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This will sell our game.
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Someone in the studio has to look like "her"
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one of these abominations, though they all look the same
>gender bent
Some of these faces look like the inhuman jump scares youd see in those shitty analog horror videos.
do these not feel patronizing to gay or bisexual people?
>designers submit a draft for freeze's wife
>hot white chick in slick armor
>consultants take a look
>character is now black, lame and gay
every time
You need to stop trying to force this "every ugly looking character is a self-insert" schtick, the scant few supposed examples are painful stretches as it is.

Sometimes people can just design an ugly character.
does it matter? they made character that they think will find good feedback from ugly smelly goblins, it was made for them.
Literally ass licking degenerates. They love this faggot shit.
>does it matter?
Yes, because every thread for an ugly character we have to have a pointless bickering argument of people saying "it MUST be a writer's self insert!" and getting mad when people point out they posted like, a level designer or something who would have nothing to do with character modelling and they look nothing like the character anyway. It also obscures the real issue, if the problem was "lone female devs" self inserting their faces in games, that's one thing, but a widespread mandate of desexualizing characters so much through iteration that you wind up with nothing but garbage designs like OP is a much more difficult to tackle problem.
Don't believe your lying eyes! There's no feminist war on male sexuality in videogames, chud! You need to worry about conservatives banning the sexy content!
>What about the Xbox CEO? Hasn't she already banned female body types that are idealized for me-
G-Grifter thread!
as a transwoman, I dont know who all these queer characters are for besides black rock

im just gonna pick the karate koala or a hot guy or if im playing ranked the S tier characters or the absolute worst character depending on how I want to play that season
im not going to be some Thunder Thighed Rainbow Blob the fuck
I would begrudgingly, out of the kindness of my heart, sleep with #2.
By the way, are they sitting in front of a green screen? It looks like they're not really there to me.
unintentionally read that as "sign of the end times" at first
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>introduce hideous gender swapped Mr. Freeze with the body of a fat old man, just with small gremlin-like tits to remind you that she's female
>someone names the episode "Sign of the Times"
This was deliberate venting from a frustrated boss on the inside, wasn't it?
So the studio is just going scorched earth now the game bombed or what?
dude flags lmao
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Here's what an ice villainess would look like if modern DC wasn't hostile towards men. Imagine getting to fight this instead.
You know this is pure malice if only for the fact that they chose to genderswap Victor Fries rather than just put Killer Frost, a woman that comes prepackaged with a dyke haircut, into the game instead.
Killer Frost was in the Arkamverse in fact
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why was she so sexo in that movie?
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Holy Christ I can't believe they've done this
what even is this game?
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>we could have go this
I fucking hate modern Rocksteady
still would
Unironically gay. That's an unhealthy man's body with ugly tits plastered on.
Why is this game still a thing? Just kill it already, jesus
>meanwhile marvel rivals' ice woman character
They've sold a season pass so they have to release new content
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forgot pic
They are going all out now, huh?
>Suicide Squad
lol wtf is this shit tell me so I know never to buy this game
>Mrs Freeze
What the fuck, I honestly thought he was some faggy Asian dude this whole time
Kill the justice league
I’m glad they didn’t waste pure sexo Killerfrost on this fucking trainwreck of a game. Save her for when vidya actually becomes good again
don't worry, nobody bought teh game
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bwc queen
you'd mostly be right but these people are narcissists to the core. They don't get at all the idea of working on something where they are not the main character. That's why everything they make has their body shape and says and thinks literally every single thing they believe.
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For "modern audience"
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She doesn't look not very _hot_
This isn't really that accurate though, yes they make fat or homely people, but the extreme Concord style "everyone is filed down into a bunch of bland checkmarks" is down to iteration after iteration with teams and testing and consulting gradually making the most unappealing design possible, which is more interested in hitting chart targets than actually making a character design anyone wants to see.
>Fat, Asian, "realistic" (ugly), lesbian, desexualized
That's actually disgusting
Which way?
Oops, she. Guess I still do kek
I'm pretty sure that's illegal
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This is what happens when you let women design female characters
>Overwatch has a fat, Chinese ice lady and people seem to love her!
Gross. I'm going to have to politely ask you to delete your post as it is very offensive to the eyes.
Samus... Had a hard life.
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Because she is cute
That's literally an old man
With man-boobs
Yes the ideal female body for a woman according to women is a man's body
Was this the inspiration for that granny astronaut game for PS5?
Fairytale is a trash manga with trash characters
From one of the top 5 most respected devs in the industry to a laughingstock on the chopping block in one game. Honestly never seen such a rapid decline.
fucking lol
she looks like she was rejected from starfield
Stuff like this really bothers me, a girl should walk like a girl, in REmake 2 Claire's gait is manlier than Leon's
The game was such a massive flop. It's already been like 4 months, how are Rocksteady still hanging in there? Are Blackrock going to bail them out or will there be quiet layoffs?
This is the first game they've released in years and it didn't even come close to selling what it needed to sell to be an okay spot.
that's just because leon is zesty
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Did they really have to add the midriff contours? I thought that was what ((they)) always complained about skintight suits for women in Japanese games.
Many women have designed beautiful characters.
This only apples to Japan
In this case it doesn't count because she's fat, therefore it's empowering.
The current state of the western entertainment industry has to be like an episode of the Twilight Zone for a lot of these woke creators who thought that they were going to be in control for forever only for their ex-customers that they took for granted to laugh at them as their studios collapse and their jobs vanish.
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>who are you gonna believe, chud, me or your lying eyes?
Do a backflip from the roof, faggot.
You know what I meant
the real twilight zone shit is how they never learn from their or other studios' mistakes
>but the consultants said these character designs would sell our game, i don't get it!
>hmm maybe we just didn't make the characters ugly and ethnic enough...
She's not even just fat. That's a man's torso.

Extra empowering, sure to repulse those who commit the sin of having a male gaze.
wait she's a woman? i thought it was a chubby chink twink with that asshole wink
lol the same stupid one every single time
I want to fuck the ink blot girl
Hottest batman villain
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lol the same retarded comment every single time
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Arnold would be disappointed
Rocksteady will die and everybody responsible will fail upwards. Propaganda is more important than profit or job security to these people.
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That is Laura Bailey, you spastic. No, she doesn't look like Sam Maggs.
Stupid people don't understand when they're being patronized. Any acknowledgement is good.
This claim makes no sense. Why would a random writer be involved in character design? MJ has a face model and it's the same one since the first game.
Lmao no, they have no souls
>Mist Xer Frees...
She looks like fucking Charles Dance
Ironically enough art like this completely destroys the original idea behind Samus, that's just how incredibly shit it is
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I miss the time when Nora looked like a woman, to be frank.
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I always adore these leftist grifter redesigns of Samus because you can immediately tell they have never played a single Metroid game in their entire existence, otherwise they'd know that Samus is supposed to be nimble and agile and forcing her to be some kind of huge tank is fucking retarded
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She is not fat, at least when i played that dogshit she was clearly skinny and just wearing a huge suit
Did they retcon her into being a pig?
>The "suicide squad says trans rights" meme is real after all
kek, this is peak irony
It's more like she always possessed a chunky, rather average figure. Her lore cinematic didn't exactly have her waddling around, she was just... curvy. And still is, really. She's not fat, she's just thick. Fanartists will exaggerate or ignore this, as is their right, but in all official Mei-terial, she's just a thick lady. At most she'd have a muffin top or love handles.
Victor French Fries
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Wouldn't call her skinny, just kinda robust. They added a mma skin for her which fits her surprisingly well.
dios mio...
I hope the husband of the rightmost one is into that. If he is, he's a lucky man. The two on the left look like they might burst into treats and it might be from the smell from the two in the middle.
I refuse to believe any woman designed this, as it looks like someone's been huffing the Fallout Neo Vaginas juice.
Those thunder thighs are skinny to you? Okay bro.
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>a frumpy chink doing research in Antarctica playing table tennis because the IRL events demanded it
>toned and fit like a professional tennis player
lmao the thighs in the decal are absolutely not defined at all
That's not fucking skinny. My sister-in-law has this kind of body type and all she does is read Homestuck fanfiction.
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It applies to every country that isn't Am*rica.
Absolutely disgusting.
arnold would love it
hes a commie drug addict, wife beater, left his kid, and a roid monkie
you can bet he says "trans rights" before going to sleep like prayer
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>This is what happens when you let women design female characters
This is what happens when you allow kikes and their golems to do it.

Stefton hill, this demonic jew was main pusher of making SS as woke as possible, and turning women into ugly butch dykes.
People dont remember, but there was huge drama around arkham city release when he started his purges in the studio to replace anybody right of stalin with women, blacks and far leftsists.
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The sooner we get to global war followed by second American Civil War all this globohomo tranny shit will die overnight.
the cope in this post
jews want you to hate women, in reality its mens fault for allowing jews to brainwash people with media and academia

the idea women would like ugly blob butch dykes as design is insane, this shit comes from marxist activists, in this case we can name him by name, Stefton Hill, he fired anybody who would not fallow his designs
jannies are going to delete the thread now that you've done this
This is not, the reason. DEI financial incentives are six figures usually and not a cent more. The reason why all of this stuff is happening is because Sweet Baby and other DEI companies are running a protection racket. You hire them, and they won't find issues with your game or your staff in terms of diversity, meaning you won't get sued or scrutinized for your hiring practices or sexism/racism claims.

The Black Myth: Wukong team rejected SweetBaby's $7 million "consultation" and when that happened, articles started coming out about diversity and issues with the game. It's insane to think about how blatant they are, but it's a literal protection racket that uses diversity to break kneecaps.
Why not use Nora or Killer Frost?
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I'm fine with hating women that look like a parade float.
Lmao, I hate this country so much
you have brain rot and absolutely no understanding of how business works
You won't believe me, but I worked in the game industry for almost my entire career lol. I know this industry better than you and have seen this happen with my own eyes. I purposefully referenced a company that publicly rebuked SweetBaby so that I could hide the company I worked for when I saw it happen personally.
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>Did they retcon her into being a pig
IIRC, that's exactly what happened. Some sorta skin dropped for her in OW1, and it showed her off as way slimmer than people (hamplanets) expected her to be.
>Captcha: SPRY
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Holy faceblind retard alert
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>I worked in the game industry for almost my entire career lol. I know this industry better than you and have seen this happen with my own eyes
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reminds me of this guy
I got laid off in January with a nice severance package. You should be able to figure it out. I'm not lying, and you're a mental midget.
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>I'm not lying
Wukong is already about monkey, isn't it enough representation?
no she's COLD you RETARD
Still better than anything from the west lmao
This is legit the worst looking character I've ever seen. Nothing even on Concord is at this level.

Mrs. Fridge
Achievable natty?
>’realistic’ woman
>thighs twice the length of her calves
This guy was terrifying.
>ignores basic logic question

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