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/v/ - Video Games

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It's over
I genuinely hope Synthetic Man dies
What's up with his voice? He talks in a weird way.
He just banned me.
I genuinely hope Synthetic Man lives a happy life.
Fuck You he’s gonna die
you don't deepthroat giant dildos without it affecting your throat
Nah, he's gonna be happy.
he's actually autistic as fuck
Oh boy another e-celeb thread with zero context and nothing to do with video games
Already proven it's not him.
more like southern italian who thinks he's white
>can't figure out how to install F4SE
I'm laughing
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>never watch his streams
>watch this one
>nothing is working
>somhow gets through the opening
>blank box pops up with FOSE NEEDED in it
I'll need some evidence.
what happened? did the feds get my boy?
fallout london mod not working
already proven it is, dude loves futa porn
Isnt this the guy who deepthroats black dildos in his gooncave
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He's too cringe. Making chud talking points embarrassing to hold. Normies care about optics. If your optics are shit people will distance from your movement no matter how justified your grievances are.

If you're a fat ugly mutt just remain in the silent majority.
It's never been more over and ban anyone giving me advice. Except unironically
He does but the dude sucking dildos isn't him.

one and the same, yes
You're brown AND gay which is why you can't tell the difference between caucasoids. Also you desperate hope he's gay because you're projecting your own sodomy.

You just oust yourself like this.
/v/eddit destroyed
hope he sees this bro
autism accent
now that this is debunked, why were his detractors watching dildo goon porn?
is cyberpunk even close to being what they had promised it would be in 2020 now?
This is the savior of modern gaming, you must be confusing him with someone else.
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KEK! >>683761802
hmmmnnn, sorry still not convinced
Because they're degenerates.
it's like 5% better than what it launched as at best
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His viewers have been throwing way too much bait at him recently. You should have been careful not to get caught in the crossfire.
Keep sucking it, Synth
he is scycilian he is not considered white by north italians he is a terrone (from the earthly dust)
You're a degen sodomite bro. >>683762593

Thanks for ousting yourself as such.
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>says f4se is missing
>chat says you are missing f4se
>gets angry and starts mass banning people
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>tfw i played this game as a female druggie raider pedophile and it was based
this game is actually good
Why are Latinx like this?
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He’s the guy with a really hot mom
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Video games, stupid faggot, VIDEO GAMES.
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the average American who thinks their pure white is always some type of mutt
just go look up gypsy crusader dna results for a good laugh
there are no boards on 4chan for e-celeb discussion other than /b/
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(((southern italian)))
crisp italian milf
What are the chance he's here, in this very thread?
It's better then most AAA shooters now in terms of gameplay& story.
But AAA is trash so....
based desu if you think think that new mutt races were going to turn up like this you are wrong. Race supremacy is an universal constant it will always exist lol. niggys will always be at the bottom.
He probably made the thread.
he aint he is busy trying to fix mods n shit
He's still seething.
chudman is now reacting to chud videos on jewtube again
L stream
specific titles are duscussed on /vg/
/v/ is a general thread for anything videogame related, fuck off
>open up his stream
>angrily calls someone in his chat a faggot
Seems pretty cool to me
I am no expert but synth needs get laid just once, he will have 10x less stress in his life.
yeah i wanted to watch Fallout
hes balding
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>One one of his videos
>"Slop slop DEI woke slop DEI woke slop DEI woke slop slop woke DEI slop diversity woke slop slop diversity woke slop"
So, this guy basically makes a living being the living embodiment of a /v/ shitposting thread? How can anyone stand coming here, reading that all day, and then watching videos of someone saying the exact same shit?
he would love to but he doesnt wanna meet women he doesnt even try not even at the gym
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is he actually into futa, or is that just another /v/ meme like the dildo thing?
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He's the one trying to sweep up his dildo video by blaming some other gooner
Might unironically be his best stream yet
It's a meme
Cringe stream
bro i refuse to believe thats real it must be deep fake from a porn movie
His /pol/ act seems so cringe and performative. And he keeps calling himself a schizo.
>Getting mogged by your own mother
Holy shit lmao
If that's a porno, I want a fucking link
>30 year old chuddie manchild with a milf mom who supports his degeneracy
kinda jealous ngl
The chat tore him apart tonight. Actual tears from laughing so hard.
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he was until i told you to modify his rule 34 search results for muscular_female vagina

instead of just muscular_female which doesnt filter out the futa. He likes fit women. I get it.
Keep saying it
it must be man the lightinng doesnt make sense
I wanted to unironically watch fallout 4 i feel like im wasting my time rn just wainitn for him to fx htis shit i sleep
Good. He's being cringe.
You should stick around for his rage and ban off
wasn't he born in 1995 or something? he is pretty much a borderline zoomer
He is literally streaming right now having the biggest spergout dsp moment
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just imagine how he'll react once he discovers the fascist faction and the pajeet cock enjoying leader
nah i will watch something else until he is ready fuck this
I knew that whitey was going to be le evil guys in the mod instead of the browns which are geuninely fucking up the country due to the tribalism they brought. Tribalism le good only if whitey doesnt partake in it.
the chat is fucking comfy
people born in 1995 are millennials
>He likes fit women
no one meet's women at the gym you moron
i hope he fixes the f4se soon so that i can see him react to them live, it's nearing midnight soon
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the fascist lead's VA has a palestein flag
true but he is only like 12 months disconnect from the people he hates
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he sounds like he's from wisconsin or something
also he has the cadence of my hs english teacher, old dude right down the 'mmkay'
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HAH! he likes chav slampigs!
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I hate faggot leftists virtue signaling as if jihadists are going to forgive them lol they would unironically be the first ones to get raped and maybe killed after browns take power

anyway if you are a britbonger get armed if you live in a metropolitan area shit is gonna get worse with labour in power way fucking worse. BLM levels of mayhem unchallenged by a cucked police force.
It's true
she probably fucks black men and that's why he is so angry.
This stream is dumpsterfire kino.
thought he was '96. anyway fucking guy problem makes more money bitching on the internet than i ever will
This is Thomas, I need help. Synth is threatening to report me to ICE if I go public about his real fetishes (worse than futa). What do I do
London is like 2 steps from becoming Paris and Paris is gonna have terrorists attacks happen on its olympics screen cap my comment and post it when it happens and say that i was right. You will learn. Browns in Europe fucking hate the local whites its not even a mild issue this aint like migrants in the USA not even close, the shit Europe is facing is a literal invasion. Breivik was right.
Hating Thomas is fatherless behavior.
Holy shit the domme mommy herself
That would make any white son insane
Why is she so hot???
you'd have to be a lunatic if you think the bongistan memes are "just memes"
Lol people here legitimately believe a civil war is coming, you guys are as delusional as the the leftoids that think a great commie revolution will happen.
yeah man that shit has legit already claimed the lives of many those motherfuckers came as rapefugees to do war (jihad) and deceit (taqiyya) not to fit in at all, they dont see white people as anything else than rape or murder targets
yeah you're right, civil war is not possible because of.... reasons
the saddest thing to me is that Europe was halted from reaching its full potential(while not having to pay for its own military thanks to the US) all because of hang ups related to not being able to ditch socialism. now you have all these "nation builders" who want to transform the world into nothing but a centralized totalitarian platform and you have retards like >>683765995
is london really that bad?
No I agree with him there wont be a full scale civil war but there will 100% be political violence and riots & I would like if local whites resisted that. Too much extremely violent brown from the worst highest crimerate countries in the planet & with Labour in power they are going to import even more of those "doctors" and "engineers". Its a matter of survival for city dwellers there, if you can roof korean the fuck out when riots come around you'll survive, if not your business will be smashed and your daughters will get raped.
I only like old moms
Brutally bad, not as bad as Paris but its getting there quickly.
any examples, ive seen plenty from paris due to people attending the olympics getting raped and robbed
Americans no longer believe in their constitution and the people that are supposedly trying to represent them without lying to their face 24/7, it's almost ogre for them.
god i hate it here
2 hours to figure out how to install F4SE lul
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the funny thing is that these guys rape both father and son their dads invite their sons to join in the raping of white women just walking by in the park
still no promised flower arranging questline bro, they betrayed us
He sure does know the lingo.
did the Sicilian terrone finally fixed it?
AGP smile
The Terrone fixed it
jannies are being extra faggy this stream.
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Everyone's favorite reject Muppet character from the Nintendo fanbase ranks has risen once more! In Arlo's latest romp, quite the puzzling question has been made concerning the lateat Pikmin series entry...

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