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Anyone else find this fanbase to have a weirdly unfounded elitism?
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I knew Jack was an uber hipster when his first Souls game was Bloodborne, which he admitted in his Nioh review
It's just a good game that even the most anti fromsoft anons here can appreciate.
I think more fans of it are sad that they dropped the quick and precise gameplay it had, in favor of the slower and more defense focused dark souls gameplay for future entries.
It's not that good of a game, it's like a slightly more steamlined darks souls 1. It's basically the true dark souls 2 as a bridge between 1 and 3. Nothing really stands out in this game
I find that it has a founded elitism.
Think of it like this; When you have the best game in the series release, then instantly go to making fucking dark souls 3 of all games... It's really not hard to see why Bloodborne fans are so vocal about how good it is. Liking something that is miles better than other things isn't elitism. It's just normal.
OP I wasn't quite sure what you meant but luckily >>683766623 gave me an example.
>*people casually enjoying a game that just happens to be on console*
>"Wow. Elitism much."
/v/ died when it became overrun with pc poorfags
Bro I posted this from my ps4
it's not unfounded at all. bb is unique even in fromsoft games. they really pulled off the atmosphere they were going for. so the people that it clicks with, nothing else can compare
The nice thing about being an elitist, is that when people like you whine and cry and shit yourself about how annoying we are... we can still just go on knowing that ours is the best. I know It's hard having to settle for the more mass market multiplatform games but seething about Bloodborne gods isn't going to make us stop loving it Anon.
has nothing to do with consolefagging, bloodborne fans just get really indignant when you dare suggest it ISN'T the best fromsoft game
very weak ragebait, do better next time
Welcome to the world. That's how most people behave when you tell them their favorite thing shouldn't be their favorite thing.
I accept your concession mass-market-kun. Enjoy your slop.
I said do better! Stringing buzzwords together is worse!
I don't think Bloodborne is the best but DS3 really dropped the ball until Sekiro picked it up again
I don't have to do better. I can say anything and it will still sting your little ego. That is the nature of insecurity. You won't stop replying unless you can get the last seething word in, so... yeah I can say anything haha.
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okay that one almost got me, bravo

Wow, people get annoyed at you when you say moronic shit? That's crazy.
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It's because when this came out DaS II was a massive hysteria inducing disappointment. This was revealed to be what Miyazacki and "A team" were doing.
Being a sony exclusive, It created a recipe for what was probably the worst console warring in /v/ history.

Culturally, they'll never give it up. It's why they'll ignore all its shit parts to make Dark Souls III, Sekiro and Elden Ring seem worse than it.
As someone who loves both DS2, Bloodborne, Sekiro and Elden Ring... No. Just like Bloodborne a little more and think it has less shit parts than any other souls game.
>people casually enjoying a game
you mean never shutting the fuck up about it and claiming it's the best thing ever when in reality it's painfully mid
>people who have the opinion that a game is their favorite like talking about how good they think it is and do it alot
gee wizz, such elititsm.
Why are you gay
its resulted in an odd alliance with the shazamfags
I'm literally you, but that mid game stretch of shitty bosses bloodborne has really sucks. The DLC and Gehrman really saved it.
people only like bloodborne because it's the easiest fromsoft game. it's an opinion that is objectively wrong and only held by shitters and trannies.
>he thinks opinions are objective in any way

lol this npc brain thinks human tastes are hardcoded. sorry but I don't take npc opinions seriously, especially not one's that bring up their tranny fetish out of nowhere.
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The elitism stems from Console War shitposting.
And it doesn't help that Dark Souls II ended being as bad as it was beforehand, effectively setting this weird tone of Fromsoftware falling off just to rubber-band back with Bloodborne.
The game's good but people that tell you its a 10/10 are straight up lying, its a very solid 8.5/10 but its definitely a good game just not amazing or anything it has a few problems that I feel did better in Dark Souls III and in Elden Ring.
good take except i really like dark souls 2 therefore you're gay
Dark soul 2 is definitely bad but its bad in a good way
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i'll take it
Yes, retards praise this game as the best souls games when bosses in this game is underwhelming. Forget the DLC for a moment, the bosses mostly are either average or bad/boring.
Dark Souls 3 is the better game. When BB came out I was more disappointed that it turned out the way it did. Only Sekiro and Dark Souls 1 defied my expectations from Fromsoft tho.
>Dark Souls 3 is the better game.
Incredible W take
Alright anon calm down. Dark Souls 3 does some essential stuff much better than Bloodborne but Bloodborne is overall much higher quality from beginning to end.
people really forget how mediocre it was pre dlc. It's not even better than ds3 let alone elden ring or sekiro
It's always some abstract "charm" I can't seem to find, that elevates it above the others.

Bloodborne has stronger weapon design than the others sands a few DLC weapons in later games. All souls bosses have their own specifified merits and quality.
But in terms of the bigger picture, there is nothing that makes BB the "KING" of soulsborne that fans try and proclaim it as.
Likewise, I've always felt Dark Souls III gets the most try hard and artificial reasons as to why it's bad.

The only explanation is it's a territory war over console shit.
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>Bloodborne is overall much higher quality from beginning to end.

Yeah this would be true anon if you had consistent good bosses. No matter how good your levels are, most bosses don't pay off. Like Forbidden woods is garbage, Ghul is basically ds2 enemy placements and gank heaven. What they have in common is awful boss fights. Like not even half of the boss fights are not that great
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Like to add for all their faults, DaS3 and ER took the lessons of not releasing a shitty base games little by little. It seemed that DaS2 created a black hole to suck the quality out of BB before dlc.
I'll take it over DS2fags
Or taste? I don't get why you npc's can't grasp that concept.
You would too if you head to constantly deal with zoomers who played Dark Souls 3 first and think it's the best despite the only good thing being the boss battles.
its not just about bosses
for instance level design is much better across the board. when I think of bad areas in dark souls 3 I think road to sacrifices, farron keep, smouldering lake, and demon ruins. I agree forbidden woods sucks but if it sucks then the bad areas in dark souls 3 are fucking shitty.
but dark souls 3 does have some great levels.
Even then, the boss battles in DS3 are heavily marred by the fact that the combat in ds3 is the most mindless it has ever been. You can enter a haze, and turn your brain off and just vaguely click roll in ds3 with no care or concern for timing. BTW anyone who doubts your comment on ds3 zoomers should look up how many sales ds3 vs all the previous games. The fanbase was essentually overwritten by the ds3 zoomies what with how well it did with mainstream audiences.
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ds2 fags are fucking cancer
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Filter seems to be working.
>participating in an upvote downvote system
reddit is in your blood. Bet it irks you that you can't downvote us here huh? :(
the aesthetic attracts those alt clout chaser bpd people
>for instance level design is much better across the board.

I will concede Nightmare Mensis is the best level in the game potentially in all souls but I'm playing back-to-back.

>Farron Keep
Not impressive but not far from horrible. Abyss Watchers paid off immesurably.

>Road of Sacrafice
Ok level design, boring boss.

>Smouldering Lake
Boss is decent and yea this level sucks

Again, you can make good levels all you want but if the bosses don't back up the level design it falls on it's ass harder than if it was the other way round.

Levels are your vegetables, bosses are desserts.
>And it doesn't help that Dark Souls II ended being as bad as it was beforehand, effectively setting this weird tone of Fromsoftware falling off just to rubber-band back with Bloodborne.
reminder that Dark Souls 1 dlc had BLOODBORNE references in it, the team that worked on ds1 went DIRECTLY to BB. ds2 was nothing but a snivelling bottom-feeder project.
Dark Souls 3 has a better PvP, that alone makes it better
Elitism is rarely ever unfounded.
Souls in general or Bloodborne specifically? I haven't really found either to be all that elitist if I'm being honest.
>people that tell you its a 10/10 are straight up lying, its a very solid 8.5/10 but its definitely a good game
It should be noted that it's an 8.5 only after you get the DLC with it, without the DLC the game is too short and hugely lacking on good bosses.
>that the combat in ds3 is the most mindless

I can say the same with bloodborne. The game is easier than DS3 and I barely had to try to win. I spent more times dying to regular enemies than actual bosses.
What are you filtering?
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>a year later and it surpasses it.
>better areas
>better gameplay
>competent magic system
>hub area with npcs
>better healing system
>better bosses
>living pvp scene
>better weapon feel
I don't get why people think Bloodborne is even top material but I believe its the setting alone which could be a hit or miss depending on what you like.
How are you even able to see a single post on this board
Only 60 hidden right now!
That's about as many as I have hidden on /gif/, damn
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The only thing that matters is aesthetics, and Bloodborne is the most aesthetic game in existence, so of course it's the best.
Bloodborne will be 10 years old in 8 months. It will essentially be 10 years of whining of it being an exclusive, I don't think any game has generated that much raw asshurt.
Not even in my top 3 when I replayed it again. The problems stick out like a sore thumb after ER and it didn't age as well as 1.
ds3's weapon feel is awful. The fact that they removed forward momentum from heavy attacks is insane.
DS3 sucks balls, only Souls game worse than it is DS2
there's nothing elitist about really liking a game and wishing you could play it at 60fps
It's the only souls game that is actually fun and doesn't crush your balls every 2 seconds

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