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Is FF14 and the general dubbing scene finally saved?
Bring on the strike and kick out all the shit American VAs
That’s not a real tweet.
Why are english VAs not treated with the same respect in the industry as Japanese Seiyuus?
Thanks. I didn’t want to search it manually lol.
Well GG, SE. I’m sure going for “authentic” American VAs worked out well for you, eh?
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Good, he literally ruined the Dawntrail MSQ
This is what the tranny sounds like.

because Americans don't deserve respect
Literally who?
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It is, he went on strike thinking he works for an American company not knowing Japs have zero tolerance for that shit.
Of an antebellum nature...
Because English VA don't treat the job with the same respect Japanese Seiyuus do.
listun to mee
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I'm falling in love again..
>real talk

How old is this person?
American VAs demand to be treated like celebrities when they are simply just another cog in the machine.
I'm not sure if EU VAs have the same problem so i can't speak for them, but from what others have said, they are actors first before being VAs.
That this unqualified piece of shit got hired at all is an atrocity to FF14's 10 years of good service.
I really fucking hope Kate gets repercussions for trying to crash this games reputation.
Really? Never wiped on him. Also never died, but I'm playing WAR so it doesn't really count.
Why did they make her sound like a Texan?
Does this mean there's a chance we won't have Wuk Lamat in 6.1+?
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Why is he so cute, bros...
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He is destroying the official forum users.
Because you're not playing in Japanese.
Nah they'll just hire someone else like they did for every other FFXIV character whose original VA quit/got murdered.
This was actually the best take they could get, huh?
>I may be poor soon so nobody on Twitter is allowed to complain about the cost of things
Why are trannies like this
>Everyone must change their behavior to suit my desires
huh sounds familiar
You Fucking Cocksucker! She is saving this Fucking Final Fantasy 14 game and this is how you assholes treat her!?
Why would they? Also "English va's" They're American, the real English VAs had respect for the player base and the Japanese and in turn were respected.
English Voice actor for Graha doesn't even need the money, he doesn't need the role he said on camera he's only still voicing the character because he knows how much it means to people (a lot of people contacted him to say they enjoyed his performance e.t.c.)
He's said he was recording lines for Graha after a long day of filming and his tongue was swollen from lack of moisture but wants to keep voicing the character as long as he can.
That's work ethic and the Japs did appreciate it.
with any luck, all of those fucks in that union get replaced and they get a dose of reality of how expendable their "talent" is
All the Japanese voices sound like nails on a chalkboard to me. Their entire language is really unpleasant to my ears.
Eat shit, dipshit.
I found the first boss of Alexandria actually harder, at least before clearing the ddungeon once, second time was way easier once I got it at wasn't tired after 3 days of binging MSQ
Anon you never heard a valley girl stereotype before? Shes an attention whoring stacy
Is that the teacup boss? Thats the only one that really fucks with me. Because I'm a retard who loses track of the two spinning cups unless they are opposite each other.
Oh no please no. HW Monk with Arrow card hurt my hands.
no, it's the little gremlins running around boss
bro I've been staking ss on monk since forever.
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Funny, that's what DT's English dub sounds like to me. Enjoy your off theme clearly Japanese idol in Texan English then, retard.
Cool, and what that got us is Kate not hiring the Euro group again after 10 years of good service and instead getting worthless shitty American VA to shit all over that hard work and good reputation.
Funny that, huh?
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TWD boys, TWD
>DT is losing players 25% faster than EW did on Steam
Why aren't people sticking around?
I was hoping Wuk to be more like Moenbryda but a slightly less mature. What the actual fuck happened? Wuk felt like a different character from 6.5 patch. Instead we got this typical Hiroi oblivious to her own home type of character like Zero (and arguably worse)
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Familiarize yourself with what a strike is.

A strike is:
>a suspension of employment on the part of the worker
>still a paycheck, you get a predetermined amount of strike pay each week
>a demand for negotiations on the part of the worker, in SAG-AFTRA's case a refusal to play ball on terms relating to scalping voice actors' voices, actors' likenesses, etc. for use with AI

A strike is not:
>legal for your employer to fire you over. And no, your employer firing you for "unrelated reasons" during a time in which you are striking is not a reasonable defense for your employer
>officiated with or sanctioned by the employer
>supposed to benefit the employer in any way

In summation:
>No, Sena Bryer is not going to get fired for this. This is not happening if Square Enix does not want to get into employment lawsuits within the USA
>Sena Bryer has not been fired, nor is she likely to be fired
>You are a bootlicker if you think this should be an applicable cause for termination of Sena Bryer's employment, and God have mercy on your soul
>Pablo is losing his fucking mind thinking that Sena Bryer going on strike means she was fired

You may now reply >she as many times to my post as you would like.
I'm melding full skill speed, see ya in the pink parses suckers
You have a whole 1.5 seconds grandpa
Euroboomers in lotro are animation canceling faster than you can press 123
Oh, that one is easy as fuck. I might get caught once by a gremlin if I'm not paying attention, but the shit is easy if you're not greeding excessively.
So I can just refuse to work and call it a strike and the company is forced to keep paying me?
Is Wuk literally going to have a random voice chance in the patches?
Can't make this shit up
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>B... B... Bukkorosu!
Japanese is fucking genius, holy fuck the dub's trash lines here fail that fight miserably.
that only works if you have organized and everyone is striking, because they can't fire everyone. one single person they can.
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No. Get a job and spend some time in the real world so you understand how things work.
It varies from country to country, but I'm pretty sure the strike has to be sanctioned by workers union.
No, if you refuse to work and aren't in a union you will be fired. If you refuse to work and are in a union, but the union has not agreed on a strike, they will probably agree you should be fired and not object to termination of your employment. If you refuse to work and are in a union, but the union has agreed on a strike, you will be paid out of a strike fund (union dues go largely to the strike fund and/or to a pool for any legal battles against the employer they will undergo). The company has no hand in strike pay.
Dishonest media illiterate transphobic traitor chuds are being filtered out
There's no way you're over 18 and this dumb
It's just a different culture, Japan takes voice acting a lot more serious because they take animation a lot more seriously. Westerners might like a lot of animated stuff but ultimately animation is seen as childish. It's all about life action movies to Americans.
laughing at EOPs should be a past time.
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If anything this will be a massive reminder never to hired American VAs again and look outside of the studio they use for the Britbongs.
I've not seen a single person who was on the Media tour be happy with the performances of Dawntrail both voice acting and writing/ story. Even Jesse Cox, the guy who is entire thing about being positive on the story is bored out of his mind playing the expansion MSQ and can't bring himself to say anything positive about the VA work.
Previously he gushed non-stop over the performances.

Now if you look at official marketing of FF14 dawntrail, to this day there is almost nothing of Wuk Lamat on there
Latest post was about promoting Dawntrail was showcasing Graha Tia (First post is pinned, second post is most recent)
Pinklala about to drain that catboy's nuts
>first time using american VAs since ARR
>every other VA is trash and so is the localization in parts
fucking lol
I wonder how much of it is the shitty MSQ and how much of it is the content being too hard for all the paint huffers. If I had to guess I'd say it's probably mostly the MSQ.
Vidya English VAs deliver amateur performances and demand Hollywood levels of pay
They're huge headaches for anyone who has to deal with them
Square Enix is not an American company
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Holy moly what a cursed image, I'm dying
Square Enix also likes hiring Americans, doing business in America, and has an American corporate branch.
senabros, what the fuck happened?
Because Wuk fucking sucks, I wouldn't even be angry if the second part of the story was interesting. Living memory and solution 9 were such massive disappointments that arcadion blows them out of the water.
When's your shift over, avatarnigger? Gotta go to bed soon buddy as soon as you wake up you got prime morning threads to show up to!
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Tell that to the ARR voice actors.
sena went on strike with his union bro
Nigga, they aren't stalling their patch schedule to accommodate the English va striking. It will release, with or without them. They will find someone else to fill the roll, and just let the vast contract expire. You are retarded
No, American vas are headaches are amateur and deliver Hollywood levels of pay.
If I were to tell you that the English VA for Zenos and Emet selch were paid less than the American VA for Wuk Lamat would it surprise you? Did it affect their performance at all that they were being paid a small amount?
didnt read fag
The marketing should be mostly about Wuk, it's incredibly dishonest for them to pretend like the MSQ isn't about her.
Probably both, it's the 1-2 punch of the shitty story and then the game all of a sudden requiring that you actually pay attention that is turning these players away. YoshiP and most of the team just doesn't seem to understand how "difficulty" works in vidya and that they can't just throw people into the middle of the ocean when they've only bathed in a bathtub for their entire lives.
He's obviously not going to get fired. But he might go broke in the meantime and disappear, and we get a replacement VA.
One can hope.
Wuk Lamat is staying for the patches only, she won't be in the next expansion for sure, she only will return when all nations of the planet and shards will join in an Alliance like in Endwalker.
They built a custom sounds recording studio in Kings Cross London for the FF14 dub. This push for American VAs is coming directly from the English localisation director and that is Kate.
won't this make you generate less forbidden chakras compared to someone who melded crit? unless you plan on going full crit/sks and ignoring det/dh.

btw the reason why we barely have skill speed on striking chest/legs anymore is because trannurai's cried about their rotation being messed up
How is it even hard?
>It is, he went on strike thinking he works for an American company not knowing Japs have zero tolerance for that shit.
What's more, SAG doesn't really give a shit either. Weeb voiceover people have dipped into non-union parts since the 80s and the union turned a blind eye because the field has no prestige and virtually no one within has any upward mobility (Cranston will always be a fluke). Weebshit gets lumped in with the guys who voice Arby's radio commercials or Super Bowl promo packages only out of circumstance.
I hope this goes on long enough that lots of jap companies realize how much budget's been wasted on these parasites and decide never to commission one again.
VAs are completely disposable, what do they plan to accomplish by going on strike?
Is that a ...?
I completely agree with you, even on the Japanese twitter account there is nothing about Wuk Lamat. It's like they're ashamed of her.

I'm not making it up, go through their timeline there is nothing about Wuk Lamat on there.
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Doesn't FF14 usually hire british actors in the first place with only this new expansion hiring americans?
>get job voicing female characters due to nepotism
>can't even do job because he's a man
Ok, I see why people thought this was shit now good to know whack lamar sounds as bad as it looks.
I'm pretty sure the strike is related to AI shit.
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Very convenient of you to ignore Pinklala, curious even...
Maybe I'll be nice and use lube the next time I bend you over, you seem to like that
It's why I'm never doing that trial again, fight is really fun too which sucks ass I would have to listen to that cutscene again and again even if you turn off voices you still have to watch it. PASS.
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imagine being the failure in life that makes this shit
they hired americans for ARR
and then for multiple reasons (a union strike being one of them, funnily enough) they switched to British VAs from HW onwards to avoid the headaches that come from dealing with americans. Now that they went back to American VAs, they immediately get hit with this shit.
If there's one thing I'll give this expac besides the fun raids, it's how it killed of XIV dubfaggotry for good.
Soken mentions it was just expired contracts, unwillingness to renegotiate every single expansion, or inability to permanently or semi-permanently obtain a VA's contract that resulted in the change over to a more favorable studio for HW. https://gamerescape.com/2015/09/01/pax-prime-2015-interview-with-masayoshi-soken/
>Nigga, they aren't stalling their patch schedule to accommodate the English va striking.
Who said they were?
>But he might go broke
Please re-read the segment about strike pay.
Not relevant to European workers.
FFXIV hires primarily English (nationality) and other European voice-actors for the English localization, but Americans were hired under discretion of Kate for some kind of accent authenticity to each game region. British Indians were hired for Radz-at-Han characters in Endwalker for similar reasons.
>this female character isn't a female IRL!
did they just unfreeze you or something?
>Fromsoftware gets total randoms that don't do video game roles, they always knock it out of the park
>Everyone else gets the standard American VA's for literally everything, always sound as robotic as ever.
But why? English dub people are subhumans that would listen to anything, why not just get literally anyone else?
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Nice, something to brighten up my day. Hope the strike takes ages to be over with to ensure he never comes back to the role.
I'm doing it on my tanks.
kind of a waste when you shove a character like her in the player's face the whole xpac like she's the next graha
but it's for the best at this point
I fucking hate XIV but this makes me feel bad for people wanting to enjoy this. What were they thinking when they hired this troon?
>Not relevant to European workers.
You're going to have to explain that one.
In a perfect world, all companies would give up on American VAs and they'd all go work in retail
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The most tryhard thing I've ever seen
I'm no expert but I don't think voice actors are hired in the traditional sense. Sure they couldn't throw one out mid project for striking but Dawntrail isn't mid project, it's finished. If they need to hire a new VA somewhere down the line for a new project and the person they had before isn't available for any reason I don't think there's anything stopping them from just getting a new VA. This means it's entirely possible that if Wuk has voiced lines in 7.2 it might just be a new voice actor all together at that point.
But then I don't think they were planning to use Wuk much in the story beyond 7.0 anyway because she was effectively removed the same way Lyse was. The devs could leave themselves an out if players like the character but it turns out most people did not.
Japanese ff14 forums had a popularity poll for Dawntrail characters, Wuk Lamat wasn't even in the top 10
You are very obsessed with males sucking your cock I don't even think about that shit, who does that....? Bit weird....
You're just dumb and illiterate I guess, unlucky!
I wish I could feign idiocy for as long as you do that's a pretty impressive skill to have :^)
>Please re-read the segment about strike pay.
Can't be that good if it still necessitates getting a new job anyway.
Why compare it to the JP voice which also sucks?
The European voice-actors don't magically become American or have to work through American talent agencies just because the American actors do. The European actors like Oskarsson or Bramhill work under whatever prior conditions they already have been according to their contract.
As much as I would love for yoshi to drop all the american VAs and swear off ever using another america based talent agency, I don't think anything is going to change. It's not 2015 anymore and there are too many variable to protect the american VAs, chief among them being kate.
XIV devs work 2 years in advance, so this means wuk lamat is staying in her own fucking expansion. Thank god.
Cause the Japanese voice is 100x times better.
Back when Vizex didn't randomize his filenames because it got him so buttblasted that people were checking the catalog to see how much he samefags
Doesn't care btw
lol no
middle of the ocean would be if all normal content was as hard as ultimates or 4th floor savages, in reality dt is only slightly harder than previous expacs but people severely overestimate it because normal encounters in shb/ew were lobotomite-tier and this cultivated a community of people who can't play the game at a basic level after hundreds of hours
english voice actors are all worthless nepotism beneficiaries, they should get less than they already do
Audibly kek'd
There's nothing actually stopping them from replacing Sena Bryer if they're forced to, it's simply not legal to fire her for going on strike and she would still be on the team in whatever capacity was needed when she came back.
I swapped to german and its much much better
Getting a new job while on strike makes you a scab, and is the point of strike pay.
Oh, you're referring to the strike? If you are yeah I knew it wasn't relevant to the British and European voice actors, also they work under a different agency I don't even know if they work under a Union system in the UK or are freelance. I know they work for an agency that's about it but yes any action by a U.S. voice actor union has no relevance to the Brit VAs.
100 times zero is still zero.
and yet, despite all that, wuk will never be a well loved character and sena bryer will never be a tolerated voice actor
womp womp
Yeah I was referring to the strike.
Nobody asked.
You can say you don't like either and that's fair, but to say they're equivalent outs you as a mad troon.
The poll wasn't on the official forums, but on some other site. Not saying it's wrong though, from what little I bothered to look, the official JP forums weren't really huge fans of her either.

Either way the point wasn't that Wuk is somehow highly marketable and they should advertise with her since it'd lead to more sales, the point was that hiding her from all the ads is false advertising.
The things people seethe about.
holy shit ur mad lol

The Bri'ish VAs, from all the interviews and shit I've seen, just seem incredibly grateful to be part of something that people love so much. Very humble and very talented.
Notice how he stops replying too.
Is this guy? I though guy was really pro ai
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Their fault for making her completely irredeemable. I really wanted to like her but the story made her so horrible I never want to see her again.
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>wuktroons actually exist
i thought it was just a boogeyman wtf
Despite everyone praising the dub after HW, I didn't notice anyone giving a shit about the VAs themselves until around EW.
I just have no idea what their thought process was of having her be more fucking annoying than lyse and zero combined with double both of their voice lines.
This was immediately after a ten minute rant about how wuk lamat was in every cutscene
I remember when it was cool to hate zepla
He, that's right he because he is male, is not an employee.
Steam is not a good metric considering 90% of the playerbase didn't link their account to steam.
I genuinely wonder, how does wuk fail where graha "succeeds" I found them both equally annoying and expansion ruining.
Jp doesn't suck. It's average VA at worst. One is a tomboy voice with emotion behind it. Another is a tranny speaking calmly during an emotional scene. (You) are retarded.
>RPR level 100 attack is a follow up that only works when you enshroud from perfect harvest
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My last run of this dungeon I actually managed to go the whole fight without getting benoggined once.
Its always cool to hate on Zepla.
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>XIV lets NA voice actors back in for 5 minutes
>they chimp out and pull this shit
lol yoshitpiss what did we learn (again)?
It still is, he just keeps dumping his folder whenever he's around and dumps harder if he gets no replies.
MSQ is the worst its ever been. Jobs play virtually the same at 100 as they do at 90.
For a lot of people G'raha did not, in fact, succeed. But G'raha also had significantly less presence and people STILL complained about how forced, prominent, and clingy he was.
All these protests in the VA/Arts community is not going to stop AI at all. They are just wasting their time
>this means Wuk Lmao will either be missing entirely or be unvoiced going forward
Fucking nice.
Don't think they really knew what to do with RPR, bumped into the same problem all the Stormblood and on jobs did where they're just already perfect in expac of introduction.
>Game design in xiv is bad
I'm willing to bet DT's msq was an original story hiroi had been wanting to do for a while and just shoehorned it onto xiv. When you think of it as an unrelated jrpg where the player character is wuk lamat, it's not as bad. Sure it still has problems but at least marginalizing the actual player character isn't one of them anymore.
nu-/v/ will lap up the shit of any eceleb who espouses their viewpoints, even when it's a grifter who knows everyone hates wuk so she overreacts to everything to farm engagement
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I own you, every moment of your life is dedicated to thinking about me
Your first thoughts immediately after you wake up are about me and how you'll get angry at me on /v/
You scour the archives looking for any trace of me, hoping for some pointless "one up" or "win"

Anon, I'm never going away, and you're powerless to do anything
He'll be replaced or as you say gone entirely.
graha came at us while some players were still high off the crystal exarch phase
and to be fair he had his moments, but i agree the fanboyism was real grating at times and he's one of my least favorite scions
>Staying in her own expansion
With all the hate shes no doubt been heavily reduced in the patch quests as well
anon who was born out his mom's asshole because her pussy was too busy: Um, what the f*ck, Yoshitpiss? A UNION? A STRIKE? You're gonna let them chimp out like that?
nta but I don't see him being replaced. he's a protected class and kate will no doubt fight to keep him in.
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This is the first time I've made fun of you in like 6 months you autistic sperg lmao.
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Yeah I bet the DT MSQ stuffed to the fucking gills with FF9 references was his original creation he haphazardly rammed into an unrelated game.
because he didn't really
the crystal exarch did. And note how hands off he is except for the big moments, and how well those moments are set up.
G'raha isn't exactly loved except as the exarch; no one really talks about anything g'raha related post 5.3
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Graha only bothers me when he acts like an uwu adoring fan from oblivion. At least Alisaie's fangirlism towards you is less immature and comes from actually being with you, witnessing the cool shit you do first hand, helping her with grandpa in coils,etc She didn't read about you in a book.
>heh, im gonna go on strike, pay voice actors what they're fucking worth chud
Yeah, that's pretty much what I'm saying.
Maybe he will be gone after 7.2. I haven't seen him say anything about his role as Wuk, so I guess it's just business as usual until he says otherwise.
>Krile 's real parents are named after Chrono Trigger characters
>Preservation might be Chrono Cross themed
>yfw Lavosfags may unironically win in the end
Graha is way worse than Wuk Lamat, at least Wuk lamat is female as long as you don't play in english.
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>people still struggling with Valigarmanda
Jesus fucking christ, it's Zodiark all over again.
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>enemy team has like 8 fucking SCH's
>the reason why we barely have skill speed on striking chest/legs anymore is because trannurai's cried about their rotation being messed up
Go fuck yourself. SB-era SAM was the best era because you could either go balls-deep on crit or forgo crit for SkS/DHit and go fast as fuck. Both were equally viable.
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can’t wait for them to pull one of these with Wuk Lamat
>Graha is way worse than Wuk Lamat
man fuck off
Anon, Japanese voice actors are a fucking tremendous industry.
They work as PR, idols, real actors and the like. They're heavily celebrated but heavily scrutinized. Seriously, a japanese VA caught in a scandal winds up on fucking live TV to make an apology.
The American VA industry is a tiny handful of decent actors surrounded by ugly retards with no vocal range, but tons of mental illness. Meanwhile they spend their time attacking each other (Vic Mignogna situation being a huge one) and creating drama while trying to avoid any accountability for their actions in any aspect.
coupled with the fact that alisae actively wants to surpass you while graha just wants to keep fanboying
How the game works is the content is on a strict timeline schedule and any interruptions are immediately dealt with by putting t he business first not politics even if politics is a factor business will always come first.
I can guarantee you, this is the end of the line for Sena in FFXIV in an official capacity.
>How do people not like Wuk but they didn't mind X?
Stop and ask yourself whether X took up nearly as much screentime, whether they warped the entire plot around themselves at every stage, whether they were ugly and retarded-looking, whether they had the worst english VA in this game's history, whether they experienced 0 character development and whether they marginalised every other character while also taking credit for (You)r accomplishments. Then you might start to get it.
X can be any character you choose.
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>use g'raha for tons of advertisements
>he was in the msq for like 5 minutes
>She didn't read about you in a book.
Neither did G'raha. He was alongside us as we bitchslapped the Crystal Tower into submission back in ARR. Thats what forms the foundation of his adoration.
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>t. tranny
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if we’re lucky he’ll kill himself

It took a while for them to grow into the roles, and honestly the Scions were pretty much background dressing until Shadowbringers anyway. Up until 5.0 they're just characters who are sometimes around to deliver exposition or get something done in the background, so while the performances were pretty good nobody really gave a shit about anyone besides Alphinaud or Estinien until then.
Shadowbringers actually let them flex their chops and deliver real performances, so that's when people started noticing the talent.
Not true. People talk about Graha standing up to take charge of panicked poos, his Ultima Thule scene is better than Y'Stola and Urianger's and he helped create the cure to tempering alongside Alisaie, Matoya and Beq Lugg.
I wouldn't mind her character if the story wasn't 90% about her. If you're gonna focus so much on a single character you better make sure they're interesting enough to carry the whole story. She clearly isn't.

I feel like it's rare that even RPG main characters take that much fucking focus in the story so I'm not sure if I buy that. It's more like a dating sim with just one route.
I mean the IX references are practically nonsensical and could be references to literally any fantasy setting, they feel shoehorned in as way to scream THIS IS A FINAL FANTASY STORY BTW at an unsuspicious audience
>wuk lamat dies
>everyone has to come together in order to resurrect her so she can beat lavos
>Annoying faggot catboy fanboy
>Cute genki tomboy in everything but EN
DT is shit but JP wuk shits on grahas role in the story.
I'd much rather journey with her than some retarded fanboy character designed for the lowest rung of women to wet themselves over because ishikawa is a retarded fujoshi.
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im one of them hehe
I never said or implied they were equivalent, I said both were shit. If I said Five Finger Death Punch is a bad band and compared them to Limp Bizkit to prove my point, it's a dumb fucking post because they're both awful bands.
Follow their lead.
>I mean the IX references are practically nonsensical
You're an idiot.
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>mfw playing DT MSQ
>suddenly Zenos appears out of nowhere and decapitates Wuk Lamat in front of everybody
>"You're bloody welcome" - he says and winks at the camera
>tomboy voice
Lol. You have no way of knowing this. It's a generic squeaky Jap voice.
No, fuck off. You do not get to be contrarian here.
I would stand up and clap irl
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and then anon woke up and heard a knock on the inn room door
>"You're bloody welcome" - he says and winks at the camera
Goddamit, anon.
You missed such an easy "She failed the test of her reflexes" joke.
It was funnier when it was posted two days ago and you didn't even get the setup right.
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I'm not saying that the game is actually HARD, I'm saying that its HARDER. Difficulty is subjective which is why MSQ and AFK warriors are struggling with basic fucking mechanical depth in the first place, the game has never actually forced them to engage which means that they never actually learned how to play.

The only way to fix this is if they rebalanced ALL combat content up to the latest patch to actually have a difficult curve and not a difficulty cliff like how it works currently and then sticking to their decision even while the paint huffers cry, stomp their feet or leaves. The devs designed themselves into this fucking corner in the first place, now they (and us) have to live with it unless the devs manages to design their way out of said corner
that'll just amplify the shitstorm with faggots doing tributes in-game and on social media.
I would agree with you if yoship was still the ruthless micromanager he was a few years ago. I legit think the guy just doesn't give a shit anymore. Koji is gone, soken is making shit like smile, and yoshi is juggling other projects. SE doesn't take xiv seriously.
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Alisae hasn't done jack shit with her life where as Graham as we know him lived multiple lifetimes and effectively saved our entire universe by ensuring WoL's survival.
That red head nigga earned his fanboy time and his adventures, and I'll happily take him on any that they wanna give us.
Fuck wuk lamat and fuck DT.
I know how to do him its just that I get clipped by fucking mountain for no reason
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My friend return'th at the hour most required.
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>He doesn't know
Look up lavos's final form.
Then look up elpis's theme and compare it to zeal.
We are going home lavos bros.
what happened to that ingame raidplan thing?
Nobody's going to do in-game tributes for a parasite who throws their own under the bus.
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the final fantasy character sucked mondo ass, but the rest was totally fine. imagine if this person didn't get into an identity politics cult, and was just a voice actor.
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Zepla is a treasure
It's a tranny so at least half of the western playerbase will be doing their gay campfire vigils in uldah
Alisaie is fucking trash and even as a wooden stilted character with less screen time she was still an annoying jobber cunt.
Everyone has saved WoL at some point. You are just being biased.
Considering there is Zero marketing of Wuk Lamat on both the English and Japanese Official twitter accounts while there is for the Scions, for Krile and Graha I would say they have had a reality check by the feedback received.
This though isn't just feedback it's business they are not going to stop content pipeline to wait for the voice actor to return, they'll find another avenue if that means hiring someone else or retiring the character. Like I said, this isn't about politics, it's business practicality.
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This faggot is a Wuk Lamat cuck. This faggot actually enjoys being a side character.
You're life and existence is moot dude, holy shit kill yourself.
You said 100 x 0 is still 0, you retarded faggot.
I like alisaie.
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>work with americans
>work is shit and expensive, people constantly clown on your game's localized VO
>american VAs go on strike, move to English studio
>stellar work, some people even consider it superior to the original audio
>FF 8 years and 4 expacs
>head of localization is now a DEI hire
>brings in a bunch of americans headed by a troon to work in the expansion that's supposed to set up an entire new story saga for the game
>work so shit people who had never tried the JP VO switch out of disgust
>worst actor in the cast (the tranny) is also the main fucking lead and has by far the most spoken lines, some of which must be delivered with strong emotion; he is utterly incapable of doing this
>EN VO becomes a laughingstock again
>amerisharts go on strike again almost immediately after
I'd say I hope Wuk Lamat gets recast with a real woman who can act in English, but it would be too little too late.
Instead, I'm going to hope there is never another amerishart doing voice work in this game again.
And that the DEI hire localizer is punted into the street for this blunder.
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I've seen every single scion and every single character given this label on /v/
What character does /v/ like?
Voice acting is a hobby that earns you some side cash, not a full time career
Whoah, you actually capitalized your sentence this time. Obvious shitposter
>It's a graha tranny
>lavosfags are still here
I literally did it first try. Do people actually struggle with it?
>dude Alexandria look at Sphene she's literally Garnet but EVIL she loves her country that never did anything bad to her let's play uhhhh tracks from the first fifteen minutes of the game over and over
the stuff feels like complete surface level regurgitation, like someone read a summary of IX and maybe played until evil forest or Lindblum to cram a half assed interpretation of it into a completely different story
>some people
Every people. The only voice that was acceptable from the OG cast was Admiral Tits McGee.
>random npcs
>jobquest npcs
>cute waifus

a few.
perhaps /v/ is compose of multiple people who think different things

>wuk tranny throwing stones
absolutely comical
don't be a fag anon. ARR gaius is peak
i do kinda feel bad for bryer. being able to make SOME money doing something you enjoy doing and then having it taken away sucks ass.

no, i don't like them as a person, but i can still empathize
Anon, the VA is frankly the least factoring issue with Wuk Lmao.
>[It was all Wuk Lamat, I merely watched.]
>[Thank the twelve Wuk was here!]
>[I tire of this charade.]
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Accurate run down of events to date and it's shocking they fell back into the trap of ARR. They didn't need to learn this lesson, but apparently they did.
This worked weeks ago when most people hadn't done the MSQ. now, it's not going to fly, we know how bad she is no matter what language her voice is in
I'm hopefuly DT is a wake up call for SE and they start treating ffxiv like the flagship it is instead of the intern training ground that they think it is, but I'm not gonna hold my breath. It's SE after all.
I don't. Garbage people are garbage people and do not deserve sympathy at all.
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And yet none of them lived in a world where WoL died, like Graha did.
/v/ is a hivemind like reddit, except instead of blind positivity like reddit it's blind negativity
You see contrasting opinions on shitter more than here
what about skill speed viper?
I meant superior to JP.
I don't think anyone prefers ARR EN voices except for the Admiral and maybe Urianger.
the damage has been done
there's no redeeming the character after that narrative disaster
better to bin it and move on to try again with another
Is it fun?
Is it still a situation where you have to buy the game over again and the steam version is a separate account
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>Least factoring
It's the most egregious if you play in English. I play in English and I can tolerate a badly written character if the voice performance is amazing.
I think of Zenos and some parts of him were so badly written back in SB but his VA was amazing, same with Aymeric in HW, with a bunch of characters where the writing hasn't been great but the voice work has been excellent.
This time round, the voice work was so bad it genuinely gave me a headache.
>one is 0
>one is 100 times better than that
>they're the same
We need to rangeban all Indian, Chinese, and SEA IPs. This is getting ridiculous.
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>I'm going to hope there is never another amerishart doing voice work in this game again.
This is my cope/hope that yoshi p learns from this whole mess and never bother with amerimutt VAs again
Fair point, I forgot about Lord Raiden delivering absolution upon the barbarian masses of Eorzea.
>It is only right that I should take your realm. For none among you has the power to stop me!
Fucking kino.
You still typing? Thought you didn't care man
Worship me you bored fuck
Wuk Lamat being such a bad character has just made the issue so much worse to the point even the normies are shitting on the voice acting. The combo of a shit character and shit voice acting is the 1 -2 punch this game really needed
>post hw aymeric

holy shit what a basic bitch transformation into a himbo. They even got lucia in the monkey paw crossfire in EW
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I don't feel bad for entitled misogynists who trample over videogame series for their gross fetish
Are you an actual illiterate or what? You literally said they are both 0 and then said you never said they are equivalent.

Get reading glasses, fat brown cocksucker.
>there's no redeeming the character after that narrative disaster
You do not know how sad it makes me that they completely squandered a boisterous tomboy lion girl this badly.
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I don't. Taking enjoyment for yourself while clearly not caring for the enjoy of hundreds to thousands to tens of thousands of people who enjoyed this game and it's good VA quality deserves absolutely no sympathy nor empathy.
I hope he kills himself.
there's a reason why fromsoft hires theater actors from England instead of actual "professional" VAs
Gentlemen, send this tranny enabler to the retardation chamber
>wooow such range goes to show the director for ff14 was bad goes to show she is good
>90% of the voices were male voices
>the 1 female voice was wuk lamat and was complete shit
i hope yoshi throws him and kate to the curb
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Fag, I don't empathise at all. This is a game I'm paying money for, I don't want it to be used as some pet project for a man who thinks he's a woman to feel good about himself. I want the quality I've come to expect and why I've continued to play and pay FFXIV, I'll use Sena's own words to say it best.
He shouldn't have auditioned for the role he clearly was not suited to play.
i like that they trot him out once an expansion to show that ishgard helped do something inconsequential
>Chrono Trigger in second place
This board is beyond retarded
>Give the most subpar performance in a well known game
>No one wants to hire you
Weird how that works.
It took you 12 minutes to think of this 'gotcha'? Clearly it annoys the shit out of you. You have anything knocking around in that skull of yours that constitutes as a thought? Maybe you'll find the one nigga that actually sucks your dick constantly so you can feel validated, I know he's been absent recently but keep heart, where there's a retard like you others tend to congregate!
>feeling anything for the type of person that would cheer if the roles were reversed
you're really naive, huh?
It is, but even with no voice or JP/FN/whatever it's still a miserably shitty character.
It's hip to fuck...
Why does he bear the responsibility of his subpar work and not the voice director that hired him?
tomboys can't exist in the year of our lord 2020+4
and if they do, they are butchered by writing or the mentally ill who latch onto such a character
i'm truly sorry
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I forgot to add the EX after Valigarmanda.
I remember back in HW I was thinking "I would listen to this guy read off a shopping list and won't complain" in regards to Aymeric's dub voice. Shame he no longer gets voice acting lines.
as long as kate is still on the team, xiv will always be compromised.
Americans treat dubbing like a high school project.
Because they clearly can't fucking act. Don't get me wrong the voice director is fucking retarded and deaf as well for hiring them in the first place
>Enjoy your off theme clearly Japanese

I didn't know brown skin, blonde hair, and anthropomorphic bee features were "clearly Japanese" features. Also the exact nonsensical logic you're employing can be applied to all the clearly European/Indian/Mesoamerican shit being played in Japanese, you stupid nigger.
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Keep going
Post moar pitsqueenspeen!
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Because he has the subpar voice in the first place and doesn't even try to stay consistent or actually act.
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I'm with you brother. Wuk is so tainted and ruined that it isn't worth lamenting. We got Femroth models now, just hope for some good side content stories involving them in the future.
Tomboys aren't shaped like male highlanders
>Kate the pink-haired SJW activist
>FFXIV will always be compromised
Talk to Wuk Lamat.
>calls me brown after being exposed
Let me break it down for you. I'll take time out of my day to educate a peon.
>You: The Jap is better than the tranny!
>Me: They're both shit.
>You: Nuh uh! The Jap is clearly better!
>Me: 100 times 0 is still zero.
Let's use critical thinking, logic, reasoning, and context clues. You identified two subjects: the Jap and the tranny. The tranny is a 0/10. The Jap is 100 times better than the tranny. 100 TIMES BETTER. But she's still shit, because they tranny is that bad.
Are you following along, Rajesh? Do I need to translate into grunts and moans for you?
Hey, settle down okay?
Look into the type of people who would voice characters from the "golden age" of cartoons back in the 90s and you'll notice similarities to bong VAs doing vidya dubbing today. Namely that some of them have theater experience. Now the type of people doing american VA word are fucking yotubers.
I work in a hospital, and if someone grifted their way in and then fucked up, it would absolutely be their responsibility. The person who hired them would get some fallout, of course, but it's not really comparable to how fucked the person who did the deed would be.
>Do I need to translate into grunts and moans for you?
I'm so demoralized by this bullshit, I don't even want to bother taking your bait. This is a worse squandering than stormblood.
If you are saying they are both 0, which you did with the "100 x 0 is still 0" comment, then you did equivalate them.

If even now you don't get it then you're hopeless. Don't bother replying, subhuman.
Mablu my sweet tiny little Jew.
I would happily go bankrupt for you.
When's the epic duel between you and Tataru?
I have no idea what that abbreviation means but ok.
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>Nigga just describes Gyaru and still avoids the other Japanese themes
Youre retarded and pathetic. Discussion over.
nta but the jap VA for wuk was very good. I feel sorry for her, putting so much effort into a character that ends up being so hated. Not to mention it was her first major role.
What does voice acting in a shitty video game have to do with medical care?
Because he's a shitty actor. This isn't a XC2 Rex situation.
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I could put up with her annoying ass character and terrible voice if she didn't hog up like 90% of the screen time
Tomboys are a gay cope
Go back a post
>Why does he bear the responsibility of his subpar work and not the voice director that hired him?
If you fuck up your job, it's your responsibility. That's all I'm saying. Medical care is an extreme example of it.
>Do I need to translate into grunts and moans for you?

Yes, make a vocaroo and make it sexy as fuck. You slut.
Rex's VA was also garbage, on top of the bad VA director.
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whatever you say, man. at least alisaie is tomboyish still.
probably the way to go since viper doesn't give a fuck about burst and can do that more or less when it likes

I don't. He ruined something I love and I genuinely hope he dies for it.
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Pitsluts are the best
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>the first expansion where the legacy devs go hands off and let the new blood take the wheel
>it's shit
Remember, you're not appealing to thinking people on this board, you're appealing to contrarians.
I like Alphinaud, he was likeable but obviously heavily flawed from the outset, then got bitch slapped about as hard as one can be in a way that actually had narrative consequences that shaped an expansion.
Thancred didn't really have as much of a foundation for non 1.x players but also mellowed out a lot after the Crystal Braves disaster.
I think it means "English Only Player", which is really dumb because he was replying to me and I never once said I play in English, because I don't.
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The contrast between this dude in La Noscea and all of Dawn trail amuses me.
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>It's shit and it tramples over ten years of good service and expectations
I'm impressed just how fast and how bad they fucked everything up.
Arcadian must be a fluke or made by older members, or maybe some passionate newbies.
Of course he won't get fired, he just won't get hired again
Those aren't different things.
The voice acting in their games is notoriously bad though.
All the writing in DT has no flavor at all. Sure I get it that it's a different continent but it's so fucking boring even down to the item descriptions. Where's all the fish jokes?
They absolutely are.
does everyone like the rest of the DT voices?
if its only wuk lamat that they hate then maybe it wasnt just a voice direction problem
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need femhroth wife
I honestly felt like Endwalker started shitting over the past expansions first. There was still enough enjoyable stuff to let it slide, but honestly the Twelve being shit on bummed me out quite a bit.
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Patch 7.1: Revenge of Wuk Lamat
I've taken a liking to the spriggan cap for Picto, it's very fitting for obvious reasons
it's not though
No, they are generally not great
absolutamente asqueroso
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That's funny, really funny. fuck sake
When is the next liveletter. I want to see yoship cry
They're almost all ass.
Don't comment on things you don't know anything about, idiot.
they're meh to good. bakool ja ja stands out as the best. tobli, sphene, cahcuia and otis are all good too imo
>Where's all the fish jokes?
Koji fox pulled all of them out of his ass and for some reason he didn't tell Kate to maintain his localization style before quitting
they're revealing XIV Tactics at gamescom
The damage has been done and Kate is still there, regardless if the troon stays or not.
Where non-major NPCs are concerned I don't think they're any worse than they usually are and for major NPCs it's still about par. Wuk is kind of a stand-out but I'm not about to flood my keyboard with tears over it or anything.
these are just really shit lines
this is just a really shit setup
the whole thing is written so poorly it would take a knighted actor to make the lines work and even Sir Ian McKellen would break a sweat before he could nail a take

Wuk Lamat was set up.
They still have good FATE names, I think some of the teams just know what they're doing
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Did you find the catgirls in the hotspring? Nothing like this in Dawntrail that I've seen yet. No sexiness.
Arcadion on the other hand must be made by someone completely different though it's so different to the rest of Dawntrail I don't know how it exists.
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I didn't even mind Wuk Lamat at first but the fact she got even more screen time after the contest arc AND stole screentime from other characters with the shit icing on the cake of her in the final trial, what the seven hells of fucks were they thinking?
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>Sphene calling Wuk "Lamatyi"
This pisses me off still, fuck off with the cutesy uwu friend name bullshit
naw. bigger comebacks have been made. the gameplay part of the game is the best its ever been and they can market the return of ishikawa
>the terrible voice actor is entirely blameless for his terrible voice acting
shut up troon
There isn't anything like this in any of the other expansions though, not even the adult dancers in Eulmore really compare to how horny ARR is
>and kate will no doubt fight to keep him in.
Joining a Union Strike is not defensible in cases like this. With it just being the English VA SE won't hesitate to replace that cunt, Kate has no say.
The Japanese lines are written significantly better btw
new localization team is terrible
it's almost like the odd duck out is actually you, anon. the problem is between the chair and the keyboard
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I don't know man, it feels like they played FF9 and wanted a Zidane like character without understanding Zidane only worked because he had a cast of characters to bounce off and wasn't the sole focus.
>Japanese idol in Texan English then, retard.
It was a highlight of the dub. The Japanese version couldn't even bother to make her speak in a Kansai dialect to match.
HotSprings in Hinghasi has this as well, it's in a lot of the game.

Just say what you want to say instead of being passive aggressive.
nta but this time it's going to be harder than 'just make the msq good next time'. I get the feeling there are issues with the team itself that need to be addressed, as well as SE's attitude toward xiv in general.
Is there a way to mod wuk lumat's voice to JP while keeping the rest in english? I just finished EW. The VAs for Zero and Golbez were great so it sucks to hear this right after. I don't want to swap to JP this far in...
Wuk Lamat bears little or no resemblance to Zidane in personality, intent, or held Job

This expac is most notable as an FF9 reference in the fact that Zidane is nowhere to be found (nor are Amarant, Quina, Freya or Eiko for that matter) and the Dagger analogue is in Garland's chair
Holy fuck that sounds TERRIBLE
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lil pablito seething tonite
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I remember Anons were making memes and bashing those of us that warned Kate was going to be a fucking disaster for the game. I wonder where they are now. The first time she's actually in full control of localization and we get a flood of Amerishart VAs lead by a fucking troon that completely crater the reputation the game has been building for years.
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So is each response to this post supposed to be a weird didn't-play that's seeing it for the first time or is each response to this post just the same guy every time
Thanks for sharing, ChatGPT.
Wow, one of the only times I support a strike.
If it means this faggot stays out of VAing please, continue the strike. 4500 hours in game and this little bitch is the reason I switched from eng to jp dub.
got the lalatard uppity tonight
i sleep good
I really want to see this for the other expansions, I bet not even Emet-Selch had THIS much dialog relative to the other characters in Shadowbringers
Otis is also like a 180 version of Steiner that hardly carries any of the qualities that made him an interesting character
Still paid his and Kate's salary
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Why would a monster bee girl idol from Solution 9 speak in a Japanese specific dialect?
Are you stupid?
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>gets hired
>after she believe she's secure in the job position she drops the chameleon disguise to show her true dangerhair self

They're getting sneakier about it.
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>The only reason Hiroi made Koana a co-dawnservant was so Wuk Lamat would be free to join WoL for the 2nd half of the plot
I want to strangle this stupid gook and make a theater play out of it
Otis is a much more somber Steiner under different circumstances and holds an inverse relationship with Sphene that Steiner did with Garnet (Garnet doesn't want him around at all until he figures out he's the problem, Otis stays away from Sphene and Solution Nine by choice)
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The "trying to be spanish" voices are really cheesy and sound fake as hell.
t. spic
playable latina pelupelu when?
She's responsible for the eng casting but hiroi is responsible for the worst msq since SB. Maybe even worse than that.

I like the two-heads. Gulool sounds like a tired old man and Bakool sounds like a fiery upstart out of his depth.
I do like that you get the option to not do it at least.
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Bakool Ja Ja is a standout voice, most were kind of mediocre though. I wouldn't say outright bad by any means but a lot of them were voiced with the same performance that a random NPC would give. Koana is a good example, he is one of the better characters and his voice isn't bad but it is generic. Besides Bakool and maybe Gulool Ja Ja and Sphene, no one's voice actively stood out to me as noteworthy like Emet, Zenos, even Fandaniel.

Even then, Bakool Ja Ja basically stops existing in the last half so it's arguable if he even counts. This is the first expansion almost ever that doesn't have a major character with a standout voice performance.
that's a kid
The entire expansion and writing is shit, the troon VA is just the cherry on top of the shit sundae
Which is even crazier because judging by the names, they apparently hired actual ESL people to voice the cast. And I don't mean ESL as in the way 4chan uses it, either.
I like the salon server cap.
Reminds me of how people were calling actual Latin American posters racist for saying Wuk's voice in 6.55 was stereotypical and insulting on the official forums.
It got airdropped onto a preexisting region of Mexico, remember? There are Alexandrians as well as descendants of the people that the city spawned on top of living there, like Erenville's mom for example.
Hiroi needs to go.
It's kinda sad that it took the first tier of a fucking raid series to give people some small bit of excitement. We should all be speculating about where 7.1 is gonna take us but nobody cares or we wait for the Wuk Lamat show to begin again with dread.
Man shoulders
Man body
you're going to pretend you never said any of this if we learn hiroi is writing the raid series
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yeah so again he's only steiner because you can make parallels between his role and which characters he's tied to in the plot, they're nothing alike as characters and he has zero development as a throwaway tragic character (who dies twice)
He's arguably more just a male Beatrix
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whats a good reshade preset

It's probably worse. I finished Stormblood. I haven't bothered playing DT for like the last three weeks. Just could not care less.
I'm sure I have seen such athing, or at least someone tabulating the lines, but I cannot find it.
Would you be happier if Wuk Lamat had a good english dub? If her range and enunciation met with your approval would you no longer resent the terrible script and worse localization?
Hiroi needs to go
Sena needs to go
Kate needs to go
Whoever composed smile needs to go
It's too late. xiv is finished. They can't get rid of so many people in critical positions while CS3 also works on 2 other games
>he still manages to get some of the best scenes somehow
Steiner is not an interesting character. His own game stops caring about him quickly and he is a joke character whose gimmick is acting like a generic fantasy like from Oblivion.
>they're nothing alike as characters
you're the only guy i've seen that says otis has no similarity to steiner as a character
Not him, but I'd be legitimately surprised if that were the case. It's not like the raid series is even a work of art, it just manages to feel completely different.
I would lick Mablu's armpits from sunup to sundown.
Not really.
It will just show me that he still needs to be off MSQ and onto smaller projects where he can focus. When I say he needs to go I mean he's already proven he can't be in charge of a full narrative.
It was thirty years, correct?
I skipped this part of the story because I had had enough.
Does Honey B look 30+ to you?
>while CS3 also works on 2 other games
This shit also needs to stop.
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I hope the strike and bad DT reception is enough to convince SE to ditch their new American VA studio and go back to the Britbong studio they've used previously going forward.
>slowly licks her lips when she sees your wallet
Cutting corners and prioritizing other projects over xiv is a CBU3 staple.
I mean. I see that he's supposed to be Steiner, mainly because this is supposedly the ff9 xpac and he's a knight, and literally no one else fits that bill at all.
Without these conditions, I'd never see him as Steiner.
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>yeah so again he's only steiner because you can make parallels between his role and which characters he's tied to in the plot
Yeah, no shit.
>they're nothing alike as characters
>he has zero development as a throwaway tragic character (who dies twice)
Yeah he was introduced too late to really do much and killed off almost immediately, though narratively this serves the function of illustrating the difference between a real person and their recreation in Living Memory.
>He's arguably more just a male Beatrix
This was probably the point of his body having a Paladin color scheme, but Otis himself doesn't behave anything like Beatrix.
SE can't help it. KH and 7R are fucking falling apart and everything except XIV and XVI have been flops, with the latter only barely managing to avoid being one.
You can't fix this mess either way. No way Kate will accept hiring Brits to voice Mexico.
So you'll get other set of amigxs that love tacos to do it instead.
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Am I the only one who actually liked the first half more than the second? The first bit was kind of boring but I enjoyed the low stakes episodic cartoon plotline and I thought Bakool Ja Ja was an extremely entertaining recurring bad guy. I definitely do not think it was perfect and wish it was better paced and more interesting (pair us up with Bakool during the cooking contest to develop him before his change) but the back half is just completely slop and a rehash of the past expansions except more anime
My biggest problem with western VA work is they are trying so hard to sound like themselves or over dramatize everything, like English Zelda VA in recent games 3D games. This one is no exception.
>but teh japanese
Japanese are pretty good with their acting, but newer VA's are pretty bland and use only 2-3 types of voice all the time. It's not like we used to have, couple VA's with 20+ different styles/ranges.
remember hitstop, barry
Please tell me she'll be a custom delivery.
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>they're nothing alike as characters
Explain to me Steiner as a character.
And then explain Otis to me as a character.
it has voicework problems throughout
Queue the emotional blackmail. I'm so tired of shit voice actors, bring on the ai.
Forspoken was a flop too ye fookin dipshite, worse than Rebirth even.
its strength is that the first half of dawntrail is exactly what a 'adventurer in a new land' arc would go like, minus wuk
No I'm not gonna explain anything to somebody that's clearly not interested. Die in a hole somewhere.
they are both bad but the first part is better than the second, at least the first half makes sense conceptually, even if the execution is boring, but it all starts falling apart after the contest ends
Dawntrail and XVI were also flops. XVI dlcs even more so. I think there's 100 people on the entire planet that bought them.
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That's what I thought pussy.
Run away without a single bit of thought.
Have you heard them? They constantly go on strike, demand more and give a dialed in performance. Sure there are some great voice actors, but they are few and far between.
I felt nothing during the first half.
The beginning of the second half made me like the first half more because I thought "Okay we did our job, Wuk is in charge now it's our turn to do our stuff with Krile and Erenville." And for most of the Shaaloani zone the game made you think that. It felt nice until the dome and instantly you're back with Wuk Lamat dominating everything.
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Big words for somebody using the webpage on his phone to browse 4chan.
the 100 ps5 owners
God you're pathetic

I didn't buy that shit.
If they had the whole story as the lower-stakes adventures going through a new location on a journey and exploring things it'd be great. Would make a fine expansion. And they could amp up stakes in a subdued way (Tural Vidraals, a slumbering monster in the Golden City, Mamook's Secret Baby Ghost Army) without introducing Cyberpunk Robot Army and Giant Mecha That Wants to Eat All Life.

They executed on the actual journey and every part of it really poorly, but we were sold on the idea of a kind of subdued, chill "vacation" adventure for the sake of adventure, and that would have been fine.
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Big words for a tiny bitch.
They probably will be. I believe that was what caused the initial VO switch after ARR.
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They knew what they were doing with Sphene with all the gratuitous pit shots and that one cutscene where it zoomed in directly on her armpit as she waved.
The only similarities they have are being knights.
They pass up the chance to do anything truly reminiscient of Steiner by having him act offended by anyone being overly friendly or acting improper around Sphene, or having any moments of crisis regarding her actions (putting her in the Brahne seat as queen).
Hell they didn't even bother saving 'Something to Protect' for the end of that instance where they killed him off
One thing I liked about Sphene was how she always side-eyed our character like she was nervous around us.
There's 0 texture making her pits stand out. You're worse than footfags. Subhumans.
She should have just sold AI Sphene sexbots to satisfy her kingdom.
the ARR studio shift was wanting longterm voice actors and the first studio was unable or unwilling to stay on for long periods (there wasn't a strike involved)
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Cut back Wuk Lamar's scenes by 50% and the first half is what everyone was asking for from Dawntrail. The second half might as well have nothing to do with the first and is a pathetic joke.
>has none of the character's flaws or personality traits
Gulool Ja is not fucking Vivi, you could make the same fucking argument about the relationship between these characters to claim he's supposed to fucking be a robot version of Barret Wallace
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why would you want sphene when she has no thighs or tummy?
>DT raids
>Start off with cute females that are all top tier waifu
>EW raids
>Start off with faggot vampire that can't stop talking about how much gay anal worms sex he wants to have

Yeah I think DT wins.
I want to trade for Mablu's mablus!
i really just wanted to go on an adventure to find the golden city so it was fine by me. wuk is annoying as fuck but in general I was liking the direction it was taking.

i would have been fine with the golden city being an ancient high tech society even, but it should have been abandoned completely with some superweapon or monster sealed inside - no solution 9 bullshit
I am once again stating that hiring american "actors" was a mistake.

Hopefully all of this garbage is thrown into the trash.
you wouldn't be making bad arguments for fun, would you, anon?
hmm... i think you and i played different raids, anon... maybe uninstall some mods and try again?
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>is what Wuk Lamat should have been
>becomes well liked in like four cutscenes and even though the raid story revolves around her and her family there is still room for others to stand out
at least pretend to read what you're responding to
The second half is dogshit because Zoraal Ja is a nothing character who didn't receive any development thanks to the first half being a prolonged care bears episode

The whole expac feels like it was compressed from a script meant for 6.0-6.3 where they cut out way too much actual character writing and we should've had Sphene fuck off with the Azem hourglass as a cliffhanger. They should've just added a second Arizona/Mexico zone and made Living Memory patch content
>is what Wuk Lamat should have been
This might be the most dangerously stupid opinion I have ever seen about this character or even about Wuk Lamat.
I thought both halves were awful, easily the worst content they've ever released
>willing to learn from (you) so you could have an actual mentor role instead of it being msq cope
Nah you're the retard.
Unless they're doing rewrites it wouldn't surprise me if the first patch is already voiced since they do a lot ahead of time. Might have 7.1 and 7.2 done. If they're doing any kind of adjustments based on DT feedback they might run into a snag but I wouldn't expect them to make significant adjustments to content they're already deep in development on. Maybe by 7.3.

It would be pretty funny if the character was written out during a strike like this and one of the last voiced lines for Wuk was the Sphene shit.
>Watch CiderSpider play the raid immediately after he finished the MSQ
>Get to the scene where he's at the gym and they're sitting drinking energy drinks
>"I've been struggling not to say it, but I really like this character and this is so good against Wuk Lamat why am I enjoying this so much? Why couldn't this have been the writing of the msq?"
A lot of people have the same thought.
I actually liked it more too. It definitely wasn't perfect, but it wasn't a total trainwreck like the 2nd half.
Vote, let's get FF6 up here
So, either he has already voiced all Wuk shit from 7.1 onwards, or they actually drop the character wholly and we will never see her again.
because they don't have anywhere near the talent or dedication that Japanese seiyuu have
The first part was garbage, so yeah probably.
>second Arizona zone
Remember how you talk to the not-native American miqote tribe, and they briefly mention not liking Koana and thinking the trains scare the not-buffalo?
and then they just give you wood for the train anyway and you never speak to them again?
I wonder how much of the MSQ was completely derailed by the DEI firm right there
I can mentally deal with a bit more Wuk Lamat focus as long as I know the character is going to Lyse's hell.
I like Bakool's mystic head. "But I could get used to it" might be my second favourite delivery in the MSQ behind Otis' simp speech.
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(Yes, please.)
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buy an ad
>make Living Memory patch content.
That's a horrible idea that would only repeat the slog that was 6.1-6.5.
All of Dawntrail real problems lead back to Wuk Lamat leeching the spotlight like a vampire when there's no good point in her doing so.
How did this incompetent retard get the job in the first place?
No one likes your little pet character, better luck next time, womp womp.
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The side content quality in DT has been decent to great, which stands out against the shitty MSQ and makes it look even worse than it is. Which also applies to comparing DT to other expansions.

I did the tank and melee DPS role quests directly after doing the MSQ. Both of them focus on you playing a mentor and companion to a focus character. Each focus character is so much more charming and likeable than Wuk Lamat that it's baffling. You see them actually fail, grow, change, develop, and succeed over the course of six quests more than Wuk Lamat does in, like, 20 hours of cutscenes. You actually feel like a mentor to them, and their eventual success feels more earned than Wuk Lamat's ever does.
intersectional nepotism
streamer worshipping child gets made that somebody doesn't suck the same cock he does... sad! many such cases!
buy an ad
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She cute
Yea but from who? Who had the power to get them to hire this fuckwit?
is that modded?
kek, you're REALLY gonna make him mad with these ones!
Nobody likes the character enough to bother with any of that. Anyone who still does it despite that, is just doing it because its a tranny and nothing to do with the character.
this one really set them off
kate, the eng localisation lead
Honestly it was incredibly jarring how we became even a bigger side character than in the first half, considering the stakes.
The train blew up its fine
Uh-oh melty!
It was also jarring how every character would actually be relevant during the last bits had some manufactured reason to stay behind. Can't risk stealing screentime from Wukky I guess.
shut up shut up shut the fuck up
Bakool Ja Ja, Sphene, Otis and Koana I thought were all very good
I am the same. First part was boring but it was whatever. Second part was riddled with plotholes and mate the game lore worse all over.
For a MSQ where the WoL is supposed to be a mentor they really, really dropped the ball on letting the player draw upon their numerous experiences to give her god-tier advice on both adventuring and how not to fuck up as a ruler. Might have actually made her speedrun character growth make more sense if she had the WoL as a cheat sheet.
>Hey, so I was thinking, my Papa has the Landsguard right? Well what if I started my OWN company of heroes to protect the people? We could call ourselves the Tural Gallants and... why are you laughing?
I refuse to believe the MSQ was written in-house
It feels entirely different from anything before it, and anything in the Dawntrail sidequests
Completely vanilla
you ever notice that every Concerned Party on 4chan is completely fucking clueless about the hires, fires, whys and wheres of the thing they're Concerned About
What kills me is that it should have been fucking Wuk Lamat staying at home at that point while Koana goes with us to Solution Nine, it would have completed his arc and it would have given him an opportunity to see his views on technological advancement at all costs challenged

Hiroi is a fucking hack, bring back Ishikawa and Oda back from whatever dungeon SE sent them to
I think one of the big things is that even though he featured heavily in Shadowbringers, the story still leaned heavily on Ardbert and Emet so even if you didn't like the crystal exarch there were still other characters that did their own narrative heavy lifting.
Even if you're the kind of person to differentiate the Crystal Exarch from Graha Tia, Endwalker has a large cast of characters with Graha only getting some of the spotlight. Graha really only felt like he took center stage in 5.4/5.5 which made some sense given that those were his first real outings as a scion but even if you hated him in that arc it was still less than 20 quests combined across both patches.

DT put all of its weight on Wuk Lamat and gave zero other characters any real time in the spotlight.
>Koana talks mad shit about how technology will ease the burdens of the people
>Gets to Heritage Found, finds out about the Regulator's erasing memories of the dead
That would have been interesting.
no. i do notice that you are vagueposting, however.
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I miss original pits girl.
The union you are with pays you. Mind you, it’s usually chump change compared to what you actually make. That’s what union dues are mainly used for.

Also, your bank cannot for close your home if you’re on strike, nor can a landlord evict you. HOWEVER you do need to still pay whatever you didn’t once the strike ends.
Unionizing is a good thing, but it’s not for every job. VA is an example of a job that should not be unionized.
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I have an irrational hatred for this boss. It's just one of those shitty, laggy fallguy crossover games, but when the DPS fucks up you'll be trapped forever.
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Femras do everything better
>Y'shtola: "a giant thunder dome and futuristic robots possibly not of this world emerging from it? Eh, I've got better things to do, later losers"

Realistically they should have both gone, and the story should have simply held off on Zoraal killing Gulool until we actually get to see some fucking semblance of his character
It's funny how the pro-scion and anti-scion groups both get fucked over in DT.
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Just start spamming, tranny.
>Vague posting in a thread that has an OP with information about the recent VA hired for the main character of dawntrail
>"Ever notice how 4chan knows nothing about the hiring the firing and whys"
If this is bait it's pretty piss poor.
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I really disliked that, but her stating that WoLs safety is more important than her urge to jump in was kind of cute...
What's vagueposting, I don't watch Asmongold so I'm not up to date on these terms.
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>Asmongold out of nowhere
rent free kek
holy newfag
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what bottoms are those?
give a bad writer 20 hours of cutscene budget and he's just gonna give you 20 hours of bad cutscenes
did you forget to take your meds today?
I like the Otis robot and both of the two heads and the sheriff. I don't even remember if Otis counts or if he still used a brit. Nothing else from the new actors sounded particularly good.
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>the message is actually pretty clear
Isle Vacationer's Tanga
I think it's the only piece that gives lalas buttcheek definition
i'll keep it in mind. thanks
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I like how Square Enix took a look at Shadowbringers which about tripled the games' playerbase and generated a shitload of money for them in cash shop and merch sales and went 'You know, let's take the writer that did that and put her somewhere else, by the way let's heavily edit Endwalker too and take all the blood out'

It's like SE is terminally incapable of making good decisions, that fujo dropped solid gold in their laps and they were like 'Oh, yeah nah we're good back to the marketing dungeon with you'

Whatever desk they've got her chained to better put out a good fucking game, if they've got her writing NPC dialogue for fucking Kingdom Hearts or some shit I'm going to blow my fucking gasket
how young do you have to be to not know what vagueposting means?
you know what vague posting is
Koana, Bakool Ja Ja, Gulool Ja Ja, Cahciua were great. Most of the latino VA's doing south Tural characters were okay.
The big offenders were Wuk, and the 4kids anime dub performances in Shaaloani.
Keky! You really made them mad with this.
They already put her on EW because of ShB and EW plot was a mess.
Shadowbringers was a fluke.
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is this 'pablo' in the room with us right now?

I hated, HATED her and it was 90% because every other fucking Viera in the entire game we've heard with a voice has an Icelandic accent and yet mysteriously Erenville(who has an Icelandic accent)'s mother is a sassy black woman

Si, senor.
EW was also meant to be two expansions but it went through rewrites and suffered due to COVID.
could you repeat that in english? i dont speak spanish.
she did well enough that she was promoted to a supervisory position, that's jap corp culture
the fact that it leaves a gaping vacuum on the XIV team doesn't matter to them. they did the same thing with koji.
I'm not sure 'LIL DONNIE' posting is widespread enough of a meme (outside of /tv/) to be using it like this.
Me gustan los tacos de arroz y un refresco de concha.
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That's just Yoshida not caring about western dub tradition when he elevated Erenville to main character and retconned him to be a Turali Viera.
Erenville VA is probably the worst one
>playing the eng dub
you dug this grave so lie in it and stop bitching
>Why would they?
Because it's their job as performance actors, why would anyone respect voice actors who don't respect their own work or part in a larger project?
How do I interpret colors in fflogs? I cleared my first ex on content today but I fucking sucked
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>people actually thought EW was bad and ShB was better
legitimately the most confusing part of these threads to me
He's fine. The performance is at least, the accent is not for everyone though, and the fact that it's another Nael van Darnus situation sours it even more regardless.
Anything below 50 = bad
>How do I interpret colors in fflogs?
Orange - gud.
Purple - acceptable.
Everything else - kill yourself.
Grats for the clear.
A clear is a clear.
Are you talking launch MSQ or overall MSQ and content quality/quantity? Because ShB patch series defintiely was better.
If you have the best weapon then anything below blue is terrible
5.0 vs 6.0
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brb killing myself

Thanks bros
a clear is a clear but if you want to not look like you were dragged and carried through content (like many women I see with grey clears on ults), try getting at least a blue
blue = the bare minimum. respect for trying
purple = you're getting the hang of it and you at the very least know how to play
orange and above = you are solidly good at the game
I'm 100% convinced she's writing XVII, built on XVI's Radec Engine.
Only question in my head being who the fuck is directing.
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Aim for purple as a baseline
Work your way up from there, PF and randoms will limit your potential however
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>I will not be voicing any more video game projects
>1 hour passes
>I have no new VO roles
How could this happen?
It is an achievement for sure
>The performance is at least
no, he's annoying, every viera is. i think icelandic people just can't act? maybe get the people from lazy town, they were alright
Just improve. Everyone has greys and anyone says otherwise is a goddamn liar.
What's your gear?

Did you die?

Did you get any damage downs?

Why isn't your active% any higher?
Lyna was good. Her accent wasn't overbearing though.
The only time someone should parse grey is when they die 2-3 times
Doesn't sound American. Strange prosody and some phonemes are off.
"this" "truly" "the" some others.

Generally bad emotion as well, of course.
To elaborate: anything below 50 represents either a fundamental lack of understanding of how to play, or multiple deaths/damage downs. Both of those are things that can be fixed.
no she also made my ears bleed, didn't help that the character herself was annoyingly intrusive
For me it's my KING tom and jerry boomer
Or an internet disaster.
I got a 0 once because I kept crashing and DC'ing in a fight. That was an embarrassing day.
>but I fucking sucked
Don't worry about that, bud. Clear is a clear.
As you do more runs, just work on getting mechanics and positioning right first. Once you have that down, then its just a matter of slamming your rotation down to get the deeps.
As with all things, its really just a matter of experience.
>What's your gear?
Tomestone armor, artifact weapon, dungeon accesories
>Did you die?
>Did you get any damage downs?
I don't think so
>Why isn't your active% any higher?
Panicked a few times, I think I got hit with the ice thing. After the fire phase everything goes downhill for me. I'll keep trying until I can do it without dying at least
P is for peasant or person maybe. It means you know only English. Used mostly by ESLs as a response to the term.
Because Crystal Exarch was a bro in ShB and although G'Raha is a fag, he wasn't in my face 24/7 in EW and even then he was fine when he wasn't busy sucking on my dick. And even that was sucking on MY dick, not huffing paint by himself.
That's something out of the player's control, so I didn't bother listing it. You can't help internet troubles.
crystal exarch 5.1 5.2 was a huge retard.
I got nothing but greys my first time raiding in zodiark-endsinger ex and asphodelos, now I can consistently hit oranges and have done ults. Godspeed, anon
Oh, I figured out he's Mexican. Okay.
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Alphinaud just abandoned these little guys on the side of the road.
Stop noticing that the MSQ has always been bad
I'm basically repeating what other anons said, but: Try again when you have the trial weapon. Better accessories would help too. Dying is a big no-no. It's also important to be comfortable enough with your rotation that you can keep mashing it while also doing the mechanics since that leads to less panic.

But overall clear is a clear.
nothing ever happens
>Lyna intrusive

Did you play a special edition of ShB that the rest of the universe didn't?
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Japanese Seiyuus career path:


>You're interested in the acting or voice acting because you've consumed media
>Perhaps you're a part of your local schools drama or theater club or maybe anime club where you can dabble in these
>You graduate high school and join an actual school for it like Nichinare the most famous one https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E3%83%8A%E3%83%AC%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B7%E3%83%A7%E3%83%B3%E6%BC%94%E6%8A%80%E7%A0%94%E7%A9%B6%E6%89%80
>You then trains and get trained by veterans of the industry
>You Carrier paths after the school are not "Voice acting" but pop idol / seiyuu / actor / singer / vtuber / train station announcer / radio personality / youtuber / anything that requires a voice
>Some other schools are designed as talent scout agencies where the agency already has you covered while you're in school landing you a role here and there if you're good

There are many of these schools all over Japan. There is significant demand for the peoples talents.

Let's look at two older female voice actors English.


>Voices nearly all of the high speed trains in Japan
>Voices countless lines in Japan
>Produces her own music
>Produces music and lyrics for media
>Is a freelance announcer for NHK
>Gets invited to various JP talk shows or variety shows
>Gets small roles in TV shows and such
>Started a business to export heat pads to Australia from Japan


>She does anime
>She directed ADR for anime a bit

Okay what about some famous male?


>He did anime
>He moved to Youtube
>He started designing games and DnD shit

This guy get it, but this guy is RARE. Most of the Voice Acting tallent in the US is literal amateurs with 0 actual voice acting training. If you're lucky their actors by training.
I was thinking about them yesterday, should let us glam them if Alph is never going to use them again.

So you're talking out your ass then, gotchu senpai.
You're just a retard
>So you're talking out your ass then
your waifu is shit and annoying
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>tranny VA who manages to get his foot through the door either by sheer blind fucking luck or by cronyism (probably both)
>can count the number of roles the dude has under his belt on one hand
>is unironically going on strike like he's a Hollywood writer who's been in the biz for decades
This amount of unwarranted ego is actually astonishing
This still sounds like American VAs being huge uncooperative fucking assholes
>Donna Burke
I love her
Didn't know that about the train chick. That's pretty cool and the comments are just all Japanese people marking out over her.

The meta now to get into voice acting seems to be unironically just shilling yourself on twitter to get into ingroups and voice a billion fucking memes and fucking 4CHAN GREENTEXTS until you get an in.
>not fuck
Fujos get out
Absolutely soulless
I still think a lot of the VA could've been saved in DT if the voice directing wasn't so fucking awful.
It's like they took the first takes of every line and said "YEAH THIS SOUNDS GOOD" and just went with it, no fucking quality control, what happened with this expac?
>and fucking 4CHAN GREENTEXTS
we run the VA business
you can't direct someone with no talent in the first place
EU VAs have other jobs to do expect anime and video games.

Everything needs to be dubbed, Americans shows, American media, games, events, ads for American brands. And they can work as radio hosts, announcers and so on.

Usually one gets hired to match a voice of someone from the US so as long as that person preforms well you will have roles as well.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MG5pOfpy0IE - This german guy here did Sylverster Stallone and Arnold and as long as they did movies he had work.


Meanwhile in the US when something high caliber needs to be dubbed they get actual actors to do it.

Like why the fuck are Boy and Heron voice actors Robert Pattinson and Christian Bale, Mark Hamill, Dave Bautista, Willem Dafoe?

This just shows that nobody in the US treats voice actors with any respect or considers them important.
Thancred sounds off too and Y'sthola sounding like she's calling from a tin can is also a common complaint.
The ARR to HW change is due to two reasons:
>Soundelux, the company that does ARR's VA recording, goes bankrupt, and every VA contract would have to be renegotiated individually.
>at the exact same time the US VA unions are threatening with a strike, which would occur a year later

SE literally had no choice but to go with Side UK instead else they'd have to delay Heavensward.
How'd we go from this
to that?
just imagine whats around the bend~
/dbs/ won
another two years of pain at least, since squeenix never makes big changes outside of the x.0 patches?
>tfw black mage main
Voice acting is typically done on a piecemeal contract basis. No one is a permanent employee of the company they are doing voice work for. In the case of voice actors, striking just means they are not doing any current jobs and not accepting any new jobs.
People saying Wuk is Zidane have not played FF9
Thats all and good but you need to realize that in the Japanese dub they voiced by some very heavy fucking hitting expensive ass voice actors.

Like the somewhat irrelevant Papalymo Totolymo was Eri Kitamura
Even side characters like Cid are voiced by top tier shit like Rikiya Koyama

And this weren't nobodies back then when they were hired they were already A tier actors. The only people that are kind of meh nobodies was Nero hes a comedian first voice actor second.

And how very all in SE was on the game should tell you that Lahabrea is voiced by Shuichi Ikeda the guy that voiced Char in Gundam, Scorpio Milo in Saint Seya, Shanks in One Piece and he also voices Jet Li in the Japanese dubs.
and today? what's the acting chops of the newer VAs?
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>BIG pubes
Isn't Y'shtola's VA also really expensive?
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I want them to go back to the original expansion girl formula from XI and bring in Hayamin. I'd cream my pants so hard.
>Papa was voiced by Ami
Damn. RIP my lil nigga
>doesn't notice Azem's symbol on the goblet

I hate streamers so much
Thats because theres is no actual voice acting industry in the US. The good roles go to famous actors, the radio hosts, announcers, ads people are all a totally separate industry.

So voice acting in the US is literally video games and anime. And most anime voice actors are fucked because anime voices are not and emotional ranges are not suited to the English language.

The voice range needed for anime is FuwaMoco
But they speak Japanese and understand what type of voice range, quirks and techniques go into making a "cute" voice.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpiLtYU42Jo Listen to dogshit. Holy shit.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBuVHbU5P8A The Japanese version is like day and night.

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