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>I'm glad to be me -- an incredibly sensitive instrument.
Why is the art style looks like AI generated?
because you are a small souled bugman
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>1 disco elysium thread in a week
this will make the 5th disco elysium thread created on /v/ in just one day!
>inb4 what about all the gacha threads
because it's completely soulless jewish """"""""""""art"""""""""""""""
I'll make a 6th later.
Could he solve the death note case?
i know you will
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just picked this game up like a week ago so I'm glad there's threads now
With high Intellect and most of all Psyche, yes.
As a middle aged washed up piece of shit, this game hits. Raphaƫl Ambrosius Costeau is literally me.
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>plebbit hates this game for all the facism and phrenology
>4cuck hates this game because of muh communism

this game is too good for this gay and lame world
weird how rust cohle isn't on here. I would put him in the top right
Every single non human character should be on the top left. Also Columbo shouldn't be so high
>Harry: You're Kira.
Kira: W-w-what?
>Hah just joking with you. The name's Raphael Ambrosius Costeau, Revachol's greatest detective. Work with me kid and we'll solve this case before Wednesday.
K: Nice to meet you Mr Costeau.
Harry will die from a heart attack, confusing L since he specified the means of death.
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I miss him...
Mr. Kender is helping me make my video game.
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Could Raz help Harry with his problems?
would the death note work on harry if he actually thought his name was raphael ambrosius costeau? how does the death note work in this situation, does it go off of birth certificates or what
in the show it had to be the legal name and not just an alias, which is why he couldn't kill L right away.
Harry would present himself as Raphael and Light would write that in the death note. You'd get a random Inland Empire/Esprit de Corps/Authority dialogue on like Day 3 that Raphael Ambrosius Costeau had died nobly in the line of duty and that you, Harry, must avenge him. This is how Harry learns his name.
Also Harry's first major lead would come from visiting a convenience store looking for booze and having an Electrochemistry based conversation with a youth perusing the magazine section about how a stuffy-looking top of his class high school student bought some girlie mags earlier even though he didn't look the type. This is somehow the thread from which the rest of the case unravels.
probably not, maybe with the second game's powers he'd be able to do something resembling a "fix" but he'd most likely just end up shuffling around some thought cabinet ideas until he becomes a magnesium based lifeform
when all else fails his shivers will go off and force a solution
probably, he is legitimately supernatural with shivers, extremely intuitive with inland empire, and giga brained with logic
and canonically a pre- pale alcohol fucked Harry is maxed at them all iirc
To argue against him, Harry is officially a member of the police, so finding his name should be easy for Kira compared to most detectives.
except electrochemistry, some parts of shivers, some (a lot of) inland empire checks, and possibly pain threshold
those rely on either his experiences or his brain being absolutely fucked to function at their maximum
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Impressive post.

You /v/ posters can be alright sometimes.
nah but marty could with rust's help
he would spot the watch mechanism, and the door alarms AND the hidden compartment in his desk
Your pattern recognition is poisoned by seeing more AI art than actual art. The art is just sloppy and sketchy because that's how the artist draws. This is "similar" to the way that AI will have random lines that run too long, but real art has much more deliberate scribbling.

Who am I kidding you're just saying this because you're a fag and will literally say, "This looks like AI art" just because you have nothing else to say about it.
and he'd haphazardly destroy all of it using the power of his pain threshold and physical instrument
>be me
>smarty-pants Intellect Harry
>have a -1 Authority modifier
>get to this scene
>dialogue options pop up
my Harry was too much of a square
if Deckard could solve it then Cooper would too
funny enough you get a couple tries to write someones name and iirc it has to be spelt correctly and with their face in mind so if you don't have a face + name match it won't actually work. Harry might make Raphael immune to it because light would try killing him several times.
Is this game good?
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Columbo and Harry teams up, what happen?
One of the greatest games to ever grace this godforsaken earth
and by that I mean no
It's very unique and interesting. One of its kind.
The best law enforcement duo known to man
Silence sings all around him.
He rides the radical road into the new unknown.
Wearing nothing but crocodile shoes.
There he comes to the golden gates on cloud nine.
She is near.
There he comes to stand at the threshold between Elysium and the Pale.
Turn away your ear.
There she stands next to the throne.
Her holiness.
Both beautiful and grim.
Coop would be right on the cusp of solving the case and then find a way to completely and utterly fuck himself over
commies made a game talking about mind viruses and one of the quests is based around the fabled "true communism" which ends up being less important than some old dudes and their balls
the devs then got displaced out of the company by the power of money
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Reminder that one of the most rational level-headed and likable characters in the game (Lilienne) is a fascist revolutionary
>Reveres the sun as if it were a deity (reminiscent of traditionalist pagan beliefs commonly associated with esoteric right-wing values, is also used to portray monarchists/fascists in the DE universe (Gary the Cryptofascist has a flag on his wall with the old Revacholian suzerainty's logo, which is a sun, and your own portrait adds a sun-like insignia in a Fascist run as well), likely connected to the black sun)
>names her skiff "The Sun"
>wields a sword (like the in-game royalists) (also like Mussolini)
>Shivers explicitly says she owns a pair of cavalry boots
>taught her daughter the word "revolutionary" (and yes, the definition of "revolutionary" used in DE also includes fascism, Call Me Manana calls you one if you choose fascist-leaning dialogue options)
>she's a no-nonsense working class citizen who's skeptical of the union, critical of the drunks around her, and infuriated with the delinquents and criminals in revachol
>titus says that the fishing village staunchly refuses to unionize, likely at the behest of Lilienne and the washerwoman
>Lilienne's daughter hums the overworld theme, which was a tune used by the Revacholian royalist forces
>successfully going on a date with her doesn't lead to her practically opening her legs for you, instead she sets boundaries and thanks you while considering a second bout later down the line to see if you can stick with your sobriety and piece your life back together
>esteems her family above all else
>immensely cooperative with the police, even with the knowledge of harry's recklessness and endangerment of multiple people, including and especially himself
>whereas the washerwoman calls the RCM a bad omen, Lilienne has splash dialogue that says she is relieved to see the RCM
>her outfit's color palette is the same as the revacholian suzerainty's flag (blue and gold)
and she's cute too.
>I don't want to be this kind of animal anymore.
>Revachol's Kira gets Shinigami Eyes
>Looks at people's lifespans
>All end on the same day

Or maybe it's left ambiguous why the Death Note doesn't work because either the true name of Harry is Tequilla Seunset, or because he's actual name is "Harrier" Du Bois, not "Harry"
Columbo thinks Harry is doing a more aggressive version of his own bit and plays along until the last 30 seconds of the episode when Columbo understands he actually is genuinely brain damaged and insane
>Espirit de Corps: ā€œHeā€™s impressed, give him a proper salute, top off a solved case with some mutual respect for a fellow detectiveā€
>*roll failure noises*
>Youā€™re too damn quick, the back of your hand slaps the underside of your jaw & continues upwards, forcefully through your greasy facial hair, your thumb nearly gouging your eye, only for it to hook your eyebrow into a smug crooked shape
>He looks at you with genuine concern
i thought i had another bottle of vodka left after polishing off the last one a couple days ago, but it turns out it was filled with my piss from a week ago. what would harry do? this sucks man. i am not leaving the house.
Get out and hustle for change until you can afford the cheapest alcohol you can get
Genuinely the only actual modern communist work as well. As a red, laughed hard at the fact the revolutionary org was just some insane faggy autismo reading group. Completely accurate to what literally every western Marxist org is genuinely like. Also the game captures well the malaise of Eastern Europe Commies who had their revolutionary state crushed by bad faith moralfag libtards. Wish they had a plot of Wokie ass tumblrites who hijack revolutionary language and adopt the aesthetics, while rejecting everything about actual Marxism and pushing ultra Neoliberal identity politics and purging anyone on the "left" who pushes back against anti-Marxist liberalism, would have been cherry on top on shitting on the state of modern Western leftism.
Yes because Harry cannonically has supra-natural powers.
How do I get finger on the eject button?
I wanna make a suicide cop, I even got the thought bubble to come up, but I can't actually get the thought.
Columbo and harry have a fun time together till he realizes harry is crazy it then promptly tries to get him help and off the force.
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This is the objectively correct skill rating.
But feel free to embarrass yourself by posting a wrong one instead.

>Fascism is perfectly morally justifiable if the fascist is good looking and is a good speaker
>I am incredibly susceptible to propaganda
Who are you quoting?
stopped reading after the first 5 words
*sprint tackles you down to the ground*
*forces your mouth open*
*farts hard as fuck into your mouth*
*gets up and sprints away*
It's the best visual novel ever
Bait used to be believable
only through his inland empire/shivers superpowers + the fact that he doesn't even remember his own name
Joyce is way more likable than Lilienne.
Really if Harry could get together with Joyce it'd be perfect for him. They're both the same age and enjoy similar things. They're both philosophical of mind.
The problem is of course that they're both not attracted to each other and that Joyce is stinking rich while Harry is poor as dirt.

Harry is canonically communist. It is implied that Captain Pryce is planning a second communist revolution and that Harry would be on his side if this happens. But Harry only uses his ideology as cope anyways.
Lilienne is still the best available choice for Harry since she's just beautiful enough for Harry to be attracted to her. Harry is incredibly shallow when it comes to women and gets absolutely entranced with female beauty. This is why he's so obsessed with Dora. She was stunningly beautiful, so beautiful that Harry deified her.

If Lilienne is a hardcore fascist or only has fascist leanings is unclear. But if it's the latter there is a big problem for the two of them as fascist Harry uses fascist ideology to justify his (already existent) hatred of women.
A power cop enjoyer I see.
>"so that's Frank Drebin with an I?"
>"No it's 2 eyes, a nose and a mouth, but I don't see how that's important"
everything Joyce does is a massive put-on. shes also legitimately brain damaged.
also nothing in the game implies Pryce's revolution is communist in nature, just anti-moralist.
What should I do for maximum schizo cop?
drink all the vodka you can find, then boot up the game and play
Anon. The game is made by unapologetic communists. Do you REALLY think Pryce is going for a non-communist revolution?

>shes also legitimately brain damaged.
If you consider pale exposure as brain damage then Harry is most certainly brain damaged too due to his alcohol and drug abuse, and this will be even more perfect for Joyce.
>everything Joyce does is a massive put-on
No. I won't pretend that she has no horse in this race, but she clearly enjoys talking to Harry about the world, and will remain polite and kind to Harry even after she discovers the terminal is lost and she surrenders it to the union. Insisting that she's actually a terrible person who hates Harry is based on no evidence at all.

Max physical (specifically Half-light and Shivers) and inland empire. (You can easily get high inland empire without putting lots of levels into psych by taking the apocalypse cop thought.
Speak of the end of the world / portents of doom whenever possible to unlock apocalypse cop.
Do drugs but not Alcohol.
First, you need to shove speed up your asshole.
Physical Instrument.
Hand-Eye Coordination.
Inland Empire.
Dump everything else.
Always be high on something.
Crying shame hand-eye coordination only shows up like three times.
I should have mentioned that I think the following stat spreads are good for schizo cop.
>2, 3, 6, 1
>1, 3, 6, 2
>3, 3, 5, 1

You can probably go any political agenda besides moralist. Moralist Harry is too down to earth. But the other 3 ideologies are all suitably insane. Fascism has the worst perk by far so you should probably go Ultra Liberal or Communist. Communist might be the best fitting as it is implied that Communism can stop the spread of the pale.
> Do you REALLY think Pryce is going for a non-communist revolution?
Seeing as how the sequel book has a warmongering nihilist Innocence, yes.
A warmongering innocent that has nothing to do with Revachol. I don't remember exactly but I think he was ilmaaran, another isola.
Fuck this spam detection bot and fuck the jannies. I have no idea why this is being auto detected as spam for some reason.
Pic related is my response to you btw.
Very well, I concede my point
Wait! That isn't allowed. This is 4chan. We're supposed to spend 3 hours of our precious lives getting frustrated at each other until one of us cares about having the last word less than he does about moving on with his day or the thread reaches bump limit or is 404'd.
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Yes. Next question.
>Hours later
>[ESPRIT DE CORPS]: We regret to inform you that Detective Raphaƫl Ambrosius Costeau has perished in the line of duty. We will not let his death be in vain.
>or because he's actual name is "Harrier" Du Bois, not "Harry"
This will probably be it.
Also wasn't it the case that if Kira fails to write the correct name 3 times his target becomes immune?
First failed attempt is Raphael Ambrosius Costeau.
Second failed attempt is Harry Du Bois.
Kira then tries Tequila Sunset out of desperation, and at that point it's too late.
>Are women racist?
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Daily reminder to
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>faces the consequences of her own actions
>game tries to make you feel guilty
I was wondering if she was just lying about being in danger too. But a shivers or espiri check confirms that she'll be killed.

So arresting her kinda depends on whether or not you think corporate espionage and losing tens of thousands of people their jobs is worth being killed over.
You mean that she manipulates you into feeling guilty.

The game actually makes you feel more guilt about NOT arresting her. Harry will have a thought in which he imagines Klaasje basically mocking him for believing her and going after Ruby instead.
It's a good game, but you absolutely should NOT pay money for it.
Jesus, imagine the sheer terror that would cause.
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Absolutely yes, but only if you can tolerate what is basically a fancy visual novel with some kind of open world exploration.
what's the best build for a second playthrough?
Mystery Inc vs Kira would be god tier
to be fair her crime, in my opinion, wasnt the actual reason she was going to jail. honestly spying on other comapnies.. who gives a shit? but lying to me over and over again? yeah im not going over that she might as well lie to me again i cant trust her, lock her up
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if it happened in us, then he could, but other wise no, I don't think japs would trust a white man with that sort of character
The game isn't that replayable.

You should do one schizo play through (shivers, inland, half light) and one normal person play through (int skills focus with some flex into motorics or psyche).
Pick a different ideology for both. You've basically seen the entire game at that point.
this is sadly true it's not very replayable. the point would be that we were supposed to get a sequel but... oh well
gay get for a gay faggy commie game
>wrong Poirot
>no Porfiri Petrovich
He would make Kira stipulate himself.
Columbo would destroy light like no one else, he's absolutely the best person for the job
i figured it wouldn't be, but i thought i probably missed a lot on the volition parts after speccing int/viscalc
The biggest weaknesses is that there is really only one and a half ways to get through most quests. The right way or the wrong way and often if you can't do it the right way you can't continue at all and even going through it the wrong way has a similar result in the end.
Character creation expression mostly boils down to picking different dialogue options and having characters react to that slightly differently before continuing down the normal dialogue chain and being able to pass some skill checks.
The most flexible the game ever gets is making it into the shipping yard. You either find the secret way (with or without Cuno's help) and do the savior faire check, kick Measurheads ass with an instrument check, or convert to his ideology with a conceptualization check. That 3.5 different paths. The game never gets more flexible than that.

The cutest character creation reward I encountered was the suggestion chime-in on the light bending rich guy conceptualization check where you can intentionally fail the check with a "shit" idea to give you a 97% chance on getting the money if your conceptualization is garbage.
There's no chance that Kira wastes his final shot on Tequila Sunset.
He'd probably try to trick Harry into signing his true name on a piece of paper taken from the note - sort of like what he did to those Federal agents.
Naturally, this plan also wouldn't work.
If you did an int build the first time you can still replay the game as schizo Harry (which is honestly the more enjoyable play-through anyways). Just don't expect the game to change much.
past midnight phonecalls to The Ex are a good hobby
>electrochemistry in loser cop
Should be up there in deranged schizo lunatic cop with superpowers
An example of the game at its worst is discovering the 2cm hole in reality. You need to do a couple of specific skill checks in different categories.
You're required to have pretty high levels in both logic, perception, and physical instrument to get through this questline with no alternative routes.
You can establish the nightclub through different methods but this will lock you out of discovering the hole.

She fucked up real bad by lying to Harry.
Id swap conceptualization and calculus, former is way more schizo
>reality proves game right
>Columbo would destroy light like no one else, he's absolutely the best person for the job
pls explain
Electrochemistry and Conceptualization don't have any supra-natural events tied to them.

Inland Empire lets Harry basically solve the case on day one just by talking to the hanged man.
Shivers lets Harry communicate with the spirit of the city.
Visual Calculus lets Harry put together things he really shouldn't be able to like where the pleasure wheel was located or what the execution looked like.
Espiri lets Harry somehow telepathically know what his colleagues are up to, even ones he isn't aware of.
Columbo's entire thing is making people who believe they're smarter than him spill the beans.
Brainlet take. She's just a reference to this song.
Drugs give you superhuman detecting abilities, detect or die!
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Conceptualization is a superpower thoughever
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just take drugs you fool
Electrochemistry allows you to communicate with the phasmid
Electrochemistry just wants to keep Harry in the doom spiral and art degrees are useless.

Everything I put in schizo cop tier involves Harry's Magpie powers. Harry is something that is known as a "Magpie" which essentially lets him see the past and future but also does a bunch of other things. Only the 4 skills I highlighted directly do this.
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>Nice to meet you detective. I look forward to working with you.
>screen goes dark
>light gets red
>Ha. Hahahaha. You utter FOOL. Did you really think I'd fall for such a pathetic disguise? My expectations after defeating L were already low, but this is beyond laughable. Go ahead, "Harry Dubois", investigate me all you want, you won't live to see the truth... Or should I say, TEQUILA SUNSET?
>Harry is so deranged he convinces Light that he is hiding his identity behind several layers
and conceptualization brings it all together into NOW. pshhhh I see you're more into architecture.
>Inland empire: a bored god is on the loose here
>Logic: punishing criminals AFTER they are already in jail? Who is this Kira, some royalist nostalgic who wants to bring back martial law?
>Empathy: He doesn't want justice, he's a little man with a gun almost as large as his hate for those who don't fit in his perfect society
What happens if you write Connor's name on thr DN? Will he even die? Would that only target the specific unit, or just straight up kill every Connor model in existence?
>make kino of the highest order
>devs gets fired after success
>doesnt own the IP anymore
Sequel never ever
The one he's targeting, provided he's seen him in person.
Are there any other games where you can say wacky shit? Every single dialogue in DE made me laugh
Meanwhile Harry is stsring through a window, thinking about Japanese architecture or history or some shit, with a challenging Shivers roll
It is the most Disco Elysium thing that could have happened.
it's like pottery
This is true, and aldo sad.
At least they cant tarnish disco elysium with a mediocre sequel.
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>make game about souless greedy corporations mascarading as socialists staging a hostile takeover for their own gain
>suffer a hostile takeover by a souless greedy corporation mascarading as socialists
>At least they cant tarnish disco elysium with a mediocre sequel.
I look like this and say this, but unironically.
What, did they somehow buy the rights to a dude's book because they bought a vidya dev?
They own the name, they can make a gacha with it if they want
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that's how it goes
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>At least they cant tarnish disco elysium with a mediocre sequel.
>ideology with 11 million body count
>ideology with 30+ million body count
>just one more try :) it wasn't real communism anyway
It is quite ironic that Disco Elyisum treats communism the way real life fascists treat fascism.
never played this game and never will kek
SMT Devil Survivor 2 is the king of stupid dialogue options.
Alpha Protocol
Every line of dialogue in every anime is fucking retarded, still not gonna watch or play any of that shit
because you can't tell the difference between drawing a person who looks like shit on purpose versus AI generating art that looks like shit by accident
But you asked-

Why do I even bother helping anyone with anything? Everyone's just rude, angry and stupid all the time. I'll just lurk 24/7 again.
Were sorrounded by faggots with nothing better to do than harass people who actually want to talk about videogames.
They dont matter, they know it, you should too.
That fucking whore left me
Can't be left if you're not there
Cock carousel
This is my head. These are my thoughts.
Yeah, yeah, cock carousel, I heard you.
Capitalism has a 2.5B body count.
Ushiromiya Battler on this meme makes no sense to me since he's capable of solving mysteries with human tricks to absurd degrees that do indeed work. But he would NEVER believe in Magic. Battler would catch light and say the method of murder with names and faces are devils truth. Battler at the end of ch5 with the golden blade would absolutely solve all of death note and solve both Kira and L's identities.
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Is physical bad for a first playthrough? I'm tempted to start over as sensitive.
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post the real chart
Shivers and Half-light are great. Physical Instrument also has its good moments
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What did he mean by this?
i bet she smells faintly like apple pie and morning soil
There's nothing else like it, so it's worth playing just because of that.

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