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Previous Thread >>683567843

>If you drew it and it's vidya, you can post it
>When requesting, post references and names in one post
>Keep it vidya origin
>No shitposting, if a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it. Thread's about art, keep it that way
>Have fun!

>Booru Collection

>Drawing Books and drawing programs
>>>/ic/drawing sticky: >>>/ic/1579290

>NSFW Deliveries

>Offsite options:
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Anchor post
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Draw Gullveig as a thicc lamia with plump tits and and a thick tail.
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Requesting Garrett watching the fight between the guards while eating from a bag of popcorn being entertained. https://youtube.com/watch?v=IU8gMHDkH48
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Requesting this Runescape player either in a necromancer battle with Gravelord Nito or just them chilling together with their skeleton/undead minions swapping necromancer secrets.
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Requesting Daud starting the Dunwall guard tradition of gathering for cigars and whiskey with his men as a way to bond and boost morale.
What inspires you to draw faces like that?
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Anchoring this request.
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Requesting Chondra Unkrich (YIIK) relaxing at the beach in float on ocean during summer vacation with Scaler's (Scaler 2004) enjoys underwater looking up and staring at her booty.
give me 5 min bud
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Requesting Bayonetta and Luka out on a romantic date at a fancy restaurant.

With Jeanne spying on them sitting across another table looking jealous.
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Requesting Yukari sitting on my face.
Can someone tell me in a conceptual way which lines in a figure (eg a face) are supposed to be drawn and which not?

Also when two oblique lines meet, filling one of the angles gives the illusion of depth (e.g. thighs pressing each other) and at some point the line is discontinued to give the illusion it's two things too close together (e.g. thigh example or smiles). How does this work as a general rule? What resource explains this?
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Requesting Ino from Sequel Asylum/Innocent Rules in a cheerleader uniform getting fucked while he's cheering for the guy to keep going similarly like in the reference. https://files.catbox.moe/tlg3ft.jpg
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Requesting the American History X curb stomping scene with Henry from Kingdom Come Deliverance curb stomping a cuman.
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I made an edit to the Seidr sketch trying to address the feedback.

I am also wondering this.
Not against it, but what would you want her to do? (out of curiosity)
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Anchoring my request here. >>683680083
I would say it's similar to how you attempt to shade a face/body part to simulate depth and a light source.
Requesting Minecraft Alex in a wedding dress
She looks like she's Joe Swanson in a wig from the thumbnail
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Requesting this with Hugo from the Street Fighter series
hey beter
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Requesting a hot and sweaty Liv with her jacket off trying to cool herself in this summer heat.
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Requesting 621 and Rusty doing the Predator handshake in their ACs.
Spankable goddess booty!
That's not how anchoring works, retard.
Requesting Glitch from Metal Arms shilling his game online trying to get people to want a sequel.
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Requesting my MMO character from the game "Mabinogi" wearing her long maid outfit, carrying her roblox version like if it was a doll/plushie, both with their cold expressions.

Other reference: https://imgur.com/GGhgzao

Nothing lewd, please.
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Requesting 9S as a goth giving a sloppy blowjob with lipstick smears on the cock.
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Taking a request to draw some tiddy or butts
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Requesting Hellene in her bikini giving an anon a titjob.
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Manuela wearing a men's button-up shirt aka "boyfriend shirt" that's straining against her bust and the only other thing she has on is her panties.
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Requesting Naga and Tia switching outfits
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I am once more, requesting Summerfest Marie.
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Zinnia with huge tiddies wearing a sling bikini
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Requesting Jas and the farmer dancing together at the Flower Dance festival.
oh i thought you drew a fishgirl with headfins
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Requesting goumang purring while she gets pet by a disembodied human hand.
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Tail the lamia from void stranger but with butt
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Requesting the pic on the right with Kina, and holding two pumpkins instead
You already got this you greedy bastard
dave the fishfag strikes again
Did I? If that's the case it shouldn't be hard for you to link to it
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Requesting a big titty Boss from AI the Somnium Files holding Aiba (the little squishy robot in the ref) in between her breasts
Even if that was true, who cares?
Renaissance over fellas the pope says we already have a painting of Jesus :(
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Requesting the Courier finding an old western film and gathers his companions to watch it with only Raul and ED-E being enthusiastic about it.
Requesting any painting of Jesus but with Kina instead
Give Krile the moderately sized booba she deserves.
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Anchoring >>683529507

Requesting Renata lewdly sucking on a popsicle in front of an anon.
zak how'd you know my name?
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Requesting an Elden Ring version of this Demon's Souls drawing but with the roles reversed with it being an Elden Ring boss like Malenia being sandwiched between the Tarnished and his mimic tear summon.
I am still salty he went full SJW and was suddenly against loli and shota despite having drawn shota for years.
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Requesting a threesome of Basil and Sunny from Omori and Moonie.
One fucking her pussy, the other her mouth.
(An Anon is working on it so I am waiting for him)
Megumi Tiddy?
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I regret to inform you that snakes don't really have butts
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>which lines in a figure (eg a face) are supposed to be drawn and which not?
There's no singular answer to this (as with many things in art), it's going to be dependent on what you're trying to achieve and your own sense of aesthetics. Some styles go crazy with lines, others are more economical. For instance, cartoony and anime faces can be relatively simple. Using line to define a subtle things like laugh lines or eyebags can age a face immensely. A single line can take a face from 20 to 80. But such definition may not be so drastic on less stylized faces. Etc, etc.

Try thinking about what your lines to mean - what are you trying to convey to the viewer? The outer contour of a shape? Denoting some sort of plane change? Hinting at some shadows? Just adding a little visual interest cause it looks cool? And so on.
Then try thinking about what you want to communicate about your figure. Given the previous thought exercise, how can you use your lines to emphasize the things you want to draw attention to? Or minimize the things you don't? For a youthful face, maybe you omit the wrinkles and skin creases (even if they exist on the person IRL). If you want to emphasize someone's musculature, maybe you boldly define the muscles and veins but go easy on any bulging fat. A sexy anime girl pinup may keep the contours of the body smooth and simple, but a more realistic depiction might give more definition to all the bumps and awkward skin folds.
(It's also important to consider how your lines will interact with your rendering but that's another convo)
Endless possibilities all depending on your own goals. Figuring out these things does take time and practice, so be patient and experiment. The more you do it, the more natural it becomes. Don't fear mistakes, they are crucial for learning.
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Give Rouge tits as big as the ones you drew there.
Requesting Yonah (post time skip) from Nier Replicant, sleeping nude (boobs must be visible), with cum on her face please, something like this https://files.catbox.moe/17b6ve.jpg minus the penis (or only as variant)
You got delivered already last prompt.
I think her in a real sexy but classy dress or doing a handbra.
I had an idea in mind but I actually forgot what it was.
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Requesting Steeve as a new marketable plush toy being sold at the DRG store with a bunch of dwarves swarming the place buying them.
why couldn't you let him have one last sweet dream?
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Requesting a huge and imposing werefox Carmelita Fox
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Requesting Stella from Snoot Game with Zoe from Monster Prom hanging out together like besties watching some anime.
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Requesting a Gregar Ms. Madd version of the cursed Mayl Falzar on the bottom of the ref
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Requesting a protopet furby.
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Requesting Freddy Fazbear (Five Nights at Freddy's; left) in Clang Invasion (right) style.
Kuroko wearing any of Shiroko's outfits but they do not fit after years of growing up.
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Requesting the Titanic painting scene with Olivia painting a naked Inco.
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Love monster girls!
Have you ever seen when a elementary elementary/middle school kid is terrified of failure or being made fun of for actually showing his skill/effort then goes the whole way around and does the thing the worst way possible or in a mocking/silly/joking way?
Translate that behavior to drawing and you will have the reason.
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Requesting 1 Lyra from /v/3
fuck, here you go

Requesting Mohg breaking free from Miquella's brainwashing while at femboy hooters with Morgott and starts freaking out asking Morgott why are they at a gay femboy restaurant.
OR here this is a great sketch of snek butt. thank you so much for a niche girl
It's just a persona he puts on in 4chan. In his actual art accounts his all cordial and pleasant. I guess he just uses 4chan as his private toilet wall
Here's more progress. Was occupied with some games after work https://files.catbox.moe/gdhcl4.png
You either haven't seen internet animations in the mid 2000s or you're too young to be on this website
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Requesting Faltoga from Sequel fucking Mana Tank in the amazon position.
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Requesting Dinah getting fucked by Alain in the full nelson position, also preferably vaginal.
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Requesting Mizora from Baldur's Gate 3 getting fucked by a He-Man looking Tav while Wyll is unwillingly forced to watch because of his contract.
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Requesting Gene spanking any vidya girl of your choice.
That is looking so good, Anon!!! I can't wait!!! Holy crap!!!
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Requesting 2B from Nier and EVE from Stellar Blade both are wearing fundoshi
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Requesting Foxiel relaxing by a pool wearing this.
Outfit ref: https://files.catbox.moe/4inlhe.png
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Draw Hoihoi-san killing video game bugs.
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Requesting pic related with a futa Fio.
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i adore lariats work but my editor does not care for it
either way i have only once tried to emulate the style and it is really different from how i draw
so make this number 2
enjoy your waifu
forgot to anchor
Another day, another retard feeding the thread's cancer.
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Requesting Carol in this succubus outfit having sex with an anon with her enjoying it.
That's cute
while i am here i might as well continue to post my filth

waspgirl page 20

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Requesting Miriam giving an anon a nursing handjob.
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sorry man i was drawing your request and i spilled lunaticsoda on it
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Requesting the Party Girl from Terraria smoking a bong taking the entire bowl in one hit.


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Requesting Hoppou from KanColle as an older girl since it has been 10 years since she got added to that game. Maybe she can be enjoying a birthday cake.
Are you autistic?
Requesting soda finishes a drawing for once. Can’t show the rest of the arms and hands, can’t show the legs.

>Women are just kinda heads and torsos with the top bit of the arms and their mouths open
You using a sex doll as a reference or something?
He posts finished pieces in his art accounts. He just shitposts here.
No, but women don't have hands or feet to most other artists by your logic.
Is Mariel like 62?
He has said he is now in his forties but anyone can say anything online and it doesn't necessarily mean it's true
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Requesting Nanamo trying to cast Flare on a training dummy, only to fail and get knocked out because it's a lvl 50 spell and she's only lvl 35
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Requesting Railanor from Unicorn Overlord getting fucked with a pleasure/enjoying look on her face like the ref: https://files.catbox.moe/le5ud6.png
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Requesting classic Lara Croft slightly open up her bathrobe to the viewer
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Requesting the Rat Queen sitting on the Builder's bed wearing either of these in an attempt to seduce him/her.
Adorable, but silly.
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why did (((they))) make drawing so hard
Nice progress. Difficulty was never the goal, it's all about the sense of accomplishment.
So adorable thanks for it, Alex deserves it and not to be ruined by the leaked Minecraft movie
What... exactly do you mean?
She is going to have a black woman be Alex
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Requesting it's joever but with pablo sanchez with the caption "It's Pablover"
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Why does Hollywood have a hard on for replacing red heads with nigs?
>Time for snu snu, Ringtail.
Reminder that hmofa got caught at /b/ using vpns one with a a lion named Brave
Qwarkfreak uses this to spam his requests all the time
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Make this /v/idya related
Dare I ask what you were doing in /b/?
>25 ad popups blocked
Why is archived moe such a shit website?
NTA, but I occasionally lurk there and compare the Drawthread autism. So far I'd say /aco/ Drawthread is the most autistic with /a/'s being a close second.
>grown ass men gooning to cartoons also happen to be the biggest autists in town
Who would have known?
The lure of free art drives people crazy
Oh that ain't the reason.
Dmc3 intro
Isn't that the Spy from TF2?
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Counter Strike
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Requesting a Sectoid from XCOM: Enemy Unknown (Left) fighting Crypto from Destroy All Humans (Right)
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Why though?
Kek good job
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Requesting Ellen from The Witch's House petting a black cat which is sitting on her lap.
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Requesting Callie asking Captain Three if she wants to see a special magic trick while wearing something similar to this.

Outfit refs: https://files.catbox.moe/ez6pyl.jpg
Draw something!
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Requesting a Blaze Axe Mitachurl fighting an Activated Ruin Guard
Any swimsuit ass requests?
Paula polestar
Oh ahahahahaha!
Damn I hate being ponkeypaw'd but thats pretty good, shame mini mariel got tainted with terminal sillyness.
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Requesting BeachSide Setsuna from Yo-kai Watch punipuni getting the Coppertone girl treatment ala dog or someone pulling on her bikini bottom, exposing ass with tan lines if you do colors.
Reference: Reference: https://files.catbox.moe/r0av5a.jpg
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Neila wear something stylish perhaps?
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If it can be cute instead of something super lewd then a pose and swimsuit for pic related.

One of these three beauties' booty
Momiji - DoA
Eve - Stellar Blade
Sage - Valorant
Does Setsuna look too young? She's a Yo-kai (well, half Yo-kai), so ages are kinda difficult to determine. You are free to adjust her height if that is the case so that she doesn't look as young.
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Melody from Rocky Rodent
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Annetta Fish deliveries

Donkey Kong meme
Gangbang. Couldn't find a way to fit the anal part in that pose, sorry.
OR here, that's really fucking nice man, thanks a ton!
Love that smug look you gave her, and those titties look so big and soft, absolutely perfect
Thanks so much for the delivery!
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>Annetta in the Rayman style
I salute you, Captain. I salute you.
Fair enough
Here's a WIP for the Juri x Cammy piece I've been doing, but I could use some feedback on how it's going.

That is a good point...I think it's a bit ambiguous if she's just SD / chibi or supposed to look young. I'm not quite sure but I think there are other more mature looking yokai, right?
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Requesting Clar the male succubus either giving Mana Tank a blowjob deepthroating his cock or getting fucked by him in the full nelson position.
Yeah, fair. I think Level5 has just been doing this chibi/mobile game for so long that any new designs are getting that impact, even if they are older looking.

I still wanna see Setsuna going through it, but there's a different character in a similar outfit that could fit the coppertone part of the request.
How about Shadowside Blizzaria instead? She got a beach outfit too, but I actually don't have her, so pictures are from elsewhere.
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Draw aged up lolis
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Requesting Ryoshu in a goth outfit and make up
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Hit this creature with a hammer and a cartoony bump pops on top of her head
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Requesting her dead
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Any Mithos Yggdrasill Request?
He was Bara
He with a bra
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Requesting Bridget in a maid outfit with him 'servicing' an anon.
No thanks, you spammed enough requests it's time to stop.
Hmmmm, which ones?
No that's gay, someone should instead draw hags as lolis.
Hmm, she is a good choice actually. I like her proportions. I ran out of time, but I wouldn't mind giving her a try.
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Requesting Shantae pregnant with Scorn's child.
File: You just know.jpg (91 KB, 733x619)
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Requesting wholesome lewds of this hunter and his female palico.
Give me some good characters to draw turning evil or vice versa.
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Requesting Demise corrupted SS Zelda
this doesn't looks like it's from Bonita-bro
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Evil Veronica
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Added a few things from >>683763148, appreciate this indulgent draw
It's spreading
i am glad that you enjoy this shitpost
i recall the drawing i did for you being one of my first good ones at the time
Double neros!?
Cool! I might try this again when you take swimsuit requests then if you try again later on.
File: Del autumn.png (2.54 MB, 1920x1080)
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Youre the one who drew this autumn Mariel piece, right? I Loved it.
that is the one
how has your own drawing been going?
every time i saw another piece it seems like you had improved a little bit
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Requesting this meme with Villager and Cherry
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I hate this fucking cat so much.
unironically would be more fitting with Isabelle imo
was gonna go with Isabelle but decided to be more original
but you know what?
it doesn't matter both are good
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Not much, this is my last piece of full colored art ive done, need to pick up again.
She looks like she fucks human men
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Indeed she does
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And this is the last mariel ive done if thats what youre looking for.
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that is very cute and or cool
it seems you have pushed past the wall that you were talking about running up against
the colored style i think suits you better than the oekaki one you were using before too
Love this! Thanks for the giggles, two neros are da best
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Requesting the bottom two comic panels, but with Taki transforming into a blue oni, her tattoos glowing an ominous deep red
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Well my main problem with full pieces is that it takes me days to finish, also thank you.
Have another one in case you havent seen it.
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Requesting Volume trying to make Tharja her rapper sidekick, which greatly confuses and annoys Tharja greatly
that is how it goes
it takes me about 3 days per page for manga production presently even on a near full time basis
but one only gets faster with the effort
also this one is cute too
i like what you do with the apron
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Requesting a female Miquella.
Silly thanks for doing my request drawfag
Requesting Ruto and Link kissing each other.
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Requesting Crash Man working at a McDonald's
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Agrias as a Death Knight.
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Dunno what made you think that but it is mine lol
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Requesting cat Tifa giving a human a blowjob with heart pupils in her eyes.
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I would but i'm busy atm
i would but i'm comming lamia FE girls
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Requesting Myrrh from FE: the Sacred Stones. I just played it for the first time recently and Myrrh was my favorite girl.
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Requesting WoL and Krile drinking Mezcal and shit talking Wuk Lemat.
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Post your first and last draw you made in this threads
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Requesting Leonie from Fire Emblem 3Houses teasingly noting that her top is starting to get too small, due to her already pretty big boobs getting even bigger
She should have a cocky expression, as if to tease the viewer, practically daring him to rip the top off right then and there
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Not exactly in this thread but yeah time spares no one.
Requesting Harlow Jordan from Dead Island Riptide getting creampied while restrained in a chokehold (preferably by John Morgan).
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as finished as i'm gonna make it.
Based as fuck. I hope someone does her good, maybe a swimsuit.
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Well if you insist....
I took two which are a bit more comparable hehe
Funny to think that even though I was more known for liking Shamir at the time, it still all started with tomboys
Also, still crazy that that Chie turned out the way it did, it has more and better foreshortening than I do now lmao, I still remember standing up, doing the pose in front of the mirror, sitting down, drawing and repeating that for hours to get the hands and arms right
Requesting Alisa in a wedding dress.
>That Kumatora
Man, how did I miss that? The coloring is fantastic as hell, dude! Keep up the good work!
It looks good enough.
i look like that and say that
Thanks man! I don't know, it wasn't too long ago, sometimes it just flies by haha
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Requesting Meliadoul from FFT naked wrapped up in ribbons.
Damn bro, hope you’ve been doing aight. I haven’t been checking these threads in a bit so that’s probably why.
That's a smoochable Kumatora
How corrupted should she look?
Not so much to the point she's genderbent Demise I guess? So stuff like glowing eyes, bright red hair, maybe some black highlights here and there would do the trick
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Requesting Beebz being princess carried by an anon.
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Requesting Poppy (pokemon sv) playing with Poppy Playtime toys.
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Okay, well when it gets done, lemme see.
Didn't you also draw Touhou characters on /jp/?
I always knew you as kumatorachad and for the tomboys in general, the fist drawing is pretty decent but yeah you has made a lot of progress
>Standing up, doing the pose in front of the mirror
All of us at some point
One day I will find the courage to fix that sketch...
Aw maaaan I was working on that one too.
The absolute soul of these... Great work anons.
both these are me. thanks
Please sell me some of your talent.
Got it. How lewd or not lewd?
What, no i dont go to such shithole as /jp/.
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lemme try
Requesting either OG or remake Arcueid doing the dab pose Kyoko got,for the funi
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Forgot the image,fuck
Nice work
Jesus christ, post your reps.
Everyone is so impressed by this anon's progress that they're not noticing her tits are exposed. Anon, if you get banned I want you to know you're going to make it.
Which drawfags aren’t going to make it?
Lunaticsoda, ribbon killer, and juju.
Seeing stuff like this reminds me that only talented people will ever be able to draw and be good at it, I'll never make it I can't ever draw anything that doesn't look like a shitty scribble a 12 year old drew.
Let’s see your work anon. You may be better than you think.

To be fair those are the low hanging fruit. How about non obvious ones?
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>To be fair those are the low hanging fruit.
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I haven't even tried to draw for a long time now but I drew this before.
Juju already made it.
Even if your lines aren’t steady there’s still plenty of appealing things about this. The designs pretty cool and the forms are drawn well even if a bit flat.
If you're in the mood for lewd I'm not gonna say no, but I wasn't really picturing it as lewd in my head
stop compliment baiting and draw. talent isnt real
Is this a /v/ thing? Wtf is /v/3? Game looks cute though
Are you really saying that huge jump in quality in only a few months isn't from talent? It would take most people at least a year to improve that much.
Haha that's a good joke, anon! But let's leave it at that.
>non obvious ones
Like who then?
This is not true anon, you can do it too if you care about improving. Some people are faster than others because their circumstances are better suited to making progress, work on getting there first. Sometimes you just need art friends that will give you feedback and/or the motivation to keep drawing and sharing your work by telling you you're doing a good job. This place is not it, look at Kujalla: he's killing it on twitter while he barely gets any attention here.
Talent IS real, that doesnt mean people cant get good with effort, only that it will take them 10 times longer than talented people.
I have someone in mind but I'd feel too bad saying his name, dude's been at it for a while but it's hard to say he's improved in all this time
did you see the image on the left? nobody with the mythical "talent" draws that awfully. also the image on the right, every part of the anatomy is fucked. he clearly grinded a specific style of anime girl. that really isnt that crazy because he probably drew a fuck ton
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I dip from /v/3 and this is my replacement? LMFAO, what cringe!
No one can beat you when it comes to cringe bb, you're still #1 in my heart
goodness anon, we started at just around the exact same time and your improvement is leagues above me. how'd you do it? not to sound insulting but do you have school or work or anything like that? it's just really impressive.
Doesn’t hurt to say it, could help them in the long run
Fuck I forgot
Forgot sorry
Nah, I'm pretty retarded I brute force it to this point. just practice anon you get nowhere by complaining to yourself
I always trying new things, don't stuck in the same place doing the same. Also always look for tutorials no one born learned
Requesting Pyramid Head getting a mediocre blowjob from Pyra xenoblade

TL;DR, Pyramid head getting Pyra mid head
dont worry anon i just respect it is all, no saying anyone's born talented like that other anon. keep at it.
If I could articulate my thoughts in a more constructive way I might do it, but I can't really think of anything beyond "His drawings just look kind of uncanny", so it probably wouldn't do much besides make the guy feel bad
Everyone reading this will think it’s about them!
did you add fygirl to the canon yet
I guess that's true, probably shouldn't have mentioned it at all, I'll just say part of his name, only he should recognize it and everyone else won't have to worry about me talking about them
Sorry Vyn, but I was talking about you
Personally, I think being shit at drawing has its advantages. If the result is bad, its to be expected; if the result is good, nice work.
Being great at drawing means everything you draw now has to be perfect or else it's so fucking over.
no i already gave you my snek grima and her daughter
need ringo
Glad to hear it, brozinyo.
I said it before and I’ll say it again: the last Fygirl was Joey Fygoon’s mother (at least from what we know of on Frydar Island). It sucks, but it’ll make you, as Fygoon, feel special knowing that you’re the last of an entire species.
I can understand the hesitation but I think it’s clear you don’t mean it maliciously.
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I do not recall. Unless you mean this? But it's not Morgan, and instead Lucina.
moirgan is a boy.
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Requesting Anubia out on a romantic date with an anon.

Or if you want to do something spicy to have her getting fucked by an anon in the full nelson position.
Morgan is Robin's (male) daughter.
For this drawthread? Did the supply drop zone, humvee, and laser crusader here in >>679366542 and the double Neros from...
...Asuka from Senran Kagura? Neat, will look into this.
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Requesting Hex Maniac passionately kissing with Agatha.
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this was fun my nigga
forever fylone
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it's time for Ricca Oats
finally a mermaid knight
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Not quite. Fygoon does get a girlfriend, and they both have a great time together conquering all of the Zmeian Archipelago, but that is another story that will be told another time.
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Requesting Furina, fully nude, in a small wading pool, her arms and legs are out of the pool, looking at the viewer with a bored expression, I guess this kind of situation will work well https://files.catbox.moe/lsrs1d.png

(Don't forget Furina is flat/have very small boobs)
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trace her over another mermaid like you usually do
LS traces?
Sorry anon, I tried getting a WIP going but couldn't find a sketch that clicked
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Requesting fat Rodina paizuri!
I feel like drawing some Yu-Gi-Oh monster girls. Any requests? I ain't doing the Magicians or Lab though.
Draw Vaskii
Harpy Ladies.
>No Lab
What's the point if I can't request best girl
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Requesting this gyaru Skyla getting spit roasted by two male trainers.
it's hard to tell if dave is enemy or friend but it seems he is the only to interact with me nobody else now
we must bear with it
>tcg shit
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mermail Abysshilde style wakasagi begging not to be sent to the GY
zaki you have tons of people in your discord. what are you talking about?
No harm done man, if you ever feel like giving the idea another go then by all means, please share it here, but if you're done with it that's perfectly fine too
then show me the discord
nah you're already in it so no need.
i am???
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Requesting Aht putting Stocke in a headlock with her thighs.
zaki what are you doing
is that how we call the bot nowadays?
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Have a red girl
Do you mean fat, or busty?
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This gag from Family Guy, but with the cast of FF9, and Garnet reading the rules for Tetra Master to the bewilderment of the party, while either Zidane or Vivi is preparing to shoot themselves in the head
nice work zaki
Ok, but what?
who is zaki?
nah sorry not same person....
sexy fish....
cumming inside the next poster
Cumming inside the previous poster.
cum ourobouros
requesting to draw all the female fnf characters, including mod characters that are ip, oc or even self-insert wearing bikinis
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Tried my hand at drawing her, though the accessories aren't quite right. Still, she's a unique character so it was fun.
Minor fixes
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that's terror
i see it now
Kino, thanks bro >>683763015
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requesting to redraw girlfriend from fnf doing that ahegao please
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Requesting Kasumi Todoh from KOF slowly taking off her .... headband.
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requesting sky from friday night funkin' mod vs sky doing a yandere face please
bonus point if you also draw her doing the "uso da" scene or even doing the "higurashi evil laugh face" too!
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Requesting the reference pic with it being Morgan and the farmer and for the second panel instead of the deadpan stare Morgan has a smug look on her face.
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requesting sky from friday night funkin' mod vs sky and amy rose swapping clothes please
Get a room you two
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Requesting lewds of these two pokemon trainers from Sword/Shield, the dancer and gym challenger
If I were to suggest anything a pose like this https://files.catbox.moe/j0bfge.png would by my choice, but really just go with whatever sounds fun to you
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intro song is good
don't worry zaki
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Poison doubled over in pain as they tucked incorrectly and their bulge is all squished bulging in the back of their shorts
I thought it was from other artist because of the different lineart style but good to know it was from you
Hidetaka Miyazaki drew that???
OR, she isn't being given the coppertone treatment, but you did a good job drawing her with what the reference pics provided. A nice ass as well from this angle, and the bit of lighting gives it some nice plumpness. Not bad at all!
Hey! Back off, I‘m already smooching with her!
Thank you, you two!
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Requesting the reaction face on the right but with Brenda
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Requesting Yangire Saiko wearing a reverse bunnysuit while lifting up her leg like in the reference.
Ref: https://files.catbox.moe/j6ww8o.jpeg
Requesting GBF lunalu looking for a good lewd request to draw.
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>spam requests via IP hopping
>can manage to show single (You)
Me? A Zaki???
Why would anyone IP hop when IP counter is no longer visible? You are not making any sense.
Something something 4chanx, something something detects new ip, reeee, etc etc
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to lazy to do both versions
Because if they fucked up like for example accidentally posting IRL bestiality instead of their intended picture, their whole spam wouldnt get purged but just the particular post and IP.
I see, I guess delete button won't fix that.
Any lewd Warioware or Rhythm Heaven requests?
That's right because the staff still sees what was posted even if it was deleted
>stick figure Inco
Kek, Olivia just wanted an excuse to see Inco naked.
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draw the crush sucking the boy's dick in this scene
OR here. This turned out really wonderful dude,thank you very much for doing my request
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Fan Club girl having hand holding missionary sex
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Requesting Lilina from Fire Emblem (left) being teased by Brunnya (right) like the reference at the left.

The scenario i had in mind is that this is a bad end where the blue haired mage got captured by the enemy and slowly broken into giving up the location of the divine weapon Durandal or well, to join the Bern Empire.
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best i can do as KlekiAnon
She's really out there giving the best head, nice.
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Requesting Bianca having cowgirl sex with a human while Hunter is watching in the background crying.
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ight last one,drawing powers are getting low
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Requesting the fishing sisters giving the farmer double naizuri or a double blowjob.
Farmer's horse*
You're both disgusting

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