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This is how i feel about modern games
everyone thought this premise was retarded not just boomers
also superman would easily clear batman instantly and without effort. i dont care about capeshit though and i didnt watch the movie
You said the exact dumb bullshit capeshits love bullshitting about you dumb asshole.
dobson hasn't made any comics in years i'm not even relevant any more
just let him be forgotten
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this is how i feel about modern gaymes
all i know about superman is that hes an all powerful alien jesus with laser eyes, batman is some guy in a wing suit. its no contest.
Whatever happened to dobson? Did he grow a brain and quit the internet?
You are doing this on purpose. You're secretly a batfag aren't you?
his brother lost a chance at a government position because of him
lmao no, i literally do not give a single fuck about DC or capeshit. its just that they penetrate pop culture enough for me to know the basics. "kryptonite" is literally a noun because of how ubiquitous it is.
Yeah, this is a subtle attempt at reverse psychology.
go eat a salad capeshitfag
Haha oh man, that straw man sure is silly
I can't believe that Dobson was so embarrassing that his family essentially had to stage an intervention to get him off the internet.
the only people who thought the premise were stupid were people that didn't read Dark Knight Returns and sometimes I have to scream it at people that it's CLEARLY what the original concept was based on in every sense. the entire last fight with the Batarmor is basically stolen
the adaptation and execution of it is poor. the idea itself is not - *real* Batman vs Supes fights where he pulls out every fucking toy are PEAK and the DKR one where it's just to keep fucking with him and distracting him to give Ollie the shot is the absolute best
The cartoons did it first and people liked it then.
The failure of that movie comes from Zack Snyder trying to outdo Christopher Nolan and failing miserably.
real comic fans knew it was just adapting the same fight from The Dark Knight Returns from 30 years prior but with less setup
i cant believe he stayed off, they never do.
see >>683761669
his antics started negatively affecting his family in the real world
Oh no, you may think that, but over on /g/ recently a new comic of his was posted. And it's fucking pathetic
Let him go.

At least he left.
post it
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>running defense for worst Fantastic Four movie (and that's saying something)
>blatantly misrepresenting that the argument was about how Sue and Johnny Storm have always been blood siblings and changing that just so that Johnny can be black is typical lazy, performative Hollywood diversity
This is how i felt when they made Link's hair blonde
basically they rejected him because he was a security risk because of his crazy brother (dobson) or something. i dont remember the details.
Nobody knows. Anyone giving you a concrete answer is lying.
I like how lots of Dobson's comics revolve around him being an extreme secondary only familiar with the most surface main stream versions of things and then getting upset that the actual primary source isn't that at all.
While we're talking webcomic lolcows, I just found out Bald from Penny Arcade has written a novel about two little boys falling in love.

I wasn't prepared for how abruptly he was gonna go full nonce even though I suspected it
A big trope of cape shit is showing how normal people with normal modern tech and weaponry are equal to or stronger than gods.
sounds like bullshit desu. My uncle had very high security clearance and his brother was a 3 time felon who had multiple police chases,
yeah but dobson is the type to go "MY BROTHER WORKS IN THE GOVERNMENT AND THIS IS WHAT HE TOLD ME ABOUT THIS CLASSIFIED INFORMATION!" cuz hes a fucking fat autist
captcha: ASPYY
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I've gotten so much joy out of laughing at Dobson, over the years. When I look back, it's pretty much been my favorite part of /v/.
It do be like that.
Superman has a fucking seizure of you throw a rock near him, Batman would destroy him.
I am so out of touch I can't even understand the strawman he's trying to tear down. Its like multiple levels of strawmen too. Im racist too and I never even heard these fucking strawmen before
>obtain kryptonite
>hold it up Super Man
>laugh at him for being a faggot who's weakened by a stupid glowing stone
>tell him his costume is gay and you'd have to be a fag to think wearing red panties over blue tights is cool
>he acks himself in shame
>government position
That seem very unlikely.
That sounds like an interesting story, do you have any proof for it?
I like how this story just keeps twisting more and more until it always just ends up with "okay I made it up but he totally WOULD do this".
>blacks hate gated communities they're not part of
pottery. Unintentionally nailed it on the head kek
>i'm not
Nice slip up, dobby
Now, please come back so we can laugh at you more
You're an idiot.
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Naming a crossover "[x] v. [y]" even though the characters ultimately team up has been a common aesthetic choice for longer than OP's parents have been alive
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People still gives a crab about capeshit?
That was never proven
Not only that, there was never a single shred of evidence to even hint at it being the case, people simply went "hmm, the only way for someone like him to leave the internet for good would be family intervention" and extrapolated everything else from that.
Batman wins in the shitty movie then they become best friends cos their mothers have the same name.
Wait what? I knew he wrote a book recently but it’s literally just underage gay romance? Then again his son became FtM so perhaps this isn’t a surprise. Wouldn’t be shocked if we find out 10 years from now that he’s abused his kids
It's not like Nolan is a great director anyway
post it or youre a gay faggot
>white flight
You can't leave us hanging and not give us a source, my guy
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>his son became FtM
How does that work
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Capeshit is retarded, so don't bother arguing about it. Invincible showed how batman attacking superman would realistically play out, he'd get fucking splattered.
My bad, I meant MtF. Can’t keep the gender shit straight these days. It’s actually genuinely concerning though:
>constant jokes about sexual inadequacy
>constant “jokes” about gay fantasies
>constant jokes about deviant fetishes like bestiality
>abusive childhood
>history of drugs/alcohol
>tranny son
>now a romance novel about 2 little boys, apparently
Guy is popping some serious fucking red flags
We need a source for this. I want to witness the patheticness in its full infamy.
Literally banging action figures together. Superman is so powerful nothing can beat him, Batman is so smart he can beat anybody with enough prep.
Where is this new comic of his?
Yeah, but nothing is worse than "realsitic" capeshit
Every boomer\fan of the comics would know batman vs superman happened thousands of times. Dobson is a fucking retard.
i feel like it's still peddled because it's funny as fuck and also is the only thing extreme enough to keep a professional lolcow off the internet so long.
hell if chris chan's brother can have a normal job i doubt dobson's brother was at risk of anything
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Probably his son becoming a tranny broke him. I can symphatize i would kill my son instead of seeing his brain rotting. Thank god i don't live in america.
If I was to draw a series of comics pretending to be dobson, do you think you retards would start sharing them believing that I was the actual dobby?
Dobson or CattyN? Should you properly be able to emulate inflation art, i wouldn't care.
>hold up rock
>superman kills you with laser vision or frosr breath or whatever from a distance
Shows how shit of a director Snyder is
everyone knows this is the sort of shit comics used to pull all of the time
I remember every other month a hero turned evil or had a rivalry
Nu-uh. If you get to a talking distance with the green glowing rock, you win. He can't use his powers if the radiation reaches him.
Why was it "v" and not "vs" anyway?
Thank you, Gokek.
How do you sneak within walking distance of a guy with super hearing, x-ray view and super eyesight?
literally me
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