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This black samurai single handedly caused more cope than any other japanese themed game.
They could've avoided all the mess if they just said "It's historical fantasy" but they decided to double down on the "YASUKE WAS ACTUALLY THE GREATEST SAMURAI EVER RECORDED ACCORDING TO THIS WHITE GUY"
Yep, cope from leftoids trying hard to edit all records of him to change him from a glorified servant into a samuria.
Yep. That's decades worth of planning going down the drain because some retard used an easily traceable Wikipedia username. The kvetching is unreal.
Or they could have had an actual Japanese person.
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This shit could be avoided if Ubisoft wasn't retarded and marketed him as a real life samurai.
Just call OP a Nigger and be done with it retard.
The only reason people even give a damn about Yasuke is him supposedly being a black samurai. Hell, I doubt they would have even bothered making feudal Japan the setting of their next AC if they knew he was just some negro slave whose job was to tend to the actual samurai.
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Imagine fucking up so bad that Japan speedruns 3 decades of noooooticing kike bullshit literally overnight.
The fact that they made a reply to their Japanese audience only meant that Ubisoft Japan is on their way to getting Kyoani'd.

Hope they have police presence and better security.
holy fuck are french people this retarded?
It was also a very bad timing. Japan is currently going through a militarization and they're seriously considering closing the US bases. For example lask week some US soldiers were accused of raping Okinawan girls despite they've been doing if for decades. In the past it didn't matter because Japan gave Okinawa to America like all the other ex--colonies but now they're making a fuzz to side the public opinion against US bases. Young Japanese men are estimulate with nationalism and then AC not only focus on a foreign samurai but show Japanese peasants vowing to him. Very bad timing
What gets me is that they're claiming it's not woke, Yasuke was a real guy, Assassin's Creed is always fantastical, yada yada... But then they deliberately make the guy look exactly like George Floyd.
Okay, you gotta have a black guy bang an Asian woman, fine, alright, the entertainment industry is just performing a humiliation ritual like normal, maybe there's an argument where they can gaslight me and act like that's not their purpose.
But then the black guy is LITERALLY George Floyd.
Come on dude. They're not even hiding it.
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>But then they deliberately make the guy look exactly like George Floyd.
Is he? To be fair, they all look the same
>Young Japanese men are estimulate with nationalism
Lmao. No we're not. A lot of our men still act like herbivore drones who spend all their time when they aren't wageslaving either getting drunk or playing vidya. We aren't as much soulless dogs to Americans as Korea, but no way we're kicking out the Americans while China is buffing up their naval presence in the region and our population is still falling.
Early life check?
I think it is hilarious this is the most relevant AC has been since they were good over a decade ago and it is because the games are unredeemable shit now.
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I mean…
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>Ubisoft Quebec
Samurai are gay, anyway. Landsknecht are totally better. Bitches and Ritches, everyday.
And leftists now are saying “It’s fiction, who cares” when a few weeks ago they were believing that he was a real samurai
>They could've avoided all the mess if they just made the mc a japanese dude
Japan is run by nationalists that believe the emperor is divine and there's a long tradition of the governors doing whatever they want and the people being apathetic at best while the country change direction. WW2 survivors won't live forever and after they die, only some Japanese SJWs will make activism to remain Japan's dearming
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Imagine being that guy who peddled the bullshit thinking "yeah I already got them fooled with a bunch of books, shows and documentaries, a videogame is nothing"
Bro, you need to stop getting your modern perspective on countries from Paradox games.

Actually it has blown the lid off to the fact that leftists rely on storytelling and "lived reality" over empirical fact and they actively and routinely engage in historical revisionism in order to make their ideology real.
It's the same shit with the 1619 project, asscreed just altered normals to this cultural revolution shit that's been going on for decades.
You are also not japanese so you don’t know what you are talking about. Japan is in a inward phase at the moment. Many of the younger generation consume literally 0 western stuff. The most open they are is to hallyu which is already really bad because Korea despite being a lovely country is the biggest USA cocksucker there is in these parts of the world so hallyu is just a gateway to more american stuff. Fortunately the japs seem more aware of the bullshit-ry of anything coming from america.
Just wait until you find out that yaskue is a descendant of one of David's mighty men and the tutorial plays like odyssey and is set in the times of Samuel before it fast forwards to the 15th century
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We all are black gay guys here
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Funny how the yen dropping showed Americans worse to Japan.
>they're seriously considering closing the US bases.
They're not, also American marines are convicted for raping Okinawans and have been for decades to the point extortion rackets have developed targeting servicemen.
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>Or they could have had an actual Japanese person.
But that would be racist.
How did american switch stance from "I HATE NIGGER!!!!" to "I WORSHIP THE AFRICAN AMERICAN!!!!" in a few decades?
As tired i am of the nigger fatigue like most normal people, i kinda feel bad for this "Yusuke" being in such a hated game (for good reason).
I mean if he was in any other game, he might even be a good, likeable character. He doesnt look ugly for a black character, and who knows maybe he's even kind hearted.
What a fucking waste
>For example lask week some US soldiers were accused of raping Okinawan girls despite they've been doing if for decades
Source South China post.
I got a 3 day ban for that by jannies
fucking faggots
>Young Japanese men are estimulate with nationalism
Isntead procreate , japs are busy with anime
Similar shit on South Korea.
so what will be the lesson here when the game comes out and becomes a huge success for Ubisoft?
Nigga, they went to war against their own kind and died because of how much they worship them. The entire US died when jews took over and started selling black slaves centuries ago
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>black guy can't swim
Stealing from Canadians is okay.
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Lincoln/the unions victory and its consequences allowed that
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Anime fans tend to be in the far right, both in Japan and in the west. About the reproduction "problem", that's Japan overreacting and western media shitting over Japan because it's led by boomers still angry over WW2 and the Japanese miracle
>Anime fans tend to be in the far right, both in Japan and in the west
Japan I can believe, but in the west too? I don't know...
Trannies love anime though.
A black woman was shot by police in her house yesterday. This is the christian's "They don't allow prayer in our schools!" but racist.
>far right
to be fair, there's a GAZILLION genres of animes these days and spanning fucking decades, it doesnt even matter where you're leaning left or right or part of the sane/insane.. anime is just very mainstream at this point.
You got your huehues from Brazil and their Dragonball obsession, or Baki fans to retarded faggots who watch moeblob anime and Vtuber bullshits, you cant put everyone in the same basket.
This isnt 1995 or 2005 dudes.
>This black not-samurai single handedly caused more cope than any other japanese themed game.
Cool it with the anti semitism
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>a bunch of books, shows and documentaries, a videogame is nothing
Honestly? I have a hunch that Thomas Lockley never wished for any anime, plays, or anything regarding Yasuke, not until 10 or 15 more years. He has been playing a long con, and in that extra time frame he could have kept building more and more "evidence", until it was an "indisputable fact".

He knew nobody of importance, in Japan or the West, was going to read his book, so it was a safe bet. What he didn't count on, was the now physiological neccessity of certain groups to cater to DEI and score ESG points.
And what he could do once they caught wind of the "black samurai"? Tell them it was all bullshit and beg them to wait for a few more years?
>ac games always lets you play as a man from the place of the setting
>playing as a japanese man in japan?
>lmao, lol even
>you get to play as black man
>and we play american hip hop for him
>because he's, you know, african
America would have suffered a far worse demographics fate if the retards in the Confederacy had won and spread slavery even further across the continent before the institution inevitably collapsed.
Lincoln also knew that true integration of the races could never be achieved and wanted the freed slaves removed from the country entirely, up until another cotton brained southerner killed him.
The entire southern aristocracy and all officers in the Confederacy should have hanged.
Technically bayek is a descendant of Leonidas and darius/cyrus/artexerxes (I don't remember which one of the Persian kings)
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origins and odyssey are both spartan games?
Is this still removed or is it back again?
They removed the apology?
All the games are about the nephelim pretty much

Let's not forget Connor, a Syrian Italian from whales native indigenous American
every thread
Do you think they'll ever do a game about the ancient israelites? Or should that be saved for the 2nd movie
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>black samurai
No such thing, you sad groid.
He was actually a cowboy
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>Or they could have had an actual Japanese person
Cool it with the racism, bro.
French Canadians from Quebec, but eh same thing.
Don't forgot the Johnny Somali bullshit as well and Thomas Lockley being David Irving 2.0.
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Felt like less to be honest.
I trust the edo jap coomer experts here.
All this bickering about the historical setting, I'm curious how this is going to tie into the modern times with Loki/basim and the ancient alien artifacts
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>The vassal asked Akechi what should be done with the black man, and he said, "A black slave is an animal (bestial) and knows nothing, nor is he Japanese, so do not kill him, and place him in the custody at the cathedral of Padre in India."
I am skeptical about the porn stuff, but the jap is right. If there were more black slaves there would be more evidence of them in nip documents.
You must be the only one in the world who still cares about the modern day plot, anon...
This post was almost certainly made by some vatnik tankie weeaboo. They love Japan and hate the fact that Japan isn't on their side. Look at any of the Dugin shit and you'll see some fantasy cope world view where Japan is Russia's greatest ally despite the fact that Russia is squatting on Japanese territory and refuses to give it back.
>VGH if only our hordes of rapist slavs made it to Japan before America did...
the marines at the Navy bases have been raping and otherwise sexually assaulting the docile tight asian girls for a loooooong time, my dude. It's a constant nightmare for the JAGs.
Death is better than being sent to the pajeets.
Assasins Creed India with Yasuke when?
As an army veteran, if I ever have a daughter I'm moving further away from any military post

faggy journalists brigaded the CN, downvoting it until it wasn't visible anymore.
>My people is so corruptd to its very root that you can be sure that if black slaves roamed Japan, we would have made pictures of them fucking our wives.

Like, i totally understand the logic here but man, how much of a fucking degenerate do you have to be to think of this as your main argument ?
To sum it up, The is just the end result to years of lying and manipulation. Can't believe it need to be said that lying is bad.
Probably a good idea. Military areas are always poor black shitholes anyway.
it's not modern day india
in general, the areas near U.S bases have Hooters or a
"club" where the young women work, these areas are low end places. So it's not a good idea to have a family at base.
fuck you vegan
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notice how, true to form, he's been kicked out and skipped town leaving the world to deal with the problem he basically directly created
Americans have ALWAYS had a bizarre love-hate relationship with African Americans.
The hoax of the black shamurai and how the fraud was exposed is a hilarious story that will be told for years to come.
Feminism. If you think I’m joking, it was feminist policies that had the white house, under obama, set up a task force to (unconstitutionally) give educational institutions the “authority” to judge any false accusations without the need of law. Needless to say that ended up in many lawsuits for many universities and colleges for a long time.

Feminism was spearheading this “intersectionality” bullshit that eventually ended up in trannies taking over women’s feminist spaces. It was feminists who hated the white male so much they thought they saw a kindred soul in the black man.

Fast forward to 2024, the US leads with the most single moms in the entire fucking world.
I don't understand why people are so mad. It's not like they were turning Hideyoshi black, or putting black people everywhere.
Brad Pitt was not Achilles either. Achilles was not real.
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The problem isn't that he's black, the problem is him being anything but Japanese. Part of the appeal of this series is experiencing the different countries through their people. It would be just as retarded if we were playing as a white guy. It would be retarded if we were playing as a black guy in ACII instead of Ezio. It would be retarded if we were playing as a white guy in Origins.
Vatniks live in your head rent free it seems.
>le cope
>le seethe
>le rent free
you are being MOCKED and HUMILIATED
nobody is buying your shit moviegame
ubisoft is getting ready for mass layoffs again
Feudal Japan is the worst place for a non-local to secretly work as an assassin.
meanwhile, the Japanese according to China...
>"historically accurate black hero saving black people from japanese oppressors"
Nice "swords" there nigg.
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Owari WA....
so we know Yasuke was created with the collaboration and input of the top historians who specialize in Feudal Japan and the Bushi and Samurai cultures
but what historical evidence did they use when they created the other playable character, a lesbian Shinobi?
Chink money to smear the Japs
*after throwing boiling water at him
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>everything about Yasuke is some gaijin fan fiction
damn do I love post-tencent money Ubisoft.
I thought black people were illegal to portray in China.
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He already existed to begin with. He's been used in older Nobunaga's Ambition games and he was in Hyouge Mono. The problem was Lockley claiming he was a samurai and AC putting that limelight on him.
The real reason why this blew up is all the people defending it. The devs themselves fucked up, but let's be honest, AC has done a bunch of dumb shit before this. Nobody would have cared that much. It was the usual suspects editing wikipedias and doing all kinds of other extra shit to try to make this game's canon replace actual history. That is what blew this up.
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hmmm...what happened to Ubisoft?
*as Chinese
>Mongol envoy tries to spy on Japan
>Captured and beheaded
>A German doctor tries to take Japanese map out of Japan
>Deported, collaborators arrested and purged

>But, hey, our African assassin would work just fine!
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Nigger fiction.
>Blue Eye Samurai comes out highlighting the inherent racism of Feudal Japan and making that the focal point for every struggle the protagonist has
>Ghost of Tsushima comes out with a Japanese main character, game devs are showered with awards and the lead devs become the ambassadors of Tsushima IRL, with everyone stating the game is an Assassins Creed clone but done extremely right
>AC Shadows is revealed and showcases a nigger samurai being treated like royalty by the commoners whose partner is a lesbian ninja

what the fuck were they thinking?
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If they hire a real Japanese actor, he'll mog all the Chinese men.
He cute
Since when? Aya is the one who is descended from Kassandra.
And Kassandra is the grand-daughter of Leonidas.
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Even Mafia 3 had the balls to show characters being racist towards the nigger MC.
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The black "samurai" game literally ended the career of the white man who stood on Yasuke's shoulders to fabricate a work of fiction about his identity with literally no information except his own wikipedia edits.
Yeah, but Bayek isn't related to Aya outside of marriage. She's his wife and that's it.
Your stupidity is your problem :^)
>One black man in a unreleased video game has caused more damage to whi*e boys psyche than any recent even in human history

>"We aren't racist, it's about historical accuracy!"
>"NO the last 15 years of Assassins fighting Templars over some alien technology apple don't count!"

It's like a cartoon almost.
It's actually quite funny, definitely has exposed all the racists posing as actual gamers though. I figured out who is really ruining video games.

>He already existed to begin with
Nope. That was just a dark japanese man taht leftshits like you insist was African. Anytime you losers see dark skin in any past artwork you insist that the character is a groid lol
Explains how FarCry went from entertaining open world shooter to being about tranny commies in FC6
It's because Lockley unironically implied that it was Japan that started trans atlantic slave trade from Africa that pissed Japs fiercely.
Because the left are using "this black man exists" as free reign to claim "he's a samurai. Wait! No, he was the BEST samurai! He was a HERO to all of Japan! And Japan was RACIST and BAD and Yasuke is BLACK which is GOOD!"

Give (((them))) an inch, and they'll take your entire history.
Why does Yasuke stay in Japan and kill Japanese people?
He should go back homeland and fight for his people against the Western colonialists.
>Japanese government literally stepping in
>nooo it was white guys in the west complaining
Love how you degenerate faggots keep projecting your asshurt on those who won.

So goddamn obvious that you are seething with impotent rage.
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Everyone was pushing the narrative
Because racists have literally been hiding in plain sight for too long now. This was the straw that broke the camel's back for them, however instead of outright saying "I hate niggers!" they use the veil of "AC was always historically accurate!". Having a black main character is one thing, but having him be something every white kid dreams about is considered treason.

Note their goal post moves. Asmongolids clips show his slow descent into saying anything other than "fuck niggers".
Nobody wants to watch black people. Not even black people want to see black people.

Why can't blacks just be humble and accept that they are not only ugly as hell but have been nothing more than slaves?
you will never be japanese
*mumble rap starts playing*
"Suck my dick, fucking gooks!"
What the fuck, Ubisoft?
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I am buying 10 copies of a game I will play just because you're mad. The game will still be made, and you will be left to cope for years after it hits 1 million sales.

Screencap this.
I legit hope the gameplay is smooth
Cope about what? Have a white man dictate how feudal japan worked? Kill yourself Ubishill.
>Because racists have literally been hiding in plain sight for too long now.
They call themselves "diversity advocatrs", but seek out and elevate people solely for their race. When this race-preference is called out, they call their opposition racist.
In Japan, the focus of this issue has already shifted from the game itself to historical revisionism against Japan.
>two meter tall black man in ceremonial feudal lord samurai armor walking down streets in broad daylight and Japanese people kneeling in front of him
I don't get it?
Where's the stealth?
He's a jew
yeah but thats whats always been the issue
Japan created trans atlantic slave trade and Nips should just deal with it.
I want my fucking reparations!
the greatest cope of all is the cope that niggers ever accomplished anything noteworthy, other than getting dominated and enslaved by literally every other race on planet earth
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One of the most racist, elitist and closed minded countries in the world taking a black man in as one of their own and even bow down to him without even knowing him? now thats good fiction
cool word you just made up
Ironically, they could've avoided this whole situation with racist stereotypes and by giving him an Afro.
It's fine. They'll forget it quickly and will start bitching about Korea or China in a few weeks.
Ubisoft should have made a korean main character, it would have been funnier than Yasuke.
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You don't understand, gaijin.
The aame countriy that killed all of its illegal captives at the end of WWII so the world wouldn't know of their war crimes in Unit 731?
>widely known
>even though you've never heard of it before
im not sure thats what widely means
>Ubisoft should have made a korean main character, it would have been funnier than Yasuke.
I'm sure had they done that Japan wouldn't have needed gaijins telling them about the historical revision, they would have reacted themselves.
For Japs are not racist against Blacks (they don't care, they, at most see them as something exotic), but when it comes to Chinese and Koreans? Oh boy...
How come Japan was never conquered and destroyed to the grown like the other non catholic countries?
>Japan created trans atlantic slave trade
To be honest, this isn't even historical revisionism anymore, it's more of a conspiracy theory.
At least the black guy is based on an historical source that there was in fact a retainer of African origin for a small period of time. You know what has no verifiable primary source at all? A female Shinobi.
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That's not what professor Thomas Lockley of the Nihhon university, author of the wildly celebrated hiatorical book "Yasuke - the legenday african samurai" has to say it.
/pol/ hates blacks, that's all that matters. Someone could buttfuck a /pol/ack and they would still cry about black people instead of the guy raping them in the ass.
The whole issue for me is Ubisoft, the Shadows DT, and Ubishills trying, and trying, and trying to justify the election of Yasuke as the protagonist in whatever way they can. We all know the real reason behind his election and it has nothing to do with him being "the best candidate".

At this point, I do wonder if they are truly lying... or so intoxicated with their own farts. they believe their lies themselves.
bruh lookit dis spook
So... whatever happened to this guy?
It seems his profile was deleted, and he also closed down all his social media accounts...

Is he... well, you know.
You know, isn't it actually really racist of them to give Yasuke African American features? Actual Africans look quite different from muttified negroes, then again they did go full on ARR ROOK SAME for all the Japanese stuff in the game.
He's tenure and his academic worked are removed from the univeristy website and he might even get deported.
Guilt of racism only applies if it impedes your revolutionary aims
>isn't it actually really racist of them to give Yasuke African American features?
Yes, but... let's see how long it takes them to figure that one themselves
>Make game set in feudal Japan
>Go out of your way to shoe horn in a black guy as a samurai protagonist
It's quite pathetic really
Ice dweller.
member afro samurai? i member.
So, did they apologize for using Zoro's katana in advertising without permission?
Considering he's actively fucking with a country's history with the end goal of Japan potentially having to pay reparations to niggers for slavery he's probably going to be turned into minced meat by the Yakuza before the end of the year
I mean, for real... what were they thinking?
Did they seriously sit down and concluded:
>"Yup, no way anyone will get angry at this"
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Why did they choose to make a game about a slave rather than the true black samurai?
go back to facebook felipe
But, I'm not Felipe... and I don't have facebook...
meant for >>683778036
I think the general idea was that they can coast by diversity points and journos shilling the game and making everyone criticising it a troll and/or a racist
That and they had to make AC without an Asian male protagonist because otherwise everyone will compare Shadows to Tsushima in a very negative way
>because otherwise everyone will compare Shadows to Tsushima in a very negative way
I doubt it. The vitriol is because a Japan game was literally the most wished one since the very early games. Everyone wanted to be a ninja assassin. And they give you a black dude mass murdering native Japanese, and his SEA monkey companion.
He's probably more at risk at getting jumped by violent trainspotters or something
That's kind of my point, if they made AC Shadows with an Asian male protag the GoT comparisons would not have been favorable

making the protags a lesbian shinobi and a gay nigger samurai preemptively removes that risk
>uhh thiz may cause Japan to pay reparations!.
/pol/acks really do share one braincell.
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I'm sure Ubisoft has no passion for this game
Progressive are trying to use him as a wedge to do too the japan what they did to the west, in the west they have used blacks and racism to undermine the entire society and make everyone have a feeling of original sin.
>and make everyone have a feeling of original sin
Not my problem, I'm Ashkenazi.
No can do. Japan has remained a secure, high trust society for ages now despite all their efforts. Gloves are off.
Yeah these are the types of people to think that anime characters like in Persona are very white.
Sad thing is you could probably fool people into believing this...
You spelled "americans" wrong.
Americans are the tumor of the planet.
Only if you edited the wheelchair into something more believable Total wood construction.. Also wash out the photo a bit.
lol no need. you should see the ai shit people already believe
One of the people writing those articles had the last name 'kim'. you retard.
Why is the wikipedia page that was for the most part written by a liar using his own made-up sources still up?
You expect them to correct themselves?
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because it's a culture war battlefield
You stealth on night missions

>steal the Emperor's TV
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Textbook definition of cultural appropriation, with a sprinkle of racism. I didn't know French cucks were so based.
I don't care how accurate it is, the only black video game characters I will play are Demoman and Coach. Fuck Ubishaft
so how did Yasuke learn to speak and write in Nipponese in Feudal Japan in 3 months?
What about CJ?
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I think Assassin's Creed Shadows would've been alright if the story was just about Naoe. Assassin's Creed is supposed to be about assassins anyway.
What everyone else already said. But, if you see the Talk section, you will see how they justify and lie to themselves just to keep the "samurai title", even when it has been proven to be dubious... at best.
The part I love the most is how they talk about the survey regarding Yasuke status, and how proud they are about everyone choosing "Samurai: No strings attached", which shows the kind of echo chamber it is.

Even if the Japanese government itself shows up and declares Yasuke was:
>"nope, no way Jose, in no way, absolutely not, never, not possible, anyone saying otherwise is lying, he was not a samurai"
They would still try to twist the situation to at least call him an "unverified samurai".
ok but what historical records support the existence of a lesbian shinobi?
Imagine if Japan kept changing the wiki of the notorious outlaw Jesse James saying that he was Japanese and possibly a ninja.
Absolutely. All they needed to do was having Yasuke as an important supporting character, and, a few months the game is released, release a DLC or expansion where you can play as Yasuke.

But nope, these people will try to eat a pawn with the king, even if that means they end up on checkmate (which is an illegal move, but still you get I mean).
Bro... your San Andreas? C'mon man...
None problably... but only a fool would think Japanese will get mad at "Yuri Kunoichis"
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Learning Hiragana and Katakana would take him a week at most if they tried teaching him. People spend their entire lives learning Kanji, so that's not a factor to consider. Sentence and grammar?
This shit would take fucking years without a teacher. I don't even know if Japanese language classes were even a thing back then. Add in whatever nonsense he originally spoke, having to possibly learn the language of his slave master before being sold, and the mess that is the Japanese fucking language is a case of futility
I'm white as fuck and was super addicted to this game when it came out. Played it for a day, then the power went out for three whole days. I've never done hard drugs, but that's probably the closest feeling I'll ever get to being a crackhead not getting his fix.
Or maybe, just maybe, for one fucking game they don't insert a black nigga as the main character? Black ugly characters are the new bald space marines that plagued the early 2000s.
... I'm still buying it as long as the reviews are good. idgaf about muh black protagonist I just want a fun AC game
It's a spic. Adding an 'e' before a beginning 's' is normal in spanish.
Anime fans tend to be eveyone since nobody except far leftards like woke shit.
The second 50 Cent game was really good as a filler $20 title.
ITT seething woketards still pushing damage control KEK
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If you brainwashed degenerates knew how easy it is for a Samurai to randomly behead you for no reason at all or just for fun or just because you didn't bow down low enough to him, imagine if those same Samurai saw a gorilla walking around in men's clothing.
Japan has always been about honor, tradition, meritocracy and respect. Letting a foreigner walk around normaly, talking to your women and living a good life among the military and around very rich and important people... is all pure fantasy.
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for me it's the obsidian samurai
Achilles is not black, blackwasher
Literally a niggerfaggot, LMAO
He's based now? I'm going to have to resubscribe to his youtube
>The real reason why this blew up is all the people defending it.
This. As usual.
source: it came to me in a dream
why are white "men" like this?
For most players a female MC character is worse than a black MC. I say that they should have gone directly to three protagonists, the monk Taka, Yosuke and Naoe, with the possibility of playing the missions in solo play or co-op with three players together. This alone would have met expectations, it would have an interesting online and a single player that still allows anyone who wants to play as they want, using only Taka, Naoe or Yosuke or both by changing characters
t. impotent racist
But not a samurai
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They jack themselves off endlessly over how historically accurate they are while getting everything so wrong even outside of Yasuke that it's genuinely going "arr rook same" without trying to be tongue-in-cheek, and you think it's going to be a good game. This isn't going to end up like Deus Ex Human Revolution betraying your expectations but in a good way. The one thing here that could possibly make anyone think it'll turn out to be good is that Ass Creed in Japan is Ubisoft's ace in the hole to stay afloat, so you'd think they'd pull out all the stops to make it good. But they've shown that they're genuinely putting negative effort into it if part of what put Ass Creed on the map in the first place was the immersion in historical fantasy. It's one thing to be deceived by a fraud and think, "Hmm what's in right now? Yasuke could help bolster sales," but it's another thing to tout yourselves as doing all the research you could but making a game about WWI Germany look like WWII France, making the mistake of using the Red Cross because of course, using a shot from Inglorious Basterds and claiming it's concept art, depicting the Red Baron as a queer and you use the design from the pizza, and Albert Einstein discovered electricity by flying a kite and having it get struck by lightning. And all of it hinges around the TRUE STORY of the first female German soldier: Anne Frank, who was also a proud Israeli lesbian with her he/him girlfriend Hellen Keller! This is the kind of fart that Ubisoft is huffing, and you think that it'll be good anyway? Anyone who reviews it as good when the end conclusion is patently obvious that it'll be slop is a sheep who thinks all of this is true because they were paid to think that.
>A female Shinobi.
A Kunoichi was not like that at all, in fact, she was more like a geisha specialized in infiltrating courts, get information (the most) and sometimes poisoning people.

But Naoe can be considered the exception, fiction heroes are always the exception.
it's not even that
kunoichi just meant using a woman
kunoichi literally means woman
Don't care, I'm American
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You're still listening to paid off reviewers who are still guzzling Ubisemen and going to buy a $70+tip game based off of them. You know as well as I do that it'll have Denuvo, so good luck pirating. You should know by now that if they can't be bothered to do any research for a game they were touting nonstop as historically accurate, they have zero confidence in how it is as a game. You can see for yourself how awful it is through gameplay footage too already.
>any other japanese themed game
Can we see this Japanese main character in the japanese-themed game?
Unit 731 is a chink lie though.
Okey, so what? the translation of the term is not even up for discussion. That wasn't even the point.

>kunoichi just meant using a woman
>kunoichi literally means woman
It almost seems like you baldy copied something from Wikipedia
>only one record of kunoichi ever being used
Kunoichi are as real as Yasuke
more like it took more cope to justify making this the main character than literally anything else they could've come up with
She did not, not even the police department went with that.

Nor white. Guess what? "Greeks are white" is a modern concept.
>She did not, not even the police department went with that.
literally retarded cope.
Achilles was described as blonde and blue-eyed.
Yeah sure, she was throwing the water in the sink then launched the water as we all saw those burns. That's why no one that matters is going with it.
>Nor white. Guess what? "Greeks are white" is a modern concept.
Read the Iliad, blackwasher.
>blue eyed athena
>white arm Hera
>Achilles is blonde and blue eyed
And then sit down. Write your african fanfiction and set it in africa (not egypt)
That does not make you white, you do not understand the concept of "whiteness".

Blonde or chest-deeznuts. He was also not real.
But is he aware of the historical changes made by his government regarding their own war crimes
You're just antiwhite. Achilles is more real than you will ever be.
no he wasnt. never once were his eyes described like that or at all. and xanthos is a category of light colours. you are as bad as negro we wuzzers.
Why would the Greeks describe one of their strongest heroes, real or not, as white as driven snow?
they didnt
anon, the goal is distorting reality and poisoning the well. You can't achieve that by NOT poisoning the well
I never claimed Achilles wasn't Greek though. Just fair skinned and fair-haired. Stop seething.
Not my fault you don't know your own supremacist ideas.

Same thing happened with Quetzalcoatl, dunno what your point is. He was also not real by the way.
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>I don't understand why people are so mad.
Because this is 2024 /v/
Little more than decade ago, /v/ would be happy to see fun game where you play as average american who humiliates and beats shit out of weak jap men and then romances their women. But reddit happened, so now you can' hurt japs feelings with video games
he was never described as fair skinned. that description only fits women. calling a man white was an insult. you basically called him a woman. and i guess he was fair haired if you count light to medium brown as fair haired.
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>controversy to drum up interest
>game launches
>no one cares after 1 month
>nobody buys DLC
>Ubisoft stock continues to fall
same shit different year
Yes... and no.
As you said, this is 2024 /v/, which means we know Yasuke was chosen due to political reasons, and not because he was, unironically, the funniest option for the player's enjoyment.
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>make something about japan
>at one time in the last 5,000 years there was a nigger in japan
>lets focus the game around the nigger
>make something about slovakia/hungary/poland/finland/japan/philipines
>at one time in the last 5,000 years there was a nigger in slovakia
>lets focus the game around the nigger
>make something about *insert non-nigger country*
>at one time in the last 5,000 years there was a nigger in *insert non-nigger country*
>lets focus the game around the nigger
copy this post and paste it into every single nigger creed thread that will pop up in the next couple years.

it will save you a lot of time.

Also, i am openly admitting i am racist and im suffering from nigger/lgbt fatigue.

i just cant look at niggers and gays anymore, i just cant.

If you want my money, i am DEMANDING you give me pretty white/asian people.
No pretty people, no money from me.

its that easy.
half of the entire worldwide gaming development scene died and went bankrupt in recent months.

keep this up, you will ALL get bankrupt, because the world is sick and tired of looking at niggers and faggots.
You can tell Illiad is about Whites because otherwise antiwhites like you wouldn't bother with it
>If I did not rape it, it does not exist.
I like the sentiment, if nothing else.
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Miyamoto Musashi the sword saint.
62-0 in duels to the death.
ronin,masterless samurai. Vagabond walking around the country dueling, strategist,writer and philosopher.

No lets make it about yosuke whom only source is that he was a slave that arrived with some french guy.
>Light to medium brown
Xanthous (aka, metal-colored) applies to colors like copper, gold, and silver. Not dull brown. If his hair was darker he was probably an ashen blond. He could also have been a redhead like Hector. Of course he wasn't real, so.
>62-0 in duels to the death
Most of his victims were peasants he attacked from behind
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No they are not white because the concept of "whiteness" was not yet invented.
Didn't you know? Miyamato was a black man.
I know this because my father's, brother's, nephew's, cousin's, former roommate told me so.
What anon said, they could have easily kept the whole "greates samurai ever" shit if they had the restraint of just him being some side character in the story.
"whiteness" is a concept antiwhites came up with to pathologize White norms and peoples without a direct reference to "we hate White people".

You're just confirming it.
"White" just means "successful civilization in Europe". Which is why Italians and Irish became white once they normalized and gained relevance on the political stage.
in his bibliography it is clear that he was not uncommon to dishonest strategies and any trick to win. In fiction he is always depicted as a noble and invincible samurai, or just a bit eccentric (as in Vagabond). No historical character is truly up to his fictional version.
"Whiteness" is a concept created to just say "Not black".

I love how the craddle of the renaissance was not white. It was not in fact, as "whiteness" is not a description of what you are but a description of what you are not.
>The cradle of the Renaissance was not white
Northern Italy has always been white what are you on about?
Just the fact that they zeroed in on the singular black guy in all of Japanese history was already so goofy it was fun to make fun of but the way it led to Lockley getting exposed was on a whole new level. Thanks Ubisoft, for once you give me entertainment.
this, if they wanted to include Yasuke they should've just done the GTA thing and had 3 protagonists. Japanese Samurai (balanced speed/power), Yasuke (slow but powerful), and Ninja chick (fast but weaker damage). Fucking 16-bit beat 'em ups could handle this, its not that hard.
Antiwhites don't care about nonwhites, they are only collateral beneficiaries to the victimization of Whites which is the primary motivation. If you want to discriminate against Whites in hiring or media - you need to necessarily advantage other groups. That's all that is.

"Whiteness" is a White-centric concept, nothing to do with nonwhites. Its only application in practice is antiwhitism.
Dude, nta but that type of response is a sure way of saying
>yeah dis nigger just btfo my ass but imma still tryna portray my ass as intelligent
>This irrelevant nigger slave causes headache like all niggers do.
fix'd that for ya faggot.
is this the same historian who can't even get the shape of tatami right?
If it's any consolation, I think in around 3 years Ubisoft won't survive off of Quebecois taxpayer money anymore.
>French company
>Survives on Canadian tax dollars
Nah that's bullshit. But Mozart though, he absolutely was African American.

google is your friend
t. Antonio Salieri
Funny Yasuke means the black one. That's extremely racist.
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Reminder, this was the guy that originally edited both the Yasuke and foreign born samurai Wikipedia pages right after the AC trailer dropped.
That's nonsense, there's no way he was a Moor. And if I was, he would have been painted as such.
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And this is what he looks like.

And yes, he admitted on twitter to being an ashkenazi khazar.
And Ubislop JP released a fake apology that the based Japanese called out on, but the Ubidrone got the mention removed.

It would have been the best thing, if they really have to go with more than one MC character, then do things right. Also the division makes so much more sense when you have a balanced character and two extreme for power and speed. Even worse, the already had the Taka model ready because he was the original MC, they just removed it for political reasons.
>Northern Italy has always been white what are you on about?

Not really see >>683785151

Or who to pick as slaves.
"they want japan to bow to them"

oh boy... as much as I hate Ubisoft this stuff is so cringe I can't stand it.
Anglicans were, and still are, a blight upon the world. Take anything they say with a grain of salt.
This AssCreed shilling has caused more damage to this board than any other topic on /v/
Amazing considering Asscreed is a game that is relatively underplayed by /v/
Yeah and there's a constant stream of dishonorable discharges when it happens at Naval Base Okinawa. It's Chinese propaganda and has been for decades that the US doesn't prosecute servicemen who do (like the marines corp would not jump on a chance to metaphorically rape your ass from an accusation).
Makes sense that slavs and medis aren't considered white these days.
Why do they all look so gross?
what happened that made your power go out for three days
i'm the owner of ubisoft and i wish to hire you for our next game where anne franke is recruited by the assassins or whatever to kill hitler when can you start
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>(((WHITE GUY)))
most of this shit would go away if people just name jew
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Eh, seems to me like they're not too worried about it. They'll be fine.
Can't you just enjoy the game instead of pretending you know Japanese history or becoming a Japanese history expert suddenly out of nowhere just this month?
Why would we want to play this plie of ubislop, let alone buy it?
Can I not get upset at a multi billion dollar company trying to exploit indigenous people's culture for profit?
Assassin Creed is a historical fantasy tho
It looks like a fun game with fun combat and fun traversal with unique setting.

At least ubisoft is being a multi billion dollar company that at least puts its money to spreading a good mesage.
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we wuz samurai n shiet
It's the same boring 4/10 open world slop with check box quests/collecting pointless shit that Ubisoft has been making for the last decade. What is there to enjoy?
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I'll just wait for the inevitable Elusive Samurai licensed game.
>It looks like a fun game with fun combat and fun traversal with unique setting.
i hope youre at least getting paid
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>What is there to enjoy?
Nice AI slop picture, I guess. Hope you didn't pay for it.
AI artists are valid artists
If Ubisoft loses any mafia and organized crime investment money from this shitshow then games executives are going start dropping dead.
>Good message
Didn't the actual nigsuke get castrated?
Benjamin Franklin was hardly an authority on anthropology.
Leftists always try to backpedal anytime they're caught lying and honestly think people are too stupid to notice.
If I was some druglord, and had millions behind this project and Ubisoft, and you lose my money willfully, I'm not going fight you on a forum, you're going to fucking die.
Nor were the nazis.
the event that will put a death warrant on leftists and leftism in the west and they and their pet niggers are going to be shitting their pants when pissed off normies start forming lynch mobs because they pissed them off so much
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Feeling froggy? Jump. I promise we'll honor your memory by calling you an FBI ANTIFA psy operative falseflagger.
elaborate please, i don't see where you're going at
You know this was done by Chinese influence within Ubisoft as a form of humiliation against Japan, it's been highlighted by intelligence and why the issue has escalated so weirdly.

There are a few people inside Ubisoft being investigated.
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>silently deletes his interview with Lockley
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The people coping hard are the shills
>this is historically accurate! the expert consultants would know more than random chuds on the internet!
and then it became
>noooooo assscreed was never meant to be historically accurate!! it was always just random bullshit!!
This is the most pathetic shill turnaround I've ever seen.
>Can't you just enjoy the game instead of pretending you know Japanese history or becoming a Japanese history expert suddenly out of nowhere just this month?
Yeah, I agree with you, Ubisoft should stop doing that.
But when you hire a hack professor to run your shitty narrative in a game and claim it's historically accurate you aren't "distorting reality". Fuck off.
Lockley was a Chinese plant, that guy is turbo fucked. He probably fled Japan but feds will pick him up eventually.
>that at least puts its money to spreading a good mesage.
Being anti-japanese is a good message?
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>announce he's gay
>suddenly shilling drops exponentially
based UBI
>Canadian game
What are the chances some Saar directly asked for Yasuke? Because I'm pretty sure they're above 0%.
The same people defending this game are the same people that called Ghost of Tsushima cultural appropriation.
It's no secret there is serious Chinese influence within Canadian business, so this incident is likely a matter of security now.
lol probably
Do indians even give a fuck about black people? They tend to be pretty openly racist in general.
they do though. You also play as a lady ninja.
Who looks like a SEA.
How deep is Ubisoft up the CCP's asshole?
If you're a chink
and they are all huge unscrupulous shitpissing assholes not to be taken seriously, ever.
It would be interesting to find out if she was face scanned, and who she was face scanned from.
I couldn't care less about modern ubislop, I haven't even *seen* any Shadows media. BUT seemingly trying to unironically change the real life history of an actual, albeit very minor histororical figure is BEYOND reprehensible and leaves a very bad taste in my mouth.

You can't get away with that kind of shit.
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Imagine being the street shitter shilling ubislop in the hopes of scrounging up enough poopees for a bowl of spicy diarrhea
the taste of negro elevating marxy bots.
This incident is only mildly interesting because it seems the CCP influenced Ubisoft to make these decisions as a form of humiliation and dehumanization of their real world military rivals, the Japanese.

I don't think you could slap the Ubisoft executives with treason charges because they're French but I'm sure niggas will be falling out of windows and have heart attacks anyway.
Lockley won.
A4htmnpnd the chinese would froth with rage if an african was murdering them in a game.
kek, Lockley is going to get killed by glowies after being waterboarded for weeks.
>expected huge generational leap in graphics
>it's marginally better than last gen Valhalla
>why bother desu
I'm more disappointed we won't be getting the virtual tourism eye candy sim of old Japan ps5 hardware could deliver. this is the only reason I've "played" recent ass creeds, gameplay and story were always bad or generic. couldn't care less about Africa colonizing Japan.
I don't watch youtubers, but my coworkers today were talking about some Thomas Lockley guy, can I get a quick rundown? From the impression I got he either invented Yasuke from scrap or was found out to greatly exaggerate Yasuke's role in history and Ubisoft mostly relied on him and his source for Yasuke in the game?
He's a soon to be dead faggot who took money from the CCP to plant bullshit in order to humiliate Japan, it got exposed when incompetent Ubisoft ran a project with the same objectives in cooperation with him.

China loves this kind of psyops shit in warfare.
Yeah but they're using an historical person as an MC this time around so there's some leeway for historical accuracy to be in the conversion.
The problem arise when historical accuracy became the main topic for this game and the base to bash Ubisoft with.
I don't really about historical accuracy on the samurai debate, but making Yasuke a homo even if it's optimal is way out of bounds
But here's the thing.

If niggers didn't stink, and they were in fact people, then they would have created some folklore or mythos that would make a good setting for a video game.

And since every fucking media product for the last decade has been shoehorning bootlip bluegum caveman looking niggers into white cultural staples, I can conclude with 99.99% certainty that niggers have never done anything substantial or consequential or uplifting to the universal human spirit. Because if they HAD, they would have inspired ONE ORIGINAL FUCKING IDEA.
Chinese nationalists freak out over less, they'd probably find a way to get the studio responsible for it shut down remotely. Making it impossible for anyone to actually do any work because they are getting spammed with gore on their work stations or something similar.
9mm to the back of the head is real though, tough shit, comrade. Every faggot involved here who took money from the CCP will vanish.
...the losing competition
That's tame compared to the shit the CIA does to people who try the same shit to them and their allies.
>Note their goal post moves.
The people moving goal posts are you pathetic shills.
It's not equivalent to the CIA, it would be the equivalent of a bunch of radicalized zoomer extremeists in appalachia with internet connections.
Lockley the lying jew matters to literally no one
he didnt make a massive game company make their most requested AC title be led by a nigger
its ubisoft who did it
Yasuke matters to no one, hes a footnote of a footnote of a character. You dont even know his real name because his biggest achievement in life was being a nigger in japan because his owner took him there.
Ubisoft is the one that decided AC japan is actually AC nigger.

Just acknowledge this and focus on the fact that Ubisoft made these decisions of their own free will.
Kys whataboutist chink
No, I'm saying if you involve yourself in psyops for a military adversary to the US and partners, you vanish and die.
Correct, Lockley already vanished. He's gone, literally. Some Ubisoft management will join him too, it seems.
That's literally true of every country on the planet retardo.
haha, ye, shame Ubisoft didn't think about that.
>"Greeks are white" is a modern concept.
if you define white as pale skinned, yes.
if you define white as european, they've alwaya been white.
brown skin=/=african
gtfo with this reddit pedantry
>exploit indigenous people's culture for profit?
Little late for misdirection, sounds like dudes are already being liquidated as combatants.
>removes that risk
that's what they thought and it backfired, they didn't realize why GoT was appreciated in Japan.
I actually don't understand why people who put Yasuke on the pedestal don't find this insulting. He's the first real historical figure in AC history and the only reason he is is because information on him is so scarce they can do whatever the fuck they want with him and appropriate not just Japanese history, but Yasuke's history too. They get away with because he's a black and he's Ubisoft's property now, let's be real, that's what far left think is progressive, rather than having a Japanese male lead and having Yasuke as a side character in the storyline.
>n-not everyone was white, so white people don't exist

I notice that literally no nigger lover can tell one nigger tribe from another. Most liberals can't tell an Ethiopian from a Somalian, much less what tribes constitute those nations. So why would I allow you to undermine the ethnic solidarity of whites (a group that is rapidly being economically displaced and ethnically cleansed from countries they founded) when you lack the basic intelligence to define "black"?
whiteness is a retarded concept invented by americans who needed to cope with being pale skinned mutts. europeans don't identify by race, they identify by ethnicity
Being paid for running CCP psyops gets you flagged as a combatant and killed, dev bros, people don't learn.
We went from a possible
>This is shit, Tsushima better
>This is shit, Tsushima better, also I have seen the lies of the jew
In what world is the latter better than the former
>He's the first real historical figure you can play as in AC history
Quick fix, although, I know this fix will be ignored.
Is resetera defending this? I want glowies to waterboard their mods.
i'm gonna come over to your residence and slap you
They already made their money from the CCP checks, who gives a fuck if it sells or not.
First it was:
"Dude, why is there a fake black Samurai!!? Japanese are going to hate this!"

Then it was:
>"Oh, Yasuke is real? I didn't know he was a real guy."

Next it became:
>"I'm not racist but its about the historical accuracy, asscreed has always been a historically accurate series!"

Now (You are here) it's:
>"look some literal nobodies on twitter are claiming he was never even a samurai! Cancel the game!!!!!"

Next it will be:
>"The game sold 1 million copies at launch, NO NO NO NO NO!! FUCK NIGGERS FUCK FUCK FUCK!"

Finally it will be:
>/pol/acks give up and crossdress as women to take BBC in attempt to cut their reproduction rates.

If you skip to the last step I'll be gentle.
Last tweet Ubisoft marketing sent out about this game was on July 8, kek.
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>gtfo with this reddit pedantry

Don't tell me that, tell that to white people telling other whites they were not white.

"Whiteness" as a concept does not exist. Is Obama white?

>So why would I allow you to undermine the ethnic solidarity of whites

People of different cultures, countries and languages are the same based on... Skin color? How deep. Clearly not as deep as skin level.

>(a group that is rapidly being economically displaced and ethnically cleansed from countries they founded)

When you define what you are by what tou are not that usually happens yes.
>He's the first real historical figure in AC history
Who is Leonardo DaVinci and why is he making gadgets for Ezio? Just say you hate niggers and move on.
Nope, revisionist history tard. Everyone knew Yasuke was real and was calling them out during the leaks.
Get the fuck out of here with your transexual fantasies. Go back to leftypol.
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why are kikes obsessed with nigger cock anyway?
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>revisionist history
You do realize everything posted on the internet remains there right?
Asmon literally has a chain of videos where he literally goes through this exact timeline.

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