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>unlikeable, puritanical, racist white man who burns women and children at the stake
>game still presents him as a genuinely heroic character who's best kept alive
What did Owlcuck mean by this?
Lawful Neutral is the most based alignment
I wish the game had had more to its Necromancer route undead companions. Only two of them have some kind of quests and its very much nothing
Absolutely not. Lawful Neutral are entirely slaves to the justice system and has not formed an independent thought about morality themselves but hand over the responsibility of autonomy to the state apparatus. Atleast Lawful Good/lawful evil would not follow a law that they considered to be misaligned to their ethics.
Lawful Neutral is the second most cucked alignment after chaotic evil (they are beasts to their impulses)
> who burns women and children at the stake
he burns everyone at the stake
>man does exactly what he has to do to protect the city and crusade
>"what an evil bastard won't anyone think of the (insert group making things way worse for everyone)?"
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>puritanical, racist white man who burns women and children at the stake

To who?
>thinks lawful means following the laws
People like you are fucking awful to have at the table.
did you even read my post?
i made the distinction crystal clear. lawful good and evil sometimes go against laws. neutral does not. they follow the laws to the letter
and not the spirit of the law
Except that's not necessarily true. The lawful component just means they have principles they abide by. That can be the law of the land, or it can be a personal code.
>powerful healer helps cultists and demons
>game still presents him as a genuinely heroic character who's best kept alive
I'm sorry Hal is just too stupid to be kept alive.
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Healing the enemy is heroic.
>What did Owlcuck mean by this?
They are incapable of rejecting their blood-deep Slavic chud roots
>seeing characters as an avatar of thei alignment instead of people
even the aeon had nuance
no they dont. If you try to follow the spirit of the law they chastise you and you become a fallen aeon/devil
this is what no games does to a nigga
>Devils are invading right fucking now
>Don't worship devils nor do strange magic
>Others: lol no, muh desna
>'k then.
It's basically the only one with a three digit iq in the first chapter.
The fact you can't fuck a single dragon in that game is seriously a crime.
Devils aren't invading
Demons, sorry.
He did nothing wrong all desnans deserve extermination
I kill him in every playthrough, killing innocent children is not heroic. He thinks what he's doing is right and that there is no other way to weed out the demonic incursion, but there is no way to justify the murder of innocents.
You can kill Hal? Is the loot worth it?
The city itself is literally teetering on the precipice of chaotic evil, so it's hard to blame him.
The greater tragedy is that no explanation or context was given for why Ember survived being burned at the stake.
Yeah, you can find out through a Religion check that some patroness goddess is protecting her, but that's the only background you're ever given.
You literally have some kind of immortal god-blessed Elf girl in your party and the only thing her storyline focuses on is how her heckin' goodness and purity can turn even demons.
Felt like a huge waste of something with the potential to be interesting.
>why Ember survived being burned at the stake.
>act 4
I like that owlcat games let me be a complete bastard and present me as some sort of hero of evil
Yeah, I mentioned that.
The game hid it behind a throwaway Religion check and it was never a figural aspect of her character.
Reddit seethes so hard against this guy
based and moralpilled
I wouldnt know, i kill him every time.
>who's best kept alive
Not really, you remove yourself from a path and an easy quest early game for some exp and the desnans are more useful that his useless cannon fodder infantry.

anon you don't have to kill hulrun to progress the desna questline, just tell him to suck on your [light of heaven]
He still kill the last desnian nonetheless you can dickwave once but the last one will always get killed before you can even act.
Lawful neutral is literally a golem that supports whatever power structure is currently in place
Truthpilled and a scholar

He literally does not anon, play the game

I finished an azata playthrough two weeks ago
>helps you out during one of the hardest fights in the Gray Garrison
>saves your banner from demons
He's alright in my book.
I have 4 playtrough about 100 hours each and, even if i was never interested in azata, i tried to keep alive the desnans just cause. They never survived. Usually it's always a fight with the desnan with the guard disguise or one already stabbed by him just as i approach them.
What's the story?
>alignmentkeks still thinks Lawful is only about rules of justice system.
Nta, but you just have to show hin the light of heaven on every opportunity. Also the desnans are fucking useless during the Grey Garrison, the just put to sleep some weak demons, while the inquisitors teleport during that fight that summons a bunch of swarms.
I'll try again next time when i go for the dlc.

Maybe its a timing thing if you don't rescue them? I've never had Hulrun kill a desnan unless I intended for it to happen

>Meet Hulrun, he's talking to Ramiel
>Tell Hulrun I have the light of heaven and to fuck off
>go to chapel, talk to Ramiel and first desnan
>go to daerens place, get second desnan
>return to market square, get third desnan

I don't think you can recruit desnans and get hulrun to help in gray garrison, though. In my playthrough he came to Drezen mid-act 3
>don't think you can recruit desnans and get hulrun to help in gray garrison, though
No, there are mutually exclusive in the garrison. If you save the faggots but also send the inquisitor to DH, you are defaulting to having Inquisitors helping garrison.

My last playthrough, I didn't have the option to send him to DH after unlocking Azata, I assumed it was a route choice but might have just been owlkeks excellent planning skills
He's based and makes chaotic niggers seethe
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>Lawful Neutral
Even the game itself will tell you how retarded your stance is
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I really enjoyed his character. If you follow his story, they will tell you how demons created a trojan to enter Kenabres...it was a slaughter and Hulrun was a child who went through and saw all that bloodshed. Its like Hitler in his youth watching the Jews swindle and destroy Germany from within and yet being powerless to do anything. The hatred festers from your own powerlessness.
>who's best kept alive
Keeping him alive has no bearing on your crusade efforts. Killing him actively helps it because that retard is no longer helping the enemy
>They never survived
skill issue unironically. I keep both him and the desnan retard alive
Saving them does nothing by itself. You should still be able to send Hulrun by talking to him at the hole with ded mongels and telling him about the Horc being in charge there now.
UNLESS you already did the same with Ramiel, think that is where it becomes "either or"

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