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Refute THIS
>borderlands writer
borderlands 3 writer
Souls games are great despite their faults. It really makes you wonder how incompetent the seethers must be such that they're unable to compete with shoddy programming and halfbaked quests.
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He's absolutely right in a good way
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Soulsgames are some of the most annoying fads in recent gaming history, these games are so barebones and shallow it's laughable, the games literally play the same, the only difference being that the bosses get more and more over the top while you keep playing as a generic lame ass medieval fag, the fact that normalfags managed to convince themselves that these mainstream games are somehow niche is ridiculous, and the worst part is that if you have a triple digit IQ these games aren't hard at all, and can be exploited in so many ways making the enemies a joke, and soulsfags know this, this is why the "you didn't beat the game" meme became so prevalent, you literally have to gimp yourself to get any enjoyment out of these games because you'll realize how poor thought out many mechanics are and how retarded the enemies are.
australians are a deeply unfunny people
He literally apologized

You lost
>revolutionized games
Name 3 other series that switched to this style of storytelling.
Every indie game
It was written by the Borderlands 3 writer, that is enough to refute any claims he has about "another game has bad writing"
There's nothing to refute
I agree, but not in the snarky way this niggerfaggot is trying to deliver his opinion
Humans should learn to observe better and piece things on their own instead of having everything shoved in their faces
Providing brief snippets of information is engaging world design and allows people to come up with fan theories and speculations about what's going on. It fosters a healthy interest in the history of a fictional world and presents an intellectual challenge at solving a puzzle with pieces missing.
Nothing says "I'm not mad" like a Gigachad.
Thanks chatGPT
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>refute a joke written by a borderlands writer
Not when the writing is a flanderized, aimless mess of its former self.
DS1 kept its tragedies disparate and far in between, literally every single plot thread in Elden Ring is "This thing was once great...and now it's not......" or "This person set out to do a thing, knowing it would end them....and it did.........."
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The reason souls games are like this is because they prioritize the GAME over the story and then just make a bunch of post hoc item descriptions to weave a loosely coupled narrative together so the game can be somewhat coherent instead of a string of complete randomness. And as much as it makes writers seethe, it's a proven winning formula because nobody gives a fuck about your shitty story, and they especially don't give a fuck if it actively interferes with the gameplay and flow of the game. It's just a detriment at that point. A huge reason souls games rose to popularity in the first place is because people didn't like the direction the industry was moving in with shitty movie games. That's why the zanzibart meme doesn't work as a criticism and people just embrace it.
You didn't get the answer in the last thousand threads about this?
Why would I refute it?
I love souls games and the tweet is hilarious as fuck.
Grow up and get a sense of humor.
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You need variation
A game where lore and story isnt forcefed down your throat whenever possible is of course going to be noticed and appreciated but if that keeps on happening and we only see that going forward for all games then it will get stale
Writers for video games should feel free to experiment with how they tell the story of the game
It’s true. I had 50 tickets booked to a Aussie comedian someone suggested at work for an end of year thing. Then I watched his Insta and cancelled them all, spent the money on a fuck load of booze instead.
He contacted me via email and was fuming about it, because it was only a 100 seat show and he’d apparently only booked like 15 other seats.
I told him to put a cancellation clause on his ticketing page, and said that actually good performers get them applied automatically by the vendors.
He didn’t joke about that.
What comedian?
I am Australian and can agree that we have fuck all, if any, funny comedians
This wasn't the case in Dark Souls and Demon Souls. If you actually listened to dialogue NPCs would tell you what the fuck is going on and who important people are. It wasn't until 2 that you got told to go kill random people for bullshit reasons.
What drives a man to post the same shit over and over
>a ma'am
lol i don't know why this meme tickles me so
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Our comedians are shit tier but for some reason we know how to make really good skits.
Sam took his winkler dinkler and touched tommy in his no no place.
so don't play them, faggot
I can't.... OP... forgive me...
More like demon souls and Bloodborne
>"Twitter users... forgive me"
the entire point of these games was always the emergent gameplay from you having to put together 2 and 2 and figure out what the fuck was happening just from story told through the environment and exploration, best exemplified through old invasions being the sole form of PvP where you just ran into dudes out in the world and fought them like normal enemies

now From has lost the plot and they buy into their own "LE PREPARE TO DIE" shit and it's all about the games trying to catch out veterans that already know the schtick with unnatural delays and rollcatches or stat-inflated bosses for the sake of being 'hard' and the "emergent gameplay and community" now boils down to "google the guide on how to complete this esoteric bullshit quest that can lock itself if you walk five steps southwest and yell git gud at any actual discussion or criticism"
Call out Miyazaki "plot" and stupid af naked king youtubers at the same time. Based
That's why they're all on i'm a celebrity, literal hacks that have no success and can spend weeks on an awful gameshow.
>He did the image
Kek the irony
It let's you piece together and interpret it. You criticize that. But imagine saying this while you are known for this slop. Almost can guarantee this fag felt snubbed by the vgas
Even a Borderlands writer can see how shit the writing is
I guess as bad as it is at least he's not Anthony Burch
>Millenial writer trying to shit on others
Lol. Lmao.
I don't care who he is. But the fact that he got job at gearbox means he is already more successful than 99% failed game devs on /v
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Zanzifart... forgive me...
> You will accept boypussy *nukes*
He was never wrong it's the fact that people who can't counter his point resorted to forced spam ironic shitposts to make it a meme and it worked. You can still see that people are shitposting about it in this thread because making something into a meme is easier than to disprove someone with a genuine thought posted.
>he worked on Borderlands
So what? A broken clock is right twice a day and in some way Fromsoft introduced a way of writing where you just be lazy and have the fans make up the rest of the lore.
If it wasn't a Japanese company that made this than /v/ will be calling him based.
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>verbose storytelling anally explaining everything in detail like it's a wikipedia page vs obtuse storytelling where you're only given vague hints that you have to piece together to find out what happened
they're both wrong, storytelling should be giving you multiple conflicting stories from different perspectives, some longer, some shorter, most not even agreeing on the time and place of the events, where you can't be sure what exactly happened and will have to just ultimately settle on your own interpretation or agree with a story by a side that you sympathise with
the only Souls game that had good storytelling was Demon's Souls
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hmmmmm no, the point of these games is to troll you, every aspect of the gameplay and the story is a joke on you, miyazaki takes great joy in playing the trickster and making the players fall for his stupid traps, lore youtubers are the biggest joke of them all, because they spend hours trying to explain a joke, a completely futile and silly effort
>can play the entire game not giving a shit about the story
>can go turboautist on the story/lore
I like having a choice. Souls games give me that choice. Unlike fucking Borderlands or 99% of modern AAA games where I have to listen to pure cringe every three seconds, MCU/Rick and Morty jokes
Super Mario did it in 85
Who gives a shit about story, I bet the John Carmack quote is posted itt at least 10 times. I'd rather have "forgive me zanzibart" than fucking audio logs or journal entries
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Cope harder
the mesmer cutscene is a perfect example of this but it backs you and borderlands man off so horrifically badly at the same time it's hilarious with how thorough and clear cut messmers story is. Basically equates the meme with "I'm too stupid to use a little bit of critical thinking reeeeeee I hate reading aiiiieeeee" which is usually true
He works at Gearbox because nobody else would hire him.
Still undefeated. Content creators have completely destroyed any interest i’ve had in the games by making endless amounts of normie content for mucus covered iPad kiddies to guzzle down
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i don't know why but this whole zanzibart thing is fucking funny.
why is it making people seethe so much?
It's specially bad in fantasy games. You find a scroll and you get an audio of the person voicing their thoughts...but they do stuff like "and then I reached towards the--uhh...what's that? I must leave!". Did they write that?
What is there to refute? A more obscure approach can be more enticing than having NPCs telling you exactly what is happening in the world, what they are doing, what they want, what X or Y.
It hasn't ever made anyone seethe, outside of people seething that it didn't make anyone seethe
fromdrones like the meme
you're literally the guy in the meme
I-I can't... Zanzibart I kneel...
Why do bot threads seethe so much about Souls games?
>refresh catalog
>"remember the old days?" thread full of clueless retards wondering how it went down and why everything is shit
>on the left there's this thread
>60 replies already ( will reach +300 ) of low brow simpletons replying to the same twitter/reddit screencaps every day ( the kind posting wojaks and pepe the reddit frog )

subhuman cattleniggers
your post seething at people seething at nobody seething is making me seethe though
Because sometimes the strawman/exagerrated character someone comes up with while complaining about something is simply more fun to run along with than whatever they were trying to say
shazamtrannies never recovered...
>switched to
Tim Minchin's pretty good, though he's an odd Brit-Aussie hybrid.
So Americans probably hate him by default.

>mother... Forgive me...
>cuts to black
>is 100% right
>is a souls fan
>makes a light-hearted observation about clever narrative design
>/v/ to this day seethes over it

why is /v/ so media illiterate?
no, YOU refute THIS
*unzips penis*
someone who is credited as a writer for Borderlands 3 is not worth listening to regarding his opinion on another game's writing

BL3 is so bad that I got it for FREE and still felt like it was a complete waste of my time and stopped playing, and a big part of that was down to the absolutely fucking trash writing
>>makes a light-hearted observation
no, he made a backhanded compliment

his first sentence implies something good, then he says "in the sense that" as a way to reverse the statement by then following it up with vitriol that this engages people to make content on it

if English is your second language, you shouldn't try to correct people on things
It's literally lazy writing. Might as well rebrand the whole genre to Mad Libs. Don't know why you're upset over an opinion.
There is show and tell then there is being too obscure to the point where the game just feels hollow with bits of dressing around it.
>is 100% right
that's not entirely true.
the reason they can put "forgive me zanzibart" and then an entire story of lore spins out of it is because theres a dozen other places in the game that hint at or directly talk about whatever the fuck zanzabart and the mymidon were into and why there's loss between them and the "forgive me zanzibart" part is the end of the storyline where a once jilter lover now forgives his foe or whatever the fuck you want the story to be is, etc etc etc.

you already know this though, you're just here to bait (you)s. the absolute lowest of the low on /v/
>doesn't know how to reply to a post
you have to be 18+ to post on this site summer fag
>doesn't understand I did it on purpose to keep the (You) out of it - something I specifically addressed in my post when I said you're just here to bait (You)s
>instead lashes out with projection
you can't make this shit up
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>"If I say that person is mad then people will definitely think they're mad and not me"
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The funny part is the guy in the OP actually clarified he really loves Elden Ring and FROMSOFT writing and story
>story is secondary in a video game, and only there for those who wish to go out of their way to seek it out
as it should be
Haven't played Elden Ring, is Zanzbart a fun fight?
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>fell for ironic bait
>doesn't know what ctrl+f does
thanks for the (You)'s seether
>The funny thing is guy on social media backpadelled his correct opinion after enough people told him off online
yea... haha... i love watching people give into peer pressure.. haha.. very funny...
society haha...
It just makes me less interested in the Souls games because of it. I'd rather just have a story told, I don't want to have to deep dive.
I'm not inherently against storytelling the way Souls does it, it just doesn't interest me.
Don't want the streamer-obsessed souls fanbase to be after you, that's for sure.
>completely sidestep the point that was made in the original post because you know you have zero actual way to refute it
children shouldn't be on this site, begone.
As proven by Sekiro, Fromsoft games can be amazing when you have a proper, coherent storyline.

The fact that they still prefer to go with half-assed games without a single bit of coherence between bosses and lore is enough proof that Fromsoft is lazy. They can do it, they just don't.

>But it actually makes sense that X and Z are next to each other because of Y and H!!
Non-canon lore and theories to explain a lack of narrative coherence is the plague of Fromsoft games. They've learned that people will just come up with fantasies to fill in the blanks of a disgusting, barebones narrative, which is how we got bullshit like Shadow of the Erdtree.

And yet, somehow, people even stood with them and defended their dogshit lore when Shadow of the Erdtree released. We joked about it, it came true, and people still defended them. Unbelievable.
Borderlands 3's writing is so bad it makes 2's look highbrow
>fromdrones are literally insane
explains a lot
>thinks /v/ is the same person
The surest sign of intense professional jealousy.
I find it funny that /v/ is trying so hard to defend the story rather than the dogshit gameplay
Dark Souls 1 story was quite groundbreaking and novel. Anything since then, be it Dark 2, 3, Bloodborne, Elden Ring - Has been self-congratulary obtuse wank worthy of 0 admiration and respect.

I like Souls games, but From are a bunch of hacks and Miyazaki is a retard.
Sekiro is based around a story being told.
All the Souls games are based around an adventure unfolding before the player.

There's a fundamental difference in the design philosophy. You're not supposed to know what the fuck is happening in the Souls games because you're just a random dude who gets caught up in everything going on and all the quest NPCs are 'real' people that have lived lives and you're just randomly coming upon them in the middle of some bullshit they're doing and you decide if you want to help them or not

Compared to Sekiro where you are explicitly on a revenge mission to save the little kid or whatever although I think he dies in the prologue? I don't remember it's been ages since I played Sekiro. I just remember there being a complete throughline with the plot.

It's not that From is incapable of doing it. It's that they don't want to, and they don't think the standard story telling that is featured in Sekiro has a place in the Souls games. The souls games aren't about the story. Sekiro is.
There are games made in India?
Then they did AC6 which did have an actual story and somehow had more engaging and memorable characters than most AAA games despite not having a single human appearing on screen once.
I love these humiliation ritual threads. So many trannies have committed suicide because /v/ makes fun of their grooming discord.
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>no counterargument
> ad hominem
>The souls games aren't about the story
Sure wish somebody told the average deepest MoRe fag about it. Not to mention claiming that adventures can't/shouldn't have a concrete plot is silly.
Why is player's every single interaction with NPCs is limited to
>agree to run an errand to progress the story
>disagree and remain on the current stage until you change your mind
>stab the NPC (if you're allowed to)
(You) are just a silent patsy who is murdering everybody for questionable reasons.
*average DEEPEST LORE fag
tried to post with smallcaps
cope harder
It also made annoying rollslop gameplay acceptable.
>"im not owned! im not owned!!", i continue to insist as i slowly shrink and transform into a ball of flame.
>Sure wish somebody told the average deepest MoRe fag about it.
So do I.
Especially since the most famous on, Vaati, literally just stole a bunch of posts from /v/ threads about the Souls series and filmed them. He also makes up a ton of shit in his videos and generally doesn't even address that fact anymore.

>Not to mention claiming that adventures can't/shouldn't have a concrete plot is silly.
Never said nor inferred that. I simply said that it's not the core design of the game like it was in Sekiro.
>Why is player's every single interaction with NPCs is limited to
Because Souls games aren't very deep. Also in the recent games you can't just stall a quest forever and come back later, there are a lot of quests the are locked out once you reach a certain point if you haven't already started them.

I do understand what you're saying though. And honestly I think the post in OP are making fun of content creators like Vaati more than they're making fun of general Souls fans who enjoy the fragments of story in the Souls games.
He was being passive aggressive like a little bitch.
t. Faggot
I'm convinced that these threads are the product of shazam. their "attempt" at making elden ring bomb failed, the "attempt" at making armored core bomb failed, and now they spam this in the vain hope that something will happen
someone pls post myrmiddon the forgiven pic, i lost mine
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It's right there bro come on
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Refute THIS
>guy talks about a game he loves
>make a comment in love
>soul communities get seething

weird but ok
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>thinking comedians are worth spending money on in any capacity
This is posted and yet people still seethe. Where's the gigachads in here?
ah... there it is... the most ludo kino of fromsoft.... forgive me
mario bros. > last of us
>accepted a slur for their own gain
If Zanzibart is the "nigga" of Fromdrones, what's their hard r equivalent?
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There's nothing to seeth at?

It's just true. That is literally how the writing is for the Souls series, and he'd be correct it's a revolution in game writing. If you think this is a positive thing is a different matter. I'll just point out that most writers are so awful at their job that telling them to not write a story is better. Video games never needed a story either. Not even RPGs. Dark Demon Blood Elden Souls is proof.
What’s funny is that Sam is totally correct, and to be clear he is making fun of the fan base more than Dark Souls itself. But then you have this comic which takes the premise of the joke seriously, and it’s kino.
It's kind of lazy but (((Western))) companies fail to do any better
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Every day I wake up and remember I am not Anthony Birch I am absolutely ecstatic. Feels fucking good man
It just werks. Every single time.
Bro, that fad is now 15 years old. It's not going away, this is just the gaming landscape now.
Actually thats how FNAF lore was written after part 1
If your story is worse than one sentence, then you deserve to be forgotten.
>wahh why arent my shitty games as popular
maybe he should focus on making good games instead of whining why cramming his middle school tier writing into mediocre shit
It's pure gameplay. Lacking "cinematic cutscenes" does not equal to barebones.
>Westoid "dev" seething about jap games
Why don't they try to improve instead of venting on social medias about other's success?
>literally who ecleb twitter post
It's actually better then a literally who. It's the famous writer of Borderlands 3, renown for his writing and storytelling prowess.
He's not wrong, but I fail to understand why it's a problem. It makes sense for DS and the design philosophy and atmosphere it was going for.
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Literally Ludwig.
Zanzibart, forgive me! Yes, Zanzibart, you magnificent Skag-licking son of a gun, I need your forgiveness now more than ever! Remember that time we set fire to Handsome Jack’s wig collection? Yeah, I know you got blamed for that, and I never owned up. Or how about the time I replaced your grenade stash with rubber chickens, just to see the look on your face during that raid? Oh, man, I laughed so hard I cried, but you—oh, you were so mad. And who could forget when I told Moxxi you were secretly in love with her and she gave you that ‘special’ cocktail that made you spew rainbows for a week? That was low, even for me.
Zanzibart, I’ve done you wrong so many times, buddy. Like that time I ‘accidentally’ sold your prized rocket launcher to a Claptrap unit because I needed cash for Skag burgers. And oh, the time I borrowed your Rakk pet for ‘science’ and accidentally turned it into a Skag snack. Forgive me for that, Zanzibart! He was your favorite, and I know you cried for days. Then there was the prank where I filled your bunk with Psycho teddy bears—those things still give you nightmares, don’t they?
Please, Zanzibart, do me one last favor! Protect my secret stash of nacho cheese—it’s hidden under the floorboards in Moxxi’s bar, right next to the squeaky board that sounds like a Rakk with a kazoo. And my collection of vintage Psycho masks? Hide them where even Claptrap can’t find them. That bot’s got a nose for trouble—and nacho cheese. Oh, and my diary—my beautiful, embarrassing diary filled with haikus about Skag moons and bandit dreams—don’t let anyone read it! Especially not the Vault Hunter! Those secrets are too precious!
He's right, your mistake is thinking this is somehow a bad thing.
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what drives a developer to use the same dialogue over and over
He's mad because Fromsoft can do in a single cut-scene and a few offhand item descriptions what he couldn't do for his entire career.
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Just as planned
>i was merely pretending
lmao,you are a sad loser
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>Refute THIS
>Everyone looks at least 30 years older than they should
wtf lmao
Doesn't help that the visual style is closer to Suicide Squad than the first fucking game
The franchise is the epitome of "the first one was the best" and it fucking squandered everything
>words the meme
Fromtroons really cant help themselves
Huh? I thought the problem was they didn't use enough writing
>L-look at me I'm a smarmy smartass
Fucking sigh. Fromtrash really are reddit incarnate.
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Not my fault you can't take a joke
It's pretty embarrassing that you've adopted a mindset that lets you feel like the smartest guy in the room by deliberately choosing not to think about anything.
Jokes only work when they're funny.
I found it funny
I didn't and I'am the only person in the world who's opinion matters.
>lilith is, at most, closing in on 35 in BL3
>cate blanchett is 55 this year
>tannis is most probably in her 30s as well
>played by a 65 year old
>tiny tina is a dark haired olive skinned mutt
>roland, a tall and serious buff black guy, is played by a "funny' manlet
The casting is so unbelievably shit.
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What do you mean 'even,' it takes zero creative talent to be a critic, there isn't some bar you have to pass to recognize that something is bad.
Complete nonsense sentence.
Literally the TJ Henry of Dark souls
Both were hated by autists for being right.
Did it in one
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Zanzibar posting was peak. Anyway, post yfw you aren't Anthony Burch
No. Because it's not a joke, From makes they game completely straight-faced and their own reason for doing so is make a story where half the pages are missing by intention. Yes, everyone has made fun of it and they keep doing it.
why would I?
Myrmidon was a proper lad
To the extent that the writing in Fromsoft games compliments the music, visuals and gameplay, it's perfectly fine, it does what it's supposed to do.
This is more than Borderlands can claim where dialogue is an obnoxious distraction from mediocre looter shooter gameplay.
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I like the way they do it most of the time but it's pretty bad in elden ring where you have 20 people in a family tree and their entire lives and motivations you gotta keep track of for the plot to make sense.
they will NEVER explain what the Elden Ring is
they will NEVER explain how the Elden Ring works
they will NEVER explain what the Crucible is
they will NEVER explain how the Crucible works
they will NEVER explain what an Empyrean is
they will NEVER explain how an Empyrean works
they will NEVER explain what a God or Outer God is
they will NEVER explain how a God or Outer God works
they will NEVER explain what the Gate of Divinity is
they will NEVER explain how the Gate of Divinity works
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Why do soulsfags always go NNOONNOO STORY DOESN'T MATTER then almost every thread is lore faggotry or "discussing" its bare bones regurgitated (4x over) miyahacki world that he's done every single game. I consider myself a souls fag but have never once invested myself in the garbage that is these games worlds. After 2-3 fromsoft games you just stop caring and go wack bosses.
it do be like that
for me, its Zanziroberto the fallen
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>borderlands writer
Well yeah. Good lore and good story are two different things.
Good lore is in all the stuff behind the main story stuff.
>they will NEVER explain what the Elden Ring is
Elden Beast
>they will NEVER explain how the Elden Ring works
Establishes laws
>they will NEVER explain what the Crucible is
The power that drives evolution. Think spiral power from Gurren Lagann
>they will NEVER explain how the Crucible works
just part of the world
>they will NEVER explain what an Empyrean is
Candidates for godhood chosen by the fingers
>they will NEVER explain how an Empyrean works
see above, that's all
>they will NEVER explain what a God or Outer God is
Possibly evolutions of the Hornsent's tutelary deities, but probably just higher dimensional eldritch gods
>they will NEVER explain how a God or Outer God works
They're just gods
>they will NEVER explain what the Gate of Divinity is
A device made to channel the powers of the Crucible, created via mass human sacrifice
>they will NEVER explain how the Gate of Divinity works
The crucible is life and life is the crucible. All life contains some aspect of the Crucible's power, mass sacrifice allows you to channel that power if you know what you're doing, like the Hornsent do.
We did it reddit!
What's the first game?
Well, you are.
Fromdrones literally copypasting their refubuttal now. Kek, Im starting to see where you >>683813835 were coming from.
Refute the argument that youtubers make really fucking long videos over things that don't warrant such length? No, I agree with that statement.

I was never super-involved with the story of these games.
I agree but I'm still going to play fromsoft games so uhhhhh sorry
Go ahead, nobodies stopping you from eating your slop.
no but they will continue to get bitch about it
continue to bitch, I mean
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literally not possible to refute
but you fight genichiro later, it's not like he's an unknown off screen character
fromtards in fucking shambles lmfao
And you will continue entering threads where they bitch about it.
the collective sour grapes that western game devs had over elden ring's success was hilarious
can't really have a fromsoft thread without someone bitching about it regardless
holy fuck this is a joke
imagine actually liking this garbage
fucking zoomers I swear
>he plays games for the story
Which is why you entered the thread that literally opens with the OP calling it out?
no, that's not why
Fromniggers are so fucking retarded that they think this is a criticism of the games and not of the pretentious fanbase.
Yes and no. Stereotypical Zanzibart bosses have a cutscene and a 2nd phase which is basically "same moveset, but more."
Ludwig at least benefits from having two completely different phases so that he's an entirely different boss in phase two. Overall he fits the meme, and probably helped popularize the constant le epic 2 phase transitions we see now, but I feel it was so well done in his instance it deserves a pass.
They're not the only ones.
The OP is calling out lorefags. If you think this is ammunition against a game you don't like then you're probably a retarded nigger.
you will never be a miyazaki
Shitkiro literally had to make a fucking manga to fill in the plotholes kekaroo
my favorite example of storytelling like this was in daggerfall, 2 books with the exact same title, by the 2 sides that fought the war the book was describing. basic events were the same (since it was within this past generation) but the motives and all the behind the scenes stuff was different, characters from other factions would contradict details on both sides, and when you as the player actually figure out some of what happened its different from what almost anybody else says.
that's fine, I still like the games themselves
>story never actually mattered hehe
niggers lol
I don't remember saying it didn't
Why are my knees suddenly forcing themselves to the ground???
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not even memeing, but seeing how successful Elden ring is, is this going to be reality of all RPG writing in a couple year?
I know other games have their own dedicated youtber lore yappers, but the game itself is nothing as low hanging as Fromsoft's story writting.
Don't worry anon, your hours of cutscenes and exposition walking sections aren't going anywhere, the slop will continue to be dripped into your mouth.
yes and no
a lot of RPGs will do it, but they will do it properly. but no youtubers will make 2 hours videos of reading shit from reddit and fantheories from discord who's
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The pure irony of a fromdrone talking about slop. Have fun rolling I guess.
Thank you anon, I do indeed have fun PLAYING video games.
Meant for >>683770637
Very little story telling actually happens in the cut-scenes though, in fact practically no story telling happens via cut scenes. If you just strung together every cutscene in Elden Ring into a single video, you wouldn't have any clue what was going on or who anyone was. Most of the story in From games comes from item descriptions, the environment, the context of items found on certain NPCs or at certain locations, and a smidgen from character dialogue in game. I think it's part of why these games have been so successful, it leaves things open to debate, gives turbonerds an excuse to devote hours of their lives making gay little infographics and blogposts citing 200+ sources. Miyazaki also understands that the game comes first, that most people just want to run around hitting things with swords and that the story shouldn't get in the way of that.
I'm getting the same energy from this post that I would from a guy thats just told me he derives pleasure from getting his balls stepped on. You do you doe.
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>I have absolutely no arguments so I will just project my fetishes on him
I've never seen this kind of tactic before
>most of the story comes from item descriptions.
Wrong. Most of the "story" comes from youtubers, desperate to rake in fromdrone bucks.
You havent huh? >>683826173
Ah, so this is just a discord tranny seethe thread.
Meant for >>683828190
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As long as we're posting twittershit screencaps, the guy goes on to insist he actually loves fromslop
>western woke "writer" can't comprehend the concept of 'show, don't tell' as a way to tell a story
>he plays games for the social clout
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this is unironically kino
Better than standing around while some dyke tells lame jokes.
Said the seething retard that doesn't like the game isn't a cutscene.
Thats an even bigger own against FROMdrones who are trying to use the fact that he's a borderlands writer as some sort of rebuttal. A borderlands writer that loves their writing lol.
You sound like a Biden / Kamala supporter with that logical swerve to cover your asses
>show dont tell as a way to tell da story
Please then, break down le story purely on what we're shown.

PS, dialogue is a form of showing btw, retarded child
>Instead of the somber, mysterious figures of Dark Souls, you’d have eccentric, over-the-top characters. For instance, a sarcastic undead knight who complains about his lack of coffee or a flamboyant sorcerer that talks about his balls with a flair for the dramatic.
Logical swerve? I fully agree with the borderlands writer. A broken clock and all. Me pointing out that the writer of some of the worst dialogue known to man actually admits that FROM is extremely lazy and repetitive AND he admires that, is no logical swerve.
kek op btfo
You know most people play these games for the rich worlds, exploration and aesthetic?
You can stop replying to yourself now. We get it, you btfo OP with Words(TM) and logic.

"Most People" also play Assasins Creed, FIFA, Call of Duty, Final Fantasy, Resident Evil etc. Your point?
Not to mention Bayle with the heads of Plasidgesax (whatever) stuck to him is complete tumblr tier fan service.

It's like it's meant as a distraction from other story elements.

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