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This game is overrated and too easy
Today I'll remind them.
how can anybody fight that fucking frankestain and say this fucking game is too easy
And yet it's still my favourite game of all time
it's my favorite castlevania
if it's so easy why does that retard only have 5 health left?
True. The ability to whip in 8 different directions is really fucking good, so good it makes some weapons like the axe obsolete because you can just whip enemies above you.
you miss out on power ups if you just use your whip though
So make a hardmode romhack.
Why isn't it just called Castlevania 4?
I'd assume it's because it's the first SNES entry, so they just stuck Super on it
It's officially not a Metroidvania tho
It is really easy but it's still 10/10
Many such cases
been seeing some hate for castlevania 4 lately and i cant help but think its because avgn said it was his favorite. so now its popular. and like clockwork the contrarians march into battle to oppose all those pesky fun-having fools
>castlevania is dead because Konami are retarded
It hurts
Every konami ip is dead because they are retarded
It's not a new opinion

I always considered Castlevania 4 a solid game, but i never enjoyed it like a Classicvania, it had a very "off" feeling

And to be fair, the AVGN proved he was just the normiest of fuckers with that video, like we always knew shit was scripted but really James, are you really this much of a normalfag?
You're not wrong but I still love that game.
Bloodlines perfected classicvania and you can't change my mind
>but rondo
That one's close, but no cigar
>too easy
I had a gf who was obsessed with Super Castlevania 4, super metroid, and gradius(whichever one was on snes) and I remember being so excited to play it because I loved the GBA and DS castlevania games, only to be greeted with a linear easy "action game". Im not gonna say its a bad horseshit game, but theres 100 other games that do what Super Castle4 is trying to do better, and Im talkin NES games. Super Castle 4 definitely leans on its graphics and music
castlevania 4 is back on /v/'s head because avgn decided to yet again romanticize how good whipping in 8 directions is,and it IS what defines a good castlevania game,oh you cant whip in 8 directions? You already lost buddy,cant dethrone the superior castlevania 4

so naturally /v/ will try to swim against the current somehow and claim the game is shit,but instead of playing by themselves,they are formulating their opinion off egoraptor's old ass 10 year old video,and im sure its that because he is the only retard online that mentions that game is easy,its not,he very likely just played the first 2 or so stages,the game is filled to the brim with unfair situations and 8 directional whipping wont do dick against tight platforming with stiff controls and enemies coming out of nowhere

how do i know this? I played the fucking game recently,its clear as day people who participate in these threads just spout mindless nonsense those retarded ecelebs say,its so innacurate and repetitive it drives me crazy,and really bothers me who actually plays and cares about castlevania,3 is the best one of the classic era btw,it has great replay value and amazing level design
Based 3chad
I heard some faggot in a SMB3 thread calling the Caslte theme from Mario World "god tier". I want him to listen to this.
considering I beat Drac first try blind, Im gonna say yeah, its a fuckin cakewalk
get a life Mr. Matei
the game is awesome and your opinion is low quality. Best 2D castlevania game.
It's fine but Rondo of Blood and Bloodlines are better.
Fuck off egoraptor
I don't get my information on video game quality from ecelebs. Buy an ad.
Castlevania IV is the best in the series.
it's also the FUNNEST of the boomervanias
for the love of God, give me some more action platformers which are difficult. I've already played the following series:
>ninja gaiden
>ghost n goblins
fuck I've even played batman NES at this point. the lack of challenging 2D game series besides these is insane.
That second video reminded me that there are some real rough spots in CV4. that gear jump at 3:10 is a cunt, and the tower climb where you have to jump onto the stairs and also figure out where those rising platforms spawn is awful. The spike traps from earlier are at least consistently observable before you go for it, but it is some tight maneuvering.
Going for 1cc's probably weren't the intended way to play from the developers, so it's my fault for trying it, but I gave up cause it made an enjoyable game miserable. So much nasty instant-death on the second half of a decently long game.
Holy diver
Ugliest snes game of all time
Shinobi series
FF4 and FF5 and DQ5 are much uglier
Super Castlevania IV is a beautiful game, you’re just a faggot zoomy
You probably never even seen the game on a typical tow resolution 80s CRT with RF or Composite
Nah, you are straight up delusional if you think SC4 is ugly.
HOLY SHIT this game is some real good shit. I still am slightly let down that it doesn't have holy diver by dio chiptune version playing in the background. thanks.

I'll try this next. thank you.
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This game is the Dark Souls 3 of Castlevania.
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And dumb
Kick Master
>he is the only retard online that mentions that game is easy,its not
lmao how much of a shitter are you? 4 is easy as fuck. the game throws a bit of a challenge only during the final boss rush. I didn't even die once in my first playthrough from start to when I met slogra.
This game is cool, but too hard for me.
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You can actually whip things you want to whip, this makes everything way too easy
looks cool. I will play this.

completed. I hate the new game because it is roguelike game.

I'm very skeptical about modern retro throwbacks because they usually aren't really difficult but alright I'll give it a try

played everything till shattered soldier. hard corps is the best so far. still have rebirth, hard corp uprising, and operation galuga to go through.
Its good because its fun to play and has kino production values
easy is good
hard is bad
most ppl will agree with this
and you you re not most ppl and no one care about you
cope hard
your life is a waste
all you have is vdo games achievements to appease greasy fat nerds
lmao they probably say you didnt beat the game
dracula x is the better snes game. there I said it.
Why do retards have the of the idea of hard=good?

A game with good gameplay will always be better than some stiff shit that is only considered hard because of bad control.
I played through Dracula X a while ago. Man, fuck that game.
Dark Souls ruined a generation of gamers.
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This game is overrated and too easy.

Castlevania 3 (western release) is king and anyone who doesn't agree just got filtered.
the only thing that Dracula X does wrong is the Dracula boss fight. everything else it does is still great.
Console games back then were deliberately bullshit to disguise how short they were. Most of these fans mistake that for good, considered game design or just never played them in the first place and latch onto it to seem cultured.
yea yea go back to your elden ring or sekiro threads and stay there.
Atlantis no Nazo. Come back to me when you finished this game. Without save states. Probably never.
Kid Chameleon
I got filtered by looking it up. seems like a non linear game with weird map design. pass

interesting but I prefer action centric platformers more. this one seems more like SMB 3 and mega man.
>interesting but I prefer action centric platformers more
If action you mean combat then I'd rec Chakan and Xmen 2 on the Genesis.
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Castlevania Dungeon...home.
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>Super Mario World is much easier than its predecessors
No one gives a fuck
>A Link to the Past is much easier than its predecessors
No one gives a fuck
>MegaMan X is much easier than its predecessors
No one gives a fuck
>Super Metroid is much easier than its predecessor
No one gives a fuck
>Final Fantasy IV is much easier than its predecessors
No one gives a fuck
>Super Castlevania IV is much easier than its predecessors
Everyone loses their minds
>Castlevania SOTN is much easier than SCIV
No one gives a fuck
Marketing. Same reason why so many Nintendo 64 games had the 64 suffix(?).
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It plays good but I hate how some stages look like they used some sort of tileset from the SNES.
I don't get why people complain about being able to whip in any direction when the original developers already stated that it was intended to be that way from the very first game and only didn't do it because of nes' limitations.
You also don't see anyone complain about Super Metroid which lets you shoot in multiple directions
You already posted this on /vr/ and got BTFO.
it's overrated because it is boring.
don't care, it's the most soulful
Chronicles is a busted pile of shit that rehashed RoB, of all things. the original is great for nostalgia, but really was primitive overall. that leaves IV and (You) can always ROMhack it to make it harder
How many unfair situations where in 4? I only remember the auto scroller section where you have to jump into platforms that take you up but there are many spiked ceilings.
But i can't remember many more.
In contrast i remember 3 having more bullshit, like the falling blocks section, a way to tight jump in the ghost ship, the skull heads on the breaking floor just in front of the door in the final elvel and the bats in the pendulum room.

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