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Is there an adult Chuck E Cheese for adults to game in? I want to enjoy myself with some fellow Gamers.
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also, post stories of social gaming (times you gamed with friends at parties or other social settings)
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I'll start:
>friend's birthday party
>bunch of girls there
>there's a smash setup
>get on the setup and destroy everyone while getting heated and trash-talking
>everyone at the party ignores me and treats me like I have autism
dave and busters

arcades are just phone games on big screen these days btw
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does dave and busters still exist? And is it really just fucking playing mobile games on a big screen? I'd at least like to justify going there, like having a specialized arcade setup (with motorcycles, steering wheels, guns, etc.)
You do btw
based, sure showed those casuls
You did nothing wrong
they do and they still have normal arcade games like house of the dead and all kinds of racing games
>And is it really just fucking playing mobile games on a big screen
Youll find the classics like DDR and a light gun game or two. but the marjority is phone shit and ticket games
Dave and Busters
sex with this oriental
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can anyone comment on whether or not arcades is a good way to find a gamer girl gf?
A couple of years ago (when I was 31 I think) a friend of mine had her wedding recital dinner at something like a Main Event type venue. I ended up getting drunk and feeling pretty uncomfortable 99% of the time since I knew no one there except for her and her sister. Eventually, they wanted to do some go-karting, and I ended up teasing this other random couple about how they should be prepared because I play for keeps, which they thought was goddamn hilarious. I ended up leaving before the actual go-karting, though. I was getting pretty sick of being there.

Anyway, moral of the story is that there were drinks galore at that place and plenty of hot young folks. These types of venues do most definitely exist and seem like they'd be fun to take someone out on a date.
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its been that way for at least a decade now,
The Godzilla VR game they got in this year is pretty cool.
Light Gun games are the only "real" games that Dave and Busters has these days. The rest is rigged claw machine/gacha b8 or some variation of fruit ninja.
Forgot pic.

>gamer gf
Absolutely not. You'd have to be the luckiest bastard on earth to MEET someone at one of these things who would be willing to entertain a date with you. Most likely they're out with friends or family and just looking to have fun. Hitting on someone doesn't seem like a good idea unless they are eye fucking you from afar.
>does dave and busters still exist?
>And is it really just fucking playing mobile games on a big screen?
Also yes. Traditional arcades are dead.

Outside of Daytona or Mario Kart there is DDR and that's about it beyond the mobile games.
If you are a pedo maybe.
>forgot pic
Forgot pic again kek. I'm kinda drunk.
They still play metal slug... right?
Dang anon, have you not been to anything in the last 20 years?
they dont have metal slug machines?!
Anon, I...
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There are chains of adult arcades now. Also go to gaming conventions.
medal... slug...? Uhhh..... Lemme go ask the manager.
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Does Nickel City still exist?
Oh fuck, for real? I might go just for that.
lol I remember a kid doing this at my friends birthday part when we were in high school. Most of the kids at the party were like 2-3 years younger than him and dude was dash dancing with fox beating on middle schoolers. He was greasy as shit too.
Just wait, you'll get a kick out of this: instead of an actual fighting game cab, there's a cab of the MOBILE VERSION OF INJUSTICE! EVERY TIME!
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fucking THIS is what I'm talking about. Please tell me this exists in america in the (((current day)))
Who is the asian girl ?
>And is it really just fucking playing mobile games on a big screen?
>but the marjority is phone shit and ticket games
>The rest is rigged claw machine/gacha b8 or some variation of fruit ninja.
wtf? is it the fact that old arcade games are more expensive since they aren't being produced anymore? this shit has to be failing hard
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>gamer girl gf
>made to go to this kids house for play date
>he has Pokémon stadium
>literally just make me watch him play for two and a half hours, refuses to let me play until my mom picks me up
What a massive faggot, I still remember that shit for some reason over 20 years later
my gf
They might at a BARCADE that has a ton of retro game cabinets as a gimmick. But at these mainstream restaurant/arcade places, no-- chances are pretty good that you won't find anything like Metal Slug there.
>DisneyQuest circa 2006 is gone forever and you can never go back
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>tfw you have a place nearby with hundreds of arcade machine inside and it's only a small payment to play ALL day
No idea but I can't stand her ridiculous nails. They make it look like her fingers have been smashed by a hydraulic press.
Round1 if you have one near you.
AUGH the grace of the chick who works there is too much. I love it when service workers manage to act like professionals in the face of autism. It gives me hope for the future.
>Also go to gaming conventions.
I've wanted to do this for a while, but I've heard these get a bad rep. Is this worth it??
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you really recommend it? I have one near me...but if it's just fucking flappy bird, then fuck that.
>mfw my major arcade are filled to the brim with ticket gambling machines
>racing games are just wangan and some chinese game
>fightans are just injustice arcade and kiddy ultraman card shit
>shooter machines are almost all on the rail water gun shit, no good shit like silent scope, police 911, or time crisis.
I want to go back. At least put HotD remake on actual arcade machines man.
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I will never forgive those responsible for closing the Chicago one down.
>Use the Buzz Lightyear bumper car with a dodgeball canon attached to it with only one other person
>angry monkey throws a tantrum for doing what you're supposed to do and chucks a ball at me when we got out
Hustle and bustle memes aside there is a privately owned barcade in my city that is pretty good. They have giant projector screens with consoles, classic games, newer games like enter the gungeon, and a decent pinball selection. I also will go to dave and busters just to play time crisis
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I went to Fanime-con over a decade ago, and it was pretty dope. Everyone super friendly and it was enjoyable and cringe in the best way. But since then, the west has fallen, and I have a feeling it's been sanitized and ruined beyond hope.... Anyone have any more recent takes on this?
It's air hockey for me.

Vid generally related:

> like having a specialized arcade setup (with motorcycles, steering wheels, guns, etc.)

Games vary a LOT by location. It's one of the few places outside Japan you can play a even remotely up to date version of DDR.

Still expect at least 30 percent redeption games, and 20 percent glorified phone games.

Find a retro barcade.

It is absolutely not.
Round One is pretty good, if you live near a big city. I went to one in Dallas a few years back, and it had all the dance shit, a bunch of racing games, the sit down Japanese-style fighting game cabs of Capcom/Namco/SNK fighting games from the 90s to now, and a bunch of arcade games that I didn't even know existed. I had no idea there were so many House of the Dead games.
I played an initial d game there it was fun
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Are there any anons who just go to one of these places (i.e. Main Event or Dave & Buster's) alone to get drunk, eat pizza, and play any particular arcade game?

I think someday I will end up having to resort to behavior like this when I am all alone. Doesn't sound too bad, but I was just wondering if there were any adults who engage in this sort of thing and find it to be fulfilling.
>this shit has to be failing hard
Last time I went was a pretty long time ago, but it was still pretty crowded. It's probably really cheap to maintain what is essentially an LCD TV hooked up to a raspberry pi.
Normies don't really have any sort of standards to begin with. So clapping their hands as the colorful iOS emulator makes loud noises is probably worth the price.
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>initial D game
don't get my hopes up... They still have initial D there? No fucking way in fuck desu
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I still have my card
The last nickel arcade near me closed about a decade ago. It was owned and run by Capcom USA. It was turned into a Halal meat market which closed during the pandemic.
I got tricked by old photos of a local gaming place that had a initial d cabinet. Major disappointment when I got there.
If you have a Round 1 near you they have a lot more "real" arcade games. Last time I went I spent like an entire hour playing an initial D racing game. I think that's what you're looking for
In my cuntry, arcade machines are all located in pubs, kids just don't care about these ancient heavy machine no more, tho.
They don't use the old Neo Geo systems anymore.

Theyve mostly gone to the taito type X systems rununning Nessica Live. Only place I've seen with those are Round Ones.
Oh lol I didn't realize you guys were already talking about the initial D game but yeah round 1 deff has those I can vouch too
Hey, that's not fair, you sometimes have the marvel version.

Unless you have a japanese arcade. Then you get actual new shit.
Apparently there's one coming soon to a location about 40 minutes from where I live. I recently failed a job interview near there, so maybe I'll avoid it for a few years.
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anyone remember red robin and/or their arcades by the front door for when little shitters couldn't settle down at the table?
>The last nickel arcade near me closed about a decade ago
the family fun center nickel arcade we went to around 1997/1998ish became quarters around 2000. it stopped being worthwhile after that even though they had like 60-70 arcade cabs
My local one has 4 initial D infinity cabinets...but they're out of licence cards. Wagan Midnight version 5+ though.

As far as I know no place outside Japan has Initial D vs MF Ghost.
My local arcade is pretty nice, has some rarer games like f zero ax and a neo geo cab with basically all the games on it. Wish it had a couple more modern games like hotd scarlet dawn but it’s still very good
I do. I play dancerush stardom, as it's better than obesity.
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rl female chigyu?
Magfest was a blast.
>Free play vidya from any console and nearly any game
>Try weird indie arcade games
>Go to nearby bar to fall of a mechanical bull
>See an open mic panel as some kid keeps talking about weezer and others bomb at public speaking
>Go back to free play vidya until morning
The shopping is cool and there are women too. I have s vid one sec
I'm pretty sure there's no good conventions near where I live. Shit sucks.
I went to a "gaming" (read: niggers bowling) venue a few days ago and the bouncer murdered another bouncer.

I'm good bro

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Hell yeah - ours was rockin' with a CVS2 machine.
I'm near their US HQ, so don't take this as typical for your midwest shithole location.

My location has
street fighter 6 type arcade. Nessica.
Tekken 7
Nessica multicab2 with SNK heroines, omen of sorrow, Samurai Shodown arcade (the post saudi version), KOF 14 or 15, Arcana heart,
Third strike, Type X version.
Pop and music fantasia.

Guitar Freaks/Drummania
Project Diva arcade.
that game that looks like a front loading washing machine.
Dancerush stardom.
Beatmanaia 2dx
Pump it up phoenix.

Initial D infinity, no network. or card.
Wagan Midight, with network.
Mario Kart 2.
Godzilla VR
Mission impossible
Buck Hunter Zombie edition
Time crisis 5.
House of the dead 5.
Walking Dead
Luigi's mansion.

No metal slug, or Neo Geo cabinet.
Oh, they also have flappy bird.
This, took my current gf to a barcade a few times they're fun. She gave me head in the parking lot once too. Good times
If anyone has one nearby, try a LaserTag that's near you. Mine threw me for a goddamn loop when it had an actual MARVEL VS CAPCOM 2 cab. It had the whole banner and everything. It was fucking awesome.
I can't fucking stand middle class people. The worst type of cattle to ever exist.
Why's that?
I've been to pax and >>683761923
Magfest was definitely so much better. Tons of arcade cabinets with all sorts of Japanese imports. All on free play for the price of admission. Also learned how to pick a lock there too
And some ""women"" https://files.catbox.moe/it3oih.mp4
I kind of want the other girl more
I see why femcels exist now
they're worse than just fucking escorts
people were ALWAYS at this machine but i hated it since it was always 4 fucking quarters
You have to make your own gamer girl
introduce her to games
>And some ""women""
the small one has to be a girl. look at how juicy that butt is
Sauce? Asking for a friend.
Damn, this sounds fucking awesome.

I used to absolutely love going to events like this. I haven't done anything like it in years.
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Need ugly Japanese gf that's into video games (not gacha shit).
hell yeah mine had a Gauntlet cabinet
I looked up the Capcom nickel place near me, as it has been many years. Judging by the photos, it's just the kiddie ticket games left and games are $1+. I doubt there is still a Virtual ON machine in there or anything cool. At least I have Galloping Ghost very close.
Last time I went in 2013 they had that one iphone blade game. I don’t even remember the name but they made three of em. They also had a fruit ninja cabinet.
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>be me
>childhood friend (different highschool) has a small party/bbq
>go onto his borderline home entertainment theatre of a loungeroom tv setup and play bloodborne
>played it 100 times already + massive lorefag
>casually stomp through the game while abusing ai and describing/explaining/pointing out design and lore details
>ie "ok we're climbing this ladder and over there is gonna be the screaming fella and you should hear him right about now"
>clericbeastscream.wav perfectly timed, that kind of stuff
>act like fucking Steve the crocodile hunter Irwin
>small crowd gathers
>I do this for an hour and a bit until killing mergos wetnurse
>only ~2 deaths, nice
>"ok so that was bloodborne. fun game, I like it"
>"that was pretty cool, anon"
>"yeah that was really impressive thanks for the tour"
>"yeah no problem dudes thanks for sticking around lets eat some bbq"
I like those guys, my friend's got a good group
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Time to take a trip to Illionois, I guess
Interesting. I always thought the Capcom arcades were local because their US headquarters is near me. Nice to know there are a few left, even if it's just ticket hell now. Maybe they still have a few classics like Pac Man or Gradius on free play in the back like mine used to.
no one made fun of you? gay
I tried, broke my dick in two places :(
Sounds pretty close to the R1 in San Diego I literally just left from. Where's the HQ based?
All the california ones near the ports are well stocked because it's easier to get games there and hold them until the newer locations are ready.
barcade in detroit does in fact have metal slug 5, also one of the better games for your buck because it gives you a ton of lives for your tokens. simpsons is the same.
>Round1 just opened up near my place
Someone already said it, but round 1. Those Gook rhythm games have me addicted. I play Sound Voltex, Drummania, and Groove Coaster at least once a week. Only shitty thing about GrooveCoaster is Taito axed the servers so all play progress and score keeping is gone. The upside is all navigators and songs are unlocked.

The middle class is gradually getting annihilated with how fucking expensive things are and how much you need to make to afford to live.
theyre pseudo-normies, they knew what bloodborne was but none of them beaten it (excluding my friend who hosted it)
Why is yellow fever such a common disease on this board?
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>And is it really just fucking playing mobile games on a big screen?
Yes. I went to a Chuck E. Cheese back in 2015 and most of the games were mobile games on a big screen. There was one Terminator game but it was scripted (IE you can't fail or die but your kill count determines how many tickets you get). I can't imagine how bad it's gotten since. I bet the prizes are shit too.
>game that looks like a front loading washing machine
Fucking lol, I know that Wacca. I've never been big on that one. My local mall recently opened an arcade and they've got Voltex and Beatmania, but it's older cabinets. I've gotten spoiled by the Valkyrie model at Round 1, the older ones look so shitty by comparison. They also don't have stools for taller weebs, it's uncomfortable as fuck trying to play it. Every rhythm cabinet is made for those tiny ass japs under 5-10.
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Damn you the one thing Galloping Ghost doesn't have despite me seeing and playing those machines all the time at various bowling arcades.
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My experience as a kid with a virtual-on machine cemented my love for vidya games. Always the game I blew the most quarters on.
We're talking arcades. The entire industry has collapsed except for raw thrills, dave and busters, and the retro people. That just leave japan.
Hit the google search button zoom zoom. It's just a tiktok whore dancing on the easiest difficulty though.
Yeah that makes sense. I still wish there was some multi-cabs that had a bunch of classic games but I'm happy with the selection of games they have. Plenty of fighting games and pachinko, das it mane.
How retarded do you have to be to not google around and check out the Shangri-La of modern arcades? They have shit you can't play for miles and get new stuff all the time.
please stop watching porn
>is there a Chuck E Cheese for adults
someone post the webm of the old sheeple on the gambling machines
because japanese girls are the best
You ever play the ontario tangram version?
It's pretty expensive and gets boring pretty fast if you don't enjoy the games (typically rhythm and dance games)
I had an arcade phase where I grinded machine for tickets to trade in the shitty prizes but nowadays I just spend time at internet cafes playing valorant
I don't know about fulfilling but time does pass by really quickly when I play like this
X-chicken! HAHAHAHA!
I should've said it hasn't been Capcom for many years, it just kept the name Nickel City. They do still have free play classics.
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Okay sir.
>you will never again get to eat the 90's chuck e cheese pizza recipe
>future generations will never know how good it used to be
It's a goddamn shame. they had some of the best pizza and now it's some of the worst.
fuckkkk i wish i had a DRS machine local.
maybe I should just buy one. learning to shuffle and scoring some zoomette cooch has to be worth 10 grand
>browse weeb site
>weebs fetishize asian women
Shocking, I know.
It's a lot bigger in Japan and korea. You'll see people of all ages in the arcades. You'll even have ddr sluts with the bodies of a goddess practicing there at times.

In my hometown there's one good size arcade but it's mostly weird people if they're over 16. This is ignoring the barcades.
There has been a barcade setting up this year nearby, I thought it was like dave and Busters and would instantly fail but apparently it's a bar with retro cabinets.
Still expect it to fail though, it's in a doomed commercial area
haven't seen this one before
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>had one of these at my local Cicis Pizza
It only made me even more of a mecha nerd.
>Rhythm games (maimai, sdvx, chunithm, gitadora, all dance machines)
>both wangan and initial d
>time crisis
>whales hooked on gambling machines fund all of this
It feels good to be Australian
Man the greek diner my mom used to take me to as a kid had a tekken 3 cabinet for some reason. It was the coolest shit
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from some Japanese crane-game videos I've seen, best you can do is make little girls smile by winning them the prizes they failed to get
Arcade bars have made a comeback, but they're still mostly only fun to go with friends.
Yes Dave And Busters still exist, as do Arcades in Malls still in some areas that are brand new. Funny irony is I am noticing that there might be a revival of it in America thanks to them not creating Big Box stores and malls but actual Mixed Use Communities. So far Tatsujin, Naruto arcades have been announced to be coming into America now.
It was bad in 2011, but I remember enjoying it in 1998. I remember another story where my half-sister had a party at Chuck E. and I remember the animatronics show that played. We got some cool goody bags and the pizza was damn good too. Again, I bet the prizes are trash nowadays. I remember seeing big water guns to literal game consoles around 5000 tickets or so. No way you're getting a PS5 now. Not even a Switch.
>extraTERRORestrial alien encounter
That scared the shit out of me when I was younger. My dad's friend talked about how great the ride was and thought it would be a splendid idea to take his children, youngest being 6, on the ride. Of course he forgot to pay attention to the part where it was scary and meant for older audiences. Looking back it was cool to be able to have experienced it and the subsequent stitch ride as they're both long gone.
>huge mall in my arcade used to have a digital shooting gallery that featured pirate-themed animatronics
Goddamn, I used to love that fucking thing. We'd go to that mall once a month as a treat and I'd cut my teeth on so many novelties. I don't think I ever saw anyone else play that thing except me.
It's only two missions for now (Manda and Megaguirus), but based on promo material, there's a Gigan patch coming in down the line.
Yes essentially Barcades. They are on the Rise in a lot of Downtowns recently some with 2 stories, some with 3. I can only hope when America builds more Urban Mixed Use Enviroments soon we have people with some money to bankroll big 3-4 story tall Arcade centers with some eatery areas and import Arcades from Japan, and America makes Arcade games again.
>feeling nostalgia for cheap capitalist establishments
boomers are a sad breed
Round 1
You never know, I had one near my house that charged by the hour and they did so well they were able to relocate to a bigger location and add a bar.

I first noticed it went to shit around 2008. I went there with my brothers for the lols and the pizza was bland as fuck. I think this was around when michelle obama started flapping her big ass lips about poor nutrition for kids so a lot of companies that appealed to kids started changing their shit to be more healthy. I tried it again a couple years back off uber eats just to see if it was a bad night. Nope, long gone.
wrong generation
boomers are nostalgic for throwing rocks at each other
>t. Russki
You'll never know how good we had it, Ivan.
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>those days in the 90s when I played Samurai Showdown 2 at the local bowling alley and donut shop
I beat everyone with Nakoruru. Good stuff.
Look for TILT Arcade centers. It's still a thing, parents still take their kids, and there is adults that play from time to time. It's changed somewhat. It has Pinball machines, older Arcade Machines are cheaper(25$ is enough for 3 to 4 hours easily), also there is VR and other new arcades on the way as well.
A claw machine costs one 1 credit for 10 seconds of "gameplay", while with the same credit you get 10 minutes of gameplay from modern rhythm/racing arcade games and boomer arcade games last as long as you are good at them. Which one do you think makes the most money?
It always depends on the times. Usually it's early in the morning to evening times.
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I cannot for the life of me understand this.
I've been dragged to Casinos around here and my God I cannot help but feel total despair whenever I see this many ols timers spending their day with this flashing lights machine or spending their whole time in a Bingo parlor in the middle of bum fuck nowhere. I fucking rather pick trash, fix pumbling and/or clean the streets in my old years rather than spend my damn days in a room full of this shit.
It's gone now, anon. Long gone. Been at least 15+ years since it was there. Maybe even 20.
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>TFW there is no Marijuana Lounge Arcade with the Vaporwave Aesthetic and Neon Lights.
God So much potential in America if we can just legalize it for once.
>brain slows down
>body slows down
>everything slows down
Having access to nonstop flashing lights, tactile games, and MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY in your face with other people may look hellish on the outside, but from the inside of someone who has the mental activity of an advanced toddler, I'd say that it makes pretty good sense.
>smoke weed in public
>accidentally get too high
>have a panic attack and want to go to the hospital
NEED autistic rhythm game gf so fucking bad bros.....
So no one is gonna post the OP source video?
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Chigyu chads
What's wrong with that?
Wtf is this knockoff pump it up shit?
A lot of gen X and boomers never developed actual hobbies because they were taught working was literally the only thing in life that mattered. Casinos are a way for people without any hobbies to have some fun for a few hours, since you don't have to actually plan anything out or do anything, just pull the slot over and over.

Bonus for MAGstock
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lol it happens already in America. Even with kids who accidentally eat candy edibles despite warning labels. But honestly I think it's a unique concept that could actually work because Weed literally enhances everything you see and feel. There is a reason why it's called set and setting.
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in my city theres a place called Barcade, but i've never been. Think its a chain, assume its fucking gay and lame and has no good games. I'll just stay home, thanks.
Dave and Busters for western shit, Round 1 for Japanese shit
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We need to bring it back Anons.
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I know I know let them have their fun before they go back to dote to their kids/grandkids. I am a cheery individual but by the Gods I'll end up suicidal if I end up working in a casino or bingo parlor like this. I am just thankful my old folks are not into this shit and would rather travel a lot instead.
Yeah I went into one in Toronto, a big arcade with alcohol and pizza and shit.

Honestly I found the arcade noise overwhelming and I left without playing anything.
>time crisis 5
this game is so ass, holy shit. It sucks that games like this, giant space invaders and the shitty raw thrills games is what it's come to, the only good arcade games left are namco games
Round 1 and TILT for life on Arcades.
Honestly, yes. Also those places need to advertise more, i swear to god i only remember D&B through TV advertisements back in the day.
How is Internet Cafes? Are they better than the ESports areas?
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Time Kino 2 - lets fucking goooooo
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I can see her bra.
There's a few in Vegas, specifically the Circus Circus' arcades, but they're not in great shape. None print the cards anymore, two have destroyed memory card slots, each have their own steering quirks ranging from always pulling the nose up to having to fight to keep it from going sharp left and all of their motion seats are very temperamental.
At lvlup expo here two years ago there was a machine brought to the arcade area that was in basically perfect condition
i felt the same way about the new HotD
why the fuck do arcade games now feel so...ungamey. I can't describe it. its like nothing you do makes a direct reaction in the game
I think it's to make games so easy they appeal to kids only. I notice this with Minecraft and Asphalt where it's just to mind numbingly easy and very boring. While on Japanese end they just kind of make more interactive games that can be difficult but also simple fun.
I wish I wasn't poor
>moved away from my Round1
>finally getting an arcade next year
>it's a Dave and Busters
I'd rather have gotten nothing.
>Circus Circus
I have been to Vegas more times than I care to admit from Circus Circus to the Strip. I can tell you, that you are accurate about Circus Circus, and it does feel odd to notice there is not much newer Arcade games at all.

I did this but in reverse. We had Melee set up and this dude started talking mad shit, saying he'd smoke me and everyone else. I told him "I dunno man, I'm pretty OK at the game" and he just kept going. We finally got on the sticks and I beat the everliving fuck out of him, didn't lose a single dude. We all worked together and this guy pretty much stopped talking to me forever after that.
What's not to get? You go out and fuck around and maaaaybe keep your expenditures low through winning some cash back, as opposed to "le heckin travelling" where all you do is spend.
That's all it is with old folks that go to casinos. They wanna go out, but don't want to spend the money for it.
Every other game was inoperable and overall it was overpriced, but I did get to beat an entire family of five at MvC2
She looks like a slightly prettier version of Emiru.
Genuinely the hottest woman on the planet.
Peter Piper Pizza
they serve beer
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>grew up in the ghetto
>used to play MvC/Xmen vs Street Fighter at the shitty chinese restaurant down the block
>played Area 51 in the pawn shop a little up the hill from there
>had to walk a ways, but played Power Stone in a laundromat
>motherfucking HYDROOOOOOO THUNDEERRRRRRR in another laundromat
>moved to another hood
>played House of the Dead 2 and Hydro Thunder everyday on the way home from middle school for the year i lived there
>can't find a single arcade cab anywhere in this big ass city without looking online now
I didnt know how good I had it.
Dave and Busters was always scummy shit. Massively overpriced admittance, costs to play every game, and the "appeal" of being able to get shitty beer and microwaved food while you were there. In the last few years it's just gotten worse as they no longer care to have any good arcade games, just ticket dispensers.

Your best bet is hoping you have one of the very few decent arcades in your vicinity - aka, somewhere within a few states' drive of where you live. Short of that you have garbage barcades filled with wall to wall pinball machines and a shitty neogeo multicabinet which has half of its joysticks and buttons broken since none of the college kids they hire have any clue or desire to learn how to fix them.
It was probably just cheaper to keep what they already had in working condition, especially after the whole 'family fun' era of Vegas ended. These days it seems like they don't even really do that with how few of the machines arw working at even 90% full function, probably because actual arcade machine techs are a real endangered career
Go to Round 1 instead
GYAT what a dumper
No shit, Disney World used to have a fucking sick ass arcade at Tomorrow Land back in the day. We went for a high school trip and since I've always had family who worked there I didn't give a shit about visiting the park cause I went all the time, so I just posted up in the arcade for like eight hours playing Virtua Cop, HotD, Daytona USA, X-Men vs SF, all sorts of classic shit. Legitimately one of the best arcades in Florida back in the nineties, you just had to pay like a hundred bucks to get in, on top of the quarters cause of course that shit wasn't free play.
It's my dream to own a Soulcalibur 2 cabinet
Don't listen to these fags saying dave and busters, if you're desperate, find a Round1, if you want to have a good time literally find an arcade with BYOB past 9PM that forces kids to leave
Is pic related any good? I've walked past it at Round 1 a few times. I've won enough plushies and figures from the claw machines to be willing to try it next time.
I hate Casinos with a passion even before I got talked into blowing 20 bucks.
>Boomer guardian figured out how to play casino games on phone and ApplePay MTXshit
I really fucking hate casinos
It's a mixed bag.
On the down side you don't have arcade cabinets to play on nowadays.
On the upside with videogame piracy you don't have to blow who the fuck knows how much in quarters on arcade games.
Arcades were basically gachas before gachas were a thing. Instead of rolling for pngs you rolled for continued playtime. Instead of pulling an ssr you "pulled" skill to not use up all your lives within the first 10 minutes.
I enjoyed it. Pretty standard on-rails shooter with good fanservice.
that worker chick is pregnant
Its cool but without a full team of 4 prepare to die a lot which means more swiping for additional lives
>be me, many years ago
>playing video games with friends
>have fun
those were the days
idk if it's that game but I played a halo lightgun arcade game and it was basically constant chip damage, so no matter how well you play you're not going to make it too far. Pretty disappointing.
I work somewhere where one of those games is in the arcade area. It's a sit down cabinet with two seats and better looking guns. I never played it but it is the most occupied game there, all I know is it's loud and somehow breaks less than the rest of the things there.
unironically this. went to dave and busters a week ago with some family and yeah it was literally just mobile games everywhere with the exception of like one tomahawk throwing game and some vr stuff but u wont catch me wearing a vr headset sweaty people have been wearing esp when i have vr at home so i dont see the point
In japan maybe, west no. Jap had this rhythm games of sort in their arcade and girls like it. Git gud in that and you can bag yourself one
they don’t exist anon, biological female gamer girls are an extinct species
it's not touch screen right? Why they're doing that
the boomers yearn for the color green
Some machines are. Looking at the green box options in the red box at the bottom of the screen it appears that machine is touchscreen too. Hell, looking down at the area around the cash/ticket slot it looks like that machine only has a touch screen to play the game.
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What website do you think you're on Anonymous
There's another webm with but it shows old codgers playing slot machine and they also touching the screen and i still don't understand why they do that because there are slot stop button yet they're touching the screen like they're hoping to slide the slot down or something
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If you're in a major city in Texas there's the Cidercade. Last time I went there the games were free and the made money off the hard cider.
Sneed E Sneeze
read "addiction by design" those things have billions of dollars of R&D and fine tuning poured into them to be as addictive to the right kind of person as unfathomably possible.
literally down to the sound coins make when they hit the metal, the lights, heights of the machines even the smell and layout of the casino itself.
Scientists in labcoats are crafting the perfect environment for zoned out people to forget what they're doing and keep repetitively spending their money.
round 1, pretty much
>Tfw no socially acceptable places to pick up women outside of bars
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I'm in Austin rn and I've always wanted to go to both it and Arcade UFO because I've heard they both have strong lineups and you don't need to go all the way to the Round 1 in San Antonio unless you want rhythm stuff. The problem is I don't have anyone to go with, so would going alone make me look too much like a sperg
>walk into arcade
>see big fruit ninja screen
>walk away
I just wanna play time crisis man
i finally looked up this machine
it plays "You Spin Me Right Round"

>friend's birthday party
>bunch of friends bring their kids
>they get a bunch of games to kill time
>play connect 4 with them, lose on purpose so they have fun
>that one asshole proceeds to chime in that I'm getting my ass kicked by a 7-year-old at connect 4
>he continues to bring it up even now

Always go full ham and just dunk on your opposition at anything. The alternative is absolute bullshit.
You know how kids would tap the b button in Pokemon to help the pokemon stay in the pokeball?
its basically that
>tapping b
you held down+b to glue the ball to the ground, retard
Except the video at >>683774645 points out that it's a touch screen where you grab moneys. In the video it's purple. For the webm in >>683765570 you can see that it's green leafs of paper caught in the twister.
I wish there a place where I could play arcade time crisis while smoking, drinking and shouting racial slurs
just kill yourself beforr then bro. preferably soon
Oh, really? Apologies
Though I've seen tons of videos where the slots have no touch screen whatsoever and theres rows of boomers doing that shit
If I wasnt high as fuck watching laptop to TV via HDMI I'd make a webm
Who cares about those other machines though? The anon asked why they're doing that under the assumption that those machines specifically aren't touch screens, and now there's a video that makes it very clear that they are in fact touch screen gambling machines.
they're called arcades or game centers anon
they're literally still everywhere in major cities.
but they're the ideal place to take a girl on a first date after dinner but before going to a bar or home or something.
you finish some food, walk around the city, "lmao lets throw down some mario kart" and fuck around for a few laughs.
of course she is.
she wears glasses, is thin with a ponytail and wears short skirts.
they're a Japan-only franchise though and they range wildly from being awesome megacentres (rare) to "half a dozen crane games and a mariokart machine".
>boomers literally waste 100s of thousands on this shit instead of putting the same games on their phones and re-investing their finances into their family
no wonder the economy's going to shit
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I remember the thread where somebody pointed this out and how she put her arm around her belly to "protect" the baby from the autist (in reality she already had her arms like that long before the collision).
Abe-sama will not be disappointed
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Same with gachaslop but the solution didn't need any R&D, it was already pre-programmed within us from the start
I am not sure where this "all arcade games are mobile games" thing comes from. If I really deep think it I can come up with 3.

Asphalt 9 has an arcade cabinet, but is a really nice cabinet with satisfying motion and feedback, I don't really think it matters that it's mobile first. Groove Coaster was mobile first before it came to PC and arcade(...right?). I'm neither here nor there on it. One time I saw an Infinity Blade cabinet, which really was just a big ass screen. But other than those 3, I can't think of any.


Round 1 is absolutely incredible. I had one 2 hours away from me which I had no problem driving too on some weekends. I'd spend hours and tons of money on Maximum Tune and Sound Voltex.

I do not drink because I came from a family of alcoholics. I do not go with anybody because "bruh I have at home".
If you had to open an arcade, what games will you put in there?
EXVS OB. It's making bank in Japan so why not import those cabinets.
just challenge him to a connect 4 duel and wreck him
>went to some small gaming convention with friends
>super smash bros melee tournament
>it was organized online but one team didn't show up so they needed one more team
>of course we volunteer
>these smash nerds totally destroy us
>one of them listens to his own music through headphones while playing
>we tell the organizers that he's getting advice through the headphones (this was like 20 years ago so this was completely ridiculous)
>he takes headphones off
>we lose all our games
>we throw paper balls at the nerds while they were playing the finals
>Is there an adult Chuck E Cheese for adults to game in?
its called a casino
I'd come visit it everyday
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There's Arcade Club in an old mill building in Bury (a shithole place in northern england). 3 floors of old and new arcade machines set to freeplay, rhythm games, pinball, consoles/pcs, even some skeeball type things too. It serves crappy food and cheap alcohol. It's been around for nearly a decade now, I'm impressed the business model hasn't been fucked by rent or energy costs. Probably only works in depressed northern towns with cheap land, low wages, and nothing else for the teenage population to do on a weekend.
7/10, will keep going once every year or so.
I only know one that still exists in my state and it's located in the most white area possible. Like everyone looks like a typical white libtard.
Most D&B today would get trashed by niggers. One barcade I that I enjoyed going to had to shutdown thanks to urban youths destroying it during the summer of love.
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I went to a dance club once...
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Man I miss arcades. Those were the times where I could make friends organically outside of school or work(lol). Met a few randoms who taught me how to play guilty gear and blazblue. Some dude hopped into the machine next to me and started wrecking me until I git good. Then next time when I see some chump playing alone I would do the same. It's such a magical place and I have not found any places that could capture the same atmosphere. My social life practically died when the arcades around me closed.

I will always look back fondly on the bro-ops with randos I had with some obscure japanese beat'em up like fucking Powerstone. I wanna go back.
Fuck you for reminding me of my younger days.
Just go to any normal arcade after 9pm.
I had a girl ask me to play games with her once whilst I was in an arcade. She seemed like she was interested, but I autism'd hard and turned her down because I was dating a girl at the time. I'm not even good looking, I'm underweight with a half-decent face.
>Can you stop wasting all your money on gacha rolls? You don't need that goddamn pixelated pair of tits!
>anyway time for another trip to the casino with $5,000 budget, maybe I'll hit it big this time
Boomers think like this.
I have found two in Japan. The easiest to find is in Mikado Ikebukuro
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I wish i had a round 1 near me, i miss playing dance rush and sound voltex....
That's just so sad and pathetic. What kind of loser does this? Just why would you reclass the only dancer in the game???
she knew way before it even happened, this must be common
Maybe he wants her to have astra later, anon. You could also just autopilot enemy phase where being a dancer won't do much.
One girl asked me to played Taiko no Tatsujin with her. Needless to say I sperged out trying too hard to impress her. Never returned to that arcade again.
There's no real Middle Class. The 'Middle Class' is a psyop to make poor people hate each other.
based knower
As someone who has been to both, solo too, it's super laid back and both have rhythm games too. only downside about cidercade is that certain games are always broken control wise due to kids going apeshit. Also, eat before going, food is so shut at cidercade.
she's wearing 5lb of fakeup there, virgin
>porn addict calling someone a virgin
lol porn has melted your brain retarded faggot
are you ok, incel?
Ignore the asshole, you sound like a cool uncle.
no, I'm not ;_;
Would be good if the demographic that goes there didn't require DB to remove the skeeball machines for safety

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