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If you had children would you let them play video games?
Yeah sure.
Would never let them touch a cellphone though.
>how to get your own child bullied in school
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Ask your mother.
Good, bullying makes for some good life lessons.
bullied by who? the kids being raised on tiktok are listless husks.
Sure. I have two children.
I bought princess peach showtime and helped my 5 year old beat it. She's now pretty okay at it. I play through Portal and portal 2 almost on-repeat for my son, who is younger.

The problem is letting your children ignore the rest of life. We mostly do outside stuff, parks, swimming pools.

Oh also make them do sports so they don't end up uncoordinated perpetual losers on 4chan
If I had children I'd force them into child labor just like I was as a kid
Single player only, sure.
Washing the dishes ain't child labor little Jimmy.
My 5 year old son plays minecraft
My 8 year old daughter plays spyro the dragon
I wouldn't make the mistake of having children
this and games that make them read a lot
Being unable to form relationships in their formative years due to a lack of cellphone is arguably more harmful.
I'd bust out the NES and tell them they can get a PS5/6/whatever if they can beat Battletoads.
>need a cellphone to form relationships
you're part of the problem
I wouldn't even let my kids go to school in current year.
In moderation, but I'd have them in some social and/or physical activity more than anything.
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love being a gamer dad
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Why do you care if i ever fuck or not
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> if I had a child..
probably better than letting them browse youtube on their own honestly
I mean, I couldn't hold them from relating with their peers. If they wanted to play BootyHole Man 4 online with friends, I wouldn't deny them that. So they could connect, but not be spending their lives behind a screen and having healthy relationships. With also parents that care about him and won't fuck him over like mine did. But I'll never have kids, and if I somehow did, I could never afford to raise one
Sad as it is, that anon isn't wrong. Cellphones are mandatory now. Every kids and adult has a cellphone. Kids have group chats, school programs use cellphone apps now and your kid will be the odd one out missing out on being part of those group chats. If you don't give your child a cellphone they will 100% miss out on dating and growing up to being a normal human. I hate it but its just the world that we live in. Video games on the other hand are worthless since they could just get into sports or music.
If it's not realistic to play with your kids 24/7 365, then where's the virtue in having kids?
More neglect and more demons talking. Not all of your ancestors are the standard of good yknow.
Yeah but I would pretend that the gaming industry crashed sometime in the late 00s and the last console produced was the PS2. I'd also tell them there are no windows versions after 7.
>school programs use cellphone apps now

People in the USA who care about their kids are homeschooling now or sending them to private schools which frequently lock up phones now.
Yes, but I would also make sure they did other fulfilling activities too. As long as they are responsible with it, I wouldn't govern it any further. The more they prove unable to handle it, the more I would then restrict them or set rules
Be sneaky instead, modify your house to block wifi signals and use a landline.

if you let your child go through public school you don't actually love them
>If you had children
No parent who has said this has ever followed through with it.
Singleplayer and local multiplayer games would be fine but I would never ever allow them to ever get into competitive multiplayer games or speedrunning.
Kids just cyberbully now and by not having a cellphone you take that out of the equation
im convinced if i ever had kids somehow they'd all grow up to resent video games just to spite me
My dad was a meat cutter, and my mom was a cashier. You think we had money to put me through private fucking school?
Cell phones are okay as long as they're restricted. But no social media until they're 16, especially for girls.
Yeah probably

Video games are indirectly the reason I got a career and made myself a success

110% would never let them play a gacha though
Sure because their interests don't inherently determine their character. Just handing them a football and waiving them off isn't going to turn them into a chad on its own.
Yep but I would be very controlling and only if they got good grades.
"they" as in I would like to have several children, siblings take care of each other which makes it easier for them to stay out of trouble.

Phones are fine as long you place parental locks and are important if they get lost or there is an emergency. I would rather they have a camera on them at all times.
I would whip them with my belt if I catch them browsing /v/
doing what ?
>so incompetent that you feel your child will be doomed if they have a cellphone
If giving them a cellphone would fuck them over, you clearly aren't capable of raising them properly and should just not have a kid.
Either way you still have to raise them properly and if you do, having a cellphone is irrelevant.
Progeny is for lesser lifeforms.
I am intelligent enough to reject my biological drive to reproduce for the sake of the species, and instead live for myself and my selfish desires.
No spawn will distract me from living my life as I please beginning to end.
no but i would let them smoke pot when they hit 18
Software engineer

Got my start doing lua scripting in gmod before my balls dropped
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Yes, I don't blame videogames for my poor life decisions like /v/ does.
>If I didn't play games I'd
Lol no you wouldn't.
It's getting more likely all the time, with more states offering a path to get education tax-funded vouchers in lieu of attending public schools.
>Ostracizing your child
>They develop trust issues with you
>They still need to be raised properly anyway because having a cellphone or not having one won't inherently do anything for the kid
I don't think you're smart enough to have a child.
can you meaningfully parental control phones? i want my kid to be able to text their friends but i dont want them to be able to mind rape themselves with youtube and instagram
Unfortunately I'm speaking from experience.
>i dont want them to be able to mind rape themselves with youtube and instagram
so raise them properly. They are going to access that shit literally no matter what you do.
They clearly didn't love you considering they decided to have a child before getting their finances together.
My son recently beat Ocarina of Time, age 9.
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I have a daughter who was just born last year.
Refusing to let her have a tablet or anykind of phone at early ages, and when at the appropriate age I plan on teaching her everything to know about online safety and digital footprints before getting her something.
Sounds strict I know, but I just want my kid to have a good childhood and not end up posting on 4chan or some other social media for attention during her school years like I did.

I want her to play, have friends, be happy, and have the kind of parental support I never had growing up
if I had kids 20 years ago maybe, but at this point getting your kids into videogames is essentially child abuse

Well on topic.
As a parent I would protest Battle Passes and games with daily rewards.
I am an adult man with a job and I don't have the time for them and I cannot think of any time in my life where I would had the time for them and for students it is very important for them to focus and only play videogames during weekends, I feel modern games are artificially bloated trying to be addictive.

I think I would like to have my kids play with plastic toys, putty and creative playsets and introduce them to videogames way later, at least until they are 11 or 12 when they have developed a routine. It is better to teach them to manage their time before introducing them to any hobby that requires a significant time investment.
That's bullshit. They did.
in the 18 years they are under my care they are only exposed to what I allow them to be exposed to.
Obviously not. You don't bring kids into the world if you cannot afford to give them the best chance at life.
>and instead live for myself and my selfish desires.
You will literally post "I want to kill myself" daily on r9k if you pursue this path and you will end doing so after your dopamine receptors get irreparably damaged.
fuck Anti-natalists and force their biology to torment them with love
When I was 13 I found ogrish, my parents were asleep, and I was on the computer lage at night. Now apply that to smartphones
Yeah, they did.
your parents gave you a computer. they allowed you to be exposed to it. if they didnt give you a computer that wouldnt have happened.
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they're actually great for spatial and motor skills, especially those old, bastard 3D platformers
but I won't have any children
whatever you say
world's a shitshow and everything is cope
I always thought of this and then I met a guy who works his ass off to support his little girl, making all sort of sacrifices. He got his wife pregnant when they were teens and he is the hardest, most honest man I have ever met. Nothing but respect for that man. You need to have balls to own to your responsibility and give your life to support your family. The girl in question is now in junior high and for what I am told she is an excellent student.

This is essentially why the west is "falling". Modern men are afraid of sacrifices and too focused on collecting funko pops. Men who want to be children forever.
>Phones are fine as long you place parental locks and are important if they get lost or there is an emergency. I would rather they have a camera on them at all times.
give them a dumb phone or something like that then
Oh yeah, I take care of kids and raise them, the oldest one already knows visual programming, and a bit og normal programming
I shouldn't have been on it, it wasn't their fault.
Yeah, what I say
There's not really a choice in the matter. There are so few kids these days that the kids that people do have generally live pretty far apart. When I was a kid there were at least 20 other boys my age in my neighborhood. There are 2 other girls my niece's age in her neighborhood, and one of them is a cunt so if that other one isn't available to play then that's it. If she's not gonna play video games or watch TV or whatever, what is she supposed to do all day?
Having kids is the oldest humiliation ritual ever for males, can't believe faggots here fall for this trick.
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>I have a daughter
I kid, I kid

It is funny that the consensus here on that matter, that being: "Would you let your kid browse 4chan at the same age you did?" is answered with "absolutely fucking not".
I don't feel 4chan is the worst place on the internet compared to social media, I am genuinely more afraid of discord, twitch, youtube, twitter and tik tok.

There is not a single forum aimed at kids not filled to the brim with pedophiles and that has been like that since forever. The wildtangent games sites had forums filled will sort of disgusting faggots.
define video games. I wouldn't let them play anything past 2010
I would have found another way though, when I had dial up, one day I spent about 600 dollars per mont for half a year on it, they canceled the service, but I continued using forums and chats, found a way to circumvent the school's content lock on the library computers, and even saved my allowance to secretly go to internet cafes, then broadband arrived but it was too late for me, degeneracy finds a way
How is that 1 child rule treating you chang? I mean I feel bad for your parents, one shot and that's what came out? Jeez.
it was their fault for letting you on an unrestricted computer. thats my point. they can control such things.
4chan is much worse than any of those, are you kidding
t. started browsing this god forsaken website at 13 years old
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sending your kid to public school should be considered child abuse
imagine letting a bunch of brainwashed retards try to make your kid feel bad about being raised better than them while also receiving an incredibly low quality education designed to churn out dumb worker drones
at least home school if you can't afford to send them to an actually good school with other non-retards
You sound mindbroken by politics and low IQ.
I don't know about you two but when I was a kid in the late 90s early 00s I knew more about our PC than my parents did. I was always up to no good.
No lol, having an account exposes you to targetting, if I ended up like this it was due to forums, although this place is full of degenerates, racists, xenophobes, and americans, it is easier to dismiss the bad shit, when you have a consistent name on you, it is easier for them to drive you to a worse place.
i dont know how this piece of trivia is relevant to me
Well, I shouldn't have been up on it. I should have been in bed.
Mine would have a flip phone until at least 14 for the sake of emergencies
>degenerates, racists, xenophobes, and americans
hey I'm every one of those
>depriving your kids of social interaction
Good luck with your autistic retarded ass children.
one of you were saying it was the parents fault, and I was saying parents are oblivious to what their kids do online
Sending white kids to schools full of niggers,beaners,zipperheads is always a bad idea
and they should have restricted computer access to their growing child. for how many more posts do you want to run in circles for?
No it's not
especially when they give their kids unrestricted computer access which is incredibly easy to avoid
It wasn't their fault, they always left if off when they went to bed. I can't really blame them that much
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Right, because the only way for them to get social interaction is by sending them to get all their intelligence and creativity bullied out of them by the violent dipshits at the local tard farm, of course
In a few years his daughter will become a whore, wow great sacrifice faggot
idk people are pretty fucking dumb. if you have an intelligent child they'll find ways around restrictions unless you physically beat them
and why couldnt they simply put a password on it?
Why do you automatically assume your children will get bullied? Don't have kids if your genes are this shitty, retard.
I don't mind as long as it's not their only activity, but I'm going to have a strict selection of stuff like no predatory live service games and such. I'd encourage them rather to play couch co-op or cooperative games, stuff that encourages cooperation and creativity.
Public school is a Satanic brainwashing anti white fag supporting fake history ungodly mk ultra Propaganda Machine run by the((elites))
im going into this conversation with the assumption that a small child cant outsmart you.
I got bullied for having a phone.
>lmao why do you have a cell phone, you don't have any friends
Socially sophisticated kids can deflect bullying with their intellect and high self-esteem. Intellect can't really be taught, but self-esteem CAN be taught.

Love your kids, pay attention to them, and praise them for the things they do well and they'll be fine (unless they're really, really stupid, in which case, you're gonna have to put in some serious effort).
intelligent, creative, kind children are always bullied by the genetically defective violent retards due to their natural inferiority complexes
why are you so mad about it? because you are one?
>All this cope
Your life is shit because you're autistic.
You play videogames because you are an introverted person who detests social activity.
Videogame aren't why you're socially retarded, you had every chance to develop social skills on the playground or in school.

Videogames are addicting, but not an excuse for your shortcomings in life. This is unironically the millennial version of the "too much TV" shit boomers went through, or the Book worm of antiquity.

Don't even get me started on gamblers.
I'm talking about your average normie parants. you know the type of people who would ask you for an answer to something instead of "googling" it.
They did, but I figured it out
You weren't bullied because you were smart and special like your mom told you, you were bullied because you're a weak little annoying faggot no one likes.
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what makes a parent give their child a phone?
i know it's to make the kid shut up but goddamn

talk about doing the easy thing instead of the right thing, real prole hours
You aren't a bully because you're a good guy helping reject the genetic rejects, you were a bully because you're a subhuman genetic reject yourself. You ever notice the smart kids were never bullies? Probably not because of how stupid you are.
And I wasn't bullied, though I did see it happen again and again to kids who didn't deserve it because of retarded mouth breathers like you. Bullies are always the dumbest and worst people. Low IQ monsters, might as well be apes. That's you. Not a hero, an idiot.
their fault for being careless with passwords then.
good for you. im not.
>this much cope
The weak are the ones who get bullied, anon. Bullying is essentially the same thing as growing mad with power. Boys will test one another as a sort of "game" to see which ones can play and which ones can't. They will then find sadistic enjoyment in torturing the ones who can't play. Any boy who can't find it in him to defend himself, either verbally or physically, will be tortured mercilessly.

Social survival of the fittest is the meta game that young lads play against one another. No amount of campaigning will ever change this. It's human nature.
It's not that big of a deal, but.thays why k mentioned moderation of internet use in the home. And as addicted to the internet as I am, I'd drop it for my kid no problem. Nothing good has came of it..nothing
>say something anon dislikes
You're too weak to have children, you either acknowledge that or natural selection will take care of your gayass spawn.
This but you also need to homeschool them, never let them interact with family members, never let them have any friends and never let them leave the house.
Also beatings. You'll need to make sure to beat them at least five times a day, repeatedly if possible.
Go to bed mom
were on the same page then, the parent is ultimately responsible and in control of these things, its not out of their hands, and its only going to become more important to do so as time goes on.
They won't be exposed to the internet if you take out their eyes.
homeschoolings not a bad idea, in fact homeschooled kids regularly and consistently outperform kids sent to public schools. the other stuff seems like you reaching desperately for an argument and failing miserably.
when a kid is about 8-10 they can have a classic keypad cellphone
at 18 they will be allowed to go on the internet and get a smartphone
lmao this post reeks of virginity
Older ones, sure. Like hell I'd put them in front of the skinner boxes of today. Microtransactions are a blight and they never should have been normalized.
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>the other stuff seems like you reaching desperately for an argument and failing miserably.
If you can't tell that it's a joke and a gross exaggeration of the lengths one would need to go to truly prevent a child from having access to the computer, maybe you should consider starting your own education over.
How about a rotary phone when they're 4?
>this car reeks of combustion
where do you think you are?

internet access should really not be allowed for kids
even better, limited to only 4 hours a day
that would make people more social and happy
They should only have internet access in school. Forcibly limiting their external contact with one another so that they have to make and set dates in person and within the schoolgrounds would be ideal.
my 8 year old daughter has like 200 hours in animal crossing
she's not interested at all in any games where there is even the possibility of a fail state
I play games with my 5 year old. Just easy, kid friendly co-op shit like Castle Crashers though.

My kid would have been in martial arts for years so they'd just karate chop whatever little twig-armed nigger tried talking shit because I also taught them that might makes right.
I have children and we play coop games together.
it's extremely obvious that you don't know what you're talking about
yes. long before I let them near a smartphone
Not only will I let them, I will play with them.
Your kid will end up missing and then you'd have to create more shitterlings. Buy the little retard a dumb phone like a responsible parent.
>i know kara-tay
These were always the easiest bullying targets though.
Hopefully OP means a real martial arts not karate but even if they don't their kid will be more athletic than at least 70% of the school
Yeah, why not? Videogames are never really the problem, it's the lack of belonging at school/at home that drives people to lose themselves in videogaming to the point of "addiction". Just raise them well and it won't be an issue (assuming they don't get bullied, in which case good luck lol)
>Would you let your kid browse 4chan at the same age you did?"
I would let them browse the same 4chan I did not the one we have now. But yeah it's still better than discord, twitter and tik tok
No, they're not getting a cellphone until high-school either. What need does a tween have for a phone? If it's going to be bullied it will be bullied regardless of phone.
It's not the right phone, it's not the most expensive phone, it's not the right brand of phone. You don't think kids with phones get bullied all the fucking time?
Phones are given to kids by parents who don't give a fuck about their kid and want someone else to raise it.
Correct. I hate the faggots at private schools but public school is a fucking joke.
They’re even worse than before now as they’re literally teaching them about identity politics. My little brother (who is much younger than me) has told me that they had a 14 yr old girl come in to talk to them saying she was nonbinary or whatever the fuck and that she started identifying as it at fucking NINE and about how important it is to not misgender as she would get offended if anyone called her a girl or a boy.
Genuine fucking insanity. They shouldn’t even be worrying about that shit at that age, but if you’re against that you’re a heckin ebil chud racist sexist pig. What a fucking farce of a society we live in
if i had a kid i would beat the shit out of him
Why? Just because your parents beat you when they were drunk doesn't mean that they had any idea what they were doing, anon.
>when they were drunk
>beat him even when they weren't drunk

Sorry, bratan. That's a raw deal.
>They shouldn’t even be worrying about that shit at that age,
This is a straightoid argument. I knew I was gay at 11.
>I knew I was gay at 11.
Cool, so very obviously you didn’t need anyone to “educate” you on it
If they do have a cell phone, just make sure they don't have a computer in their room. And also be sure to block porn websites from the router. There's guides online nowadays.
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This. Parental control for your children devices is important but I would allow them to use social media but none of that shitty tiktok dance trends because I don't want my child to be stalked by creepy pedo 4channers.
I don't really want to have children, but if I did I would like them to play some of the old games I grew up with before having them try modern games.
>family gathering
>twenty kids
>adult now
>family gathering
>four kids

We simply can't afford it. The parents who can are too busy working to raise them kids anyways.
but every modern app (except for reddit and 4chan) has the tiktok format in it nowadays just renamed. it's kinda unavoidable without banning social media usage
>implying bullying only happens at public schools
No one wants to stalk your ugly ass kids. I might be a pedo but even I have standards.
This, my parents didn't let me have a phone until my senior year of high school and I was probably infinitely better off for it
Yet you are posting on 4chan. Very curious
I'd need to have a successful relationship first.
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>no this
>no that
>restrictions everywhere
You retards are becoming your parents.
Only games I approve.
Also would introduce them to keto diet, self defense and legos.
But I do not have children, why are you saying that I do?
Did you skip school?
If wokenes hadn't become a thing I would grant my imaginary child all the freedom in the world, but they forced my hand. I don't want my tulpa child to say shit like "gender is a social construct" not my Wilson. No.
No way because it would increase the chance of growing into a tranny
I don't understand the question.
how else would Shlomo get a new wagebaby to make his numbers grow bigger?
Wokeness is not even a thing, at least find a real problem to complain about.
But the word started being used by the same people that now want to be distanced from it, why don't they want to get labeled by a word they defined themselves?

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