everything is about them
PC gaming was broken by shitcoin in 2019->2022 and since then by the AI bubble. It has nothing to do with Trump or Biden or whoever kike shill is in office at the time in your shithole.
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someone tell him
I am at least
>build PC in 2020
>put 1650 in it since it's the only viable card available for under $300 during crypto boom
>"I'll just wait a few years and upgrade to a 3060ti"
>four years later
>3060 ti's are still selling for $500 - 600
you could have set aside 50 bucks a month and build a monster rig now.
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How is it a hobby.
You make a PC once and it just works for the next 8 years.

It would only be a hobby if you did it for other people in which case its the exact opposite of expansive as you would be doing it for free if not be making money doing it.
True dat
The video games are the blades.
Because they think talking about PC hardware makes them look smart.
the most overpriced dogshit market right now is GPU
you are literally paying 300$ for last generation performance, and amd wasn't even trying to compete with nvidia with their rx7600 vs 4060
yeah their competitor to the 4060 is the 7600 XT
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>bought my GTX 1060 6gb 8 years ago
Bitcoin and other crypto (((mining))) ruined a good thing
kek master baiter
When bitcoin first took off and the gtx 1080 was sought after so much that it created the first GPU scalper market. That's when gaming became expensive. It got worse from there on after.
>3060 ti's are still selling for $500 - 600
unless you're talking about monopoly money (a*stralian or c*nadian dollars), you're getting g scammed big time
I just googled and 3060tis go for about 250 euros on ebay, 3080s go for like 600
Not him but 3080s are selling below 350€, new 4070S are around 600€.
t. slav
>Not him but 3080s are selling below 350€
on ebay or elsewhere? functioning or broken/for parts?

pc building is not an expensive hobby

skiing is an expensive hobby
collecting art is an expensive hobby
animal husbandry is an expensive hobby
Ebay isn't popular here, we use different sites. Fully working but out of waranty. You can find also slightly more expensive cards with 14 day return policy around 400€.

Building a PC isnt a hobby. You build the thing and upgrade when you need to, its a tool. PC building has somehow become a status symbol among retarded nerds much like riced out shitheaps that some carfags dickspin over. Layers of overpriced memeshit that exists at best to imitate performance and at worst purely for the sake of impressing other idiots engaged in the same silly antics.
that's pretty good, even considering your wages probably aren't as good as western europe
>we use different sites
which ones? I am slav but don't really know what you're talking about.
I've been thinking about upgrading for a while now so I am interested.
Inflation, taxes and regulation increse the price and reduce the money you are able to pay.
Other than that, it makes sense that it costs money, because there are literal billions of transistors and Thousands of electrical components in it.
Allegro, olx they don't ship internationally. But you can find the same prices on German ebay.

Obviously, we earn 1/3 of what Krauts earn but we pay more for everything.
poland is better to live in than england now so who knows.
slavic countries might end up becoming the new places with middle classes in another 30 or so years.
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>Why is PC building such an expensive hobby?
It doesn't have to be.
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Sites were selling a 3070 for £1000 during corona
My entire PC was cheaper than 1 (one) graphics card.
Now nvidia is trying to make people like this practice. If AMD catches up with features, nvidia is fucking dead.
Are there enough fans in that case?
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Try being into PCs and homservers too. I am in financial pain
can't have a side hustle when you hobby as a pc builder.

get robbed, yo.
>just pick up second hand parts
>just buy cheaper components, bro, it saves money
>just have a PC that becomes outdated next month, bro
nivdia is currently riding the AI boom so unless they catastrophically fuck up and spend it all like a retarded sportsball player then they'll be fine for the next several decades at least
I bought two RX 580's two years ago for 50 bucks on OfferUp.
Whole computer build was like 300 bucks. Every part i found for 40-50 bucks.
Only game that's slowed my dated CPU down is X4 with 200 planets and 40 factions processing economies and battles in realtime, i3-9100F, otherwise my GPU's usually sit at 30-50% usage at max settings. I play Total Warhammer 3 with 200 mods and this game always runs beautifully. Shit like Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree runs at like 20% GPU processing. Just get a card similar to what i have and then put money into a good CPU. Modern game are more CPU raping than GPU, in the old days games wouldn't even run without certain cards, now it's mostly CPU that hinders.
By that time who knows what will happen, but it's comfy country right now but costs of living are getting silly. Electricity went up by 100% in a year, which is fun.
>PC building as a hobby
Am I missing something? Why would you want to just build PCs instead of using them?
No, I was thinking of doing push-pull on the radiator.
putting together a couple lego pieces every couple years isnt a hobby you drooling retard.
you remind me of the favela monkey/subhuman filipino that had a monthly wage of 75USD yet wanted to buy a PC with a 4090 in it
only buy computers, and generally stuff you can afford to, fuckwad
or DO spend on a pc the amount of money that could have gotten you the necessary training to acquire a job that can make you bank, in that case I shall, again, recite you two of the "daddy's money faggot that didn't work for any of his money" kind of people's favourite sentences, being: 'poor people are disgusting and retarded' and 'people like you deserve to be poor'
It's just faggot lingo for the act of plugging in 6 computer parts instead of buying it pre assembled. I wish all these niggers would die.
>buy bed from ikea
what changes would that entail
the amount of fans would increase
where would you even put them lol
if AMD catches up with nvidia they will probably end up on top, nvidia's prices will lower and AMD's prices will skyrocket
don't get greedy now
you don't have a job
if you're trying to make pc building a hobby then why not use cheap parts to fuck around with? if you're just building a pc because you need one right now then it's not a hobby.
>just have a PC that becomes outdated next month, bro
A 1060 can still run something like 99% of games. And you can get something better for basically nothing. A used 3070 is like 200$ right now.

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