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>bought SF6 because cammy is hot
>try playing online
>get assraped every match
>can't win a single one
Fuck fighting games
Gotta play with both hands dummy
That outfit is so gross. Leave that shit in the 90s
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Kek, thanks for existing to say this, anon
What are you gay? Bare. Hips. And. Thighs.
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Aryan queen
You can't just immediately jump online and expect to win. Spend some time doing story mode, character trials, and training mode. All you have to do is learn the basics and that alone will take you to at least gold rank
The amount of BBC porn she gets is a blessing
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Thread ruined
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This combo filters me, and it's a beginner combo.
I can do both the parts, but it's always too slow.
I even do the tech where i keep down held while i qc back after hitting mp.
But I always fail.
Canceling a medium attack into a special move is a common skill you'll need for any character. Just keep practicing until you learn the timing. Unlike something like MK, the timing of your inputs matter in SF. Try watching the demo in that training mode and see if you're hitting the button too early or too late. That might help
Modern Cammy can carry uou
I don't know what canceling is or how to do it.
All I know the demo guy does it faster than I do, but I have no idea how. I've spent actual hours on this stupid shit doing all types of paces and still nothing.

I'll give it another shot though, but maybe this game just isn't for me.
You are "cancelling" the animation of the medium kick with the special
Don't do the special after the kick, do it in the middle of the kick
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You're fucked
>>683764827 is right, and it'll just take a little bit of practice. After that though, when playing online, are you playing ranked, or the battle hub? Ranked is a better start. You MIGHT find someone in the battle hub around your skill level you can get a lot of games in with and try and learn from and adapt against, but a year after release I feel like the battle hub is the place where low master rank players getting BTFO by higher ranked master players can go to shitstomp lower ranked players
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>Don't do the special after the kick, do it in the middle of the kick
Holy shit, I got it first try after reading this.

Thank you for explaining this anon. I will now keep playing this game.
Actual brainlet
>never played basketball in my life
>see an NBA game on TV once
>get obsessed with basketball
>go down to the park and play a pick-up game
>get completely clowned on
fuck basketball
>All I know the demo guy does it faster than I do, but I have no idea how
Have you tried pressing buttons faster
Try fightcade, the average players are a lot weaker on there.
you're clearly just misunderstanding some part of this because it is not even slightly difficult. are you hitting your opponent with the cMP? you can see the inputs in the combo example too so just try and make sure you aren't doing something silly
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>fighting games are for troons and niggers!
>anons can't even make it to silver or gold with a world champion character
sad, many such cases
If you're having trouble with that you should not be playing online yet. Try to complete the game on easy against the computer.
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I got it guys, thanks to >>683765776

Just had no idea what canceling was or how to do it.
Sorry white boi only chads like Punk and Kbrad can master every crevice of her
No worries anon, the games aren't very good at explaining this shit.
If you ever get stuck like this, it helps to watch the "demo" of the combo so you can see what the CPU is doing differently, also you can turn on shit in training mode that shows you when moves can be cancelled into specials or supers like this. Only certain attacks can "cancel" and only at certain parts of the attack,
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congrats, you've taken the first of a million steps to getting gud. you should also try playing as other characters, Cammy is great but shes not the easiest to play with since she has no projectiles. Give Ryu or Ken a shot, Ken is always one of the best characters
Have you been to a beach? You will see more skin than Cammy
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Go to training mode, look for cancel timing display in the display settings and check what moves you can cancel to
>character is red = can cancel to specials/certain supers
>character is blue = can cancel to supers
not every move is special cancelable. it's easy to check by pressing drive impact after every button to see which ones can be cancelled. and how cancelling works is that there's a lil window after you hit your opponent (block or not) where you can input a special move and it does it immediately.
you're a BEGINNER beginner so there's probably lots of things most anons just take for granted that you don't know. you should ask any questions you have here and anons who actually enjoy playing fighting games will be happy to help you
you guys got majorly baited kek
Marisa and Kimberly kill my boner
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Thanks everyone, I'm going to just practice canceling for a while now and move on from each combo after I can hit it reliably.
I still suck at it, but I feel more confident now that I have an idea on what I'm doing.
Will getting chun li legs and ass make me better at the game?
never forget that you are not alone in knowing nothing and sucking ass, SF6 is a noob magnet and its not going to die anytime soon. play older games, theyre almost all better than this one
Also, as a cartoon dog once said, "Sucking is the first step to getting kinda good at something"
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Don't post my wife
just get off to cammy ryona
Dont pick cammy you reatrd, she is a rushdown character aka unga bnga, they are kinda harder than the rest, pick Ryu or Ken, they are easy
i like that doujin where cammy is pure and autistic and allows the pervy chink twins to grope her for the sake of a fair fight
yeah just talk about it and dont post it
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I wanna go back so bad bros..
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So, have you every nutted on one of those things?
Don't feel disheartened if you suck for the next few months. Learning fighting games is like learning to play an instrument. It's a slow process.
The Quintessential /v/ post
Try other characters to, most of the time in fighting games you start because you like visuals of a character but most likely there is a character will fit your gameplay tendencies better
You don't get it, bro. You just need to git gud, bro. Just spend 1000s of hours so you can hope to compete with the fags that have spent decades playing fighting games and only do this all day.
Why is a subreddit dedicated to video games so bad at them?
because most of them are /v/ermin
This but unironically. (Saying this makes the /v/cel seethe)
The great filter
I got to gold with Cummy with just standing lp spam into spiral arrow, HP HK into spiral arrow or super as my only real combos, and just poking
Did you hotglue those figurines?
Calm down chensor
Meh. Karin is better as far as blondes in SF go.
>inb4 she's not in SF6
I know, one of the reasons why the game sucks.
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love cammy
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are you literally me? god, i miss her so much, this season fucking sucks
>Get matched against Juri in SF4, SFV, and SF6
>Guaranteed to win because the other player is a sniffer coomer that has no idea how to play
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Bros shes so cute and has a fat ass......

my heart and my dick at the same time......
Being honest, I'm glad she's not in SFVI.
She would look ugly as fuck and recency bias would have her depiction be that from thereafter
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Intercept preparations.....

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You are missing nothing
>Coomers don't actually play video games
>More news at 11
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Fightan still filtering normalfags even with disability mode
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Capslop shilling thread #8585
even if they'll have a one button fighting game(divekick basically), normalfags will still get filtered lol
she looks like shit and has girl boss energy
skill issue
dommy mommy trans diaper faggot issue
enjoy your girl boss divorce raping you and stealing your money and kids and turning them gay retard faggot
>i bought it because i think cammy is sexy but my love of cammys sexiness isnt giving me the right skills to win for some reason wtf
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>Enhanced by biotechnology
Does that mean she can't get pregnant or rather she's extra fertile?
I think they forgot about that part of the lore
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Depends, you can always change her settings or reset to factory, including virginity and tightness levels.
why would they make an assassin extra fertile
To make more assassins duh
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Nice display, anon.
iuy uiy uiy iuyuiyiuyuiy uiyiu
welp, im fucking retarded.
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>cammy is hot

You mean a hot body, right? Because that face is awful.
I got ryu and akuma to master and now I'm trying out blanka because hes different and people in early diamond do NOT fuck with blanka. I got one n doned 7 out of the last 10 games I played. Its just one little funny green guy, how enraging can it be.
Could be your play style? Or they're just trying to protect their rank points. I feel like most people just want to reach master as fast as possible. So, they one and done in fear of losing the set.
kinda wish capcom would go with a more realistic art style for the next street fighter instead of the typical exaggerated comic style
>HP hit confirms
>DR > HK > HP > DR > HK > HP > special/super ender if <3 drive bars
guess the character
>watching CVS2 when i could still her divekick on any jump
fuck it makes sad to play sf6 now
I agree, she's wearing too much
according to a former pro player, SF6 is full of mashing pattern flowchart scrubs who might cheat if they're PC players
Do the 2nd part before the 1st part even connects.
You buffer it preemptively.
If you wait for it to connect you are already too late.
Very few buttons in the game can be single-hit confirmed on reaction unless you're at the top echelon of competitive players.
>former pro player
pffft hahahahahahaha
>sf6 cammy
Why is her ass so fucking HUGE? Why do developers these days always have to appeal to fat fags?
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thats her face anon
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Cammy is the best sexo sf has to offer
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Same brother, same.
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>This season sucks

For you, I suppose.
It jiggles a lot, too. They really went all out for Burgerland
face look like an enchilada
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So that's why I'm always salivating when looking at her
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Face like Chucky the doll
Abs of steel
Buns of jello

She does look very weird.
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Lips not pouty enough.
Also, sauce?
this webm annoys me
>arms and abs are gym toned
Why is her ass free of any tone?
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Because it's more jiggly that way.
So basically she forgot something at the gym?
See the "Watch Example" option on the pause menu you just posted?
You can see the inputs of the guy who recorded it, to see the exact button and direction timing if you're ever not sure.
You can use this to figure out every single combo trial in the game.
Its really nice feature cause for SF4 I looked up a lot of hand cams.
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nvm, found it:
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honestly can't find it, it was from rule34
Many people starting out think "learning a character" just means doing all their trial combos and then get stuck on some of the later ones or successfully run through them then get clapped anyway.
Long combos are the LAST thing you should be learning. The first thing you should do when learning a character is learning what all their buttons are FOR, and the range of each button. Then the same with all her crouching buttons.
You can literally beat people without combos or special moves just by knowing the range of each button and thus when to press it.
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Are you sure? Looks like the cryptkeeper to me
okay zoom zoom
Cammy is not supposed to have a flabby butt. Here's some hoping that they go back to her Super SFII body in SF7
She's an Ass-Ass-in
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if you're new to fighting games, you generally want to do this

>figure out your character pokes
>figure out your character's anti airs
>learn an EASY combo, do not worry about big damage, you want something you can do consistently
>blocking is important, if you're ever not sure what to do next, blocking is a safe choice to go with and if you're playing against other low rank players, just blocking and punishing when they overcommit can carry you easily
>use throws if your opponent is being too defensive/blocking consistently, if they start teching throws, you want to shimmy (walk towards them as if you're throwing, then back up to bait out the tech, then do a combo)

unironically if you can do this shit, you'll be in gold/plat easily
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Just play tekken instead.

i don't play tekken but i heard the one button eddie memes
why is it so strong? is it just plus as hell on block and hard to dodge?
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Nobody thinks this
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I have no idea, it's just funny to look at.
post rank
>tfw started doing some of this and I only ever play against the computer
I seem to do good for the most part but the thing I can't seem to counter is projectiles. If I jump over them another one is on its way and it always hits me or knocks me back into place if I manage to block.
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>Coomer is bad at online games and loses in them because he does no practice and cooms all day
Wow, what a shocking revelation and a waste of a thread
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you must hate the beach
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Was she always into cats? I think that's the angle they started pushing in SF6.
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So for fireballs, you have a few options. (this is a very general idea against them)
If you're far enough that it's very hard/risky for them to retaliate, you can jump over it.
The awkward part is when you're in range of a DP when you jump over a fireball. If they're being very reactive, you can try and trick them by jumping neutral (just go directly up) while being just out of range of their DP/anti air. They might DP early and leave themselves open though higher rank players don't tend to fall for this.
What you can do is block/parry it and slowly approach forward, then block when they're getting ready to do another one. You want to walk them down and get in range of your long range pokes. If they look like they're about to do another one, hit em with a long range poke, generally fireballs get interrupted if they haven't actually gone out yet (some fighters will have the fireball disappear if the shooter gets hit at all). A decent player will see what you're doing and start doing safer long range pokes but you at least no longer have to deal with fireballs.
Depending on your character, they may have a tool to deal with fireballs, something like a projectile invulnerable move, a stronger fireball to eat theirs and go through it, or a super special full screen punish.
It's just not a learning by doing kind of game.
Compare it to most FPS: controls are easy to learn in 5 minutes tops, then you jump into games and get better as you play and then maybe plateau at some point until you actually go practice autistic theory.

Fighting games are not like this. the controls are more complex to begin with and just playing online doesn't really improve your play. You just end up being a punching bag for people who learned combos. Sure you can learn some basic positioning from neutral but that doesn't go anywhere long term.

So sooner or later you'll need to sit down and grind Combos alone in the training room.

It's similar with RTS games. meta knowledge such as build orders and unit counters are key. just hopping into competitive play won't make you any better.
>just hopping into competitive play won't make you any better.
or rather:
you could figure all that meta shit out yourself but it's probably gonna take forever and you're figuratively reinventing the wheel because all that knowledge is out there already

eh, you can get by fine in the early-mid ranks in most modern fighting games with a easy combo honestly, usually squeezing out that extra damage to avoid an extra touch or two matters more in higher rank play when it harder to get those opportunities
it's better to learn a easy combo that you can reliably learn in like 10-15 minutes and go play online learning everything else than trying to grind out something super hard that you don't even know how to get in position to land consistently
street fighter despite inventing the combo system, a lot of combos that are considered BnBs or reliable are often simple to use, big damage combos tend to eat a ton of resources that you can be using for something else
you want to play online and get used to seeing how other players play, practice controls, and be able to use stuff like your anti airs and pokes in real situations and start recognizing states of play more and more

i'm not saying you'll never have to touch training mode, but you should mainly go in there with a specific thing you want to learn; most of the time it'll be a combo but learning specific interactions or setups is also there as well
most of time when I'm teaching new players, it's usually because they didn't block enough or they overcommitted to big attack

meant to reply to that
Stop posting modded shit
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If you had to recommend me just one green leotard Cammy, which one would it be?
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>can't see pits
>play against absolutely anyone
>they turtle so much their dick crawls into their stomach
They made the game braindead for cazzies lil bro. Enable Modern controls
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I've always thought street fighter looked fun (mostly due to Bison) but the problem I always ran into when I played the games is that there isn't really anything 'to it' other than just fighting (shocking) which makes it difficult for me to maintain interest long enough to really get used to it and become good. It's the same constant 1v1 combat formula over and over, and that's really ALL the game itself is.
The difficult combat isn't really a problem because you learn that eventually by playing, but getting to that 'eventually' is.
>AI slop
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you are both wrong, it's a 157cm tall poseable sexdoll
>because you learn that eventually by playing
No, you don't. You learn by practicing in training. As has been already said itt, go online blind and after going through noobs like yourself, you will hit a wall where you don't know what you are doing wrong.
holy shit actual growth on /v/, I'm gonna clean my room and set my workout bench back up

>still can't see armpits
No, you are wrong.
Practicing in training mode is part of playing, anon.
Playing with yourself.
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That's a shit Cammy doll though, undo the braids, throw her in a blue bodysuit and now it's Samus. Too generic, I want Cammy's face so that's it's her even after I take the leotard off and try to impregnate the silicone pussy.

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