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Do you remember the good old days /v/?
Based HolyPwngeSucker.
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Damn.. I remember saying that online..
Calling things "rip offs" used to be a lot more prevalent. Now it's just fossils on /v/ who do that
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>MW2 Was more of an epic story! And that was a horrible mess!
what was up with Kirby's Epic Yarn and Epic Mickey being unveiled at the same E3? Thought that was weird.
It was an epic e3
It literally gives me little tummy tingles to look at this picture
haha lol epic
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>Everything you'll post online will be online forever!!!1!!
>there's now dozens of lost media searches for videos on youtube where they made mario blue and played scatman john over it and just other videos you literally can't find because google will not allow you to and shit like Bing doesn't actually index all of youtube (not that I blame them in this day and age with 80 petabytes of content farm shit getting uploaded a day)
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Still hasn't been debunked to this day.
Also a reminder that literally every website is intentionally getting worse to use and if you still want shit you need to download it.
Why can't we stay young forever bros
>those poor fools who thought KH3 would release in 2010+10
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>old days
Could be worse, you could have only played Kingdom Hearts 1 until it just came out on steam and found out
>Kingdom Hearts 2 is way less fun
>Every game is like KH2
That's 6 years ago
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Where is the famous Watch Dogs one with Ubisoft showing a game running on PC vs the one on Console. That one was too funny.
Fun fact, people younger than the Xbox 360 are old enough to post here now
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I have it as a 50mb gif, one minute
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>xbox one came out over 10 years ago
>xbox 360 came out 19 years ago
>original xbox came out 23 years ago
>tf2 came out 17 years ago
>ds came out 20 years ago
>3ds came out 13 years ago
She was right.
I miss that kind of talk. Everyone takes the internet so seriously these days that no one is allowed to have fun with webspeak without being called cringe.
I mean, people don't WANT to take the internet seriously, the people that moderate it just frustrate them until they leave.
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Don't remind me
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>ps 2 came out 24 years ago
>ps came out 29 years ago
>nes top loader (my first system) came out 31 years ago.

Too fucking old.
Jesus Christ
>>Everything you'll post online will be online forever!!!1!!
It's true
some shit you posted when you were a kid is stored somewhere in the internet archive
I found some old embarrassing posts i made on Facebook over 10 years ago stored in the archive even though i deleted them years ago, which is weird because I'm a nobody
COVID really erased 3-4 years quickly from our lives.
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what is the "other"?
God. That still pains me to this day seeing that, also Microsoft did the same thing at their booth with some other game. I forgot which one it was.
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You know, I'd like to think that even with the stupid number of retrospectives nowadays huffing their own farts, videogame criticizing as far as those that actually like vidya has gotten better
If you say you can build a boat from scratch in your video game and then the video game has 0 building, 0 water and 0 boats then you're not exaggerating. You're lying.
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>psp came out 19 years ago
time is a harsh mistress
epic turdy more like
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why is it the old layout?
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Look at the bright side anon, now you can play all those fun psp games on your compooper.
No it was only an e2 we needed a third one
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but we've got le basedjak face now right?
I found my bionicle mocs
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but fundamentally completely unchanged to the sentiments, attitudes and mindsets of today. Rly Makes ya think
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what is this from? link?
The annoying thing is wojak isn't even a popular meme, it's forced by an alt image board full of actual children.
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I wanted to make some snide comment about a /v/irgin not knowing about tortanic, but that was a decade ago
>OG XHUEG only lasted 4 years
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Glad to see nothing has changed.
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Been feeling like my time as a Millenial's over. Every e-celeb from my era's either kowtowed to progressivism or has appeased modern trends to feed the content machine for money. Part of me feels like my arrogance against that is a cope, unwilling to accept adulthood, but I don't want to give in to that mindset when I'm lucky enough to have the choice to avoid it. Can't seem to find other replacements to fill that niche so it feels like nothing appeals to me anymore and should just accept that I've been cast aside and move on, somehow. Is this what being old feels like?
>2024 is just 2011 but political
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>we did it, reddit!
yeah but the feels will never be the same
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>b-but le 2016 invasion!
Yeah I knew y'all were full of it
If your life is defined by ecelebs then you deserve to feel empty.
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remember zone making 4chan flash clips?
cba looking for them in the news posts somewhere so here
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I don't get it
This was never funny and I'm tired of it being posted here by nostalgiafags.
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hey guys there's this cool new animation from japan called jojo's bizarre adventure!
>old /v/ thread
>it's just a general old 4chan thread
/v/ spending even just one single fucking thread completely on topic challenge - challenge level IMPOSSIBLE
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>when toontown was shutting down and /v/ started playing it collectively during the last weeks
Finally, someone said it.
>dude what if me sitting my fat ass in front of my computer getting mad that janny banned me for posting blacked porn but I use a vpn to do it again.....WAS ACTUALLY LE COOL ANIMU FIGHT SCENE!?
Holy cringe
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What's wrong? Aren't you guys enjoying the new memes?
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Compare that to this
Sonicfags will spout shit like "le sincere" and "le shonen kino" as if it justifies this kind of behavior in the slightest.
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So I actually saw W.T. Snacks this year at an anime convention. That was strange.
Nta but any time I see western art with the forced anime eyes closed with happy mouth open face my eyes glaze over and I'm unable to read whatever it's a part of.
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Teh good old dayz x3...
The only thing kind of funny about it is that it presumes to be funny without reading the room, so to speak.
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I think it's safe to say that things have only improved and that the old stuff is literally the kinds of shit you'd see on reddit or 2010s tumblr (AKA cringe)
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It's sad how nobody seems to care about GETS anymore
I miss dubs
who's gal between /v/-tan and /b/-janny?
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exactly. it's an abstract piece of humor that only the true connuseurs get. it's presumptuous upon the presumations preceding the preservation of the picture. you lot wouldn't understand
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when e3 wasn't taken over by a singular corrupt games journalist and every new game was early access with us waiting over a year for what should have been included at launch? yeah I remember. good times, way better snd more feature complete games existed back then. now I have to buy a game at launch and come back 2 years later and hope the devs finally finished making it
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>however I look forward to the next uncharted
gets me every time
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the eternal esl
Sometimes I forget just how old Dark Souls 1 is.
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Scrubbed off the internet.
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Remember anons, board culture is ruining advertising and that's not okay.
Where do they say gaming box?
You can find the pomf song if you have the balls to search for it.
/g/ put a banner on top of MIT before the place got overrun by literal full psychosis schizos. I think /g/ is one of the worst boards around in the current day. I should have a screencap somewhere but my folder is just a massive pile of images
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i cant believe internet celebrity nyanners made such a thing
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When this image was first posted it got 100s of replies from sad anons
This is the first time I've ever typed the words "Is that Neal Stephenson?"
I love him as an author but grifting people on Kickstarter seems on brand for him, I could see him writing a whole 900 page novel about lovable antiheroes who grift people on Kickstarter
You can't get gets anymore retarded newfag
>huh how come 4chan isn't like my hecking r/shit4chansays screencaps?
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I would've never remembered this if you hadn't posted this
newfag here, what does "As seen on" on youtube means? were you able to connect youtube videos to 4chan?
>Ocarina of Time 3D is now as old as Ocarina of Time 64 was when 3D released
it used to show you where people were clicking the link from, the biggest origin sites would get listed
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I hope that guy found a woman who was over 9,000
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In the early days of youtube they was trying to get more hits so they would encourage people linking to youtube videos from other websites and would add a little blurb on the video itself so that people could see where the views were coming from. I imagine they stopped when a lot of backlinks were going to 4chan or other sites.
Then there's the whole wormhole about reply videos and reply girls.
>new jersey’s all green
i’ve lived here forever, who the fuck calls it that?
Video games?
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Man the 150post thread limit, its been a life time since then.
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Are you dense? You can still get gets. Zero is still allowed to be a repeating digit at the end of a post number. Which means big gets are unaffected. Dubs however might as well not exist at all, which is a shame.
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I hated baneposting but it eventually won me over.
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/v/ went apeshit about the new Morrigan design but she looked fucking great
I remember being so excited by seeing the early "gameplay" trailers and how good it looked, at the time I was also hardcore into Person of Interest and Watch Dogs looked pretty close to what a POI inspired game would be like.
do you have more pics of things like that? it sounds pretty interesting
>Then there's the whole wormhole about reply videos and reply girls.
could you tell me about it?
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b-b-but /v/iggers told me the old days didn't have le heckin censorship say bad word get banned!!!1
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the moment you realize the story is fake and is linux then this just posts becomes comedy gold
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It was a different time that much is true
Time is moving too fast.
>There is less time between the snes and the ps3 than bewteen the ps3 and now
>Next year, there will be the same amount of time bewteen the atari 2600-first xbox and first xbox-now
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>used to know him as feels guys
>always saw him used in tfw posts
>sometime from the start of 2018 he ends up getting mutated into proto-wojaks
>by the end his original usage is gone, he is now the template for all wojaks
>he is no longer feels guy, just wojak
grim... I'm glad a lot of old personifications or memes remain dead, wouldn't wish this kind of bastardization on my worst enemy.
They had to change the game and compromise in order to be brand safe for Disney. Same thing basically happened with Digimon Survive to which was going to have kids dying left and right.
>see screencaps of this posted every once in a while, always get interested in checking out the channel
>still putting out new videos to this day, most are shitty zero effort hour long podcasts
>6.76 million subscribers
>barely cracking 4k views
>looks like a homeless crack addict living in a car

Weird to realize that at one point, this channel was one of youtube's biggest.
Even more than that when you count vaxx deaths
People at school would genuinely look forward to their uploads and talk about it the next day, including me
but it does have kids dying
The strange thing is that the recent Digimon movie has a kid brutally killing his own Digimon with a baseball bat. I couldn’t save the webms because it made me feel bad
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Well it goes to say that aspects Reddit is much like what old /v/ was like. I think a lot of our older users migrated there, which became that sad older millenial demographic that permeates there.
Murphy's internet content
Whatever you want off the internet will be preserved forever
Whatever you cherish will be gone before you even know it
There was this one video from one of the multiple I Hate Everything parody accounts that's gone forever and I miss it so. It was so retarded, but I remember going back to it sometimes get a good laugh and it is gone forever.
It’s why I’ve been spastically downloading my favorite YouTube videos for over decade now. I lost my favorite sakuga video for 5 years but I finally found it in my folder last week
kids these days don't know that google didn't make youtube
Only 2. Was expecting moar like pic related before the game kept getting delayed like Epic Mickey did.
I'm pretty convinced I have sitting in the car downloaded somewhere but I have no fucking clue where. If it really is scrubbed I might need to find and upload it.
Anyon that existed like this would be relentlessly bullied to death.
I can confirm this. It was vidya I ever bought with my pocket money
I'm still mad it isn't, "You're a big pie."
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It's weird to me how you're all experiencing nostalgia for mid 2010s or something close, as the golden age of the internet for me was early 2000s. Pic just as an example, but my favorite website was called AnimeTheme and the forums were really fun.

I'd love searching for stuff about FFVII, Evangelion, DBZ, etc. looking up hentai on Google images was king. It's crazy how the internet went from such a diverse place to a few super powerful apps and related websites. I hate how sanitized it is now.
Not too far back, but anyone remember October 31st 2018?
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>The translations are "eat your hamburgers Apollo" -tier
That’s the joke
>>Everything you'll post online will be online forever!!!1!!
one of the primary selling points for 4chan for me was that everything posted here was presumed gone forever. it wasn't until much later I found out about the archives.
personally I don't think archives should be a thing but they're pretty useful for tracking all the posts and content you've made here. I found that someone made an AI generated version of a Banepost rap battle I wrote a while ago. Most bizarre shit ever
I was watching billy and mandy (the clown episode) and Grim says

>1983 ended a long time ago ladies!

And then it hit me that the ammount f time between 1983 and the episde air date is the same as the air date and now

Also for the past few weeks I have been thinking that im now older than Gianna Michaels is in her videos
No kidding. I still feel like I'm in 2019-2020.
at this point I'm pretty sure the majority of /v/ doesn't know that the actual Blizzard never made Diablo I and II
2010 youtube I don't really remember well desu.
Mostly I remember it from 2013 onwards.
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Are there only old people left on this site? This place used to be almost only young people. I started browsing here when I was like 13/14. Where are all the young people at?
Remember Annotations on YouTube videos?

Remember the Ctrl+Alt+Del: The Annotated Series? So many ASCII Buckley Faces.
I used to be 'that' guy in computer class for being on that weird site (youtube in like 2005). It was like a soft-core liveleak with the amount of streetfights and people posting videos of shooting firework into apartment buildings
This place is too problematic for zoomers outside the third world, which is why they're all brown
They grew up, the new young people are at tiktok and twatterX.
Even Instagram is considered to be a boomer platform by the young generations
No lol, there's still TONS of dumb teenagers on here, you'd be forgiven for mistaking them for being old guys because they think oldfaggotry is cool.
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Fucking knew I had this shit, just had to find the drive. Some ancient videos I used to love on this bitch. If it needs to be uploaded, just point me to some site and I'll dump it for you, if it's within the next few minutes because I needed to find it before bed or I wouldn't sleep.
you can always dump it on catbox.moe and post it if someone wants to have it but isn't around at the moment
based content preserver
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First felt it deeply when they nuked Machinima channel.
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Good point, forgot about that, only use that site for porn. Downloaded this in 2013 apparently, shit quality and all from whatever shit program I ripped stuff from YT with and the general shit quality from the uploader.

godspeed anon
Me personally I think the only archives of 4chan that should exist are the pages you ctrl+S yourself, but if I remember right, that was broke back when m00t was around.
Automated archives make the website shittier and let people make terrible arguments by combing twenty years of site history to "prove" things were common.
for the last years i've been saving videos that i like on my computer, i'm sick of content that i like disappearing and bilibili doesn't always have a backup
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>such a nerd xD
Feels too much like a /v/ parody.
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believe it or not, social media genuinely was like that back in the day. I already scrolled past a bunch of social screencaps like that, might randomly stumble onto some more as I go through my folder
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I remember Warren Spector promising choices mattering in the first one, and them not really mattering at all, and then him saying they couldn't in the first but they definitely would in the sequel, and then in the sequel it mattered even less.
Also making a bunch of Petes be the cliffhanger "next time" hook was a horrible, atrocious call.
Tortanic, despite being a shitty mmo, is still the best SW game, because you can play sith (proper sith, not rule of two bullshit), sith purebloods. Not some shitty trooper or jedincel.
Why couldn't somebody take SWTOR class stories and turn them into proper SP game(s)?
That's not true, we have tranny threads everyday too now.
Man this makes me so nostalgic. Back when 8 gigs of ram for a console seemed absurd.
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/v/ shitting on notch was fun
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almost forgot the /mlpol/ days
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Do you remember the catchphrase: "Epic for the win"? It became popular around that time.
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How do I acquire chudette gf?
lol theyd be balding millennials today
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I fucking loved tortanic threads
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I think that was the moment.
When /pol/ learned about egregores and started playing with actual magic, that was when reality started getting weirder and never went back to normal.
Dead Internet theory is terrifying
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Chen... do not honk...
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this shit always creeps me out
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I remember the Baal posting.
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sneaking in some french comics because that's what I used to do 15 years ago
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Word. I've basically lived on the internet since 2003 (and did some occasional browsing since about 1998). The difference between things now and like 2012, and the difference between 2012 and 2003, is so huge it can't be compared.
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Sad thing is the original mutations were done in protest of the feels guy being overused, and now we're stuck with the mutant versions for nearly 10 years.

and counting.
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It's mostly that the huge personal archive I'm going through goes back to maybe 2007 at most, I didn't have the means to save my web experiences in the late 90s to early 2000s
Also youtube just quietly nuking shit to make room for new crap hoping nobody notices
I typed that like a retard the point is things changed a lot less from 2012 to now.
I was too young for early 2000's internet, even if I later found some of those older sites. I don't feel big nostalgia for 2010's either, desu.
i jerked off to andariel back in the day
good times
Ah I remember the stereoscopy fad
Good times.
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There's a lot of young people who post here, but they're also on private discords coordinating their shitposts so you're really only getting half the conversation.
It's kind of like the old [s4s] interface meme but real.
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Please stop. Forever.
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This comic reminded me that I really just grew up into Ronnie. Mentally ill, bearded fat fuck working shit jobs, watching anime. I'm just not a mod in a twitch chat yet.
For me? Age of Wonders 1 nymph and lady of pain...
it feels like each new popular "meme" ends up lasting longer than the previous one and it's getting more and more stale by the year
for instance 2011 had costanza posting and its variants of >implying implications, which was overdone but only lasted a few years
we had LE EPIC TRULLED, there was the ironic icanhascheezburger trash turning into actual shit, also there was the demotivator format of the late 00s, but each of these fads only tended to last a couple years at most.

wojaks have been eternal and they're some of the lowest effort slop possible to make.
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>mfw we're closer to 2040 than we are to 2000
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Nothing's stopping you from doing it right now.
But not to the gif I posted, that would be gay.
this is why I prefer gcc
it wouldn't be the same without her blasting me with poison and moaning
>it feels like each new popular "meme" ends up lasting longer than the previous one and it's getting more and more stale by the year
This holds true for every form of creative media. I got seriously burnt out on major industry games with the release of Skyrim. It really was the point where everything started becoming a rehash of a rehash only gradually with more corporate shareholder protection policies layered on top and a proportion of 100% office-job developers who don't give a shit about the product, and why should they. There was no creative vision involved, no dream or goal.
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Holy shit i haven't heard this in so long, amazing.
I remember talking like this way back in maplestory around 2006~2009
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What the fuck man you are not supposed to point this out
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Why does this guy kinda look like Chai from Hi-Fi rush to me
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> you'll never see THAT slender man vid ever again
mandela effect my ass
Had quads pop up the other night in a fucking Yasuke thread and nobody acknowledged it.
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>thought its one of those posts where a few years are added to make it seem longer
>they're all real
I can’t think of a single redeemable thread on that fucking board in at least 6 years. Nobody programs shit on that board anymore.
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I don't fucking know when I became 27 years old (soon to be 28)
It's terrifying
Consuming shit I missed out , like how I only played Visecra Cleanup Detail yesterday and actually enjoyed it or how it took me years to start watching breaking bad only enchances the feeling that there are those "empty years" in my life and I should be younger than this
STILL fucks me up that this covid shit happenee years ago
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>so jealous of those who experienced the golden age he drew a faggy comic about it
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I'm gonna hazard a guess and say 'phones'
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>Petitions to get dark souls on PC
It completely slipped my mind I contributed to that effort quite a bit by setting up social pages
One on the left is fuckable.
>Then there's the whole wormhole about reply videos and reply girls.
Hated this with a passion. Never watched any, but the bar under the video with the thumbnails were annoying for no good reason
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Whatever happened to comics
They were good because you were young, not because they were particularly better.
actually no I'm retarded, I'm pretty sure that was /jp/
What kind of question is that. Comics are bigger than ever.
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Not in my cunt. I haven't seen anyone read them in years. Makes sense since kids aren't expected to be able to read.
NTA, every type of media has blown up in consumerbase by a 100 times compared to 20 years ago, that wasn't the question. All creative media has been gradually declining as the world becomes more corporatized
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>Not in my cunt
Pic related.
>I haven't seen anyone read them in years
They're reading them on their phones.
There are tons of aggregate websites for reading comics, and they are HUGE among adolescents, teenagers, and young adults.
What's diminished is the amount of good mainstream works. Now you have good niche works of all walks, and the challenge, for lack of a better word, is accepting that the thing you really like won't ever get huge enough to garner a large fanbase to share the joy of enjoying the work with.
I miss those days, had video girl character shrines (mostly Capcom and SNK) on my school's servers back in the late 90s but the admin nuked it without warning me beforehand as it was generating too much traffic for their tastes (Gouki's Page of Whatever or another site linked me on one of their image uploads and traffic increased like 2-3x in one day).

I remember back when Taka Tony's webpage was him drawing almost exclusively catgirls.
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>Consuming shit I missed out
There's a lot of stuff I've hated and couldn't tolerate before but starting loving only now (Caramelldansen, early moeblob anime like Lucky Star), as well as stuf we never had due to lack of interest or funds back then (played GTA 4 for the first time only last month).
I think it's just despair with current status of things, so I'd rather consume shit from a better time I lived in, even though I wouldn't have done so during that era.
>What's diminished is the amount of good mainstream works. Now you have good niche works of all walks, and the challenge, for lack of a better word, is accepting that the thing you really like won't ever get huge enough to garner a large fanbase to share the joy of enjoying the work with.
I do agree with this premise, I've been mainly sticking to more indie forms of media since the early 2010s as corporate creative-media just makes me hurl for the most part
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I miss these fusion draw threads
Fucking time-warp. Is there somd schizo theory gor that?
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I thought /jp/ was a loli with glasses?
Anyway either personification doesn't accurately portray the board. This always bothered me.
can somebody please post a link to THAT /v/ and /jp/ comic pls, I haven't seen it in 10 years now
Same. And that's what most people who actually enjoy the products they consume are doing. It's just a shame as someone who just became 30 - I miss that culture of everyone gathering around something good. Everyone watched DBZ, everyone watched Yu Yu Hakusho, everyone watched Gravity Falls, etc. Now you have 1000 people reading an obscure webcomic somewhere, 500 reading another, 5000 following some other artist, etc. These aren't numbers to sneeze at, the artists are definitely happy having an audience at all, but the lack of being able to engage in a large zeitgeist is just kind of depressing.
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>Nowadays we just casually send 2+ hour videos back and forth
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>>xbox 360 came out 19 years ago
Next year this is going to fuck with me hard. The 360 being fucking 20. Holy hell.
Gramps bringing in the heat.
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Thanks for keeping me company while I couldn't sleep /v/
I should probably get to work, maybe if the thread is around later I'll have some more old stuff to share
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>Where are all the young people at?
I'm here.
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Caution: VERY funny
Old youtube sucked.
this comic has infected my mind so deep, "GIVE ME THE CHOCOLATE HISAO" will haunt me for the rest of my days, same with the "you shall be used today... on my penis" panel, goddamn
oldest thing I have is my fraps recording playing WoW pvp in 2008. I lost all my screenshots from years prior. I guess I should be thankful I have anything from the 2000s still
There are people on 4chan who can't clearly remember a time before Donald Trump was president.
Bro trooned out. Many such cases!
Yeah no shit saying that was more correct when the internet was fraction of the size and speed that it is now
The main point of it was also just to stop children from doxxing themselves online but we've long since moved to a point where you are weird when you aren't doing that
Still here but we got old somehow
What's there to debunk? It's both marketing material, so the people producing either were responsible to make it look as good as possible, which means the first one was clearly bullshit
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normal people from 6 years ago are now considered radicalized
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Monetization ruined YouTube.
the moment "YouTubers" started being called "influencers" and "content creators" I knew it was over
considering this is xbox live, it was already the garbage centralized carebear shit that everyone hates
these were cancer
>"influencers" and "content creators"
They are SHILLS
Go and research how long rage comics were around compared to wojak and pepe and you'll see why people are sick and tired of the later
Ruined? Ruined what? YTPs are still being made you know that right. What are you holding onto exactly.
>good old days
This is all unfunny garbage <3
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If I see that fucking cat one more time...
>What are you holding onto exactly.
the majority of videos being made for novelty instead of ragebaiting, clickbaiting, dramashit, etc.

yes, you had attention whores, but nothing to the level of content mill channels that just regurgitate AI generated slop generated by pajeets on fiverr, or the biggest streamers and youtubers all being managed by the same agency

I wish there was a platform with a strict ban on advertisement, e-begging, and monetisation, but that would be too hard to enforce, and obviously make no money.
You are absolutely correct that novelty videos are now the minority, but novelty videos absolutely, verifiably still exist. The only thing you have to do is watch them instead of watching things you dislike. You're making this much harder than you need to.
Going into games machine
It's weird, but graphics being high quality for so long means that I give zero fucks about graphics anymore. The second one looks fine to me.
Yeah and then they kept going with the fun police shit until everyone became joyless sacks of shit and nobody here wants to create anything anymore
Novelty vids are on tiktok now, sometimes instagram.
Zoomer here. From the evidence before my eyes, you oldfags were colossal faggots
YTPs are stuck in time, I want new stuff. BTW, animations also largely died out cause of content milling.
What does "novelty" even mean at this point? Are you saying people don't make videos for the sake of it on youtube anymore? Because that is verifiably false.
>I want new stuff
So seek out new stuff and don't watch things you dislike. You are making this more difficult than you need to.
Newgrounds and other websites dedicated to animation still host animated shorts. You can still find animated shorts on youtube. At this point I promise you you are complaining about absolutely nothing but your own inability to find the things you want. You're an adult, right? Christ.
Short amusing vids, verging on surreal
Are you saying people don't make short amusing vids verging on surreal for the sake of it on youtube anymore? Because that is verifiably false.
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>reach end of thread
>feel an immediate sense of dread
Just let me pretend I'm still there a little longer
>can't find because google will not allow you to
I've noticed with everything I search on yotube, like 1-3 actual proper results then 10-20 reacts bullshit and the rest of the results after that are completely unrelated to the search terms
Ok I guess you debunked my personal lived experience, well done.
Goddamn I completely forgot about Team Rocket RP faggotry and now its gone. Also miss Gary bombings.
Janny doesn't want you to know this, but you can actually make more threads.
this webcomic is possibly the last good thing that came out of SA forums
>they were cancer because drawfags never did my request despite begging for 2 full years
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I get where you're coming from, anon. Other guy is faggot who actually thinks the new internet isn't dogshit
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I fucking miss these
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The fact that novelty videos are the minority is a shame. What anon is complaining about however is his inability to find the things he wants, because they are still available. But by all means, suck his dick harder.
you're a gigantic faggot
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>fart commander
>Knights of the Told Republic

Got me good
>[ ] Told
>[ ] Not Told
>[X] Lost City of Told

I miss when memes were fun bros, take me back.
By all means, suck off the modern web experience like it's not full of garbage
>Knights of the Told Republic
Oh my god I haven't read that in ages. Holy shit that's still funny.
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lmao you deserve some recognition for this one
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I don't get it
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I remember things.
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Boomers shit and piss themselves over these memes back in the day
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Half the people on 4cuck are zoomers pretending to be over 30 years old to fit in, so there are probably a lot of young people.
Why did you need to post this?
zoomers I work with think of 4chan as an old person platform. you get something kind of similar with discords or the alt forums but discord makes me feel like a pedo and the alts are too edgy for me
remember to run a yt-dlp on your youtube favorites sooner rather than later
boomers really think fetuses have conscious thoughts
it's just an old comic that made the rounds on old internet
Alts are too slow for my liking. Discord is ok but I prefer anon posting
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>killing babies good
wtf where'd you get that picture of me
>zoomers I work with think of 4chan as an old person platform
But everything new and edgy gets posted here first and foremost, isn't that what young people like? When I was a kid that's what everyone my age sought out, novel things and being edgy.
Are we pretending those even exist anymore? There are no altchans.
>But everything new and edgy gets posted here first and foremost
What the fuck dude that hasn't been the case for a long fucking time. All the new and edgy shit is on twitter and tiktok first by far.
Fucking laser cheese.
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kek, what a faggot
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Remember :awesome:?
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>All the new and edgy shit is on twitter and tiktok first by far
"New" and "edgy" meaning shit from /pol/ cirka 10+ years ago? Frankly, everything outside of 4chan is completely fake and gay.
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The funniest thing about tortanic is that TOR eventually become a successful and liked game
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I live in a small town (100k inhabitants) and every 5 years or so our bars and clubs move and change names because people get bored and just stop going
and it's the same owners and the same customers, human psychology is really something else
Now here's some real nostalgia material.
Not really as funny as it is sad. You really can just serve up runny dogshit and the plebs will eat it up.
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>Where are all the young people at?
all of them are in /vr/ creating n64 hate threads
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All of the oldest content in my /v/ folder is porn, but how can this be? /v/ is a blue board
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the game
>Automated archives make the website shittier and let people make terrible arguments by combing twenty years of site history to "prove" things were common
Alternative is total history revisionism, especially the one that happened after gamergate. Just recently we had dd2 threads, where general consesus was how soulsfags always were big fans of dragon's dogma and never shitposted their threads back in the day(despite generally being one of the biggest cancers on the site)
I forgot how fucking retarded youtube comments used to be. Maybe its just the algorithm pushing all the worst so far down I never see them now..
fuck you
>Pic related.
I think I'm the only owner of fierro magazines under 40 years old
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E3 2010 was 50 years ago...WOW

Yeah it's cause Google (and every other search engine and website) "improved" their search results with "AI"
>accepting that the thing you really like won't ever get huge enough to garner a large fanbase
and that's a fucking good thing
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I miss when AwesomeFace was our reaction image of choice. I miss when we had Deep Sea and Junji Ito generals. I miss when we blamed everything on Gaia. I miss USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST. I miss the days before captcha. I miss when /v/ was all one board instead of many. I miss the fails and the gets and the demotivators. I miss MS Paint comics. I miss when you had to install 4chanX. I miss the albums /v/ used to make. I miss Japan time and the yearly E3 shitposts. I miss the early days of GDQ. I miss when you had to stream that film if you’re so great. I miss when we all huddled around Justin.tv to watch dumb shit. Most of all I miss back before you all just lost The Game.
not altchans, I'm talking basedjak, lolcow, kiwi
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Why do they call it the Xbox 360?
Because when you see it, you'll turn 360 degrees and walk away.
yeah it's just nice to post something fun without having to worry about some psycho trying to ruin your life over it
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>400 posts until this was posted
I'll better watch my grandkids
Remember when some Anon uploaded the entirety of Undertale soundtrack and annotated the entire 1h of runtime with NIGGERS?

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That's like wallpaper res for 2010, take it to /hr/
Weren't you able to turn on the E3 graphics by changing a line of code? I remember reading something like that
Honestly I would prefer Toxic Jester and Lanced Jack over 90% of the people on this board nowadays.
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Man, there were so many great edits with Xbox360 kid
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He bought Jade's Game.
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I approve of the archives because they will be of use to future historians trying to make sense of what the hell was going on with the early 21st century
people are thoroughly convinced cod mw and blops servers were le hecking based though?

wtf, dont do this
it tried to deleted my systerm 32
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I was just looking for that comic. Man, that caused a huge shitstorm back in the day
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I found this funny picture, I'm going to call him Grinman.

Grinman likes to grin.
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This place is infested with zoomers. How can you not tell?
What a fine looking woman, i've always liked Jade
He's one himself
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I miss Meximoot
Anyone have a link to the youtube video of the /v/ sticky that was about VR? I don't remember the details, but it was VR related, maybe John Carmack joining facebook, or something about the occulus? It was just a slow scroll through the thread with tumbling down playing.

It's fucking impossible to search for.
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I really had fun with these back then.
a winrar is you
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>I miss when we had Deep Sea and Junji Ito generals
Remember the game idea we came up with, Pressure? A deep sea base gradually succumbing to more and more failures, leakage, invasion by strange beasts, and you have to stay on top of the situation and survive. Plenty of games like that now. This was in like 2010 I think.
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Mass Effect 3 release was such a shitshow
no, i refuse to remember
>Remember the game idea we came up with, Pressure?
Wasn't this the main inspiration for Barotrauma?
She hot.
he'll mongle your cock I reckon
>I miss when you had to install 4chanX.
You aren't using the shitty built in dollar store version, right?
Elden Ring did the same thing with endings, but gets praised by fans
Also, it's interesting how me3 was made in year, shit is insane when you think about
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Cute, isn't she?
This is her now.
Whats that?
>DMC5 is now as old as DmC was when DMC5 came out
Well, she's almost 50.
>I miss the albums /v/ used to make
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They still make those.
I don't think this modern trend of pointing the camera right up somebodies nose is a good idea.
>Elden Ring did the same thing with endings, but gets praised by fans
people dislike the effort put into the ending of Elden Ring

by comparison it isn't as bad as the series that hyped up YOUR CHOICES MATTER OVER THE COURSE OF OUR TRILOGY for fucking YEARS then just blew it

People like souls stuff for the exploration and gameplay
People played mass effect for the rpg stuff while the gameplay was rather rough, and at its best ok gears of war ripoff combat

t. didn't like ER as much and stopped caring about stories in darksouls games with 2
And closer to the 22nd century than to the end of WWII
delete this
>/v/ used to criticize Reddit for beating a dead horse with rage comics for a couple of years
>wojak and pepe spam has now been ongoing for about a decade
It's ok when 4chan does it.
I came here when I was 13 too but that was...
>rage comic spam
Yikes and oof-pilled
>pepejak spam
Based and redpilled
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>Millions of great video going down for more Mr beast the pedophile videos, skibido toilets and slime asrm videos and nigger mumble rap videos

I want to kill every kikes
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hahaha what a good thread, they dont make em like they used to. im team moss btw
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>I wonder what was the foam for?
No honking allowed.
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The OGs
I remember when youtube videos had a 10-minute limit and I watched pirated Yu Yu Hakusho in 3 parts each episode. What did you watch on youtube back then that's not available anymore anons?
Wtf it was only 14 year gap how did she age that poorly
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i fucking hate wojacks
but maybe this will make you sad/nostalgic/laugh

coomer is ok in my book as he's just a guy who genuinely loves what he does, wich honestly is a breath of fresh air on post TORtanic /v/
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I've been seeing your posts for 15 years.
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I remember 2010 YouTube comments were constantly "LIKE THIS COMMENT IF THIS IS BETTER THAN TWILIGHT AND JUSTIN BEIBER".
Different anon, I got it years ago using youtube-dl, so this is probably the best quality we'll ever get
sitting in the car-9s_-Kx5oV9Y.mp4 https://files.catbox.moe/h3qaxg.mp4

I have a bunch of other stuff DLed that was nuked off the internet like "4chan the movie"s, if any of you have any request I can try looking for it
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This kills the boomer
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Imagine if we could send AI pictures back in time.
I remember the old textboard and all those ASCII arts.
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a tale as old as time.
Sneaking in some Electric Retard.
I watched Naruto in same manner and shite AMVs. Some of which have survived.
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You fucking liar you just posted that with a meme that's probably older than a good chunk of current /v/ users
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At what point were those taken away? I remember not being interested in them so I never noticed.
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for me it's more that the utterly absurd and retarded sense of humor of 2011 /v/ is when i had the most fun and biggest laughter

"remember, keep it subtle"
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Thanks doc
If only she knew how right she was
Someone got the explanation for this one? I can't remember what all the body parts were supposed to be
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We've hit autosage and it's almost 7 am, good night /v/ros o7
>If you buy this you are eating directly out of America's rectum. Not even Americans like this game
No amount of red circles or lines ever made that shit make sense.
I was born the same week Final Fantasy 8 came out, am I retro enough ?
moot made the read only in 2014 and announcend it on his blog saying to look forward to more imageboard features to rub it in like the passive aggressive cunt he is :)
Of course they are only going to get archived, don't worry anon, oh, whoopsy daisy, deleted altogether in 2015 or 2016 :)
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I remember this. Still makes me laugh.
how did he know
>nostalgia threads every single day
this is getting sad. move on millennials
You have no soul.
It's funny, nowadays it's not even discussing the same memes over and over again, it's discussing the thread personalities. Every fucking general on /vg/ is just ">oh wow it's Xfag again!"
>stopped caring about stories in darksouls games with 2
Was great place to stop, was the best written story and setting in entire soulsborne franchise
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It's REALLY hard to see for the first time, but the bra's lining (weird brownish colour) is covering her boobs - top edge of her left boob is in the red circle, with the nipples in the purple one.
Green line is (very) roughly where her back is.
The whole thing is just poor anatomy made worse by the mosaic, not actually non-Euclidean like it seems at first.
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Zoomers do the same thing with all "remember playing Minecraft as a kid?" stuff on the Internet these days.
It's called bumplimit, dumb newfag.
I understood this reference
Minecraft was a millenial game that remained popular even when zoomers came along
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It's pronounced 'sa-gay'.
Her torso directly melts into her knee where her panties are pulled down to.
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>stop commenting.
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Are her panties supposed to be pulled down already in that? I thought it was just a badly bent waist
I don't know dude. Shit doesn't make sense. We've had thousands of our greatest anons try to crack the code but it was never truly answered.
I'm a millennial and I was already grown up when Minecraft was new, and these days I see a lot of zoomers talk about having nostalgia for the game from when they were young.
>muh millennials this muh zoomers that
I was born in 1996 and I get lumped with either, this shit is astrology for men.
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It was a fun time to start coming here.
>tfw I'm still a newfag
Anyone who was born after 91 is clearly a zoomer
You never played diablo 2 for real
You never played arcanum
Your first pokemon was bw at best
I remember when /v/ was obsessed with the Rustled Jimmies meme specifically only in 2012.
le monkey face
We could probably just find the guy and ask him directly, knowing the Japanese he's probably still making the damn things
That's because reddit and 4chan pretty much have the same users nowadays with only a select few not going to the other.
Not according to various pics I seen, it's always around 1996 or 1995.
>diablo 2
I didn't, but some of my friends did, same age or about the same age.
Played a bit of it, but years later desu.
>pokemon bw
In eastern europe we didn't play on consoles much back then, it was pokemon crater on the browser for me and friends.
Also, living in Eastern Europe back then meant consooming a bit older media.
>Anyone who was born after 91 is clearly a zoomer
>Your first pokemon was bw at best

I was born in 1992 and Pokemon bw came out when I was already 18.
before the thread dies, does anyone happen to have the screencap of that one turbo autist who kept talking about how him and his sister were getting water-weighted or whatever and just never fucking elaborated on anything?
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I dunno, a good Apu takes quite a bit of work to make.
I have it somewhere, I'll try to find it before the thread dies
>it's always around 1996 or 1995.
They usually say '97 now.
t. '97
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Hope it's enjoying the view...
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