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this isn't possible to beat without a guide
>One of the those "where the fuck do I go" kind of games
The guide is included with the game. Once you have the map to the first two dungeons found in the manual you can beat it.
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how were you supposed to know?
Just burn and explode every tile.
The manual?
Found the zoomie. I was born in 1980 and I beat this game as a kid without a guide.
That's what the Nintendo help line was for. Can you believe companies used to release obtuse games on purpose and then scam kids out of even more of their parents' money? You'd probably get a beating when the phone bill came in the mail.
I did it when I was 8 years old. I mean I know this is bait for (you)s, but the young generations really aren't that smart. My son has been getting into "retro" games lately and he just can't figure shit out on his own. For example we were playing Metroid on my refurbished NES a couple of weekends ago, and he got so frustrated because he couldn't figure out were to go or what to do that he started yelling it was bullshit and pulled up a long play on youtube to guide him through. No sense of wonder, no desire to explore, no ability to experiment or problem solve. He just wanted to check it off his list so he can get to the next game in the series and hopefully have finished them all by the time Prime 4 comes out. He is 13 years old, and all his friends are like this too. He gets A's in all his classes, so it isn't like he is a tard or anything.
>Can you believe companies used to release obtuse games on purpose and then scam kids out of even more of their parents' money?
Only in America where kids are too stupid to read the game's manual.
Sorry to tell you this but you're kid is absolutely a grade A retard.
He only gets good grades because teachers coddle kids nowadays.
>printing critical information on paper that will get lost or destroyed immediately
Get fucked if you rent, I guess.
Yes, literally.
Although the old mom and pop rental places would actually still have the manual.
Its only when soulless Blockbuster bought out all the places that renting was shit-tier.
That was the publishers' intentions, yes.
to be fair, the original Metroid is a shit game so I can't blame him for wanting to be done with it as soon as possible
Metroid isn't even that hard to figure out and once you learn all the simple tricks to exploring like using frozen enemies as platforms or checking for fake walls/bombable floors then it's pretty easy. Kids these days have no sense of adventure or exploration as they want visual guides to know where to go. It's why they say Zero Mission is better as it points you where to go for most of the game.
That's a very long winded to way to just say "zoomers need their hand held at all times."
On my first go I was weak and didn't do it without a guide, but on replays I go in without one because it's more fun that way. I also only replay it every couple years so it feels fresh
2nd quest definitely isn't.
The first is fine.
There was always nintendo power.
i beat it and im real
Cite where it says it
I figured it out by pure fucking chance.
explore and discover
Too bad you never taught him any self-reliance. He'll be like this his entire life, and it's your fault.
I just googled the manual and it definitely hints that a hungry Goriya will confront you.
And there's only one item in the game that even looks like food.
metroid 1 is a piece of shit, your son is based
>And there's only one item in the game that even looks like food.
What about the croissant?
I always saw it as a bracelet but I will give you croissant.
Yeah checking every single floor for a fake one is really fun.
Zero Mission is 10x better.
Young people today really are retarded and have zero patience.
Instruction manuals were a part of the intended experience, video games didn't have tutorials back then
Zelda is not too bad in that department. When Sierra sold point and click adventures with unfathomable puzzles, theirs was a more cutthroat implementation of the helpline scam. If a child couldn't figure out how to progress the main quest in Zelda 1, they could still have some fun exploring the map killing and monsters, since the world was open to them and gameplay was available. But if they got stuck in a point and click game, there was nothing to do except solve the crucial puzzle because the rest of the content was withheld and all fun was suspended until it was solved. It put the customer in a bind if they'd purchased a game and the only way to actually play it was to call the premium rate helpline so kindly provided in the manual. Zelda gave it players a lot more leeway.
>how am I supposed to know there's something suspicious about the parched lake without a fairy?
>how am I supposed to know to burn down the curiously placed bush blocking your way?
>how am I supposed to know to bomb the wall to the room that has no other entrance for it?
>how am I supposed to know how to get past Lost Woods when the old lady next to it is selling the instructions?

People who are bad at Zelda 1 should hand over their gamer license.

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