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/v/ - Video Games

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How were localizers able to successfully convince most people that localization is necessary in game translations when in reality it is just a term made up to justify localisers censoring and rewriting dialogue?
This is a very big issue in both games and anime/manga, considering that most localizers don't even speak Japanese. luckily for me, I am unshillable. Noone can shill anything to me, including "trans rights".
how many times are you going to make this thread you schizophrenic retard
Localizers tricked themselves into thinking their jobs is to "fix" the story while also translating, how they reach that conclusion is a mystery tho
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there is not a dumber group of people online than transphobes
How is not wanting you losers to marginalize other people's work transphobia
someone's upset
It's even stranger when you consider that games like FF7 with notably bad translations sold gangbusters when Vagrant Story which was hung up as the poster child for localisation being important got good reviews but sold like shit.
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allow me to summarize why these threads are retarded
I don't get it
and that's why you're part of the problem
It's natural that some binaries work for some people and not others. If you're trying to run Win16 binaries on 64-bit Windows, they won't work.
They're narcissists. There is no mystery.
okay, n4 kun
Oh sorry troon did you get naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamed?
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it's basically the same except the english one has a lame le hacker joke.
>binary as in computers 1010101 geddit?
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>game full of cute and hetero couples
>OP obsesses over the one trap
No one tricked anyone, books always got "localized" way beforehand and nobody gave a shit. Same with movie dubs and stuff
I too can use google translate
it's either this or having anon mtl and bringing us back to pic. translation is the ultimate "dude trust me" job there is, except no one in their right mind trusts left, so you're not really left with much of a choice except to trust right save for straight up learning the language which, realistically speaking, ain't nobody got time for that, otherwise translations wouldn't have so much demand. there's also the argument to be made about artistic integrity when it comes to localizations which many an anon makes, but that falls outside the scope of your point
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>no one in their right mind trusts left, so you're not really left with much of a choice except to trust right
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now continue reading my post
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Neither side explains why the japs need to have a faggot in my video game in the first place
you're given two sets of moonrunes.
you must determine if either of them are correct.
but it's impossible to tell.
and learning how to tell is out of the question.
so therefore one of them HAS to be correct?

that makes no sense.
The fatty is cute
>it's okay when Japan does it because they word their faggotbabble slightly differently

Fuck off lol.
Go follow the money and you will get your answers. This is just a way to be divisive and keep people fighting each other instead of the people we should be paying attention to. Blackstone just dropped billions into the Japanese media industry. Then look at investments related to Tencent. Then think of how much trillions can buy in relation to online actors and bot inflation.
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>localisers are always completely innocent, trust me bro
That image was made by someone who needs serious mental help lol.
>stop noticing things
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i didn't say it HAD to be correct. if you could "liar villager" localizers into doing their jobs properly, we probably wouldn't be having these threads. that's why i said it was a "dude trust me" job. the only one you know for a FACT is incorrect is left, you're just left with *trusting* right. don't get me wrong, i'm of the opinion that people should just learn japanese if they want an uncompromised experience too. every non-academic or other similarly dry works are going to face that issue eventually, even the most faithful translations will have to make a hard decision or two on interpretations, and that's ultimately what translation boils down to-- choosing an interpretation to trust and hoping it won't break your trust (that is if fansubs were still prevelant today). if you're gonna get mad at this thread for your edit, you may as well mad at the idea of translations as a whole since that's basically what they come down to
yes, all translations are wrong. I agree with that.

A translation should have a goal in mind. Accuracy isn't always that goal since usually a company funds these things. So usually the goal is to make money. So whatever the target audience will enjoy more usually gets used

Like a South Park joke about Mexicans getting localized in Germany to be about Turkey. The Germans actually understood and enjoyed the joke instead of scratching their heads, so it was more successful
One belonged to a legendary franchise with the gameplay dumbed down to the lowest common denominator and the other was some literal who shit with overly complex non-intuitive gameplay. I can promise you the localizations did not factor into it.
because they didn't know then what they know now
You do realize half the reason people hate leftists is because they make rash and arrogant presumptions like people in Germany not being aware of world politics. You are condescending shits that assume everyone is as stupid as you are.
Hey /v/, if I want to learn to read Japanese to avoid trannylators, is https://learnjapanese.moe/guide/ a viable guide to follow?
it's cuter when one of the boys in the ship wears a skirt
>/v/ posts an "English vs Japanese" image
>both are localization with one of them just being filtered through a machine and the poster's autism
sounds more like you're describing conservatives, little bro
essay anon here, partisanship of any kind is a poison to art. the lefties of today are just the christservatives of the 90s on a bigger scale
Is this the new localisation defence? Pretend that the actual translation is made up too and no one can tell what's actually accurate?
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i'm just saying it as it is. dunno what the other anon's deal is, but i still think people who can't learn japanese for one reason or another should still have something close enough
You're genuinely retarded.
>doesn't understand biology
>calls others dumb
here's your fucking (you) retard.
this shit pisses me off so bad. at least this faggot piece of shit can't touch the suikoden games.
you're giving them too much credit. they're narcissistic mentally ill sociopaths. it's that simple.
Come to think of it, did the remaster alpha leak have a new English translation?
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>i still think people who can't learn japanese for one reason or another
There aren't any people who can't learn Japanese.

It's fine if you don't give enough of a shit to learn. But then why are they getting so upset about the trannies they're funding writing garbage? That's what you paid for, garbage.
no clue, but I was talking about the originals
The reason these threads get posted nowadays is to shill AI. Likely pajeets getting paid.
The people relying on others to translate for them have the most right of anyone to be upset about being given garbage.
People who rely on others deserve zero rights. You're cattle, and you'll be treated like cattle.

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