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>It has been a whole ichi year since BĞ3 came out
>Still top 10 in steam

How did they dew it
It’s unironically that good
any similar style game recs?
DoS 2
its not top 10
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I don't care
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DoS 2
It’s ironically that good
It's simple, they made a good game.
its top 10
DoS 2
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nuh uh
its cute how you think your opinion matters
It’s unironically that good
its cute that you think your opinion matters
>the bot didnt trigger
focused on making a good game with no woke or DEI in it
DoS 2
focused on making a great game with no DEI or work in it
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Owlcat have made some pretty good DnD RPGs that'll give you at least 100 hours each. I'm playing Rogue Trader and having a blast
guess the weird Ğ worked, could it really be that shrimple?
combination of semi decent game with polished chapter 1 and absolute lack of RPGs on the market
Not buying this until it's $20
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it's thanks of Karlach,honestly,she clearly carry the game on her juicy body,anyway SEX WITH KARLACH
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Troons obsessed with gay porn, and D&D brand
There is nothing else to it. It's just ugly and bad
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It's funny how many flops this will inspire.
Watch me activate the bot
Baldur's Gate 3
DoS1 and DoS2
Then you play the BG1 -> BG2 which have worse combat but everything else is better and after those you play IWD1 & 2 to realize that those are just bad and you are trying to chase the same high you got from Baldurs Gate
literally only DOS2 because every other CRPG of the past 3 decades has used dogshit RTWP combat that makes them unplayable
>it's a turn based game
>wtf what do you mean enemies stand still on my turn wtf?
is this the way? can we finally have some peace now?
What can we expect from the new mod support?
Modders already added new archtypes, spells and full classes without much issue as it is.
I have a unfinished artificier and mystic playthrough and both work fine.
BG1 early game is painfully bad, only after level3 or so and you're out of lucky hit death does it become enjoyable. Try and remember archer deathsquads for example
IWD1 and 2 are much more lenient with that shit and have more enjoyable combat.
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niggers unable to process turn based games will never not be funny
There is a mod that removes mage armor
Any of the Owlcat RPGs, Dragon Age: Origins, Divinity: Original Sin 2, Pillars of Eternity, etc
BG1 is fine if you know the system and know where to go, but if you’re doing a blind run you’ll likely get assraped.
The problems arise when someone rolls a wizard, takes Monty and nutjob, then goes into ogre country
They made a good game with a recognizable name and setting with high production values in a genre that normally doesn't have high production values after previously releasing two other very good games that garnered them alot of good will.
Only DoS2. Anyone recommending Owlcat RPGs are not serious people
Did the ruski bot get conscripted or something?
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>From its underwhelming visuals to its lackluster storytelling, Baldur's Gate 3 is a disheartening example of wasted potential.
>Visually, BG3 fails to impress. In an era where stunning graphics are the norm, this game's visuals are a throwback to a bygone era. The character models lack the detail and nuance seen in other contemporary RPGs, and the environments feel uninspired and bland. It's as if the developers intentionally avoided pushing the boundaries of graphical fidelity.
>Storytelling is another major letdown. The narrative lacks the depth and intrigue that the Baldur's Gate series was once known for. Instead of engaging players with rich lore and complex characters, the game offers a convoluted and disjointed plot that fails to capture the imagination. Dialogue options often lead to unsatisfying outcomes, leaving players feeling detached from the world and its inhabitants.
>Furthermore, the game's combat system is a mess. Rather than refining the strategic and tactical elements that made the original games beloved, BG3 introduces a clunky and frustrating combat system that feels like a step backward. Battles are often mired in confusion, with awkward animations and imprecise controls detracting from any potential enjoyment.
>Even the technical aspects of the game are disappointing. Frequent bugs, glitches, and crashes mar the experience, making it difficult to immerse oneself in the world. It's astounding that a game with such a long development cycle could be released in such a sorry state.
>In conclusion, BG3 is a far cry from the legacy of its predecessors. With lackluster visuals, a shallow narrative, cumbersome combat, and technical issues aplenty, it fails to capture the essence of what once made the series great. Rather than building upon the strengths of the past, the game squanders its potential and leaves players yearning for a return to the glory days of the franchise.
>Woke == needy bestiality
At least they aren't pretending anymore
The bot got fooled by the accent, and the schizo who manually shits up threads got banned. I can only assume it’s a range ban if he hasn’t turned up again, though his huehue asskisser might still be around.
Watching 160 posts vanish in a 400 post thread was both hilarious and eye opening.
I'm not reading all that.
Plotholes, so many of them.
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I just finished Baldurs Gate 3.
Here's the review:
>graphics 4/10
faces look well made, but everything else - the locations, walls, trees, dungeons, look extremely weak - the worst ive seen in recent years, actually.
>music 2/10
music sounds like it was made by ChatGPT, completely ambient, unnoticable "nothing". There wasnt even 1 moment that made me say "oh damn thats good music".
>companion interactions and dialogues 1/10
absolutely sex obsessed, unreal interactions between horny 12 year olds. Halsin told me he want to bed me during our first conversation in the camp, and the shirtless Emperor offering sex was the most pathetic thing i saw in a game.
>non-companion dialogues and story 6/10.
its just "ok". Not great, not terrible. Its ok.
>combat 1/10
no fast forward button, no "ignore enemy turn" button, way too many filler trash encounters all over the game, just to artificially prolong the game. Combat boils down to just spamming 1 OP skill and clicking end turn.
doesnt work. Gets stuck - for some reason - on eveything, and can only move 15 meters from my character.
doesnt work. when you press M it doesnt even have a bracket to tell me what part of the map im looking at and when i click somewhere the team doesnt go there.
>no weather patterns and no full day/night cycle 0/10
every single DND game ever made has full day/night cycle. Learn to code, Larian.
Especially cringe when playing as a Drow or a Vampire.
>UI 1/10
there's barely any UI art at all. It just.... is.
In fact, the whole game suffers from a lack of art direction.
Baldurs Gate is the ugliest city i have ever seen in an RPG. Its just a vomit of beige walls.
>4 person squad 1/10
should be 6.
cant even tell you how many times i had to go back and swap teammates for a quest.
>item and spell descriptions 1/10
>inventory management 1/10

4/10 RPG game.
1/10 Baldurs Gate game.
What about elemental resistances?
I remember my DD caster being crippled vs 3/4ths of the enemies.
Either they had low phys armor so it wasn't worth dealing with both armor types or they had high resists if not outright immunity vs her element.
I'm not reading all that either
its the most forgettable DND game i have ever played, i was completely burned out halfway through act 2, i uninstalled it as soon as the end credits rolled and i reinstalled BG2 to get the bad taste of BG3 out of my mouth.
i really hated the graphics style (literally zero god damn aesthetics anywhere, especially the UI), the music was meh, all the companions were insufferable annoying cunts, and the writing in general felt very marvel parody tier, none of it seemed serious, it felt like everything was a joke or a tee hee hee quip or something.

dont even get me started on the loot - there was barely any loot/equipment in the whole game, and it was just boring and fucking lame, none of the loot was cool to play with.

it was 100% obvious the whole game revolves around pressing the "rest" button and spending god knows how many hours interacting with the annoying cunt companions.

thats not what i signed up for.

thank you for reading my blog post, have a nice day!
Waiter I still haven’t received my katana pasta
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is this Divinity Original Sin 3?
i promised myself to try it out, but i will do everything i can to avoid any cringe sex dialogues - i will uninstall it the moment the first cringe tik tik twitter tumblr sex dialogues pops up.
>play for an hour
>be an asshole to somebody
>the green frog woman says she can smell my pheromones and its making her wet - she asks me to fuck her rough
uninstalled after an hour.
that was pretty damn quick.
you're not even trying to hide your samefagging lmfao
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The last good isometric RPG that wasnt dogshit was Icewind Dale 2.
All those pathfinders games, baldurs gate 3, pillars, divinity and other trash made in recent years is borderline unplayable. All of them.

I am not forced to like any of these new trash games - and thank god, they're fucking awful.

I would rather reinstall BG2 and replay it 50 more times than play any of the new RPG's for even 2 minutes.

Modern gaming is dead
>shirtless Emperor
They forced that fuck way too much, I was already on bad terms with him by that point by rejecting him at every turn and he tries to make a move on me?
5e is already a bit boring on its own but Larian attempts at fixing it made it worse.
Damage spells are a waste of time (unless you abuse wet) since there's way too magic equipment for your martials and CC spells got their duration nerfed to the ground and sometimes they don't even work (see web DC) so the best party build is stacking martials and just hitting stuff with a stick instead of using cool spell combos like spike growth + gust wind and pushing enemies.
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CRPG but the combat is good and it has real boss fights

It seems simple but I don't think it's ever been done before
its the worst combat i have ever seen on a computer screen, im just waiting, doing nothing.
>cool spell combos like spike growth + gust wind and pushing enemies.
That's a you problem, I'm afraid.
It's so obvious that they rewrote the story last minute.
It rebalances the armor completely.
you can add "there are no items in BG3" to this pasta. Is there a DND game with worse loot and itemisation than BG3? honest to god i cant think of any. I finished the whole game and there isnt 1 item i remember.
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bait used to be believable, we used to be a real country, not anymore
what is going on?
the pasta that broke /v.
Sounds like a (you) problem.
Phalar’s shriek and using the spark items combo was my go to in act 1
an RPG having no loot sounds like a game problem, not a player problem.
BG3 was a financial success.
You get the various spark items by just doing the main quest and going to the burning inn, and the longsword in a very obvious rock in the underdark.
Why is it you don’t even recognise them when referred to by their obvious effects? Are you being deliberately obtuse, or do you just skimread whatever items you get and project this tendency onto everyone else
Real time with CRINGE
you're the one being obtuse by constantly replying to the most obvious bait
but Pajeets told me it was all chinese bots
>cast spike growth
>enemy does a standing jump out of its AoE
Great job Larian
Gust of wind isn't a concentration spell in BG3, it pushes shit once and thats it. In table top it pushes stuff every turn and makes it harder for anyone to walk against the current doubling movement cost and it stacks with difficult terrain so they move at 1/4 regular speed.

They've had time to fix small stuff like that with a different scene playing out or no scene at all but they didn't bother.
Does it also deal with enemies bleeding out cursed shit all over the place?
Armor and cursed surfaces were my 2 pet peeves with DOS2
Don't remember this happening when I played it last but the fire everywhere all the time is still there.
>merely pretending
The coward’s final retreat, and assuming you’re not the anon trying to save face (on an anonymous imageboard, no less) you should feel ashamed for enabling this behaviour.
The pastas are clear bait, that was just a nogames trying to suck up.
Its only a problem late act2 and 3 IIRC
Voidborn enemies become more common and they bleeding cursed surfaces as you hit them so the whole screen is bound to end up as hellfire + cursed clouds
It's very sus.
How is a 45 hour RPG with minimal narrative branching retaining 100,000 concurrent players a year on.
>Inb4 Coop
There have been lots of coop games, I am aware of none which had this kind of longevity.
It's unnatural.
im not the one baiting you retard
I wouldn’t mind it as much if it wasn’t for the fact that they curse surfaces merely by bleeding, or sometimes just walking, on them, meanwhile merely getting them to neutral requires at least one source point
I remember the hell fire but not the cursed surfaces. Don't know to be honest but I just used bless to clear out the hell fire.
Try reading more than the first sentence in a post, you dumbass
have brown skinned fags like you never heard of chess or card games?
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Can somebody show me how walking around the cities and towns and hubs at night looks like?
Your fault, really, I didn't even know gust is in the game.
My mind auto filters crappy implemented shit.
woketards sure love sticking to their flukes
>music 2/10
Stopped reading if thats your opinion on an OST including pieces like sixteen strikes with nine blades, the legacy of Bhaal, Raphaels final act, Gather your allies!, Song of Balduran, old times battle or Rosymorn Monestary
Did they fix the bugs and instability that plagues the latter part of the game?
its all trash, yeah.
At least until they notice this thread and update the bot.
End the day while in the city, you’ll see it then
im not asking about the tiny tent camp to have sex in when i click rest.
im talking about walking around the city at night, while playing as a Drow.
You know, for role playing purposes. It IS a role playing game, is it not?
I want to enjoy this game but it keeps trying its fucking hardest to filter me at every point in the game. I finally had enough in chapter 4 when the game forced me to navigate a bunch of warp clouds and my companions just runs straight through it and immediately gains 5+ injuries
It's been 4 years
>a 45 hour RPG
desu it would be a 10 hour RPG if the combat wasnt a total god damn waste of time.
That can be said about any game
>remove gameplay from game
>its now 10 hours of cutscenes
yeah no shit genius
not really, no.
>BG3 is a combat game
i was told it wasnt supposed to be a combat game?
Obviously, Chinese bots which do not work on Twitch, the latter is way more important.
Its a decent game that in some ways is exemplary, there are also some ethical aspects that very admirable like having Lan coop with no DRM.

But it's story and combat do leave it in a bit of a rut at the end of the day, Id like to see what could be done with its design in a more interesting and satisfying game.

But god damn is the most poser of poser games ever, it's the fucking Stanley cup or whatever those overpriced thermoses women obsess over are called, even if it is a good product the surrounding buzz is annoying.
If you can't instagib, it sounds like you just suck at this.
>Song of Balduran
You're kidding right? That generic fucking "bard" music is utter cringe that kills the mood.
Shame they lost their lead composer, he was the Soule to their Elder Scrolls.
99% of combat encounters in this Divinity Original Sin 3 are just a waste of time, designed to waste my time, and make me sit for hours and hours longer than i actually should.
>chinese national anthem plays
>it's w-w-woke because there is a black guy in it
Why are woketards so fucking racist?
What is it about Chinese people that trigger chudcels so hard?
successful high trust almost monoethnic society with socialist characteristics, everything amerisharts wish they had
nigger fatigue is a real thing.
what was it exactly in bg3 that mind-broke /v/ so completely?
The rampant chink funded shilling
The bear breaking made lots of nogames aware of the game, and one of them was a rampantly samefagging schizophrenic which made them seem more numerous than they were.
it's way better than bg2
Souls games would only be 2 hours long if combat was actually balanced instead of being designed to waste your time
Secret of Mana, Fallout 2, Gothic 2 and Chrono Trigger would only be 2 hours long if combat was actually balanced instead of being designed to waste your time
its degenerate cuck slop and i genuinely believe they didnt make money considering how long development lasted and how much they had to spend on voice actors.
Larian is now valued a multi billion dollar company.
Shame that they will fail to produce two good games at once.
all turn based games are a waste of time, i think you just realized this by total accident.
Fallout is pretty damn brisk as far as turn based games are concerned, Gothic 2 with NOTR is fucking ridiculous though.
You just have realized that you do not like them. Better late than never.
i liked DOS2 music admit cant play bg3 cause pc is shit but when i checked OST on youtube there was nothing which stands out. its all average and that bard song with highest view count is bad, no idea what fags see in it.
It has a few tracks that match up with what you'd hear running around in Dos but yeah, it's not quite as consistent
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Reminder that it should be 7 trophies but Astarion’s VA stole one of them
Women votes don't count
brown opinions don't count either, so back to delhi you go
Wasn't he in full chainmail for this?
The literally tossed the main theme over board.
I didn't play this game, and neither should anyone with even a grain of self-respect.

>B-but most awarded game of 20XX!!!
Don't care

>B-but Bear Sex!!!
Don't care

>B-but you can replay it for thousands of hours!!!
Don't care

The amount of propaganda regarding this game, when it is not even that great, is amazing. People are used to so much slop that what would have been a 6/10 or 7/10 decades ago is now considered the best game of the decade. I guess this is how standards are lowered, and how people are sold inferior products. The fact that so many people fell for it just proves that so many people are utter morons.
ugh I hope not. unless it's cyberpunk
Starfield lost. Get over it
90% of my time "playing" BG3 i wasnt even holding the mouse or had my hands on the keyboard, it was literally a very badly made WEG and "watch enemy turns" simulator.
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I didn't pway thiws gawme, awnd neithew shouwd anyone with even a gwain of sewf-wespect.

>b-but most awawded gawme of 20xx!!!
down't cawe

>b-but beaw sex!!!
down't cawe

>b-but uwu cawn wepway iwt fow thousands of houws!!!
down't cawe

the amount of pwopaganda wegawding thiws gawme, whewn iwt iws nowt even thawt gweat, iws amazing. Peopwe awe used tuwu so much swop thawt whawt wouwd have bewn a 6/10 ow 7/10 decades ago iws now considewed the best gawme of the decade. I guess thiws iws how standawds awe wowewed, awnd how peopwe awe sowd infewiow pwoducts. The fact thawt so many peopwe feww fow iwt juwst pwoves thawt so many peopwe awe uttew mowons.
finish school
I think most zoomer normalfags have never played a proper RPG like this before, also sex sells.
It's cute how you just stand there and let me cum on you
Act 3 was terrible
It wasn't hastily slot together at all.
Greatest RPG in the last decade, that's why

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