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Now: Re-runs
Next: Soul of the Samurai
Later: Viewfinder

Stream 1: https://twitch.tv/esamarathon
Stream 2: Live in three, two, o-ACK
Schedule: https://esamarathon.com/schedule

Previous: >>683746809
>page 9
>doesn't even use the transparent version
attention whore baker
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How is this 2huu? That game is about flying and shooting or some shit
It uses Touhou locations/characters/etc in a lazy bid to garner attention for a game that would otherwise go completely unnoticed because it's shit. That's literally ALL Touhou fangames for you in a nutshell.
They've never been consistent, they've just been even less so the past year or two.
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live runs soon
you are staying up for them right
Sounds like some toe hoe gobbledygook.
you mean an hour
you say that like an hour is a long time
Yeah, at the very least I want to watch TinyTim's run since his morning runs of retro stuff are usually pretty great.
Most of the zoomers here still think 1 hour feels like an eternity.
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i can't remember her name, but is that one cunt who constantly tries to insert herself everywhere still on staff?
i remember disliking a large portion of the FFIX run because she wouldn't shut up for a good few hours
what the fuck is y'all boomers problem with the younger generation? i swear to god you bring us up to bitch about whenever you can. things change every generation get fuckin used to it.
Ladeur or Ladaur or something (not Lovare) and as far as I could tell she's been gone for a while now.

and yeah, that was when that fat fuck Froob sent her to keep Metako under control, on a stream 2 run on his fucking birthday.
well thats good news, guess she took the hint
the donation reader for this run reminded me of her
That Naro run was an S from me. I didn't get to see it live tho
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Just for you anon.
This chonkster? https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1540306272
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love it
Need more standing Plum doodles to fill out the crowd with.
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>CIA staged his own death so he could travel around the world on vacation
Bravo Nolan
Yep blue hair, tried to insert herself into everything, made $20% seem like her thing when they took it and shoved it on stream 1 but priced up.

As an aside, this is pretty interesting to scroll through who was still there over the last few years, till they removed the page from the site. Even gives a guess of who the security dude was who quit out of annoyance.

>The race log I just filed with the Outrun Association lists me, Plum, Garfield Plum, and the passenger girlfriend. But only one of you racers!
Have you played turbo outrun reimagined?

I haven't, I played the Cannonball engine Outrun though.
Nah i need to be awake in 10 hours.
If the colorfag is around, maybe he can post the transparent version of this.
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I'm gonna fart in this thread LOL
why's crash 2 so relatively low? run seemed fine to me
I put on the ESA restream because I missed most of the day. Is this fucking Hotline Miami 2 runner eating food and smacking his fucking lips into the mic during the run? Fuck this. F-run, even if it doesn't count.
There are a lot of slots available if anons are bored and want to add to the crowd. There are also some "animated" crowd members that the game stretches up and down to simulate waving.
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There's been so much of that this ESA, especially people stuffing their faces with ice cream during runs.

I could have sworn they told you to not do that years back when I was on my friend's couch.
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it's friday
also you don't exist
Jokes on you, you purple harlot, it's Friday morning.
>Hotline Miami player
>addicted to consuming sugary slop
Any theories, detective?
Ahem. Morning, by definition, is when the sun rises. It is currently night.
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I don't wanna go to work and miss out on the last day
>he doesn't know
The sun came up 91 minutes ago, and regardless, morning starts at midnight and ends at noon.
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I got me a crowd of Plums to make later.
Just watched the VOD of his descent into despair. Pure kino.
>check textures folder
>it's all purple
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There's mine!!!
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>went for the first days of the event without any ads
>went the whole duration of the Aussie event without getting any ads
>suddenly getting 2 fucking minutes worth of ads multiple times each hour
fucking kill me, why the fuck are adblockers so goddamn schizo?
I don't know what it is about my Firefox setup, but I have literally never seen a single Twitch ad in at least 5 years. No stream pausing or loss of quality either.
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Oh this was called Ronin Blade in the PAL region It sucks ass
> No stream pausing or loss of quality either.
I'm using FF and have that issue. What exact setup are you using? are you using alt twitch viewer?
It's not the adblockers, Twitch serves (or don't serve) ads on a region by region basis and they're very aggressively fighting adblockers.

Shit's done in a way to cause confusion about what does and doesn't work, and some stuff like TTV LOL PRO isn't a total solution, it's just trying it's best to get on somewhere with no ads.
Let's see if I can recall everything.
>hosts file adblock, but this is usually adware shit
>alternate twitch player
>purple ad blocker
It just werks in Florida.
nta but which adblocker are you using? I thought all conventional adblockers started failing to block ads on twitch a while ago. I want to say maybe half a year ago? it's been months for sure but maybe a lot longer than I remember. I use ublock origin in firefox and it is blocking some of the ads but not all of them, I think. I tried weird workarounds so at this point I'm not even sure if I have the "stock" ublock experience or if "stock" would mean more ads on twitch.

how are you getting none?
What if Plum was an evil medieval Japan merchant/daimyo that you had to defeat
are you saying three different adblockers active at once?
Firefox consumes so much memory for me, way more than Chrome
ty, will try
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Guy Fierri looking motherfucker.
Well, only Purple is specifically for Twitch. Maybe alternate has adblock built in?
Oh and canvas fingerprint blocker, but Firefox also has that by default now so I don't think it's that.
How has the event been? I used to take time off to watch it but in the last year my confidence in this event continuing and improving are gone. I will watch tomorrow and that's about it.
First few days have been eh, it's finally picked up from the NES block onward.
>only Purple is specifically for Twitch
So you have uBlock disabled on Twitch or what?
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who /munch/?
salmon rice bowl / /bok choy, broccoli, fried chili crisp
It's been mid to ok overall, last day's been moderately better but still nowhere near how good it'd been at previous years.

Overall I've had way more fun watching this year's Dogwater Runs.
Sekiro demake lookin ass
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Seems like it's not even on, yeah, but maybe because the URL has changed to Alt Twitch's scheme so it doesn't recognize it as a URL to block ads on? But maybe it's still blocking in the background. Purple was updated 4 days ago so it's likely that.
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could use some SAUCE
that's me plum
I just had a bowl of oatmeal.
It might be seeing it as a local page and excepting it, it tends to do that.
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I need more!
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The successor...
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Yesterday was solid. NES Block gave us a chain of short, well-practised runs (and even the fuck-ups were entertaining), then there was a goofy Mario fangame with tons of movement tech, and the final run was an extremely hype CTR Any% with a great time.
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It feels like it's been a while, right? When was this last at an event?
I like how this plum thing
is slowly becoming a collector affair
Dora vs giant enemy crab?
kani vs cunny...
It even managed to eclipse that yesterday also had the worst run of the event so far.
This is so stupid. I love it.
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How is Purple even working if you have the Alternate Player active?
Lol they did the thing! So wacky!
The best sword in the game is unlocked based on how long you are in this part.
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I dunno, maybe it's not even working after all. All I know is that's what I have installed and I'm not getting any ads.
That's some strategy guide bullshit right there.
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Wait... Just got here... Whats going on?
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same idk but im dancing to the techno
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They dont make em like this no more
see >>683771964 they've gone to breakfast while they left it idle to run up the time.
why aren't they attacking
Yeah I don't get it either but it's like... a nice hangout thread.
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RIP "techno"
Krtek Fumo speedrunning.
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dance damn you
Alt Player blocks ads without the need for extra add-ons, but it does that by temporarily replacing the stream with a low-quality version. The only mysteries here are
a) how you aren't getting quality drops during ads, and
b) how you've lived this long without poisoning yourself by mixing five different toilet cleaners together
I swear, anon, if it turns out you've had Amazon Prime for years and just forgotten about it...
I have never bought Amazon Prime before. Also, I'm pretty sure even Prime members get ads now because Twitch is bleeding. The toilet cleaner comment was rude, anon, don't get tilted just because I'm not getting ads.
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what's the best sword and sandal game in recent years?
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little bit of a fun fact about Ladaur
she was usually the last donation reader of the marathon. then in one of the events, Tali got gifted that spot and did such a better job of it that she locked herself in her room and was not seen until the next day.
she also was extremely jealous of me even though I had no clue about it until I was told by someone else
No one hates women like other women.
She is so hot
>90's game
>random out of place acid and dnb soundtrack
Suddenly I'm enjoying this run a lot more.
Samurai Maiden obviously
Sick nasty
>bigjon's run was removed
>Action game where girls make out to do specials

Oh my
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Imma about to fap to a ps1 game bros
did that dude's bell palsey clear up?
it did for a while then it came back recently
How are you supposed to know who's who?
I've literally never seen him at these events because the only ones I've managed to catch he cancels.
It's your fault for not donating the 2k to his gofundme. He was DEFINITELY making it this year if the money came through.
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what the fuck is this he's just standing in a corner this fucking sucks and this music is ass
They explained it the first time they did it, it's for the final boss or some shit.
Every year he submits to ESA and every year he has a new excuse for why he couldn't make it. I'd be more surprised at him actually showing up then him cancelling for the umpteenth time.
This is fucking peak and this music is fire.
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you are actually braindead if you like this. he isn't even fucking playing the game
his dad is on his death bed
tuck that little nigga into bed and get on the plane
cya in a week pops, if not ilu
Okay? How does that invalidate anything I said?
Omg you can see up her skirt
Someone post the 15-hour Twilight Princess run webm for this guy.
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RATE (Stream 1)
>he isn't even fucking playing the game
I can relate to that. He's watching the game just like I am watching this run, it feels like our souls have connected on a deeper, more meaningful level.
it's a good excuse not to play video games
Tekken 3 ain't got shit on that.
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A. I liked it, they knew what they were doing and it's neat seeing game I've never heard of.
because world record
That still doesn't invalidate anything I said. Good excuse or bad excuse, it's another year he's submitted and another cancellation.
I will reiterate, I will be more surprised if he actually shows up, then to hear he's cancelled.
That's both hilarious and very sad, she's got that vibe of desperately wanting to be the centre of attention despite not really having anything going for her, so she just pushes herself into stuff.

Also fucking hell, it's like some of these people never leave school with that shit.
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B for Bhythm
Z for standing in a fucking corner with awful music.
There it is. Also, I forgot I actually already had the webm. Thank you, though.
Love the anon that made that, too. Perfectly sped up and slowed back down in a nice 40-second video.
S because WR
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pathetic marathon desu, gdq would have raised something like this in 3 seconds.
it's just bad luck I guess
S for WR
I think I just swallows an ant
Is this the most technically impressive game ever?
RIP, Anon, I'll never forget you.
Nah, that 4D golf game is more impressive really.
>implying I watch this shit because I want to see people crowdfund money
Stop coping GDQ shill. No one cares. You forgot the point of the event. To have a bunch of bros together to hang out and have fun and raise some cash on the side while having a good time. The metric of success isn't based on how much money you yell at twitch chat to donate, but how fuck an event is.
Something you fags forgot about ages ago.
Hahaha, it's funny everytime :DDDD
i just shifted reality with my freaking mind
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ow my brain
Gonna submit my TOWNSCAPER speedrun
Don't misgender that cat.
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I'm sorry, anon, I thought in the beginning of the event one of the organizers said plain and simple that the purpose of the event was for the charity? Because if they can't raise a decent amount of money (and they are not), then they ultimately failed that purpose.
>inb4 Malenia
So what's the story behind this game?
It's not universally all women but the do go for that shit will fester that shit indefinitely, while dudes eventually decide it's not worth it and stop thinking about somebody they're pissed at.

One chick I went to school with has hated me for at least the past twenty years, and it was for a petty bullshit reason to begin with.
fucking whore
How can cameras be real if our eyes aren't real?
Global warming
is this a throat for ants
>too autistic to understand lip service
They are coming off the heels of substantial drama. Of course they are going to say the primary focus is the charity event.
Dramafags would feast if they just said straight up "The cause isn't the end all reason we are here, it's cool we do it, but we are here to celebrate the speed running community and hang out with friends and do a little good".

I'm sorry anon... you're not gonna make it.
Suck it more.
It's a bootleg of that Portal 3 concept with the camera
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Kinda haphazard with the copypasting, some of the Plums got hidden in the back too. I spy with my little eye, Mr. CIA.
>she also was extremely jealous of me
Who are you then?
That entire opening thing was very off with that shit, the "tricky few months", the "but now we're totally going to listen to feedback" despite all evidence to the contrary and the entire hater speech.

Also Edenal is still kicking around, he's just laying low off camera since he got the majority of the blame even though it should have been equal with planks (and probably Ida too really).
Ants are pretty durable, think about the amount of time the ant has to bite your insides before finally dying.
We know he is. He never said he was stepping down. He just said he would if enough people bitched at him to after ESA summer.
He shut down the discord so people can't talk as vocally about edenal, and wanting him to fuck off, and he's trying really hard to hide so he won't have to follow through on his half hearted promise.

But regardless. It's all cringe bullshit.
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Zack Fair, obviously
Remind how map works?
Like a heat map of the watchers during a run?
Each dot is a single vote
Anon you're overthinking it. Every dot is a vote after the run, that's it. Then their color is based on the mean for that run
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"Something you fags forgot about ages ago." I thought moneyfagging was plainly bants/trolling, I certainly wouldn't have taken anon's one-sentence post seriously

But it is a watermark of how popular and sustainable an event is
Bro, it's 2 AM, you can't make me laugh this hard.
The true ending.
This game is whack.
migged from bed and game looks interesting for casual run
You guys enjoying doingthelaundyinstead%?
i've been watching
>But it is a watermark of how popular and sustainable an event is
Sustainability is really the key thing, I think a lot of these big events are going to fade out just from the simple shit of they're too expensive to run for less and less returns in money and metrics.

Smaller stuff is probably going to end up being more resilient, I think Dogwater made a little over $2000 but it didn't have the batshit overhead or a need to be bringing in tens of thousands of people a day.
I low%'d tidying my desk, it was more entertaining than this.
It's rewind time
Rate whatever the shit that just was?
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C it was okay, cool game, neat tricks.
B, wasn’t that bad. Actually kind of want to try this game now.
I couldn't really tell if any of the photo placements were precise until they started fucking them up
Mutebros, it's our time
I'm literally shaking
Z, shit run.
I'm watching the Chip n Dale run now and will be commenting as I watch.
Should I play the NES version of SMB3 or the All Stars version?
cucked by the bee
How do we get them to ditch the goosebert shit forever? It's the epitome of forced meme.
>platinum plum
never seen that one
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The people in this ad they keep showing seem like they don't care all that much desu
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>she had to fill in because CIA is enjoying his race >>683775423
take your meds
Dr. Pavel, I'm GT
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kek again
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I just plum'd on my cat
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I'm doin' him a C
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>mfw Plum's song comes on
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didn't you just heard that she can buy alcohol
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>he thinks I leave my house
>he thinks I touch or interact with anyone if I had to leave my house
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>he died!
Plum how could she...
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idk if i've just been really unlucky but every time i tune in, they're in-between games
das rite
Imagine being the PR rep who had to sit there with Edenal while he did this shit with his arm up the arse of a stuffed goose.
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>hirexen has tech issues for like 30 seconds
>Endy waits 5 seconds, "I think that's enough waiting"
>proceeds to jump down a pit
Goosebert raped Plum in the summer of 92
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I do not care for Plum, she insists upon herself.
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>immediately dies again
This Pole can't catch a break.
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Why did ESA base their entire identity around this retarded goose
goosebert is such an annoying piece of shit mascot
You're so prejudiced.
Oh hell yeah, another clean up around the house run
It feels like sour grapes against Plum's popularity
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They got REALLY assblasted that their de-facto mascot was one they didn't have the rights to.
Edenal thought it was hilarious.

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oh my god
He also thought his 'Meatballls" skit was hilarious
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It just keeps happening.
Oh fuck I forgot about that, that shit was dismal.
its the "le randomz" reddit humor, for some reason a lot of normies cry laughing at that shit
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Watching Hirexen just completely self-destruct was really a highlight of the day. Every time you thought he was recovering, he managed to find another way to fuckup. And you can see his soul slowly leaving his body every time it happened. Pure SSS trainwreck kino
>Bug game
>Using bug language

I tried watching the Karnov run but couldn't make it past 10 minutes because I felt so bad for him.
cute bee
Swastika, lol

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is this dude gonna rope himself
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Yeah it was bad. But I do feel it's required viewing for the saga, because it sets the tone for his following run. That Karnov run messed up his mindset so much.
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Nah, Plum is too plump for that.
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>only 1 minute in.
Kek the real suffering hasn't even started yet
It was ok as a dumb thing at ESA Legends, people were just messing about with it for the most part and having a laugh, taking it out of that just made it weird.

It'd be like if they kept on spamming the soundboard line that I think Das did during FFIX without any context to it at all.
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>Everything's good, because we're playing Karnov
they did put it back up in Winter for the FF IX boss run, i haven't heard it this event yet thank God
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>golden man powerstancing out of nowhere kills him
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>Ohhh shit
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his one side glance at the camera killed me
THIS is the game /v/ was shilling to me?
Dude, don't knock it until you have to knock TWO ice blocks.
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*poses on you*
Paper Mario sisters...
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Why is bee hot?
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Bug fetishists are insecure so they pretend their games are just super hecking good dude.
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KEK, does the entire discourse around this game revolve around this bee being hot?
Fuck, I think I'd mentally blocked out the soundboard shit by halfway through Winter since it was already getting obnoxious.
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>It's the bullets
This is boring, bring out the king already.
>Stage 4
>2.5 min from estimate
Kek I remember when this happened. We knew he had a rough time, but this was the moment where everyone realized just how much he fucked up
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Hey, Bug Fables is great.
The only problem I have with it after I saw someone point it out online is that only one of the trio really gets a "build" with the badges, while the other two don't really get much of anything. Besides that, though, the combat is fantastic and challenging, the music is great, and the quests actually feel meaningful.
My body is ready some Spectrum-alike vidya.
Do not fug the bug
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V the B
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Z, that was boring
B for bee
D for dull
A for Arthropod.
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I'm doin' him a B
Please get Tali off the screen I was eating
tinytim next, neat
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>From this point it'll be perfect
B - wasn't bad, neither good.
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Is it true that Metako left because they didn't pay him enough money?
B. It was fine.
Probably not, sounds like that one anon's asspull, dude hasn't said anything about why he left yet.
i thought it was the Lovare shit, her melting down over nothing
They didn't allow him to touch women anymore.
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>We got the fucking dragon
I think he got mad they didn't take her more seriously, so he left because his lady didn't get worshipped.
the fuck is this thing?
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i love tiny tim
B, cute game
Tiny Tim is speaking. Listen, and learn.
He actually left before the pastebin was even posted. So the timeline doesn't fully match, so it could have been something else.
>Dizzy but with robots
This is beautiful.
Complete fiction, let us know when you got more creative writing in you.
*A Tiny Tim
ah, i didnt know that. i guess there might have been some more shit going on behind the scenes
They knew internally about it wat before the pastebin
i want to say things about tiny tim that would get me banned holy fuck i'm raging
Is Tiny Tim related to Tiny Tim?
They look pretty similar and voice seems similar too.
I just realized that this might be the last time TinyTim will run at ESA. It's his last run on the schedule, and some anons said that he has health problems and this will be the last ESA he will attend.
I was here
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Tiny Tim you got tilted?
He'd moved to Sweden to be more involved in ESA and he seems to have gone early in the year so it's probably something significant and not the weird ass fantasy shit that anon has invented .
Tim is looking more happy lately and that's great
delete that fucking image right now i swear to god
Am I going to need to go back and watch Karnov or the other NES games? I don't watch these fucking charity marathons anymore especially since they don't do good speedruns anymore.
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i swear you tiny tim stans ruin this fucking board and the mods are in on it
He said that at the start of the run.
He's at BSG next month and I think he's at UKSG in October so he seems to be doing ok.
>trans pride samus


This run gets S rating for Tim alone

based tim
>trans pride Samus
So I know to skip the Super Metroid randomizer run, gotcha.
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>he's tilted by the Tiny Tim
I wish I was as happy as TinyTim
It's the logical falling thing because once upon a time one of the Metroid writers compared Samus being part birb from their genetic fuckery to her being newhalf.

It wasn't being literal but it's not stopped various ecelebs from trying to claim her for it.
Tiny Tim used to laugh more, he looks exhausted

Kek that anon that was gloating about ESA not being like GDQ is going to feel silly now
>A very wet country
Only because Tim lives there.
the fact that you those images fucking prove syou belong on a fucking watch list you shouldn't be allowed near children
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bluey kino today
can't wait
It does rain like fuck in Scotland.
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All smiles
and just like that, the comfy evaporated
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>Dizzy's stuff just sat there
>Tiny Tim explaining the game to someone else
>so he seems to be doing ok.
That is why I said just ESA. Going to UKSG or even the Netherlands is not as far as going to Sweden. We will still see him run, but he is really going to be missed at ESA if he really doesn't go to anymore.
I guess it’s because troons generally have money (hrt and sex changes are expensive) and they’re stupid enough to send it anywhere that has anything troon related, so ESA are making a business decision here
That being said it sucks, leave that shit in GDQ, this is the event for normal people with no cringe divisive activist shit
Sex with Bandit while Bluey watches
This guy has a handsome voice
Fuck and eat you cunt shitpig!!!! >>683779094
why is a 50yo guy on screen ?
He's 180, show some fucking respect.
I wish he'd do an entire talk on the ZX Spectrum.
is that a fucking flatcap lmao
The authority on ZXS games has given this his seal of approval, be grateful devs.
Given his tweet about his heart problems later it's kinda rough to think back on, he was probably going through some shit.
It takes a few liberties here and there but it's got the feeling down right.
>Argick dono
I was thinking it looked a bit smooth for a speccy game but other than that I was fooled
I wonder how much it'll be to snipe that tranny Samus skin.
What a boring fucking game, no skill required.
why does the sonic brawl taunt keep playing? who's in control of that?
and obviously USB drives didn't exist in the 80s and early 90s but otherwise it's really quite convincing.
donation sound
I'd say I look forward to seeing your run but if anyone else runs a Speecy game, they're getting their ass kicked in the car park
He also donated during Tim's other run, just showing his support.
It plays for any donations over $100, they started doing it last event I believe?
It's automated to certain donation amounts.
>anon now hears sonic instead of coins
take your fucking medication already
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Easy money
>but if anyone else runs a Speecy game, they're getting their ass kicked in the car park
RuffledBricks does run them, sometimes, when he's not doing a BigJon.
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I'll drop 100 on buff kirby when the time is near. other anons can take care of the rest.
It would be so funny for some richfag to just blast it for Buff Kirby like 5min before the run lmao
Thanks alot anonymous donator, what a fag.
Based. If true
Not real, they are just baiting donos.
I’ll put some in too, later in the day
marisa is loving this run
>Treasure Island Dizzy's first screen
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B for Beep
T for Tiny Tim
SSS I kneel
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S, love me some TinyTim, good run, fun game and amazing commentary as always.
whoops, meant to reply to
It involves too much shit and it wasn't about money.

A - always comfy Tim runs.
Yeah let's all donate 1k, bet those tranners will be seething.

t. Edenal
Z because i dont like tiny tim
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my favorite tiny tim run was the time he was couching this retard.
>Chuckie Egg
Oh shit.
>You are going to love him if you don't already love him
Anon, the host specifically called you out. So you better give TinyTim a better rating for this run
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>More Tim

That was absolutely glorious.
>BBC Micro
Fuck, I forgot about dicking around with one of those at school.
>Reader pulls up the thread, calls gookmoot to backtrace this post and travels to anon's home to confront him
How can it both be big and micro?
They'll just send the Glaswegian lads round to sort him out.
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Somebody get this freakin' duck away from me!
This is like Yoda training Luke on Dagobah.
Kino sound effects.
The British Broadcasting Company has nothing to do with your porn addiction.
the cripple is choking. pre-emptive Z rating.
You must collect ALL the eggs
>rips a fat one as he jumps
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This game looks like a nightmare to play
Chokie egg...
It is, it's deeply unforgiving, this shit isn't Mario controls.
how did you type that with boxing gloves on
Controls in games from that time are chaotic
If you're lucky you get shit like movement on "AZ,."
>went to bed before kino
Fuck me this shit is tight.
Holy fuck this game is intense.
Oh fuck lord
The Dizzy games were an absolute bastard for having dodgy platforming and no fucking air control.
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Wait a minute...

>he just donated to Tim and called him his hero
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They should just turn these events into wrestling and secretly write in character arcs for the runners throughout the event
Use normal runs as filler to keep it believable
Based twospaces donation
The rolling around was also incredibly devious
he just donated to support his hero!
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he's lurking
>he just donated to Tim and called him his hero
Awh that is nice.
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Well, surely an improvement over faggy activism or charity shilling.
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Some fat fuck in a cowboy hat stealing this poor ducks eggs
Id kill for some more twospaces/tiny tim action
Dark Souls ain't got shit on this
Tim is really getting is eggs chucked here.
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this guy sucks
bro looks like he vored an egg
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> Rate the GOOSE run
What's with the triangles?
It's a little known fact that Nemesis out of RE3 was inspired by this vengeful bastard of a duck.
I wonder if tim remembers that hour of montenegran tard wrangling.
It's corn, it slows down the timer.
Never mind, they stop the timer.

Tim the goat
S that was genuinely impressive, this game is an utter bastard.
SSS it was like a movie
That was intense as fuck
Z i hate tiny tim
A this game is fucking intense
The pleasure is OURS, Tim.
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nyoo I don't want 20 minutes of talking heads
A, dont mess with gooses
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Ahh, that was a wholesome run.
So tiny they couldn't get him in focus.
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Hobbits are naturally stealthy, cameras can't register them properly.
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Half-Life bhop kino imminent.
S :)
Wait a minute, he's in a HLDM map
oh shit

a speedrun
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How is this a speedrun, this is how you play HL1 casually.
It's better to load in from a map than it is to start from the menu.
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God DAMN it Gordon you sonnuvabitch!
fps toogle dousnt count :^)
It means no scripts
Man I really hate the use of quick saves in runs, I'm not saying they shouldn't be used in a marathon setting but the constant stuttering ruins the pace of the run
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What year is it
Not using something to automate shit, so no perfect bunnyhop key or anything.

Basically no in-engine macros.
Fun fact, the change level trigger must exist in every stage, both for going forward and going back, which I think is largely a holdover from the fact it's a modified quake engine. This means you can actually traverse the entire game backwards. A lot of them (like in in zen) are so far out of bounds or behind other geometry to make it nearly impossible to do so without noclip however.
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RIP anons who get sick watching FPS games
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It's not a quicksave, it's fps manipulation. He said that he intentionlly lowers fps occasionally so doors open faster etc.
That fucking cat
If I rate lower than S, the duck will chase me in my nightmares

Captcha: ra0p
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Half Life runs are always fun.
I like to think that this is just how Gordon is canonically.
boomer games are automatic Z
source runs are always ass they just quicksave/quickload on every part were something can be missed so there's no punishment whatsoever for failing outside losing half a second on the timer
Just another day at the office
I don't remember GoldSrc really having significant quicksave/load stuff, that's more of a Source thing.
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weak bait
>half-life 1 is running on source engine
>game made in 1998 isn't boomer games
Oh thaht's gey
There's a halfarsed version that does and it's shit, but the WON version they're running is the pre-Steam retail version of HL1, it sure as fuck isn't running on the source engine.
Why would a scientist working at a research facility have meds on hand?
That is a fun fact.
My head starts to instinctively swivel watching these runs
Oh god help I'm getting nauseous
1 HP and a dream
You've got to find some way to make the day pass you by when you work underground, playing god with teleporter shit and building weapons.
>all these sections at 1hp
holy fuck
why the hell is ESA so dead? How does GDSQ get so many more viewers? You can even actually use the chat.
Where is the nauseous warning? People could get SICK watching this!
Did he just tank a hit with 1 HP?
Sick run so far, fascinating to watch
>Wanna get high and invent a microwave gun?

Black Mesa is a trip.
It's 4:40 in the morning here in the US
it does
This commentator is on fire this run
I'm awake, no coffee and no plum to cum in
ok so? it didn't have many viewers during the day either, and it's nighttime viewership is nothing in comparison as well
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>no coffee
poor thing
Government spending at its finest
bhopkino will never not be fun to watch
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she's more cum than plum
Miggy at your own pace

>It's about to go Sprintical!
Real subtle product placement
D for dull, I had to tap out
For top-ups.

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