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Why is being genuine frowned upon when it comes to modern writing in games now?
Because too many people are afraid of feeling a negative emotion for more than 2.5 seconds lest they might actually have to learn how to process their emotions instead of just being slaves to them.
quip pro quo
That kind of writing is being panned now. Same with reboots and sequels that dig up old actors/things and try to pander to a new group of people. Audiences just want decent, well written media again and they're realizing they need to turn to alternative sources to get it.
uhm... that just happened.
unironically, it's because of toxic masculinity. People here shit on genuine sincere games like Goodbye Volcano High, Gone Home, and Life is Strange for "bad writing" but it is actually because it's effeminate to them. They prefer shitposts and ironic games like Snoot Game and Duke Nukrm

There's an obsession with looking tough to everyone at every waking moment, weakness is viewed as "gay" or "feminime".
Oh, Joss Whedon... Sensitive Joss Whedon...
It's not modern, it's been a thing since 80s action movies like Commando. The real reason is because of Toxic Masculinity.
Funny you bring Snoot Game when it subverts insincere ironic writing and becomes genuine.
This is the worst post I've ever seen on the evening when Deadpool 3: featuring Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, Wesley Snipes as Blade, Chris Evans as the Human Torch and Jennifer Garner as Elektra with special guest appearances of Blake Lively and Henry Cavill as Other Deadpool and Wolverine begins its journey toward a billion dollars
Do you genuinely think that's the reason people shit on Gone Home?
They shit on those games because they fail to tell a story utilizing the unique aspects of video games to do so. Meanwhile Shadow of the Colossus, Journey and Outer Wilds are/were beloved because they conveyed their stories through the gameplay itself.
Having moments of levity isn't uncommon its just how you convey it. Also not undercutting dialogue or moments by adding in a joke or quip. The reason Marvel writing is so infamous now is because every character sounds and acts the same. like a Robert Downey Jr. clone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zo3jPUPbeI
It doesn't since it's a ironic parody game made out of spite for a sincere coming of age story involving a teenage girl.
they fly now?
And somehow the parody ended up being a more sincere effort than the Canadian tax fraud scam.
Being snarky isn't funny. Whedon is the biggest hack.
People forget that it only worked with Tony Stark because that was his character trait and expanding quips to every single character just ruins the character archetype.
It's like making every character on Spongebob have the same personality as Spongebob. If there isn't a Squidward, Plankton, Sandy and etc the whole thing falls apart.
I wonder if its too late for SquareEnix to get a tax writeoff for this game.
Yeah, people here resent anything that is sincerely feminine because they want to show that they are tough. They will claim that it was because it was falsely advertised as a horror game (it wasn't but that's besides the point), they were expecting something aggressive, gory, and macho but were disappointed that it was calm, clean, and feminine.
all of those games are sincerely feminine as the games listed are, not everything needs a gun and sword in it
you have to be joking or something, they were talking in memes from start to finish. that's the opposite of being serious
You're a fucking retard and ywnbaw.
>Story about teenagers interacting has them making dumb talk and memes amidst romantic melodrama and personal struggles
That's more sincere to real life than whatever bullshit GVH was trying to do, other than syphon taxpayer money, you fucking tool.
I'm sorry your shitty country is falling apart.
Your fault for being born a leaf.
it was fun when jah sweden's writing (yes, i know that's not how you spell it you joyless faggot) was still novel, but now everyone has to be a knock off tony stark or star lord. it also helps to know when that kind of levity is or isn't needed, because you risk shattering the audience's suspension of disbelief and no one really likes feeling like an idiot for wasting investment in even a single moment
>genuine sincere games like Goodbye Volcano High
Maybe before they had to fire the writer and scramble to redo the whole thing.
Funny how a lot of the games journalists gush over as being art don't really utilize gameplay as a storytelling mechanic in any meaningful way.
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95% of people playing dogshit like life is sneed only do so because they want to fuck the claymation middleschooler
also no one played volcano high it has 200 peak players just like onirism shut the fuck up
Joss Whedon is like Douglas Adams in that nothing he did was that bad but the cancer he inflicted on society was making thousands of gigafaggots mimic his prose
SotC might genuinely be the single most masculine piece of media ever made you perverting tranny.
people prefer ironic games specifically because the best you can come up with as examples of "genuine sincere games" is animorphs tier young adult fiction trash.
>genuine sincere games like
>Goodbye Volcano High
normal highschool, but dino lesbians!
>Gone Home
walking simulator, but my sister is a lesbian!
>Life is Strange
i'm a lesbian, but i got time powers!

bro what the fuck are you on
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this retard's quote is ruining cinema, I pray the end of the mcu comes sooner rather than later
It's gotta be a sign that the MCU has shifted from "every movie is guaranteed to make billions" to "it's an actual coin flip because half the movies make billions and the other half are record breaking flops"
>>>>>toxic masculinity

What MCU movie has made money since Endgame besides No Way Home and Guardians? I think all of them did disappointing numbers
Kill yourself.
The industry employs clowns, It's as simpla as that.
Are the Douglas Adams imitators in the room with us?
It's the opposite retard, they're trying to make them "grounded" and "relatable" instead of larger than life
I can't remember the last time a normalfag was genuine with me.
We live in an age where Star Wars isn't even guaranteed to profit consideirng Solo bombed and Acolyte was panned to hell and back, with shiIIs not even managing to get it some degree of success. The Marvels bombed, She Hulk bombed, Eternals bombed, so many other movies just bombed. Their own fault really.
>Snoot Game isn't ironic stupid tranny, it has serious moments!
So does every single Marvel Movie ever made, but you still complain about the quips existing in the first place.

From what you're telling everyone, you're okay with irony as long as they contain 4chan memes about being mean to minorities. That's okay, but don't pretend that you hate irony. You make light of serious sincere issues all the time 24/7.

Yeah, all serious sincere stories told from the heart. Sorry that you can't empathize with anyone different from you
>Goodbye Volcano High
>Lets spend hours on this one segment of the game and have the timeline make no sense
>Gone Home
>The mistery is basic family drama(the game is meh but the bad reaction is mostly from how hard it was fellated by the industry upon release, it's a 6/10 but everyone treated like a motherfucking masterpiece of storytelling)
> Life is Strange
>Final choice is absolutely retarded, the set up is completely rushed and is all literally headcanon by the ones who present it, and regardless of what you choose it invalidates all the previous choices you made in the game.
But yeah, toxic masculinity.
They could just make some good fucking movies and the problem would stop. How do you ruin the Star Wars brand this badly? Not even the prequels could do it
You don't know what those words mean since you're too irony poisoned
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Pirates of the Caribbean did it but it did not feel that forced
Ever since Guardians of the Galaxy everyone is an imbecilic clown.

Also Joss Whedon is a fucking idiot.
The Red Room dialogue in Age of Ultron was incredibly out of place.
Snoot Game transitions from irony to genuineness, the entire arc of Anon is to stop being a retarded aloof shitposter who keeps everyone at bay via relentless mockery and putting on a face and to actually care and show genuine support to the people in his life.
>How do you ruin the Star Wars brand this badly?
Hire activists, nu-writers and literally who directors.
>I hate grounded sincere stories, everything must be an ironic racist adventure with swords and guns where you kill Russians and ancient deities
we know that you're still 13 years old
The root cause is insincerity. If a writer can wink at the audience and pretend to be in on the joke, then they’re implicitly also in on any mockery of the script.
The shawarma line was after they already won and were relaxing.
irony poisoned
Reminder the "zanzibart" meme originated from a western dev seething about Fromsoft creating basic 'epic' moments in their games and these moments being, shockingly, well received.
>Snoot Game transitions from irony to genuineness
So Marvel Movies lol, the only reason why you complain about the former and not the latter is because you're an autistic shut in who relates to memes more than normal people.
I know the fag is baiting about toxic masculinity but one of the masculine and sincere franchises out there is Yakuza and everyone loves it.
Theyr'e standing in the ruins of a destroyed NYC joking about going out to eat while people are killed by aliens, crushed under rubble, traumatized, horribly injured. That is not a good time to quip and do dance offs and joke about turds and penises...ah who the fuck am I kidding....
>libtard lying to everyones face about things they know are false
why are you all the same
I don't give a fuck about capeshit because I don't watch it, Snoot Game is still a more sincere effort than GVH despite being a parody. Seethe about it all you want.
>and macho but were disappointed that it was calm, clean, and feminine.
This is an oddly good bait.

For context; No.
Gone Home was advertised as a horror game but the developers were incompetent and could not manage to incorporate an enemy into it because they could not get pathfinding to work right, so they went with a pretentious story.
Despite its alleged success they worked on fuck all ever since and dropped from the face of the industry only appearing in minor game jams with equally terrible non-programmers.

My House.Wad essentially took the same approach but done by a competent developer who managed to amaze the world with all sorts of black magic applied to the Doom engine despite also being a walking simulator with gay undertones.
>With gay undertones
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Its true, both men and women want to fuck Majima and its not considered gay.
Contraceptives are next.
>So Marvel Movies lol
no you retard, Marvel is always as deep as a puddle of water
factions and character development are all fucking superficial and based around contrived need for internal strife. Every movie is a fucking origin story for a new hero or villain. There are no heartwarming uncle ben moments, no moments where anyone questions anything other than by-the-book vs by-any-means
name 3 profound moral or ethical takeaways from the entire marvel franchise
What am I lying about precisely? Nearly all Marvel Movies are serious with jokes in between.
correction: You don't give a fuck about normal stuff because you're an antisocial weirdo who has contempt for any normal person who expresses sincere feelings about themselves.
>Yeah, all serious sincere stories told from the heart
it's a shame that this doesn't mean "the game is good". i don't give a fuck if you're pouring your heart out if the story is asinine. we were all 16 at one point, overwhelmed with emotions that made no sense. that doesn't mean i should write a fucking novel, let alone a fucking video game about it
Snoot Game mogged your taxpayer fraud, tranny.
Gone Home was never advertised as a horror game, but that's besides the point. The point is that you hate sincere expressions of femininity.
Oh, so it's really about punishing women instead of projecting children. Good to know.
Yes, squid pro row
didnt joss wheden rape a bunch of talent?
Lucas was utterly incapable of preaching his politics to the audience. When he did, it was a throwaway line so awkwardly inserted that audiences not there at the exact time ponder the deeper meaning of “only a sith deals on absolutes” when it just George clumsily trying to say that W is a sith.

Nowadays, all modern writers know how to do is snark and whine about modern politics. Kevin Smith was a mistake who made one good movie ever (Clerks 1) and immediately descended to making garbage.
>lazy Zionist Jew clique writing isn't popular
how could this happen
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Did people forget that the Volcano High team had to fire their lead writer over Harry Potter fanfiction or was that just a fever dream I had?
Literal cope coming from someone who didn't play either game despite defending one of them. When they try to make canon-Fang into a quirk chungus who says retarded shit for no reason.
Sincerity isn't about "depth" or any other idea that you try to shift the goalpost next to, it's about seriousness. All Marvel Movies are serious, end of story. Way more thought out than your plagiarized powerpoint with racist old ass mrmes.
You don't have to like it, just acknowledge that GVH is sincere.
it's ass desu, Class of 09 is the superior ironic edgy high-school VN. Snoot Game appeals to autistic losers who jerk off to ironic Dino porn and that is why it is unpopular
Watched a video on this shitheap a while ago. Later on there's a moment where she kills someone, absorbs their and immediately goes, "Aww yeah, we leveled up!"
Then there's a hard-cut to her crying about the WEIGHT of taking a person's life.
Femcel writing and posts are actually a thing and they're as cringe as it sounds
And when a man follows those, its affeminate and gay as fuck.
nice map, rabbi
I played both games. Snoot is ironic garbage and GVH is sincere
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>Ironic Dino porn
Bro thinks I'm as irony-poisoned as him and my love for anthro girls isn't real, pffffhahahaha
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Unironically because the millennial writing thing is true.
A lot of these modern writers aren't actually talented let alone passionate, they got an english degree because they didn't know what else to do with their education. So now you're left with a bunch of garbage hipsters, early to mid thirty something year olds that do not understand anything beyond MCU, Disney and Michael bay shit.
Its kind of a tragedy. You would think that Millennials experiencing some of the greatest pieces of media would have atleast adopted the good stuff but its like none of that stuck.
Lucas was pretty anti-Hollywood, something like this would never be done now.
Wants to subvert yin yang examples. Uses them in their next breath. Trannies don't need sex surgery they need challenges and an education.
>Sincerity isn't about "depth" or any other idea that you try to shift the goalpost next to, it's about seriousness. All Marvel Movies are serious, end of story.
ah yes, deadpool, the epitome of seriousness
Sincerity and seriousness are not the same thing. Killing someone is serious, but not necessarily sincere. A love letter can be sincere and light-hearted rather than serious.

I see you are deeply autistic and think that all good or bad emotions are the exact same. This will be my last reply to you.
Multiverse of Madness made a lot of money despite being terrible and Love and Thunder did well considering it was the most tolerable non multiverse entry
>Sincere expressions of femininity

Yeah you genuinely don't know what you're talking about. Literally trying to insert some kind of girl-power narrative into a game where they NB'd their protagonist and made the only other major girl a troon.
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>game doesn't have guns and swords so it has a uterus
What are you trying to say?
Millenials went for cash grab, same thing in business. Every individual thanks to the internet wanted to get the same shiny thing their neighbour got. If you understand the reference you know the world is doomed since the brand worship is engrained and it wasn't television.
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It can work but not when it's completely tone deaf and never allows ANY really moments. Nothing matters you you never let anything matter.
Things need to matter, even if only a little. Otherwise, what's the point?
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what I find hilarious is how the actual NPCs are getting angry that normies aren't blindly consuming like they used to, so they feel alone now
i dont hate when there are characters who quip, i hate it when EVERY character quips which is what a lot of modern writing has turned into
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Same energy
Is it? I feel like people exaggerate a handful of cases.
Bait so lazy you literally can't say anything but, "Nuh-uh, your game sucks worse."
That's right. Women in the workforce? Gone. No-fault divorce? Gone. Women will once again be utterly dependent on the men in their life, as they should be.
It's more that there's an epidemic of games in the uppermost stratum of budget and advertising that have this same general "get them invested, but let them have an out so they don't get challenged ever" feel to them.
Name 5 games.
Hard mode: No Borderlands.
<genuine sincere games like Goodbye Volcano High, Gone Home, and Life is Strange
Who the fuck gives a shit if they're sincere? If the game is shit it's complletely meaningless.
We are living the period of post-irony. Admitting that an action was done sincerely would be admitting to the soul-crushing emptiness that is felt when needing to work under the new retards of the week that mandated all of the dialogue to be "hip", "appealing to the new generation" and "'with it, for real, for real, boom-diggity'. Am I saying that right?".
The problem is social media. When you wrote a story 30 years ago, you got the odd letter from someone angry enough to actually send you a letter, and mostly positive response because most of the people who would care enough about something to send you a letter were fans.

In the modern day, any retard can go online and shit on a writer in 2 seconds. There is no barrier to entry, and even if you're not directing the comment specifically at the writer, if you're posting it anywhere with any traction there's a good chance they'll egosearch and find it anyway.

This has led to what I call "ironic writing". The work becomes a shitpost, because it's a shield for the author to hide behind. If you didn't like it, you just didn't get the joke. Authentic writing is in very short supply these days, last year I played a game that ended with the dev's self-insert in a secret room talking about how he hope his work reaches and entertains people and thought about how you just don't see that kind of authenticity anymore from mainstream slop.
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>Name 5 games
NTA but okay:
1. Jackie Chan-FUCK!
>wad itself is all about subtle clues
>blatantly references a homofag book in game, cover and all
We have roped many other games for less.
The fact someone took Gone Homo and made it good is very impressive, desu.
This is why I look forward to AI, it'll be a renaissance of good writing.
Which homofag book?
OP just spams this shit for (you)s and to feel smug. Notice how he couldn't even be assed to use a video game example and instead relied on a decade old movie as "evidence." Wouldn't surprise me if these are bot threads with how rote they are.
>Chat LGBT write me a story but do not use data sets that include Tumblr, Reddit, fanfiction net, deviantart, furry sites, porn sites, liberal media, liberal propaganda, wikipedia and only cite published works from before 1810

Enjoy your Greek tragedy expressed in Shakespearean verses, I guess.
Destiny 2 Lightfall
Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League
there. are you happy now?
This post is peak steampunk.
You're responding to a literal unironic loony troon brony/furry diaperfag who once posted a video of himself masturbating in exchange for 50 bucks.
Satan's Sodomy Baby
Case in point.
Being too optimistic or sincere is perceived as a sign of unintelligence because Reddit tells them the world sucks. American entertainment reinforces this, Rick is the cynical cool character and Jerry sucks because he's mediocre and "lame". Dwight and Jim are another example of this dynamic. People employ self-deprecation to indicate their intelligence, writers do the same by using these quips.
Tell me you never interacted with your peers without actually telling me. You guys have spent more time spamming memes as adults than you ever did in high school.
How do you know?
Why are you replying to me again after you got BTFO'd, retard?
I'm writing a game about two wendigos trying to blend in a victorian town, but it's meant to be comedy horror, and the two characters have moments where they do things out of character for humans due to them trying to learn and adapt/blend to said place. Honestly it's pretty hard to try to take the premise seriously when it itself isn't pure horror due to nature of playing as the monsters.
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I must warn you, I WILL believe you if you say this is 100% true in your next reply.
>The point is that you hate sincere expressions of femininity.
this is extremely funny ,since there's no sincere expressions of femininity in any western movies and tv series lately. every woman has to be tough and snarky and complete opposite of feminine.
>rambling about toxic masculinity and feminity
You were molested in your youth and have since gaslighted yourself into believing the problem was men, didn't you?
How the fuck does a bait post this insencere get so many replies?

Nobody on V even played GVH except for me, many people like Life is Strange too. They both have atrocious writing, mind you.

and SG you pretend not to have even played, lol
The thing that Lucas and his success is that he has always been a dinosaur when it comes to fiction preferences, and his old movies have felt "fresh" because they were anti-current day in their own times. Star Wars and Indiana Jones were both throwbacks to pulp scifi and pulp adventures for example. Back when Star Wars was new a lot of pretentious critics and snobby nerds whined about Lucas setting "intelligent scifi" back by just doing Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers tier silly story again but with high production values. In case of prequels his approach misfired, but in old Star Wars films he succeeded because he introduced boomers to 1930s type of upbeat scifi escapism. I think the same played straight could still succeed, just rip off some pulp story from 1935 and play it straight but with modern visuals.
>How the fuck does a bait post this insencere get so many replies?
I honestly thought it was bait at first, but now I've heard his "arguments", I'm 100% sure it's that gay anon who say shit like "str8", so it's unironic autism.
pretty much. the funniest thing is that those same people are so easy to fuck with. it's unreal
His writing style, his hangups, and his bringing up Snoot Game/GVH unprompted. It's WolfNanaki.

Oh, he's sincere all right. The anon who called him deeply autistic was right. And that itself answers the thread's question. They're ironic and insincere because when they are sincere people think they must be joking. Poe's Law.
Good bait, got me mad.
Counterclaim, the stories men want and the stories those games offer are wholly different. Both in quality of execution and substance. If you want to write a good male story, you start by centering on duty, honor and overcoming your own weaknesses for a higher purpose, and expand from there. Accepting that you're a faggot loser is a wholly feminine mindset of preserving emotional stability. That's not how men work. Don't expect that shit to land with men.
Despite (and because) this place is anonymous, you tend to notice writing style, typing quirks, and interests.
It's especially noticeable if the anon is a loud retard, so many boards have their own recognizable schizos.
I wanted to disagree with this in a knee-jerk sense because 90% of people don't use that term right, but then I remembered I enjoyed Life is Strange and the majority of criticism I see of it is boils down to the girls act like girls, so you may have a point.
roundhouse whedon into the trash can
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>A thirty something year old MAN thinking he's a woman defending GVH's on the internet PROUDLY
one of the most retarded takes i've seen on /v/ in recent memory. congrats
Nanaki, if you're in this thread, jump off a bridge already, we don't miss you in our fandom you tranny faggot.
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shawarmapilled and based
t. gimp
>we don't miss you in our fandom you tranny faggot.
but I thought he fucked off years ago, is he still around?
>tranny faggot
but but but the LGB drop the T psyop, don't demask
>Why is being genuine frowned upon when it comes to modern writing in games now?
Because they're written by insecure adult teenagers. Picture the type of faggot who has to give a presentation on some boring shit and is scared of fucking it up, so he goofs around and fucks it up on purpose instead, amusing nobody. That guy.
I can't stand capeshit. It's like urban fiction, YA or whatever. I just can't stand it.
Well, besides some older Batman films of comedy and memes.
I always thought the Avengers was shit, I picked up on this the week it came out.
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This cock sucker is still around. I'm a big old MLP artist and he still follows my work.
>tranny faggot
but but but the LGB drop the T psyop, don't demask
What the fuck is this faggot talking about.
Nah, thats not what it is. Nu-media always act like its in on the joke and is afraid to take itself(outside of the social message) seriously.
Play mass effect 3 and then straight to Andromada to see the effect.
Western media always acts like its a bit ironic, but that doesnt work for autists like me. If you dont take your world seriously, neither will I
the problem is men and you know it
>weakness is viewed as "gay" or "feminime".
The people writing games now are largely genuinely shit, they need to hide behind bad jokes so it looks like they weren't even really trying to begin with
You haven't had real shawarma if it wasn't in Beirut cooked fresh after an Israeli napalm airstrike.
Including furfag sites in that list and acting like that'd subtract from the variety of writing in any meaningful way is hilarious.
If he'd simply opted to disappear, why would he bother unfollowing anybody?
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I've always wondered, why is it "frowned upon" and not "frowned on"? Sounds so archaic.
No like he likes my art posts.
Because frowned on makes no fucking sense, at least use frowned at
Welp, this thread just happened. Awwwwkwaaaaarrrrrrddddddd. I'll just... leave. Yeah. You guys can have this one. I'm gonna go get some tacos. There's this new food truck two miles from here, they say they have the best..... was that too much? I'm leaning towards a yeeeeesssss- okay. Point taken. I will.... go now! Bye. Sayonara. *whispers* I was never here!! *thumbs up, smile*
frowned in the vicinity of
Sure that's not wrong just so long as the frowning is incidental
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yeah im sure this HRT influenced theory you concocted is the true reason why people dont like these games and doesnt at all have to do with mountain the valid critic.
most of these Whedonclone games, like Forspoken and the Saints Row reboot, are written by Gen X boomers in their late 40s and 50s thoughbeit
it's wolfnanaki, a known autistic schizo faggot who seethes about snoot game and cavemanon 24/7 (I'm not joking)
Everything is tiresome when it's aped all the fucking time. That's about it. Quippy Marvel writing was fine when Marvel was doing it for the first few movies.
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japanese games are popular because most of them are committed to their message even if they fuck up and crash the plane with no survivors.
some sort of chuuni power fantasy will always be realer than capeshit.
>case in point
i think it's actually funny that some people think "the game is competently put together, that means it's just good by default" is some big brain, or even valid opinion

your game can be dogshit even if it isn't terribly put together. you can shove a fucking horrible plot into it and make it insufferable to 90% of people. just because you like millenial written slop for people who huff their own farts, doesn't mean you're some sort of connoisseur above the rabble. it means you're a retard who huffs his own farts who thinks he's above it all. it means you're fucking retarded and have zero taste.

this guy seriously implied
>well i like it, and that means you're wrong!
and thought he was actually factually correct. how the fuck did we get here
its fucked up how hard kevin smith devolved. clerks felt so human.
hey gurl we miss you back at crystal cafe xoxo
Given that Whedon literally fetishized doing horrible things to good people in his works, I feel more like that is the joke.
Just because they're still doing it, doesn't mean it's not being criticized, jackass.
First enlightened post.
Captcha : MD00D
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I'm fully aware it's bait, but I'll take any excuse to post my wife Lucy
>grounded sincere stories
Gay and lame stories that do not have a coherent story are bad
The worst part about millennial writing is that it's violently anti-intellectual. I think that's the root cause of why so many of their stories have such a hilarious disconnect between what they think the themes are and the actual plot.
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the issue is rather that they are anti-human in most regards.
they are so far detached from real people that they cant connect to them.
its not natural, its not spiritual, its not common sense, its not based on experiences.
I'm 32 and I hate millenial writing. I don't think shit like Deadpool or Iron Man style quips, layered in snark and witty pop-culture references is fun, hate Rick and Morty....is it really that hard for anybody to be gneuine in media now? I heard Twisters wasn't shit and actually has a decent hero and rival dynamic but that could just be those same retards who praised Acolyte or The Marvels for being "brave."
Imagine having this little media literacy.
The problem isn't millennial writing, I've read plenty of entertaining works by millenials. The problem is America and its current political policy of only employing worthless retards and subservient cuckolds who are happy to toe the party line and purity test anyone who disagrees with it. Jews had a better time in Nazi Germany than anyone with morals does in modern America, where you have to enthusiastically insist that 2+2=5 on pain of social death.
A troon trying to "educate" people about femininity will never stop being funny. The only thing you know about femininity is a porn addict's fantasy.
This abortion of a post is a perfect example of a retard starting from a conclusion and then trying to go backwards from it to justify his viewpoint. You're completely wrong and your ideology has made you an illiterate retard. Irony poisoning and insincere storytelling is a direct result of hating masculinity, not the other way around. Masculinity IS the sincere option, masculinity is straightforward and not being afraid of standing behind your words. Having to give yourself an out with some self deprecating ironic quip is the most non-masculine thing there is. It's the coward's way to make sure nobody can criticize you, after all, it was just silly and ironic! Irony and not being able to be genuine about anything is a direct result of the destruction of masculinity and just shows the audience that you don't have the balls to ride or die with your message.
The Lord of The Rings trilogy which was considered a good but lighthearted movies back in the day would if released today be considered very heavy dark and serious. Millennials can't write because they basically have zero life experiences.
>but then, for the love of God, tell a joke.
absolutely unnecessary
The bottom one was good though
>Sorry that you can't empathize with anyone different from you
Posts like this always just further prove that study that showed that liberals have absolutely zero fucking clue what their political opposition thinks or how they see the world. You retards quite literally live in a bubble and view the word as strawmen you made up.
The only good thing that comes from 'femininity' or any women is a man.
>games like Goodbye Volcano High
I was going to read but I had to stop to LMAO
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holy autism, it was a joke, you utter failure
>The problem isn't millennial writing, I've read plenty of entertaining works by millenials.
"Millenial writing" doesn't mean "written by a millenial", it's a specific term referring to what's essentially the Whedon style.
At least liberals have been consistently retarded. No party in the history of the world has taken as steep of a nosedive than the conservative party. They went from having strong family and christian moral values loving America to some deranged schizoid conspiracy losers single porn addicted and deranged. Worshipping their reality tv idol who's only achievement in life is that he made less money from his gigantic inheritance than if he invested it in a index fund.
Nobody cares about your TDS, stay on topic.
Been watching Breaking Bad lately and I like how it handles the serious and funny moments.
breaking bad handles it well
marvel slop handles it horribly
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You mother fucker how dare you say snoot game is a shit post. I love my dino GF fang. And snoot game made me feel actual emotions, not like all the other slop available today
Joss Whedon is a Gen Xer, you little braindead faggot zoomer
Zoomers grew in fatherless,loveless households so they don't know how to process genuine emotions.
>for "bad writing"
Remove the quotation marks. The writing in those really is bad.
>it's muh toxic masuclinity!
Shut the fuck up, no it isn't. People like sincere writing when it's done well. The shit you like is just bad because you have no taste.
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they are being written by millennials for millennials
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the fact that this trolling nigger keeps going on to different points of comparison with GVH and snoot game such as marvel movies really makes it crystal clear he lost. He knows that snoot game is sincere so he had to move the goal post. he lost, it's over. we dont have to keep talking to this nigger.
if you want to know what good writing looks like go read a witch in broad daylight, its 6 gorillian times better than whatever slop you are seething about, and pretty much no chud I know doesn't like it.
>Multiverse of Madness made a lot of money
Post budget and box office numbers.
youre a dumbass if you think its passion and not the education system thats lacking, there are plenty of worthless students out there but even a bad programmer can shit out a program that runs most of the time even if its pajeet spaghetti code. most writing classes do not even teach their students anything about writing.
Or... the writing could just be bad. People can't accept something they like as potentially being bad and would rather just cope -- like your incel ass is doing.
5 star rated bait. The truth is the exact opposite of what you said. You even added reddit spacing. It's perfect.
Always has been to anyone with a brain. Not everything is a joke.
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>Not everything is a joke
Everything can be
/v/ wants ironic writing and humorless quips to go away but every post is layered under irony and is the 4chan equivalent of a quip with snark thrown in.
nuh uh
That is genuine writing though. If you can't the difference in quality between Avengers and modern MCU slop you deserve that shitty writing.
>That kind of writing is being panned now
Culture lives, fads come and go, kids go bored with what millennials grew up with
>a retard starting from a conclusion and then trying to go backwards from it to justify his viewpoint
thats what they teach in university literature classes.
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Executive producers don't want anything genuine in media. So they hire writers who will deliver what they demand and approve. We live in deeply disturbing times and art has the potential to remind us of who we are and what we are capable of; this is anathema to anyone in power. Mainstream cinema is a message from the powerful to the powerless. And it reads, for now:

Nothing can be genuine. Everything is relative. Ironic. Distant. Expectations must be subverted. Art is a commodity and you are infantile.

You can(not) do shit. Remember that.
holy science. brainrot: the post
Millennial writers are deathly allergic to pathos and dignity. Anything stronger than irreverent self-awareness or snark is too much to ask from them.
>I was a teenager once so that means no one is allowed to make stories about things I understand
Check out the trailer for the new animated Transformers movie.
Whether it's getting panned or not this kind of writing is still going strong.
>well i like it, and that means you're wrong!
That makes him more /v/core than you
You don't have to take something serious just because it's presented in a serious manner. Sometimes it's enough just to enjoy the characters being genuine and not breaking kayfabe every other line just so the writer can tell the audience "hey you know how this is a fictional story? well I just wanted you to know that I also know that. aren't I so smart for pointing out the obvious?" like it's that one post criticizing that one FE berserker's bikini armor. The integrity of keeping your characters consistent and in character can do more for your story than you may realize.
Tangentially related, but I liked Beekeeper for being a relatively straightforward kind of generic late 00s/early 10s action movie. Not to mention all the retro throwback games you see all the time.
Because after Joss wrote the original Avengers, a bunch of wannabes spawned and started aping his style poorly, leading to the current state of video game and movies.
because it is in general American culture as well
sincerity is vulnerable and being vulnerable with anyone in this rotten society is inviting trouble
this is it, if you're not under 10 layers of irony someone might call you cringe so you BETTER shove in as many meta jokes as possible so the audience can't point a finger at your work and say hurrr das kinda cringe yooooo lmaoo
Pirates got away with it because it's mostly just Jack and even he knows when to pack that shit in and get actually serious
caring about writing in video games is such a faggot thing to do
go watch a movie or read a book and don't come back
because there's no real reason to change it just to take out two letters
most alterations of words happen because of either convenience or because it's associated with a culture that becomes desirable to emulate, and neither of these apply to frowned upon at the moment
The wannabes have existed from as far back as Buffy/Firefly. Avengers just brought all of fat tumblr girls and tvtropes autists out fo the woodwork.
Why the racism?
It was more of an RDJ thing because in the source material Tony Stark is an extremely unlikeable piece of shit.
You're delusional if you think a superhero movie is going to make a billion dollars in the 2020s. That fad has been over for 5 years.
Joss Whedon started this trend and he's definitely NOT a millennial. He's been writing for films for far too long.
racism is good
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>modern writing
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>Snoot Game out of NOWHERE
Obsessed and mindbroken
Bro I love shit like Life is Strange and Night in the Woods but Goodbye Volcano High is genuinely awful.
they say you should act naturally and be yourself and thats how I felt in the moment.
Could they not afford fresh markers?
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The only good media that mixes comedy with tragedy is Dungeon Crawler Carl.
>missing that the sister's girlfriend was possessed by the spirit of the uncle that abused their father
>artist hates his fans
Tale as old as time
>out of NOWHERE
Nta but you guys spam threads all the time despite being officially kicked back into /trash/ where you belong.
Because of women.
But women love sappy sentimental shit.
Deadpool is explicitly a comedy/parody.
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Because there's nothing genuine about anyone who gets into a position like that in America.
America rewards bad behavior and wears that proudly on its sleeve. Lie, cheat, drink, dope. Don't question anything the hero does or thinks, because their actions and thoughts are an extension of the writer's opinions, which are an extension of conditioning under their masters.
"Frowned upon" suggests a literal, causal relationship between experiencing the thing and frowning as a result/in response.
"Frowned on" as -metaphor- can be used colloquially to mean the same thing, while the literal meaning would mean a physical interaction between the face and the thing in question which would be impossible in the case of non-physical concepts.
You can literally "frown upon" bad humor, you cannot literally "frown on" it. The more you know~
>nobody cares, faggot
I know.
I thought it was just another Joel joke.
> looking tough to everyone at every waking moment, weakness is viewed as "gay" or "feminime".
Extremely based
>all these replies
Impressive. Very nice.

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